Wikipedia:WikiProject Archaeology/Popular pages

This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Archaeology along with their pageviews, including all redirects.

List edit

Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 22,845,292

Updated: 06:05, 4 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Roman Empire 349,086 11,260 B Top
2 Agatha Christie 184,119 5,939 GA Mid
3 Babylon 176,988 5,709 C High
4 James Cameron 176,075 5,679 GA Unknown
5 Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 168,878 5,447 C Mid
6 Machu Picchu 166,701 5,377 B Top
7 Great Pyramid of Giza 155,680 5,021 B Top
8 Indus Valley Civilisation 154,008 4,968 B Mid
9 T. E. Lawrence 148,137 4,778 GA Low
10 Sodom and Gomorrah 140,622 4,536 B Mid
11 Stonehenge 139,658 4,505 B Top
12 Ancient Egypt 139,348 4,495 FA Mid
13 Pompeii 138,216 4,458 C High
14 Angkor Wat 138,008 4,451 FA High
15 Petra 136,004 4,387 C High
16 Pantheon, Rome 128,192 4,135 B High
17 Tutankhamun 126,534 4,081 GA Top
18 History of Japan 125,322 4,042 B Mid
19 Suez Canal 122,941 3,965 B Mid
20 Göbekli Tepe 118,715 3,829 B Top
21 Roman Republic 118,194 3,812 B Top
22 Celts 114,675 3,699 B Mid
23 Dead Sea Scrolls 110,084 3,551 B Mid
24 Alice Roberts 109,131 3,520 B Mid
25 Chichen Itza 104,593 3,373 B Top
26 Silk Road 101,861 3,285 C High
27 Anatolia 101,157 3,263 C High
28 Hanging Gardens of Babylon 101,100 3,261 C High
29 Ram Mandir 99,080 3,196 C High
30 Carthage 98,903 3,190 B Mid
31 Troy 98,647 3,182 C High
32 Hadrian's Wall 96,064 3,098 B Top
33 Richat Structure 90,608 2,922 B Unknown
34 Terracotta Army 90,228 2,910 B Top
35 Bronze Age 89,155 2,875 C Top
36 Boudica 82,330 2,655 GA High
37 Jagannath Temple, Puri 81,264 2,621 B High
38 Moai 79,075 2,550 C Top
39 Egyptian hieroglyphs 78,736 2,539 B High
40 Agriculture 75,460 2,434 GA High
41 Linear A 73,331 2,365 C Mid
42 Nineveh 72,488 2,338 C High
43 Scythians 71,626 2,310 C High
44 Iron Age 69,366 2,237 B Top
45 Wheat 68,934 2,223 GA Low
46 Nefertiti 68,376 2,205 B Low
47 Venkateswara Temple, Tirumala 67,950 2,191 C High
48 Ötzi 65,747 2,120 B High
49 Neolithic 65,555 2,114 C Top
50 Jericho 64,697 2,087 B Mid
51 Homo erectus 64,462 2,079 C Top
52 Song dynasty 64,238 2,072 FA Mid
53 Beirut 63,905 2,061 B Mid
54 Dorothy Eady 62,809 2,026 B Low
55 Kashi Vishwanath Temple 62,785 2,025 B High
56 Acropolis of Athens 62,021 2,000 C Top
57 Ajanta Caves 60,954 1,966 B Low
58 Sea Peoples 60,882 1,963 C Low
59 Great Sphinx of Giza 60,402 1,948 B Mid
60 Lighthouse of Alexandria 59,706 1,926 C Mid
61 Social science 59,695 1,925 C Top
62 Etruscan civilization 59,644 1,924 C High
63 Pharaoh 59,570 1,921 C Top
64 Cuneiform 59,550 1,920 C Mid
65 Akkadian Empire 58,953 1,901 B High
66 Late Bronze Age collapse 58,161 1,876 C Low
67 Classical antiquity 56,603 1,825 C Top
68 Cappadocia 56,364 1,818 B Low
69 List of pharaohs 56,355 1,817 List High
70 Eros 56,019 1,807 B Mid
71 List of oldest continuously inhabited cities 55,844 1,801 List High
72 Somnath temple 55,715 1,797 B High
73 Kedarnath Temple 55,504 1,790 C High
74 Minoan civilization 54,059 1,743 B High
75 Wreck of the Titanic 53,995 1,741 GA Mid
76 Cradle of civilization 53,664 1,731 B High
77 Human history 53,134 1,714 B Top
78 Nazca Lines 52,129 1,681 C Low
79 Visigoths 52,115 1,681 C Mid
80 Western Wall 50,507 1,629 B Mid
81 Castle 50,276 1,621 FA High
82 Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 50,175 1,618 C Low
83 Paleolithic 49,265 1,589 B Top
84 Venus de Milo 47,862 1,543 B High
85 Mohenjo-daro 47,691 1,538 C High
86 Ancient history 47,254 1,524 B High
87 Kingdom of Aksum 47,101 1,519 B Mid
88 Dwarka 47,048 1,517 C Low
89 Akkadian language 47,015 1,516 C Mid
90 Persepolis 46,427 1,497 C Mid
91 Sigiriya 44,754 1,443 C High
92 British Museum 44,323 1,429 B Mid
93 Stone Age 44,136 1,423 C High
94 Ur 43,877 1,415 C High
95 Hatshepsut 43,406 1,400 B Mid
96 Lucy (Australopithecus) 43,396 1,399 B Unknown
97 Tyre, Lebanon 43,121 1,391 B High
98 Blenheim Palace 42,751 1,379 C High
99 Archaeology 42,282 1,363 C Top
100 Tomb of Jesus 40,781 1,315 List Low
101 Uruk 40,587 1,309 B Mid
102 Civilization 40,522 1,307 B High
103 Hampi 40,391 1,302 GA Mid
104 Mesoamerica 40,354 1,301 C Low
105 True Cross 38,674 1,247 C Mid
106 Pyramid 38,259 1,234 B Top
107 Delphi 37,571 1,211 B Unknown
108 Cro-Magnon 37,570 1,211 GA Mid
109 Mummy 37,393 1,206 C High
110 Olmecs 37,365 1,205 B Mid
111 Sanchi 37,321 1,203 B Low
112 Paracas Candelabra 37,222 1,200 Start Low
113 Yamnaya culture 36,802 1,187 C High
114 Prehistory 35,016 1,129 B Top
115 Elam 34,651 1,117 B Unknown
116 Tomb of Tutankhamun 33,635 1,085 GA High
117 Herculaneum 33,568 1,082 C Mid
118 Moab 33,521 1,081 Start Mid
119 Byzantium 33,433 1,078 Start Low
120 Borobudur 33,404 1,077 FA Mid
121 Doggerland 33,324 1,074 C Low
122 Temple in Jerusalem 32,849 1,059 C Mid
123 Orichalcum 32,658 1,053 C Mid
124 Chalcolithic 32,458 1,047 C Mid
125 Neolithic Revolution 32,088 1,035 B Top
126 Wheel 31,959 1,030 C Unknown
127 Slavic paganism 31,810 1,026 C Mid
128 History of Europe 31,750 1,024 C Top
129 Cosquer Cave 31,666 1,021 Start Low
130 Kozhikode 31,449 1,014 C Mid
131 Winged Victory of Samothrace 31,314 1,010 B Low
132 Buddhas of Bamiyan 31,248 1,008 C Mid
133 Roman Forum 31,154 1,004 C Low
134 History of writing 30,995 999 B High
135 Barbarian 30,857 995 C Low
136 Pre-Columbian era 30,822 994 C Top
137 Matriarchy 29,955 966 C Low
138 Cahokia 29,916 965 B Mid
139 Burial 29,884 964 C Mid
140 Venus of Willendorf 29,837 962 Start Unknown
141 Valley of the Kings 29,689 957 GA High
142 Radiocarbon dating 29,412 948 FA High
143 Jōmon period 29,327 946 C High
144 Abu Simbel 29,246 943 C Mid
145 Archaic humans 29,179 941 Start Low
146 Hunter-gatherer 29,094 938 C Mid
147 Basilica Cistern 28,931 933 C Low
148 Pottery 28,740 927 C Mid
149 Late Pleistocene extinctions 28,620 923 C Mid
150 Cairn 28,533 920 C Unknown
151 Domestication of the dog 28,508 919 B Mid
152 Paleolithic diet 28,430 917 B Mid
153 Vasa (ship) 28,394 915 FA Mid
154 Nomad 28,225 910 C High
155 Khufu 28,059 905 B Low
156 Cave painting 28,037 904 C High
157 Lascaux 27,788 896 C Unknown
158 Labyrinth 27,589 889 Start High
159 Origin of language 27,315 881 C Low
160 Children of Llullaillaco 27,302 880 B Mid
161 Peloponnese 27,091 873 C Low
162 Antonine Wall 26,916 868 C Mid
163 Proto-Indo-European mythology 26,758 863 B Low
164 Early human migrations 26,742 862 B High
165 Indiana Jones (character) 26,444 853 B Low
166 Mesolithic 26,433 852 C High
167 Nag Hammadi library 26,401 851 C Low
168 Mace (bludgeon) 26,257 847 C Low
169 Elgin Marbles 26,179 844 B Mid
170 Timeline of prehistory 25,987 838 List High
171 Homo floresiensis 25,878 834 B Mid
172 Before Present 25,830 833 Start High
173 The Garden Tomb 25,384 818 C Low
174 Goguryeo 25,242 814 B Mid
175 Mycenae 25,242 814 C High
176 Argos, Peloponnese 25,002 806 Start High
177 Knossos 24,668 795 C Top
178 Eternal flame 24,609 793 Start Low
179 Dacia 24,532 791 C Low
180 Exhumation and reburial of Richard III of England 24,484 789 FA Mid
181 Bog body 24,477 789 B High
182 Ancestral Puebloans 24,459 789 B Mid
183 Londinium 24,369 786 C Mid
184 Harappa 24,284 783 B High
185 Sutton Hoo 23,491 757 B Mid
186 Çatalhöyük 23,399 754 C Mid
187 The Dig (2021 film) 23,207 748 C Low
188 Bell Beaker culture 23,140 746 B Mid
189 Merv 22,960 740 C Mid
190 Howard Carter 22,958 740 C High
191 Susa 22,876 737 C High
192 Great Zimbabwe 22,831 736 B Top
193 Venus figurine 22,663 731 C Mid
194 Flint 22,655 730 Start Low
195 Suzhou 22,606 729 C Unknown
196 Baalbek 22,598 728 C Mid
197 Spear-thrower 22,365 721 C Low
198 Metallurgy 22,251 717 C High
199 Clovis culture 22,163 714 C High
200 Proto-Indo-Europeans 22,105 713 C Low
201 Mamallapuram 22,098 712 Start Top
202 Paleo-Indians 22,044 711 B Mid
203 Upper Paleolithic 21,917 707 C Low
204 Helena, mother of Constantine I 21,846 704 B Mid
205 Recent African origin of modern humans 21,563 695 C High
206 Hegra (Mada'in Salih) 21,443 691 B High
207 Paul-Henri Nargeolet 21,428 691 C Low
208 Cistern 21,413 690 Start Mid
209 Albert Lin 21,284 686 Start Low
210 Corinth 21,280 686 Start Unknown
211 Bosnian pyramid claims 21,253 685 C Low
212 Sarnath 21,162 682 B High
213 Human taxonomy 21,149 682 C Low
214 Motte-and-bailey castle 21,117 681 GA Mid
215 Greco-Bactrian Kingdom 20,975 676 C High
216 Domestication 20,911 674 GA Low
217 Proto-Sinaitic script 20,895 674 B Top
218 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 20,889 673 GA Low
219 Megalith 20,795 670 C High
220 Tumulus 20,550 662 Start Mid
221 Mount Nebo 20,463 660 C Low
222 L'Anse aux Meadows 20,395 657 B Mid
223 Giant human skeletons 20,384 657 Start Low
224 History of music 19,894 641 B Low
225 Peopling of the Americas 19,849 640 B High
226 Rani ki Vav 19,667 634 C Low
227 Three-age system 19,573 631 B Top
228 Ostrogoths 19,425 626 C Mid
229 Corded Ware culture 19,369 624 C Mid
230 Lucius Tarquinius Superbus 19,340 623 Start High
231 Xin Zhui 19,252 621 C Mid
232 History of agriculture 19,233 620 GA Top
233 Lloyds Bank coprolite 19,044 614 Start Low
234 Mary Rose 19,027 613 FA High
235 Gunung Padang 18,993 612 Start Low
236 Archaeological Survey of India 18,960 611 Start Unknown
237 Etruscan language 18,879 609 B High
238 Olympia, Greece 18,805 606 B High
239 Human migration 18,666 602 C Top
240 Tikal 18,621 600 GA Top
241 Siberian Ice Maiden 18,620 600 C Mid
242 Enūma Eliš 18,565 598 C Low
243 Natufian culture 18,387 593 C High
244 Nan Madol 18,282 589 C Mid
245 Bhimbetka rock shelters 18,210 587 B High
246 Great Pyramid of Cholula 18,141 585 C Low
247 Capernaum 18,027 581 C Low
248 Newgrange 17,980 580 C Mid
249 Kon-Tiki expedition 17,941 578 C Unknown
250 Colchis 17,870 576 B High
251 Paddy field 17,790 573 C Low
252 Harran 17,544 565 C Low
253 Control of fire by early humans 17,537 565 B Mid
254 Max Mallowan 17,510 564 Start Low
255 Indus script 17,505 564 B Mid
256 Urartu 17,478 563 C Mid
257 Romano-British culture 17,366 560 C Mid
258 War elephant 17,338 559 C Low
259 Kushinagar 17,250 556 C High
260 Sarcophagus 17,167 553 Start Mid
261 Burial place of Genghis Khan 17,113 552 C Mid
262 Ctesiphon 17,080 550 Start Unknown
263 Ahnenerbe 17,074 550 B Mid
264 Out-of-place artifact 17,035 549 C Low
265 Roman Baths (Bath) 17,026 549 GA Low
266 Ashkelon 17,011 548 B Mid
267 Ancient Greek architecture 17,009 548 B Mid
268 Gertrude Bell 16,969 547 B Low
269 Stele 16,818 542 Start Mid
270 Caral–Supe civilization 16,737 539 C Top
271 Emishi 16,701 538 C Mid
272 Hydroxyapatite 16,637 536 C Low
273 Cross 16,618 536 C Unknown
274 Mississippian culture 16,612 535 C High
275 Chariot 16,519 532 C Unknown
276 Carmina Burana 16,512 532 B Low
277 Theatre of Pompey 16,461 531 C High
278 Hallstatt culture 16,327 526 B Low
279 Petroglyph 16,240 523 C Mid
280 Dolmen 16,227 523 Start Mid
281 Mehrgarh 16,183 522 B Unknown
282 Tel Megiddo 16,176 521 B Mid
283 Ancient Apocalypse 16,169 521 B Low
284 Warwick Castle 16,159 521 FA Mid
285 Catacombs 16,116 519 Start Mid
286 Yayoi period 16,114 519 C Low
287 The Younger Lady 15,981 515 B Low
288 Acheulean 15,926 513 B Mid
289 Mother goddess 15,843 511 C High
290 Dacians 15,825 510 B Mid
291 Skara Brae 15,803 509 B Low
292 Clacton Spear 15,739 507 Start Low
293 Ricardo Eichmann 15,701 506 Start Low
294 Serpent Mound 15,691 506 B Mid
295 Ise Grand Shrine 15,585 502 B Low
296 Hasanlu Lovers 15,528 500 Start Low
297 Bithynia 15,488 499 Start Mid
298 In situ 15,483 499 Start Mid
299 Caesarea Maritima 15,394 496 C Mid
300 History of art 15,258 492 C Low
301 Pre-Columbian transoceanic contact theories 15,083 486 C Mid
302 Mount Carmel 15,027 484 C Mid
303 Angkor 14,958 482 B Top
304 Pyramid of the Sun 14,923 481 Start Unknown
305 Gojoseon 14,813 477 C Mid
306 Time Team 14,801 477 C Mid
307 Ground-penetrating radar 14,761 476 Start Unknown
308 Mummy Juanita 14,607 471 C Low
309 Agora 14,510 468 Stub Mid
310 Ubaid period 14,494 467 B Mid
311 Venus of Hohle Fels 14,277 460 C Low
312 Domestication of the cat 14,240 459 C Mid
313 Urban exploration 14,217 458 Start Mid
314 Mount Gerizim 14,204 458 B Low
315 Shore Temple 14,161 456 Start Mid
316 Tarim mummies 14,066 453 B High
317 Merneptah Stele 14,051 453 C Low
318 Amphora 14,050 453 C Low
319 La Tène culture 13,937 449 C High
320 Bodrum 13,919 449 C High
321 Metal detector 13,893 448 C Mid
322 Ugarit 13,872 447 C High
323 Wattle and daub 13,853 446 C Low
324 Discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun 13,825 445 FA High
325 Magatama 13,812 445 B Low
326 Seax 13,714 442 C Low
327 Neanderthal extinction 13,689 441 C Mid
328 Robert Ballard 13,509 435 C Low
329 Copán 13,462 434 GA Top
330 Kurgan hypothesis 13,458 434 B High
331 Saqqara 13,443 433 C Mid
332 Piltdown Man 13,425 433 B High
333 Pella 13,360 430 Start High
334 Axum 13,354 430 C Mid
335 Alba Longa 13,305 429 Start Mid
336 Alexamenos graffito 13,255 427 C Low
337 Crystal skull 13,184 425 B Low
338 Ancient North Eurasian 13,148 424 C Mid
339 Thule people 13,124 423 C Low
340 Indo-European migrations 13,002 419 B Low
341 Mound Builders 12,898 416 B Low
342 Lion-man 12,880 415 C Unknown
343 Dholavira 12,692 409 Start Low
344 Roman dodecahedron 12,653 408 C Low
345 Dynasties of ancient Egypt 12,605 406 List Low
346 Cyrus Cylinder 12,550 404 GA Low
347 Eridu 12,543 404 B Mid
348 Templo Mayor 12,482 402 B High
349 Boudican revolt 12,444 401 C High
350 Olmec colossal heads 12,408 400 FA Mid
351 Qara Khitai 12,406 400 Start Top
352 Hattusa 12,379 399 C Mid
353 Zahi Hawass 12,369 399 B Mid
354 Lucius Junius Brutus 12,367 398 B Low
355 Midden 12,328 397 Start High
356 Menhir 12,320 397 C Low
357 Sintashta culture 12,285 396 Start Mid
358 Nishapur 12,263 395 C Low
359 Anthropometry 12,257 395 C Low
360 Shiloh (biblical city) 12,228 394 C Low
361 Old Turkic script 12,185 393 B Low
362 Canoe 12,184 393 C Low
363 African humid period 12,174 392 GA Low
364 Capitoline Wolf 12,135 391 B Mid
365 Phaistos Disc 12,110 390 B Unknown
366 Peking Man 12,103 390 GA Mid
367 Melbourne, Florida 12,092 390 C Low
368 Sun cross 12,076 389 C Low
369 Kara-Khanid Khanate 12,003 387 C Unknown
370 Mahabodhi Temple 11,921 384 C Unknown
371 Early European Farmers 11,906 384 C Mid
372 Iram of the Pillars 11,876 383 Start Low
373 Cucuteni–Trypillia culture 11,865 382 B High
374 George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon 11,859 382 C Low
375 Windover Archeological Site 11,859 382 C Low
376 Nefertiti Bust 11,833 381 GA High
377 Scandinavian York 11,786 380 Start Low
378 Akkad (city) 11,735 378 C High
379 Coffin birth 11,698 377 GA Low
380 Pelasgians 11,673 376 B High
381 Dilmun 11,634 375 C Low
382 Bactria–Margiana Archaeological Complex 11,621 374 B Mid
383 Sacsayhuamán 11,619 374 C Low
384 Chauvet Cave 11,563 373 B Mid
385 Bethsaida 11,517 371 C Low
386 Stepwell 11,474 370 Stub Mid
387 Cave of Altamira 11,474 370 C Unknown
388 Prehistoric art 11,448 369 C Top
389 Tintagel Castle 11,390 367 B Unknown
390 Behavioral modernity 11,325 365 C Low
391 Vero Beach, Florida 11,303 364 B Low
392 Mesa Verde National Park 11,236 362 GA Low
393 Western Steppe Herders 11,229 362 C Mid
394 Dendrochronology 11,162 360 B High
395 Chand Baori 11,073 357 C Low
396 Radiometric dating 11,003 354 B High
397 Southern Levant 10,959 353 C Mid
398 PHerc. Paris. 4 10,938 352 B Unknown
399 Cheddar Man 10,878 350 C Unknown
400 Roman Italy 10,820 349 Start Low
401 Glyph 10,793 348 Start Mid
402 Curia of Pompey 10,708 345 C High
403 Heinrich Schliemann 10,703 345 C High
404 Human settlement 10,694 344 C Low
405 Western Hunter-Gatherer 10,681 344 C Mid
406 History of Indigenous Australians 10,638 343 B Low
407 Stone tool 10,610 342 C Mid
408 Sardis 10,549 340 B Unknown
409 Krak des Chevaliers 10,491 338 GA High
410 Akrotiri (prehistoric city) 10,444 336 Start Mid
411 Lothal 10,402 335 C High
412 Uruk period 10,386 335 B Low
413 British Iron Age 10,356 334 C High
414 Oldowan 10,308 332 C Unknown
415 Lost city 10,267 331 Start Mid
416 Yonaguni Monument 10,259 330 C Low
417 Gospel of Peter 10,233 330 C Mid
418 Andronovo culture 10,230 330 B Mid
419 Behistun Inscription 10,226 329 C Mid
420 Pyramidion of Amenemhat III 10,221 329 B Low
421 Fayum mummy portraits 10,200 329 C High
422 List of human evolution fossils 10,187 328 List High
423 Prehistoric Britain 10,171 328 C High
424 Erechtheion 10,164 327 B Low
425 Tiwanaku 10,127 326 B High
426 Heracleion 10,125 326 Start Low
427 Oil lamp 10,117 326 C Unknown
428 Philippi 10,026 323 Start Mid
429 Castra 10,026 323 Start Low
430 Qumran 10,008 322 C Mid
431 Sumerian creation myth 10,006 322 C Low
432 Black Sea deluge hypothesis 9,956 321 Start Low
433 Anuradhapura 9,933 320 C Mid
434 Sedentism 9,876 318 Stub Unknown
435 Mogao Caves 9,841 317 B Low
436 Ninurta 9,821 316 GA Low
437 Mesha Stele 9,781 315 B High
438 Chaco Culture National Historical Park 9,781 315 B Mid
439 Lindow Man 9,773 315 FA Mid
440 Storegga Slide 9,655 311 C Unknown
441 Pasargadae 9,640 310 Start Mid
442 London Wall 9,635 310 Start Low
443 Lapita culture 9,631 310 C Unknown
444 Eurasian nomads 9,616 310 C Low
445 Leptis Magna 9,602 309 C Low
446 Prehistoric religion 9,581 309 GA Top
447 Lady Hester Stanhope 9,534 307 B Mid
448 Pumapunku 9,484 305 C Low
449 Nuragic civilization 9,458 305 B Mid
450 Longyou Caves 9,422 303 Start Unknown
451 Moche culture 9,413 303 B Mid
452 Aurignacian 9,383 302 Start High
453 Artifact (archaeology) 9,380 302 Start Top
454 Areopagus 9,379 302 C Mid
455 Gepids 9,352 301 Start Low
456 Hieratic 9,350 301 Start Mid
457 Megalithic Temples of Malta 9,324 300 B High
458 City of David (archaeological site) 9,283 299 C Low
459 Epigraphy 9,281 299 C High
460 Thomas Young (scientist) 9,269 299 C Unknown
461 List of ancient great powers 9,261 298 List Low
462 Helike 9,260 298 Start Mid
463 Grand Egyptian Museum 9,254 298 Start High
464 Ġgantija 9,252 298 Start High
465 Tutankhamun's mummy 9,233 297 B Mid
466 Pashupati seal 9,231 297 Start Low
467 Pilate stone 9,231 297 Start Unknown
468 Urnfield culture 9,230 297 C High
469 Magdala 9,201 296 B Mid
470 Baalbek Stones 9,188 296 C High
471 List of wars: before 1000 9,182 296 List Low
472 Rock art 9,168 295 B Unknown
473 Proto-writing 9,166 295 Start Mid
474 Women in ancient Rome 9,144 294 C Mid
475 Solar symbol 9,112 293 Start Low
476 Avebury 9,089 293 B High
477 Aegean civilization 9,089 293 Start Low
478 Williamson Tunnels 9,051 291 Start Unknown
479 List of archaeological periods 8,940 288 List Unknown
480 List of bog bodies 8,937 288 List Mid
481 Dogū 8,937 288 C Low
482 Mount Nemrut 8,929 288 Start Unknown
483 History of Bhutan 8,879 286 B High
484 Dancing Girl (sculpture) 8,873 286 C Low
485 List of largest monoliths 8,865 285 List Unknown
486 Lower Paleolithic 8,805 284 C High
487 Early Dynastic Period (Mesopotamia) 8,785 283 B Mid
488 Bet Dwarka 8,707 280 Start Low
489 Capitoline Museums 8,686 280 C Unknown
490 Nordic Bronze Age 8,683 280 B Low
491 Ancient literature 8,678 279 List Low
492 Sutton Hoo helmet 8,672 279 B Mid
493 Homo longi 8,651 279 GA Low
494 Must Farm 8,645 278 Start Low
495 Kingdom of Mapungubwe 8,643 278 C Unknown
496 Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus 8,623 278 C Low
497 Axial Age 8,568 276 C Top
498 Ecbatana 8,523 274 Start Low
499 Arrowhead 8,514 274 Start Mid
500 Destruction of cultural heritage by the Islamic State 8,506 274 C Mid
501 Gravettian 8,491 273 Start High
502 Edith Pretty 8,391 270 C Low
503 Oracle bone 8,374 270 Start Mid
504 Kennewick Man 8,374 270 C Mid
505 Role of Christianity in civilization 8,374 270 B High
506 Naqada III 8,368 269 Start Low
507 Jean-François Champollion 8,320 268 GA Mid
508 Mousterian 8,301 267 Start High
509 Vinča culture 8,246 266 C Mid
510 Oseberg Ship 8,235 265 B Low
511 Samarra 8,214 264 C Unknown
512 Hopewell tradition 8,210 264 B Low
513 Amarna letters 8,159 263 C High
514 Kurgan 8,153 263 B Mid
515 Martand Sun Temple 8,136 262 C Mid
516 Magdalenian 8,131 262 Start Mid
517 Domestication of vertebrates 8,120 261 B Low
518 Library of Ashurbanipal 8,068 260 Start Unknown
519 King of the Universe 8,065 260 GA Low
520 Chinguetti 8,049 259 Start Unknown
521 Proto-cuneiform 8,026 258 C Mid
522 Tell (archaeology) 8,013 258 Start High
523 Ebla 8,010 258 GA Mid
524 Proto-Indo-European homeland 7,999 258 C High
525 Phil Harding (archaeologist) 7,967 257 Start Low
526 Dorian invasion 7,938 256 B Mid
527 Prehistoric Ireland 7,935 255 C High
528 Kish (Sumer) 7,916 255 B Mid
529 Mari, Syria 7,896 254 GA High
530 History of the ancient Levant 7,845 253 B Mid
531 Egyptology 7,833 252 Start Top
532 Tartessos 7,828 252 B Mid
533 Bodiam Castle 7,796 251 FA Mid
534 Hand axe 7,794 251 B High
535 Nebra sky disc 7,793 251 C Low
536 Helvetii 7,790 251 C Low
537 Kensington Runestone 7,787 251 B Mid
538 Norse funeral 7,776 250 GA Mid
539 Digging for Britain 7,773 250 Start Unknown
540 Magnet fishing 7,743 249 C Low
541 Relics of Muhammad 7,731 249 C Low
542 Gerald Gardner 7,715 248 B Low
543 Karla Caves 7,711 248 C Mid
544 Natacha Rambova 7,703 248 GA Low
545 Gallo-Roman culture 7,653 246 B Low
546 Submersible 7,609 245 Start High
547 Ascalon 7,573 244 B Low
548 Volubilis 7,571 244 FA Mid
549 Evolution of human intelligence 7,513 242 Start Mid
550 Rakhigarhi 7,510 242 Start Mid
551 Domestication of the horse 7,501 241 B Top
552 Grave robbery 7,491 241 Start Unknown
553 Kassites 7,479 241 C Mid
554 Poverty Point 7,479 241 C Unknown
555 List of the Dead Sea Scrolls 7,476 241 List Mid
556 Antiquarian 7,463 240 C High
557 Dʿmt 7,456 240 Start Mid
558 Apocalypse of Peter 7,428 239 B Low
559 Fotheringhay Castle 7,425 239 C Low
560 Hillfort 7,418 239 Start High
561 Prehistoric warfare 7,415 239 C High
562 Epistle 7,408 238 C Low
563 Jomsborg 7,407 238 C Low
564 Khiva 7,392 238 Start Low
565 Oppidum 7,391 238 C Mid
566 Funnelbeaker culture 7,387 238 Start Unknown
567 Onfim 7,367 237 B Low
568 Bronze Age Europe 7,336 236 Start Mid
569 Middle Paleolithic 7,316 236 C High
570 List of first human settlements 7,302 235 List Unknown
571 Beit She'an 7,300 235 B Low
572 Cueva de las Manos 7,255 234 GA High
573 Tell es-Sultan 7,253 233 C Mid
574 Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia 7,243 233 Start Unknown
575 Callanish Stones 7,231 233 B High
576 Eboracum 7,209 232 Start Unknown
577 Vergina 7,171 231 Start Mid
578 Orion correlation theory 7,156 230 C Mid
579 Cana 7,127 229 C Low
580 Clay tablet 7,112 229 Start High
581 English Heritage 7,108 229 C Low
582 Jebel Irhoud 7,103 229 C Unknown
583 London Hammer 7,096 228 Start Low
584 Mastaba 7,059 227 Start Low
585 Fosse Way 7,051 227 C Low
586 Caral 7,048 227 Start Unknown
587 Corfe Castle 7,025 226 C Low
588 Material culture 7,001 225 C Top
589 Kalibangan 7,001 225 B Unknown
590 Stone spheres of Costa Rica 6,994 225 C Low
591 Basil Brown 6,991 225 B Low
592 Pseudoarchaeology 6,988 225 C High
593 Brigantes 6,968 224 Start Mid
594 Eastern Hunter-Gatherer 6,952 224 C Mid
595 Camulodunum 6,934 223 B Low
596 Nemi ships 6,929 223 C Mid
597 Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa 6,916 223 Start Mid
598 Temple of Hephaestus 6,913 223 Start Unknown
599 *Kóryos 6,906 222 B Mid
600 Provenance 6,903 222 C Mid
601 Naqsh-e Rostam 6,898 222 Start Unknown
602 Ancient Greek temple 6,888 222 B Low
603 Mytilene 6,857 221 Start Mid
604 Lutetia 6,832 220 C Unknown
605 Lagash 6,823 220 B High
606 Caria 6,807 219 Start High
607 Ancient Greek phonology 6,755 217 C Low
608 Pottery of ancient Greece 6,733 217 C High
609 Sabu disk 6,718 216 Start Low
610 Worship of heavenly bodies 6,712 216 C Mid
611 Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum 6,709 216 C High
612 Calakmul 6,688 215 GA High
613 Battle Axe culture 6,655 214 C Mid
614 List of biblical figures identified in extra-biblical sources 6,655 214 List Low
615 Vinča symbols 6,644 214 C High
616 Louis Leakey 6,643 214 C Low
617 Omphalos 6,635 214 C Low
618 Colleen Darnell 6,621 213 C Low
619 Cycladic culture 6,620 213 Start Top
620 Aelia Capitolina 6,617 213 C Low
621 Mummy brown 6,579 212 Start Mid
622 Dambulla cave temple 6,539 210 C Mid
623 Jerash 6,538 210 C Low
624 Mick Aston 6,530 210 GA Mid
625 Monks Mound 6,530 210 Start Unknown
626 Mask of Agamemnon 6,521 210 Start High
627 Vindolanda 6,497 209 C Low
628 Anatolian peoples 6,492 209 Start Low
629 Lists of shipwrecks 6,462 208 List Unknown
630 Cretan hieroglyphs 6,455 208 C Mid
631 Carnac stones 6,444 207 B Low
632 Jezreel Valley 6,415 206 C Low
633 Linguistic homeland 6,407 206 Start Unknown
634 Nippur 6,401 206 C High
635 Neolithic Europe 6,387 206 B High
636 Pylos 6,362 205 C Mid
637 Valle dei Templi 6,360 205 Start High
638 Kofun 6,356 205 C Low
639 Scytho-Siberian world 6,356 205 Start Mid
640 Sirmium 6,351 204 Start Mid
641 Haniwa 6,349 204 Start Low
642 Obelisk of Axum 6,348 204 C Mid
643 Prehistoric Europe 6,276 202 B Mid
644 Apollo Belvedere 6,271 202 C Low
645 Kenilworth Castle 6,263 202 GA Mid
646 Taq Kasra 6,244 201 Start Unknown
647 Linear Pottery culture 6,233 201 B High
648 Samaria (ancient city) 6,232 201 B Low
649 Wentworth Cheswell 6,221 200 Start Low
650 Temple of Poseidon, Sounion 6,218 200 Start Low
651 Maritime history 6,207 200 C High
652 David's Tomb 6,206 200 C Low
653 Elling Woman 6,181 199 Start Low
654 Roman villa 6,148 198 Start Unknown
655 Mon Repos, Corfu 6,126 197 Start Low
656 Chinchorro mummies 6,119 197 Start Low
657 Lovers of Valdaro 6,116 197 Stub Low
658 Únětice culture 6,100 196 C Mid
659 Lucius Tarquinius Priscus 6,092 196 Start Unknown
660 Colossae 6,066 195 C Low
661 Guédelon Castle 6,056 195 Start Mid
662 Ceramic art 6,038 194 C High
663 Clovis point 6,026 194 B High
664 Lycurgus Cup 6,020 194 B Mid
665 Capacocha 6,016 194 C Mid
666 Karahan Tepe 6,002 193 Start Low
667 Canyon de Chelly National Monument 5,987 193 Start Low
668 Meidum 5,976 192 Start Low
669 Laguna Copperplate Inscription 5,972 192 C Low
670 Uxmal 5,961 192 C Top
671 Helicopter hieroglyphs 5,957 192 Start Low
672 Hohokam 5,952 192 C Low
673 Curia Julia 5,932 191 C High
674 Painted Grey Ware culture 5,930 191 Start Low
675 Flinders Petrie 5,930 191 C High
676 Geoglyph 5,917 190 Start Low
677 Fingerprints of the Gods 5,906 190 C Low
678 Alexander Sarcophagus 5,902 190 Start Low
679 History of archery 5,853 188 Start Mid
680 Salisbury Plain 5,852 188 Start Low
681 Kilwa Kisiwani 5,814 187 B Unknown
682 Tower of Jericho 5,802 187 Start Unknown
683 Prehistory of Australia 5,798 187 C High
684 Old Europe (archaeology) 5,793 186 Start High
685 Dhamek Stupa 5,785 186 Start High
686 Plain of Jars 5,754 185 Start Low
687 Priest-King (sculpture) 5,741 185 C Low
688 Charon's obol 5,740 185 GA Mid
689 Dispilio Tablet 5,735 185 Stub Mid
690 Sterkfontein 5,716 184 Start Unknown
691 List of World Heritage Sites in the United Kingdom 5,716 184 FL Mid
692 Westbury White Horse 5,702 183 C Low
693 Villa Romana del Casale 5,690 183 C Unknown
694 Pyramid of Amenemhat III (Dahshur) 5,674 183 Start Low
695 Vaishali (ancient city) 5,671 182 B Low
696 List of Stone Age art 5,670 182 List High
697 Henge 5,655 182 C Mid
698 Protohistory 5,654 182 Start High
699 History of Transylvania 5,651 182 B Low
700 The Big Piece 5,642 182 Start Low
701 Varna Necropolis 5,642 182 Start Mid
702 Prehistory of nakedness and clothing 5,602 180 C Mid
703 Erlitou culture 5,580 180 Start Low
704 Epic of Manas 5,579 179 Start Low
705 List of Egyptian obelisks 5,577 179 List Low
706 Château Gaillard 5,563 179 GA Low
707 Peleset 5,559 179 B Low
708 Muziris 5,557 179 Start Mid
709 List of cities of the ancient Near East 5,537 178 List Low
710 Nazca culture 5,532 178 Start Low
711 Barbara Parker-Mallowan 5,512 177 Start Low
712 Quimbaya artifacts 5,511 177 B Unknown
713 Polonnaruwa 5,508 177 B Low
714 Minoan snake goddess figurines 5,501 177 C Low
715 Chogha Zanbil 5,496 177 C Mid
716 Mizraim 5,474 176 Start Low
717 Bronze Age Britain 5,452 175 C Mid
718 Spolia 5,431 175 C Unknown
719 Archaeological excavation 5,422 174 C Top
720 Mal'ta–Buret' culture 5,415 174 Start Unknown
721 Kapilavastu (ancient city) 5,414 174 Start Low
722 African Queens (TV series) 5,408 174 C Low
723 Thessaloniki Metro 5,404 174 GA Low
724 Ancient Celtic warfare 5,399 174 B Mid
725 Gupta art 5,390 173 B Mid
726 Wudang Mountains 5,385 173 Start Unknown
727 Jehohanan 5,382 173 Start Low
728 Horned helmet 5,377 173 Start Low
729 Royal Road 5,376 173 Start Unknown
730 Watercraft 5,357 172 Start Mid
731 Sassi di Matera 5,354 172 Start High
732 Late Bronze Age Troy 5,353 172 Start Low
733 Archaeology of Northern Europe 5,345 172 List Mid
734 Avaris 5,338 172 C Low
735 List of Time Team episodes 5,329 171 List Mid
736 Pit-house 5,321 171 C Low
737 Eran 5,303 171 Start Low
738 Aihole inscription 5,302 171 Start Low
739 Iron Age Europe 5,283 170 C High
740 List of inscriptions in biblical archaeology 5,267 169 List Low
741 Lomekwi 5,260 169 Start Mid
742 Grauballe Man 5,257 169 Start Low
743 Bronze Age sword 5,243 169 C Low
744 Marathon tumuli 5,241 169 Start Low
745 Irving Finkel 5,240 169 Stub Unknown
746 Woodland period 5,234 168 C Low
747 Banias 5,232 168 B Low
748 Cycladic art 5,220 168 Start Mid
749 Sphinx water erosion hypothesis 5,217 168 B Low
750 Scheduled monument 5,211 168 C Low
751 Gezer 5,211 168 C Low
752 Knapping 5,192 167 Start Unknown
753 Italica 5,188 167 Start Unknown
754 Madinat al-Zahra 5,183 167 B Mid
755 Maiden Castle, Dorset 5,165 166 FA Mid
756 Egyptian temple 5,164 166 FA High
757 Primitive communism 5,150 166 C Low
758 Pre-Pottery Neolithic A 5,139 165 B Low
759 Johann Joachim Winckelmann 5,138 165 C Mid
760 Field research 5,131 165 Start High
761 Sepphoris 5,131 165 B Low
762 Romanization (cultural) 5,126 165 Start Mid
763 Watson Brake 5,123 165 Stub Unknown
764 Natchez people 5,122 165 B Unknown
765 Archaic period (North America) 5,107 164 C Low
766 Adena culture 5,101 164 C Unknown
767 Meluhha 5,101 164 C Mid
768 Arthur Evans 5,101 164 Start High
769 Nemea 5,095 164 Start Low
770 Venus of Brassempouy 5,080 163 Start Unknown
771 Royal Cemetery at Ur 5,062 163 C Unknown
772 Maya city 5,057 163 C Unknown
773 Ai-Khanoum 5,047 162 FA Mid
774 Dendera zodiac 5,046 162 Start Low
775 Brú na Bóinne 5,043 162 Start Unknown
776 Gordion 5,042 162 Start Mid
777 Crannog 5,022 162 C Low
778 Minoan palaces 5,006 161 B Unknown
779 Ishango bone 5,005 161 C Low
780 Gath (city) 5,002 161 C Mid
781 Tally stick 4,989 160 Start Low
782 Citadel of Erbil 4,988 160 GA Mid
783 Denisova Cave 4,975 160 Start Mid
784 Tutankhamun's meteoric iron dagger 4,970 160 Start Unknown
785 Kerak Castle 4,957 159 Start Unknown
786 Glossary of archaeology 4,951 159 List Top
787 Archaeological site 4,937 159 Start Top
788 Rathcroghan 4,926 158 Start Unknown
789 Arkadiko Bridge 4,922 158 Start Mid
790 Jelling stones 4,904 158 C High
791 Indian Ocean trade 4,902 158 Start Mid
792 PY Ta 641 4,884 157 GA Low
793 Burney Relief 4,883 157 GA Low
794 Quimbaya 4,852 156 Start Unknown
795 Maritime Silk Road 4,848 156 C Low
796 Broch 4,838 156 B Unknown
797 Imperial Citadel of Thăng Long 4,825 155 C Mid
798 Rostra 4,823 155 B High
799 Ostracon 4,822 155 C Mid
800 Visoki Dečani 4,818 155 Start High
801 Lost Army of Cambyses 4,798 154 C Low
802 Archaeoastronomy 4,784 154 GA High
803 Turkic migration 4,775 154 Start Unknown
804 Treasury of Atreus 4,751 153 C Mid
805 Al Naslaa 4,717 152 Stub Low
806 Curmsun Disc 4,716 152 B Low
807 History of human migration 4,715 152 C High
808 Chimor 4,711 151 Start Unknown
809 Black-figure pottery 4,708 151 B High
810 Malia, Crete 4,690 151 Start Unknown
811 Society of Antiquaries of London 4,689 151 C Low
812 Pre-Columbian Mexico 4,680 150 C Low
813 Ruins 4,678 150 Start Top
814 Scotland during the Roman Empire 4,676 150 GA Mid
815 Temple of Jupiter (Baalbek) 4,662 150 Start Mid
816 Walls of Jerusalem 4,657 150 C Low
817 K. K. Muhammed 4,652 150 Start Low
818 Utica, Tunisia 4,638 149 C Mid
819 Stone circle 4,619 149 C Mid
820 Prehistory of the Philippines 4,615 148 C High
821 Schöningen spears 4,614 148 C High
822 Kiva 4,611 148 C Unknown
823 Kingdom of Zimbabwe 4,604 148 Start Unknown
824 Alesia (city) 4,597 148 C Mid
825 Carchemish 4,597 148 Start Unknown
826 Art of the Upper Paleolithic 4,578 147 Start Low
827 Roman pharaoh 4,576 147 C Low
828 Lady of Elche 4,574 147 Start Mid
829 Staffordshire Hoard 4,573 147 C Mid
830 317a and 317b mummies 4,558 147 GA Low
831 Divje Babe flute 4,557 147 C Mid
832 Siloam tunnel 4,552 146 C Low
833 Tiryns 4,551 146 Start High
834 Vendel Period 4,547 146 Start Low
835 Salona 4,545 146 Start Low
836 Iron meteorite 4,539 146 C Mid
837 Herodium 4,533 146 C Low
838 ʿApiru 4,509 145 B Mid
839 Great Bath 4,499 145 Start Low
840 Al-Maghtas 4,494 144 B Low
841 Helladic chronology 4,491 144 B High
842 Israel Finkelstein 4,491 144 Start Unknown
843 Ekron 4,479 144 C Mid
844 Trajan's Bridge 4,455 143 Start Mid
845 Silbury Hill 4,450 143 C High
846 Vilcabamba, Peru 4,449 143 C Unknown
847 Villanovan culture 4,445 143 Start Mid
848 Amorium 4,428 142 Start Low
849 Saint Thomas Christian cross 4,421 142 Start Low
850 Wilusa 4,416 142 Stub Unknown
851 Cultural depictions of cats 4,395 141 Start Unknown
852 Marija Gimbutas 4,387 141 B High
853 Mithraeum 4,374 141 Start Low
854 Bone age 4,372 141 C Low
855 Ancient technology 4,372 141 C Low
856 First Sealand dynasty 4,367 140 C Mid
857 Pre-Pottery Neolithic 4,354 140 B Top
858 Pre-Pottery Neolithic B 4,351 140 B Mid
859 V. Gordon Childe 4,350 140 FA High
860 Cashel Man 4,338 139 Start Low
861 Mogollon culture 4,334 139 C Mid
862 Verulamium 4,331 139 Start Unknown
863 Dujiangyan 4,329 139 Start Low
864 Ring of Brodgar 4,327 139 C Unknown
865 Ħaġar Qim 4,325 139 Start Unknown
866 Junagadh rock inscription of Rudradaman 4,325 139 Unknown Unknown
867 Fibula (brooch) 4,314 139 B High
868 Chinese bronze inscriptions 4,290 138 C Unknown
869 Orkhon inscriptions 4,287 138 C Low
870 Gundestrup cauldron 4,280 138 B Unknown
871 Metallurgy in pre-Columbian America 4,270 137 C Mid
872 Ark of Bukhara 4,265 137 Stub Low
873 Sarmizegetusa Regia 4,260 137 C Unknown
874 Venus of Dolní Věstonice 4,253 137 C Low
875 Shanidar Cave 4,243 136 B High
876 Japanese Paleolithic 4,242 136 Start Mid
877 Xunantunich 4,230 136 C Mid
878 Tărtăria tablets 4,230 136 Start High
879 Paititi 4,226 136 Start Unknown
880 Yangshao culture 4,218 136 C Low
881 Solutrean 4,212 135 Start High
882 Red-figure pottery 4,202 135 B Mid
883 Mortimer Wheeler 4,199 135 FA High
884 Nuraghe 4,198 135 Start Mid
885 Boncuklu Tarla 4,192 135 Start Low
886 Koh Ker 4,184 134 C Low
887 Buried treasure 4,179 134 Start Low
888 CCGS Sir Humphrey Gilbert 4,173 134 C Unknown
889 History of Balochistan 4,171 134 Start Unknown
890 Puabi 4,169 134 C Mid
891 Biblical archaeology 4,168 134 C High
892 Vrindavan Chandrodaya Temple 4,160 134 Start Mid
893 Sweet Track 4,142 133 FA Low
894 Gibeon (ancient city) 4,134 133 C Low
895 River valley civilization 4,132 133 Start Mid
896 Proto-Villanovan culture 4,129 133 Stub Low
897 Geochronology 4,128 133 C Mid
898 Anshan (Persia) 4,107 132 C Mid
899 Ipuwer Papyrus 4,088 131 C Low
900 Dmanisi hominins 4,084 131 GA Low
901 Excarnation 4,079 131 Start Mid
902 Teeth-cleaning twig 4,077 131 Start Low
903 Josephine Crawley Quinn 4,060 130 Start Low
904 Tumulus culture 4,056 130 Stub Unknown
905 List of Roman amphitheatres 4,046 130 List Unknown
906 Mound 4,034 130 C Unknown
907 Princess of Xiaohe 4,031 130 C Low
908 La Venta 4,031 130 B Unknown
909 Chinese pyramids 4,021 129 Start Mid
910 Red Lady of Paviland 4,001 129 Start Mid
911 Bog butter 3,996 128 C Low
912 Portland Vase 3,994 128 C Low
913 Larsa 3,992 128 B Mid
914 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed 3,988 128 C Low
915 Čachtice Castle 3,984 128 C Unknown
916 Sherden 3,976 128 B Low
917 Sarsen 3,975 128 Start Low
918 Rhyton 3,973 128 Start Mid
919 Dan (ancient city) 3,969 128 Start Mid
920 Burh 3,962 127 Start Unknown
921 Osteology 3,944 127 Start Mid
922 Epipalaeolithic Near East 3,941 127 B High
923 Lion Gate 3,924 126 C Mid
924 Vindolanda tablets 3,905 125 GA Mid
925 London Mithraeum 3,903 125 Start Unknown
926 Srubnaya culture 3,900 125 Stub Low
927 Hōkūleʻa 3,893 125 B Unknown
928 Kültepe 3,885 125 C Mid
929 History of Anatolia 3,881 125 C Top
930 Dolní Věstonice (archaeological site) 3,866 124 C NA
931 Curse tablet 3,850 124 C Low
932 Royal Cache 3,846 124 Start Unknown
933 Yamato Kingship 3,846 124 B Low
934 Solutrean hypothesis 3,842 123 C High
935 Ancient art 3,840 123 Start Mid
936 Carnuntum 3,838 123 Start Low
937 Margaret Murray 3,827 123 FA Mid
938 Iberomaurusian 3,825 123 Stub Mid
939 Arniston (East Indiaman) 3,821 123 GA Low
940 Palace of Darius in Susa 3,816 123 Start High
941 Rupert Bruce-Mitford 3,812 122 GA Low
942 Dahshur 3,804 122 Start Unknown
943 Pictish stone 3,787 122 C Low
944 Prehistoric music 3,782 122 Start Unknown
945 Slighting 3,775 121 Start Mid
946 Neanderthal 1 3,770 121 B High
947 Istakhr 3,751 121 B Low
948 Halaf culture 3,749 120 C Mid
949 Neolithic British Isles 3,743 120 C High
950 Fairy fort 3,743 120 Start Low
951 Jemdet Nasr period 3,733 120 B Mid
952 Outline of culture 3,731 120 List High
953 Elephantine papyri and ostraca 3,716 119 Start Low
954 Erligang culture 3,716 119 Stub Unknown
955 Timgad 3,707 119 Start Mid
956 Fort Ancient 3,691 119 C Unknown
957 Heracleidae 3,683 118 Start Mid
958 Al-Mada'in 3,677 118 Start Mid
959 Ringfort 3,674 118 C Unknown
960 Valley of the Queens 3,673 118 Start Mid
961 Lacuna (manuscripts) 3,672 118 Start Low
962 Runic inscriptions in Hagia Sophia 3,668 118 Start Mid
963 Cypro-Minoan syllabary 3,661 118 C Low
964 Tell el-Hammam 3,659 118 C Mid
965 Bulla (seal) 3,656 117 C Mid
966 Mysia 3,655 117 C High
967 Izumo-taisha 3,649 117 Stub Unknown
968 Palynology 3,649 117 B Unknown
969 Loulan Kingdom 3,644 117 C Low
970 Machaerus 3,643 117 Start Low
971 Istanbul Archaeology Museums 3,643 117 Start Low
972 Pazyryk culture 3,641 117 Stub Low
973 Blombos Cave 3,632 117 C High
974 Lusatian culture 3,631 117 Start Mid
975 Northern Black Polished Ware 3,626 116 Stub Low
976 John M. Allegro 3,620 116 C Low
977 Bocksten Man 3,616 116 C Low
978 Xanten 3,616 116 C Unknown
979 Microlith 3,612 116 Start Mid
980 Kerameikos 3,612 116 Start Mid
981 Southeastern Ceremonial Complex 3,612 116 B Unknown
982 Middle Stone Age 3,606 116 GA Mid
983 Theodor Mommsen 3,605 116 C Mid
984 Historic England 3,603 116 Start Mid
985 Achaemenid destruction of Athens 3,596 116 Start Mid
986 Tel Hazor 3,590 115 C Low
987 Longshan culture 3,588 115 C Low
988 Teresa Cristina of the Two Sicilies 3,560 114 FA Low
989 Phoebe Hearst 3,560 114 Start Low
990 Funerary art 3,550 114 FA Mid
991 List of Egyptian mummies (royalty) 3,548 114 List Mid
992 Māori migration canoes 3,536 114 Start Unknown
993 List of lost inventions 3,530 113 List High
994 Birka grave Bj 581 3,529 113 B Low
995 Aegae (Macedonia) 3,528 113 Start Low
996 Ica stones 3,516 113 B Low
997 Murder in Mesopotamia 3,502 112 C Low
998 Archaeology of Israel 3,499 112 B Top
999 Amphipolis 3,498 112 C Mid
1000 Levallois technique 3,485 112 Start Low