International reaction to the Russo-Georgian War

The international reaction to the Russo-Georgian War covered many nations, non-governmental organisations and non-state actors. The conflict began in August 2008 in South Ossetia but spread elsewhere in Georgia. The war had a considerable humanitarian impact and affected the financial markets of Russia and Georgia.

In general, Georgia accused Russia of aggression, whereas Russia accused Georgia of genocide and crimes against humanity targeting Ossetians and Russian peacekeepers. Most other countries called for peace, with some demanding respect of Georgia's territorial integrity while others supported Russian intervention. The Russian invasion of its US-aligned neighbor caused Russia–United States relations to plummet for the first time since the end of the Cold War and led to heated verbal exchanges. In the next year, the new US administration chose a policy of the reset.

National statements

Country Response
  Argentina Argentine Foreign Ministry stated on August 8 that the Argentine government "deplores the violence, and exhorts involved parties to avoid any escalation that could worsen the conflict", and hopes that "peace is immediately restored in the region."[1]
  Armenia The Armenian Foreign Ministry said on 8 August, "We are certainly concerned about the situation and hope that a solution will be found very quickly.[2]

Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan declared that the conflict was Georgia's internal matter, but peace in Armenia's neighboring country was preferred.[3]

On 9 August 2008, the Armenian Consulate in Batumi organized the evacuation of Armenian citizens from Georgia. The Armenian Foreign Ministry urged Armenian citizens to refrain from visiting Georgia.[4] The Armenian Foreign Ministry announced on 10 August that Armenia would not collect visa fees from foreigners entering from Georgia.[5] The Armenian Foreign Ministry reported on 11 August that Armenia had facilitated the evacuation of 2500 foreigners from Georgia.[6]

On 10 August 2008, the Armenian Defense Ministry rejected reports that the Russian planes based in Gyumri were bombing the Georgian territory.[7]

On 12 August 2008, Armenian Transport Minister Gurgen Sarkisian said that deliveries from Georgia were not hindered.[8]

On 13 August 2008, Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan called his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev and expressed condolences.[9]

On 14 August 2008, Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan sent a letter of condolences to Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili and promised humanitarian assistance.[10]

Following the Russian recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the Armenian Foreign Ministry stated that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict along with other Caucasus conflicts should be resolved "on the basis of a free expression of peoples' will." Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan told Russian president Dmitry Medvedev during their meeting on 2 September that Armenia would aid Russia to "eliminate consequences of the humanitarian disaster".[11]

In November 2008, President Sargsyan discussed the EU compensation of war damages for Armenia with José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.[12]

  Australia Prime Minister Kevin Rudd urged on 10 August to cease hostilities and supported Georgia's territorial integrity. He said, "At a minimum we need to see a ceasefire." Opposition leader Julie Bishop also called for the ceasefire.[13] Foreign Minister Stephem Smith said that Australian representatives would call on Russian officials to cease hostilities. Russian ambassador to Australia would be handed an official request for ceasefire. However, Australian and international calls for a ceasefire, in addition to Georgian offer of ceasefire on 10 August, were rejected by Russia.[14]

In September 2008, Australia halted the uranium export deal with Russia in response to the Russian invasion of Georgia.[15][16]

  Austria On 11 August, Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik called for a ceasefire and asked Russia to respect Georgia's territorial integrity.[17]
  Azerbaijan A spokesman for the Azeri Foreign Ministry, Khazar Ibrahim, said on August 8 that Georgian actions were in accord with international law and that Azerbaijan supported the territorial integrity of Georgia.[18]

Modern Musavat Party stated on 9 August that the war was the fault of the Russian peacekeepers, who were supporting South Ossetian separatists and the UN Security Council must take steps to resolve the conflict.[19]

The leader of the state oil company of Azerbaijan said on 9 August that his country stopped to export oil through the Black Sea ports of Georgia.[20][21]

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry announced on 11 August that Azerbaijan had eased visa regime for the foreign citizens evacuating from Georgia.[22]

The Russian ambassador Vasili Istratov decided to organize a press conference on 11 August only for those journalists who were not critical of Russia.[23]

One anonymous official told The New York Times that the success of the Russian invasion and failure of international community to strongly react sent a dangerous signal to Azerbaijan.[24]

President Ilham Aliyev supported the territorial integrity of Georgia.[25]

On 14 August 2008, the Azerbaijani Health Ministry sent 25 tons of medicines to Georgia.[26]

President Aliyev declared during his meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on 20 August that the conflict in Georgia was damaging Azerbaijan economically.[27]

On 20 August, President Aliyev declared that both Russia and Georgia were friends of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan preferred that Russia and Georgia became friends too.[28] Aliyev met with President of Romania Traian Băsescu on 21 August to discuss the situation in Georgia.[29]

In September 2008, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and Ilham Aliyev did not reach an understanding on the August conflict.[30]

In October 2008, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said that Russia complied with Azerbaijan's request not to touch Azerbaijani-owned infrastructure in Georgia during the war.[31]

58% of Azerbaijan's population supported the country's NATO membership in 2007 and after the Russian invasion of Georgia, this number fell to 48% by 2009.[32]

  Bangladesh The caretaker government's Foreign Advisor Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury said on August 10, "This outbreak of violence is a matter of deep concern for the international community including Bangladesh. We hope for an early cessation of hostilities."[33]
  Belarus According to The Guardian, after the Russian invasion, pro-Russian Belarus was "trembling", being "strangely" speechless for days before the "last dictatorship in Europe" decided to back Russia.[34]

Maria Vanshina, Deputy Head for Information of Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "The use of military force in the zone of South Ossetia, civilian casualties, bloodshed, economic losses, ruined peaceful life of people cause a deep concern in us. Only immediate ceasefire, peaceful and civilized manner of negotiating will secure stability in the South Ossetian region and across the Caucasus."[35]

After Russian ambassador to Belarus commented on 12 August on the "modest silence" of Belarus,[36] the next day President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko expressed his support for South Ossetian civilians and promised aid. The President's press service issued a statement saying, "The Belarussian people, like all Russians, is in mourning over the victims of the tragedy and shares the concerns of those who lost relatives, their homes and their livelihoods. May they have strength and courage in overcoming the consequences of this humanitarian catastrophe." Earlier, the Foreign Ministry had only called for a ceasefire.[37]

Prime Minister Sergey Sidorsky announced on 14 August sending of humanitarian relief. He said that Belarus would accommodate several thousand children in Belarus for the following two months.[38]

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said on 19 August, "Russia acted calmly, wisely and beautifully". Lukashenko met Russian president Medvedev in Sochi on 19 August.[39]

On 20 August 2008, Lukashenko received the presidents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Minsk. Lukashenko declared that there had been "no war" but a "beautiful operation".[40]

In September 2008, President Lukashenko told The Financial Times that its was "absolutely idiotic" to propose that Russia would repeat the Georgian scenario in Belarus.[41] Lukashenko said that the western influence prevented the post-Soviet states from recognizing Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[42]

  Belgium On 20 August 2008, Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht said that the war demonstrated that accepting Georgia into NATO was risky.[43]

In September 2008, Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht said that events in Georgia should not influence the timetable of Georgia's accession to NATO. He also said that he was against the EU membership for Ukraine and Georgia.[44]

On 15 September, Karel De Gucht said that Belgium would initially refrain from participation in the EU monitoring mission. He noted the uncertainty whether the monitors would be able to enter Abkhazia and South Ossetia: "If Europeans can only deploy in the security zone, that gives me a bad feeling, as, basically, we will have to protect borders which we have not recognised."[45]

On 25 September 2008, senator Josy Dubié said that Belgium must block Georgia's NATO membership.[46]

  Bosnia and Herzegovina The Government of Republika Srpska sent condolences to families of those South Ossetians who were killed during the war. Its August 14 statement condemned Georgia for taking unilateral military action and called Russia's actions "legitimate".[47]
  Brazil The Brazilian Foreign Ministry stated on August 8, "Brazil deplores the use of violence and supports the peaceful solution of disputes. Brazil urges the parties involved to seek dialogue, for an immediate cease-fire and reconciliation in order to restore peace and security in the region, based on International Law."[48]
  Bulgaria The Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared in a statement on August 8 that "the reports of victims among the civilian population in the region and in the town of Tskhinvali cause particular anxiety."[49]

Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivailo Kalfin stated on August 10, "Bulgaria supports a strong and active European position on the conflict in South Ossetia."[50]

  Canada Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, David Emerson, stated on August 8, "We call for an immediate halt to the hostilities and strongly urge all parties involved to display restraint in words and deeds, and to respect national boundaries."[51]

On 10 August, Minister of Foreign Affairs David Emerson stated, "I am very concerned about the expansion of hostilities well beyond the region of South Ossetia. Rather than acting as a neutral peacekeeper, Russia has escalated the hostilities through its attacks on Georgian towns and cities outside the conflict zone. Canada calls on Russia to respect Georgia’s borders and to desist from any further encroachment on Georgia’s territorial integrity."[52]

On 27 August, International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda announced an additional $2 million in humanitarian aid.[53]

  Chile On August 11, Foreign Minister Alejandro Foxley called for a cease-fire, "because, the worst from these situations, where territories are disputed, is the large amount of victims, who are absolutely innocent people."[54]
  People's Republic of China A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Qin Gang said on August 10, "China calls upon relevant parties to keep restraint and cease fire immediately."[55]

China called for an Olympic truce.[56][14]

President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao told US president George W. Bush that China wanted immediate cessation of hostilities in South Ossetia. High-ranking government source told Russian Interfax agency that China wanted to maintain good relations with both Georgia and Russia.[57]

In late August 2008, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said that "the latest development in South Ossetia and Abkhazia" alarmed China.[58] The Russian foreign ministry released a statement on 28 August 2008 saying that the Chinese ambassador to Russia expressed his understanding regarding the Russian decision to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[59]

  Croatia The Croatian United Nations ambassador appealed for an Olympic Truce on 8 August 2008.[60] At follow-up United Nations Security Council meeting, the ambassador said that Russia's "actions in the past days go far beyond the role of a peacekeeper as foreseen in the 1992 armistice agreement among Georgian, Russian and South Ossetian leaders."[61]
  Cuba A statement from Cuban President Raul Castro stated on August 11, "When the USSR disintegrated, South Ossetia, annexed by force by Georgia, with which it shared neither nationality nor culture, retained its status as an autonomous republic with its local authorities and its capital, Tskhinvali." He further claimed, "It is a false claim that Georgia is defending its national sovereignty."[62][63]
  Czech Republic On 8 August 2008, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Czech Republic) expressed its concern over the hostilities.[64]

Spokesman of the Czech Foreign Ministry Zuzana Opletalová said on August 9 that the Czech Republic called on all parties to halt military operations and supported the territorial integrity of Georgia. According to Opletalová, Russia had become party to the conflict and the Czech Foreign Ministry would support deployment of international peacekeeping troops. An evacuation of Czech citizens from Georgia would be organized. There were five Czech UN observers in Abkhazia.[65]

The Czech Foreign Ministry released a statement fully supporting Georgia's territorial integrity and indirectly blaming Russia for the crisis. However, Czech President Václav Klaus, stated that the conflict in Georgia was linked to the Kosovo precedent, which gave Russia an excuse. He said he refused "to accept this widespread, simplified interpretation which paints the Georgians as the victims and the Russians as the villains" and rejected comparison with 1968 Czechoslovakia saying that Subcarpathian Ruthenia was not attacked and that Czechoslovak leader Alexander Dubček could not be compared with President Saakashvili.[66][67]

In September 2008, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mirek Topolánek said that NATO had erred by not offering a candidate status to Georgia and Ukraine in April 2008.[68]

  Denmark Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen condemned Russian aggression on August 9: "We have to insist that the sovereignty of Georgia be respected. There are no military solutions. There is only one solution: diplomatic negotiation."[69]

In April 2009, Denmark announced readiness to help Georgia to restore its defense capabilities in the aftermath of the war.[70]

  Estonia On 4 August 2008, Estonia urged the European Union to send international peacekeepers to the conflict zones in Georgia.[71]

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves called Georgian president Saakashvili on 8 August. Ilves expressed condolences for the deaths. He said that the Russian intervention in the conflict would not contribute to the resolution of the conflict and it was regrettable that South Ossetia did not use the opportunity offered by Georgia.[72]

Foreign Minister Urmas Paet called his Georgian counterpart Eka Tkeshelashvili on 9 August and promised support in defense against the cyberattacks.[73]

Prime minister Andrus Ansip said that Russia escalated the conflict and was bombing the targets outside the South Ossetian conflict zone, which made clear that the Russian actions were not peacekeeping, but aggression against Georgia.[74]

The Estonian Foreign Ministry issued a recommendation for the Estonian citizens to leave Georgia.[75]

The Estonian parliament Riigikogu denounced on 12 August the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Georgia, comparing Russian actions with Nazi Germany's attack on Czechoslovakia and Poland. The Riigikogu urged the international community "to assist Georgia in every way possible" and supported "the accelerated accession of Georgia to NATO".[76]

Estonian President Ilves said on 14 August that the Russian attack on Georgia should be considered a persuasive argument for the conferral of NATO membership to Georgia and Ukraine.[77] President Ilves said, "The decision in Bucharest was interpreted as a green light in Russia. Basically, I think it backfired."[78]

According to the Georgian defense ministry, the Estonian government had deployed 50 servicemen to defend Georgia and ensure the Russian withdrawal.[79]

Foreign Minister Urmas Paet commented on the Russian compliance with ceasefire agreement while traveling from Tbilisi to Gori on August 16, "I don't see why they signed it if they don't want to implement it."[80]

Estonian Defense Minister Jaak Aaviksoo said on 13 September 2008 that the "Russian bear" does not change as years pass and that the West lost all hopes that they and Russia could have common values.[81]

In October 2008, President Ilves cautioned the European Union against quick improvement of ties with Russia.[82]

In December 2008, the Estonian defense ministry announced that Estonia was ready to receive the Georgian soldiers injured in August 2008 for the treatment.[83]

  Finland Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb said in a statement on August 8 that he had communicated with Georgian and South Ossetian authorities on the evening of 7 August and told them to resume negotiations. Stubb was going to contact foreign ministries of Russia, the United States, France, Germany and Georgia. Stubb was sending his Special Envoy Ambassador Heikki Talvitie to Georgia. Stubb's vacation in Italy was cut short.[84]

On 11 August 2008, Finnish president Tarja Halonen talked by phone with Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and urged to halt the hostilities.[85]

  France French Foreign Ministry issued a statement backing Georgia's territorial integrity on August 8. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner was in communication with all sides of the conflict.[86]

President Nicolas Sarkozy's office issued a statement on 9 August saying that EU foreign ministers would hold a meeting to debate solutions, such as a prompt cessation of hostilities, "full respect" for Georgia's territorial integrity and restoration of the pre-war situation.[20] France, president of the European Union, stated, "It (the EU presidency) demands an immediate ceasefire. It welcomes the offer of the ceasefire from Georgia and expects from Russia that it will immediately accept such a ceasefire."[87] France stated that Europe "underscores that the military actions (against Georgia) could affect EU-Russian relations."[88]

On 10 August 2008, Sarkozy announced a plan to settle the conflict. He also said that the had discussed the situation in Georgia with the officials from Georgia, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Spain and Italy. Sarkozy was planning to talk with the leaders of Russia, Germany, Poland and the USA.[89]

Before his departure for Tbilisi on 10 August, Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner labelled the South Ossetian conflict as "massacres" and said he would urge in a "message of peace" both Georgia and Russia "to stop the fighting immediately."[90] Kouchner also told Le Parisien newspaper, "We are facing an escalation of violence [that is] unacceptable at the doors of Europe. This reminds me all too much of other recent conflicts that have torn our continent apart, particularly in the Balkans."[91]

Kouchner visited Georgia on 11 August alongside with Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb. They both denounced the hostile actions of Russia in Georgia.[92] Kouchner told Saakashvili in Gori "that the war must stop", adding he was "not in the business of blaming people".[93] Kouchner was expected to bring draft ceasefire endorsed by Saakashvili to the Kremlin during that night, while President Sarkozy would visit Georgia and Russia the next day.[94][95]

At a two-hour closed meeting of the Security Council on 11 August, France proposed a resolution calling for the ceasefire and withdrawal of the armed forces to the lines of August 6; however, Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin ruled out Russian approval of such plans.[96]

During the Olympic opening on 8 August in Beijing, Sarkozy told Putin that they had "to find a way out of this crisis," but Putin responded, "I can’t let it happen." As French president Nicolas Sarkozy began to mediate between Russia and Georgia, he called Russian president Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow. Although Medvedev wished Georgian president Saakashvili to be "fired", Sarkozy told him, "It’s not up to you or me to designate the Georgian leader." Before Sarkozy's departure for Moscow, Bush asked him not to go, "You’ll arrive at the Kremlin when the Russians are firing missiles at Tbilisi."[97] Sarkozy's meeting with Russian president Medvedev on 12 August was planned to take during lunchtime.[98] When Sarkozy arrived in Moscow, Putin allegedly commented on himself and President Medvedev in presence of Sarkozy on 12 August, "It’s just like in the films – there’s a good cop and a bad cop." Later a French presidential aide commented, "For the first time in a major international crisis, it is the Americans who are on the touchline and it is the European Union that is being called upon to sort things out."[97] Sarkozy said on 12 August, "We do not yet have a peace deal, we have a provisional cessation of hostilities, but this is significant progress."[99] After meeting with Russian president on 12 August, Sarkozy arrived in Georgia.[100] The drafted ceasefire agreement was largely influenced by Russia's interests, not by respect towards Georgia's sovereignty. This unnerved the United States.[101] Sarkozy declared the agreement on the ceasefire at 2 a.m. on 13 August after meeting with Saakashvili. The ceasefire agreement mentioned "additional security measures", which apparently enabled Russia to occupy the town of Gori on 13 August and take over Georgia's main east-west road connecting the Black Sea coast with capital Tbilisi. The United states responded by dispatching humanitarian assistance to Tbilisi.[102] Saakashvili did not yield to Sarkozy and only signed the agreement later on 15 August after Rice had convinced him. According to Vladimir Socor, there were signs that the agreement was actually written by the Russians and Sarkozy effectively became a postman who forced the agreement on Georgia in the face of the threat of the Russian occupation of Tbilisi.[103] According to Mark Mardell's source, the original ceasefire negotiated by Kouchner and Stubb supporting Georgia's territorial integrity was scrubbed Sarkozy and replaced with the Russian-prepared document.[104] On 13 August, Sarkozy reported about his dealings with Medvedev and Putin to US President George Bush.[105]

The French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said, "Don't ask us who's good and who's bad here. We shouldn't make any moral judgments on this war. Stopping the war, that's what we're interested in."[34]

President Nicolas Sarkozy said the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Georgia would become effective after the United Nations Security Council's approval and the formation of a "mechanism" supervising over compliance with the agreement.[78] The office of French President commented on Medvedev's acceptance of the ceasefire on 15 August 2008, "His country will sign a cease-fire accord with Georgia and scrupulously respect all agreements, including a troop withdrawal."[106]

Sarkozy said on August 16 that the ceasefire agreement prohibited Russian military presence in "any major urban area" of Georgia.[107] But Sarkozy wrote to Saakashvili that the Russian forces had the authority for monitoring "a few kilometres" near South Ossetia.[108]

Kouchner said on 17 August that international peacekeepers should be deployed to South Ossetia and that the ceasefire was not yet stable.[109]

Sarkozy told Medvedev by phone that Russian refusal to begin "withdrawal, without delay" would draw "serious consequences" in relations with the EU.[110][111] Sarkozy later stated if Russia did not "rapidly and totally" withdrew from Georgia, he would "have to call an extraordinary meeting of the Council of the European Union to decide what consequences to draw."[112][113]

After the NATO meeting on 19 August, Kouchner commented on Russian withdrawal, "We are very disappointed, because despite the promise to us, there is no withdrawal of troops. When you sign up to an agreement you have to respect it." He said that in case of Russian non-compliance with the agreement, a summit on the EU-Russia relationship might be convened by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.[114]

Bernard Kouchner said on 21 August, "We are waiting ... for the Russians to respect their word. We waited twice with dashed hopes. This time, it appears that there is at least the beginning of a fulfillment."[115]

On 23 August, President Sarkozy approved of the Russian pullout from Georgia. He called on Russia to withdraw from Poti and Senaki, where the main Georgian air base was located. Sarkozy convened a special meeting of the EU countries in Brussels on 1 September, where EU-Russia relations and assistance for Georgia would be discussed.[116]

On 27 August, Kouchner said that Russia violated international law when it recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Kouchner commented about an ethnic cleansing in South Ossetia, "I hope that didn't happen overnight. But there has already been evidence that the armies are pushing away the Ossetians who favored Georgia, and in a certain way, yes, an ethnic cleansing is taking place." Kouchner said that the situation was very "very dangerous".[117] Kouchner said, "There are other objectives that one can suppose are the objectives of Russia, in particular Crimea, Ukraine and Moldova."[118][119] In response, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said that Kouchner had a "sick imagination".[120]

Sarkozy addressed the French diplomatic corps.[58] Sarkozy defended the ceasefire agreement: "When I travelled to Moscow on August 12 - in midsummer - to obtain a halt to the fighting in Georgia, wasn't the fate of tens of thousands of men, women and children hanging in the balance?" Sarkozy declared that Russia must fully observe the ceasefire agreement and called the Russian decision to "unilaterally" recognise breakaway states in Georgia "quite unacceptable". Sarkozy further stated, "Nobody wants to return to the time of the Cold War."[118][121] He said, "NATO is not an adversary but a partner of Russia. As for the European Union, it seeks to build with this country a close and positive relation. It is for Russia today to make a fundamental choice."[58]

During the phone conversation between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Russian President Medvedev, Sarkozy stressed the importance of the full implementation of the six-point plan.[122]

On 28 August, Kouchner commented on the agenda of an extraordinary EU meeting convened on 1 September at France's initiative, "Sanctions are being considered." This marked the first time when the country warm to Russia proposed a drastic action against Russia. Kouchner further stated, "I do not want to prejudge the issue before the EU summit on Georgia has taken place. But we will work hard with our 26 partners to draft a strong statement that signifies our refusal to accept the situation in Georgia. France does not support breaking off relations with Russia. This will have to be sorted out through negotiation. This will take time, we are not deluding ourselves."[123]

Kouchner told the BBC on 31 August that France would not endorse sanctions against Russia at the EU summit in Brussels, convened by France on 1 September, "The situation is very difficult and... we must be firm on our position in offering a line defending, of course, territorial integrity of Georgia."[124] Earlier, Kouchner had threatened sanctions.[125]

On 8 September 2008, Sarkozy negotiated a new agreement with Medvedev to withdraw Russian troops from Georgia within month.[126] Sarkozy was accompanied by José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, and Javier Solana, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.[127] During meeting near Moscow, Sarkozy threatened Medvedev that he would just leave and could not be able to prevent Europe from implementing sanctions against Medvedev. According to Kouchner, Sarkozy finally managed to get Medvedev's signature on the ceasefire document.[128]

On 16 September 2008, French Libération newspaper refused to print condolence text for the South Ossetian victims of the war, paid for by the Russian embassy in France.[129]

On 19 September 2008, Prime Minister of France François Fillon said during his meeting with Putin in Sochi that France was pleased that Russia was fulfilling its obligations under Sarkozy-Medvedev agreement.[130] Fillon announced that the European Union would resume negotiations with Russia in October 2008 if the Russian forces completely left undisputed Georgia.[131][132]

An article published in Newsweek pondered what could have been achieved if any other country led the EU instead of France during the ceasefire negotiations because it was the great power status of France that compelled Russia to make some concessions.[133]

On 27 September 2008, Bernard Kouchner commented on the Sarkozy-Medvedev ceasefire agreement, "As we did not want to go to war, we had to accept a compromise... Do not think I am proud of getting that document." He further said, "They, the Russians, resisted us. It would have been easy for them to go for the Georgian capital and take it. They were strongly prepared... [...] We'll see if it is a trap - if they do not implement the agreements they signed." Kouchner also said, "In the EU we want to maintain a dialogue with Russia."[134]

On 10 October 2008, Kouchner visited Georgia. He noted that Russia had only "partly" fulfilled its obligations as Russian forces had not left Akhalgori and Perevi.[135]

On 13 October 2008, Kouchner announced that Abkhaz and South Ossetian representatives were invited to attend the talks in Geneva scheduled on October 15. The Russian Foreign Ministry official said that Russia would not attend the talks without Abkhaz and Ossetians.[136]

On 21 October 2008, Sarkozy said at the European Parliament that Russian "aim was to overthrow Mr. Saakashvili" in August 2008. He continued "Europe should no longer be an accomplice of another Cold War" and "I don't believe the world needs a crisis between Europe and Russia".[137]

On 22 October 2008, French minister Jean-Pierre Jouyet said that Georgia's NATO membership was "not in the interests of Europe or its relations with Russia."[138]

In November 2008, Sarkozy declared at a ceremony in Paris, "I remember the American president's call the day before our departure for Moscow: 'Don't go there, they [the Russians] want to go to Tbilisi, they're 40km away. Don't go, [just] condemn it'."[139] Sarkozy further said, "When someone had to leave for Moscow or Tbilisi, who defended human rights? Was it the President of the United States who said, ‘this is unacceptable’? Or was it France which kept up the dialogue [with Russia]? . . . We were in Moscow and, as if by chance, the ceasefire was announced."[140]

In July 2009, Georgian town of Sachkhere awarded the title of honorary citizen to French Ambassador to Georgia Eric Fournier for his defense of the Sachkhere military training center against the Russian invaders in August 2008.[141]

WikiLeaks revealed in November 2010 that according to the US ambassador's report, French president Sarkozy had grabbed Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and called him a liar during negotiations in August 2008.[142]

  Germany On 8 August, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that he was "appalled by the escalation of violence" and demanded that "all combat has to be ceased immediately".[143]

Steinmeier said on 10 August, "We face the danger of a dangerous conflagration." Deputy Foreign Minister Gernot Erler accused Georgia of noncompliance with a 1992 ceasefire agreement, calling it "a question of a violation of international law". Although Erler conceded to South Ossetian provocation, he still endorsed Russian position.[144]

Eckart von Klaeden, foreign policy spokesman for the Christian Democratic Union in parliament, said Russia was also responsible for the crisis.[144]

The German Foreign Ministry announced that 200 German citizens had left Georgia and another 300 were remaining. Italian and Polish citizens were evacuated by their countries.[145]

German chancellor Angela Merkel urged self-control on August 8.[146][147] On 11 August, German chancellor Angela Merkel conveyed her concern about the humanitarian situation in Georgia and urged to cease war.[148]

Brigadier General Heinz G Wagner, the German military attache in Moscow, authored an internal paper on 11 August, in which he called the Russian military action in Georgia "appropriate". He wrote, "The extent of the use of military force by the Russian side appears – seen from here and despite reports to the contrary from Georgia and the picture conveyed by the media – not inappropriately high."[149]

Merkel's spokesman said on 14 August that Georgia's territorial integrity was "sacrosanct for Germany."[150]

Chancellor Angela Merkel said during her meeting with Medvedev on 15 August, "to say that I found some of Russia's actions disproportionate and in particular think the presence of Russian troops in Georgia proper is not sensible. Russian troops should withdraw from central areas in Georgia." But she said, "Both sides are probably to blame." She said that NATO's offer to Georgia to become alliance's member still held. Merkel saw alleged proof of Georgian atrocities provided by Russians, but she only commented that "every war is terrible."[151] Merkel also told the news conference, "We very much want the six-point plan to be implemented very promptly so that Russian troops are no longer in Georgia, outside Abkhazia and South Ossetia."[152]

Former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder claimed by August 16 that the conflict began with "Georgian invasion of South Ossetia". When asked if he thought "the American military advisors stationed in Tbilisi encouraged Georgia to launch its attack", he responded, "I wouldn't go that far. But everyone knows that these US military advisors in Georgia exist – a deployment that I've never considered particularly intelligent. And it would have been strange if these experts had not had any information. Either they were extremely unprofessional or they were truly fooled, which is hard to imagine." He said, "I assume that no one in the Moscow leadership has an interest in military conflicts." He went on to say that "there have indeed been serious mistakes made by the West in its policy toward Russia."[153] He described Saakashvili as a "gambler",[154] and claimed that Russia was not pursuing annexation.[154]

Chancellor Merkel arrived in Georgia on 17 August. She urged Russia to comply with the ceasefire agreement signed on 16 August.[149] Merkel said, "The cease-fire was signed by President Medvedev on Saturday and this must happen in the next few days."[155] Merkel said at Georgian president's palace on 17 August, "I expect a very fast, very prompt withdrawal of Russian troops out of Georgia."[112] Merkel stated that "this process should not drag out for weeks."[156] Merkel said, "This is an urgent matter." Merkel said that international peacekeepers must be promptly deployed to Georgia. She also backed Georgia's aspiration for NATO membership. Saakashvili called Merkel "brave".[157] Merkel stated, "In December, we will have a first evaluation of the situation and we are on a clear path in the direction of Nato membership."[158]

Merkel's spokesman said on August 27 that Merkel had told Russian president Medvedev that Russian military deployment in undisputed Georgia, such as in Poti, constituted "a grave violation" of the ceasefire agreement.[119]

Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said in late August 2008 that "the dangerous spiral of violence [over Georgia] must be stopped", adding, "We need a strong and sensible European role to allow a return to reason and responsibility." He had earlier dismissed the proposal of sanctions, saying "someone should first tell me what a sanction against Russia could be", adding, "Particularly in such a serious political situation, it is necessary to show a bit of common sense. We will continue to have Russia as our neighbour also beyond the current day, and it is in our own interest to return to a normal relationship."[124]

Angela Merkel declared in September 2008 that the EU had "adequately" responded to Russia's moves in Georgia and would continue cooperation with Russia. She rejected the American proposal to exclude Russia from the Group of Eight.[159]

  Greece Greek Foreign Ministry announced on 9 August 2008 that they would be monitoring the situation in the Caucasus.[160]

On 13 August, Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis proposed four goals: strict compliance with the ceasefire; actual cessation of hostilities; restoration of pre-war status-quo; and the start of negotiations. She expressed support for Sarkozy's work through the EU, and talked of "providing economic aid amounting to 100,000 euros" to South Ossetian refugees.[161]

The Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) called for peace, the Communist Party of Greece blamed imperialism and the Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) said that those who pushed Georgians into the conflict should be ashamed.[162]

On 14 August, the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that a Greek diaspora member, Ivan Mihailidis, was killed in the capital of South Ossetia, while his three family members remain in the town, and that in Vladikavkaz there were 25 refugees that were members of the Greek diaspora or their families; the Greek government provided financial aid to the Greek diaspora families.[163][164]

In December 2008, Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis demanded the return of the OSCE monitors to South Ossetia.[165]

  Hungary On August 14, Hungarian opposition leader Viktor Orbán called the Russian intervention an "imperialist abuse of raw power" and drew parallels with the smashing of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.[166]
  Iceland On August 8, the Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir expressed the concern for the safety of civilians and called for a peaceful solution to the conflict as soon as possible.[167]
  Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Ghashghavi called "for an immediate halt to the clashes" and said that "Iran is ready to offer any help ... under its principal policies of contributing to the establishment of peace and stability in the region."[168]

President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during his meeting with Russian president Medvedev in Dushanbe in late August, commented on the post-war situation that "the common enemies do not want Russia and the Islamic Republic to become powerful forces".[169]

In September 2008, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki visited the countries of the Caucasus to discuss achieving peace in the region.[170]

Iranian president Ahmadinejad said at the 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly that the peoples of the Caucasus became "a victim of NATO provocation".[171]

In February 2009, Iranian ambassador to Russia Seyed Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi stated that Iran sympathized with the peoples of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, but was not yet ready to recognize their independence.[172]

  Ireland Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin said on August 11, "Ireland fully supports Georgian sovereignty and territorial integrity. I welcome the Georgian offer of a ceasefire and call on all parties to immediately accept this. [...] Ireland stands ready to contribute to relief efforts there."[173]
  Israel The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on August 10, "Israel recognizes the territorial integrity of Georgia and calls for a peaceful solution."[174]

Israeli media reported on August 13 that the Orthodox Jews believed that the blessing of Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman saved Georgia from full occupation.[175]

Israeli Chamber of Commerce and Israeli Embassy in Georgia financed the medical treatment of 5 injured Georgian servicemen in Israel in September 2008.[176]

In September 2008, it was reported that the Israeli government had prohibited business trips and arms sales to Georgia.[177]

In June 2009, a source in the Israeli Defense Ministry told The Jerusalem Post that Israel had reduced arms supplies to Georgia due to Russian pressure.[178]

WikiLeaks revealed in 2012 that before the 2008 war (where Israeli arms were used by Georgia), Israel awarded Russia with "data link codes" for drones. Russia reciprocated the favor by giving out the codes for Tor-M1 systems purchased by Iran.[179]

  Italy On 8 August, the Italian Government stated, "Italy calls on all parties to bring an immediate end to the violence and reach a lasting cessation of hostilities."[180]

On 10 August, Italian citizens evacuated to Armenia and Turkey.[181]

Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini said on 11 August that he would contemplate the possibility of dispatching Italian forces to Georgia if French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner advised EU intervention. Frattini told ANSA that after phone talks with other G7 foreign ministers, he was "optimistic".[182][183] Frattini said, "We cannot create an anti-Russia coalition in Europe, and on this point we are close to Putin's position." He emphasised that Vladimir Putin and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi were near partners. Frattini said that "This war has pushed Georgia further away."[184]

The Kremlin announced on 14 August that President of Italy Giorgio Napolitano had spoken with Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and had expressed condolences for the South Ossetian victims of the war.[185]

Frattini said on 26 August that the Russian recognition of Georgia's separatist regions "further complicates an already complicated situation", and "doesn't have international support that makes it legally binding."[186] Former president Francesco Cossiga supported the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and said that if the right of preservation of the existing borders had really existed, united Italy would not have come into being.[187]

Georgian footballer Kakha Kaladze said in September 2008 that Silvio Berlusconi's friendship with Vladimir Putin was instrumental in ending the war, rather than the Western diplomacy.[188]

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said in November 2008 that the USA provoked Russia by pushing for NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine.[189]

  Japan On 8 August 2008, the Japanese Foreign Ministry called on all parties to the conflict to cease hostilities and sit at the negotiating table, while reaffirming Japan's commitment to Georgia's territorial integrity.[190]
  Kazakhstan During a phone conversation with Putin on 8 August, the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, said "The Georgian leadership was not right when it failed to inform [other nations] about escalating tensions in South Ossetia" and called for a peaceful solution.[191]

On 11 August, the Kazakhstani Foreign Ministry official said that Kazakhstan supported the political settlement to the conflict.[192]

Nursultan Nazarbayev supported the Russian recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[193] Nazarbayev met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on 28 August and endorsed Russian peacekeeping actions in South Ossetia. Nazarbayev said that Kazakhstan was sending humanitarian assistance to South Ossetia and Medvedev thanked Nazarbayev.[194][195]

In September 2008, KazMunayGas announced it would no longer build a refinery in Batumi.[196] Agriculture Minister Aqylbek Kurishbaev announced that Kazakhstan would no longer build a new terminal in Poti.[197]

In October 2008, Kazakh Foreign minister Marat Tajin stated that it was difficult for Kazakhstan to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia, because Kazakhstan considered the territorial integrity as the top principle in international relations.[198]

  Kyrgyzstan On 11 August 2008, the President of Kyrgyzstan ordered the Foreign Ministry to hold consultations with other members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.[199]

On 12 August 2008, member of the Kyrgyz Supreme Council Murat Juraev along with a group of experts left for South Ossetia to study the situation and report to the President of Kyrgyzstan.[200]

On 21 August 2008, the Patrotic Party of Kyrgyzstan condemned the Russian attack on Georgia.[201]

  Latvia On 5 August 2008, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia expressed its concern over the situation in South Ossetia. On 7 August, the Foreign Ministry urged for the peaceful resolution of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.[202]

On 14 August, Latvian parliament Saeima stated that Latvia "condemns Russia’s military attack on Georgia" and "Russia has violated Georgia’s national sovereignty". Saeima stated that "Russia’s peace-keeping mission in Georgia has failed; not only border conflicts have remained unresolved, but disproportionate hostilities have been provoked causing the death of civilians and significantly damaging Georgia’s civilian and military infrastructure" and called on the NATO members to find solutions "that would strengthen and guarantee the future security of all the neighbouring states of Russia."[203]

On 19 August, the Latvian National Armed Forces announced that it was ready to send peacekeepers to Georgia.[204]

On 23 October 2008, Latvian Foreign Minister Māris Riekstiņš declared in Moscow that Russia was not completely fulfilling Medvedev-Sarkozy agreement, because the Russian forces were remaining in the Kodori Valley and Akhalgori Municipality.[205]

In May 2009, President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers declared in Washington that Russia's attitude towards the EU, the US and NATO worsened after the war in Georgia, so the EU policy towards Russia should no longer be "soft".[206]

  Lithuania On the evening of 7 August 2008, the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry supported Georgia's territorial integrity and criticized the latest actions of Russia. A member of the Seimas commented that probable Russian recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in December 2008 would destabilize the region.[207]

Lithuanian Foreign Minister arrived in Georgia on 9 August and met with Georgian counterpart.[208]

On 11 August, Lithuania sent a military transporter plane for the evacuation of the Lithuanian citizens to Tbilisi.[209]

On 8 October 2008, it was reported that Lithuania would veto the resumption of EU-Russia talks if Russia didn't withdrew its forces from Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[210]

  Moldova Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin called on the European Union to assist to reach a peace settlement of the Transnistria conflict.[25]

On 11 August 2008, the Moldovan Foreign Ministry supported the EU statement issued by France on August 8.[211]

On 19 September 2008, the People's Assembly of Gagauzia appealed to the President of Moldova and the Moldovan parliament to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[212]

  Nicaragua Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega announced in September 2008 that Nicaragua would recognise "the sister republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as the newest members of the world's community of independent nations".[213] Ortega claimed that NATO member states wanted to surround and disintegrate Russia and that they had "used the Georgian government in an operation typical of those launched by the Nazi army."[214]

In December 2008, the United States froze $100 million financial aid for Nicaragua allegedly for the latter's support of the Russian recognition of South Ossetia. Instead, the funds would be transferred to Georgia.[215]

  Netherlands Dutch Prime Minister Jan-Peter Balkenende spoke with Vladimir Putin and Nicolas Sarkozy in Beijing on August 8. Balkenende stressed the importance of preventing the violence.[216]

On 20 October 2008, the Dutch Foreign Ministry announced that an investigation had established that journalist Stan Storimans was killed by Russian cluster munition.[217]

  New Zealand New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark stated on August 11, "We call for an immediate ceasefire and a resumption of negotiations to end the conflict." She urged all sides "to continue to discuss and seek to resolve this matter through the good offices of the United Nations."[218]
  Norway Jens Stoltenberg, Prime Minister of Norway said on August 9 that Norway recognises the sovereignty of Georgia over its own territory. "Our very clear position is that this conflict must be handled at the negotiation table, not the battle field," he said.[219]

Norwegian defense ministry official Espen Barth Eide said on 21 August 2008 that after NATO had demanded the Russian withdrawal from Georgia, the Norwegian embassy in Moscow received a call from the Russian defense ministry. The Russian defense ministry official told the Norwegian embassy that Russia would halt all cooperation with NATO.[220]

  Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk organized the emergency meeting of the European Council in August 2008.[221]

On 10 August, the Polish Foreign Ministry urged the European Union to deploy its peacekeepers to the conflict zone.[222]

The statement by the Polish president Lech Kaczyński said, "The president believes that any interference in internal matters of the republic of Georgia is unacceptable and that any such action, if it intensifies, could lead to tragic consequences."[223]

On 12 August, President Kaczyński stated, "We may say that the Russian state has once again shown its face, its true face." However, he called Medvedev's announcement of cessation of hostilities "good news".[224] Kaczynski arrived in Simferopol and met with Ukraine's president. Kaczynski was planning to visit Tbilisi along with Ukrainian and Baltic leaders.[225] Polish pilot refused to fly to Tbilisi due to safety concerns and the Eastern European leaders had to take cars to Tbilisi from Azerbaijan.[226] At a rally in Tbilisi, Kaczynski said, "Our neighbor thinks it can fight us. We are telling it no."[227]

On 14 August 2008, Poland and the United States agreed to install an American missile array in Poland.[228] The Russian invasion of Georgia helped to finalize the talks which had been going for 18 months. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk commented on the deal, "Poland and the Poles do not want to be in alliances in which assistance comes at some point later — it is no good when assistance comes to dead people. Poland wants to be in alliances where assistance comes in the very first hours of — knock on wood — any possible conflict." Russian officials were angered; however, American authorities explained that the missile system was aimed against the threats from Iran.[229] The agreement was condemned by Russian president Medvedev, "The deployment of new anti-missile forces has as its aim the Russian Federation. Therefore any fairy tales about deterring other states, fairy tales that with the help of this system, we will deter some sort of rogue states, no longer work."[152] Russian General Anatoliy Nogovitsyn said that this would cause a nuclear attack, "Poland, by deploying the system, is exposing itself to a strike - 100 percent."[230] US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice left for Poland on the evening of 19 August. NATO Secretary General called the Russian nuclear threat against Poland a "pathetic rhetoric."[231] It emerged that Condoleezza Rice and the Polish officials had drunk the Georgian Kindzmarauli wine to celebrate the signing of a deal.[232]

Foreign Ministry press spokesman Piotr Paszkowski said, "Poland is clearly in favor of respecting the territorial integrity of Georgia."[233]

On 28 August, President Kaczyński heavily criticised the ceasefire agreement authored by Sarkozy because the Georgia's territorial integrity was not explicitly recognised in the document. EurActiv was told by Russian ambassador to EU Vladimir Chizhov that a missing reference was "not an omission, it was deliberate," and that Russian president Medvedev was also responsible for the agreement's text.[234]

On 7 September 2008, Donald Tusk said that the plans of the construction of Nord Stream 1 should be revised due to the war.[235]

On 25 September 2008, President Kaczyński said that his country would suffer if Russia succeeded in sabotaging of the diversification of energy routes through Georgia.[236]

In May 2009, Stanisław Komorowski, deputy defense minister, said that Poland was increasing military cooperation with the United States because "last year we had Georgia. An independent state was occupied by our partner - Russia."[237] In June 2009, the Polish Defense Ministry announced plans to relocate the Staff of the Polish Land Forces from Warsaw to Wrocław in response to Russian deployment of 9K720 Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad Oblast.[238]

  Portugal The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Portugal) requested an "immediate cease fire" and supported the EU and OSCE.[239]
  Romania Traian Băsescu, President of Romania said on August 9, "Romania reaffirms the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia".[240] He later promised that "Romania will join the efforts of the European Union and NATO efforts contributing its own expertise to promote a negotiated solution that would bring stability to the South Caucasus."[241]

Basescu said on August 11, "In Kosovo, so-called collective rights were put ahead of a country's integrity. Now see what is happening in southern Caucasus." "The development is ... that territorial integrity is stepped over in the name of protecting minority rights," he said. "You cannot have that."[242][243]

The presidential administration announced on August 12 that the Romanian authorities would be prepared to evacuate Romanian citizens from Georgia if the situation required so.[244]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs acknowledged that Romanian-made infantry weapons and ammunition delivered to Georgia were in compliance with international law.[245]

President Basescu visited Tbilisi on 21 August and brought the humanitarian aid to Georgia.[29] In September 2008, President Basescu declared that Romania did not support sanctions against Russia, because the sanctions could affect the corridor between the Black and Caspian Seas.[246]

  Russia On 28 August, Putin accused U.S. President George W. Bush of staging the war in Georgia in order to get the Republican Party's 2008 U.S. presidential candidate Senator John McCain into the White House. Putin said, "It is not just that the American side could not restrain the Georgian leadership from this criminal act. The American side in effect armed and trained the Georgian army." Putin further said, "Why spend years holding difficult negotiations and looking for complicated compromises in ethnic conflicts? It’s easier to arm one of the parties and push it to kill the other party, and the job is done."[247]
  Saudi Arabia According to Russian sources, Bandar bin Sultan told Putin in September 2008 that King Abdullah and the whole leadership of the country fully understood the actions of the Russian side in South Ossetia.[248]
  Serbia Oliver Ivanović, Serbian State Secretary of the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija, stated on August 11, "The question of Kosovo was didactic and inspirational for South Ossetia, so that they wanted to further strain the relations and define their position, which is understandable. Georgia has tried to solve the issue by using violence just as Serbia tried to do it in 1999." Countries that accept "the violation of the international law and disregard of the sovereignty of states, as it was done in the case of Kosovo, they can expect the possibility that such a recipe will be applied in all other situations".[249]

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić said on August 14 that Kosovo "set a dangerous precedent for the solution of problems all over the world" and "the conflict in the Caucasus has shown the dangers of the militaristic approach to problem solving."[250]

On 24 September 2008, Foreign Minister Jeremic said that Serbia would not recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[251]

  Slovakia Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico claimed on August 13 that Georgia was guilty for the war and dismissed "such a black and white perception, according to which one side is good and the others are bad." He called for a ceasefire.[252]
  Spain Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Minister for Foreign Affairs, stated by August 9 that it is "regrettable" that the conflict in South Ossetia erupted "during the Olympic truce".[253] On August 13, He called on the EU to send a message to both sides to start the "political and diplomatic dialogue".[254]
  Sweden Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt said on August 8 that the crisis was due to provocations from the South Ossetian side and that Georgian forces were trying to restore the constitutional order.[255] Bildt further stated, "It is extremely important that all those involved show restraint and play their part in bringing about a political solution."[256]

On 9 August, Bildt compared Russia's reason for going to war with Georgia to Adolf Hitler's actions, "No state has the right to intervene militarily in the territory of another state simply because there are individuals there with a passport issued by that state or who are nationals of the state. Attempts to apply such a doctrine have plunged Europe into war in the past... And we have reason to remember how Hitler used this very doctrine little more than half a century ago to undermine and attack substantial parts of central Europe". Bildt stated that there could be a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Paris on 11 August.[257] Bildt told the BBC that non-rejection of Russia's claimed right to intervene in other countries could have "devastating consequences."[258]

On 18 August, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt halted all exercises and military ties between Sweden and Russia, saying that "the Russian invasion of Georgia is unacceptable and a violation of international law. The Russian action has changed the image of Russia as an international player."[259][260]

Following the Russian recognition of South Ossetia, Bildt warned that Russia opened Pandora's box impacting Russia itself and said, "South Ossetian independence is a joke. We are talking about a smugglers' paradise of 60,000 people financed by the Russian security services. No one can seriously consider that as an independent state." He also said that Saakashvili had only "made a tactical blunder that turned into a strategic disaster".[261]

In early September 2008, Swedish defense minister said that Sweden would revise its military doctrine due to the war in Georgia.[262]

It emerged by October 2008 that the Russian officials were refusing to meet with Carl Bildt due to his stance on Russia.[263]

In 2010, WikiLeaks revealed that Sweden wanted to expulse Russia from the Council of Europe before November 2008.[264]

  Syria Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during his visit to Russia on August 20 accused the United States of using "double standards" with regard to Abkhazia and South Ossetia, stating that the West "is ignoring for some reason the rights of the people of Abkhazia and South Ossetia." Assad added: "In a situation when Georgia started the war, the position of Russia [...] was absolutely right."[265]
  Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on August 8 that Turkey was alarmed by the conflict. Erdoğan called for "an immediate cease-fire and recourse to diplomacy".[266] Later on that day, Turkey approved Georgian application for 30-40 MW of electricity.[267]

On 13 August, the President of Turkey Abdullah Gül talked with Russian president Medvedev by phone and endorsed the Russian decisions. Gül said that Turkey was ready to aid to resolve the conflict.[268]

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met Russian president Dmitry Medvedev near Moscow on 13 August.[269] Erdogan also met with Putin and declared that Turkey was ready to help Russia in the settlement of the conflict. Putin responded that Turkey was a "reliable" partner and "good neighbor" of Russia.[270][271] Erdogan then visited Georgia and supported Georgia's territorial integrity. Georgian president Saakashvili said that Turkey had promised to aid in the reconstruction of Gori, Georgia.[272]

On 15 August 2008, it emerged that Turkey was not granting passage to American ships delivering humanitarian assistance for Georgia.[273]

In 2010, WikiLeaks revealed that Turkey was going to retaliate militarily against Russia if the latter would invade the Georgian region Adjara.[274]

  Ukraine On 4 August 2008, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry rejected South Ossetian allegations that Ukraine had trained Georgian snipers responsible for attacking Tskhinvali.[275] Ukrainian Defense Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov said that Ukrainian arms supplies to Georgia was legal since there was no international embargo against Georgia.[276]

On 5 August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed its concern over recent incidents in the South Ossetian conflict zone and that the start of the conflict demonstrated ineffectiveness of the existing (Russian-dominated) peacekeeping format.[277] Andriy Parubiy, member of the Verkhovna Rada from the Our Ukraine–People's Self-Defense Bloc, suggested that Russian peacekeepers were occupying forces and therefore must be replaced with the GUAM troops.[278]

On 8 August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on all sides to cease fire immediately and to start solving the problem by negotiations. Ukraine confirmed its position of support of Georgian territorial integrity and sovereignty.[279][280] Ukraine said on August 8 that Russia was "gradually becoming a side of the conflict." The Foreign Ministry urged Russia to remove its military from Georgia and pressure the South Ossetian separatists to negotiations.[281]

President Viktor Yushchenko sent deputy Foreign Minister Konstantin Eliseev to Tbilisi on 8 August.[282] Eliseev visited Gori, Georgia on 9 August and declared that Ukraine was ready to provide humanitarian and political assistance to Georgia.[283]

Valeriy Pysarenko, member of Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, stated that Ukraine's two brotherly peoples were clashing in the war.[284]

Acting foreign minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Khandohiy asked Russia not to intervene in the conflict in the Caucasus and become a party to the war.[285]

On 9 August, Ukrainian nationalist organization Tryzub, headed by Dmytro Yarosh, issued a statement saying that Georgian response to the South Ossetian provocation was legal. The statement also said: "Ukraine has already been indirectly involved in this military conflict. The latest statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Russian statesmen and politicians (Dugin, Zyuganov, Luzhkov, Zatulin, etc) regarding our state and its integral part - the Crimean Peninsula - testify to exactly this."[286]

President Yushchenko authorized a humanitarian assistance to the civilian population of Georgia. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ohryzko arrived in Tbilisi. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced it was ready to evacuate Ukrainian citizens from Georgia.[287]

Ukraine stated on August 10 that it could prohibit Russian warships to return to their base in the Ukrainian city of Sevastopol.[288][289] President Yushchenko decreed that the Russian Black Sea Fleet must notify Ukraine 72 hours before its movement. Yuschhenko suggested that the contract between Ukraine and Russia regarding the Sevastopol naval base would not be extended in 2017.[25]

RIA Novosti reported that Yushchenko decreed to check the financial operations of the Russian fleet and utility payments.[290] However, Yushchenko rejected this report.[291]

On 11 August, Oles Doniy, deputy from the Our Ukraine–People's Self-Defense Bloc, said that the foreign military detachments had to leave Crimea to avert the repetition of the Ossetian scenario in Crimea.[292]

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Ohryzko said that Turkey had closed its air space for the Ukrainian airplane carrying the humanitarian assistance to Georgia.[293] The Foreign Ministry stated that no Ukrainian military servicemen, except two UN observers, were present in Georgia.[294]

UNA-UNSO announced that Ukrainian volunteers were ready to go to Georgia.[295]

On 12 August, Ukraine air-shipped 30 tons of humanitarian aid to Georgia.[296]

Ukrainian diplomats in Tbilisi were evacuated to Yerevan.[297] Ukrainian citizens and soldiers, who had participated in the exercises, were also evacuated from Georgia.[298]

President Yushchenko declared in Simferopol that the deployment of the Russian Black Sea fleet in the conflict was dangerous since it could involve Ukraine in the international conflicts.[299] Yushchenko visited Tbilisi on 12 August and gave a speech. He spoke in support of Georgia in its aspiration to freedom and independence. He stated, "We came here to prove your sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. These are our values. [...] You never be alone."[300]

On 13 August, Deputy Chief of Staff of the President of Ukraine Andrii Goncharuk said that the visit of Yushchenko along with 4 European leaders to Tbilisi demonstrated Ukraine's contribution to the international efforts to achieve the cessation of hostilities. He also said that the ceasefire agreement negotiated by Sarkozy mostly consisted from Ukraine's proposals.[301]

Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko stated, "We stand in solidarity with the democratically-elected leadership of Georgia. Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected". Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Hryhoriy Nemyria arrived in Georgia.[302]

Deputy Head of the Presidential Secretariat Oleksandr Shlapak declared that Ukraine was not going to change the terms of the deployment of the Russian Black Sea fleet.[303]

MP Andriy Parubiy stated that Ukraine could be Russia's next target and the support of Georgia was important for Ukraine's national security. He said that Russia could use the South Ossetian scenario in Crimea.[304]

Ukrainian Defense Ministry called media reports on Ukrainian military participation in the conflict a "lie".[305][306]

Igor Kril, leader of the United Centre party, said that Ukraine would be the next target of "imperial" Russia after Georgia. Kril criticized Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko for vacationing in the Mediterranean Sea and not making any statement on Georgia.[307]

On 14 August, President Yushchenko discussed the situation in Georgia with US president George W. Bush on phone.[308] Bush thanked Yushchenko for helping to broker the ceasefire.[309]

On 14 August, Yuriy Kostenko, leader of the Ukrainian People's Party proposed to dissolve the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) because the union did not prevent military conflict between its members and it was "a remnant of the Russian imperial blanket".[310] On 17 August, President Yushchenko criticized the CIS and said that the war in Georgia was the "first war in the framework of the CIS".[311]

First president Leonid Kravchuk said by 15 August that Ukraine's attempt to bar the Russian fleet from returning to Sevastopol could lead to the war with Russia.[312]

On 15 August, President Yushchenko yielded his state dacha in Crimea to Sandra Roelofs, First Lady of Georgia, and two sons of Georgian president Saakashvili.[313]

President Yushchenko criticized Russia: "A peacekeeper who started shooting at civilians is not trustworthy." Yushchenko announced that Ukraine was ready to deploy its peacekeeping contingent to Georgia.[314]

On 16 August, Ukraine announced it was proposing Europe to use missile early warning systems in Ukraine in an attempt to ensure collective security for Ukraine because Russia had canceled a 1992 agreement on radar systems with Ukraine.[315]

Ukrainian journalists and experts suspected that pro-Russian Crimea would become a cause for military intervention by Russia.[25][316][317] Ukrainian Rada member Mustafa Dzhemilev proposed to close the Russian consulates in Crimea to avert the repetition of the South Ossetian scenario.[318]

President Viktor Yushchenko's aide said on 18 August that they had "now confirmed" the information that Prime minister Yulia Timoshenko was attempting to win Russia's backing for her candidacy for the presidency by being silent on the Russian invasion of Georgia.[319] Timoshenko denied the allegations on 20 August.[317]

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was studying the war and possible implications for Ukraine.[320]

On 21 August 2008, Mustafa Dzhemilev declared that Georgia had the right to bomb Crimea because the Russian fleet was based there.[321]

As of 22 August 2008, 5 Ukrainian aircraft had delivered 156 tonnes of humanitarian supplies, which was worth of $8 million.[322]

On 23 August 2008, President Yuschenko said that NATO had to respond to the Russian invasion of Georgia by accepting Ukraine as the alliance's member because "When the borders of Nato expand, so too does the region of peace and stability."[323] Yushchenko also said that Ukraine would increase its defense spending in response to the war in Georgia.[324]

On 25 August 2008, Dmytro Yarosh said that the invasion of Georgia was a continuation of the military expansion of the resurrected Muscovite empire and the United States were actually defending the transport corridor in Georgia. He said that the information on the Russian preparation for the war with Georgia had already been known for the past year and the actual beginning of the invasion was not a surprise for the Ukrainian nationalists. He added that Russia would continue the war in Ukraine, either in Luhansk Oblast or Crimea.[325]

Viktor Yanukovych, the leader of the Party of Regions stated on 26 August that Ukraine should recognise the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. He stated that the situation should be treated like Kosovo.[326][327] The Communist Party also registered a draft resolution to recognise the two republics.[328] After his election as president, Yanukovych said on 3 June 2010: "I have never recognized Abkhazia, South Ossetia or Kosovo's independence. This is a violation of international law."[329]

President Yushchenko condemned the Russian recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, "We are sorry about this decision, for Ukraine it is unacceptable and therefore we cannot support this position."[119] Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko said that he intended to increase the rent for the Russian naval base at Sevastopol in the Crimea.[58]

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry cancelled a visit of the Ukrainian delegation to Russia in response to the Russian recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[330]

President Yushchenko organized a vacation for the Georgians in Crimea.[331]

On 2 September 2008, Ukrainian Rada of 6th convocation held its first post-vacation session which lasted for 8 hours and was dedicated to the August 2008 conflict, but none of around 10 proposed resolutions were passed. Far more deputies supported pro-Russian proposals, such as condemnation of Georgia's military action and recognition of South Ossetia's independence, than pro-Georgian projects and the Party of Regions was leading the pro-Russian side.[332]

In early September 2008, Yushchenko warned that he would dismiss Verkhovna Rada and appoint new elections. Tymoshenko claimed that Yushchenko's "fight" for reelection was to blame and that her position on Georgia was "in line with the EU position, and is not to drag Ukraine into any conflicts."[333] Supporters of Viktor Yushchenko declared that they would continue cooperation with the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc if the latter supported pro-Georgian resolution on the war.[334] However, Tymoshenko's fraction leader Ivan Kyrylenko insisted that Georgia was the "aggressor".[335]

On 4 September 2008, People's Deputy of Ukraine Iryna Herashchenko said that the Russian recognition of South Ossetia was a time bomb for Russia because the Parade of sovereignties in Russia was temporarily paused. She noted that South Ossetia's independence was recognized by only 4 entities: Hamas, Hezbollah, the Party of Regions and Russia.[336]

On 5 September 2008, Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ohryzko accused Russia of distributing Russian passports to the residents of Crimea which could be used as a justification for military intervention.[337] In late September 2008, Ohryzko discussed the war in Georgia with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in New York. Ohryzko told Lavrov that Ukraine would not recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[338]

On 8 September 2008, Yulia Tymoshenko proposed to change Ukraine's policies regarding Crimea to avert the repetition of the "Georgian scenario".[339]

On 17 September 2008, the Parliament of Crimea adopted a declaration demanding from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[340]

On 22 September 2008, Ukrainian nationalist politician Stepan Khmara declared that the Russian aggression against Georgia would trigger the disintegration of Russia like the war in Afghanistan caused the Dissolution of the Soviet Union.[341]

On 24 September 2008, President Yushchenko criticized Russia for violating the international law in Georgia at the UN General Assembly session.[342]

On 25 September 2008, the Security Service of Ukraine announced that they had arrested several persons in August-September 2008 who had been attempting to recruit Ukrainian citizens with military background for fighting on the side of Abkhazia.[343][344]

In early October 2008, Valeriy Konovalyuk, chairman of the commission on Georgia in the Ukrainian parliament, stated that Ukraine supplied "aggressor" Georgia with the tanks, helicopters, artillery and Buk missile system at artificially low prices in detriment to the national defense capabilities of Ukraine. Yulia Timoshenko said that Yushchenko was responsible for foreign arms export and the Ukrainian government had no control.[345] On 22 October, the Security Service of Ukraine stated that arms export to Georgia was legal and launched an investigation against Konovalyuk for disclosing documents containing state secrets.[346] On 3 November 2008, the Konovalyuk Commission visited Tskhinvali to investigate Ukrainian arms supplies to Georgia. Valery Konovalyuk declared that the Ukrainian people was inclined "to strengthen our fraternal relations with the peoples of the Russian Federation, which is why we are here."[347] On 14 November, Konovalyuk claimed that Ukraine continued to supply tanks to Georgia and was using American planes for their transportation. Konovalyuk was summoned to the US embassy.[348] On 17 November, the Security Service of Ukraine finished investigation into Ukrainian arms supplies to Georgia and found no violations of national and international laws. The Security Service stated that Konovalyuk's assertions were harming the national interests of Ukraine.[349] Ukrainian defense minister Yuriy Yekhanurov said on 3 December that Konovaluyk was spreading disinformation because Russia had a kompromat on him.[350] Konovalyuk suggested on 19 December that materials collected by the commission could be used to impeach Yushchenko.[351]

On 2 October 2008, Vasyl Volha, leader of Union of Left Forces, said that Crimea was ready to secede from Ukraine in response to President Yushchenko's pro-Georgian stance.[352]

In late October 2008, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry stated that Russia had armed Abkhazia in violation of the international law.[353] Chairman of the department of Military Security of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine said that the UN Security Council had discussed the arms trade with Georgia, but did not rule that Georgia did not have the right to purchase the foreign weaponry.[354] Chairman of Ukrspecexport Serhii Bondarchuk stated that there was no UN embargo against Georgia. Bondarchuk further said that arms supplies to Abkhazia and South Ossetia were prohibited and Russia supplied 23 BM-21 Grad systems to South Ossetia in violation of this prohibition.[355]

In early November 2008, the Security Service of Ukraine banned the Russian movie "War 08.08.08" on the grounds that it contained hoaxes.[356]

On 20 November 2008, Yurii Shukhevych, chairman of the Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People's Self-Defence, rejected Russian allegations that UNA-UNSO had participated in the war. He also said that fragments of the movie "War 08.08.08" depicting UNA-UNSO were fabrications.[357]

On 26 November 2008, Ukrainian defense minister Yuriy Yekhanurov announced that additional troops would be deployed for the defense of Ukraine's southern and eastern borders in 2009 in response to the war in the Caucasus.[358]

In December 2008, the Director of the Foreign Policy Institute of the Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Hryhoriy Perepelitsa, said that if Ukraine did not take measures to ensure the withdrawal of the Russian fleet from Crimea, the Georgian scenario would be repeated in Ukraine in 2017.[359] Perepelitsa said in March 2009 that other participants of GUAM - Azerbaijan and Moldova - did not support Georgia in the same way as Ukraine did.[360]

In February 2009, the Security Service of Ukraine began searching for the Ukrainian citizens who had participated in the making of Arkady Mamontov's movie on the Ukrainian participation in the war in Georgia.[361]

In February 2009, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ohryzko and his deputy Konstantin Eliseyev were awarded with the Order of Honor of Georgia for their support of Georgia in August 2008.[362]

In August 20009, Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko responded to the letter of Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and defended Ukraine's stance on Georgia as in line with the international position. Yushchenko called Medvedev's allegations of Ukrainian arms supplies to Georgia "unfounded", because arms trade with Georgia was legal.[363]

In September 2009, Ukrainian ambassador to Russia Kostyantyn Gryshchenko rejected allegations that Ukrainian military had participated in the 2008 war with Russia.[364]

Ukrainian newspaper Segodnya reported in September 2009 that according to an anonymous source, the office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine confirmed that Ukrainian civilian specialists were present in Georgia for servicing the Georgian air defense systems between 5 and 13 August 2008.[365][366] The Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine officially announced that it had found no violations in arms exports to Georgia and no Ukrainian military servicemen had participated in the conflict in Georgia. It also announced that no Ukrainian military hardware was present on the Georgian territory and Ukraine had not given military aid to Georgia.[367]

In the spring of 2019, The New York Times published an investigation by journalist Michael Schwirtz into the 2016 murder of an electrician in Ukraine. A list containing the names of six Ukrainian men, including the victim, who Russian media or authorities apparently believe to have helped operate the Georgian air defenses in the 2008 war, were found in a computer of the confessed murderer. He was hired by Russian intelligence officers in Moscow to track down the men and later murder them.[368]

Former president Yushchenko wrote in 2022 that he arrived in Tbilisi during the war to give a moral support to Georgia because he knew that Russia's next target would be Ukraine.[369]

  United Kingdom On 9 August, the British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband said, "Russia has extended the fighting today well beyond South Ossetia, attacking the Georgian port of Poti, and the town of Gori, while Abkhaz forces have been shelling Georgian positions in the Upper Kodori valley. I deplore this."[370]

British official said that an American-European delegation would arrive in Georgia on late 9 August to negotiate the cessation of hostilities.[88] Brian Fall, the British special representative to the South Caucuses, met with the US, EU, NATO and OSCE officials to discuss the crisis on the evening of 9 August.[371]

Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Edward Davey, said on August 9, "We need a ceasefire and urgent negotiations to stop the military action escalating. There is now real danger of an all-out conflict between Russian and Georgian troops. There is also the risk of Abkhazia raising the stakes by cutting vital hydro-electricity supplies to Georgia. The UN must put pressure on Russia to pull back from the brink. If the Russians can show restraint, they will surely be well placed to offer negotiations."[372]

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office stated on August 10, "The offer of a ceasefire by the Georgian government is very welcome. We now look to the Russian Government to accept this offer and agree to an immediate ceasefire, in line with its international commitments to respect Georgian territorial integrity."[373]

Prime Minister Gordon Brown discussed Georgia with the French president and the UN Secretary-General. The Foreign Office called on the British citizens to evacuate from Georgia while airlines were still working.[374]

On 11 August, Prime minister Gordon Brown said in a statement, "There is no justification for continued Russian military action in Georgia, which threatens the stability of the entire region and risks a humanitarian catastrophe. There is an immediate and pressing need to end the fighting and disengage all military forces in South Ossetia."[375] He also said, "The Georgian government has offered a ceasefire, which I urge the Russians to reciprocate without delay." David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, called Russia "massive and dangerous bully", and "the only language a bully understands is when someone stands up to them". Cameron predicted, "If you say 'This is Russia's backyard, this is a faraway country of which we know nothing, there's not really much you can do', if you take that sort of attitude, you will have more problems with Russia further down the line."[376]

Labour MP for Rotherham Denis MacShane wrote, "By ordering a full-scale military invasion of Georgia, [Putin] has revealed the true face of his autocratic rule."[377]

On 12 August, British Ambassador Denis Keefe approved the announcement of the cessation of hostilities by Medvedev, adding, "This is a beautiful place with a wonderful people. They don't deserve the suffering that has been inflicted by military operations."[378]

David Cameron said the Russian actions were "completely unacceptable". He urged the British Government to restrict visas for Russian citizens and advised several options regarding Russia. He said at his press-conference, "The situation is clear, hundreds have been killed. Russia has used massive and disproportionate force…Countries that want international respect do not attack their neighbours. History has shown time and time again that if you leave aggression to go unchecked, you only store up graver problems for the future. Russia says it is fighting in defence of Russian citizens in South Ossetia. Who will they claim to be defending tomorrow? Russians in the Ukraine, Russians in the Baltic states who are already members of the EU and Nato? This is a dangerous doctrine with worrying echoes from the darkest chapters of European history."[379] However, Downing Street later rejected the proposal to withhold entry visas from Russian nationals. Instead, the idea of "smart sanctions" against the separatist officials of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, installed by the Kremlin, was discussed.[125]

Foreign Secretary David Miliband said on 12 August that the Russian forces should pull back to positions held before 7 August.[100] Miliband said that Russian leaders must let the "Soviet past" go. He criticised the Russian "19th Century forms" of conduct and warned of consequences. He continued, "The sight of Russian tanks rolling into parts of a sovereign country on its neighbouring borders will have brought a chill down the spine of many people, rightly." Miliband supported the territorial integrity of Georgia.[380]

On 13 August, the United Kingdom announced that joint naval exercises with Russia would no longer be held.[381]

Foreign Secretary David Mlilband welcomed Russia's signing of the ceasefire agreement on 16 August 2008.[382] Miliband was "concerned" by recent Russian actions in Georgia.[383]

On 19 August, Foreign Secretary David Miliband met with Georgian president Saakashvili in Tbilisi. Miliband informed Saakashvili about NATO extraordinary meeting and condemned Russia for not pulling back from Georgia.[384] Miliband said: "Every day that goes by after the deadline ... is a day that the world can see that Russia is not living up to its word."[385] Miliband further said: "The world is asking Russia to live up to its commitments. With every commitment and with every failure to live up to that commitment, the international pressure will grow. A country relies on the word of its president being its bond."[386]

On 20 August, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband stated that "the formal process" began that would lead Georgia's NATO membership and commented on the future of Georgia-NATO cooperation. Miliband saw Georgian internally displaced persons near Tbilisi and listened to their stories of suffering and then called for an independent investigation into "random killings" around Gori.[387]

On 27 August 2008, Foreign Secretary David Miliband visited Ukraine and discussed the war in Georgia with Ukraine's president.[388] Miliband's visit aimed to prevent a crisis from developing in Crimea. He gave a speech in Kiev vigorously condemning Russia, stating that Europe's relations with Russia would no longer be the same as before. He condemned Medvedev's recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, "[Medvedev's] unilateral attempt to redraw the map marks a moment of real significance. It is not just the end of the post-cold war period of growing geopolitical calm in and around Europe. It is also the moment when countries are required to set out where they stand on the significant issues of nationhood and international law." Miliband said that starting a new cold war would be a "big responsibility" for Russian president Medvedev.[123] Miliband compared Russia's attack on Georgia to the invasion of Czechoslovakia. He called for Russia to "change course".[389] Later, Miliband said on BBC Radio 4 that the ideas of spheres of influences were "anathema" from the Second World War. Miliband denied that NATO's aim was to surround Russia and that his arrival in Ukraine to "support their democratic choices" was a provocation towards Russia who considers its neighbours as "enemies or vassals".[123]

In late August 2008, Gordon Brown said that the Western relationship with Russia should be revised, saying, "When Russia has a grievance over an issue such as South Ossetia, it should act multilaterally by consent rather than unilaterally by force. My message to Russia is simple: If you want to be welcome at the top table of organisations such as the G8, OECD and WTO, you must accept that with rights come responsibilities."[124][390]

On 1 September 2008, David Cameron urged EU meeting to sanction Russia harshly. He told BBC Radio 4, "The only language a bully understands is when you stand up to them."[391]

In early September 2008, The Daily Telegraph reported that Foreign Secretary David Miliband was insulted by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during their phone conversation.[392]

Malcolm Rifkind wrote on 5 September 2008: "However, if we are not careful, we may end up with a new Crimean War in the not too distant future. [...] A tough reaction by the West over Georgia and South Ossetia is necessary because Russia will be emboldened to repeat its behavior if it sees the West as weak."[393]

In September 2008, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office prohibited the participation of British Army bagpipers in the International Military Music Festival "The Kremlin Zorya" held in Russia. Brigadier Melville Jameson of the Edinburgh Military Tattoo and Vitaly Mironov of the Kremlin Zorya Foundation accused Foreign Secretary David Miliband of "playing politics" in a cultural event.[394]

Tony Brenton, the British Ambassador To Russia, said on 22 September that the entire West thought that Russian use of force was "disproportionate".[395]

On 27 September 2008, David Miliband denied the report that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had used F-word with him. He further said, "We have a very strong interest in Russia being engaged - especially on Iran. We don't want a weak and humiliated Russia. We've always tried to reach out to Russia."[134]

In October 2008, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, after being informed of BBC findings of alleged Georgian war crimes reported by Ossetians and initially calling Georgia's actions "reckless", he added that "the Russian response was reckless and wrong". Miliband noted, "It's important that the Russian narrative cannot start with Georgian actions; it has to start with the attacks on the Georgians from the South Ossetians and that is the tit-for-tat that got out of control."[396]

William Hague warned that resumption of negotiations with Russia while Russia was in violation of the ceasefire agreement "would show Russia that aggression pays off". Anonymous European diplomat was quoted as saying: "If we sell Georgia like that, we will have another war and who will be responsible for that?"[397] In November 2008, William Hague again argued against the resumption of negotiations on the EU-Russia cooperation without any preconditions for Russia.[398]

  United States U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried said on August 7, "It appears that the South Ossetians have instigated this uptake in violence. We have urged the Russians to urge their South Ossetian friends to pull back and show greater restraint. And we believe that the Russians ... are trying to do just that. We're urging the Georgians to exercise restraint, but it seems the South Ossetians are the provocative party."[399]

White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said on 8 August, "All sides should bring an immediate end to the violence and engage in direct talks to resolve this matter peacefully."[400]

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged the ceasefire and stated on 8 August, "We call on Russia to cease attacks on Georgia by aircraft and missiles, respect Georgia's territorial integrity, and withdraw its ground combat forces from Georgian soil." She also said that the United States was talking with Europe and the sides of the conflict to halt the hostilities.[401]

On 9 August, President George W. Bush called the Russian bombings a dangerous escalation.[402]

On 10 August, Vice President Dick Cheney said in a phone conversation with Saakashvili, "Russian aggression must not go unanswered, and that its continuation would have serious consequences for its relations with the United States, as well as the broader international community." The statement of Cheney's office said, "The vice president praised President Saakashvili for his government's restraint, offers of cease-fire, and disengagement of Georgian forces from the zone of conflict in the South Ossetian region of the country."[403]

The US Embassy in Georgia, describing a Matthew Bryza press conference on 12 August, called the war an "incursion by one of the world's strongest powers to destroy the democratically-elected government of a smaller neighbor".[404]

US president George W. Bush made a statement supporting Georgia, "Bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st century." Bush had made three statements regarding Russia in the Rose Garden of the White House between 11 and 15 of August since his arrival from Beijing.[405]

By 22 August 2008, the new US Ambassador to Russia John Beyrle claimed in an interview with Russian newspaper Kommersant that the initial Russian "reaction" to Georgia's "attack" was legitimate, however, "Russia has gone too far". Beyrle said that the US "did not want all this to happen."[406]

On 25 August 2008, The Pentagon declared that Russia had not complied with the ceasefire agreement and Russian troops had not been pulled out from Georgia. However, Russia was claiming that the ceasefire agreement allowed Russia to station troops in Georgia and that only peacekeepers were present in the buffer areas adjoining South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It was announced that George Bush was sending vice president Dick Cheney to visit Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan. Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said on 25 August that the daily cost of humanitarian mission to Georgia was now $1 million and the total cost was $18.3 million as of 25 August 2008. Whitman said the Defense Department had disbursed about $7.2 million for the aid. The State Department issued a warning for Americans to travel carefully in Georgia.[407]

  Uruguay The Uruguayan Ministry of Foreign Relations called for "respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and respect for human rights to reach a peaceful solution in accord with the principles of International Law."[408][dead link]
  Vatican City On 10 August, Pope Benedict XVI expressed his hope that "military action will stop immediately and that they will abstain, in the name of their common Christian inheritance, from further clashes and violence." He called on the international community to find "a peaceful and lasting solution."[409]

Pope welcomed the ceasefire agreement by 17 August.[110]

  Venezuela On 14 August, the Venezuelan government stated that they followed with concern "the increase in unacceptable acts of violence perpetrated by the Georgian troops against the South Ossetian population" and that the conflict was "planned, set and ordered by the United States government". It claimed that Russian forces acted according to international treaties, in order to preserve the lives of South Ossetians and Russians. It celebrated the steps done in favor of "restoration of peace" and warned European countries to "not allow external actors putting at risk the stability of European continent and world peace".[410]

By early September 2008, President Hugo Chávez supported the Russian recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, saying that Venezuela "would do the same if someone dared to attack us." He labeled Georgia president Saakashvili as a "puppet".[213]

  Vietnam On 28 August 2008, Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Dung stated, "Our persistent policy is to promote settlement of international disputes through peaceful solutions in line with international laws and the United Nations' Charter."[411]

In March 2010, President of Vietnam Nguyễn Minh Triết declared during his meeting with Anatoliy Serdyukov, Russian Defense Minister, in Hanoi, "Each of Russia’s victories is like our own, and we support Russia in the Georgian conflict."[412]

States with limited recognition and non-state entities

Entity Response
  Abkhazia On 5 August, foreign minister of the self-proclaimed Republic of Abkhazia, Sergey Shamba, announced that Abkhazia's army might open a second front against Georgia if a war would break out in South Ossetia.[413]
  Caucasus Emirate On 9 August, Movladi Udugov, rebel spokesman for the Caucasus Emirate, stated that the Caucasus Emirate had been monitoring Georgia-Russia relations since February 2008 and the Emirate was tracking the movement of Russian forces in the North Caucasus even before the conflict and that Udugov "would like also to remind that our secret service had warned that Russia planned to start war against Georgia in August." Udugov stated, "for the time being neither Tbilisi nor Washington have appealed to us with any requests or offers" to fight alongside Georgian forces.[414]
  Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Usman Ferzauli, the Foreign Minister of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, stated on 9 August that there was no justification for the Russian aggression and the leadership of Ichkeria had been repeatedly warning about Russia's plans for annexing the territories of neighboring countries. Ferzauli called for the international community to halt the Russian aggression against Georgia, stating, "Based on this alarming situation, the leadership of the CRI calls on all peace-loving countries to show integrity and by curbing the aggressor, to prevent the escalation of military conflict."[415]
  Don Cossacks On 8 August, Viktor Vodolatskiy, the ataman of the Don Cossacks Host, announced that a "volunteer 429th independent motor rifle regiment" would be created to help South Ossetia.[416]

By 9 August, at least 100 Cossack volunteers had left the North Caucasus to fight Georgia.[417]

  Hamas Khaled Mashal, leader of Hamas, declared that Hamas supported Russia.[418]
  Kosovo President of Kosovo Fatmir Sejdiu said in late August 2008 that Kosovo cannot serve as an example for Russia to recognise South Ossetia or Abkhazia. He said that "Kosovo has special characteristics. That it is sui generis and it cannot be used as a precedent for other conflict zones, areas or regions." He said that Kosovo was "on the side of great world powers".[419]
Kuban Cossacks The Kuban Cossacks, according to Khariton Yedziyev, expressed their readiness on 8 August to help the defence of South Ossetia.[420]
  Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Several non-governmental organizations released a joint statement on 8 August: "We consider the effort to solve any conflict by force absolutely unacceptable, and we call on the government of Georgia to immediately stop the fighting, which has already brought about numerous casualties among the peaceful population of South Ossetia."[421]
  North Ossetia-Alania North Ossetian president Taimuraz Mamsurov stated on early 8 August that "hundreds of volunteers are on their way to South Ossetia. We are unable to stop them or to prevent them from going."[422]
Terek Cossacks On the morning of 8 August, Khariton Yedziyev, the ataman of the Terek Cossacks of North Ossetia, said that part of his regiment was already fighting in South Ossetia against Georgia. Yedziyev stated that the Cossacks of North Ossetia were forming volunteer units.[420]
  Transnistria On 8 August, the separatist republic's Foreign Ministry said that they viewed Georgian military action as "the act of aggression against a free democratic nation, the peaceful residents of South Ossetia." The statement further said, "It is very clear already that the Georgian government doesn't understand any logic but the logic of bloodshed and violent solution of the conflict. [...] We don't rule out that the government of PMR won't prevent volunteers to travel to the Republic of South Ossetia."[423]

On 12 August 2008, Transnistria froze all contacts with the central government of Moldova until the latter condemned the "Georgian aggression".[424]

14 August 2008 was declared as a National day of mourning for the South Ossetian victims of the war.[425]

Joint statements

Countries Response
On 10 August, Ene Ergma, Gundars Daudze and Česlovas Juršėnas, the presidents of the parliaments of the Baltic statesEstonia, Latvia and Lithuania – issued a joint declaration: "We are calling on the international community to decisively condemn actions of Russia and to promptly take all necessary steps to stop the war and bring the parties to the negotiation table. Justification of Russia’s actions in Georgia by the need to protect its citizens is unacceptable. Alleged reasons for taking up a war against Georgia raise concerns about the future in every state with Russian citizens living on its territory. We are concerned and disappointed with the actions and behaviour of Russia, as an important actor in the politics of the region and the whole world, which will inevitably have effect on further bilateral and multilateral relations with this country. Russia's military aggression against another sovereign state and actions contradicting the statements of its leaders raise serious doubts about the reliability and consistency of Russia as a partner."[426]
Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Valdis Zatlers, Valdas Adamkus and Lech Kaczyński, respectively the Presidents of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, issued a joint declaration stating, "We strongly condemn the actions by the Russian military forces against the sovereign and independent country of Georgia. Following the unilateral military actions of the Russian military forces, we will use all means available to us as Presidents to ensure that aggression against a small country in Europe will not be passed over in silence or with meaningless statements equating the victims with the victimizers." They further stated, "The EU and NATO must take the initiative and stand-up against the spread of imperialist and revisionist policy in the East of Europe. New international peacekeeping forces should be created as the current setting proved to be ineffective. We regret that not granting of the NATO's Membership Action Plan (MAP) to Georgia was seen as a green light for agression in the region."[427][428]

The heads of these states arrived in Georgia on 12 August. Adamkus invoked the memories of Hitler and that the European foreign ministers must make "a proper assessment of the aggression against Georgia" by supporting Georgia. Kaczynski said that "our biggest ally [the United States] has to confirm its strong support" in Georgia. Ilves stated that the conflict was "a touchstone [...] for shaping European security policies in the future." Prime Minister of Latvia Ivars Godmanis said that Georgia's territorial integrity should not be sacrificed in search for the end of the war.[429]

Ilves, Adamkus, Kaczyński, Viktor Yushchenko and Ivars Godmanis, respectively the Presidents of Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Prime Minister of Latvia, jointly visited Tbilisi in support of Georgia on 12 August 2008.[430]
All five states had previously been satellite states, occupied by and/or annexed by the Soviet Union.
On 20 August 2008, G7 foreign ministers promised financial aid for Georgia.[431]

In late August 2008, the foreign ministers issued a statement condemning Russia's "excessive use of military force". The British Foreign Office called the statement an "unprecedented step". The statement said, "We ... condemn the action of our fellow G8 member. Russia's recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia violates the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia and is contrary to UN security council resolutions supported by Russia."[123]

The foreign ministers of the Baltic countries and Scandinavia met in Pärnu on 10 September 2008 and stated that Russia violated the international law and could no longer serve as peacekeeper in the Caucasus. The Foreign Ministers noted, "Everything must be done to provide the Eastern neighbors with a transatlantic perspective so that Georgia's scenario does not repeat itself in the future."[432]

International organisations

Organisation Response
Collective Security Treaty Organisation The member states endorsed a Russian initiative to impose an arms embargo on Georgia during the meeting on 2 September in Yerevan.[433] Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation Nikolai Bordyuzha claimed that "What is happening after the conflict … is certainly driving South Ossetia and Abkhazia into the collective security system," and further stated that "South Ossetia and Abkhazia can not successfully and steadily develop without [being part of] a collective security system, without the backing of other states."[11][434]

The ministers of the CSTO (ODKB) held a meeting in Moscow on 4 September. A final statement was issued after the meeting. The ministers were "deeply concerned about Georgia's military activities in South Ossetia, which led to multiple civilian casualties ... and a major humanitarian catastrophe." The statement said, "The events around South Ossetia showed the danger of double standards in international relations." However, the CSTO meeting did not recognise the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.[435] The ministers decided that the Medvedev-Sarkozy agreement was necessary "to thwart new attempts to use force in settling the conflict and securing peace and stability in the region."[433] Armenian Foreign Minister Edvard Nalbandyan said, "We have come out with support for Russia's active role in contributing to peace and cooperation in the region."[433] Member of the State Duma Konstantin Zatulin suggested that Russia would work at the follow-up meeting to convey all Russian positions to the CSTO leaders.[436]

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe On 11 August 2008, Terry Davis, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt and US diplomat Matthew Bryza arrived in Tbilisi and met with Georgian foreign minister Eka Tkeshelashvili. Davis declared that his aim was to collect information and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) would respond to the crisis.[437]

In mid-September 2008, 24 delegates requested to review the credentials of the Russian delegation.[438] In response, Russia threatened to leave the Council of Europe.[439]

Nine members of the PACE would visit Moscow, Tbilisi and Tskhinvali on 22-25 September.[440]

On 24 September 2008, foreign ministers of the Council of Europe discussed the war in New York at the initiative of Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt. Bildt said in his report that Georgian military action was not "aggression towards the Russian Federation".[441]

On 25 September, the PACE delegation entered Tskhinvali from the Georgian side. In response, President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity said that this was the last time anyone would be admitted from the Georgian border.[442] Later that day, Luc Van den Brande said in Tbilisi that the PACE could not confirm that any genocide had taken place in South Ossetia.[443] Instead, the PACE confirmed an ethnic cleansing of Georgians in South Ossetia.[444] The PACE delegation called to ensure law and order in the "buffer zone" bordering South Ossetia.[445]

On 30 September 2008, the PACE session discussed the war. Luc Van den Brande stated: "For the first time, there has been a real war between two member countries of the Council of Europe." Other delegates from Switzerland, United Kingdom, Hungary reiterated Van den Brande's statement. Mátyás Eörsi asked: "What should the Georgians have done when people in their territory were shelled?"[446] On 1 October 2008, the PACE did not suspend the Russian delegation.[447] On 2 October 2008, the PACE adopted a resolution stating that both Georgia and Russia used disproportionate force. The assembly also urged for an international investigation to determine the causes of the war.[448] Members of the delegation that had visited Tbilisi, Andreas Gross, Luc Van den Brande and Mátyás Eörsi, gave an interview to Russian Novaya Gazeta and heavily criticized Russia. Eörsi said that the war did not start on 7 August.[449]

The delegation of the PACE, headed by Lluís Maria de Puig, arrived in Moscow in January 2009 to check up on the implementation of the assembly's October 2008 resolution.[450]

  European Union In the afternoon of 7 August 2008, the European Commission expressed its concern over the situation in South Ossetia.[451]

The EU statement said that High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Javier Solana and Georgian president Saakashvili talked about the situation in South Ossetia by phone by 8 August, "Solana expressed his serious concern about the situation in South Ossetia and called for every effort to be made to rapidly end the violence and resume peaceful talks between the sides."[452] Solana said, "We repeat our message to all parties to immediately stop the violence." Solana was planning to talk to Russian and Georgian foreign ministers.[86] The EU stated, "The European Union, in liaison with all the protagonists, is working towards a ceasefire so as to avoid an extension of the conflict."[453] The EU was ready to increase its participation in the peace process in partnership with other international parties.[86]

France (who held the rotating presidency of the European Union) announced that the EU and the US would send a joint delegation to negotiate a ceasefire.[454] However, an American official said that US diplomat would visit the region only after the cessation of hostilities. EU spokeswoman Christina Gallach said: "We think it is not acceptable to see these scenes of bloodshed and destruction."[455]

On 9 August, some European officials stated that the war was of both Georgia's and Russia's fault. They said that "finger-pointing was counterproductive".[456]

On 9 August, spokeswoman Cristina Gallach said that the current goal was to achieve a ceasefire. She said that European delegates were already traveling to the Caucasus. An anonymous European official said, "The record is crystal clear. Russia has launched a full-scale military operation, on air, land and sea. We have entered a totally new realm — politically, legally and diplomatically."[456]

On the evening of 9 August, the European Union delegation was scheduled to arrive in Georgia. The European delegation included Peter Semneby and Heikki Talvitie among others.[457]

On 10 August, an EU source said that an emergency meeting of EU foreign ministers would be convened in Brussels on 13 August.[91]

On 11 August, European Commission spokeswoman Krisztina Nagy said in Brussels, "We consider that the latest developments, such as the crossing of the Georgian borders by Russian troops, changed the dimension of the conflict."[458]

On 13 August, the EU foreign ministers met in Brussels and proposed that in case of the UN resolution, peacekeepers from the EU would be sent to the conflict zone. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said, "We are determined to act on the ground." High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana said the EU sought to supply humanitarian assistance and facilitate the reconstruction as soon as possible.[459] France wished its peace deal to get approved by the meeting before it would be presented to the UN Security council. The EU ministers wished to discuss how to defend humanitarian aid.[100] The statement said that Georgia's territorial integrity would form a basis for any future peace agreement. European officials believed that an expectation of Russian future sway over Abkhazia and South Ossetia would be "realistic".[150]

On 14 August, Reuters reported that a member of the European Commission said that the war had ended the possibility of fresh relations between the EU and Russia since the war "has ended Medvedev’s honeymoon with the West. It’s clear that Putin, not Medvedev, is in charge."[460]

On 20 August, Member of the European Parliament Elmar Brok said that after Georgia, Russia could create instability in Azerbaijan or Ukraine.[461]

On 1 September, a 150-minute meeting was planned in Brussels to discuss the war in Georgia. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt had commented on the convention of meeting that "This happens extremely rarely, to my knowledge only once before in modern times, in 2003, for the Iraq war," adding "It shows the magnitude of the event. ... This five-day war (in Georgia) has changed Europe profoundly." Before the meeting, there were already differing opinions among the EU leaders how to penalize Russia. Baltic countries pushed for delaying September 15-16 talks regarding a future EU-Russia partnership agreement. Gordon Brown had said, "The EU should review - root and branch - our relationship with Russia." German Foreign Minister Steinmeier said "the recipes of the Cold War" would make it difficult to force Russia to comply with the ceasefire and finish withdrawal from Georgia. France did not support the punishment of Russia.[462] The energy policies of some European countries made it difficult for them to take any serious action against Russia.[123][125] Sanctions were not imposed on Russia.[463]

On 3 September 2008, the Budget Committee of the European Parliament proposed to freeze €60.5 million financial aid for Russia in 2009.[464]

On 5 September, the EU members proposed an international investigation to find the responsible party for the Russo-Georgian war during the meeting in France.[465]

European countries began searching for alternatives to energy routes from Russia. Presidents of Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary met in Slovakia to discuss the EU dependence on Russian supplies and the construction of the Nabucco pipeline.[466]

On 15 September, the European Union announced €500 million grant to Georgia. Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said the financial aid would serve humanitarian and reconstruction purpose.[467]

The EU-Russia relations got back to normal when a conference was held in Évian-les-Bains in France on 8 October 2008. Russian president Medvedev said during his meeting with Sarkozy, "The events in the Caucasus have merely confirmed the absolute correctness of the idea of a new European Security Treaty." Sarkozy said that Russian president's fulfillment of his promise on the withdrawal from the "buffer zones" was a positive contribution to the EU-Russia relations.[468]

On 13 October 2008, the EU foreign ministers met in Luxembourg. Swedish and Danish foreign ministers criticized Russia for not reducing its military presence in South Ossetia and Abkhazia.[469][470] The meeting approved of Russia's withdrawal from the buffer zones in Georgia, but still decided to defer restarting of dealings with Russia because Russia had not completely pulled out to pre-war positions from Kodori and Akhalgori.[471]

European Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner announced that a donors' conference on Georgia would be held in Brussels on 22 October 2008.[472]

On 3 November 2008, Polish and Lithuanian presidents stated that they were against resuming the EU dialogue on partnership cooperation with Russia because the Russian forces were remaining in Abkhazia and South Ossetia in violation of the ceasefire agreement.[473] A EU diplomat was quoted as saying that although "legally there is no reason to relaunch the talks", Europe's financial and security necessities "dictates that we need to communicate with Russia."[474] Before the start of the EU foreign ministers summit on 10 November 2008, British and Swedish foreign ministers issued a statement supporting resumption of dialogue with Russia.[475] After the meeting, the EU released a statement saying that restarting of dialogue with Russia "no way legitimise the status quo in Georgia, or Russian action contrary to our values and principles." Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski also supported dialogue with Russia.[476] Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk supported the EU dialogue with Russia.[477]

On 14 November 2008, Sarkozy met with Russian president Dmitry Medvedev during the EU-Russia summit in Nice and announced that Russia "largely implemented" the ceasefire agreement. Medvedev said that Russia recognized Georgia's territorial integrity without Abkhazia and South Ossetia. President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso stated that partnership negotiation with Russia would be reopened. The United States Department of State warned against resuming talks until complete Russian withdrawal from the Georgian territories.[478]

In late November 2008, a draft document of the European Commission was leaked. The document stated: "The conflict in Georgia in August 2008 and its broader repercussions have resulted in increased awareness of the vulnerability of Eastern partners." The Commission was considering the European Union Association Agreements with six former Soviet countries.[479]

In December 2010, WikiLeaks revealed that during the war, the EU was divided into two camps: "Russia-friendly" and "Russia-hostile". Germans were "parroting" Russian position. Latvia pushed for NATO giving weapons to Georgia. Countries such as the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the UK were critical of Russia. Countries such as France, Germany, Greece, Italy and the Netherlands supported Russia. One European diplomat revealed that many European countries were not pleased with the ceasefire agreement prepared by Sarkozy. Franciszek Gągor, chief of Polish General Staff, asserted that there were possible Russian spies in the inner circle of Georgian president Saakashvili.[480]

  NATO In the afternoon of 7 August 2008, the NATO called on Georgian and South Ossetian sides to restrain themselves from resorting to violence.[481]

NATO's official website posted the following statement from the NATO Secretary General on 8 August 2008, "The NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, is seriously concerned about the events that are taking place in the Georgian region of South Ossetia and said that the Alliance is closely following the situation. The Secretary General calls on all sides for an immediate end of the armed clashes and direct talks between the parties."[482] NATO spokesman Carmen Romero said NATO maintained contact with the leaders of Georgia and Russia.[455]

Former US Ambassador to NATO Robert E. Hunter said: "No one (within NATO) wants to fight for Georgia ... They see it as being too far away."[483]

The BBC wrote on 10 August that "emissaries from [...] Nato members are hardly likely to be seen as honest brokers by the Kremlin, when it comes to Georgia."[484]

On 11 August, NATO spokesman said that Scheffer was "seriously concerned about the disproportionate use of force by the Russians and the lack of respect for the territorial integrity of Georgia." Spokesman further said, "The military operations that we saw on Saturday and since then, including air and missile attacks, have no relation to and go well beyond the CIS peacekeeping operation."[485]

After 26 NATO ambassadors had met Georgian ambassador on 12 August, Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said that ambassadors supported Georgia "in very strong terms" and "condemned and deplored (Russia's) excessive, disproportionate use of force" against "a friend ... and a highly respected partner of NATO." Scheffer said that Russian announcement to halt its operation was positive news, but "not enough".[486] Scheffer stated, "Abkhazia and Ossetia, if I mention territorial integrity, are to the best of my knowledge part of Georgia." He further stated that "Nato is not seeking a direct role or a military role in this conflict".[487] NATO stated that Georgia would still join NATO. Scheffer told a news conference, "I think that the Bucharest communique stands. And no ally will do anything away from the Bucharest declaration ... That situation has not changed."[488] Scheffer said that the prospect for Georgia joining NATO was still "very much alive". Scheffer said that a future NATO-Russia Council meeting had to be "properly prepared."[486] Anonymous German and French diplomats, whose countries were spearheading diplomatic attempts to resolve the crisis, stated that the war significantly lowered the probability of Georgia's membership.[184]

On 14 August 2008, the NATO barred Russian ship from participation in the naval exercises in the Mediterranean Sea in response to the Russian invasion of Georgia.[489]

On 19 August, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said, "The Nato membership was clear that Russia had violated international laws as well as the rules of the international game." He said that Russian failure to pull out from Georgia helped to reach a consensus at NATO meeting and that NATO would give fresh support to Georgia.[490] Miliband also said, "I am not one that believes that isolating Russia is the right answer to its misdemeanour. I think the right answer is hard-headed dialogue." The United States had pushed for more serious punishment at NATO meeting.[386] After the meeting, held at Condoleezza Rice's initiative,[231] the statement of the ministers was issued, which said Russian action was "inconsistent with its peacekeeping role" and international treaties.[491] NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said, "there can be no business as usual with Russia under present circumstances. And the future of our relations will depend on the concrete actions Russia will take to honour the words of President Medvedev, to abide by the six-point peace plan, which is not happening at the moment, which is not happening as we speak." Scheffer further said, "the Alliance is considering seriously the implications of Russia's actions for the NATO-Russia relationship."[492] NATO froze official ties with Russia and NATO would not hold any new joint NATO-Russia gatherings before the pullout of Russian army from Georgia. However, NATO did not undertake enduring punitive measures against Russia because of Europe's energy policy.[114][385] NATO ministers agreed to set up a NATO-Georgia Commission that would be in charge of the relations between the NATO and Georgia. Scheffer stated that "Russian forces should go back to their positions on the 6th of August."[492] 50 NATO experts would visit Georgia to review the situation on the ground.[385] Dmitry Rogozin, Russian envoy to NATO, called the meeting a "mountain that gave birth to a mouse", adding, "All of these threats that have been raining down on Russia turned out to be empty words." In response to NATO, Russia did not participate in a joint exercise in the Baltic Sea. Russia did not admit American naval vessel near the Kamchatka Peninsula.[386]

NATO representative Carmen Romero said on 21 August 2008 that NATO had received a note from Russia that Russia was halting cooperation with NATO.[493]

On 27 August, a spokesman for the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Lieutenant Colonel Web Wright, said that four NATO vessels were participating in an exercise in the Black Sea. However, he added, "Obviously, there are other NATO-affiliated nations out doing things. But I can’t speak for those nations."[58]

On 8 September, NATO delegation was scheduled to arrive in Georgia to assess the military destruction.[127]

On 15 September 2008, Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said before his arrival in Georgia that NATO would tell both the Georgian government and opposition to "strengthen democracy".[494] He told the Financial Times that it was "difficult to swallow" the new reality on the ground, "If the Russians are staying in South Ossetia with so many forces, I do not consider this as a return to the status quo." Scheffer said at the first gathering of the NATO-Georgia Commission in Tbilisi that Georgia's accession to NATO would be "accelerated", but he did not set any specific date. Scheffer declared, "Russia's use of force was disproportionate and Russia must now comply with all elements of the six-point plan. At the same time, despite the difficult situation, we expect Georgia to firmly stay the course of democracy and reform."[467] In response to the NATO meeting in Tbilisi, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused NATO of encouraging Georgia to undertake "new adventures" and criticized NATO Secretary-General for visiting Gori, Georgia. Russian ambassador to NATO Dmitry Rogozin said that granting MAP to Georgia could lead to the NATO-Russia war.[495]

United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates commented on NATO members' attitude towards Russia in detail on 18 September 2008.[496][497] Russian ambassador to Afghanistan suggested that Russian air space would be closed for NATO transit to Afghanistan by saying that Russia's air space was "still open, but if the NATO countries continue with their hostile policies with regard to Russia, definitely this issue will happen."[498] Before the start of a meeting in London on 19 September, Gates told Sky News that new Russian attack on Georgia after joining NATO would cause an American military response.[499][500] On 19 September 2008, NATO would discuss the creation of the Rapid reaction forces to be deployed in member countries bordering Russia to defend them from Russian invasion.[501]

At the NATO Parliamentary Assembly session in Valencia on 18 November 2008, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stated: "Trustful NATO-Russia relations are a strategic asset – a boon to European and indeed global security. That is why the key tenets of our Russia policy – a policy of constructive engagement – will remain. After the Caucasus conflict, there can be no business as usual with Russia, and we need to seriously review our relationship."[502] The PA adopted a resolution supporting an international investigation of the causes of the war.[503]

On 2 December 2008, Jaap De Hoop Scheffer announced after the foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels that "Allies agreed on what I would qualify as a conditional and graduated reengagement with Russia," but clarified that NATO still disapproved of the Russian actions in Georgia.[504] United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice cautioned NATO against cooperation with Russia unless Russia fulfilled its obligations regarding Georgia.[505] The ministers adopted a communique stating that NATO would increase cooperation with Georgia via Georgia-NATO commission.[506] Scheffer told The New York Times that NATO wanted to establish "what was behind Georgia" and convince Russia that "democracy and the rule of law coming closer to Russia’s borders" was not a threat to Russia.[507]

On 19 December 2008, Jaap De Hoop Scheffer and Dmitry Rogozin had a joint lunch in Brussels to normalize relations in the aftermath of the war.[508]

On 7 February 2009, Jaap De Hoop Scheffer stated in Munich: "President Medvedev has also proposed a discussion of a new Euro-Atlantic security architecture. [...] But I cannot see how we can have a serious discussion of such a new architecture, in which President Medvedev himself says “territorial integrity” is a primary element, when Russia is building bases inside Georgia, which doesn’t want them."[509][510]

On 13 January 2009, Russian General Anatoliy Nogovitsyn announced that Russia was ready to resume cooperation with NATO if the United States apologized for the break in relations.[511]

On 30 January 2009, NATO Press-speaker James Appathurai said that the NATO General Secretary would raise the issue of Russian military bases in Abkhazia and South Ossetia with First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in Munich.[512]

On 19 February 2009, Jaap De Hoop Scheffer said in Kraków: "The conflict in the Caucasus convinced some that good relations with Russia and the further expansion of NATO are mutually excluded. This is not so." Scheffer announced that NATO would take into consideration Russia's concerns during the future expansions.[513]

NATO foreign ministers met in Brussels on 5 March 2009 and decided to renew contacts with Russia in the framework of NATO-Russia Council.[514] Lithuania and Czechia were against resuming ties with Russia too soon before Russia would allow international monitors into Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[515][516] Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged the NATO countries to never recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[517][518]

NATO Summit on 4 April 2009 called on Russia "to meet its commitments with respect to Georgia, as mediated by the European Union on 12 August and 8 September 2008", in particular to withdraw completely from Georgia and annul the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The declaration also stated: "We are deeply concerned that, since 12 December 2007, Russia has continued its unilateral “suspension” of its legal obligations under the CFE Treaty. Furthermore, Russia’s actions in Georgia have called into question its commitment to the fundamental OSCE principles".[519]

Russian foreign minister and NATO foreign ministers met on Corfu on 27 June 2009. They decided to renew cooperation despite some disagreements on Georgia.[520]

  Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe On 2 August 2008, chairman of the OSCE, Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb, condemned "this needless violence, especially against civilian targets" during the night of 2 August and urged all sides to de-escalate.[521]

On late 7 August 2008, Alexander Stubb expressed concern about the deteriorating situation in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone and the fact that scheduled meeting between representatives of Georgia and South Ossetia did not take place. Stubb said that he would visit Georgia soon.[522]

In the afternoon of 8 August, the Permanent Council of OSCE was convened in Vienna. Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb said that the fighting might grow into a "a full-fledged war," which "would have a devastating impact for the entire region."[2][455]

Alexander Stubb said on August 9, "Russia is at the moment a party in this conflict, not a mediator, and that has to be mirrored when ceasefire and peace talks begin. It is clear that there is no return to the status quo, to what was." Stubb was planning to visit Georgia on 11 August and Russia on 12 August. He commented on the possibility of a swift end of the crisis, "On a scale of one to 10, we are at about two." Stubb further commented on the conflict, "This is a war, no doubt about it. There is no reason to call it anything else."[523]

On the morning of 12 August, the OSCE head said he was "carefully optimistic" that the joint EU-OSCE ceasefire draft would be accepted by Russia. The plan had already been accepted by Georgian president Saakashvili. Russia was refusing to accept a ceasefire offered by Georgia.[98] The Finnish foreign minister, Alexander Stubb, acting as the chairman of the organisation, travelled to Moscow on 12 August to negotiate a cease-fire. Stubb stated that OSCE was the only organisation with infrastructure in the area that had military observers.[524]

During the meeting in Vienna on 13 August, all 56 member states supported the plan to send 100 military observers.[525]

The head of the OSCE announced that Russia would permit deployment of 20 additional monitors to Georgia.[385]

Stubb said on 26 August that Russian recognition of Georgia's separatist regions "violates the core principles of the OSCE." He further said: "Russia must immediately pull back its troops from Georgia's territory and implement the cease-fire agreement."[186]

After the war, Russia did not readmit the OSCE monitors into South Ossetia and the OSCE did not manage to evaluate the destruction or facilitate the return of the Georgian displaced persons to South Ossetia. The OSCE halted the negotiation with Russia regarding the deployment of monitors to South Ossetia in September 2008.[496][526] As of 18 September 2008, 28 monitors were present in the security area adjacent to South Ossetia.[496] Although chairman of the OSCE council Antti Turunen said further negotiations were pointless, Russian envoy Anvar Azimov said Russia was "keeping the door open, ready to continue the dialogue. No doubt we will find a constructive solution." [498]

On 29 September 2008, Alexander Stubb said that he was not interested who started the war. He said that Europe was interested in European Russia and not in isolating Russia.[527]

On 4 December 2008, the OSCE foreign ministers met in Helsinki to discuss the situation in Georgia among other topics.[528] British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said that admission of the OSCE monitors into South Ossetia was important and Russia's use of force was "disproportionate".[529] French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner condemned the Russian recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[530] Secretary General Marc Perrin de Brichambaut said that OSCE was warning about the escalation of tensions before the war.[531] The next day, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov criticized the OSCE.[532] The OSCE did not support the Russian initiative on reforming the collective security system in Europe.[533]

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation A collective statement by the leaders of all members was adopted at the Dushanbe summit on 28 August 2008.[534][535][536][537][538] Although Russian officials anticipated unconditional backing before the summit, the meeting instead supported the concept of territorial integrity, "The participants [of the SCO summit] underscore the need for respect of the historical and cultural traditions of each country and each people, for efforts aimed at the preservation, under international law, of the unity of a state and its territorial integrity." The SCO states "support the active role of Russia in assisting peace and cooperation in the region." However, "peaceful dialogue" was also important for resolving the conflict, since "Placing the emphasis exclusively on the use of force has no prospects and hinders a comprehensive settlement of local conflicts." China was reserved since it had its own separatist problem and one US State Department official commented on the statement, "Clearly there is unhappiness at what Russia did."[539] The SCO states embraced the 12 August six-point ceasefire document at the end of the statement. Kommersantnewpaper commented that "Even Russia’s traditional allies refused to side with it."[540] Nezavisimaya Gazeta had reported before the summit that China had rejected Russian-proposed wordings, such as "genocide" and "Georgian aggression".[541]
  United Nations On 7 August 2008, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon voiced his position over the escalation of violence and called on all sides "to refrain from any action that could further escalate the situation and threaten the stability of the region."[542][543]

On 8 August, an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council was scheduled to be held at 07:00 MSK at Russia's initiative.[399] The session was held, but failed to reach an agreement.[544]

On 9 August, Edmond Mulet, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping, stated that the Abkhaz would attack Georgia, "At this point we are particularly concerned that the conflict appears to be spreading beyond South Ossetia into Abkhazia."[545]

On late 9 August, UN Secretary-General's office issued a statement saying that Ban Ki-moon urged "all parties to immediately end hostilities and to engage, without delay, in negotiations to achieve a peaceful settlement."[546]

By 10 August, António Guterres, the High Commissioner for Refugees, urged to allow civilians to leave the conflict zone safely.[545] Guterres said on 11 August: "It is essential that humanitarian agencies be able to reach the affected and the displaced."[547]

On 10 August, UN reported Russian military buildup in Abkhazia and bombing of Zugdidi. UN official said, "The [U.N.] secretary-general is profoundly concerned over mounting tensions in the Abkhaz zone of conflict."[548][549]

By 11 August, the World Food Programme was providing food to uprooted persons. The organization said that the quantity of those in need was "rising by the hour".[375]

On 14 August, the Secretary General's office published a statement in which Ban Ki-moon said that it was difficult for the UN observers and humanitarian workers to approach the civilians in need. He endorsed the ceasefire but also said "that notwithstanding this agreement, violence continues, with civilians bearing the brunt," and called on the sides "to respect and protect civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law and human rights law."[550]

UN resident Robert Watkins commented on the humanitarian situation by 15 August, "Paramilitary and criminal groups are taking advantage of the uncertainty and the lack of administration and police. In terms of security it is very similar to what happened after the invasion of Iraq."[78]

UN press-secretary said on 15 August 2008 that an attempt by the UN Secretary General to reach the President of Russia by phone and discuss the situation in South Ossetia was unsuccessful.[551]

According to an anonymous American official, Secretary-General was contemplating on 17 August to dispatch some eminent representatives of the United Nations to Georgia.[112]

On 19 August, an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council was convened to consider another French proposal for the peace plan.[114] The proposed resolution urged the Russian withdrawal to pre-war positions, but Russia claimed that the agreement authorized the existence of Russian-operated buffer area in Georgia and that the resolution's support of Georgia's territorial integrity was irrelevant.[386] Vitaly Churkin called the proposal "very strange" and said that discussion of the proposal was "a waste of time." He said, "They can put it to a vote if they want to. We'll see what happens then."[385]

On 22 August, António Guterres visited the conflict zone to study the situation on the ground and met with South Ossetian president Eduard Kokoity.[552]

On 28 August, the Security Council rejected appeals of Abkhazia and South Ossetia to attend the council meeting and give a speech. After the meeting, Belgian diplomat Jan Grauls said, "There was no unanimous support to respond positively to these requests now." Russia had previously unsuccessfully lobbied for Abkhazia and South Ossetia be given permission to attend the Security Council meetings in the preceding months.[553]

On 11 September 2008, Ban Ki-Moon that he was discussing the situation in Georgia daily with international leaders and was working on the deployment of the UN peacekeepers to Abkhazia and South Ossetia.[554]

In September 2008, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, the president of the UN General Assembly, claimed that Georgia "committed an act of aggression against South Ossetia and violated UN Charter." The United Nations announced that the UN delegation would visit Georgia and Russia on 17-20 September "to gain first-hand knowledge of the humanitarian and human rights situations and needs on the ground, including the position of those displaced by the conflict and other vulnerable groups" with the permission of Georgia and Russia and the findings would be used to revise $59 million humanitarian aid proposal.[555]

International NGOs

Organisation Response
Amnesty International In November 2008, Amnesty International released a 69-page report citing both Georgia and Russia for serious violations of the international war laws.[556]
Caritas Internationalis On 11 August 2008, Caritas claimed to be providing humanitarian assistance and urged to end the hostilities. Secretary General Lesley-Anne Knight said, "Russia and Georgia must step back from all out war. Already the conflict has caused too much suffering to thousands of innocent civilians. It will take a huge regional effort to rebuild shattered communities. Caritas appeals to both sides to do everything in their power to respect the lives of civilians. Caritas supports the need for humanitarian corridors into South Ossetia as a short term solution, but peace talks must take place now. Both sides must respect the rights of ethnic minorities to avoid a further escalation in the conflict." Programme Manager Liana Mkheidze from Caritas Georgia said, "Many people are coming to Tbilisi from Georgian villages around Tskinvali and the also from Gori. Their houses have been damaged and they’re escaping the bombardment. Caritas Georgia distributed 1920 small cans of tuna-fish and 420 cans of canned meat together with 500 loaves of freshly baked bread from its own bakery. We are preparing to distribute more bread and preparing food at our soup-kitchen if necessary to provide food to those made homeless." Director of Caritas Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia–Alania) Sergey Basiev said, "There are lots of refugees seeking shelter. They have nothing. The situation is dreadful. We will try to meet these urgent needs."[557]
Human Rights Watch Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia director at HRW, said on 9 August 2008, "All sides must remember that attacks on civilians, or acts intended to terrorize civilians, clearly violate international humanitarian law, and may constitute war crimes. This would be true even if they are carried out in reprisal for indiscriminate attacks by the adversary." The organization stated that the various numbers of casualties in South Ossetia were not verified.[558]
  International Committee of the Red Cross Spokeswoman Anna Nelson said on 8 August 2008 that they had information that hospitals in Tskhinvali and ambulances had a hard time dealing with the casualties.[146]

On 8 August, ICRC said that it wanted to secure a humanitarian corridor to Tskhinvali.[559][560]

On 11 August, the ICRC released a statement saying they were sending 15 tons of medical aid (including water equipment) from Geneva to Georgia. The ICRC confirmed the displacement of civilians in the region around Gori. However, the ICRC team could not enter South Ossetia and the ICRC called for unrestricted access to the area. The ICRC statement said, "the ICRC has officially reminded Georgia and Russia of their obligation under international humanitarian law to protect civilians and distinguish at all times between the civilian population and those taking a direct part in the hostilities. The four Geneva Conventions, their Additional Protocol I and the customary rules and principles of international humanitarian law are all applicable in this situation." The ICRC had presence in Tbilisi, Zugdidi, Gori, Georgia and more ICRC representatives would arrive in Georgia in several days.[561]

On 13 August, ICRC announced that humanitarian aid was delivered from Jordan to 5,000 Georgian families.[381]


Popular protests for peace were held throughout Europe and in the United States as the war unfolded.

See also



  1. ^ "Comunicado de Prensa" (in Spanish). Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto. 2008-08-08. Archived from the original on 2008-08-09.
  2. ^ a b Ruben Meloyan (2008-08-08). "Armenia Concerned About South Ossetia Fighting". Armenia Liberty. Archived from the original on 2008-08-09.
  3. ^ Министр обороны Армении призывает к бдительности в связи с грузино-осетинским конфликтом (in Russian). Novosti Armenia. 8 August 2008.
  4. ^ МИД Армении советует гражданам страны воздержаться от визитов в Грузию (in Russian). Regnum. 9 August 2008.
  5. ^ Армения не будет взимать визовый сбор с иностранных граждан, эвакуированных из Грузии (in Russian). Regnum. 10 August 2008.
  6. ^ За три дня из Грузии в Армению эвакуировано около 2500 иностранных граждан (in Russian). Regnum. 11 August 2008.
  7. ^ Минобороны Армении: российские самолеты не совершают налеты на Грузию из Армении (in Russian). Kavkazsky Uzel. 10 August 2008.
  8. ^ Министр транспорта Армении: никаких проблем с поставками товаров из Грузии нет (in Russian). Regnum. 12 August 2008.
  9. ^ Президент Армении позвонил Медведеву (in Russian). Regnum. 13 August 2008.
  10. ^ Президент Серж Саргсян направил сегодня послание соболезнования Президенту Грузии Михаилу Саакашвили (in Russian). President of Armenia. 14 August 2008.
  11. ^ a b Danielyan, Emil (2008-09-02). "Sarkisian discusses Georgia crisis with Russian leader". Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Archived from the original on 2008-09-11.
  12. ^ Еврокомиссия обсуждает вопрос возмещения ущерба Армении в результате военных действия в Грузии (in Russian). Regnum. 7 November 2008.
  13. ^ "Australia calls for ceasefire in Georgia". The Sydney Morning Herald. 2008-08-10.
  14. ^ a b Wilson, Peter (2008-08-11). "Russian assault rages as Georgia pulls back". The Australian. Archived from the original on 2008-08-13.
  15. ^ John Vinocur (22 September 2008). "Relying on Russia: A question of risks". The New York Times.
  16. ^ "Uranium Deal With Russia Faces Hurdle". Futures. 18 September 2009. Archived from the original on 8 May 2023.
  17. ^ "Plassnik demands Russian ceasefire". Wiener Zeitung. 2008-08-11. Archived from the original on 2012-02-29.
  18. ^ "Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry: "Georgia's actions comply with international law"". Today.Az. 2008-08-08.
  19. ^ Партия «Мусават»: «Совет Безопасности ООН должен дать адекватную оценку событиям в Грузии и ... (in Russian). Day.Az. 9 August 2008.
  20. ^ a b Paul Abelsky; Alex Nicholson (10 August 2008). "Russian Ships Steam Toward Georgia as Conflict Grows (Update1)". Bloomberg. Archived from the original on 8 December 2012.
  21. ^ Азербайджан приостановил экспорт нефти через грузинские порты (in Russian). RIA Novosti. 9 August 2008.
  22. ^ Азербайджан облегчил режим для иностранных граждан, покидающих Грузию (in Russian). Interfax. 11 August 2008.
  23. ^ "Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan, avoiding "unpleasant" questions, holds press conference for only 4 journalists". Today.Az. 2008-08-11.
  24. ^ Sabrina Tavernise (13 August 2008). "Russian Soldiers Occupying Stalin's Birth City Are Buoyed by Battle With Georgia". The New York Times.
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