Hello! You’ve visited my account page! I share a good interest in many things, like outer space, astrobiology, celestial bodies with possible life, e.g. Titan, Mars, Venus, Enceladus, Europa, etc.

I started editing October 6, 2023. I first made a draft for the lostwave Everyone Knows That; as I shared a passion for it at that time. My page was immediately directed to a draft.

I started my passion for space a few months ago, creating the Voyager 3 Wikipedia page, which I thought was my best work yet!

Now, a few months later, and I’m trying to contribute the most I can to the space genre on Wikipedia!

My best works include: Water on Venus, Pre-Noachian, Exoasteroid, and Spacecraft retirement!

What am I doing right now? edit

Right now I am trying to add as many articles about the different lakes of Titan. If you want to help, go to the Lakes of Titan article, and then the content Sea names of Titan and click on any of the red links and contribute to the project!

Passions edit

A list of some of my favorites!