List of commanders of the Grand Cross of the Order of the White Rose of Finland

This is a list of commanders of the Grand Cross of the Order of the White Rose of Finland. Living Commanders are in bold and foreign Commanders are on blue background.

The Grand Cross can be awarded with a Collar.

Year of
Commander Role Lived Notes
1919 Sweden Gustaf V King of Sweden (1907–1950) 1858–1950 with Collar
1919 Denmark Christian X King of Denmark (1912–1947) 1870–1947 with Collar
1919 Finland Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim Regent of Finland (1918–1919)
Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Defence Forces (1918, 1939–1946)
President of Finland (1944–1946)
1867–1951 with Collar
with Collar, Swords and Diamonds from 1944
1919 Finland Kaarlo Castrén Prime Minister of Finland (1919) 1860–1938
1919 Finland Lauri Ingman Prime Minister of Finland (1918–1919)
Archbishop of Turku (1930–1934)
1919 Finland Gustaf Johansson Archbishop of Turku (1899–1930) 1844–1930
1919 Finland August Nybergh President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1918–1920) 1851–1920
1919 Finland Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland (1918–1919)
President of Finland (1919–1925)
1865–1952 with Collar from later 1919
1919 Finland Johan Richard Danielson-Kalmari statesman 1853–1933
1919 Finland Thiodolf Rein professor, statesman 1838–1919
1919 Finland Rabbe Axel Wrede professor 1851–1938
1920 Finland Otto Stenroth Governor of the Bank of Finland (1918–1923)
Chancellor of the Order (1919–1938)
1920 France Paul Deschanel President of France (1920) 1855–1922 with Collar
1920 France Raymond Poincaré former President of France (1913–1920) 1860–1934 with Collar
1920 Italy Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy (1900–1946) 1869–1947 with Collar
1920 Finland Robert Hermanson professor 1846–1928
1920 Finland Julius Grotenfelt President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1920–1929) 1859–1929
1920 Finland Juho Kusti Paasikivi banker
Prime Minister of Finland (1918, 1944–1946)
President of Finland (1946–1956)
1870–1956 with Collar from 1946
1920 Finland Hugo Rautapää President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland (1919–1922) 1874–1922
1920 Finland Juho Vennola Prime Minister of Finland (1919–1920, 1921–1922) 1872–1938
1920 Finland Karl Fredrik Wilkama Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (1918, 1919, 1919–1924) 1876–1947
1921 Finland Carl Enckell politician, diplomat 1876–1959
1921 Finland Rafael Erich former Prime Minister of Finland (1920–1921) 1879–1946
1923 Estonia Johan Laidoner Estonian general and statesman. 1884–1953
1924 Finland Aimo Cajander Prime Minister of Finland (1922, 1924, 1937–1939) 1879–1943
1924 Finland Anders Donner professor 1854–1938
1925 Finland Lauri Kristian Relander President of Finland (1925–1931) 1883–1942 with Collar
1925 Sweden Gustaf Adolf
(later Gustaf VI Adolf)
Crown Prince of Sweden (1907–1950)
King of Sweden (1950–1973)
1882–1973 with Collar
1925 Finland Jean Sibelius composer 1865–1957
1925 Finland Ossian Donner industrialist, diplomat 1866–1957
1925 Finland Antti Tulenheimo Prime Minister of Finland (1925)
Chancellor of the Order (1942–1952)
1926 Latvia Jānis Čakste President of Latvia (1918–1927) 1859–1927 with Collar
1926 Norway Haakon VII King of Norway (1905–1957) 1872–1957 with Collar
1926 Norway Olav
(later Olav V)
Crown Prince of Norway (1905–1957)
King of Norway (1957–1991)
1903–1991 with Collar
1926 Denmark Frederik
(later Frederik IX)
Crown Prince of Denmark (1912–1947)
King of Denmark (1947–1972)
1899–1972 with Collar
1926 Finland Eemil Nestor Setälä statesman 1864–1935
1927 Finland Pehr Evind Svinhufvud former Regent of Finland (1918)
Prime Minister of Finland (1917–1918, 1930–1931)
President of Finland (1931–1937)
1861–1944 with Collar
1928 Finland Hugo Suolahti professor, politician 1874–1944
1928 Finland Axel Fredrik Charpentier former Chancellor of Justice of Finland (1918–1928) 1865–1949
1928 Finland Werner Söderhjelm professor, diplomat 1859–1931
1929 Finland August Ramsay former Governor of the Bank of Finland (1923–1924) 1859–1943
1929 Finland Juho Sunila Prime Minister of Finland (1927–1928, 1931–1932) 1875–1936
1929 Finland Hannes Gebhard professor 1864–1933
1929 Finland Oskari Mantere former Prime Minister of Finland (1928–1929)
Chancellor of the Order (1938–1942)
1929 Finland Hjalmar J. Procopé politician 1889–1954
1930 Czechoslovakia Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk President of Czechoslovakia (1918–1935) 1850–1937 with Collar
1930 Poland Ignacy Mościcki President of Poland (1926–1939) 1867–1946 with Collar
1931 Belgium Albert I King of the Belgians (1909–1934) 1875–1934 with Collar
1931 Netherlands Henry Prince of the Netherlands, Consort to the Queen (1901–1934) 1876–1934 with Collar
1931 Hungary Miklós Horthy Regent of Hungary (1920–1944) 1868–1957 with Collar
1932 Latvia Alberts Kviesis President of Latvia (1930–1936) 1881–1944 with Collar
1932 Lithuania Antanas Smetona President of Lithuania (1926–1940) 1874–1944 with Collar
1932 Netherlands Wilhelmina Queen of the Netherlands (1890–1948) 1880–1962 with Collar
1933 Finland Lars Karl Krogius businessman 1860–1935
1935 Egypt Fuad I King of Egypt (1922–1936) 1868–1936 with Collar
1935 Finland Hugo Magnus Johannes Relander politician 1865–1947
1935 United Kingdom Shaul Tchernichovsky[citation needed] poet 1875–1943
1935 Finland Frans Pehkonen President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1929–1940) 1870–1957
1935 Finland Toivo Mikael Kivimäki Prime Minister of Finland (1932–1936) 1886–1968
1936 Finland Erkki Kaila Archbishop of Turku (1935–1944) 1867–1944
1936 Finland Risto Ryti Governor of the Bank of Finland (1923–1940, 1944–1945)
Prime Minister of Finland (1939–1940)
President of Finland (1940–1944)
1889–1956 with Collar from 1940
1937 Finland Hannes Ignatius military leader 1871–1941
1937 Finland Aarne Sihvo Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (1926–1933, 1946–1953) 1889–1963
1937 Finland Rudolf Walden military leader 1878–1946
1937 Finland Martin Wetzer military leader 1868–1954
1937 Finland Kyösti Kallio President of Finland (1937–1940) 1873–1940 with Collar
1937 Finland Jalmar Castrén professor, politician, public servant 1873–1946
1937 Estonia Konstantin Päts Head of State of Estonia (1921–1922, 1923–1924, 1931–1932, 1932–1933, 1933–1940) 1874–1956 with Collar
1937 Brazil Getúlio Vargas President of Brazil (1930–1945, 1951–1954) 1882–1954 with Collar
1937 Finland Leonard Hjelmman professor 1869–1952
1937 Finland Gustaf Komppa professor 1867–1949
1938 Finland Paul von Gerich military leader 1873–1951
1938 Finland Amos Anderson newspaper proprietor 1878–1961
1940 Finland Yrjö Hirn professor 1870–1952
1940 Finland Ernst Lindelöf professor 1870–1946
1940 Uruguay Alfredo Baldomir President of Uruguay (1938–1943) 1884–1948 with Collar
1940 Argentina Roberto María Ortiz President of Argentina (1938–1942) 1886–1942 with Collar
1940 Finland Urho Castrén President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland (1929–1956)
Prime Minister of Finland (1944)
1940 Finland Hjalmar Neovius President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1940–1945) 1877–1960
1941 Nazi Germany Hermann Göring politician, military leader 1893–1946 with Collar
1942 Nazi Germany Joachim von Ribbentrop politician 1893–1946 with Collar
1942 Romania Michael I King of Romania (1927–1930, 1940–1947) 1921–2017 with Collar
1942 Finland Eero Yrjö Pehkonen politician 1882–1949
1942 Japan Hirohito Emperor of Japan (1926–1989) 1901–1989 with Collar
1942 Finland Mauri Honkajuuri banker 1882–1948
1942 Finland Johan Wilhelm Rangell Prime Minister of Finland (1941–1943) 1894–1982
1942 Finland Alexander Frey politician, banker 1877–1945
1943 Finland Antti Hackzell former minister, Prime Minister of Finland (1944) 1881–1946
1944 Finland Edwin Linkomies former Prime Minister of Finland (1943–1944) 1894–1963
1944 Finland Henrik Ramsay politician 1886–1951
1946 Finland Aleksi Lehtonen Archbishop of Turku (1945–1951) 1891–1951
1946 Finland Oskar Möller President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1945–1950) 1880–1971
1951 Finland Ilmari Salomies Archbishop of Turku (1951–1964) 1893–1973
1951 Finland Toivo Tarjanne President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1950–1963)
Chancellor of the Order (1963–?)
1953 Finland Urho Kekkonen Prime Minister of Finland (1950–1953, 1954–1956)
President of Finland (1956–1982)
1900–1986 with Collar from 1956
1954 Iceland Ásgeir Ásgeirsson President of Iceland (1952–1968) 1894–1972 with Collar
1954 Belgium Baudouin King of the Belgians (1951–1993) 1930–1993 with Collar
1954 Finland Ralf Törngren former Prime Minister of Finland (1954) 1899–1961
1955 Finland Sakari Tuomioja former Prime Minister of Finland (1953–1954) 1911–1964
1955 Soviet Union Kliment Voroshilov Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (1953–1960) 1881–1969 with Collar
1955 Finland Karl-August Fagerholm Speaker of the Parliament of Finland (1945–1947, 1950–1956, 1957, 1958–1961, 1965)
Prime Minister of Finland (1948–1950, 1956–1957, 1958–1959)
1956 Sweden Louise Queen consort of Sweden (1950–1965) 1889–1965 with Collar
1957 Denmark Ingrid Queen consort of Denmark (1947–1972) 1910–2000 with Collar
1957 Finland Vieno Johannes Sukselainen Prime Minister of Finland (1957, 1959–1961) 1906–1995
1958 Denmark Margrethe
(now Margrethe II)
Princess of Denmark (until 1972)
Heir presumptive to the Danish throne (1953–1972)
Queen of Denmark (1972–present)
born 1940 with Collar
1958 Finland Rainer von Fieandt former Prime Minister of Finland (1957–1958) 1890–1972
1959 Finland Georg Achates Gripenberg diplomat 1890–1975
1959 Finland Reino Kuuskoski President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland (1958–1965)
former Prime Minister of Finland (1958)
1959 Finland Pekka Myrberg professor 1892–1976
1960 Austria Adolf Schärf President of Austria (1957–1965) 1890–1965 with Collar
1960 Italy Giovanni Gronchi President of Italy (1955–1962) 1887–1978 with Collar
1961 Norway Harald
(now Harald V)
Crown Prince of Norway (1957–1991)
King of Norway (1991–present)
born 1937 with Collar
1961 United Kingdom Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms (1952–2022) 1926–2022 with Collar
1961 Finland Eero Rydman politician, Chancellor of the Order (1953–1963) 1889–1963
1962 Finland Kauno Kleemola Speaker of the Parliament of Finland (1962–1965) 1906–1965
1962 Finland Martti Miettunen Prime Minister of Finland (1961–1962, 1975–1977) 1907–2002
1962 France Charles de Gaulle President of France (1959–1969) 1890–1970 with Collar
1963 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito President of Yugoslavia (1953–1980) 1892–1980 with Collar
1963 Tunisia Habib Bourguiba President of Tunisia (1957–1987) 1903–2000 with Collar
1963 Tanganyika (1961–1964) Julius Nyerere President of Tanganyika (1962–1964)
President of Tanzania (1964–1985)
1922–1999 with Collar
1964 Mexico Adolfo López Mateos President of Mexico (1958–1964) 1909–1969 with Collar
1964 Poland Aleksander Zawadzki Chairman of the Council of State of Poland (1952–1964) 1899–1964 with Collar
1964 Finland Ahti Karjalainen Prime Minister of Finland (1962–1963, 1970–1971) 1923–1990
1964 Finland Reino Ragnar Lehto former Prime Minister of Finland (1963–1964) 1898–1966
1964 Finland Matti Piipponen former President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1963–1964) 1894–1980
1965 India Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan President of India (1962–1967) 1888–1975 with Collar
1965 Poland Edward Ochab Chairman of the Council of State of Poland (1964–1968) 1906–1989 with Collar
1965 Finland Antti Hannikainen President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1964–1975) 1910–1976
1965 Finland Sakari Simelius former Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (1959–1965) 1900–1985
1966 Finland Aarne Nuorvala President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland (1965–1982) 1912–2013
1966 Finland Martti Simojoki Archbishop of Turku (1964–1978) 1908–1999
1966 Finland Johannes Virolainen Speaker of the Parliament of Finland (1966–1968, 1979–1982)
former Prime Minister of Finland (1964–1966)
1967 Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser President of Egypt (1956–1970) 1918–1970 with Collar
1968 Bulgaria Georgi Traykov Chairman of the Presidium of the National Assembly of Bulgaria (1964–1971) 1898–1975 with Collar
1969 Czechoslovakia Ludvík Svoboda President of Czechoslovakia (1968–1975) 1895–1979 with Collar
1969 Romania Nicolae Ceaușescu Head of State of Romania (1967–1989) 1918–1989 with Collar
1969 Hungary Pál Losonczi Chairman of the Presidential Council of Hungary (1967–1987) 1919–2005 with Collar
1969 Soviet Union Nikolai Podgorny Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (1965–1977) 1903–1983 with Collar
1970 Iran Mohammed Reza Pahlavi Shah of Iran (1941–1979) 1919–1980 with Collar
1970 Iran Farah Pahlavi Consort to the Shah of Iran (1959–1979) born 1933 with Collar
1970 Finland Mauno Koivisto Governor of the Bank of Finland (1968–1982)
Prime Minister of Finland (1968–1970, 1979–1982)
President of Finland (1982–1994)
1923–2017 with Collar from 1982
1970 Finland Rafael Paasio Speaker of the Parliament of Finland (1966, 1970–1972)
Prime Minister of Finland (1966–1968, 1972)
1971 Italy Giuseppe Saragat President of Italy (1964–1971) 1898–1988 with Collar
1971 Turkey Cevdet Sunay President of Turkey (1966–1973) 1899–1982 with Collar
1972 Iceland Kristján Eldjárn President of Iceland (1968–1980) 1916–1982 with Collar
1972 Austria Franz Jonas President of Austria (1965–1974) 1899–1974 with Collar
1972 Netherlands Juliana Queen of the Netherlands (1948–1980) 1909–2004 with Collar
1972 Netherlands Bernhard Prince of the Netherlands, Consort to the Queen (1948–1980) 1911–2004 with Collar
1972 Finland Teuvo Aura former Prime Minister of Finland (1970, 1971–1972) 1912–1999
1973 Senegal Léopold Sédar Senghor President of Senegal (1960–1980) 1906–2001 with Collar
1973 Denmark Henrik Consort to the Queen of Denmark (1972–2018) 1934–2018 with Collar
1973 Finland Erik Serlachius industrialist 1901–1980
1974 East Germany Willi Stoph Chairman of the State Council of East Germany (1973–1976) 1914–1999 with Collar
1974 Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden (1973–present) born 1946 with Collar
1975 Spain Juan Carlos
(later Juan Carlos I)
Prince of Spain
King of Spain (1975–2014)
born 1938 with Collar
1975 Finland Rolf Nevanlinna professor 1895–1980
1976 Germany Walter Scheel President of West Germany (1974–1979) 1919–2016 with Collar
1976 Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1964–1982)
Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union
(1960–1964, 1977–1982)
1906–1982 with Collar
1977 Austria Rudolf Kirchschläger President of Austria (1974–1986) 1915–2000 with Collar
1977 Turkey Fahri Korutürk President of Turkey (1973–1980) 1903–1987 with Collar
1977 East Germany Erich Honecker Chairman of the State Council of East Germany (1976–1989) 1912–1994 with Collar
1978 Spain Sofía Queen consort of Spain (1975–2014) born 1938 with Collar
1979 Finland Uolevi Raade industrialist 1912–1998
1979 Finland Lauri Sutela Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (1974–1983) 1918–2011
1980 France Valéry Giscard d'Estaing President of France (1974–1981) 1926–2020 with Collar
1980 Finland Armas-Eino Martola military leader 1896–1986
1980 Finland Curt Olsson President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1975–1989) 1919–2014
1982 Sweden Silvia Queen consort of Sweden (1976–present) born 1943 with Collar
1982 Iceland Vigdís Finnbogadóttir President of Iceland (1980–1996) born 1930 with Collar
1982 Finland Aksel Airo military leader 1898–1985
1982 Finland Arvo Ylppö doctor, professor 1887–1992
1983 France François Mitterrand President of France (1981–1995) 1916–1996 with Collar
1983 Finland Klaus Waris former Governor of the Bank of Finland (1957–1967) 1914–1994
1985 Germany Richard von Weizsäcker President of Germany (1984–1994) 1920–2015 with Collar
1985 Finland Kalevi Sorsa Prime Minister of Finland (1972–1975, 1977–1979, 1982–1987) 1930–2004
1986 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Radovan Vlajković President of the Presidency of Yugoslavia (1985–1986) 1924–2001 with Collar
1986 Japan Akihito Crown Prince of Japan (1952–1989)
Emperor of Japan (1989–2019)
born 1933 with Collar
1986 Finland John Vikström Archbishop of Turku (1982–1998) born 1931
1987 Czechoslovakia Gustáv Husák President of Czechoslovakia (1975–1989) 1913–1991 with Collar
1987 Jordan Hussein King of Jordan (1952–1999) 1935–1999 with Collar
1987 Finland Antti Suviranta President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland (1982–1993) 1923–2008
1988 Finland Tellervo Koivisto Spouse of the President of Finland (1982–1994) born 1929
1988 Finland Harri Holkeri Prime Minister of Finland (1987–1991) 1937–2011
1988 Finland Esko Rekola politician, Chancellor of the Order (1987–1996) 1919–2014
1989 Poland Wojciech Jaruzelski Head of State of Poland (1985–1990) 1923–2014 with Collar
1989 Nepal Birendra King of Nepal (1972–2001) 1944–2001 with Collar
1989 Finland Jaakko Valtanen Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (1983–1990) 1925-2024
1990 Netherlands Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands (1980–2013) born 1938 with Collar
1990 Netherlands Claus Prince of the Netherlands, Consort to the Queen (1980–2002) 1926–2002 with Collar
1990 Portugal Mário Soares President of Portugal (1986–1996) 1924–2017 with Collar
1991 Finland Jan Klenberg Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (1990–1994) 1931–2020
1992 Finland Esko Aho Prime Minister of Finland (1991–1995) born 1954
1993 Luxembourg Jean Grand Duke of Luxembourg (1964–2000) 1921–2019 with Collar
1993 Luxembourg Joséphine Charlotte Grand Duchess consort of Luxembourg (1964–2000) 1927–2005 with Collar
1993 Italy Oscar Luigi Scalfaro President of Italy (1992–1999) 1918–2012 with Collar
1993 Poland Lech Wałęsa President of Poland (1990–1995) born 1943 with Collar
1994 Finland Martti Ahtisaari President of Finland (1994–2000) 1937–2023 with Collar
1994 Finland Eeva Ahtisaari Spouse of the President of Finland (1994–2000) born 1936
1994 Germany Roman Herzog President of Germany (1994–1999) 1934–2017 with Collar
1994 Finland Olavi Heinonen President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1990–2001) born 1938
1995 Malaysia Ja'afar of Negeri Sembilan King of Malaysia (1994–1999) 1922–2008 with Collar
1995 Hungary Árpád Göncz President of Hungary (1990–2000) 1922–2015 with Collar
1995 Estonia Lennart Meri President of Estonia (1992–2001) 1929–2006 with Collar
1995 Ukraine Leonid Kuchma President of Ukraine (1994–2005) born 1938 with Collar
1995 Finland Gustav Hägglund Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (1994–2001) born 1938
1996 Kuwait Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Emir of Kuwait (1977–2006) 1926–2006 with Collar
1996 United Arab Emirates Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan President of the United Arab Emirates (1971–2004) 1918–2004 with Collar
1996 Belgium Albert II King of the Belgians (1993–2013) born 1934 with Collar
1996 Greece Konstantinos Stephanopoulos President of Greece (1995–2005) 1926–2016 with Collar
1996 Finland Pekka Hallberg President of the Supreme Court of Finland (1993–2012) born 1944
1996 Finland Paavo Lipponen Prime Minister of Finland (1995–2003) born 1941
1997 Argentina Carlos Menem President of Argentina (1989–1999) 1930–2021 with Collar
1997 Brazil Fernando Henrique Cardoso President of Brazil (1995–2003) born 1931 with Collar
1997 Chile Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle President of Chile (1994–2000) born 1942 with Collar
1997 Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski President of Poland (1995–2005) born 1954 with Collar
1997 South Africa Nelson Mandela President of South Africa (1994–1999) 1918–2013 with Collar
1997 Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson President of Iceland (1996–2016) born 1943 with Collar
1998 Romania Emil Constantinescu President of Romania (1996–2000) born 1939 with Collar
1999 Mexico Ernesto Zedillo President of Mexico (1994–2000) born 1951 with Collar
1999 France Jacques Chirac President of France (1995–2007) 1932–2019 with Collar
1999 Italy Carlo Azeglio Ciampi President of Italy (1999–2006) 1920–2016 with Collar
1999 Finland Jaakko Iloniemi diplomat, Chancellor of the Order (1997–2005) born 1932
2000 Finland Tarja Halonen President of Finland (2000–2012) born 1943 with Collar
2000 Finland Pentti Arajärvi Spouse of the President of Finland (2000–2012) born 1948
2001 Latvia Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga President of Latvia (1999–2007) born 1937 with Collar
2001 Germany Johannes Rau President of Germany (1999–2004) 1931–2006 with Collar
2001 Estonia Arnold Rüütel President of Estonia (2001–2006) born 1928 with Collar
2002 Lithuania Valdas Adamkus President of Lithuania (1998–2003, 2004–2009) born 1926 with Collar
2002 Chile Ricardo Lagos President of Chile (2000–2006) born 1938 with Collar
2002 Hungary Ferenc Mádl President of Hungary (2000–2005) 1931–2011 with Collar
2002 Portugal Jorge Sampaio President of Portugal (1996–2006) 1939–2021 with Collar
2002 Finland Juhani Kaskeala Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (2001–2009) born 1946
2002 Finland Riitta Uosukainen Speaker of the Parliament of Finland (1994, 1995–1998, 1999–2003) born 1942
2003 Finland Leif Sevón President of the Supreme Court of Finland (2001–2005) born 1941
2004 Nicaragua Enrique Bolaños President of Nicaragua (2002–2007) 1928–2021 with Collar
2004 Finland Matti Vanhanen Prime Minister of Finland (2003–2010) born 1955
2006 Hungary László Sólyom President of Hungary (2005–2010) 1942–2023 with Collar
2006 Austria Heinz Fischer President of Austria (2004–2016) born 1938 with Collar
2006 Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko President of Ukraine (2005–2010) born 1954 with Collar
2007 Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves President of Estonia (2006–2016) born 1953 with Collar
2007 Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Emir of Qatar (1995–2013) born 1952 with Collar
2007 Germany Horst Köhler President of Germany (2004–2010) born 1943 with Collar
2007 Chile Michelle Bachelet President of Chile (2006–2010, 2014–2018) born 1951 with Collar
2007 Saudi Arabia Abdullah King of Saudi Arabia (2005–2015) 1924–2015 with Collar
2007 Finland Aino Sallinen professor, Chancellor of the Order (2005–2016) born 1947
2008 Poland Lech Kaczyński President of Poland (2005–2010) 1949–2010 with Collar
2008 Romania Traian Băsescu President of Romania (2004–2014) born 1951 with Collar
2008 Italy Giorgio Napolitano President of Italy (2006–2015) 1925–2023 with Collar
2008 Luxembourg Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg (2000–present) born 1955 with Collar
2009 Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev President of Kazakhstan (1991–2019) born 1940 with Collar
2009 Greece Karolos Papoulias President of Greece (2005–2015) 1929–2021 with Collar
2009 Croatia Stjepan Mesić President of Croatia (2000–2010) born 1934 with Collar
2009 Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf President of Liberia (2006–2018) born 1938 with Collar
2009 Senegal Abdoulaye Wade President of Senegal (2000–2012) born 1926 with Collar
2009 Syria Bashar al-Assad President of Syria (2000–present) born 1965 with Collar
2009 Finland Pauliine Koskelo President of the Supreme Court of Finland (2006–2015) born 1956
2010 Slovenia Danilo Türk President of Slovenia (2007–2012) born 1952 with Collar
2010 Latvia Valdis Zatlers President of Latvia (2007–2011) born 1955 with Collar
2010 Benin Thomas Boni Yayi President of Benin (2006–2016) born 1951 with Collar
2010 Jordan Abdullah II King of Jordan (1999–present) born 1962 with Collar
2011 Croatia Ivo Josipović President of Croatia (2010–2015) born 1957 with Collar
2011 Finland Ari Puheloinen Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (2009–2014) born 1951
2012 Finland Sauli Niinistö President of Finland (2012–2024) born 1948 with Collar
2012 Finland Jenni Haukio Spouse of the President of Finland (2012–2024) born 1977
2013 Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė President of Lithuania (2009–2019) born 1956 with Collar
2013 Latvia Andris Bērziņš President of Latvia (2011–2015) born 1966 with Collar
2013 France François Hollande President of France (2012–2017) born 1954 with Collar
2013 Finland Jyrki Katainen Prime Minister of Finland (2011–2014) born 1971
2015 Poland Bronisław Komorowski President of Poland (2010–2015) born 1952 with Collar
2015 Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto President of Mexico (2012–2018) born 1966 with Collar
2016 Finland Jarmo Lindberg Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (2014–2019) born 1959
2016 Finland Juha Sipilä Prime Minister of Finland (2015–2019) born 1961
2017 Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid President of Estonia (2016–2021) born 1969 with Collar
2017 Iceland Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson President of Iceland (2016–present) born 1968 with Collar
2017 Italy Sergio Mattarella President of Italy (2015–present) born 1941 with Collar
2017 Poland Andrzej Duda President of Poland (2015–present) born 1972 with Collar
2018 France Emmanuel Macron President of the French Republic (2017–present) born 1977 with Collar
2018 Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier President of Germany (2017–present) born 1956 with Collar
2019 Finland Timo Esko President of the Supreme Court of Finland (2016–2019) born 1952
2021 Finland Kari Kuusiniemi President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland (2018–present) born 1960
2022 Sweden Victoria Crown Princess of Sweden (1980–present) born 1977 with Collar
2022 Finland Timo Kivinen Chief of Defence of the Finnish Defence Forces (2019–present) born 1959
2022 Finland Sanna Marin Prime Minister of Finland (2019–2023) born 1985
2023 Finland Tatu Leppänen President of the Supreme Court of Finland (2019–present) born 1968
2024 Finland Alexander Stubb President of Finland (2024–present) born 1968 with Collar
2024 Finland Suzanne Innes-Stubb Spouse of the President of Finland (2024–present) born 1970



Further reading

  • Matikkala, Antti (2017). Kunnian ruletti: Korkeimmat ulkomaalaisille 1941-1944 annetut suomalaiset kunniamerkit (in Finnish). Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. ISBN 978-952-222-847-5.
  • — (2017). Suomen Valkoisen Ruusun ja Suomen Leijonan ritarikunnat (in Finnish). Helsinki: Edita. ISBN 978-951-37-7005-1.
  • Suomen Valtiokalenteri 1921 (in Finnish). Helsinki: Weilin+Göös. 1920. OCLC 1248062970.