editBenjamin of Tudela was a medieval Spanish Jewish Rabbi, traveler and explorer. His vivid descriptions of Asia preceded those of Marco Polo by one hundred years, covering an even greater distance. With his broad education and vast knowledge of languages, Benjamin of Tudela was a major figure in the history of geography and Jewish history.
Benjamin set out on his 13-year journey throughout the known world in 1160, in what began as a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. He had probably hoped to originally settle there but in fact he took the "long road" stopping frequently, meeting people, visiting places, describing occupations and giving a demographic count of Jews in every town and country.
In his journey he passed through large swathes of Europe, Asia, and Africa. He began in the town of Saragossa, going north through southern France, then setting sail from the port of Marseilles. After visiting Rome and Constantinople, he set off across Asia, visiting Syria and Palestine before reaching Baghdad. From there he went to Persia, then cut back across the Arabian Peninsula to Egypt and North Africa, returning to Spain in 1173. In all he visted over 300 cities including Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Damascus, Baghdad and beyond.
He described his thirteen years abroad in a book, The Voyages of Benjamin (מסעות בנימין, or Masa'ot Binyamin, also known as ספר המסעות, Sefer ha-Masa'ot, The Book of Travels). This book describes the countries he visited, with an emphasis on the Jewish communities, including their total populations and the names of notable community leaders. He also described the customs of the local population, both Jewish and non-Jewish, with an emphasis on urban life there. There are also detailed descriptions of sites and landmarks he passed along the way, as well as important buildings and marketplaces. Benjamin is noted for not only telling facts, but citing his sources; historians regard him as highly trustworthy.
The Voyages of Benjamin is an important work not only as a description of the Jewish communities, but also as a reliable source about the geography and ethnography of the Middle Ages. As well some modern historians credit Benjamin as giving very accurate descriptions of every-day life in the Middle Ages. Originally written in Hebrew, it was translated in to Latin and later translated into most major European languages, receiving considerable attention in the sixteenth century. =Menu
edit- Benjamin of Tudela, The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela: Travels in the Middle Ages, English trans. originally published by Joseph Simon/Pangloss Press in 1993, ISBN 0934710074
- The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela (PDF) Translation by Marcus Nathan Adler (1907). Includes map of route (pg.2) and commentary.
External link
edit- Robert Abeles,
- Aleksei Abrikosov, Russian-born U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (2003), (Jewish mother)
- Eric Adelberger,
- Stephen Adler,
- Yakir Aharonov, Emeritus
- Michael Aizenman, mathematical physics
- George Akerlof, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (2001), (Jewish mother)
- Abraham Albert,
- Bruce Alberts, biochemist President of NAS 1993-2005
- Berni Alder, computational physics
- Richard Alexander,
- Gabriel Almond, political scientist
- Sydney Altman, Canadian-born U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1989)
- Boris Altshuler, quantum mechanics
- Bruce Ames, biochemist
- Abram Amsel, psychology
- Herbert Anderson,
- Christian Anfinsen, U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1972), (converted to Judaism)
- Daniel Arnon, plant psychologist
- Kenneth Arrow, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1972)
- Charlotte Auerbach, geneticist
- Robert Aumann, German-born U.S. Israeli mathematician, Nobel Prize (2005) in Economy, theory of games
- Gerald Aurbach,
- Richard Axel, U.S scientist, Nobel Prize (2004) in Medicine, olfactory system
- Robert Axelrod,
- Julius Axelrod, U.S. biochemist pharmocologist, Nobel Prize (1970)
- Howard Bachrach, biochemist
- John Bahcall, president of American Astronomical Society 1978-81 1990-92
- Neta Bahcall, astronomer v pr of AAAS
- David Baltimore, U.S. biologist, retroviruses, Nobel Prize (1975)
- Allen Bard, electrochemestry
- Valentine Bargmann,
- Henry Barschall,
- Jacqueline Barton, chemistry
- Ofer Bar-Yosef, archeologist anthropologist
- Hyman Bass, President of AMS 2001
- William Baumol,
- Gordon Baym,
- Gary Becker, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1972)
- Jonathan Beckwith, Harvard
- Richard Bellman, founder of dynamic programming (not Jewish parental grandparent)
- Baruj Benacerraf, Venezuela-born U.S. scientist, Nobel Prize (1980) in Medicine, transplant immunalogy
- Myron Bender, chemist
- George Benedek,
- Manson Benedict, chemist
- Sidney Benson,
- Seymour Benzer,
- Paul Berg, U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1980)
- Robert Bergman,
- Abram Bergson, economist
- Bruce Berne, dynamics and structure of liquids
- Joseph Bernstein,
- Ira Bernstein,
- Richard Bernstein, chemist
- Stephen Berry, physical chemistry
- Lipman Bers, mathematician
- Richard Bersohn,
- Jerome Berson,
- Hans Bethe, German-born British U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1967), solar energy from thermonuclear reaction (Jewish mother)
- Ernest Beutler,
- Jacob Bigeleisen, isotope chemistry
- Felix Bloch, Swiss-born U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1952)
- Herman Bloch,
- Konrad Bloch, German-born U.S. biochemist, Nobel Prize (1964), cholesterol
- Spencer Bloch,
- Barry Bloom, immunology
- Floyd Bloon, neuroscientist
- Manuel Blum, computational complexity theory
- Baruch Blumberg, U.S. scientist, Nobel Prize (1976) in Medicine, vaccine for Hepatitis B
- Franz Boas,
- David Bodian,
- Niels Bohr, Denish-born British U.S. physicist, Noble Prize (1922), (Jewish mother)
- Max Born, German-born U.S. British physicist, Nobel Prize (1954)
- Raoul Bott,
- Richard Brauer, mathematician algebra
- John Brauman,
- Eugene Braunwald, heart diseases writer
- Gregory Breit,
- Sydney Brenner, South-African-born British U.S. scientist, Nobel Prize (2002) in Medicine
- Ronald Breslow,
- Leo Brewer, high temperature chemistry
- Bernard Brodie, biochemical pharmocology Tylenol
- Felix Browder, President of AMS 99-01 nolinear functional analysis
- William Browder, President of AMS
- Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense 1977-81 Carter
- Herbert Brown, U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1979)
- Michael BrownU.S. geneticist, Nobel Prize (1985)
- Solomon Buchsbaum, AT&T Bell LAB = v pr physics
- John Cahn, quasicrystall
- Eugenio Calabi, string theory
- Melvin Calvin, U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1961)
- Donald Caspar, biophysics
- Erwin Chargaff,
- Jule Charney, meteorologist father of num. meteorology
- Herman Chernoff,
- Avram Chomsky, cognitive psychology
- Alexandre Chorin, mathematician
- Joel Cohen,
- Morris Cohen, metallurgist
- Seimour Cohen, biochemist
- Marvin Cohen, Nanomix=co f 1958 leader of nanotechnology
- Paul Cohen, U.S. mathematician, Fields Medal (1966)
- Stanley Cohen, U.S. neurologist, Nobel Prize (1986) in Medicine
- Stanley N. Cohen, geneticist,
- Edwin Cohn, storage and distribution of blood
- Mildred Cohn, biochemist
- Ronald Coifman,
- Sidney Coleman,
- Jerome Conn, endocrinologist
- Leon Cooper, isr
- Gerty Cori, Chezh-born U.S. biochemist), Nobel Prize (1947)
- Ernest Courant, physicist
- Richard Courant,
- Stanley Cristol,
- Richard Dalitz,
- Samuel Danishefsky,
- George Dantzig, invented linear programming simpex method
- Edward David,
- Norman Davidson, biochemist
- Stanley Deser, particle physicist
- Martin Deutsch, discovered positronium (85)
- Bryce DeWitt,
- Persi Diaconis, probability statistics combinatorics
- Jared Diamond, evolutionary biologist biogeographer
- Peter Diamond,
- Carl Djerassi, organic chemist oral contraceptive
- Joseph Doob,
- Ralph Dorfman,
- Albert Dorfman, biochemist
- Jesse Douglas, U.S. mathematician, Fields Medal (1936)
- Sidney Drell, particle physicist
- Mildred Dresselhaus,
- Eugene Dynkin, probabilist
- Harry Eagle,
- Gerald Edelman,
- Isidore Edelman,
- Paul Ehrlich, immunology hematology
- Samuel Eilenberg,
- Albert Einstein, German-born Swiss U.S. physicist, Noble Prize (1921)
- Herman Eisen, microbiolog immunology
- Kenneth Eisenthal,
- Thomas Eisner, biology
- Peter Elias, convolutional codes
- Ernest Eliel, chemist
- Gertrude Elion, U.S. biochemist and pharmocologist, Nobel Prize (1988)
- Noam Elkies, mathematician
- Walter Elsasser,
- Paul Epstein,
- Paul Erdos,
- Joseph Erlanger,
edit- Stanley Falkow, microbiologist immunologist
- Robert Fano, convolutional codes
- Ugo Fano,
- Herbert Federer, Emeritus
- Eugene Feenberg, physicist
- Charles Fefferman, U.S. mathematician, Fields Medal (1978)
- George Feher, Bell Labs magnetic resonanse
- Mitchell Feigenbaum, Chaos Theory
- Walter Feit, mathematician
- Martin Feldstein, Council of Economic Advicers = ch 1982-84 Reagan
- William Feller, mathematician
- Gary Felsenfeld,
- Herman Feshbach, Pr. of the Academy of Arts and Science
- Leon Festinger, cognitive dissonance
- Richard Feynman, U.S. physicist< Nobel Prize (1965)
- Gerald Fink, genetics
- Maxwell Finland,
- Edmond Fischer,
- Marshall Fixman,
- Louis Flexner, nephew of Abraham and Simon
- Simon Flexner, brother of Abraham
- Robert Fogel, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1993)
- Moses Folkman,
- Gottfried Fraenkel,
- Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat, medicine
- James Franck, German-born U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1925)
- Michael Freedman, U.S. mathematician, Fields Medal (1986), (Jewish fother)
- Joseph Fried, chemist
- Gerhart Friedlander, nuclear chemist
- Avner Friedman,
- Herbert Friedman, space sciences
- Jerome Friedman, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1990)
- Jeffrey Friedman,
- Milton Friedman, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1976)
- Charlotte Friend, oncologist microbiologist
- Victoria Fromkin, linquist
- Joseph Fruton,
- Robert Furchgott, U.S. pharmacologist biochemist, Nobel Prize (1998)
- Hillel Furstenberg,
- David Gale,
- Richard Garwin,
- Herbert Gasser, U.S. physiologist, Nobel Prize (1998) in Medicine
- Margaret Geller, astronomer
- Murray Gell-Mann, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1969), quarks
- Ricahrd Gershon,
- Walter Gilbert, U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1980)
- Alfred Gilman, U.S. pharmocologist, Nobel Prize (1994) in Medicine
- Alfred Gilman, pharmocologist
- Henry Gilman,
- Donald Glaser, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1960)
- Sheldon Glashow,U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1979)
- Roy Glauber, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (2005), quantum theory of optical conhearance
- Lila Gleitman,
- Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch, co f of developmental genetics
- Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Polish-born German U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1963), (Jewish grandparent)
- Thomas Gold, physicist cosmologist
- Vitalii Goldanski, physical chemistry
- Leon Goldberg, astrophysicist
- Marvin Goldberger,
- Arthur Goldberger, econometrics statistics
- Gertrude Goldhaber, nuclear physicist
- Gerson Goldhaber, nuclear particle physicist cosmic physics
- Maurice Goldhaber,
- Patricia Goldman-Rakic, neurobiology
- Peter Goldreich, astrophysicist
- Richard Goldschmidt, biologist zoologist
- Avram Goldstein, pharmocologist
- Joseph Goldstein, U.S. scientist, Nonel Prize (1985) in Medicine
- Herman Goldstine,
- Shafrira Goldwasser, U.S. computer scientist, cryptography
- Solomon Golomb, inventor of pentaminoes
- Moses Gomberg,
- Louis Goodman, pharmocologist
- Corey Goodman, neurobiology Renovis=CEO Pr co f 2000
- Leo Goodman,
- Daniel Gorenstein,
- Samuel Goudsmit, discovery of electron spin
- Stephen Jay Gould, biologist
- Harold Grad, magneto-fluid dynamics
- Joseph Greenberg,
- Paul Greengard, U.S. neuroscientist, Nobel Prize (2000)
- Jesse Greenstein, astronomer
- Zvi Griliches, statistician
- Clifford Grobstein, biologist
- Mikhael Gromov, differential geometry
- Benedict Gross,
- Robert Gross,
- David Gross, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (2004), quarks
- Ludwik Gross, cancer researcher
- Harry Grundfest, phisiologist
- Ernest Grunwald, physical-organic chemist
- Beno Gutenberg, seismologist geophysist
- Alan Guth, cosmology
- Herbert Gutowsky,
- Mary Haas, linguist
- Norman Hackerman,
- Erwin Hahn, nuclear spin echoes NMR
- Morris Halle,
- Bertrand Halperin,
- Jack Halpern,
- Viktor Hamburger, biologist
- Philip Handler, biochemicist NAS = pr
- Frank Hann,
- Zellig Harris, linquist
- Stephen Harrison, biophysics
- William Hassid,
- Herbert Hauptman, U.S. mathematician, Nobel Prize (1985) in Chemistry
- Felix Haurowitz,
- Robert Hauser,
- Philip Hauser, president of ASA
- Hendrick Hauthakker,
- Selig Hecht, biophysisict
- Alan Heeger, U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (2000)
- Michael Heidelberger, immunochemistry
- Ira Herskowitz, genetisist
- Karl Herzfeld, physicist
- Joseph Hirschfelder,
- Albert Hirschman, economist and educator
- Ralph Hirschmann,
- Ira Hirsh, psychologist
- Julian Hochberg,
- Gerhard Hochschild,
- Melvin Hochster, comutative algebra
- Roald Hoffmann, Polish-born U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1981), electronic structures
- Robert Hofstadter, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (
- Pierre Hohenberg, physicist
- Alexander Hollaender, radiation biology
- Theodore Holstein,
- Bernard Horecker,
- Robert Horvitz, U.S. biologist, Nobel Prize (2002)
- Arthur Horwich,
- Hendrik Houthakker,
- Leonid Hurwicz,
- Nathan Jacobson,
- Arthur Jaffe, President of AMS
edit- Elvin Kabat, founder of immunochemistry
- Mark Kac,
- Leo Kadanoff,
- Richard Kadison, theory of operator algebras
- Alfred Kahn, Civil Aueronautics Board = ch
- Daniel Kahneman, Israeli-born Israeli U.S. psychologist, Nobel Prize (2002) in Economics
- Herman Kalckar, biochemist
- Martin Kamen, biochemist corbon-14
- Eric Kandel,
- Arthur Kantrowitz, engineering
- Henry Kaplan,
- Irving Kaplansky,
- Mitchell Kapor, Lotus Dev. Corp=f Lotus1-2-3
- Jerome Karle,
- Samuel Karlin,
- Theodore von Karman,
- Richard Matthew Karp,
- Martin Karplus,
- Robert Kates,
- Joseph Katz,
- Frederick Kaufman, chemist
- David Kazhdan, algebra
- Joseph Keller,
- Seymour Kety, neuroscience
- Morris Kharasch,
- Marc Kirschner, cell biologist
- Sergiu Klainerman,
- Richard Klausner, Director of NCI 1995
- Lawrence Klein, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1980)
- William Klemperer,
- Daniel Kleppner,
- Judith Klinman, chemist
- Joseph Kohn, complex function theory - leader
- Walter Kohn, Austrian-born Canadian U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1980)
- Richard Kolodner, cancer researcher
- Izaak Kolthoff, father of modern analytical chemistry
- Rudolf Kompfner, inventor of traveling wave tube
- Arthur Kornberg, U.S. scientist, Nobel Prize (1959) in Medicine
- Roger Kornberg,
- Marian Koshland,
- Daniel Koshland,Jr., Director of Lasker Foundation
- Bertram Kostant, Lie Groups
- Michael Kosterlitz,
- Robert Kraichnan, turbulence
- Sir John Krebs, ornithologist
- David Kreps,
- Saul Krugman,
- Martin Kruskal,
- Simon Kuznets, Ukrainian-born U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1971)
- Edwin Land, Polaroid camera
- Rolf Landauer, physicist
- Eric Lander, mathematician and biologist, Head of Genome Project
- David Landes,
- Karl Landsteiner, Austrian-born U.S. scientist, Nobel Prize (1930) in Medicine discovered major blood groups ABO
- James Langer,
- Robert Langer,
- Benjamin Lax,
- Melvin Lax, quantum optics lazers Bell Labs
- Peter Lax, Hungarian-born U.S. Mathematician, Abel Prize (2005)
- Paul Lazarsfeld, mathematical sociology
- Joel Lebowitz,
- Philip Leder,
- Joshua Lederberg, U.S. scientist, Nobel Prize (1958) in Medicine
- Leon Lederman, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1988)
- David Lee, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1996)
- Robert Lefkowitz,
- Solomon Lefschetz, topology
- Robert Leikowitz,
- Wassily Leontief, Russian-born U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1973), (Jewish mother)
- Israel Lerner, genetics
- Richard Lerner, Scripps Research Institute=Pr
- Abba Lerner,
- Phoebus Levene, biochemist
- Giuseppe Levi, histologist
- Rita Levi-Montalcini, Italian-born U.S. neurologist, Nobel Prize (1986)
- Simon Levin, ecology
- Arnold Levine,
- Rachmiel Levine, diabetes
- Philip Levine, immunohematologist discovered rh factor
- Norman Levinson,
- Cyrus Levinthal, a pioneer of modeling molecules on computers
- Michael Levitt, computational biology = co f
- Richard Lewontin, molecular biology
- Hans Lewy, Breslau/Wroclaw
- Elliott Lieb,
- Stanley Lieberson,
- Hans Liepmann,
- Ilya Lifshits, physicist
- Samuel Lind,
- David Lipman,
- Stephen Lippard,
- Seymour Lipset, sociologist
- Jacques Loeb, physiologist
- Irving London, molecular genetics
- Francis Low, theoretical physicist
- Robert Lowie,
- Alexander Luria, psychologist neurologist
- Salvador Luria, Italian-born U.S. microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1969)
- George Lusztig,
- Boris Magasanik, microbiologist geologist
- Theodore Maiman,
- Leonard Mandel,
- Benoit Mandelbrot,
- Rudolph Marcus, Canadian-born U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1992)
- Lynn Margulis,
- Gregory Margulis,
- Herman Mark, father of polymer science
- Tobin Marks, founder of nonequilibrium thermodinamics
- Paul Marks, cancer researcher
- Jacob Marschak,
- Robert Marshak, astrophysicist physicist
- Paul Martin,
- Bernd Matthias, superconductivity
- Barry Mazur, algebraic geometry number theory
- John McCarthy, Lisp "artificial intelligence -invented"
- Alton Meister, molecular biologist
- N. David Mermin, condensed matter physics
- Robert Merton, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1997). (Jewish father)
- Robert Merton, sociologist
- Matthew Meselson, molecular biologist
- Otto Meyerhoff, German-born U.S. scientist, Nobel Prize (1922)
- Elliot Meyerowitz, biologist Caltech plants
- Leonor Michaelis, biochemist
- Albert Michelson, Polish-born U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1907), optical precision instruments
- Stanley Miller,
- Jacob Mincer,
- Raymond Mindlin,
- Rudolph Minkowski, astronomer
- Marvin Minsky, father of artificial intelligence
- Beatrice Mintz, molecular biologist
- Alfred Mirsky,
- Kurt Mislow, stereochemistry
- Franco Modigliani, Italian-born U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1985)
- Elliot Montroll,
- George Mostow,
- Walter Munk, geophysicist
- David Nachmansohn,
- Jacob Nachmias, psychologist
- Daniel Nathans, U.S. scientist, Nobel Prize (1978) in Medicine, first genetic map of DNA
- Philip Needleman,
- Marc Nerlove, econometrics
- Elisabeth Neufeld, molecular biologist
- John von Neumann, game theory linear programming father of computer science
- Melvin Newman, chemist
- Nathan Newmark, Civil Engineering
- Louis Nirenberg,
- Marshall Nirenberg, U.S. biochemist and genetecist, Nobel Prize (1968)
- Alfred Nisonoff, microbiologists
edit- Robert Oppenheimer, Father of atomic bomb
- Leslie Orgel,
- Donald Ornstein, differential geometry complex analysis
- Egon Orowan, physicist
- Douglas Osheroff, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1996),superfluidity in Hellium-3, (Jewish father)
- Jeremiah Osttriker, astrophysicist
- Abraham Pais, particle physics historian of Science
- Morton Panish, physical chemist lasers
- Wolfgang Panofsky, particle physics
- Alwin Pappenheimer, microbiologist geophysicist
- Rudolf Peierls,
- Chaim Pekeris, metereologist
- Sheldon Penman, Emeritus
- Arno Penzias, German-born U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1978)
- Martin Perl, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1995), Tau Lepton
- Isadore Perlman, Nuclear Chemistry
- Charles Peskin, mathematics and neural science
- Gregory Pincus, contraceptive pill
- David Pines,
- Alexander Pines, MRI NMR
- George Polanyi,
- George Polya, combinatorics
- Gillo Pontecorvo, director
- Leo Postman,
- John Prausnitz,
- Frank Press, geophysicist
- William Press,
- Henry Primakoff,
- Stanley Prusiner, U.S. biochemist and neurologist, Nobel Prize (1997)
- Mark Ptashne,
- Theodore Puck,
- Isidor Rabi, Austrian-born U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1944), nuclear magnetic resonance NMR
- Michael Rabin, nondermenistic algorithm
- Lawrence Rabiner,
- Jesse Rabinowitz, biochemist
- Efraim Racker, biochemist
- Roy Radner,
- Marcus Raichle, neuroscience
- Simon Ramo, TRW = co f
- Marina Ratner,
- Sarah Ratner, biochemist
- Tadeus Reichstein,
- Frederick Reines, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1995)
- Stuart Rice,
- Alexander Rich,
- Burton Richter, U.S. physicist Nobel Prize (1976)
- David Rittenberg,
- Herbert Robbins,
- Abraham Robinson,
- Martin Rodbell, U.S. biochemist and molecular endocrinologist, Nobel Prize (1994)
- Vladimir Rokhlin, mathematician
- Herschel Roman,
- Irwin Rose, U.S. biochemist, Nobel Prize (2004) in Chemistry
- Saul Roseman,
- Sherwin Rosen, economist
- Marshall Rosenbluth,
- John Ross, physical chemist
- Bruno Rossi, space physics
- Michael Rossmann, biology
- James Rothman,
- Harry Rubin, molecular biologist
- Vera Rubin, astrophysicist Durk Universe
- Albert Sabin, live virus vaccine for polio immunologist
- Florence Sabin, first women admitted to NAS
- Robert Sachs, particle physicist
- Ruth Sager, genetisist
- Edwin Salpeter, astronomer
- Paul Samuelson,U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1970)
- Edward Sapir, language scholar and anthropologist
- Peter Sarnak,
- Stanley Schachter, social psychologist
- Andrew Schally,Lithuanian-born, U.S. endocrinologist, Nobel Prize (1977) in Medicine
- Arthur Schawlow, Canadian U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1981), co-inventor of laser, (Jewish father)
- Randy Schekman,
- Harold Scheraga, protein folding
- Leonard Schiff,
- M.M. Schiffer,
- Hermann Schlesinger,
- Joseph Schlessinger,
- Stuart Schlossman, immunology
- Howard Schneiderman, biologist
- David Schramm, astrophysicist
- Jacob Schwartz, computer and information sciences
- Jacob Schwartz, a major pioneer in parallel computing
- John Schwartz, co inventor of theory of superstrings
- Melvin Schwarz,U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1988)
- Martin Schwarzschild, astronomer
- Julian Schwinger, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1965)
- Edward Scolnick, Merck Research Lab. Pr
- Irving Segal, mathematical physicist
- Emilio Segre, Italian-born U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1959),discovery of antiproton
- Robert Serber,
- Richard Setlow, radiation biophysics DNA repair
- Harry Shapiro,
- Aaron Shatkin,
- Charles Sherr,
- Richard Shiffrin, psychology
- Philip Siekevitz,
- Louis Siminovitch, HoF 1997
- Herbert Simon, father of AI
- Yakov Sinai,
- Maxine Singer,
- Isadore Singer,
- Robert Sinsheimer, molecular biologist
- David Slepian, Emeritus
- Joseph Slepian, Westinhouse Electric Corporation = ADR
- Solomon Snyder, neuroscientist endorphins
- Susan Solomon, ozon chemist
- Robert Solovay, mathematician
- Robert Solow, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1987)
- Gabor Somorjai, father of modern surface chemistry
- Hugo Sonnenschein, Univ. of Chicago 1993-00
- Sol Spiegelman, microbiologist
- Leslie Spier,
- Frank Spitzer,
- Philip Sporn, American Electric Power = pr CEO 1947-61
- Richard P. Stanley,
- Elias Stein,
- Charles Stein,
- William Stein, U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1972)
- Robert Steinberg,
- Paul Steinhardt, quasicrystals particle physics
- Ralph Steinman,
- Gunther Stent, molecular biologist
- Curt Stern, zoology
- Otto Stern, German-born, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1943)
- Shlomo Sternberg,
- Saul Sternberg,
- Julius Stieglitz, chemist
- Joseph Stiglitz, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (2001)
- Gilbert Stork,
- Jack Strominger, biochemist immunologist
- Daniel Stroock,
- Lawrence Summers,
- Leonard Susskind, co discovery of String theory
- James Sylvester,
- Leo Szilard, nuclear fission reactor
edit- Alfred Tarski, mathematician
- Valentine Telegdi,
- Edward Teller, Father of hydroghen bomb
- Howard Temin, U.S. scientist, Nobel Prize (1975) in Medicine, retroviruses
- Max Tishler, poultry desease antibiotic sythesizing of B2
- Sam Treiman, particle physics
- Barry Trost,
- Amos Tversky,
- Sidney Udenfriend, biologist
- Jonathan Uhr,
- Stanislaw Ulam, hydrogen bomb
- Leslie Valiant,
- Howard Varmus,
- Alexander Varshavsky,
- Andrew Viterbi, Qualcomm=co f
- Bert Vogelstein, cancer researcher
- Vito Volterra,
- Selman Waksman, Ukrainian-born U.S. biochemist, Nobel Prize (1952), streptomycin
- Robert Wald, physicist
- Abraham Wald,
- George Wald, U.S. biologist, Nobel Prize (1967)
- Gerald Wasserburg,
- Andre Weil, group th. Algebric geometry
- Robert Weinberg, molecular biologist 1st oncogen
- Steven Weinberg, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1979)
- Alvin Weinberg,
- William Weisberger,
- Paul Weiss, biologist
- Rainer Weiss, astrophysics founder of LIGO project
- Victor Weisskopf, director of CERN
- Irving Weissman, embrionic stem cells SyStemix = co f 1988 Cellerant = o
- Frank Westheimer,
- Benjamin Widom, statistical mechanics of fluids
- Norbert Wiener, founder of cybernetics
- Jerome Wiesner,
- Michael Wigler, first human oncogen
- Eugene Wigner, Hungarian-born U.S. physicist, founder of nuclear engineering
- Shmuel Winograd,
- Saul Winstein,
- Oskar Wintersteiner,
- Maxwell Wintrobe, hematology
- Evelyn Witkin,
- Edward Witten, U.S. mathematician and physicist, Fiels Medal (1990)
- Lincoln Wolfenstein,
- Jacob Wolfowitz, statistican
- Abel Wolman,
- Aaron Wyner, information scientist
- Rosalyn Yalow, U.S. medical physicist, Nobel Prize (1977)
- Charles Yanofsky,
- Amnon Yariv, Bell Labs optical electronics
- Jerrold Zacharias,
- Richard Zare, Lazer chemistry
- Oscar Zariski,
- Efraim Zelmanov, Russian-born U.S. mathematician, Fields Medal (1994), group theory
- Norton Zinder, microbiologist
- George Zweig, Signition Inc. discovery of quarks
Foreign Associates
edit- Anatole Abragam, Russian-born French physicist father of NMR
- Zhores Alferov, Belarussian-born Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (2000), (Jewish mother)
- Vladimir Arnold, mathematician
- Adolph fon Baeyer, German chemist, Nobel Prize (1905)
- Gregory Barenblatt, mathematician
- Salomon Bochner, harmonic analysis
- Aage Bohr, Denish physicist, Nobel Prize (1925), (Jewish parental grangmother)
- Alexander Braunshtein, biochemist Braunstein
- Edouard Brezin,
- Haïm Brezis, Nonlinear analysis
- Georges Charpak,Ukrainian-born, Swiss French physicist, Nobel Prize (1992)
- Aaron Ciechanover, Israeli scientist, Nobel Prize (2004) in Chemistry
- Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Algirian-born French physicist, Nobel Prize (1997)
- David Cox, F uk
- Roland Dobrushin,
- Jack Dunitz,
- Paul Ehrlich, German immunologist, Nobel Prize (1908)
- Shmuel Eisenstadt, F
- Boris Ephrussi, genetics
- Alan Fersht, protein engineering
- Michael Fisher,
- Alexander Frumkin, father of Russian electrochemistry
- Dennis Gabor, hologramm
- Israil Gelfand, Wolf78
- Vitaly Ginzburg, Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (2003)
- Fritz Haber, Polish-born German chemist, Nobel Prize (1918), amonia
- Jacques Hadamard, French mathematician, functional analysis
- Abram Hershko, Hungarian-born Israeli scientist, Nobel Prize (2004)
- Heinz Hopf, algebraic topology
- Francois Jacob, French scientist, Nobel Prize (1965),
- Joshua Jortner, F
- Sir Bernard Katz, German-born British scientist, Nobel Prize (1970) in Medicine
- Aharon Katzir,
- Ephraim Katzir,
- Leonid Keldysh,
- George Klein, Head of Karolinka Institute
- Sir Aaron Klug,Lithuanian-born British scientist, Nobel Prize (1982) in Chemistry
- Sir Hans Kornberg, biochemist
- Hans Kosterlitz, enkephalins
- Mark Krein, mathematician
- Lev Landau, Azebarjan-born Ukrainian Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (1962)
- Raphael Levine,
- Claude Levi-Strauss,
- Ilya Lifshits, Ukrainian-born Russian physicist
- Maurice Loewy,
- Andre Lwoff, French scientist, Nobel Prize (1965) in Medicine
- Cesar Milstein, Argentinian-born British scientist, Nobel Prize (1984) in Medicine
- Henri Moissan, French chemist, Nobel Prize (1906), artificle diamond
- Salvador Moncada,
- Benjamin Mottelson,
- Ernest Nagel,
- Yuval Neeman,
- Sir Gustav Nossal, biologist
- George Olah, Hungarian-born U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1994)
- Max Perutz, Austrian-born British chemist, Noble Prize (1962)
- John Polanyi, German-born U.S. Canadian chemist, Noble Prize (1986)
- Alexander Polyakov,
- Sir Karl Popper, philosopher of science
- Ilya Prigogine, Russian-born Belgian chemist, Nobel Prize (1977)
- Leo Sachs,
- Julius von Sachs, founder of experemental plant physiology
- Sir Arthur Schuster, astrophysicist
- Michael Sela, immunology
- Reinhard Selten, German economist, Nobel Prize (1994)
- Adi Shamir, cryptographer
- Iosif Shklovsky, astrophysicist
- Yakov Sinai,
- James Sylvester,
- Sir John Vane, British scientist, Nobel Prize (1982), (Jewish father)
- Charles Weissmann, Biogen = co f molecular biologist
- Elie Wollman, bacteriologist F
- Ada Yonath, Structural Biology
- Yakov Zeldovich, physicist astronomer
- Jacob Ziv,
- Gerald Abrahams, British chess player
- Semyon Alapin, Chess player
- Boris Alterman, Israeli chess player (Grand Master)
- Yuri Averbakh,Russian chess player
- Alexander Belyavsky, Chess player
- Joel Benjamin,U.S. chess player (Grand Master)
- Hans Berliner,U.S. chess player (former World correspondence chess champion)
- Ossip Bernstein, Chess player
- Arthur Bisguier, U.S. chess player
- Isaac Boleslavsky, Ukrainian chess player
- Mikhail Botvinnik, Russian chess player, former world champion
- Gyula Breyer, Hungarian chess player
- David Bronstein, Ukrainian chess player
- Rudolph Charousek, Chess player
- Irving Chernev, Russian-American chess player and writer
- Arnold Denker, U.S. chess player (Grand Master)
- Nathan Divinsky, Canadian chess player and mathematician
- Larry Evans, U.S. chess player (Grand Master)
- Reuben Fine, U.S. chess player
- Bobby Fischer, U.S. chess player, World Champion (converted to "Christian Identity")
- Salo Flohr, Czech chess player
- Semyon Furman, Chess player
- Efim Geller, Soviet chess player
- Harry Golombek, British chess player
- Gisela Kahn Gresser, U.S. chess player
- Boris Gulko,(Grand Master)
- Isidor Gunsberg, Hungarian/British chess player
- Mikhail Gurevich,(chess player) (Grand Master)
- Daniel Harrwitz, German chess player
- William Hartston, British chess player
- Israel Horowitz, U.S. chess player
- Bernhard Horwitz, German/British chess player
- David Janowski, Polish chess player
- Gary Kasparov, Russian chess player, former world champion (Jewish father)
- Alexander Khalifman, Russian chess player, former FIDE world champion
- Ernest Klein (chess player),
- Ignatz von Kolisch, Chess player
- George Koltanowski, Chess player
- Edward Lasker, U.S. chess player
- Emanuel Lasker, German chess player, World Champion
- Andor Lilienthal, Chess player
- Johann Löwenthal, Hungarian chess player
- Miguel Najdorf, Polish-Argentine chess player
- Aron Nimzowitsch, Latvian chess player, pioneer of hypermodern style
- Judit Polgár, Hungarian chess player
- Susan Polgár, Hungarian/U.S. chess player
- Zsófia Polgár, Hungarian/Israeli chess player
- Lev Polugaevsky, Chess player
- Fred Reinfeld, U.S. chess player
- Samuel Reshevsky, U.S. chess player
- Richard Réti, Czech chess player, pioneer of hypermodern style
- Akiba Rubinstein, Polish chess player
- Emanuel Schiffers, Russian chess player
- Vasily Smyslov, Former world chess champion
- Boris Spassky, Russian chess player (mother Jewish), former world champion
- Rudolf Spielmann, Austrian chess player
- Leonid Stein, Ukrainian chess player
- Wilhelm Steinitz, Austrian chess player, generally regarded as first official World Champion
- Emil Sutovsky, Israeli chess player (Grand Master)
- Peter Svidler, Russian chess player
- László Szabó, Chess player
- Mark Taimanov, Russian chess player
- Mikhail Tal, Latvian chess player, former world champion
- Siegbert Tarrasch, Chess player
- Saviely Tartakover, Chess player
- Simon Winawer, Chess player
- Daniel Yanofsky, Canadian chess player (first Grand Master in British Commonwealth)
- Johannes Zuckertort, Polish chess player
edit- John Gandel,
- Frank Lowy,
- Richard Pratt,
- Harry Triguboff,
- [[]],
- Canada,
- David Azrieli,
- Charles Bronfman,
- Daryl Katz,
- Barry Sherman,
- Alexander Shnaider,
- Jeffrey Skoll,
- [[]],
- China,
- Michael Kadoorie,
- France,
- Serge Dassault,
- Gerard Louis-Dreyfus,
- Alain & Gerald Werthheimer,
- [[]],
- Israel,
- Shari Arison,
- Morris Kahn,
- Lev Leviev,
- Arnon Milchan,
- Summy & Juli Ofer,
- Isaac Tshuva,
- Stef Wertheimer,
- [[]],
- Mexico,
- Isaac_Saba Raffoul,
- [[]],
- Russia,
- Roman Abramovich,
- Boris Berezovsky,
- Mikhail Brudno,
- Vladimir Dubov,
- Mikhail Fridman,
- Vladimir Gusinsky,
- German Khan,
- Mikhail Khodorkovsky,
- Leonid Nevzlin,
- Victor Vekselberg,
- [[]],
- Spain,
- Isaac & Nahman Andic,
- Alicia Koplowitz,
- Esther Koplowitz,
- [[]],
- South Africa,
- Donald Gordon,
- Harry Oppenheimer,
- [[]],
- Switzerland,
- Oeri Hoffman and Sacher families,
- [[]],
- United Kingdom,
- Donald Gordon,
- Philip Green,
- Naser Khalili,
- Eduard Shifrin,
- [[]],
- United States,
- Leonore Annenberg,
- Philip Anschutz,
- Edmund Ansin,
- Micky Arison,
- Sheldon Adelson,
- Steve Ballmer,
- Carl Berg,
- Arthur Blank,
- Leonard Blavatnik,
- Michael Bloomberg,
- Neil Bluhm,
- Donald Bren,
- Sergey Brin,
- Edgar Bronfman, Sr,
- Eli Broad,
- Harvey Chaplin,
- Lyor Cohen,
- Steven Cohen,
- Lester Crown,
- Mark Cuban,
- William Davidson,
- Barbara Davis,
- Michael Dell,
- Barry Diller,
- Stanley Druckenmiller,
- Larry Ellison,
- Paul Fireman,
- Robert William John Fisher,
- Sydney Frank,
- David Geffen,
- Rob Glaser,
- Guiford Glazer,
- Malcolm Glazer,
- Leslie & Louis Gonda,
- Alex & Tom Gores,
- David Gottesman,
- Pincus Green,
- Maurice Greenberg,
- Leona Helmsley,
- Henry Hillman,
- Carl Icahn,
- Irwin Jacobs,
- Jeremy Jacobs,
- George Kaiser,
- Jeffrey Katzenberg,
- Jerome Kohlberg Jr.,
- Bruce Kovner,
- Michael Krasny,
- Henry Kravis,
- Edward Lampert,
- Leonard Lauder,
- Ronald Lauder,
- Ralph Lauren,
- Thomas Lee,
- Samuel J. LeFrak & family,
- Norma Randolph and Nancy Lerner,
- Peter Lewis,
- Alfred Mann,
- Bernard Marcus,
- Michael Milken,
- Samuel Newhouse Jr.,
- Donald Newhouse,
- Bernard Osher,
- Nelson Peltz,
- Ronald Perelman,
- Michael Price,
- Pritzker Family,
- Stewart Rahr,
- Sumner Redstone,
- Mark Rich,
- Robert Rich,
- George Roberts,
- Arthur Rock,
- Haim Saban,
- Henry Samueli,
- Marion & Herbert Sandler,
- Evgeny Shvidler,
- Herbert Siegel,
- Melvin Simon,
- Sheldon Solow,
- George Soros Hungarian-born U.S. billionaire investor philanthropist,
- Steven Spielberg,
- Leonard Stern,
- Alfred Taubman,
- Laurence Tisch,
- Preston Robert,
- Sandy Weill,
- Leslie Wexner,
- Stephen Wynn,
- Samuel Zell,
- Daniel Dirk and Robert Ziff,
- Mortimer Zuckerman,
editHeads of High schools United States
- David Adamy, Temple University (Philadelphia)
- Madlene Adler, West Chester University
- Harry Arthurs, York University
- Richard Atkinson, University of California
- Richard Atkinson, Chancellor of University of California San Diego
- Lawrence Bacow, Tufts University
- David Baltimore, president of California Institute of Technology
- Samuel Belkin, president of Yeshiva University (second)
- Steven Isenberg, interim president Adelphi University
- Robert Beren, chairman of Yeshiva University (sixth)
- Marver Bernstein, Brandeis University
- Abram Berthold, Brandeis University 1968-70
- Henry Bienen, Northwestern University
- Jacob Billikopf, chairman of Howard University 1935
- Alfred Bloom, Swarthmore College
- Leon Botstein, Bard College
- Jeffrey Brotman, University of Washington 2004-
- Harold Brown, California Institute of Technology 1969-77
- Jared Cohon, Carnegie Melon University
- Scott Cowen, Tulane University 1997
- James Crown, Chairman of Board University of Chicago
- Norman Fainstein, Conneticut College
- Joel Fleishman, first senior vice president of Duke University
- James Freedman, president of Darthmouth College 1987-98
- James Freedman, University of Iowa 1982-87
- Stephen Friedman, chairman of Columbia University
- Nathan Gantcher, Chairman of the Board of Trustees Tuft University 1983-
- Stanley Gold, Chairman of Board of University of Southern California
- Marvin Goldberger, president of California Institute of Technology
- Matthew Goldstein, Chancellor of City University of New York
- David Gottesman, Chairman of Yeshiva University = ch 1993- (fifth)
- Gerald Grinstein, University of Washington -2004
- Amy Gutmann, University of Pennsylvania 2004-
- Norman Hackerman, president of University of Texas
- Norman Hackerman, president of Rice University 1970-1985
- Evelyn Handler, Brandeis University 1983-90
- Evelyn Handler, president of New Hampshire 1980-83
- Matc Holtzman, University of Denver
- Steven Hyman, provost of Harvard
- Steven Isenberg, chairman of Adelphi University
- Richard Joel, president of Yeshiva University
- John Kemeny, Dartmouth College 1971-80
- Henry Koffler, University of Arizona 1980
- Joseph Kohn, chairman of Prinston University
- Henry Kravis, Vice chairman of Rockefeller University
- Norman Lamm, president and chairman of Yeshiva University
- Yoshua Lederberg, president of Rockefeller University 1978-90
- Jeffrey Lehman, Cornell Univesity 2001- 11th
- Edward Levi, University of Chicago 1968-75
- Richard Levin, Yale University
- Irving London, chairman of Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1970-
- George Low, president of Rensselaer Politechnic Institute 1976
- Robert Marshak, City College
- Morris Marx, University of West Florida
- L.Lowry Mays, chairman of Texas A&M University (unconfirmed)
- Martin Meyerson, University of Pennsylvania 1970 -
- Martin Meyerson, State University of New York
- Barry Munitz, chancellor of California State University
- Mordecai Noah, founder of New York University
- Jeremiah Ostriker, Provost at Prinseton University
- Hank Payne, Woodward Academy
- Louis Pearlmutter, chairman Brandeis University
- Harvey Perlman, chairman of University of Nebraska
- Jehuda Reinharz, Brandeis University
- Bernard Revell, president of Yeshiva University (first president)
- Judith Rodin, University of Pennsylvania 1994-04
- Arthur Rothkopf, Lafayette College -2004
- Neil Rudenstine, Harvard 1991-2001
- Abram Sachar, President of Brandeis University (first president)
- David Saxon, University of California
- David Saxon, Chairman of MIT Corporation
- Michael Schwartz, Cleveland State University
- Joel Segall, Baruch College
- Judith Shapiro, president of Barnard College 1994
- Harold Shapiro, Princeton 1988-01
- Harold Shapiro, Michigan 1980-88
- Robert Sillerman, chansellor of Southampton College 1992
- Maxime Singer, president of Carnegie Institution 1988-02
- Hugo Sonnenschein, University of Chicago 1993-2000
- Robert Sinsheimer, chancellor of University of California at Santa Cruz
- Michael Sovern, Columbia Univ. 1980
- Graham Spanier, Pennsylvania State University 1995
- Ronald Stanton, chairman Yeshiva University
- Isaac Stein,
- Lawrence Summers, Harvard 2001-
- Sam Thiers, president of Brandeis University
- Stephen Trachtenberg, George Washington University
- Sanford Ungar, Goucher College (Baltimore)
- Daniel Weiss, Lafayette College 2004-
- Morry Weiss, chairman of Yeshiva University
- Jerome Wiesner, president of MIT 1971-80
- Benno Gitter, chansellor of Tel Aviv University
- Yuval Ne'eman, president of Tel Aviv Unoversity
- Itamar Rabinovich, president of Tel Aviv University
- Hugo Ramniceanu, Vice Chairman of Tel-Aviv Univesity
- Michael Steinhardt, Chairman of Tela Aviv University 2000-
Other Countries
- Peter Baume, Chancellor of ANU Australia
- Sir Walter Bodmer, Chancellor of University of Salford -2005
- Reuben Cohen, chancellor of Dalhousie University (third) Canada
- Jack Diamond, Chansellor of Simon Fraser University 1975-78 Canada
- Samuel Freedman, Chancellor of University of Monitoba 1959-68 Canada
- Richard Goldbloom, chansellor of Dalhousie University Canada (unconfirmed)
- Myer Horowitz, University of Alberta Canada
- Lord Claus Moser, Keele University = ch 1986-2002 The United Kingdom)
- Robert Rae, Chancellor of Wifrid Laurier University 2003-
- Ian Seagal, head of Simon Fraser University Canada
- Bernard Shapiro, Principal of McGill University 1994-2002 Canada
- Ruth Wolfe, Chancellor of University of Toronto 1993 Canada
- Robert Winston, Chancellor of University of Sheffield Hullam University The United Kingdom
- Max Wyman, University of Alberta Canada
edit- Anatole Abragam, Russian-born French physicist father of NMR 973
- Edouard Brezin, French physicist, 1991
- Haïm Brezis, French mathematician,Nonlinear analysis 1998
- Georges Charpak,Ukrainian-born Swiss French physicist, Nobel Prize (1992)
- George Cohen-Tannoudji, Algerian-born French scientist, 1983 Correspondent
- Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Algerian-born French physicist, Nobel Prize (1997) 1981
- Mikhael Gromov, Russian-born French American mathematician, differential geometry 1997
- Jacques Hadamard, French mathematician, functional analysis 1912
- Georges-Henri Halphen, French mathematician 1884
- Francois Jacob,French scientist, Nobel Prize (1965) in medicine 1976
- Henri Kagan, French chemist 1991
- Jean-Pierre Kahane, French mathematician 1998
- Maxim Kontsevich, Russian-born German French mathematician, Fields Medal (1998) (Jewish mother) 2002
- Paul Levy, French mathematician 1964
- Albert Libchaber, American born French physicist, Chaos theorist 2002
- Gabriel Lippmann, Luxrmburg-born French physicist, Nobel Prize (1908) first permanent color photographic process 1883
- André Lwoff, microbiologist, Nobel Prize (1965)
- Henri Moissan, French chemist, Nobel Prize (1906), artificle diamond, 1891
- Guy Ourisson, French chemist, (Jewish father), 1981
- Laurent Schwartz, French mathematician, Fields Medal (1950) 1972
- Raymond Stora, French-born French American physicist, 1994 Correspondent
- Andre Weil, French American mathematician, group theory, Algebric geometry
- Ellie Wollman, French scientist, 1980 Correspondent
Foreign Associates
edit- Vladimir Arnold,Ukrainian-born Russian American mathematician, 1984
- John Ball, 1900
- David Baltimore, American biochemist, Nobel Prize (1975) in medicine, 2000
- Seymour Benzer, American scientist, Recipient of National Medal of Science, 2000
- Paul Berg, American chemist, Nobel Prize (1980), Head of Human Genome Project, 1981
- Raoul Bott, Hungarian-born American mathematician, Recipient of National Medal of Science, (Jewish mother) 1995
- Sydney Brenner, South African-born British American scientist, Nobel Prize (2002) in medicine, 1992
- Joseph Doob, American mathematician,
- Gerald Edelman,American scientist, Nobel Prize (1972) in medicine, 1978
- Israil Gelfand, Ukrainian-born Russian American mathematician, 2002
- Erwin Hahn, American physicist, nuclear spin echoes NMR, 1992
- Eric Kandel, Austrian-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (2000) in medicine, Recipient of National Medal of Science 1995
- Richard Karp, American computer scientist, Recipient of National Medal of Science, 2002
- Ephraim Katzir, Ukrainian-born Israeli scientist, Fourth President of Israel 1989
- Sergiu Klainerman, Romanian-born U.S. mathematician, 1996
- Daniel Kleppner, American physicist, atomic research, 2002
- Sir Aaron Klug, Lithuanian-born, South African British scientist, Nobel Prize (1982) in chemistry, 1989
- Leopold Kronecker, Polish-born German mathematician, 1868
- Peter Lax, Hungarian-born American mathematician, Abel Prize (2005) 1981
- Wassily Leontief, Russian-born American economist, Nobel Prize (1973), (Jewish mother) 1968
- Matthew Meselson, American molecular biologist, 1984
- Elliot Meyerowitz, American biologist, plants 2002
- Rita Montalcini-Levi, Italia-born American scientist, Nobel Prize (1986), Recipient of National Medal of Science, 1989
- Louis Nirenberg, Canadian-born American mathematician, 1989
- Sir Gustav Nossal, Austrian-born Australian biologist, 1989
- Wolfgang Panofsky, German-born American physicist, particle physics, Recipient of National Medal of Science, 1989
- George Polya, Hungarian-born Swiss American mathematician, combinatorics, (Jewish father)
- Alexander Polyakov, Russian physicist, 1998
- Frank Press, American geophysicist, Recipient of National Medal of Science, 1981
- Michael Rabin, Polish-born Israeli American mathematician, nondermenistic algorithm, 1995
- Alexander Rich, American biologist, Recipient of National Medal of Science, 1984
- Frederic Riesz, Hungarian mathematician, founder of functional analysis,
- Michael Sela, Israeli biochemist, immunology, 1995.0
- Gilbert Stork, Belgian-born American chemist, organic chemistry, Recipient of National Medal of Science, 1989
- Valentine Telegdi, Hungarian-born Swiss American physicist, 1900.0
- Gabriele Veneziano, Italian-born Israeli Swiss physicist, quantum field theory, 2002FAS02
- Edward Witten, American mathematician and physician, Fields Medal (1990), Recipient of National Medal of Science, 2000
edit- Garri Abelev, Russian biochemist
- Alexei Abrikosov, Russian U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (2003) (Jewish mother)
- Vadim Agol, Russian biologist CorrMember
- Zhores Alferov, Belarussian-born Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (2000) (Jewish mother)
- Semion Altshuller, Belarissian-born Russian physicist astronomer CorrMember
- Georgy Arbatov, Ukrainian-born Russian economist politics
- Vladimir Arnold,Ukrainian-born Russian U.S. mathematician, (Jewish mother)
- Arkady Aronov, Russian theoretical physicist CorrMember
- Mikhail Averbah, medicine oftalmologist
- Lev Berg, Moldavian-born Russian geographist
- Sergei Bernstein, Ukrainian-born Rusian mathematician
- Leon Biberman, Georgian-born Russian physicist energy CorrMember
- Grigory Bongard-Levin, Russian historian
- Alexandr Braunshtein, Ukrainian-born Russian biochemist
- Isaak Bruk, Belarussian-born Russian engineer CorrMember
- Gersh Budker, Ukrainian-born Russian nuclear physict
- Boris Bykhovsky, medicine biology
- Abram Deborin, Lithuanian-born Russian phylosopher sociologist
- Igor Dzyaloshinski, physicist, CorrMember
- Saergei Efuni, Georgian-born Russian scientist, medicine
- Gerasim Eliashberg, Russian theoretical physicist
- Evgeny Feinberg, Azerbajan-born Russian nuclear physicist
- David Ferdman, Moldavian-born Russian biochemist CorrMember
- Efim Fradkin, Belarusian-born Russian physicist
- Ilya Frank, Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (1958) (Jewish father)
- Gleb Frank, Russian biophysicist, (Jewish father)
- Iosif Fridlyander, Uzbekistan-born Russian chemist/physicist engineering
- Aleksei Fridman, Russian astronomer
- Alexander Frumkin, Moldavian-born Russian chemist, father of Russian electrochemistry
- Vsevolod Gantmakher, Russian physicist, CorrMember
- Israil Gelfand, Ukrainian-born Russian U.S. mathematician
- Alexandr Gelfond, Russian mathematician, CorrMember
- Grigory Gershuni, Russian physiologist, CorrMember
- Vitaly Ginzburg, Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (2003)
- Iosif Gitelzon, Russian biophysicist
- Vitaly Goldanski, Belarussian-born Russian nuclear physicist
- Victor Gurfinkel, Ukrainian-born Russian physiologist
- Gavriil Ilizarov, Belarussian-born Russian biologist biotechnologist
- Abram Ioffe, Ukrainian-born Russian physicist
- Boris Ioffe, Russian nuclear physicist, CorrMember
- Martin Kabachnik, Russian organical chemist
- Yuri Kagan, Russian physicist astronomer
- Leonid Kantorovich, Russian economist, Nobel Prize (1975), linear programming
- Vladimir Keilis-Borok, Russian geophysicist
- Leonid Keldysh, Russian physicist astronomer
- Moisey Khaikin, Russian physicist, CorrMember
- Viktor Khain, Azebarjan-born Russian geophysicist
- Isaac Khalatnikov, Russian physicist
- Yulii Khariton, Russian nuclear physicist
- Roman Khesin-Lure, Rusian biochemist
- Alexander Khinchin, Belarusian-born Rusian mathematician
- Daniil Khvolson, Lithuanian-born Russian Academiv, eastern studies, CorrMember
- Orest Khvolson,Rusian physicist, CorrMember
- Isaak Kikoin, Lithuanian-born Russian physicist astronomer
- David Kirzhnits, Russian nuclear physicist, CorrMember
- Aleksei Kontorovich, Ukrainian-born Russian geologist neft
- Lev Landau, Azebatjan-born Ukrainian Russian physicist, Nobel Prize (1962)
- Semion Lavochkin, Russian airplane designer CorrMember
- Leonid Leibenzon, Ukrainian-born Russian engineer, mechanics
- Lev Leontiev, Lithuanian-born Russian economist, CorrMember
- Veniamin Levich, Ukrainian-born Russian chemist, CorrMember
- Vladimir Levin, Russian computer scientist
- Revekka Levina, Lithuanian-born Russian economist, CorrMember
- Frants Levinson-Lessing, Russian geologist, mineorologist
- Yevgeny Lifshitz, Ukrainian-born Rusian physicist astronomer
- Ilya Lifshitz, Ukrainian-born Russian physict
- Anatoly Lurie, Belarusian-born Russian engineer, CorrMember
- Lazar Lyusternik, Russian mathematician, CorrMember
- Sergey Mandelshtam, Ukrainian-born Russian physicist, CorrMember
- Leonid Mandelstam, Belarussian-born Ukrainian Rusian physicist
- Yuri Manin, Ukrainian-born Russian mathematician, CorrMember
- Ilya Mechnikov, Ukrainian-born Russian French biologist, Nobel Prize (1908)
- Arkady Migdal, Belarussian-born Russian physict
- Alexandr Mints,Russian engineer, radiotechnics
- Isaak Mints, Ukrainian-born Russian historian
- Mark Mitin, Ukrainian-born Russian philosopher sociologist
- Vladimir Neiland, Russian engineer, CorrMember
- Viktor Neiman, okenography, CorrMember
- Teodor Oizerman, Ukrainian-born Russian philosopher,
- Lev Okun, Russian nuclear physicist
- Yakov Parnas, Moldavian-born Russian biochemist
- Vladimir Perel, Russian physicist, astronomy
- Alexander Polyakov, Russian nuclear physicist, CorrMember
- Isaak Pomeranchuk, Polish-born Russian physicist
- Bruno Pontecorvo, Italian-born British Russian physicist, neutrino
- Yevgeny Primakov, Ukrainian-born Russian, economist, former Prime Minister
- Adolf Rabinovich, Russian physical chemist, CorrMember
- Isaak Rabinovich, Belurussian-born Russian engineer, CorrMember
- Mikhail Rabinovich, Russian physicist electronica, CorrMember
- Boris Riftin, Russian lingvist, CorrMember
- Alexander Roitbak, Ukrainian-born Russian physiologist, CorrMember
- Leonid Rozenshtraukh, Russian phisiologist, CorrMember
- Andrey Rubin, Russian biologist, CorrMember
- Sergei Rubinshtein, Ukrainian-born Russian psychologist, Corr Member
- David Ryazanov, Ukrainian-born Russian hystorian,
- Antonio Sanchez,Potugal-born Netherlands Russian physician
- Yakov Schur, Belarussian-born Russian physicist, CorrMember
- Grigory Shain, Ukrainian-born Russian astronomer
- Iosif Shapiro, Ukrainian-born Russian physicist, CorrMember
- Feodor Shapiro, Belarusian-born Russian nuclear physicist, CorrMember
- Alexandr Sheindlin, Russian physicist
- Evald Shpilrain, Ukrainian-born Russian physicist, engineering, CorrMember
- Sergey Shteinberg, Russian engineer, CorrMember
- Lev Shterenberg, Ukrainian-born Russian etnographer, CorrMember
- Lina Shtern, Latvian-born Russian physiologist,
- Stanislav Shvartz, Ukrainian-born Russian biologist, ziologist
- Igor Sobelman, Russian physicist, CorrMember isr ort
- Viktor Soifer, Russian computer scientist, CorrMember
- Yvgeny Sverdlov, Ukrainian-born Russian biochemist,
- David Talmud, Ukrainian-born Russian scientist, physical chemistry, CorrMember
- Viktor Talroze, Russian scientist, physical chemistry
- Igor Tamm, Russian physicist, Noble Prize (1958) (unconfirmed)
- Yevgeniy Tarle, Ukrainian-born Russian hystorian
- Ilya Trainin, Latvian-born Russian lawer
- Iosif Trakhtenberg, Russian economist
- Yakov Tsypkin, Russian engineer
- Boris Vainshtein, Russian physicist
- Lev Vainshtein, Russian engineer, CorrMember
- Evgeny Varga, Hungarian-born Russian economist
- Veniamin Veits,Belarussian-born Russian engineer physicist, CorrMember
- Vladimir Veksler, Russian nuclear physicist
- Semion Volfkovich, Ukrainian-born Russian chemist
- Mikhail Volkenshtein, Russian biophysicist, CorrMember
- Mark Volpin, Ukrainian-born Russian chemist
- Iosif Vorovich, Belarussian-born mathematician
- Bentsion Vul, Ukrainian-born Russian physicist, astronomer
- Emelyan Yaroslavsky, Russian historian politician
- Yakov Zeldovich, Belarussian-born Russian physicist
Foreign Members
edit- Anatole Abragam, Russian-born French physicist, father of NMR
- John Bernal, Irish-born British physicist (Jewish father)
- Niels Bohr, Denish-born British U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1922), theory of atomic structure, (Jewish mother)
- Max Born, German-born British U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1954)
- Moritz Cantor, German-born mathematician
- Nikodem Caro, Polish-born German chemist, nitrogen fixation
- Sir Ernst Chain, Grman-born British biochemist, Nobel Prize (1945) penicilin
- Georges Charpak, Ukrainian-born Swiss French physicist, Nobel Prize (1992)
- Ernst Cohen,
- Richard Courant, Polish-born German U.S. mathematician
- Paul Ehrenfest,Austrian-born Russian Nitherlandian physicist
- Albert Einstein, German-born Swiss U.S.
- Lars Ernster, Hungarian-born Swedish biochemist
- Kazimir Fajans, Polian-born German U.S. chemist, isotopes protactinium
- Herman Fisher, German Physicist
- Sheldon Glashow, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1979)
- Victor Goldschmidt, Swiss-born norvegian Scientist, mineorology
- Theodor Gomperz, Czech-born Austrian philosopher
- Fritz Haber, Polish-born German chemist, amonia, Nobel Prize (1918)
- Jacques Hadamard, French mathematician, functional analysis
- Sir William Herschel, British astronomer, discovered Uranus (Jewish grandfather)
- Gustav Hertz, German physicist, Nobel Prize (1925), (Jewish parental grandfather)
- Roald Hoffmann, Polish-born U.S. chemist, Nobel Prize (1981), electronic structures
- Karl Jacobi, German mathematician
- Joshua Jortner, Polish-born Israeli chemist
- Lawrence Klein, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1980)
- Leopold Kronecker, Polish-born German mathematician
- Edmund Landau, German mathematician, co-founder of number theory
- Emanuel Lasker,Polish-born German U.S. mathematician, World Champion in chess 1894-1921
- Peter Lax, Hungarian-born U.S. mathematician, Abel Medal (2005), Recipient of National Medal of Science in U.S.
- Leon Lederman, U.S. physicist., Nobel Prize (1988)
- Wassily Leontief, Russian-born U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (1973) (Jewish mother)
- Tullio Levi-Civita, Italian-born physicist
- Gabriel Lippmann, Luxemburgian-born French physicist, Nobel Prize (1908) first permanent color photographic process
- Andre Lwoff, French scientist, Nobel Prize (1965) in medicine
- Herman Mark, Austrian-born German U.S. chemist, father of polymer science, (Jewish father)
- Matthew Meselson, U.S. molecular biologist
- Albert Michelson, Polish-born U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1907), optical precision instruments
- Wolfgang Panofsky, German-born U.S. physicist, particle physics
- Rudolf Peierls, German-born U.S. British physicist, (Jewish father)
- Julius Peterman, German history fiologist
- David Pines, U.S. physicist
- Vladimir Prelog, Yugoslavian-born Swiss chemist
- Frank Press, U.S. geophysicist, President of NAS
- Ilya Prigogine,Russian-born Belgian chemist, Nobel Prize (1977)
- Nataniel Pringsheim, German botanist, founder of German Botanical Society
- Frederick Reines, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize (1995)
- Alexander Rich, U.S molecular biologist
- Walter fon Roth, German historian filologist
- Issai Schur, Belarusian-born German Israeli mathematician
- Eduard Schwartz, German archeologist
- Edwin Seligman, U.S. economist
- Moritz Shiff, German-born Swiss biologist
- Mattias Shleiden, German biologist
- Herbert Simon, U.S. scientist, father of AI, Nobel Prize (1978) (one not Jewish grandparent)
- Sir Aurel Stein, Hungarian-born British
- Joseph Stiglitz, U.S. economist, Nobel Prize (2001)
- James Sylvester, British mathematician
- Valentine Telegdi, Hungarian-born Swiss U.S. physicist
- Andre Weil, French-born U.S. mathematician, group theory, Algebric geometry
- Victor Weisskopf, Austrian-born U.S. physicist, director of CERN
- Richard Willstatter, German-born Swiss chemist, Nobel Prize (1915)