Talk:Ademaga Mešić

Latest comment: 9 years ago by Rovoobo in topic Ademaga Mešić self-declaring Croat


Ademaga Mešić self-declaring Croat


In addition to quotes in the article here are some of his writings and views after the establishment of Društvo bosansko-hercegovačkih Hrvata u Zagrebu (Society of the Bosnia-Herzegovinian Croats in Zagreb).

Hasanbegović, Zlatko. Iz korespondencije Ademage Mešića uoči uspostave Banovine Hrvatske. Pismo Društva bosansko-hercegovačkih Hrvata u Zagrebu reis-ul-ulemi Fehimu Spahi i vrhbosanskom nadbiskupu Ivanu Šariću iz svibnja 1939. // ČSP, Vol. 40, No. 3 (December 2008.),

  • pp. 979:

kada smo se Hrvati iz Hrvatske i Bosne sastajali (when we Croats from the Croatia and Bosnia met)

  • pp. 980:

Nisam mnogo puta u mome životu bio tako ushićen i tako razveseljen kao ovoga časa čitajući Hrvatski Dnevnik od 20 o.[vog] mj.[eseca] br.[oj] 1035. i kad sam naišao na noticu pod naslovom “osnivačka skupština Društva Bosansko- Hercegovačkih Hrvata.” Sam naslov ovog članka u mom srcu, u mojoj duši, probudio je veliko veselje i veliku radost, te sam taj članak štono ima riječ na jedan dušak pročitao. (...) (I wasn't that many times in my life so elated and so delighted as this time reading Hrvatski Dnevnik from 20. t.[his] m.[onth] nu.[mber] 1035 and when I came to the notice entitled "Constituent Assembly Society of the Bosnia-Herzegovinian Croats in Zagreb." Just the title of this article in my heart, in my soul, awakened a great pleasure and great joy, and I have that article read in one quaff as they would say.) (...)

Naš ideal nije ništa drugo nego da se radi i priprema za naše ujedinjenje i oslobodjenje sa širom domovinom majkom hrvatskom. (...) (Our ideal is nothing else than to work and prepare for our unification and liberation with our wider homeland mother Croatia.)

Mi smo svi u našoj mladosti snovali, pravili te makar i pomalo izgradjivali i postavljali čvrste temelje na kojim temeljima treba da bude izgradjena i savršeno sagradjena velika Hrvatska. (We all in our youth dreamed up, made and even if somewhat built up and laid a solid foundation on which to base should be constructed and perfectly constructed great Croatia.)

  • pp 981:

Mi Hrvati Muslimani (We Croats Muslims)

  • pp. 982:

a nas Hrvate muslimane (...) (and us Croats muslims)

našeg vodje Dr. Vladka Mačeka (our leader's Dr. Vladko Maček's)

  • pp. 990:

Doktor Vladimir Maček Zagreb Srdačno čestitam Tvoj šestesetgodišnji jubilej uz toplu želju da doživiš i stogodišnjicu života na sreću i korist hrvatskog naroda. Čuvaj hrvatsku Bosnu i ne daj je komadati Ademaga Mešić (Doctor Vladimir Maček Zagreb Cordially congratulate Your sixty-year jubilee with a warm desire to experience the centenary for the happiness and benefit of the Croatian people. Take care of Croat Bosnia and do not let it be cut up Ademaga Mešić)--Rovoobo Talk 11:59, 6 February 2015 (UTC)Reply

Listen, chief. This is en WP, not hr or sh WP. You need to make comments in English here, and provide (your) translations. Thanks, Peacemaker67 (crack... thump) 12:09, 6 February 2015 (UTC)Reply
I listened, chief. Thanks for the info. Just did the translating.--Rovoobo Talk 21:58, 6 February 2015 (UTC)Reply