Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Basque

The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Basque
# Articles in Basque instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Ameriketako Estatu Batuak country, federal republic, superpower United States 406
2 Lurra terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth   344
3 Eguzkia G-type main-sequence star Sun   334
4 Jesus Nazaretekoa human, human biblical figure Jesus   324
5 Berlin city-state, metropolis, Hanseatic city Berlin 318
6 Ur type of chemical entity Water 313
7 Albert Einstein human Albert Einstein   308
8 New York city in the United States New York City 307
9 Irlanda country, island country, sovereign state Republic of Ireland 305
10 Leonardo da Vinci human Leonardo da Vinci   297
11 Marte superior planet, inner planet of the Solar System Mars   289
12 Nelson Mandela human Nelson Mandela   279
13 Julio Zesar human Julius Caesar 277
14 Mahatma Gandhi human Mahatma Gandhi   274
15 Bigarren Mundu Gerra world war, historical period World War II   273
16 Artizarra inner planet of the Solar System, inferior planet Venus   266
17 Hego Sudan country, landlocked country, sovereign state South Sudan 264
18 Eskozia country, nation, constituent country of the United Kingdom Scotland 261
19 Eguzki-sistema planetary system Solar System   261
20 Jupiter outer planet, gas giant, superior planet Jupiter   258
21 Merkurio inner planet of the Solar System, inferior planet Mercury (planet)   258
22 Planeta astronomical object type Planet   256
23 Saturno outer planet, gas giant Saturn   252
24 Lehen Mundu Gerra world war, historical period World War I 252
25 Judaismo religion, lifestyle, ethnic religion Judaism 250
26 Urano outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Uranus   248
27 Gales country, nation, constituent country of the United Kingdom Wales   241
28 Neptuno outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Neptune   239
29 Bartzelona city, municipality of Catalonia Barcelona 237
30 John Fitzgerald Kennedy human John F. Kennedy 237
31 Martin Luther King human Martin Luther King Jr.   230
32 Charles Dickens human Charles Dickens 229
33 Anton Txekhov human Anton Chekhov 228
34 Hidrogeno chemical element, atmophile element Hydrogen   227
35 Dublin big city, port settlement, administrative city in the Republic of Ireland Dublin 226
36 Teheran megacity, global city, city of Iran Tehran 226
37 Franz Kafka human Franz Kafka   223
38 Garagardo Beer   221
39 Unibertsoa universe Universe   217
40 Kataluniako Autonomia Erkidegoa country, autonomous community of Spain, historical nationality Catalonia 207
41 Sofokles human Sophocles   200
42 Helio chemical element, atmophile element Helium   199
43 Walt Disney human Walt Disney   198
44 Estatistika academic major Statistics 196
45 Eskola School 193
46 Hegazkin product, aircraft lift-power class Airplane 191
47 Google public company, business, identity provider Google 190
48 Galaxia astronomical object type Galaxy   187
49 Kalkuta megacity, metropolis, state capital Kolkata 187
50 Birus taxon Virus   185
51 Zelula cell type, anatomical structure class type Cell (biology) 183
52 Bakterio taxon Bacteria   181
53 Edinburgo city, lieutenancy area of Scotland, metropolitan county Edinburgh 181
54 Rudyard Kipling human Rudyard Kipling 181
55 Turismo Tourism 180
56 Birika organ type, class of anatomical entity Lung   178
57 Faxismo political system, political movement, political ideology Fascism 176
58 Alfred Hitchcock human Alfred Hitchcock   175
59 Irlanda island, cultural region Ireland 175
60 Noam Chomsky human Noam Chomsky   175
61 Tsunami Tsunami 172
62 Big Bang occurrence, unmoved mover, cosmological model Big Bang 171
63 Freddie Mercury human Freddie Mercury   171
64 Elektroi type of quantum particle Electron   168
65 Hasiera literary work, book of the Bible Book of Genesis 166
66 Kromo chemical element, lithophile Chromium   157
67 Mark Zuckerberg human Mark Zuckerberg 157
68 Industria economic sector Industry (manufacturing) 150
69 Bilbo municipality of Spain Bilbao 143
70 Eukarioto taxon Eukaryote   142
71 Errugbi team sport, ball game Rugby football 141
72 Saint-Pierre eta Mikelune French overseas collectivity Saint Pierre and Miquelon 138
73 David Bowie human David Bowie   130
74 Greziar mitologia mythology Greek mythology 130
75 Partenoia ancient Greek temple, tourist attraction, Ancient Greek archaeological site Parthenon 128
76 Sherlock Holmes fictional detective, literary character, fictional human Sherlock Holmes 127
77 Manga comic genre, comic format Manga 123
78 Txernobylgo hondamendia environmental disaster, nuclear disaster Chernobyl disaster 121
79 Émile Durkheim human Émile Durkheim   121
80 Zirkulazio-aparatu neural system type, class of anatomical entity Circulatory system 120
81 Eztei key event Wedding 120
82 Immunitate-sistema neural system type Immune system   118
83 Poliomielitis infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Polio 117
84 Kanguru organisms known by a particular common name Kangaroo 115
85 Plaken tektonika theory Plate tectonics 115
86 Mel Gibson human Mel Gibson 113
87 Gasteiz municipality of Spain Vitoria-Gasteiz 112
88 Donostia municipality of Spain San Sebastián 111
89 Ipar-katamotz taxon Eurasian lynx 110
90 Giza Immunoeskasiaren Birusa organisms known by a particular common name HIV   110
91 Dodo taxon, extinct taxon Dodo   108
92 K2 mountain K2 108
93 Nightwish musical group Nightwish 108
94 Rovaniemi city, municipality of Finland Rovaniemi 108
95 Asteroide gerrikoa circumstellar disk, ring system, astronomical object in the Solar System Asteroid belt   106
96 Iruñea municipality of Spain Pamplona 106
97 Prokarioto taxon Prokaryote 104
98 Supernoba astronomical object type Supernova   104
99 Persepolis archaeological site, cultural property, architectural landmark Persepolis 103
100 Eva Perón human Eva Perón 102
101 Higiene academic degree, practice, academic discipline Hygiene 102
102 Thor thunder deity, Norse deity Thor   101
103 Integral mathematical concept Integral 100
104 Euskal Herria country, nation, stateless nation Basque Country (greater region) 99
105 Oorten hodeia trans-Neptunian object, hypothetical entity Oort cloud   97
106 Neguko Olinpiar Jokoak recurring sporting event Winter Olympic Games   97
107 Pier Paolo Pasolini human Pier Paolo Pasolini 94
108 Edurnezuri literary work Snow White 94
109 Mont-Saint-Michel commune of France, car-free place Mont-Saint-Michel 93
110 Marina Tsvetaieva human Marina Tsvetaeva 92
111 E real number, transcendental number, mathematical constant E (mathematical constant)   91
112 Veneziako Errepublika historical country Republic of Venice 91
113 Baiona commune of France Bayonne 90
114 Entzelado moon of Saturn, regular moon Enceladus   89
115 Erresonantzia magnetiko bidezko irudigintza medical test Magnetic resonance imaging   89
116 USB de facto standard, interface standard, protocol suite USB 89
117 Vlad Drakula human Vlad the Impaler 88
118 Proxima Centauri double star, flare star, eruptive variable star Proxima Centauri   87
119 Giza sexualitate concept Human sexuality 86
120 Jack Tripa-ateratzailea human Jack the Ripper   85
121 Rachel Weisz human Rachel Weisz   85
122 Yosemite Parke Nazionala national park, tourist attraction, National Park of the United States Yosemite National Park 85
123 Frantzisko Xabierkoa human Francis Xavier 84
124 Sagardo Cider 82
125 Pierre Bourdieu human Pierre Bourdieu 82
126 Hirigintza public administration, academic discipline, type of policy Urban planning 82
127 Itsaso Hileko Eskuizkribuak archaeological artifact, discovered text, group of manuscripts Dead Sea Scrolls 81
128 Otsaileko Iraultza revolution February Revolution 81
129 2020ko Beiruteko leherketak explosion, industrial fire, industrial disaster 2020 Beirut explosion 80
130 E=mc² mathematical concept, concept in physics Mass–energy equivalence 79
131 Pasahitz Password 79
132 Bosniako gerra civil war, ethnic conflict Bosnian War 77
133 Iraultza neolitiko revolution, process Neolithic Revolution 76
134 Przewalski zaldi taxon Przewalski's horse 75
135 Real Sociedad association football club Real Sociedad 75
136 Uro synonym, extinct taxon Aurochs   74
137 PlayStation product model PlayStation (console)   73
138 Arduino business, technology company, open source microcontroller Arduino 72
139 Urruntze sozial social behavior, activity policy Social distancing 71
140 Eskoziaren independentziarako 2014ko erreferenduma independence referendum 2014 Scottish independence referendum 69
141 Etxegabe status Homelessness 69
142 DNAren erreplikazio biological process DNA replication 68
143 Ekologismo social movement, political ideology Environmentalism 68
144 Twice girl group Twice 68
145 Akira Toriyama human Akira Toriyama   66
146 Ekintza potentzial biological process Action potential 64
147 Jesusen Gurutziltzaketa artistic theme, deicide, crucifixion Crucifixion of Jesus 64
148 Uhin-partikula dualtasuna physical law, quantum effect Wave–particle duality 63
149 Kemi town, municipality of Finland Kemi 62
150 Parapsikologia branch of pseudoscience Parapsychology 62
151 Sharon Tate human Sharon Tate 62
152 Tom Waits human Tom Waits 62
153 Kongo Belgikarra colony, former administrative territorial entity Belgian Congo 61
154 Juan Sebastian Elkano human Juan Sebastián Elcano 61
155 Kataluniaren independentziarako 2017ko erreferenduma independence referendum 2017 Catalan independence referendum 60
156 Afganistango historia history of a country or state History of Afghanistan 60
157 Transhumanismo world view, cultural movement Transhumanism 59
158 Pazko matxinada rebellion Easter Rising 58
159 Latinezko literatura sub-set of literature Latin literature 57
160 Tornio town, municipality of Finland Tornio 57
161 Foraminifero taxon Foraminifera 56
162 Mikael Agricola human Mikael Agricola 56
163 Erromatar arkitektura architectural style, specialty Ancient Roman architecture 55
164 Basilisko human Basiliscus   54
165 Neskatan/mutiletan egin Flirting 54
166 Gaeltacht administrative territorial entity, geographic region Gaeltacht 54
167 Marokoko historia history of a country or state History of Morocco 54
168 Hondarribia city, municipality of Spain Hondarribia 54
169 Donibane Garazi commune of France Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port 54
170 Psikologia ebolutiboa academic discipline Evolutionary psychology 53
171 Bokata activity, technique, economic activity Laundry 53
172 Tarpan fossil taxon Tarpan 53
173 Mauthausen-Gusen kontzentrazio-esparrua concentration camp, Nazi concentration camp, military museum Mauthausen concentration camp 51
174 Frenologia theory, branch of pseudoscience Phrenology 51
175 Zarautz municipality of Spain Zarautz 51
176 Aran uharteak archipelago, island group Aran Islands 50
177 Sei Nazioen Txapelketa recurring sporting event, international rugby union competition Six Nations Championship 50
178 Sodankylä municipality of Finland Sodankylä 50
179 Kellseko liburua illuminated manuscript, codex Book of Kells   49
180 Enpresa legal concept Business enterprise 49
181 Errenteria city, municipality of Spain Errenteria 49
182 Alemaniar nekazarien gerra peasant revolt German Peasants' War 49
183 Sirusho human Sirusho 49
184 Finlandiako historia history of a country or state History of Finland 48
185 Heriotza mugako esperientzia Near-death experience 48
186 Deinonychus fossil taxon Deinonychus   46
187 Guadalcanalgo Kanpaina military campaign Guadalcanal campaign   46
188 Kemijärvi town, municipality of Finland Kemijärvi 46
189 Kittilä municipality of Finland Kittilä 46
190 Bizkaia zubia suspension bridge Vizcaya Bridge 46
191 Getaria municipality of Spain Getaria, Spain 45
192 Kimikaren historia aspect of history History of chemistry 45
193 Bartzelonako metroa rapid transit Barcelona Metro 44
194 Bermeo municipality of Spain Bermeo 44
195 Gernikako bonbardaketa aerial bombing of a city Bombing of Guernica 44
196 Ikurrin ethnic flag, flag of a country subdivision Ikurriña 44
197 Poliziaren gehiegikeria delict Police brutality 43
198 Secure Digital SD card 43
199 Txertoekiko aurkakotasuna social movement, vaccination attitude Vaccine hesitancy 43
200 Selinonte museum, polis, human settlement Selinunte 42
201 Alfontso I.a Nafarroakoa human Alfonso the Battler 41
202 Sabin Arana human Sabino Arana 41
203 San Mames association football venue San Mamés Stadium (2013) 41
204 Tafalla municipality of Spain Tafalla 41
205 Kongoko krisialdia conflict Congo Crisis   40
206 Inari municipality of Finland Inari, Finland 40
207 Erriberri city, municipality of Spain Olite 40
208 Viana municipality of Spain Viana, Spain 40
209 Trebiñu municipality of Spain Condado de Treviño 39
210 Gares town, municipality of Spain Puente la Reina, Navarre 39
211 Zangoza city, municipality of Spain Sangüesa 39
212 Utsjoki municipality of Finland Utsjoki 39
213 Ranua municipality of Finland Ranua 38
214 Donostiako Zinemaldia film festival San Sebastián International Film Festival 38
215 Karlos II.a Nafarroakoa human Charles II of Navarre 37
216 Enontekiö municipality of Finland Enontekiö 37
217 Intel Core 2 processor Intel Core 2 37
218 Lazkao municipality of Spain Lazkao 37
219 Montori commune of France Montory 37
220 Mundaka municipality of Spain Mundaka 37
221 Muonio municipality of Finland Muonio 37
222 Baztan valley, municipality of Spain, unibertsitate Baztan, Navarre 36
223 Lorategi-hiri Garden city movement 36
224 Hrotsvitha human Hrotsvitha 36
225 Pelkosenniemi municipality of Finland Pelkosenniemi 36
226 Pello municipality of Finland Pello 36
227 Ylitornio municipality of Finland Ylitornio 36
228 Bernardo Atxaga human Bernardo Atxaga 35
229 Delfosko orakulua hieron, oracle Delphic Oracle 35
230 Konposatu organikoen nomenklatura IUPAC nomenclature of organic chemistry 35
231 Keminmaa municipality of Finland Keminmaa 35
232 Kolari municipality of Finland Kolari 35
233 Bizigarritasun planetario mathematical extrapolation Planetary habitability 35
234 Savukoski municipality of Finland Savukoski 35
235 Sarpen Sexual penetration 34
236 Bilboko metroa rapid transit Bilbao metro 33
237 Motia archaeological site, Ancient Greek archaeological site Motya 33
238 Esklabotza Afrikan aspect in a geographic region Slavery in Africa 32
239 Espainiako trantsizioa occurrence, historical period Spanish transition to democracy 32
240 Zipreko gatazka conflict Cyprus problem 31
241 Trans-Antartika Espedizio Inperiala research expedition, polar expedition Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition   31
242 Zuberoa province Soule 29
243 Andres Urdaneta human Andrés de Urdaneta 27
244 NATOren zabalpena Enlargement of NATO   27
245 Haur-jolas game genre Children's game 25
246 Jacques Laffitte human Jacques Laffitte 25
247 Pallas-Yllästunturiko Parke Nazionala national park Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park 25
248 Luigi Galleani human Luigi Galleani   24
249 Mikel Laboa human Mikel Laboa 24
250 Emakumea Antzinako Erroman aspect in a geographic region Women in ancient Rome 20
251 Kardinal nepote position Cardinal-nephew   19
252 Xynthia ekaitza storm surge, European windstorm Cyclone Xynthia 19
253 Tunturi Lappi subregion of Finland Fell Lapland 19
254 Francisco Javier Castaños human Francisco Javier Castaños, 1st Duke of Bailén 19
255 Olentzero Christmas tradition, mythical character, folklore character Olentzero 19
256 Nesle dorreko gertaera legend, scandal, faits divers Tour de Nesle affair 19
257 Gizon Basatia Wild man 19
258 Zintzarrotsak ritual, literary work Charivari 18
259 Erromintxel language, modern language Erromintxela language   18
260 Ipar Lappi subregion of Finland Northern Lapland 18
261 Txillardegi human Txillardegi 18
262 Ugandako trenbidea railway line Uganda Railway 18
263 Torne ibarra azpieskualdea subregion of Finland Torne Valley sub-region 17
264 Iberdrola dorrea skyscraper Iberdrola Tower 16
265 Lemoizko zentral nuklearra nuclear power plant Lemóniz Nuclear Power Plant 16
266 Pottoka horse breed Pottok 16
267 Nafarroako konkista war Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre 16
268 Joxe Azurmendi human Joxe Azurmendi 15
269 M-15 mugimendua political movement 15-M Movement 14
270 Bilboko itsasadarra estuary Estuary of Bilbao 14
271 Leireko monasterioa benedictine abbey, Monument (Spain) Monastery of Leyre 14
272 Espainiar nazionalismo political ideology Spanish nationalism 14
273 Aljerko Gudua battle Battle of Algiers (1956–1957) 13
274 2014ko Erabakitzeko Eskubidearen Aldeko Giza Katea human chain Human Chain for Basque Self-determination, 2014 12
275 Zaborren berreskurapen informal activity Informal waste collection 12
276 Nafarroako Gerra Zibila civil war Navarrese Civil War (1451–1455) 12
277 Aralar mountain chain Aralar Range 11
278 Iruñerria comarca of Navarre Cuenca de Pamplona 11
279 Frantses nazionalismo political ideology French nationalism 11
280 Oneka Ortitz Iruñekoa human Onneca Fortúnez   11
281 Sakana comarca of Navarre Sakana (d:Q2476592) 11
282 Donostiako Setioa siege Siege of San Sebastián 11
283 Durangoko bonbardaketa aerial bombing of a city Bombing of Durango 10
284 Herri Batasuna political party Herri Batasuna 10
285 Euskal Y-a high-speed railway line Basque Y 9
286 Joan Mari Torrealdai human Joan Mari Torrealdai 9
287 Martin Arrada Kruzat human Martín de Rada 9
288 Euskararen jatorria hypothesis, ethnogenesis Origin of the Basques 9
289 Iruñeko zitadela star fort, citadel, monument Citadel of Pamplona 8
290 Cosme Damian Txurruka human Cosme Damián Churruca 8
291 Gatazkaren konponbidea sustatzeko nazioarteko konferentzia peace conference Donostia-San Sebastián International Peace Conference 8
292 Euskal Rock Erradikala music genre Basque Radical Rock 7
293 Betizu French cattle breed Betizu 7
294 Zabalgune Ensanche 7
295 Caracasko Gipuzkoar Konpainia colonial society Guipuzcoan Company of Caracas 7
296 Abiadura handiko trenak Iberiar Penintsulan aspect in a geographic region High-speed rail in Spain 7
297 Euskal Herriko baleazaleak aspect of history History of Basque whaling 7
298 Imanol Larzabal human Imanol Larzabal 7
299 Alde Zaharra neighborhood, Historical Emsemble (Spain) Iruña/Pamplona historic district (d:Q2899365) 7
300 José María Sánchez Carrión human José María Sánchez Carrión 7
301 Madril-Hendaia burdinbidea railway line Madrid–Hendaye railway 7
302 Mallako Natura Erreserba Hertsia strict nature reserve Malla Strict Nature Reserve 7
303 Iruñeko metropoli eremua human settlement Pamplona metropolitan area (d:Q3571645) 7
304 Añanako Gatz Harana valley, salt evaporation pond, monument Salt Valley of Añana 7
305 Txik Txak transit district Txik Txak 7
306 Finlandiako historiaurrea aspect of history prehistory of Finland (d:Q2072912) 7
307 Eddingtonen esperimentua experiment Eddington experiment 6
308 Mikrobioak eta minbizia Infectious causes of cancer 6
309 Kontxako Bandera recurring sporting event Kontxako Bandera 6
310 Eskualdeko Hiri Garraioa transit district Pamplona City Transport 6
311 Terreña behi cattle breed Terreña 6
312 Lortu Arte agreement ✗ (d:Q3321649) 5
313 Alakrana atunontziaren bahiketa kidnapping ✗ (d:Q3822765) 5
314 Arrotxapea neighborhood Arrotxapea (d:Q2944629) 5
315 Biktoriano Iraola human Biktoriano Iraola (d:Q12255198) 5
316 Itziar Aizpuru human Itziar Aizpuru (d:Q12259922) 5
317 Angel Berruetaren hilketa murder Murder of Angel Berroetaren (d:Q16516169) 5
318 Bigarren Mundu Gerra Euskal Herrian World War II in the Basque Country 5
319 Euskal Herriko ardoak ✗ (d:Q3558210) 4
320 Enzebra ✗ (d:Q51881083) 4
321 Andrés Espinosa human Andrés Espinosa Etxebarría (d:Q5814220) 4
322 Eusko Itsas Gudarostea auxiliary navy Basque Auxiliary Navy 4
323 Zaragoza-Altsasu burdinbidea railway line Castejón-Alsasua railway line (d:Q5987819) 4
324 Foruen amaiera Hego Euskal Herrian aspect of history End of Basque home rule in Spain 4
325 Nafarroako sorgin ehiza witch trial Navarre witch trials (1525–26) 4
326 Nabarreria city, neighborhood, burgus Navarreria (d:Q11930644) 4
327 Segoviako ihesa prison escape Segovia prison break 4
328 Castejon-Bilbo burdinbidea railway line Tudela–Bilbao railway 4
329 Plazaolako bide berdea bike path, itinerary, rail trail Vía verde del Plazaola (d:Q2536114) 4
330 Andatza mountain unax (d:Q12253464) 4
331 Donostiako historia aspect of history ✗ (d:Q3136805) 3
332 Obanosko Infantzoien Biltzarrak convention ✗ (d:Q9016740) 3
333 Araba Bus bus-based transport system Araba Bus (d:Q27969418) 3
334 Arrosadia neighborhood Arrosadia/Milagrosa (d:Q2944623) 3
335 Bola joko type of sport Basque bowls 3
336 Irun-Elizondo burdinbidea railway line Bidasoa railway line (d:Q16567330) 3
337 Eli Gallastegi human Elias Gallastegi (d:Q12256722) 3
338 Nafarroako Hiriarteko Garraioa bus-based transport system NBus (d:Q74445218) 3
339 Iruñea-Donostia burdinbidea narrow-gauge railway Plazaolako trena (d:Q8961472) 3
340 Espainiako Gerra Zibila Euskal Herrian aspect in a geographic region Spanish Civil War in Basque Country (d:Q3815226) 3
341 Euskal Kantagintza Berria music genre, song type euskal kantagintza berria (d:Q12257561) 3
342 Àngels Garriga de Mata human Àngels Garriga de Mata (d:Q9098091) 3
343 Euskararen debekua ✗ (d:Q3610376) 2
344 1983ko uholdeak flood ✗ (d:Q12252519) 2
345 Donostiako arraunketa aspect of history ✗ (d:Q12256376) 2
346 Euskal Herriko mendiak ✗ (d:Q12257527) 2
347 Pasaiako segada ambush Pasaia ambush (d:Q6348464) 2
348 Iruñeko entzierroa Running of the Bulls in Pamplona (d:Q12259810) 2
349 1766ko matxinada ✗ (d:Q12252426) 1
350 Bidasoko bide berdea ✗ (d:Q12255146) 1
351 Bilboko historia history of a city ✗ (d:Q12255230) 1
352 Bilboren berritzea ✗ (d:Q12255238) 1
353 Enkarterriko historia ✗ (d:Q12256860) 1
354 Euskal Herriko bertako etxe abereen arrazak ✗ (d:Q12257495) 1
355 Euskal Herriko ekonomia erromatar garaian ✗ (d:Q12257500) 1
356 Euskal Herriko geologia ✗ (d:Q12257507) 1
357 Euskal Herriko hizkuntzak ✗ (d:Q12257516) 1
358 Gasteizko historia aspect of history ✗ (d:Q12258256) 1
359 Immunitate-sistema eta estresa ✗ (d:Q12259566) 1
360 Industrializazioa Euskal Herrian technological transition, aspect in a geographic region ✗ (d:Q12259602) 1
361 Landare inbaditzaileak Urdaibain ✗ (d:Q12261844) 1
362 Lazarragaren eskuizkribua literary work ✗ (d:Q12262039) 1
363 Iberiar Penintsulako Gerra Euskal Herrian aspect of history ✗ (d:Q12264710) 1
364 Pasaiako portuko kanpo ditxoa ✗ (d:Q12265575) 1
365 Hego Euskal Herriko foruak ✗ (d:Q16880056) 1
366 Kristautasuna Euskal Herrian sartzea ✗ (d:Q25475083) 1
367 Espainiako Gerra Zibila Donostian ✗ (d:Q31188903) 1
368 COVID-19 pandemiak eragindako konfinamendua Euskal Herrian quarantine ✗ (d:Q96121851) 1
369 Konbentzioaren Gerra Euskal Herrian war War of the Pyrenees in the Basque Country (d:Q61070630) 1
Average With English: en/eu (Basque) = 314/369 (85.1%) 77.7
Sum No article or article with the same title: 25
No label: 30

See also
