Sister projects & interwiki linking

If you want to write a dictionary definition, recipe or quotation archive, consider using one of Wikipedia's sister projects, such as Wiktionary or Wikiquote. These are more specialised, as they focus on a particular type of page. Links can be made to these pages by adding the project name as a namespace ("Wikiquote:", "Wikibooks:", "Wiktionary:"), or using the shortcuts ("Q:", "B:", and "Wikt:", respectively). Wikipedia is written by volunteer editors and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization that also hosts a range of other volunteer projects:

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Mlaffs? edit

Mlaffs (talk · message · contribs · global contribs · deleted contribs · page moves · user creation · block user · block log · count · total · logs · summary · email | lu · rfas · rfb · arb · rfc · lta · checkuser · spi · socks | rfar · rfc · rfcu · ssp | current rights · rights log (local) · rights log (global/meta) | rights · renames · blocks · protects · deletions · rollback · admin · logs | UHx · AfD · UtHx · UtE)

Yeah, one of these days I might write something about myself ...

Articles I've started edit

A pitiful little list, I know — that's why I self-identify as a WikiGnome. However ...

My first stab at serious content work edit

Shiny stuff edit

An overview of the kindness and thanks that have been directed my way by other members of the community, for which I'm grateful.

Awards and barnstars

A little dab'll do it edit

Dab pages that I've cleared of links, and that I'll be watching ...

Plus, every single dab page involving a U.S. radio or TV station base call sign!

My Subpages edit