Ugas Elmi Jirow, a prominent tribal leader, served as the authoritative and exclusive chief of the tribe. Despite the presence of a dedicated religious scholar within the tribe, tasked with handling religious affairs, Ugaas maintained a highly authoritarian leadership style. His approach was characterized by centralized decision-making, as he retained sole control over all matters, limiting the scholar's autonomy in religious governance. This dynamic underscored Ugas ElmiJirow's dominant role within the tribe, shaping its history with his authoritative rule.[1][2][3]


  1. ^ Somaliland, Italian; Martino, Giacomo de (1912). La Somalia italiana nei tre anni del mio governo (in Italian). C. Colombo, Tip. della Camera dei deputati.
  2. ^ Grassi, Fabio (1980). Le origini dell'imperialismo italiano: il caso somalo (1896-1915) (in Italian). Milella. ISBN 978-88-7048-005-4.
  3. ^ Italy Direzione generale dell'agricoltura (June 1935). Gazzetta Ufficiale (in Italian).