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{{Alien}} Alien and Predator film series
{{Child's Play}} Child's Play film series
{{Clive Barker}} works of Clive Barker
{{Evil Dead}} Evil Dead film series
{{The Exorcist}} The Exorcist film series
{{Friday the 13th}} Friday the 13th film series
{{Halloween series}} Halloween film series
{{Hellraiser}} Hellraiser film series
{{The Hills Have Eyes}} The Hills Have Eyes film series
{{House of the Dead}} House of the Dead videogame and film series
{{Jaws movies}} Jaws film series
{{Livingdead}} Living Dead film series
{{Nightmareseries}} A Nightmare on Elm Street film series
{{Phantasm}} Phantasm film series
{{The Ring}} Ringu and The Ring film series
{{Vampirechronicles}} The Vampire Chronicles of Anne Rice