User talk:Bignole/Archive 16

Latest comment: 16 years ago by Girolamo Savonarola in topic WikiProject Films coordinator elections



Cool, you're back. :) Did you have a nice holiday? What did Santa/the Holiday Armadillo/Whatever other holiday icon get you?  Paul  730 00:51, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Lol, what a scary section header. Anyway... Santa aka My Mother bought me Mario Galaxy (which is reeeeeeeeealy fun!) and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (also fun). DVD-wise, Doctor Who, Heroes, and Desperate Housewives boxsets, and Friday the 13th 2 & 3 as stocking fillers. Also got Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness (Ash and Spider-Man finally meet, lol!) and a Heroes graphic novel, as well as a watch and some clothes. The other relatives gave me cash. So yeah, pretty good haul this year. ;) My pal got a Wii and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, which I fully intend to buy myself the next time you go shopping (if you haven't played it, you're seriously missing out. HILARIOUS!) As for holding down the fort, my Wikiactivity has actually been fairly low lately, at least it feels like it. Blame Mario. Did you enjoy your relaxing Wikibreak?  Paul  730 01:36, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply
Do you have a Wii? What videogames do you like? I'm a big Ninty fan, have all the consoles from the N64 onwards, but I only have Twilight Princess and Galaxy (as well as the shitty-but-still-addictive Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and Wii Sports which doesn't count) for Wii. I find that, even though the Wii is brilliant, most of the games are just tacky little novelties and not the epic adventures I love (Wario Ware is an exception because it's hysterical). Hopefully more good games will come in time, my Wii was pretty neglected this year. That Army of Darkness comic was pretty fun, Ash was his usual bastard self. The deadites were slaughtered by the superzombies, BTW. And there was a funny scene where Ash was killed by Zombie Howard the Duck. Get over your laptopism. :P  Paul  730 02:08, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply
Lol, you don't have games consoles because of dog hair? What a lame excuse. :P My cat sheds constantly and my Gamecube is always covered in dust (WTF? It gets dusty like 2 seconds after I clean it?) and it hasn't burnt out yet. My Wii is on a shelf (as opposed to my floor-bound Gamecube) so it gets less dusty. Glad to see you're a Mario Kart fan, I was just telling Erik how I hope Mona, Wario's "girlfriend", is in the new one. She won't be, but I like her and I can dream. Ick, sports games, not even the Mario license can get me interested in those, although Wii Sports was entertaining. I like all the Nintendo must-haves, except Metroid for some reason. I have Metroid Prime, and I respect the series and it's heroine loads but I just didn't get into it. I haven't played the Evil Dead games, but I heard they sucked? I remember thinking one of them looked cool. And yes, I was dissing Howard because I hate him. He appears in She-Hulk sometimes, and although She-Hulk usually makes obscure and ridiculous characters likable, I like to pretend he doesn't exist. I'm not the only one either; in Civil War, he didn't have to register because SHIELD refuses to acknowledge his existence. Anthropomorphic cartoon ducks are just going too far.  Paul  730 03:38, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply
That's what I say about my cat's shedding, that it's enough to make another cat. You can't even stroke my cat without coming away with a handful of fur. (What an odd thing to become competitive about - my pet can shed more than your pet, lol) I think the Evil Dead game you're talking about, the Boomstick one, is the one I thought looked good. I heard that chopping up the deadites was fun, but the ridiculous puzzles killed it. I've not seen the Howard movie but it looks terrible. I'm like that with Short Circuit 2 - I loved it as a child so I'll always love it no matter how bad it is. Settle this for me, my friend and I are always arguing over what's better out of our childhood films, I say Nightmare Before Christmas and he says Little Mermaid (the poof :P). My main childhood obsession was Toy Story though. I never outgrew it, I bought the DVDs before xmas and I've watched them about three times each. They're just perfect, I can't praise them enough. Perfect, perfect movies.  Paul  730 04:31, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

I got myself Blade Runner, From Russia With Love, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, The Spy Who Loved Me and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. So the thing is, while you're back, could you look do something about the images in The Incredible Hulk? One needs to crop out a watermark, and one could be combined with a TV screenshot. Alientraveller (talk) 12:28, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Yup, definitely, I want to show both versions of Banner sitting in that machine. It's the most direct way to show how the TV show influences the movie. Alientraveller (talk) 12:52, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, I can't help but love Short Circuit 2. I love Johnny 5, even though he's considered one of the worst fictional characters of all time apparently (Total Film did a list...) I love musicals, but most Disney films are a bit bland and insipid for my tastes, I think Nightmare and Toy Story have more personality. I am going to see Enchanted this week though, I heard it's full of airhead blonde humour which usually appeals to me. :P Glad to see you chose Nightmare over Mermaid, lol. You should defefinitely get the Toy Story DVDs... I'm kind of torn between them, because the first has all my childhood memories but the second (which I saw as I child but was never as obsessed with) is actually a better film. They compliment each other brilliantly, I'm worried that Toy Story 3 is going to ruin things, as third films often do. :/  Paul  730 14:33, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply
Here we are mate, someone else on SuperHeroHype made the comparison: [1] Alientraveller (talk) 19:34, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, I have a list of stuff I keep meaning to buy. Sin City (the movie) is pretty high up there, I might buy that this week actually. Happy New Year. Did you do anything? I never celebrate New Year, except that one time. Spend the night watching my new Doctor Who DVDs like the sad old geek I am. :P  Paul  730 01:11, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

It's nearly three in the morning where I am. I'm pretty tired myself. I didn't even notice it pass twelve, was too busy reading angry fanboys reaction to Spider-Man: One More Day. I don't even read mainstream Spidey books, but I'm pretty annoyed at Marvel, especially Joe Quesada, for the way they've handled this story. Don't know how much you know about it, but Quesada basically hates the Peter/MJ marriage because he feels it ages the character and makes him unrelatable to teenagers. Quesada says he can't get divorced, as that would send a bad message to kids, so instead Spidey's made a deal with the devil to erase his marriage from existence to save Aunt May's (who's like a 1000) life. So basically we're back to the 1970s status quo, none of the Spider-Man stories from the last couple decades have happened, and somehow this doesn't affect the rest of the Marvel Universe (even though Spidey's a New Avenger). I can respect the need to retain Spider-Man's youth and keep him timeless, that's a major aspect of the character, and I don't even mind a bit of retconning... but this is ludicrous. Spider-Man has made a deal with the devil and sacrificed his marriage, all to avoid feelig guility over his aunt's death (May is ancient, she wouldn't want this)... so much for power and responsibility and all that? The only saving factor is that Dan Slott of She-Hulk acclaim is taking over the book and might very well turn the retcon into a good thing. But this whole One More Day crap is literally the most hated storyline to hit the comic book industry ever. Look at this and this. Marvel have tried this shit before and it didn't work then. When will they learn? I have a feeling that this will go down in history as a terrible error of judgement and everything will be re-retconned back to normal before long.  Paul  730 03:06, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I was pretty sure you didn't read the books, but I wasn't sure if you knew about the controversy. The irony is, Quesada is always criticising DC for their silly continuity reboots when Marvel never has to resort to such drastic measures (which is largely true, the current MU is the same one from the golden/silver age). But then Spidey gets reverted back to a college student when Superman is currently married with kids. When I heard from a friend about OMD, I wasn't particularly bothered because I have no emotional attachment to Earth-616 Spidey continuity (if they tried with X-Men I would scream), but the story itself is just so against what Spider-Man stands for as a character that I can't not hate it. The reboot might work with Slott's magic touch, but the story leading up to the reboot is going to haunt the character for a long time I think. It's bad writing which ever way you cut it. Spider-Man doesn't work as a character anymore because he's stretched too thin between four(?) monthly titles, as well as all the annual crossovers, not because he's married. Like I said, it's probably just an unfortunate blip in the bigger Spider-Man picture.  Paul  730 03:55, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Right, I'll make a request to that SHH poster for another version of that. In addition, are you watching the Bond 22 article? Alientraveller (talk) 13:11, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Ooh, it appears that user has no contact info. Well I guess we can wait for you to get round to the DVD. Alientraveller (talk) 13:17, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yay, I did it! My brother told me what to do: just crop, cut and paste into a new file. Voila! Alientraveller (talk) 14:19, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
This reminds me, I recall we were talking about whether the Hulk looks like Norton. Turns it out he wasn't directly modelled on him, but they added a few important things like the scar. Hehe. Alientraveller (talk) 14:35, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, I mean the movie is a retcon. It's starts off in South America (judging from all the script reviews), but completely reinvents Banner's backstory. Alientraveller (talk) 17:09, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

If you've been stalking my contributions lately (:P), you'll have seen I've done a little bit of work at Spider-Man: One More Day#Reception. I can't help it, morbid curiosity and an attachment to Earth-616 continuity is forcing me to take an interest in this story. The article's already been accused of being too biased, I worry I might have gone too far. I've only used IGN and Newsarama reviews, not even sure I'll continue working on the article, but what d'ya think so far? The quote box has caused claims of bias.  Paul  730 05:55, 5 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Okay, thanks for the advice. I'll try to remove some of the more personal feelings from it and be more explanatory about the "controvesy". I guess I was just attracted to the more scathing imagery of the reviews ("sick feeling in his stomach" etc etc) and got carried away, lol.  Paul  730 17:26, 5 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I guess people feel betrayed that the comics they've been reading for the last decade don't "count" anymore. Imagine if someone retconned the last few seasons of Smallville out of continuity, you'd be annoyed. I remember being wary of the Dawn "retcon" in Buffy, because it meant the last four seasons essentially didn't happen the way I'd seen them happen (from the characters' perspective, at least). Luckily, I grew to love Dawn and her story was brilliant so I don't mind her mucking up continuity a little (and I doubt Dawn would have had much impact on seasons 1 - 4 anyway since she didn't go to school with Buffy). But yeah, One More Day... it's definitely leaving a nasty taste in people's mouths.  Paul  730 19:34, 5 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, Buffy did a similar episode in which everything was just a delusion. I didn't really like that episode, it was weird. :/ Yeah, you can't argue with the odd retcon in comics, but getting rid of over a decade's worth of continuity is a bit out of order. Unless you're DC. :P What do you actually think of the Peter/MJ marriage? Does it age the characters? Is that a bad thing? (I know you don't read the books, but still) I think it's important to keep the character youthful, but then again, can't he still be married and youthful? It just feels like they're moving backwards.  Paul  730 19:53, 5 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I prefer the idea of a floating timeline, where the characters just age reeeeeeeeeeally slowly. In the 40-something odd years since Fantastic Four #1 started the modern Marvel Universe, the heroes have only aged about a decade. Of course, you can't keep that up forever... I dunno, I think Marvel tried to reboot continuity in the 90s with Heroes Reborn (I think? Don't quote me on that) and it was a big failure. Then there were rumours that the Utimate Universe was going to replace Earth-616 as the main Marvel continuity, but that didn't happen. (And probably never will, since the Ultimate comics have become pretty dire lately). I dunno, I think characters should grow but not age (too much, at least). I like the sense of history they have that comes with 40+ years of continuity that you don't get after a reboot. There was a fourth-wall moment in She-Hulk (good ol' Shulkie) where this big cosmic entity wanted to replace Earth-616 with the Ultimate Universe because it had better continuity, and She-Hulk (being a lawyer) defended 616 by saying "Our home isn't convoluted, it's legendary!" I agree with her. :)  Paul  730 23:09, 5 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Lol, what about me and Shulkie? I love her, and the Dan Slott era of her book is one of the most critically acclaimed runs Marvel has ever had. I guess it's kind of ironic; the man who wrote those words about Marvel continuity being legendary has now inherited a book which just flushed ten years of that continuity down the toilet. :/ Dan Slott was born to write Spider-Man, if anyone can turn this around, he can.  Paul  730 01:49, 6 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

RE: User_talk:Ursasapien#Redirecting


Voting is evil! The poll showed that there were folks on both sides of the issue, but in the end we had a spirited debate, the relevant parts have already been merged into the two other guidelines, and there was no guideline compliant argument to keep the redundant "guideline-cruft". Can you point to a specific reason that the repetition is necessary? Ursasapien (talk) 12:15, 7 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

I do not have time at this moment to deal with this issue, but this disputed guideline needs to come into compliance and I am committed to bringing it there. Ursasapien (talk) 12:35, 7 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

A nightmare on elm street prequel


There was enough context for me to to me able to tell what the article was about and there was some (unsourced) content. The speedy deletion criteria make no difference between whether the information is sourced or not so I could not delete it under any of the speedy criteria. Sourcing is considered at proposed deletion or AFD. I agree it should be deleted and it will be after the proposed deletion expires, this article can only be deleted within policy after the five days. Davewild (talk) 22:31, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Peer reviews


Happy New Year, Bignole! Given your vast contributions to film pages, I thought I could solicit your assistance. I've submitted two articles for peer review, and thought that you might like to critique them:

  • Duck Soup. I've listed this article for peer review because, even though I and other editors have contributed much information and references, I'm certain that there are other aspects of this classic film that have yet to be covered. I'd like to hear feedback from you, so that I can get help in improving this (and other Marx Brothers films) quality.
  • Princess Leia Organa. I've listed this article for peer review because it right now seems oddly cluttered and, despite a lot of references as of now, lacks reliable source citations. Although I've already requested another peer review, as long as it helps the articles get better, I've got the time. Comments and suggestions are appreciated, as this should help me in expanding other Star Wars-centric articles.

If you have the time, it'd be great if you could look over those two articles and assess their strengths and weaknesses. Thanks, and, once again, a Happy New Year to you! — Cinemaniac (talkcontribs) 22:34, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Reply



Apologies about Transformers -- I clicked "edit" before your comment and moved it accordingly. The whole-page "edit" overwrote your comment. —Erik (talkcontrib) - 16:56, 7 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

How's the new machine? —Erik (talkcontrib) - 21:45, 8 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Check out -- "Suicidal Writer" quotes List of most expensive films and the $209 million budget of Superman Returns, the figure you worked so hard to implement. :) —Erik (talkcontrib) - 21:24, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hmm, do you mean the original The Hills Have Eyes or the remake? I didn't see the original, and I disliked the remake pretty quickly. Definitely has a Mad Max vibe to it, though, not to mention a Land of the Dead deal for the beginning of the trailer. I'm a little hesitant about it because as I've worked on Doomsday, I know there'll be a lot of familiar elements in it. Not necessarily sure if that's a good thing, but we'll see. :) —Erik (talkcontrib) - 14:03, 16 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

We can breathe easy: Warner pulls plug on 'Justice League'Erik (talkcontrib) - 18:45, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Well I hope this means WB will force Singer to go "Wrath of Khan" on Superman. Alientraveller (talk) 19:25, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I second that notion.  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 19:29, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Here's the latest FvJvA commentary (Jason vs S-Mart, lol) as well as some info about the new F13 comic. Not sure how useful/interesting they'll be to you, but can't hurt to keep you informed. :)  Paul  730 16:11, 9 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Cool. I read them myself, but I thought I'd show them to you anyway in case you were interested. Seeing Jason in an S-Mart makes me wish it was a movie (although ol' Bruce is probably a little old to be chopping up deadites now, surely?).  Paul  730 20:29, 9 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
We all have blonde moments. (No offence if you're actually blonde, lol) How's your new computer, BTW?  Paul  730 02:15, 10 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Infobox movie certificates


I've put together a TFD argument in my sandbox for eventual nomination of the template for deletion. Do you have any suggestions on the matter, or examples that I could add? —Erik (talkcontrib) - 22:04, 11 January 2008 (UTC)Reply



I've already reverted User:Brandeks three times at Faith (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and I'm cautious of violating WP:3RR. However, now an anon has shown up making suspiciously similar edits (ie, identical) and I'm not sure how to proceed. Has this crossed the line into blatant vandalism? Four editors, including you and me, have disagreed with and reverted this/these editor(s) and we've tried to discuss it on the talk page. I've warned the anon but his edits are still there... what do you think should I do? I see you already reported him earlier and he removed your warnings.  Paul  730 00:23, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. I didn't want to go getting myself in trouble by edit warring since he obviously isn't willing to discuss it anymore.  Paul  730 01:05, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Everytime I refresh my watchlist he seems to have done it again. He even blanks his talk page the same way Brandeks does, not a very convincing sockpuppet.  Paul  730 01:11, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

==smallville now on ten hd in australia==Cricketman274 (talk) 14:56, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Cricketman274 (talk) 14:53, 14 January 2008 (UTC) heres a reference to prove its true —Preceding [[Wikipedia:Signatures|Cricketman274 (talk) 14:56, 14 January 2008 (UTC)]] comment added by Cricketman274 (talkcontribs) 14:39, 14 January 2008 (UTC) another reference click on the ten hd logo then set it to melbourne and put it on thursday and scroll down to look at the time of 7:30pm and its there. —Preceding [[Wikipedia:Signatures|Cricketman274 (talk) 14:57, 14 January 2008 (UTC)]] comment added by Cricketman274 (talkcontribs) 14:48, 14 January 2008 (UTC)--Cricketman274 (talk) 14:53, 14 January 2008 (UTC) heres one more reference if you still doubt itCricketman274 (talk) 15:04, 14 January 2008 (UTC) (talk) 15:04, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Will you be tempted to buy...


Chloe Sullivan's comic book debut? I for one am intrigued by the idea of a Chloe who is younger than Clark - and while she's the same age, she can't be a Jimmy love interest, as Jimmy's in space with all sorts of dying gods till at least May - who seems to be a Veronica Mars of the DCU.~ZytheTalk to me! 22:32, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

You can clearly see elements of Chloe in Veronica Mars. Rob Thomas saw that Chloe was the best thing in the show and decided that you could create a fantastic noir with Chloe and no DCU elements. That said, Veronica Mars is perhaps the finest thing in television since Buffy.~ZytheTalk to me!23:05, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Ever watched it? Short, sweet and concisely plotted over ailing, Charmedifying and casting a cute blonde to boost raitings in what could be the final season? Nah, I like Smallville, but you can't exactly call it masterful, intelligent television. It's mostly fanservices and "look! boobs!", "look! abs!" or "look! aliens!".~ZytheTalk to me! 23:31, 14 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Smallville is occasionally pretty yes, both in terms of cast and directing. John Glover is a thing of wonder too, if only Lionel was consistently characterized. Decide, Al/Miles! And no, Kristin Kreuk has talentless boobs :P ~ZytheTalk to me! 17:30, 15 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I could not stay awake through The Fog. I simply refuse to believe that John Carpenter had any hand in it. But yeah, Tom Welling started out as a "model-slash-actor" (meaning, pretty guy with limited ability) and now he's an actor-and-sometimes-model. ~ZytheTalk to me! 17:48, 15 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

smallville on ten hd in australia


Thats good if you didn't doubt me, hope the references are enough proof. If they are can you please put that about the international broadcasters back on the smallville page with the references included. If not contact me and I will search for better references and I will give them to you.Thanks in advance.Cricketman274 (talk) 04:09, 15 January 2008 (UTC) Is this reference good enough? contact me again on your response.Cricketman274 (talk) 04:17, 15 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Orphaned non-free media (Image:SmallvilleNewOpeningCredits.jpg)


  Thanks for uploading Image:SmallvilleNewOpeningCredits.jpg. The media description page currently specifies that it is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, it is currently orphaned, meaning that it is not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the media was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that media for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that all non-free media not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. BJBot (talk) 04:20, 15 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

smallville on ten hd in australia -


use this reference as well as the other one i gave you (talk) 04:28, 15 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Centralized TV Episode Discussion


Over the past months, TV episodes have been reverted by (to name a few) TTN, Eusebeus and others. No centralized discussion has taken place, so I'm asking everyone who has been involved in this issue to voice their opinions here in this centralized spot, be they pro or anti. Discussion is here [2]. --Maniwar (talk) 18:06, 15 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

smallville on ten hd in aus


To answer what you said smallville use to be on ten but it has now moved exclusively to the hd only channel ten hd.Cricketman274 (talk) 10:08, 16 January 2008 (UTC) it is no longer on tens regular channel. Cricketman274 (talk) 10:10, 16 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Casino Royale budget


The James Bond films stated $130, I take it it's wrong. El Greco(talk) 00:22, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

That's where (JB films page) I got the link from to begin with. El Greco(talk) 00:35, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Good thing it got spotted. El Greco(talk) 00:45, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville (season 7) edit summary


Hello Bignole,

Please refrain from being rude and/or sarcastic in your edit summaries or any other comment as you did here: [3]. No one has offended you in anyway, and even so please act with common courtesy. Yes I did look at the page and I did not see any 2008 episode; even did a find search for it. It may have been updated just then also.

Also, I am removing completely that first citation towards the top of the page that just says: ref name = "Persona"/ - in that revision at the bottom of the page, the reference says: # ^ Cite error: Invalid ref tag; no text was provided for refs named Persona.

take care ~ GoldenGoose100 (talk) 02:12, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

I'm sure it was a question, but you have to take into consideration that on the computer, people cannot infer emotion. So just be careful with the wording, as "bother" sends a message of my carelessness for example. ~ GoldenGoose100 (talk) 02:27, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Also, yes the page references seem to work now, not sure what was wrong with it before, but you seem to have fixed it. take care ~ GoldenGoose100 (talk) 02:32, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Would you do me the favor of taking a look at the FLC? I'm in a discussion regarding the usage of box office info within a filmography, and I want to hear your opinion on the matter, especially as we don't really have too much precedent in this area. Many thanks, Girolamo Savonarola (talk) 21:08, 17 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Central discussion of objective criteria


Your feedback is welcome at Proposed Objective Criteria for TV Episode Notability.Kww (talk) 19:32, 18 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Objective criteria for episode notability


I've attempted to synthesize the discussion. Again, feedback welcome.Kww (talk) 18:29, 20 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Jack Harkness


What do you think of the ammount of in-universe information that this article has? There's been a complaint that too many of the events of the show are being ignored. I've explained about WP:PLOT and WP:IN-U etc, but looking at FA character articles like the other, less cool, Captain Jack and the Star Wars bunch, they actually have more plot. Jack has appeared in... ooh, just over twenty TV episodes. That's more screen time/story than a film trilogy, so shouldn't the plot summary in the article reflect that. The article makes sense as it is, but there's very little detail about what actually happens in the shows. I'm just wondering if maybe we were a little zealous in our purge of in-universe info.  Paul  730 22:54, 20 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

To give you some context, the editor wants to include info about "Captain John" (played by James Marsters, who only appeared last Wednesday, but has a romantic past with Jack and will appear again later in the season) as well other aspects of Jack's fictional life. I've said that I don't think an IN-U perspective is right, but I'm wondering whether some more detail about the onscreen stories would be acceptable. The problem is that DW/TW are very "monster of the week" shows, summarising the entire season like I did with Faith isn't easy because the story keeps changing and isn't always relevant to the character at hand. Thanks anyway, good luck on your paper.  Paul  730 23:32, 20 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I saw you revert them earlier but I've been offline for the last hour or so. The matter is being discussed now, it seems, I'll revert them if they persist and chip into the discussion if they argue policy.  Paul  730 20:48, 21 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
My programme is coming on in a minute, so I'll leave a comment in an hour or so. :)  Paul  730 20:57, 21 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Grrr... I left a comment at the Smallville talk page but my shitty computer crashed and I couldn't be bothered typing it up again. It was all repetition of what you guys said anyway, I felt a bit redundant. Like I said, I'll weigh in if he starts arguing.  Paul  730 22:46, 21 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
It's fine, I'm just a really impatient person so slow internet connection and crashing rubs me the wrong way. Not that everyone else enjoys them or anything... :P Sorry about your computer, I'm always having to take DVDs and stuff back to the shop for being faulty... I think I'm jinxed or something; anything remotely technical I touch seems to die. ;)  Paul  730 22:54, 21 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Changing the subject, did you notice that Iron Man is cameoing in the new Hulk movie? I really hope the Avengers franchise turns out good, it's looking so promising. I noticed that JLA got cancelled.  Paul  730 23:08, 21 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Lol, you just speak of JLA with such disdain. You never know how it'll turn out, lots of good movies were hated or controversial before they came out... although I don't know much about it. I think Hulk looks surprisingly good, I'm hoping for a proper good movie to help the Marvel movies earn back their rep. I'm far more excited about the prospect of an Avengers movie than the individual character ones, however. That's how the Avengers came about after all; lump a bunch of half-decent characters together to create a kick-arse team.  Paul  730 23:33, 21 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Hopefully JLA will just get stuck in development hell until Smallville ends. I remain unimpressed with Iron Man, no matter how cool the suit looks (and it does look really cool!). He's great as the cocky asshole of the team, but I'm not convinced he can suck me in as the lead character. I've never really read an Iron Man-themed story besides Civil War and even that focused more on Cap as the protagonist. I'll give it a chance, obviously, and seeing him fly around will be fun.  Paul  730 23:43, 21 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
If they made a Tom Welling Superman movie, what would you want to see in it? What could it do that Smallville or the other Supes movies haven't? Batman would be great, seeing as how he's not going to be in Smallville. I like unusual superhero friendships - Spidey and Human Torch are best friends, they're hilarious. A JLA Smallville-verse movie would also be cool, keep Arrow, Lantern, Aqua, Flash, bring in WW, kill that Cyborg C-lister for cheap shock value... sounds great. :)  Paul  730 00:08, 22 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Aw, poor Aquaman. I'm no expert, but isn't he widely ridiculed for being the weakest JLAer? Namor is pretty powerful as far as I know, isn't he pretty similar to Aquaman (only vastly superior, being Namor and all :P). Having more action is definitely needed; Superman is totally powerful but he never seems to fight anyone in the movies I've seen (which would be 1, 2, and Returns). I remember watching a five minute scene of Smallville and thinking how much more exciting it looked than the films. I keep meaning to get Smallville but I'm not willing to pay £30/40 for something I might not like... I'll wait for them to go down in price.  Paul  730 00:24, 22 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Like I said, I don't know much about Aquaman. I like Namor, even though I've never read a Namor book, purely because he's such a strong personality. He's this royal, arrogant asshole who brags about how great he is and has the power to back it up. He has minor appearances in various Marvel books, but dominates every scene he's in, he's impossible to ignore. I don't know if Aquaman is as strong as that, he seems (if you'll pardon the pun) like a watered down version. I think Namor could work as a villian in a Fantastic Four movie but that seems unlikely to happen. I certainly wouldn't rush to see an Aquaman or even a Namor movie. I don't know if Aquaman has enough personality to be a valuable member of the JLA, but you've implied he isn't, or the Smallville actor isn't.  Paul  730 00:45, 22 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Have you seen Iron Man's Aventure? It's this kick-arse mini cartoon on the Marvel Kids website... who needs live action when CGI and voice acting are this impressive? I demand a feature-length Civil War adaptation! ;)  Paul  730 16:43, 23 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

I think it's spun out of the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance cutscenes.[4][5] Those utilised nearly-identical CGI (as well as the same Spidey voice actor, I think) so maybe somebody thought it would be fun to make a little story out of them. I thought it was very impressive, like I said, they should some make feature length straight-to-DVD movies. They'd be a great way of doing Sin City-style frame-by-frame adaptations of the storylines that couldn't translate exactly to live action, like Dark Phoenix and the Galactus trilogy. Spidey and Iron Man were funny together, I'd forgotten what good chemistry they had before Stark went all fascist. Hulk looked better than he did in the last movie, probably because his environment was CGI as well, so he looked more solid.  Paul  730 22:51, 23 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yes, exactly; this the wacky, wise-guy, friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man that Tobey Maquire and his emo self didn't deliver. Come on Sam Raimi, would it kill ya to have some humour coming from Spidey, and not directed at his expense??? I liked it when Hulk protected the puppy.  Paul  730 23:06, 23 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Beg to differ, Spidey has always been a comedian. Keep Peter Parker conflicted obviously, but his wacky "childish" humour is a crucial part of the Spider-Man persona. There's a scene in Ultimate Spider-Man where Spidey "pantses" Doc Ock. That series is considered more of a teenage drama than a children's book, but that moment was hilarious and felt completely something that the character would do. Not saying I want underwear gags in the Spider-Man movies, but some more wacky humour would have been nice.  Paul  730 23:29, 23 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
The films have plenty of wacky; grown man in a plastic goblin suit who flies around and turns people into cartoon-style skeletons with pumpkin bombs??? The wacky just doesn't come from Spidey as a character, like it should. It's always been, Peter Parker is conflicted, Spider-Man is a comedian. The Spidey persona gives him a confidence that he doesn't have as Peter, a temporary freedom from Peter's mundane problems. Don't blame the film medium for not being able to balance humour and conflicted-ness (is that a word?). The right actor and writer should be able to handle it. Okay, so it's not film, but David Tennant does a great job as the Tenth Doctor of balancing the two, the Doctor has been around for centuries and seen loads of death and destruction, but masks it with a wacky sense of humour, a bit like Spidey. Tennant can turn it on and off in a single scene. In fact, if Spidey had been funnier in the first two movies, the third one could have taken that away and went properly dark instead of that horrific dance routine. I think they tried to have the humour (the "here's your change!" line in 2) but they didn't take it far enough. Only when he was being "arrogant Spidey" in 3 (not evil, just arrogant) did he start to act like his comic book counterpart. IMO.  Paul  730 00:05, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
The Goblin was a lesson in tacky. I don't blame the movies for that, the Goblin has always looked ridiculous, they were being as loyal as they could to flawed source material. I'm not a big fan of the Goblin(s), but I love Norman Osborn in Thunderbolts. The costume undermines his true evilness, I feel. By wacky humour, I mean wacky lines, not Evil Dead 2 slapstick. Like the "here's your change" line, only more and with better delivery (the actor in that CGI short had a good Spidey voice). Spidey's a corny old-fashioned comedian, he's supposed to have learned it from Uncle Ben, that's where his sense of humour comes from. His dialogue's bad, but he's cool so he pulls it off. As for the multiple personality thing... you're not getting me. It's not a "completely new personality", it's Peter's personality unleashed. Like, say for instance, when Flash Thompson bullies Peter or JJJ yells at him or something. Peter has to take it like a bitch, he can't fight back and be Spider-Man because he doesn't have the confidence (yeah, I know he fights Flash in the film, but in the Ultimate comics Flash keeps bullying him anyway). But when he's Spider-Man, nobody knows it's him, so he can fight back and kick the shit out of Shocker or someone, and make jokes while he's doing it. His inhibitions as Peter are gone.  Paul  730 01:20, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Are you saying Spidey's being a coward or something for quipping behind a mask? And "new personality" were your words, not mine. :P If Buffy and Spidey are similar, it's because she was based on him, not the other way around. Joss Whedon has (subtley) acknowledged the similarities between them.[6] I don't understand why you want a serious Spider-Man, humour is like his most basic character trait (besides all that power and responsibility stuff :P) When he had to testify to the time court about why She-Hulk (yes, more wit and wisdom from She-Hulk) shouldn't be retconned from continuity, Spider-Man said "She's quippy. I'm quippy. When we get together, we quip. And quip-wise, I think that makes me a better quipper." That says it all if you ask me. ;)  Paul  730 01:47, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Um, the Fantastic Four movies stunk because of the bad story/acting. The humour was one of the more well-recieved aspects of the film, particularly the Human Torch. I don't know, something about Tobey Maquire just annoys me. I'm being nitpicky, the Spider-Man are excellent compared to other comic book movies, but Tobey just isn't Peter Parker to me. I mean, come on, this guy is a hottie! ;)  Paul  730 02:17, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Human Torch... Johnny in the comics is kind of an asshole, but he's not really, not underneath. I didn't get that "underneath" part from Evans, I don't know whether that was bad writing or acting. I don't like how they kept his hair dark and shaved it short, it was like they weren't even trying to make him look like the comics. He was still the best FFer in the film though. Maybe I'm just too used to Ultimate Peter Parker, who's slightly more cool than the classic version. There's a scene in USM, where Sam Raimi is shooting a Spider-Man movie, and the real Spidey shows up on set and tells Tobey Maquire that he sucks. And that everyone else on the crew sucks, except Raimi because "Evil Dead 2 was cool". Lol, there you go, straight from the spider's mouth. Tobey was okay in the scenes where he actually grew a pair, like when he was shouting at Captain Stacy. If they make another sequel, I'd like Aunt May to find out that Peter is Spider-Man. I've not read that story (read the Ult. version, it was brilliant) but apparently it's a really good moment, where you find out how strong May really is and she becomes more than just a helpless biddy.  Paul  730 13:33, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Chiklis was probably the most well-cast out of the bunch, but his suit dragged him down IMO. I know MJ figured it out herself and didn't tell... I think May only found out early this decade (it was round about the 9/11 ish if I remember right). She found his costume or something. May must be pretty dumb if she doesn't have her suspicions in the movies - that scene where he told her Spider-Man killed Sandman. That scene you mention always reminds me of Captain America for some reason.  Paul  730 17:43, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
His performance is great, he just looks like crap. Literally. I hate how they didn't give him the comic book brow. Chiklis said they ommitted the brow to keep it realistic, but in that case they should have gotten rid of his big cartoon fingers as well. That scene reminds me of Cap because May is going on about superheroes being adored by everyone, and how they inspire them to be better people. From the perspective of a Marvel Universe civilian Daredevil is a demonic vigilante, the X-Men are mutant terrorists, and the FF are fame-hungry celebrities, so... Captain America.  Paul  730 22:32, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I like Captain America, he's the Marvel Universe's Superman, powers be damned. Thing had kind of a brow in both films, but it wasn't very prominent. He's a hard character to get right though, not many artists can draw him in a way that I like. Mike Weiringo was my favourite FF artist[7] but he's dead now. :(  Paul  730 23:01, 24 January 2008 (UTC)Reply



Yeah, I found out through an edit on The Dark Knight (film), almost thought nothing of it, then checked Google News. Then the vandalism and speculation swooped down on The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus and the Bat film, so I requested semi-protection for both. —Erik (talkcontrib) - 22:33, 22 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

I really don't have a clue, as there's probably a lot of rumors floating around right now. This is going to really screw with marketing for The Dark Knight, though... can the Joker really be seen humorously now, especially with wacky death-related lines? —Erik (talkcontrib) - 22:44, 22 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I was thinking just that! I was wondering if all that role preparation got to his head somehow. I wasn't aware of anything malicious in his past, so I don't know if you're right or not. I guess it'd be interesting to see how reviewers look at the film with Ledger having passed, though I wonder what it means for the character. I don't know what Nolan did with the Joker, and will wait to find out. —Erik (talkcontrib) - 22:52, 22 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Why the removal of the spaces within the citation templates? —Erik (talkcontrib) - 01:57, 23 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Just to throw another spanner in the works...


Hey Bignole, hope you've been keeping well! :) I was in the middle of a comment on Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Freddy Newandyke, which I've brought for AfD, and it looked fairly open and shut to me that there was no reason for an article on a character who only appears in one piece of fiction and it should be merged back to the fictional work. I figured that something to this effect probably already had been accounted for on WP:FICT, only to find that it hasn't. A quick perusal of the talk page shows that the guideline is already in a quite chaotic series of discussions, so I didn't feel it was the right moment to bring up yet another issue, but I was wondering what your thoughts on such a proposal would be, and if you would be supportive of it at a future date when things settle down over there.

In essence, I just want something clarified to the effect that "fictional characters who only appear in one work of fiction should not have their own articles". My reasoning is that pages for single-appearance characters usually contain a plot recap and real-world context. (Ideally, anyway.) Now, it may make sense to centralize this information when a character appears across a series or make comparisons when found in several different adaptations. However, doing so for a single-appearance character generally is of no value, since nothing which should appear in the character article shouldn't be in the fictional work's article. In fact, having separate articles likely has the effect of diffusing editorial effort across the articles.

In any case, I would appreciate your thoughts if you're so inclined. Many thanks, Girolamo Savonarola (talk) 04:38, 23 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

re: Jesse Walsh


The character has been mentioned in several spin-offs and reference books. There's plenty to add. (Anyway, I'm anti-notability) Thanos6 (talk) 01:13, 25 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

  • Again, YOU say they may be anti-notable. I feel that their mere existence makes them notable. J.J. from Jason Takes Manhattan? Notable enough for a page. Nameless security guard from Freddy vs. Jason? Notable enough for a page.  :) Yes, I'm serious. Thanos6 (talk) 01:20, 25 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
    • Do I really have to spell out my belief that Notability is the single stupidest rule at Wikipedia? We have infinite space, anything that is verifiable should have its own page. Thanos6 (talk) 17:07, 25 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
      • You're quite welcome. :) Sorry about not getting to do anywork on Jesse; work called me in to do some overtime shifts and I just collapsed into bed when I got back, so I decided to let you have it and instead work to assemble an army to overturn Notability. :D (And perhaps I should take you off the Fun Destroyers; you may, for some reason, believe in Notability, but at least you do have a sense of humor) Thanos6 (talk) 17:35, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Nightmare characters


Sorry, I didn't see your message earlier or I would have replied sooner. I noticed you redirecting the pages, though, and you know I agree. It's something I've been thinking about doing for ages, but never bothered. I notice you've seen some opposition above though. His user page (love the list of "Fun destroyers" BTW, not witch hunty at all) indicates he's not going to change his mind. I'll help you with a character list, I doubt any of the characters besides Freddy and maybe Nancy deserve individual pages.  Paul  730 19:48, 25 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Wow, I thought you would be all "WP:NOTE! She shouldn't have a page!" about Nancy, since her page is all plot. Are you mellowing out in your old age, Mr Bignole? :P As for summarising the character, should we do that with Jason and Pamela at the F13 page? BTW, could you give me your opinion on this discussion? It's about what to include on the Buffy nav box, and I'm worried I'm too close to the subject to be impartial.  Paul  730 22:26, 25 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I seem have imsomnia tonight so do you want to start making that List of Nightmare characters list? What exactly do you think the article title should be, so we don't have to go changing it later? BTW, did you notice you were added to Thanos6's name and shame list? Now everyone knows who you are so they can spit on you! ;)  Paul  730 02:57, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well, I'm starting a new job tomorrow (at Morrisons, ever the career man) and I'm so used to sleeping during the day like the bum I am that I can't sleep. I doubt I'll get any sleep (have to "get up" in less than three hours), I'll probably pass out during my training. Yes, Thanos' list isn't very insulting (and his logic about notability is ludicrous) but there is something creepy and aggressive about it. Anyway, I'll start making the Nightmare list.  Paul  730 03:20, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oh my god, that was hilarious. :D What is it you do again? I know you work for the state, but I don't really know what that means. If you don't want to say for privacy or something, that's fine, but I just don't really understand what it is you do.  Paul  730 03:36, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Sounds... mind numbing. :P I "studied" admin in school and spent the full year pretending to work and going on the internet. Nobody should be made to do spreadsheets, it's inhumane. Well, no doubt Morrisons will be the same. I'm working in the meat and fish department apparently, so that means laying out animal corpses all day. Glamorous I'm sure. I hope to God I make some friends so I have somebody to talk to.  Paul  730 03:48, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I've created the page using the old character stubs, it's pretty sucky but it's a start. What do you think, just merge everyone except Fred and Nancy?  Paul  730 04:04, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
What do you mean you saved the page before it was created? Oh well, it exists, the characters have a place to live now.  Paul  730 04:34, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Okay, night.  Paul  730 04:39, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I fixed a few spacing problems, that's all. Didn't mean to rush you either. :P  Paul  730 01:32, 4 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, I just felt like a nag for bitching at you to include more info when you were already doing it. :P Yeah, the spacing is fixed.  Paul  730 01:44, 4 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Did you see I've been accused of working for Marvel because I removed POV crap from the OMD article. Lol, I wish! If I did, my first priority would be to make Anole and Pixie fucking A-list, let me tell you. They had finally worked their way up to X-Men status, then their book gets cancelled and noone knows where they are! If those X-writers don't put them on a team, heads will roll! *Sigh* Sorry for the irrelevant rant, but I love those characters and I'm not the only one. Anole even got a cameo in X3, he's so popular.  Paul  730 01:56, 4 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, I had to undo a bunch of similar edits over at the Joe Quesada article by the same guy, he seems to like making articles extremely biased. Oh, yet another irrelevant tangent, I bought Ghost Rider the other day. It was pretty good, Nicholas Cage impressed me in it, which was surprising since he looks nothing like the comic book character. Ghost Rider is so cool, I know nothing about him, but he's so cool. The only part which really bothered me was the Mephisto scenes. Seemed a bit convenient how the devil just appeared to this random guy. Ah well, got the story moving I suppose.  Paul  730 02:14, 4 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
I'm like the only person who liked that movie. Although I bought the DVD and it doesn't stand up to many repeat viewings. Even Ben Affleck slagged off that movie and he loves ol' hornhead.  Paul  730 03:40, 4 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Tell me what you liked about it. It'd be nice to hear some positivity, I'm reading a Newsarama forum right now. ;) I liked the costume and the soundtrack (I know you think there was too much rock).... and... uh. I don't really know what else I liked about it. I just thought DD was a cool character. The film could have been much worse and it made me interested in the comics.  Paul  730 04:06, 4 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oops, forgot to link you to the latest FvJvA commentary. I know the last few weren't tremendously useful but here ya go.  Paul  730 17:12, 4 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
BTW, here's some info on that new Halloween comic, it has loads of good characterization stuff we can use for Michael's article, especially regarding his pervy sense of humour etc. How awesome is that first cover?  Paul  730 19:05, 4 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Seen the trailer for the new X-Men cartoon? Looks pretty good, like a mixture of the 90s series' maturity and Evolutions cool animation. I'm not loving how Wolverine-centric it looks, hopefully that's just a marketing plot to lure in the non-fans and the other characters will be represented equally. Rogue looks cool in it, maybe she'll actually get to do something other than "Ah'm so sad because ah cahn't touch you!". Rogue can be a great character when she's handled well.  Paul  730 20:42, 6 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Lol, you sound extremely unenthused. I watch South Park, American Dad!, and Family Guy (not as good as AD!) on a regular basis. They count as cartoons, right? As for "children's" cartoons, I occasionally watch X-Men: Evolution and Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes for a cheap Marvel fix. They're pretty good. I used to watch the old Spidey cartoon, and I've seen old X-Men episodes. They're very 90s... fuck off Jubilee. DC has much better cartoons, I must admit. They have great animation, I'm jealous. :P  Paul  730 15:47, 7 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Evolution has DVDs out, but I never bothered buying them. Isn't the Spidey cartoon out in season boxsets, I think I remember seeing something like that? I remember I rented a Daredevil DVD where it was a compilation of his random appearances in all the Marvel cartoons. Lol, poor DD, always a B-lister.  Paul  730 10:45, 9 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Jason Voorhees


Please stop reverting my edit to this article. You can try google for more evidences that Kirzinger is over 6'5". His height is rather irrelevant and I changed it with a reliable source. Please, I don't want to get into an editwar. Just let my edit stay unless you can't find a reliable source with his 6'5" height. Thanks. D@rk talk 00:22, 26 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Then please give me the link where he is described as 6'5" in his book. D@rk talk 00:25, 26 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
I've sent you a mail because unfortunately I can't leave this message on your talk page because a spam black list is blocking my save to your talk page. D@rk talk 00:40, 26 January 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well, then thanks for your link. I won't revert your edit again but I still don't know why he is listed as 6'5 1/2" and sometimes as 6'7". D@rk talk 12:29, 26 January 2008 (UTC)Reply



I added the music for The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson. xihix(talk) 17:07, 27 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Since you reviewed it, it's gone through a copy edit. Mind looking at it again? xihix(talk) 01:49, 3 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
I have to admit, grammar has never been a good subject of mine (I haven't even been studying it for that long, still in middle school). However, when I was a little younger, I was always taught to have a period inside the quotation mark if there is no prose following the quotes, and if the sentence ended there from whatever you were quoting from. So... should I add them back? xihix(talk) 06:37, 3 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville -


The editor for Smallville has these same airdates, that you've just removed if you're looking for a source. This person will ask users to give a reliable source, so the dates are acurate.;dropdown;6

And no, I didn't submit the dates here. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Robinepowell (talkcontribs) 01:42, 29 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Appreciation for your work


By Wikirocks. –thedemonhog talkedits 05:47, 30 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville characters


I didn't think about Whitney, however I felt that Jason sould be included in the characters of season 4. Since he was more important that the other people, and had more impact on the show. So to say that it is unimportant plot, means that the existing characters on them pages are even more unimportant most being 1 time appearences Russell Talk 18:49, 30 January 2008 (UTC)Reply



Hey Bignole, Wisdom89 here. I wanted to see where you stood on Smallville (TV series)'s status and how close it maybe to featured article candidancy. I've spent the last couple of days reading through it, and feel that little more needs to be done. However, seeing as though you tirelessly contribute to the article, I wanted to check with you on this. Did you plan on giving in a nomination for FAC at all? Wisdom89 (talk) 04:19, 31 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Oh yeah, and:

  The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
I heardby award this Tireless Contributor Barnstar to Bignole for his exceptional hard-work, dedication and laborious editing for maintaining and improving Smallville (TV Series) Wisdom89 (talk) 04:19, 31 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

No problem - you definitely deserve it. Besides, it's the least I could do for stealing your talk page layout : )Wisdom89 (talk) 04:54, 31 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

peer review


I was wondering if you could take some time out of your schedule to head over to the Heroes (TV series) talkpage and give us an honest peer review. The page has gone through some major changes in the last few months, and it would be fantastic if a prominent editor/contributor like yourself, could head over and give us at the Heroes Wikiproject some sound opinion and ideas on improvements for the page. We have all worked very hard at improving the page, and we need great outside, reliable and trustworthy users to come over and help us improve. I you are interested in joining the peer review discussion with other prominent users/contributors, much like yourself, please follow the link. Thank you very much for your help and your continued effort to improve Wikipedia and its quality! Wikipedia:Peer review/Heroes (TV series)/archive2--Chrisisinchrist (talk) 04:55, 2 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Jason talking


It's during one of the scenes where he's possessed someone. Personally I hate JGTH and so do not own it nor have watched it since my original viewing; all I remember is it was a scene where Jason-in-someone's-body and the main guy are trying to each convince the main girl to trust them and not the other. Thanos6 (talk) 06:44, 3 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



I responded to your comment from the FAC for Battlefield Earth (film). Cirt (talk) 11:48, 3 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



I was about to revert your clearing edit of the season 7 smallville where you said "information from where?" and just put a citation needed template, but then... I noticed how much information was there, and putting a citation needed would leave that whole unsupported paragraph there for a long time. So good move :)

~ GoldenGoose100 (talk) 17:48, 7 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville: Chloe Chronicles


I know this isn't the place for chat, but it is related to improving wikipedia. I was wondering if the Smallville season companions include production infornmation for the Chloe Chronicles, and Vengence Chronicles (if so which season companion) as I am trying to change the Chloe Chronicles into a better article. Also if such info is included do you know if directors/writers are included. Sorry about the inapropriate questions, i only ask as I beleive you wrote Smallville's production (you may not even own the companions Russell [ Talk ] 20:46, 8 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thank you very much =] Russell [ Talk ] 10:54, 9 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



Any reason why you insist on having a flag in there? Why wouldn't United States be enough information without adding   IMO, it just looks stupid, and although not explicitly banned it does seem to be discouraged per WP:MOSFILM. Garion96 (talk) 23:26, 9 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

But what purpose does it serve? It already states United States? And no, ten characters less is not a good enough reason. :) Garion96 (talk) 23:32, 9 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Because to me it just seems a simplyifying of Wikipedia. Flags to me are a good indication of that. Especially if (although only one) one of the reasons is less typing. I might start a discussion on it on WP:MOSFILM one time. Will let you know when I do. Garion96 (talk) 23:42, 9 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Green Arrow


For god's sake, studio, just make the programme already! Take the hint! I mean, I probably wouldn't watch it (at least not until I get into Smallville, which still hasn't happened yet) but it'd be cool to have another decent superhero show, especially since DC are so bad are getting out live action movies. I take it GA is the breakout character of Smallville, it said that he even started to overshadow Clark? Are you worried about the Wolverine-syndrome?  Paul  730 21:17, 10 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

I didn't mean become the star exactly, just get more screen time than he really deserves to the point where you become tired of him, like Spike in season seven of Buffy. I love Spike and everything, but come on, let's have a Giles episode for a change, you know? Didn't you say Smallville is very Clark centric anyway, the other characters are more secondary than those in Buffy or something? Isn't Smallville-verse Green Arrow basically just Batman in green leather, so from that pespective I guess a show featuring him could be pretty cool.  Paul  730 21:31, 10 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville Season 7


Why did you get rid of the rest of list of episodes? Reports are trickling in that there will 5-6 more episodes this season. Which means the episode that had a reference to Allison's directing debut will happen after all. Robinepowell (talk) 04:42, 13 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

With the greatest of respect,

  The WikiProject Films Award
I, Girolamo Savonarola (talk), hereby award Bignole the WikiProject Films Award for his/her valued contibutions to WikiProject Films. For your contributions and hard work bringing articles to featured status, and also notably for your excellent and clear-headed thinking regarding project-related guidelines.
Awarded 20:24, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

List of Smallville episodes


I removed the 'Future television episode list' tag because at that point the episodes listed had all aired, and so the episodes were no longer unconfirmed. I have however added the three next episodes that will be airing next month, so as to make your replacement of the tag make sense. --DonVincenzo (talk) 02:05, 16 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

A Nightmare on Elm Street


Hi, I have recently nominated A Nightmare on Elm Street for a GA status, and since you contribute to the article, I was wondering if you could help with a few missing sources (there is one needed for the filming location etc.) Take a look at the article whenever you've got spare time and and tell me what you think. Thanks, Mezzy mok (talk) 04:49, 16 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville Forum


Why are you deleting the link to my smallville forum:

Smallville forum team (talk

I wanted to put a link to my Smallville forum beacause there is no forum links on the page at all. —Preceding

Ok here is the story I made a smallville wikispace ( but when I got the website I wanted to move the smallville wikispace site to, If you want to se how many visits I had to my smallville wikispace look at the ClustrMaps ( page, and I got all of the visits to my smallville wikispace site, by posting the link to it on the smallville wikipedia page for a week. The forum is all I have on the site right now but in my free time I have been developing the smallville page.

     Sorry for all the trouble all I wanted to do was have the link on the smallville wikipedia page.
                                       Thank You for reading

unsigned comment added by Jared.nb16 (talkcontribs) 17:22, 16 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Batman Begins


I noticed you questioned why a user updated the Rotten Tomatoes rating to something which was obviously not right. Well, it was discovered a while ago that if one views the RT site from a UK IP address, it refirects to, which carries a different number of reviews to the US version. This leads to a massive discrepancy on Batman Begins, though it's not so much of a problem on others. Still, it might be something to keep an eye on with other film articles in the future. All the best, Steve TC 17:09, 16 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



I am unsure.~ZytheTalk to me! 23:12, 16 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

I was thinking about where and how. All the ideas I came up with just meant we got a long of run-on sentences. I was thinking noting the first revelation of Jack's homeland could be mentioned, but is that in itself notable if it's mentioned with more context later on? Gah... ~ZytheTalk to me! 23:18, 16 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Hey, do you mind looking over the Jack Harkness article before Zythe submits it for FAR again? I've probably asked you this before, but given all the recent changes to the article, is there any reasons you don't think it's FA quality? Whenever you have the time, I know you're busy and you like to be thorough with your reviews. Thanks.  Paul  730 21:54, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
We talked about the Jack lead today, it's still in his sandbox somewhere. Zythe was thinking it's all he has left to do. And yeah, I plan on reviewing that Smallville article, I looking at it today.  Paul  730 22:30, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Quick question... if a character appears in publicity material before their first appearance, isn't that publicity material their actual first appearance? I was working on the Martha Jones article, and it occured to me that she appeared in a series of onscreen promos prior to her first episode, promos which consisted of original footage and not just shots from the show. It was nothing special, just the character talking to the screen introducing herself alongside the Doctor, but it did broadcast before her first episode... so now I don't know whether to mention that in "Appearances#Television".  Paul  730 22:50, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
It was just a question, since I remember seeing the promos myself on TV last year, I haven't got any sources. The TV spots are on the DVD, I guess I could cite that? It's a trailer for Doctor Who series 3, but focuses on Martha since her intro was the Big Change for the series. It's her and the Doctor introducing themselves to the screen, highlighting the similiarites between the two "doctors". (I'm a doctor of medicine/I'm a doctor of everything. I try to save money/I try to save the universe... and so on.)  Paul  730 23:01, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
It's not something I had put much thought into, it just seemed like a weird loophole. I think I'll leave it, it would be far too confusing if we (as in Wikipedia) had to backtrack and consider if every fictional character had appeared in promos with original footage. Since it's a trailer for her first appearance, I doubt anyone will demand we mention it. Maybe in the concept/creation section? BTW, can you advise me on uploading images? I want to change the Martha picture from this, an outfit she wore in one episode, to something like this, an outfit she wore in many episodes and is described by her creators as her "classic" outfit. Can I use the image I linked to, or would it have to be an offical source like the DW website, what copyright tags would I have to put on it, anything else I have to do. I've never uploaded an image before (well, I have, but only on Wikia where they're not as strict).  Paul  730 23:17, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

So this wouldn't be an acceptable source because it's a fan blog? How about this? Who would the copyright be? The BBC? Also, how can I trim the image, it's a bit wide?  Paul  730 23:33, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Ooookay, how about this? This is from the offical DW site so I assume they're okay? If I just crop out the Doctor and his TARDIS, would that image work? The site describes them as existing pics of Martha to use as desktop wallpapers. Not fan created then.  Paul  730 23:41, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
If you can get a good crop, that should work. Do you have to be able to see her pants? There looked like some decent ones on just Martha's gallery, though you couldn't see her pants. I would license any of them as "non-free promotional", because I don't know of any other license for things like "wallpaper".  BIGNOLE  (Contact me) 23:47, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Nope, I was cropping her trousers out anyway. That was just the best pic I found, there are much better ones elsewhere on the site. I found my original choice, I'm just worried it's too high resolution? I'll upload it anyway, and you can be the judge.  Paul  730 23:53, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Shit shit shit, I uploaded a new version and it just fucked up the current version! What do I do? Revert myself and upload it under a different name?  Paul  730 23:59, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Okay, thanks. Yeah, I should have resized it when I was cropping it, I noticed the resize tool. Was the image really giant on it's own page then before you changed it? I'll need to update the link in the summary, I haven't done that yet. One step at a time. That was pure confusing! You must think I'm a total blonde. Ah well, you learn from your blonde moments.  Paul  730 00:17, 19 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Well, thanks for your help and patience. I'm much happier with the current image, it should never have been changed originally. We had one of her in her trademark red jacket months ago, and then somebody must have changed it to the more recent one. Also, how hot is Martha? Come on, you must have been thinking it. ;)  Paul  730 00:34, 19 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Grr, are you saying I could have just re-uploaded that one? Oh well, I prefer the one we have now. Ooh, I just read a probably-bullshit rumour on the Wolverine movie article that Ryan Reynolds might be playing Deadpool. That would be... interesting.  Paul  730 00:55, 19 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Oh my God, why didn't I see that before, it was like right in front of my eyes?!? ...we learn from our experiences we learn from our experiences... I should really try just reading the policy pages myself sometime, then maybe I might know all this shit. :P  Paul  730 01:02, 19 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Just redone your edit, I think any attempt at discussion about this fairly trivial matter would be a waste of time, which was why I never chipped in in the first place. The discusion wasn't exactly heated, so I assume other people agree.  Paul  730 13:14, 19 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Wow, so that Deadpool rumour wasn't BS afterall. What do you make of that? I have to admit, having Deadpool and Gambit makes me more interested in seeing that film, even I'm not really a big fan of either character. I wonder if we'll have Deadpool being funny and breaking the fourth wall or if they're just make him really bland and serious. 14:50, 20 February 2008 (UTC)
Deadpool's not a mutant, he's a mutate. :P At least as far as I know. Isn't this movie set before the memory wipe, though? If Sabretooth and Stryker are in it, and Wolvie doesn't remember them in X1, then he wouldn't remember Blob and Gambit and whoever else they chuck in. Most will probably just be cameos, silent villains for Wolverine to fight, I wouldn't worry about it. Most of these characters (except Blob) have had large roles in the Wolverine comic series anyway, so it's not going against lore. I'm not really interested in Wolverine as a solo hero anyway, I prefer him as an X-Man. Mystique should be in it, she's like over a hundred and I love her!  Paul  730 21:45, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Sabretooth is Wolverine's nemesis, of course he should be in it. Especially since he wasn't all that great in X1. Silver Fox, I think is a Wolverine character. Deadpool is a Weapon X subject, so he makes sense if the movie is about Weapon X. Blob and Gambit make less sense but we'll see how it goes. Deathstrike might have made more sense in a Wolvie film than an X-Men one, but ah well. You're really more of a fan of solo heroes than teams aren't you? Mystique in the movies was 100+ I think, the writers commented that her relationship with Magneto wasn't gross like people said because she could concievably be much older than him.  Paul  730 22:39, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
In the Marvel universe, people born with natural powers are "mutants" (like Cyclops, Wolverine) and people who gained powers from external sources (like Spider-Man/Hulk/Deadpool) are "mutates". I was just being nitpicky. Sabretooth definitely survived his fall, but would a Wolverine sequel be set post-X-Men? Wolverine and Sabretooth have a whole big messed up past. Sabretooth raped Silver Fox, Wolverine's lover, and there used to be rumours he was Wolverine's dad (now disproven, I think, but he's Wolverine's son in Ultimate X-Men). Deadpool will probably be used to show the effects of Weapon X - he's completely insane and morally ambiguous so a fight/alliance with Wolverine could happen. It would be fun to see the Stepford Cuckoos in a Weapon X cameo (they were already in X3 so it's unlikely). What dialogue do you mean? The bit where she said she was afraid to go to school?  Paul  730 23:02, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



Okay, now Dominic Monaghan is playing Beak in the Wolverine movie? How random? Since when does Beak have any relation to Wolverine or Weapon X? I think you might be right, they're kinda shoehorning them in now aren't they. Hmm, I am strangely fond of Beak and his ugly self so it might be kinda cool to see a live action version. He seems decently-cast. Lol, this movie is gonna be such a cameo-fest.  Paul  730 23:01, 22 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Are you familar with Beak? His power is basically that he's a humanoid chicken-thing and nothing else. He was one of the weirder characters introduced in the early 2000s, but he was well-written. And hey, don't knock it... plenty of classics were slagged off in pre-production. James Blonde anyone? I'm not too invested in this movie but it should be entertaining even if it's rubbish.  Paul  730 23:10, 22 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
The first two X-Mens had large casts but were still primarily about Wolverine. I can see this doing the same, only with Wolverine supporting characters instead of X-Men ones (except for Beak and Blob and Gambit...) Why, what exactly would you want from an ideal Wolverine movie? It would be cool to have a Japan-set sequel focusing on his love for Mariko Yashida. They could pull an Exiles and give her fire powers.  Paul  730 23:20, 22 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Lol, what have you got against mutants?  ;) So it's not so much cameos you have a problem with as it is super-powered characters? Why, do you feel they would compromise the reality of the film, take attention away from Wolverine? The Wolvie/Sabretooth relationship you describe sounds pretty cool actually, hopefully it will be there in some shape or form. Were Logan and Creed ever friends though? I'm not a Sabretooth expert. The fact that Beak and Blob are such visual characters makes me thing they will just be extremely brief Madrox-style cameos.  Paul  730 23:35, 22 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
I'm not too familar with Sabretooth, they never do anything interesting with him. Although, in Ultimate, he says that mutants are superior to humans because they embrace their dark side or something... like humanity is evolving into a more evil species. So I guess they would work that angle to give him a personality other than "grr argh". Lol, you don't discriminate, you just hate everyone? Good policy. :) Speaking of discrimination, my boss called me a poof in work today. I don't think me meant it in a homophobic way, he was just making fun of me for not wanting to clean out a bin full of fish heads. That doesn't make me gay, that just makes me normal! Urgh, I hate my job.  Paul  730 00:19, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Because calling me a girl is so much better. :P I didn't choose that profession at all, I applied for a job at a supermarket and got placed in the meat/fish department. I'm only staying there out of laziness. It's not that bad really, I pretty much just wrap and price packs of meat. The time flies by when it's busy, like today. And I was putting gloves on, that's why I got called a poof. Apparently heterosexuals enjoy getting their bare hands covered in fish brains. ;) I wasn't offended, I was more just annoyed that he was giving me cheek for trying to be hygienic. I'm not some uber-PC person, I just thought it was ironic. I don't know if he knows I'm gay, I haven't told him but some people can tell. He'd probably be embarrassed if he knew. Another guy at work was going on a homophobic rant to me, and when my friend told him I was gay, he was like "Oh fuck, I didn't mean it in a bad way..." Lol, I thought it was hilarious, fucking idiot.  Paul  730 00:37, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

I know, I was kidding. :) Why, do you have loads of experience with fish guts or something? The fish doesn't smell that bad, surprisingly, so long as it's being kept cold it doesn't smell. I'm mainly a meat packer, anyway. I pulled my boss up for using the word chink (in reference to flavouring, not a person) as well, because the shop is supposed to be really PC and it's fun to catch him out. Personally, I'm a firm believer that words aren't offensive, only the intention behind them, but work places tend to be touchy about stuff like that.  Paul  730 00:49, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Lol, I didn't even think about that meat packer statement. Filthy mind! The guy who was training me asked if I was gay, I think he could tell. But then when I confirmed it he thought I was kidding. I think girls can tell easier than guys. Guys are always more surprised than girls. Aren't you training to be a nurse or something? I remember you saying you've worked in a hospice before? Or it's your major? Well, if you're going to work in a medical field, you're going to be dealing with much grosser things than fish. :P  Paul  730 01:13, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Therapy? Like a psychiatrist? That sounds really cool, I'll have to tap you for some free online therapy sometime. :P I'm pretty anti-social, but I'm fascinated by human psychology. Everyone's so fucked up. It's good that you've got a career plan, I'm not really sure what I want to do with my life. I thought idly about journalism, but you need solid ambition for that, which is something I lack unfortunately (I wish you could bottle ambition and sell it). I'm a real procrastinator, I never actually do something unless pressured into it. I want to take some kind of creative writing course at college, but I haven't applied yet...  Paul  730 01:37, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
What do you mean, not focused on the brain? Is it to do with emotions/behaviour? I'm confused??  Paul  730 01:50, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
So you're more proactive than a psychiatrist who just sits and nods while a person rambles on? :P Well, that's good, I wish you the best of luck in it. Any story behind how you got into it? I'll catch your reply sometime tomorrow, I'm going to bed now, I'm exhausted. Had an early start, busy day at work, plus travelled all the way into town to buy Angel, only to find out it's delayed due to shipping problems. Now I have to dodge spoilers until next week. In the words of Cordelia Chase; noone has suffered like I have suffered. ;)  Paul  730 02:20, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Break 2


Hey, I just found a pretty cool source examining Cordelia as a character and was wondering whether it would be useable as a wiki source? The thing which made me ask was the disclaimer at the bottom about copyright. I probably won't use it anytime soon, but it seemed like solid gold in terms of characterization.  Paul  730 04:46, 24 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Okay, thanks. I was mainly wondering because of the disclaimer at the bottom saying that no part of the site may be reproduced. I guess just means copying whole sections, which we wouldn't do anyway?  Paul  730 13:38, 24 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Disputed fair use rationale for Image:Prodigal.jpg


Thanks for uploading Image:Prodigal.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale you have provided for using this image under "fair use" may be invalid. Please read the instructions at Wikipedia:Non-free content carefully, then go to the image description page and clarify why you think the image qualifies for fair use. Using one of the templates at Wikipedia:Fair use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your image is in compliance with Wikipedia policy, but remember that you must complete the template. Do not simply insert a blank template on an image page.

If it is determined that the image does not qualify under fair use, it will be deleted within a couple of days according to our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you.BetacommandBot (talk) 05:16, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville (Season 1)


Bignole, I'm more than happy to help. I took a cut at the Lead. If it looks like I added value, let me know and I'll work on the rest of the article. The biggest changes I introduced involved just adding a bit of detail providing some story background. I haven't read too many TV episode articles, so I don't know if this is considered redundant since the series article contains some of the same information. I figured, though, that the season article should be able to stand on its own as much as possible. Hope this helped.
Jim Dunning | talk 06:07, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville character lists


Seeing as you're familiar with the articles, what is up with the seven character lists? They seem rather pointless and crufty, and it would be better to focus the characters into the season articles. Seeing as it doesn't have a character list at the moment, it seems like it would be best to merge the Smallville related sections from those main character articles and the recurring characters from those seven lists into one concise list. The rest of the one shots would just go back to the seasons where they belong. Is that something you're working on, or do would you want some help with it when I'm able? TTN (talk) 18:30, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, that seems like a fine approach. It's pretty much what I had in my head. Though, the main character sections should definitely be merged over from the main articles (or given full articles if it's possible). Sections like Clark Kent#Smallville and Lex Luthor#Smallville are rather silly on their own, and make it hard to actually have those articles be concise. They should have other media sections, but they should just give an overview while the other pieces of media actually cover the character. TTN (talk) 22:44, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
I mean that a main Smallville character list should cover the main plot and real world details of the character in Smallville. Logically, the same should be done for the other pieces of media. Then the main article for the comic character should have an other media section that provides overviews on the character in films, live action, cartoons, and other media instead of providing specific details for each one. The main Smallville character list would have a section for the main characters, the recurring characters that appear in multiple seasons, and then the multiple episode characters arranged by seasons (possibly two lists if that would be too long). TTN (talk) 22:55, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, that's basically it. I'd also imagine that it would try to emulate Characters of Final Fantasy VII and Characters of Kingdom Hearts with creation and reception information instead of just going for a plain list also. On that note, would you say that the optimum versions of Chloe Sullivan and Lionel Luthor would be fully worthy of being separate, or would their real world information help fill in a character list? If they would be fully worthy, what about the other main characters? TTN (talk) 23:06, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Any format seems fine. The main purpose is to condense the fairly redundant lists and the sections of the main comic versions of the characters. You could either just trim the section or you could just have a main section character that takes two or three paragraphs to describe the characters and switch some of specific casting and creation details to new sections. Personally, I think the second approach would be best, but a trimmed version would probably be suitable as well. TTN (talk) 23:25, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
You mean do I have an opinion about having all Smallville recurring characters listed on one page? Well, I wasn't too familiar with the original pages, although I know they were some of the weakest Smallville articles. I guess the main concern is space? I dunno, I've worked on a few character lists but none have been particularly brimming with real-world info, I'm sure you won't have the same problem. What exactly are you asking me what my thoughts are?  Paul  730 20:10, 19 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Don't all the main characters have their own individual articles anyway? ...apart from Jason and Whitney apparently (who?). Are you going to keep the "appeared in" bit? I removed that from List of minor Angel characters because I figured, we don't list appearances on character articles so why do it on character lists, important eps can be discussed in prose. Also, the Wikia links, wouldn't it just be easier to link to Smallville wiki at external links rather than do so for every character? I don't have any major suggestions at the moment, but I'll keep an eye on it while you're working and tell you what I think on any specific issues.  Paul  730 21:59, 19 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
I remind you all that no action can be taken now, not even tagging: see the Arb Com injunction at [8], which reads: "For the duration of this case, no editor shall redirect or delete any currently existing article regarding a television series episode or character; nor un-redirect or un-delete any currently redirected or deleted article on such a topic, nor apply or remove a tag related to notability to such an article. Administrators are authorized to revert such changes on sight, and to block any editors that persist in making them after being warned of this injunction. Passed 4 to 0 at 02:07, 3 February 2008 (UTC)." , and still in effect until Arb Com eventually decides. Consider this a formal warning about the injunction. DGG (talk) 06:35, 25 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Just prompting a friendly discussion; how come you're using images of the actors and not the characters? I get that they're free and all, but surely in the case of a fictional character, where no free image is available (and despite looking the same, Tom Welling is not Clark Kent), screenshots from the show are fair? If it were "List of Smallville cast members" then fine, but this is a character list.  Paul  730 00:00, 9 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
I dunno, it kind of seems like you're grasping at straws for an image that sorta looks like what you're talking about, but isn't really. I hate all this copyright paranoia on Wikipedia. An editor on Wikia told me when I inquired about image policies that the low resolution of wiki images means no studio is going to give a crap about them being copyright infringement. I'm not saying you should have images of every single character in the list, that would be excessive and unnecessary, but I think a screenshot of each of the cast regulars seems perfectly reasonable. Failing that, the cast shot would be fine. I'm not sure about the actor pictures though. Being free doesn't mean they should just be used for the hell of it.  Paul  730 00:20, 9 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
I guess I'll wait until the article is more developed before passing judgement, it just seemed weird to me. I trust you know what you're doing though; I admit I've thought about merging List of minor Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters into List of Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters because it's a bit OR-y to dictate who's minor and who's not; is Kennedy a minor character, etc etc? I thought it might be too long but I'll see how your Smallville one turns out and consider it more then. As for legalities, I thought it was only illegal when you're infringing on the images' original purpose? Like, a single screenshot wouldn't be illegal because it's only one second of a 42-minute episode or whatever. But uploading entire pages of a comic book would be illegal because then people can just read it online, taking away the purpose of the original book, if you know what I mean? I heard this through the Doctor Doom main image debate; that artwork was drawn to illustrate Doom in the Marvel encyclopedia, so using it to illustrate Doom in an encyclopedia would be infringing on the pic's purpose...?  Paul  730 03:07, 9 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Lol, am I sensing snobbery towards Wikia for their image free-for-all-ness? :P I was actually going to ask you the difference between "recurring" and "returning" characters... aren't they just the same thing except recurring have more appearances or is it actually some cast term. (Sorry if this is explained in the article, I haven't read through it in detail). I have wondered whether we really need to cover someone like Detective Stein on Wikipedia (I didn't even he was recurring before reading about him here). But then we get into a debate about who's "important" and who's not.  Paul  730 03:46, 9 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

But isn't "significance" subjective? I'm sure if I proposed a merge for the Kennedy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) article, people would be all "She's Willow's girlfriend, that makes her important!" But even though I do like the character (shock!), Kennedy's more of a Tara-foil story device than a character. I mean, we don't really know anything about her, does she really need her own article? I digress... when I was writing up the Buffy list, I found it hard to determine who deserved to be there and who didn't. What makes a character significant and isn't it OR for us to decide that? I eventually decided that any recurring character was fair game, since I couldn't think of any more definitive criteria. But that would mean including characters like Glory's minion #2 etc etc.  Paul  730 04:07, 9 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

I'm of the belief that if a subject of a notable series is "significant" enough to have a decent amount of sourced info about it from the writers, that subject potentially deserves an article, even if it doesn't have third-party sources. Kind of a common-sense loophole I apply to the notability guideline. An example would be the vampire article - I know there's tons of development info out there about Buffyverse vamps but probably not very many third-party ones establishing notability. In fact, isn't that supported by the guideline? Sub-articles or something? I'm sure I noticed you discussing it the other day. Anyway, your arguments about characters' significance is all well and good, I'm sure you're right, but it's still your interpretation of Character X's importance which would automatically make it OR, right? Or would that fall under a "common sense loophole" as well?  Paul  730 04:36, 9 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Right... so were you agreeing with me there about the sub-article thing? That was kind of my point - including all the info there is about Buffyverse vamps on the BtVS article would make it too large, so a subarticle would be acceptable? And thanks for the clarification about the character/OR thing, that'll allow me to be a bit more discriminatory about who goes in that Buffy list.  Paul  730 04:51, 9 March 2008 (UTC)Reply



Yeah... I didn't take enough time looking into that one on terms of reliability as a source since--it's surely as reliable as IMDb. Are you sure it should be used as a general external link (rather than source) for season 1? In any case, I will not remove it. gren グレン 02:59, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



Long time no talk. :) Hope you've been well... just wanted to say that I'm in agreement with you about your concerns about the Wolverine film. There seems to be overkill in terms of the number of mutants written into the script. While they'd be cool to see, it'd definitely detract from a Wolverine-centric premise. Here's to hoping Gavin Hood can deliver... —Erik (talkcontrib) - 18:47, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

I suppose I've been busy, more or less. More like there's not much overlap in what we edit these days. :) I'm cruising through this semester, which is more major-related than ever before, so it's nice. Also hunting for an internship for the summer before graduate school, hopefully wind up in a major city. On Wikipedia, I'm trying to get my head in the critical-analysis game in regard to Fight Club and Citizen Kane (see my subpage). Of course, lots of activity with future films... the FUTFILMS department's made collaboration much, much easier, and I'm actually kind of surprised about how WP:NFF has been well-received. I remember thinking in the past that I didn't quite like it and preferred a "right before filming" threshold, but this one's worked out for the better. —Erik (talkcontrib) - 19:26, 23 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Probably saw the discussion between me and Alientraveller -- thoughts on proceeding with Batman Begins? —Erik (talkcontrib) - 18:20, 24 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
That's not a bad idea, to do it in the same week or so as the release of The Dark Knight. It'd tone down advertising arguments. I wouldn't mind that, if we can get the article up to par and through the FAC process (and the FAotD process)... ah, putting it that way, it seems like a close wait. —Erik (talkcontrib) - 18:29, 24 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



Such a stickler! lol. I understand wiki autoformatting accepts them without the middle comma as well -- Wikipedia:Manual of Style (dates and numbers)#Autoformatting and linking -- so I leave them out for economy sake. Let me know if the c/e changes look okay.
Jim Dunning | talk 14:43, 24 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

The Futon Critic


Since you've accepted them in the past, I'm surprised you haven't used them now to add new airdates for the rest of Smallville's 7th season.

The return date is set for April 17 with five more episodes

Before that here's the dates for Traveller and Veritas; March 20th and 27th respectively. Robinepowell (talk) 19:50, 26 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

I meant for the airdates, since you won't accept Krypton for titles and Futon doesn't have them listed yet. Robinepowell (talk) 01:07, 27 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

I'm getting confused, lol. I already know you won't accept the episode titles which is why I didn't bother adding them to the episode listings. I just though I'd mention them anyway. Once TFC lists, would you accept them from there? Robinepowell (talk) 01:13, 27 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

I did ask you about the episodes but you never gave me an answer. Don't say "you told me" because until now I never had the answer. Robinepowell (talk) 04:12, 2 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

List of horror film killers


I wasn't sure if I should put this on AFD or not. It doesn't seem to be that well organized, it covers a pretty broad topic, and it might be original research.--CyberGhostface (talk) 15:09, 29 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



Hi Bignole. I just wanted to ask you a quick question. On the infobox for television, what does the num_episodes mean? Is it referring to episodes aired or produced? The template says episodes produced, while nearly all shows put number of episodes aired. Please reply soon. Thanks. Discussion 01:22, 1 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. It's just that an editor believes that on this show, it should be the amount produced. I think all thirteen have been produced already, so I'm not really sure which number to put. Discussion 01:47, 1 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
OK. Thanks for all your help. Discussion 02:15, 1 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Just to clarify what User:Cornucopia 2008 has said, the editor he/she is speaking of is me and I "believe" that num_episodes is supposed to be the number of episodes currently produced because that's what the template instructions say it should be. --AussieLegend (talk) 02:21, 1 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Resolution near (?) on how to entitle Tony Sandel's lists of books portraying sexual attraction to children


Please visit Talk:List_of_works_portraying_adult_attraction_to_young_males#Requested_move. Tony has accepted a proposal for a new title that may put to rest objections dating back to late 2006. Your input in the next few days would be appreciated. You participated in earlier discussions of this question and related questions about that work. SocJan (talk) 03:49, 5 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Slayer sex?


You once said a Faith/Buffy pair up would be sexy. Well, no Faith, but Buffy recently got sweaty with another Slayer.[9] Seriously, this is canon. I was speechless. (Urgh, that link is private now for some reason, here's a copy on another site [10]). I think it's pretty interesting story/character-wise, but the fans are raging (surpise surprise).  Paul  730 16:11, 5 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

No, no, no, they've had sex!!! Buffy Summers + lesbian sex = shocked Paul. Buffy the Vampire Slayer has officially had sex with another woman, it's literally headline news! I only linked to Satsu's page to let you see her character, go on the other link(s) for the major gossip. Satsu's pretty cool, though. Season Eight is such an amazing series, it certainly lives up to the TV series in every way and you know I wouldn't say that lightly.  Paul  730 18:37, 5 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

I saw the section heading on my watchlist and had to come to see what that was about. So... LOL. :) —Erik (talkcontrib) - 19:04, 5 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Lol, pervy Erik. :P Hmm, this story is certainly thought-provoking. There's fans debating on forums whether this is just "Buffy is a lesbian" attention-seeking rather than a legitimate story. Someone pointed out it's being done because Whedon can't come up with a better idea to top Angel and Spike. Personally I'm quite happy with it, from a character development and a political statement perspective. Buffy's not gay and I'm glad they're not trying to say that or try and push her into a genuine lesbian relationship, but it's more of an "oh shit" experiment that didn't work out. I think it's kind of a... liberating(?) statement to make, that an icon like Buffy can have a gay fling and not have it be the end of the world. If they tried to pull a "gay now" stunt like Willow I would be annoyed (not because I mind gay Willow, more just because we've been there done that), but so long as they handle it realistically I'm happy. I'm interested in the question of whether Buffy used Satsu; Satsu genuinely loves her and it Buffy just slept with her out of loneliness rather than because she can offer Satsu something. I hope it's more about that than "Lesbian Buffy", I like how the homosexuality in Buffy is pretty incidential to the actual relationship at hand... if you know what I mean. Although, that said, I can't wait for the other Scoobies' reactions.  Paul  730 20:18, 5 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
I've started a discussion, feel free to pitch in. It's kind of a confusing argument but, removing myself from fandom and looking at the series from the cold perspective of a stranger, I agree with you that SMG is not known for playing Faith. Listing her in the infobox would be kind of trivial. Props to her though, her performance in that episode was brilliant. She does a great Faith.  Paul  730 17:23, 8 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

New FvJvA comentary. There's some cool cameos of Jason's past victim's, although techically Guy-Killed-By-Leather-Strap wasn't "Jason"'s victim.  Paul  730 22:22, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

I recognised Sleeping Bag-Girl (VII), Cleaver-In-Face-Guy (III), and possibly Crushed-In-Bed-Guy (FvJ). Didn't see your message BTW, or I would have replied sooner. Sure, I'll head on over there.  Paul  730 23:06, 10 March 2008 (UTC) Looking at it again, there's also Bananna-Girl (IV) and Shelly, apparently.  Paul  730 23:09, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well, Bananna-Girl has a bananna hanging out of her mouth, so that's kind of a give-away. I hate Shelly, I guess he's important to the mythology or whatever but I always hated him. I hate all the characters in III.  Paul  730 23:15, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Might have asked you this before, but do you think you'll get FvJvA? I never get any F13/NoES/ED comics but this looks pretty good, I might get the trade paperback, depending how much cash I have. I was reading a F13 comic in the bookstore the other day, it looked pretty crap. I don't think the charm of slasher movies can be replicated in comics, but FvJvA is such a superheroey crossover that it might work.  Paul  730 23:27, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
That's what I meant by trade paperback (or TPB). The only monthly's I get are Buffy and Angel. All my other comics are collections. The story just reads better without month-long gaps between scenes, I think that's why I'm not really enjoying the Angel comic that much. Buffy is very well-paced, though.  Paul  730 23:39, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Wow, put that in your pipe and smoke it, haters. I'm sure it has more to do with DVDs and illegal downloading ruining box office than F13 being a masterpiece of film, but it's still cool. Also, it's not summer yet, I'm sure Iron Man and whatever else is out will set new records. BTW, I know you're not an expert, but do you think Buffy meets the criteria for Category:Fictional LGBT characters? Another editor belives it's exclusively for characters who are famous for being gay like Jack Harkness or someone, but I'm arguing that the Buffy/Satsu story has recieved media attention and therefore Buffy is notable as being an "LGBT" character, even though she's not gay.  Paul  730 00:38, 11 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Wow, a hypocrite am I, don't mince your words, Bigs. :P The reason I was arguing on the talk page was because that editor was basically saying "She is a lesbian because I say women who sleep with other women are lesbians. End of." Lesbian and LGBT studies are two different things in my eyes... she shouldn't be categorised as a lesbian because she's not one, but she did have a homosexual experience which recieved media attention. She's not gay personally, but the storyline about her is relevant to LGBT studies. LGBT could mean bisexual as well, it's a less committal category than "Fictional lesbians"... I think you might have a point about the category being irrelevant but I do think she should be listed under the LGBT wikiproject. Although the article needs fixing up before I'd bother doing that, there's quite a number of sources discussing "Batsu" that I can use.  Paul  730 01:13, 11 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
I now agree with you that she shouldn't be categorised as an LGBT character, but I think it does make her relevant to Wikipedia:WikiProject LGBT studies. The whole story/resulting controversy is presumably a topic that Wikiproject would cover. Like I said, the issue will probably be more important when her article actually has any coverage of it to speak of. Anyway, thanks for your input. I'll probably ask Zythe as well, since he's a member of that Wikiproject and probably more aware of what they cover than either of us.  Paul  730 01:48, 11 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Re: Crystal Lake Memories


I didn't think the exact page number was needed. I could add them back. -- Lord Crayak (talk) 18:01, 7 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Okay, thanks for the advice. -- Lord Crayak (talk) 18:32, 7 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hello. I know you use wikia links in some of the Smallville articles, and I have been trying to do the same with Stargate articles. Since at least yesterday however, it seems like wikia links in the style of Wikia:Stargate:Cold Lazarus don't work any longer because instead of linking to, it tries to connect to and then redirects to The same seems to be true for your Smallville wikia links. Since you have been longer on wikipedia than me and probably have more experience with wikia, can you confirm my findings and maybe go to the right places to bring this to attention? I don't even know where to start. – sgeureka t•c 11:25, 8 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thank you. So I know I wasn't nuts. See Wikipedia:Village_pump_(technical)#Wikia_and_wikipedia for some first solutions. – sgeureka t•c 16:25, 8 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

The message board.


Do you think people on the message board TheCaseofDaniel showed us will take that person seriously? I doubt that, how about you? TheBlazikenMaster (talk) 23:15, 9 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

I think most people will just laugh at him. TheBlazikenMaster (talk) 00:47, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

True, but Steve's gone because of it, so I'm not really laughing about it... hope he comes back. —Erik (talkcontrib) - 01:27, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hah! I like, I like. Then the coverage would be verifiable by a reliable source, and it could be included a certain locale with citation. :-D —Erik (talkcontrib) - 01:43, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
He obviously doesn't. I don't even have any employees to begin with. TheBlazikenMaster (talk) 13:35, 14 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville timeline


I don't have an opinion either way about the article. It's all original research, but on the other hand, that's true about most TV series articles. Going by the principle that interesting OR is not less encyclopedic than boring OR, I can't bring myself to vote against an entertaining article about entertainment. I downloaded the article about the comparisons between the TV show and the Superboy comic, since I knew that one would be deleted (and it was). People like the episode articles, and it is a good exercise for people to hone their writing skills with something that interests them. I'd rather have a silly article like this one than a boring "then what happened?" article about a particular episode; I think that "Pete Ross, Chews to Be a Hero" (or whatever the episode is called) will be an article soon. Yawn. Mandsford (talk) 00:37, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Friday the 13th


Hello! I was wondering were I could find some info on Friday the 13th's critical reception, I've been having trouble finding anything from any notable critics.Jv821 (talk) 05:50, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

RE: That's great. I'd like to help colloborate with this article, so if you have any suggestions or ideas drop me a line. I think that the production section could do with some casting information so I'll have a look for some of that if you haven't gotten any. Thanks, Jv821 (talk) 11:42, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

RE: RE: Sounds great! I was wondering if you've heard of the "Camp Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th" book, which covers the production history of the series. It’s extremely resourceful, so if you ever have trouble with references let me know. Jv821 (talk) 02:01, 11 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

RE: Lol, I only just saw the Jason Vorhees article. Excellent work! I was just wondering, the thing about the remake section in the lead was removed, and I added it back in, should it stay there without a source? Jv821 (talk) 03:10, 11 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

RE: Good good, just checking. Jv821 (talk) 03:23, 11 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Smallville IPs


Hello.. saw your note. Posting the request is a good idea. I'm not sure if I'm become too involved to do it myself without a COI, so that will allow an independent editor to assess the situation. Just be careful you don't get caught in the "3RR" trap; I don't see this as one, but an admin who isn't familiar with you might ding you for it and that wouldn't be good. --Ckatzchatspy 20:36, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply



Can you leave me a link to MSN TV listings? I'm trying to find where you find episodes for Smalville, since you refuse to use Kryptonsite (which has the next two episodes "Descent" and "Sleeper") that way I can how far in advance they go. Thanks Robinepowell (talk) 21:09, 10 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Guest Stars


Is there no where on Smallville's page to list guest star? I would have loved to been able to add OneRepublic to list. :D Robinepowell (talk) 04:52, 13 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Well I saw them last night and everyone in the States will see them tonight. They peforemd "Mercy Lyrics" and at the end of the episode everyone heard their most famous song to day.... :D Is that proof enough for you?

The reason they were on is Pete Ross is a roadie for their band. Robinepowell (talk) 17:00, 13 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

What exactly am I spoiling? I read the previews that told how/why Pete on OneRepublic are intwined. Too bad about the guest stars. I was thinking more along the lines of how Medium, does it. Robinepowell (talk) 17:54, 13 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

I'll clarify it. There's a special section titled "Notable Guest Stars" and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch has something similiar. I'm wondering why Smallville doesn't have that.

Also what happened to the international listings? Robinepowell (talk) 08:15, 14 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Well what about Canada? In the past there's been listings and a link to them. For both new and repeat episodes. Robinepowell (talk) 16:52, 14 March 2008 (UTC)Reply



I got early to just get everything done to watch this trailer. And wowsa: I'm really happy. The CGI looks much more realistic than the last one, partly because of the realistic designs, and because of the stylised lighting can disguise the weaknesses of computer effects. Count me happy: everything about it sounds like the Hulk movie I've waited for my whole life. Alientraveller (talk) 07:01, 13 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

I reckon Abomb looks like Doomsday. Leterrier confirmed he can use his bones as weapons on Empire Online. Alientraveller (talk) 11:21, 14 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

WikiProject Films coordinator elections


The WikiProject Films coordinator selection process is starting. We are aiming to elect five coordinators to serve for the next six months; if you are interested in running, please sign up here by March 28! Girolamo Savonarola (talk) 04:32, 15 March 2008 (UTC)Reply