User:Wojciechgasior454/State Fishing Guard

State Fisheries Guard - uniformed and armedformation with police powers, classified as a nature protection guard and as administrative police[1]. It was established in 1985, it is a unit of the voivodeship combined administration, it is subordinate to the voivod and it controls compliance with the Act of 18 April 1985 on inland fishing and regulations issued on its basis[2]. It operates in all 16 voivodships. The State Fishermen's Guard may cooperate with the State Fishermen's Guard established by the county council at the request of the starost. Communal fishing guard[3].

The guards and their powers


The State Fishing Guard is entitled to a free of charge uniform, which he is obliged to wear when performing official activities together with service signs, service badges, special clothing and personal equipment. In particularly justified cases, the SFG Regional Commander has the right to allow the guard to use civilian clothing[2]. Employee rights and obligations, rules of remuneration, sign templates, service card, badge and guard's uniform are regulated by the 1997 regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Food Economy[4].

The guards have a number of powers. They have the right to, i. a.: control the documents authorising the catching of fish at the catching persons and the documents certifying the origin of the fish at the persons processing or marketing the fish; control the quantity and species of fish caught, processed or marketed and the objects used to catch them. Guards may also: secure abandoned fish and fishing gear if the holder cannot be identified; identify suspects; receive fish and fishing gear against a receipt; impose fines. In the course of their duties they are entitled to the rights of the State Hunting Guard, forest rangers and the Park Guard[2].

A SFG guard has the right to carry small arms,signal weapons, handcuffs put on hands, hand throwers of incapacitating substances, batonand objects designed to incapacitate people with electricity. In certain cases they may use direct coercive measures and firearms[2]. The rules of possession, storage and registration of firearms, signal weapons, ammunition and direct coercive measures by the SFG are laid down in the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Order 2014[5].



As of 2016, the State Fisheries Service had 298 field guards. The lowest number of posts (7) was in the Lubuskie and Świętokrzyskie Voivodeships and the highest number (38) in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. The total area of the controlled water regions was 619.3 thousand ha, including 120.0 thousand ha in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship (19.4%)[6].

In the years 2013-2016 (Q1), the State Fishing Guard confiscated 23,386 pieces of equipment, revealed 2466 crimes and 51,308 offences and imposed 34,729 penal fines for the total amount of 5556.6 thousands of zlotys. In its audit carried out in 2016, the Supreme Chamber of Control drew attention to the lack of regulations concerning the amount of fines imposed by the SFG by way of criminal fines for particular types of offences. For example, in the voivodeship of Lower Silesia, the average value of the mandate for the period 2013-2016 (Q1) was PLN 124, and in the voivodeship of Wielkopolska PLN 239[7].

In 2016, the Supreme Chamber of Control, after an inspection in the SFG voivodeship commands in Gdańsk, Szczecin, Kraków, Poznań and Warsaw, issued a positive assessment (despite the irregularities found) in the use and storage of weapons. It was found that during the period covered by the control, SFG guards were on duty with weapons. It was most often taken by SFG guards in Cracow (347 times) and SFG in Gdansk (216 times). At the same time, there were no cases of using or losing them. In a voluntary survey, in which 78 SFG guards participated (80% of those employed in the controlled units), the respondents indicated the following as basic equipment: gun and handcuffs (85% of those surveyed) and gas thrower (71%)[1].

As of 2016, the National Fishing Guard had 423 combat and other firearms, five stun guns and 234 incapacitating substance throwers[1].

SFG Voivodship Commands

Voivodship Residence Area of the perimeter

waters (thousand hectares; 2016)



State budget expenditure

(thousand PLN)

2017 2018 2016 2017 2018
dolnośląskie Wrocław 30,0 23 22 1459,0 1357,8 1581,5
kujawsko-pomorskie Bydgoszcz 52,4 18 18 1188,0 1214,0 1451,8
lubelskie Lublin 18,9 18 16 1295,9 1205,8 1207,7
lubuskie Gorzów Wielkopolski 26,0 12 11 673,0 899,4 763,9
łódzkie Sieradz 18,0 20 19 1331,0 1341,8 1513,6
małopolskie Kraków 26,5 13 13 832,6 756,7 966,3
mazowieckie Warszawa 42,3 33 33 2631,7 2668,0 2724,9
opolskie Opole 17,0 10 10 803,0 863,1 863,1
podkarpackie Rzeszów 30,2 23 22 1707,0 bd. bd.
podlaskie Suwałki 25,8 19 19 1334,4 1339,5 1454,9
pomorskie Gdańsk 64,7 19 18 1462,7 1506,4 1557,2
śląskie Katowice 25,0 14 12 979,0 1036,0 1161,7
świętokrzyskie Kielce 8,7 5 6 380,5 358,9 580,9
warmińsko-mazurskie Olsztyn 120,0 35 34 2706,0 2633,0 2804,9
wielkopolskie Poznań 42,5 39 39 2495,4 2544,6 2597,7
zachodniopomorskie Szczecin 71,3 18 18 1515,0 1390,0 1493,0
Total 619,3 319 310 22 794,2 21 115,0 22 723,1
Source: Supreme Control Chamber: 2016[7][8], 2017[9]. 2018[10].

Note: Summary of expenditure in 2017 and 2018 without Podkarpackie voivodship.


  1. ^ a b c "Wykorzystanie broni przez wybrane służby i straże oraz nadzór organów państwa nad jej reglamentacją" (PDF). 3 lutego 2016. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ a b c d Art. 21-23 ustawy z dnia 18 kwietnia 1985 r. o rybactwie śródlądowym ({{{title}}}, Dz. U. z {{{year}}} r. poz. {{{number}}} ).
  3. ^ Rozporządzenie Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi z dnia 8 stycznia 2002 r. w sprawie zakresu i warunków współpracy Państwowej Straży Rybackiej ze Społeczną Strażą Rybacką ({{{title}}}, Dz. U. z {{{year}}} r. poz. {{{number}}} ).
  4. ^ Rozporządzenie Ministra Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej dnia 9 maja 1997 r. w sprawie praw i obowiązków pracowniczych, zasad wynagradzania, wzorów oznak, legitymacji służbowej, odznaki służbowej i umundurowania strażników Państwowej Straży Rybackiej oraz wzoru oznaki i legitymacji strażnika Społecznej Straży Rybackiej ({{{title}}}, Dz. U. z 1997 r. Nr 55, poz. {{{number}}} ).
  5. ^ Rozporządzenie Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi z dnia 4 czerwca 2014 r. w sprawie szczegółowych zasad i warunków posiadania, przechowywania i ewidencjonowania przez Państwową Straż Rybacką broni palnej, sygnałowej, amunicji oraz środków przymusu bezpośredniego ({{{title}}}, Dz. U. z 2014 r. poz. 756 ).
  6. ^ "Realizacja zadań Państwowej Straży Łowieckiej i Państwowej Straży Rybackiej w województwie dolnośląskim" (PDF). 17 października 2016. Retrieved 2019-09-09. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  7. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference nik was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  8. ^ "Analiza wykonania budżetu państwa i założeń polityki pieniężnej w 2016 r. – kontrole cząstkowe (cz. 85/02–85/32)".
  9. ^ "Analiza wykonania budżetu państwa i założeń polityki pieniężnej w 2017 r. – kontrole cząstkowe (cz. 85/02–85/32)".
  10. ^ "Analiza wykonania budżetu państwa i założeń polityki pieniężnej w 2018 r. – kontrole cząstkowe (cz. 85/02–85/32)".

[[Category:Recreational fishing]] [[Category:Fishing]] [[Category:Government of Poland]]