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This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Item Article Description instance of located in
Q64486175 Schornstein der Seifenfabrik chimney Graz
Q64486177 Verwaltungsgebäude der Seifenfabrik building in Graz, Austria building Graz
Q64486204 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486205 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486207 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486208 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486210 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486211 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486213 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486214 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486217 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486219 USFA Wohnhaussiedlung residential building Salzburg
Q64486662 Turm 12 fortified tower Leonding
Q64486664 Katharina-Turm (Nr. 18) city fortifications Puchenau
Q64486666 Tower 9 - Stadtmuseum Leonding museum in Austria museum building
fortified tower
Q64486668 Teil der Anschlussmauer Linz city fortifications Leonding
Q64486670 Maximilianturm, Befestigungsturm XXIV, Linz fortified tower Linz
Q64486672 Mauern city fortifications Puchenau
Q64486674 Warte Edelburga castle Puchenau
Q64486675 Turm 15 fortified tower Puchenau
Q64486679 Turm 13 fortified tower Leonding
Q64486680 Turm 20 fortified tower Linz
Q64486793 Tauerntunnel, Tunnelportal-Nord, Salzburger Seite tunnel portal Bad Gastein
Q64486795 Tauerntunnel, Südportal tunnel portal Mallnitz
Q64486846 Hofer-Uhl-Mühle mill
grain mill
Kals am Großglockner
Q64486847 Kerermühle mill Kals am Großglockner
Q64486849 Obenfigermühle mill Kals am Großglockner
Q64486851 Roglmühle watermill
destroyed building or structure
Kals am Großglockner
Q64486853 Platzermühle mill Kals am Großglockner
Q64486900 Bürgerhaus mansion Wildalpen
Q64486902 Kanzleistöckl Wildalpen cultural property Wildalpen
Q64486903 Bürgerhaus, Wagnerhaus, Kohlfachterhaus building in Wildalpen, Austria building Wildalpen
Q64486905 Museum Wildalpen building in Wildalpen, Austria building Wildalpen
Q64487202 Altes Rathaus rathaus Innsbruck
Q64487360 Wehrmauer, Porta Claudia fortification Scharnitz
Q64487362 Leutascher Schanz fortification Leutasch
Q64487485 Bürgerhaus, Kumpfmühle mansion Salzburg
Q64487486 Bürgerhaus, Puchhaim- oder Risenhaus building in Salzburg, Austria building Salzburg
Q64487488 Bürgerhaus, Hofhaimerhaus building in Salzburg, Austria building Salzburg
Q64487490 Pfeifergasse 4, Salzburg mansion Salzburg
Q64487492 Pfeifergasse 8, Salzburg mansion Salzburg
Q64487493 Kumpfmüllerstöckl und Kumpfmüllertor cultural property Salzburg
Q64487514 Miethaus building in Innere Stadt, Austria building Innere Stadt
Q64487516 Miethaus building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64487518 Bartensteingasse 9, Vienna multifamily residential in Vienna, Austria multifamily residential Vienna
Q64487519 Miethaus building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64487531 Franziskanerkirche church building Hall in Tirol
Q64487543 Wallfahrtskirche Mariä Himmelfahrt church building Maria Lankowitz
Q64487580 Franziskanerkirche, Graz church building Graz
Q64487639 Römerzeitliche Stadt und Gräberfelder Flavia Solva Leibnitz
Q64487641 Römerzeitliche Stadt und Gräberfelder Flavia Solva Leibnitz
Q64487642 Römerzeitliche Stadt und Gräberfelder Flavia Solva grave field Leibnitz
Q64487644 Römerzeitliche Stadt und Gräberfelder Flavia Solva Gabersdorf
Q64487646 Römerzeitliche Stadt und Gräberfeld Flavia Solva Wagna
Q64487690 Bildstock column shrine Salzburg
Q64487692 Bildstock wayside shrine Salzburg
Q64487694 Geheimnissäulen auf dem Weg nach Maria Plain - shrine IV column shrine Salzburg
Q64487716 Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße in Rauris BDA Modellierungsartefakt Rauris
Q64487718 Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße in Fusch BDA Modellierungsartefakt Fusch an der Großglocknerstraße
Q64487720 Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße in Heiligenblut (KG Zlapp und Hof) BDA Modellierungsartefakt Heiligenblut
Q64487722 Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße in Heiligenblut (KG Apriach) BDA Modellierungsartefakt Heiligenblut
Q64487781 Gstättentor city gate Salzburg
Q64487783 Marienbrunnen Marienbrunnen in Salzburg water well Salzburg
Q64495114 Lärmstange mountain in the Zillertal Alps in Tyrol mountain Tux
Q64500299 Tschachoritsch village in Köttmannsdorf municipality, Carinthia village
Q64504245 Fischamend–Mannersdorf railway line railway line in Austria railway line
Q645045 Untersiebenbrunn municipality in Gänserndorf District, Lower Austria, Austria rural municipality of Austria
municipality of Austria
Gänserndorf District
Q64506489 Stammzahl
Q64512482 Klosterkirche Zams cemetery
abbey church
Q64512500 Bauernberganlage building in Linz, Austria building Linz
Q64512507 Wohnhaus, Teil einer Gebäudegruppe residential building St. Pölten
Q64512508 Wohnhaus, Teil einer Gebäudegruppe residential building St. Pölten
Q64512510 Wohnhaus, Teil einer Gebäudegruppe residential building St. Pölten
Q64512511 Wohnhaus, Teil einer Gebäudegruppe residential building St. Pölten
Q64512512 Wohnhaus, Teil einer Gebäudegruppe residential building St. Pölten
Q64512513 Wohnhaus, Teil einer Gebäudegruppe residential building St. Pölten
Q64512514 Wohnhaus, Teil einer Gebäudegruppe residential building St. Pölten
Q64512515 Wohnhaus, Teil einer Gebäudegruppe residential building St. Pölten
Q64512516 Wohnhaus, Teil einer Gebäudegruppe residential building St. Pölten
Q64512518 Teil der Befestigungsanlage city walls Sachsenburg
Q64512519 Teil der Befestigungsanlage city walls Sachsenburg
Q64512520 Teil der Befestigungsanlage city walls Sachsenburg
Q64512521 Teil der Befestigungsanlage city walls Sachsenburg
Q64512524 Teil der Befestigungsanlage city walls Sachsenburg
Q64512525 Teil der Befestigungsanlage city walls Sachsenburg
Q64512526 Teil der Befestigungsanlage city walls Sachsenburg
Q64512527 Teil der Befestigungsanlage city walls Sachsenburg
Q64512528 Teil der Befestigungsanlage city walls Sachsenburg
Q64512529 Teil der Befestigungsanlage fortification Sachsenburg
Q64512533 Sog. Feliferhof, Handgranatenwurfstand shooting range Graz
Q64512536 Bildstöcke Richtung Kaltenbrunn stations of the Cross Kaunerberg
Q64512539 Kaplaneikirche Bschlabs filial church
Q64512540 Wegkapelle hl. Martin chapel Pfafflar
Q64512548 Befestigte Höhensiedlung Buchberg hilltop settlement Maria Anzbach
Q64512549 Befestigte Höhensiedlung Buchberg hilltop settlement
archaeological site
Q64512550 Bergfried der Burg Clam bergfried Klam
Q64512558 Schloss Fernstein/Klause Fernstein château Nassereith
Q64512562 Hofkapelle hl. Martin, Martinsbühel wayside shrine Zirl
Q64512564 Turm und Burgkapelle Neuberg chapel Hartberg Umgebung
Q64512569 Gesamtanlage Schloss Plankenwarth château Sankt Oswald bei Plankenwarth
Q64512570 Wehrturm fortified tower Villach
Q64512571 Grabhügel Pommerkogel cultural property
Q64512573 Hügelgrab Hartnermichlkogel tumulus
cultural property
Q64512574 Siedlung und Nekropole der Hallstattzeit auf dem Burgstallkogel castle
cultural property
Q64512575 Siedlung und Nekropole der Hallstattzeit auf dem Burgstallkogel tumulus
cultural property
Q64512577 Siedlung und Nekropole der Hallstattzeit auf dem Burgstallkogel (Hügelgrab Kröllkogel) tumulus
cultural property
Q64512578 Siedlung und Nekropole der Hallstattzeit auf dem Burgstallkogel cultural property Gleinstätten
Q64512579 Siedlung und Nekropole der Hallstattzeit auf dem Burgstallkogel cultural property Großklein
Q64512584 Römischer Burgus Windstalgraben Rossatz-Arnsdorf
Q64512600 Auxiliarkastell Carnuntum cultural property
Q64512603 Legionslager Carnuntum, Praetentura castrum
ancient Roman structure
Bad Deutsch-Altenburg
Q64512611 Dechanthofkapelle wayside shrine
Q64512613 Wohnhaus/Teil des ehem. Dominikanerinnenklosters residential building Windhaag bei Perg
Q64512619 Doppel-Wohnhaushälfte Engelbrechtweg 11 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512620 Jagdschlossgasse 82, Vienna semi detached building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512639 Doppel-Wohnhaus Jagdschlossgasse 88/90 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512648 Jagdschloßgasse 70, Vienna residential building Vienna
Q64512656 Doppel-Wohnhaus Jagicgasse 12/Woinovichgasse 22 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512661 Doppel-Wohnhaus Veitingergasse 103/105 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512664 Doppel-Wohnhaushälfte Veitingergasse 109 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512667 Doppel-Wohnhaushälfte Veitingergasse 113 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512668 Doppel-Wohnhaus Veitingergasse 71/73 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512671 Doppel-Wohnhaushälfte Veitingergasse 77 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512674 Doppel-Wohnhaus Veitingergasse 99/101 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512678 Doppel-Wohnhaus Woinovichgasse 1/3 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512681 Doppel-Wohnhaus Woinovichgasse 2/4 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512683 Doppel-Wohnhaus Woinovichgasse 24/26 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512684 Doppel-Wohnhaus Woinovichgasse 28/30 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512688 Wohnhaus Woinovichgasse 7 residential building Vienna
Q64512691 Woinovichgasse 6–8 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512710 Doppel-Wohnhäuser Woinovichgasse 13/15 und 17/19/Jagicgasse 7 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512711 Doppel-Wohnhäuser Woinovichgasse 13/15 und 17/19/Jagicgasse 7 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512712 Doppel-Wohnhäuser Woinovichgasse 13/15 und 17/19/Jagicgasse 7 building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64512721 Lueger-Denkmal monument in Innere Stadt, Austria monument Innere Stadt
Q64512723 Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Platz 5 cultural property in Innere Stadt, Austria cultural property Innere Stadt
Q64512725 Döblinger Steg (Abschnitt Heiligenstadt) architectural structure Döbling
Q64512732 Fundzone „Bei den Sieben Bründeln“ archaeological site in St. Pölten, Austria archaeological site St. Pölten
Q64512733 Fundzone Ließfeld archaeological site in St. Pölten, Austria archaeological site St. Pölten
Q64512734 Fundzone "Bei den Sieben Bründeln" location of discovery St. Pölten
Q64512737 Wohnhaus, Teil der ehem. landesfürstlichen Burg residential building Enns
Q64512738 Wohnhaus, Teil der ehem. landesfürstlichen Burg residential building Enns
Q64512739 Wohn- und Geschäftshaus, Teil der ehem. landesfürstliche Burg residential and commercial building Enns
Q64512744 Bastion des Fehringer Tabors bastion Fehring
Q64512745 Rundturm des Fehringer Tabors, nunmehr Wohngebäude Rundturm
residential building
Q64512746 Bastion des Fehringer Tabors bastion
residential building
Q64512756 Felsbildstation „Höll“ cultural property Spital am Pyhrn
Q64512769 Altes Herrenhaus building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512770 Wohnhaus, Nebengebäude residential building Grünburg
Q64512771 Neues Herrenhaus building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512772 Presshaus, Mostkeller und Veranda building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512773 Herrschaftsgarten building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512774 Wirtschaftsgebäude und Rossstall agricultural structure Grünburg
Q64512775 Mühlhäusl mill Grünburg
Q64512776 Schmiedhaus building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512778 Schmiedehammer, Alter Hammer cultural property Grünburg
Q64512779 Kram building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512780 Kohlbarren building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512781 Magazin building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512783 Bauernhof Hoisleiten farm Grünburg
Q64512785 Kuhstall building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512787 Helmhäusl building building Grünburg
Q64512788 Gärtnerhäusl building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512789 Wagenremise building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512790 Reiberhütte building in Grünburg, Austria building Grünburg
Q64512791 Scheune, sog. Scheibenhütte barn Grünburg
Q64512792 Salettl und Brunnen water well Grünburg
Q64512799 Kastengebäude in Friesach building in Friesach, Austria building Friesach
Q64512805 Pflegeheim der Stadt Wien, Klosterneuburg - Altbau cultural property Klosterneuburg
Q64512806 Pflegeheim der Stadt Wien, Klosterneuburg - Neubau building in Klosterneuburg, Austria building Klosterneuburg
Q64512815 Kalvarienbergkirche church building Graz
Q64512820 Schmiedhäusl, Alte Schmiede (Hufschmiedhaus) building in Koppl, Austria building Koppl
Q64512821 sog. Moarhäusl, Stöckl zum Braugasthof cultural property Koppl
Q64512822 Braugasthof inn Koppl
Q64512824 Villa Ceconi und Spießbraterei, Koppl villa in Koppl, Austria villa Koppl
Q64512828 Ehem. Gärtnerhaus des Hallerschlosses building in Graz, Austria building Graz
Q64512829 Amtshaus Harland building in St. Pölten, Austria building St. Pölten
Q64512834 Ehemalige Wallfahrtskirche church building
Catholic pilgrimage church
Q64512838 Johanneskapelle chapel Paudorf
Q64512840 Saint Altmann church building
parish church
Q64512841 Hellerhof agricultural structure Paudorf
Q64512842 rectory Hellerhof clergy house Paudorf
Q64512843 Gartenportal und Gartenpavillon building in Paudorf, Austria garden pavilion Paudorf
Q64512849 Filialkirche Hemmaberg church building Globasnitz
Q64512850 Quellheiligtum, Rosaliengrotte mit Brunnenschale am Hemmaberg water well Globasnitz
Q64512851 unbefestigte Siedlung, Spätantike Höhensiedlung Hemmaberg hilltop settlement Globasnitz
Q64512853 Turmwärterhaus building in Graz, Austria building Graz
Q64512855 Pfarrhof clergy house Zwettl
Q64512856 Hoisn-Kapelle chapel Weitersfelden
Q64512859 Waisenhauskirche filial church Mödling
Q64512861 Volksschul- und Wohngebäude sowie Gartenportal building in Mödling, Austria building Mödling
Q64512862 Grabsteine mit hebräischen Schriftzeichen vom ehem. Friedhof tombstone Alsergrund
Q64512872 Kapelle hl. Sebastian und hl. Antonius - Cemetery cemetery Hohenems
Q64512876 Marienkapelle chapel Alberschwende
Q64512877 Fátimakapelle chapel Alberschwende
Q64512882 Ehem. Domkapitlisches Objekt; ehem. Granarium, Kapitelkastnerhaus und Mühle mill Salzburg
Q64512885 Kapitelgasse 4, Salzburg building in Salzburg, Austria building Salzburg
Q64512887 Dompropstei Salzburg cultural property Salzburg
Q64512888 Erzbischöfliches Palais, der Garten archäologisches Fundhoffnungsgebiet city palace Salzburg
Q64512889 Christkönigskolleg building Salzburg
Q64512890 Kapitelschwemme fountain Salzburg
Q64512901 Gymnasium, ehem. Zisterzienserstift building in Klagenfurt, Austria building
school building
Q64512902 Stiftskirche Viktring church building Klagenfurt
Q64512903 Stift Viktring Pfarrhof building Klagenfurt
Q64512909 Äußeres südliches Stiftstor und Mauerteil cultural property
Q64512910 Äußeres westliches Stiftstor gate Stams
Q64512918 Pfarrhof, St. Andrä an der Traisen clergy house Herzogenburg
Q64512919 Pfarrkirche hl. Andreas, St. Andrä an der Traisen parish church with cemetery in Herzogenburg parish church
Q64512921 Gesamtanlage, ehem. Benediktinerstift Ossiach Ossiach
Q64512930 Jagdschloss Neuberg museum in Austria museum Neuberg an der Mürz
Q64512931 Stallhof or Lindenhof building in Neuberg an der Mürz, Austria building Neuberg an der Mürz
Q64512933 agricultural structure in Neuberg an der Mürz agricultural structure Neuberg an der Mürz
Q64512935 Springbrunnen Stift Neuberg fountain Neuberg an der Mürz
Q64512939 Hotel Lindenhof, Hochmeisterschloss, Stift Millstatt hotel Millstatt am See
Q64512941 Pfarrkirche St. Salvator und Allerheiligen Millstatt church building Millstatt am See
Q64512942 Ehem. Benediktinerstift Millstatt, Stiftsmauer, Reste von Vorgängerbauten cultural property Millstatt am See
Q64512946 Stift Griffen - Laubenbau building in Griffen, Austria building Griffen
Q64512947 Gesamtanlage, ehem. Prämonstratenserstift Griffen cultural heritage ensemble Griffen
Q64512953 St. Margareten, Stift Ardagger church building Ardagger
Q64512954 Kreuzgang Stift Ardagger cloister Ardagger
Q64512961 Unterer Stadtturm, Vöcklabruck city fortifications Vöcklabruck
Q64512962 Oberer Stadtturm, Vöcklabruck cultural property Vöcklabruck
Q64512968 Friedhof hl. Jakob cemetery Sankt Anton am Arlberg
Q64512972 Ehem. Bürgerspital, Fürsorgeheim cultural property Zwettl
Q64512980 Pfarrhof clergy house Zwettl
Q64512981 Ossuary in Großglobnitz ossuary Zwettl
Q64512986 ehem. Friedhof Reinprechtspölla cemetery Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
Q64512990 Wirtshaus Schlössl, St. Pankraz am Haunsberg Gasthaus Nußdorf am Haunsberg
Q64512993 St. Peter an der Sperr museum in Austria church building Wiener Neustadt
Q64513000 Karner Kühnring ossuary Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
Q64513001 Friedhof Kühnring cemetery Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
Q64513003 Kalvarienberg calvary by the artist Jakob Seer in Burgschleinitz-Kühnring sculpture
small monument
Q64513724 Gauermannhütte mountain hut Miesenbach
Q64521084 Tullnertal valley in Vienna valley Liesing
Q64522973 Mondi Uncoated Fine & Kraft Paper Austrian holding company business
Q645434 Radio Österreich International Austrian international radio station radio station
Q645493 Grubigstein mountain mountain Tyrol
Q645500 Bad Sauerbrunn municipality in Mattersburg District, Burgenland, Austria rural municipality of Austria
municipality of Austria
human settlement
Mattersburg District
Q64554043 Preyersches Kinderspital hospital hospital Vienna
Q64554074 Altes Krankenhaus hospital hospital Hohenems
Q64554235 Bürgerspital in Spitz, Lower Austria former hospital Spitz
Q64554264 Tauernklinikum Zell am See hospital in Zell am See, Austria hospital Zell am See
Q64554393 Goldenes Kreuz Privatklinik hospital hospital Vienna
Q64554990 Lungenheilanstalt Alland hospital
former hospital
Q64555004 NÖ HPZ Hinterbrühl Healthcare facility in Austria hospital Hinterbrühl
Q64555044 Bürgerspital hospital
former hospital
Q64555518 Landeskrankenhaus Hochzirl hospital hospital Zirl
Q64555542 Landesklinikum Hochegg hospital hospital Grimmenstein
Q64555547 Altes Spital Sankt Lambrecht hospital
former hospital
Sankt Lambrecht
Q64555588 Krankenhaus Wels hospital hospital Wels
Q64555599 Bezirkskrankenhaus Kufstein hospital hospital Kufstein
Q64559474 Wien Holding-Arena
Q64559487 Asperner See artificial pond in Vienna, Austria artificial pond Donaustadt
Q64559492 Konditorei Reschinsky confectionery
Q645687 Ministerialrat official title in the civil service of Germany and Austria position
title of authority
Q64576563 Marterl.at Austrian database of "Flurdenkmälern" online database
Q64576569 MarterlApp smartphone application mobile app
Q64585411 Wildalmkirchl-Biwak bivouac hut in the Steinernes Meer in Salzburg bivouac shelter Maria Alm
Q64585413 Mugelschutzhaus mountain hut Niklasdorf
Q64587255 Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Austria Wikimedia list article Wikimedia list article
Q64593816 Kitzbüheler Horn Mountain Run sports competition
recurring sporting event
Q64596229 Palace and gardens of Schönbrunn World Heritage site in Austria group Hietzing
Q64596851 Adolf-Kögler-Hütte mountain hut, Lower Austria mountain hut Puchberg am Schneeberg
Q64597701 A Study of Oral Ixazomib Maintenance Therapy in Participants With Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM) Not Treated With Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64597710 Early Mobilization of Operatively Stabilized Distal Radius Fractures - a Randomized Controlled Trail clinical trial clinical trial
Q64597719 International Registry on the Use of the CytoSorb Adsorber clinical trial clinical trial
Q64597916 A Clinical Trial Comparing Efficacy and Safety of Insulin Degludec/Liraglutide (IDegLira) in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using Two Different Titration Algorithms clinical trial clinical trial
Q64597936 EINSTEIN Junior Phase II: Oral Rivaroxaban in Young Children With Venous Thrombosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64598059 Activity Study of Bevacizumab With Temozolomide ± Irinotecan for Neuroblastoma in Children clinical trial clinical trial
Q64598196 Body Composition Monitoring for Determination of the Fluid Status in Volunteers Undergoing Intravenous Fluid Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64598223 Comparing the Efficacy of Tiotropium + Olodaterol (5/5 µg) Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) Over Tiotropium 5µg in Reducing Moderate to Severe Exacerbations in Patients With Severe to Very Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64598414 A Multicenter, Multinational, Observational Morquio A Registry Study (MARS) clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64598484 CIRSE Registry for SIR-Spheres Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64598534 Focused Registry on the Titanium Trochanter Fixation Nail Advanced (TFNAdvanced™) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64598781 Non-Interventional Study on the Tolerability and Efficacy of IVIG clinical trial clinical trial
Q64598784 Blood Flow Regulation in Glaucoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64598789 Different Endurance Training Protocols in Cardiac Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64598867 A Study of Atezolizumab Compared With Chemotherapy in Participants With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Bladder Cancer [IMvigor211] clinical trial clinical trial
Q64599125 Sentus QP - Extended CRT Evaluation With Quadripolar Left Ventricular Leads clinical trial clinical trial
Q64599148 LUMINIST: LUng Cancer Molecular Insights Non Interventional Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64599288 Pilot Trial: Comparison of Flow Patterns clinical trial clinical trial
Q64599546 A Safety and Efficacy Study Comparing Fibrocaps and Tachosil in Hepatic Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64599738 High "on Treatment" Platelet Reactivity in the Intensive Care Unit clinical trial clinical trial
Q64599760 International Rare Histiocytic Disorders Registry (IRHDR) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64599866 Safety and Performance Study of the Moderato System clinical trial clinical trial
Q64600047 PRospective Study to Measure the Impact of MammaPrint on Adjuvant Treatment in Hormone Receptor-positive HER2-negative Breast Cancer Patients (PRIMe) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64600283 Dapagliflozin Evaluation in Patients With Inadequately Controlled Type 1 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64600419 World-wide Randomized Antibiotic Envelope Infection Prevention Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64600438 Study Assessing Tolerability and Safety of AFFITOPE® PD03A in Patients With Early Parkinson's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64600658 BIOLUX P-III All-Comers Passeo-18 Lux Registry clinical trial clinical trial
Q64600677 An International Clinical Program for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Children With Ependymoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64600991 A Study of Neoadjuvant Letrozole + Taselisib Versus Letrozole + Placebo in Post-Menopausal Women With Breast Cancer (LORELEI) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64600998 Pembrolizumab With or Without Talimogene Laherparepvec or Talimogene Laherparepvec Placebo in Unresected Melanoma (KEYNOTE-034) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64601143 Performance Improvement Program on Imaging II clinical trial clinical trial
Q64601263 Evaluating Dietary Intervention Before surgicaL Treatment for Epilepsy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64601677 RTA 408 Capsules in Patients With Friedreich's Ataxia - MOXIe clinical trial clinical trial
Q64601703 CH14.18 1021 Antibody and IL2 After Haplo SCT in Children With Relapsed Neuroblastoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64601749 A Phase IIIB/IV Study to Compare the Efficacy of Vancomycin Therapy to Extended Duration of Fidaxomicin Therapy in the Clinical Cure of Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) in an Older Population clinical trial clinical trial
Q64602148 Study Comparing Daratumumab, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone With Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone in Participants With Previously Untreated Multiple Myeloma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64602178 A Phase IIIb, Multinational, Multicenter, Open-Label Extension Study Assessing the Long-Term Safety of PRN Intravitreal Injections of DE-109 in Subjects With Non-Infectious Uveitis of the Posterior Segment of the Eye Who Have Participated in the clinical trial clinical trial
Q64602348 Alzheimer Disease Proof of Concept Study With BI 409306 Versus Placebo clinical trial clinical trial
Q64602438 Brain fMRT In Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64602777 Efficacy and Safety of Bimatoprost Sustained-Release (SR) in Patients With Open-angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64602819 A Study Investigating the Safety and Efficacy of Lampalizumab Intravitreal Injections in Participants With Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration clinical trial clinical trial
Q64602900 Parenteral Nutrition for Patients Treated for Locally Advanced Inoperable Tumors of the Head and Neck clinical trial clinical trial
Q64602948 A Registry to Observe the Treatment of Prostate Cancer Under Routine Medical Care clinical trial clinical trial
Q64602958 A Study of Nonsteroidal Aromatase Inhibitors Plus Abemaciclib (LY2835219) in Postmenopausal Women With Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64603081 Tack Optimized Balloon Angioplasty Below the Knee (TOBA - BTK) Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64603210 EINSTEIN Junior: Oral Rivaroxaban in Children With Venous Thrombosis clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64603244 An Open-Label Extension Study of DS-5565 for 52 Weeks in Pain Associated With Fibromyalgia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64603747 Apixaban During Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation: Comparison to Vitamin K Antagonist Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64603938 Effect of Chronic Intranasal Oxytocin Administration on Sexual Function in Pre- and Postmenopausal Women clinical trial clinical trial
Q64604142 Non-invasive Assessment of Pulmonary Artery Pressure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64604143 Circadian Macular Volume Changes in the Choroid clinical trial clinical trial
Q64604242 Regorafenib Eye Drops: Investigation of Efficacy and Safety in Neovascular Age Related Macular Degeneration clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64604326 Effect of Retaron® on Oxygen Induced Retinal Vasoconstriction in LPS Induced Inflammatory Model in Humans clinical trial clinical trial
Q64604474 A Study to Evaluate Long-term Outcomes Following Treatment With ABT-450/Ritonavir/ABT-267 (ABT-450/r/ABT-267) and ABT-333 With or Without Ribavirin (RBV) in Adults With Genotype 1 Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64604537 A Prospective Colorectal Liver Metastasis Database With an Integrated Quality Assurance Program clinical trial clinical trial
Q64604602 AOP2014 vs. BAT in Patients With Polycythemia Vera Who Previously Participated in the PROUD-PV Study. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64604744 Impact of Preterm Single Donor Milk in Very Low Birth Weight Infants clinical trial clinical trial
Q64604751 Follow-up Study to Assess One Boost Immunization With AFFITOPE® PD01A With Regard to Safety and Clinical Activity clinical trial clinical trial
Q64604759 Phase 1 Dose Escalation, Single Dose Study to Assess Safety and Pharmacokinetics of BAX930 in Hereditary Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64605760 Nike von Linz sculpture Linz
Q64606184 Kalkalpen - Hintergebirg forest Upper Austria
Q64606190 Kalkalpen - Bodinggraben world heritage site in Austria forest Rosenau am Hengstpaß
Q64606197 Kalkalpen - Urlach forest Upper Austria
Q64606200 Kalkalpen - Wilder Graben world heritage site in Austria forest Reichraming
Q64606211 Cultural Landscape of Innsbruck-Nordkette/Karwendel Tentative World Heritage site in Austria cultural landscape Tyrol
Q64606235 Iron Trail with Erzberg and the old town of Steyr Tentative World Heritage site in Austria cultural landscape Upper Austria
Q64606627 HOSI Wien several Austrian LGBT organisations LGBTQ+ association
LGBTQ+ rights organization
Q64606651 Frontiers of the Roman Empire (Austria) Tentative World Heritage site in Austria group
Q64606739 Safety And Efficacy Study Of Bosutinib In Patients With Philadelphia Chromosome Positive Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Previously Treated With One Or More Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors clinical trial clinical trial
Q64606903 Quality of Care in AS IMPULSE Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64606977 Dabigatran Etexilate for Secondary Stroke Prevention in Patients With Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (RE-SPECT ESUS) clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64607129 Safety, Efficacy, and Pharmacokinetic Behavior of Leuprolide Mesylate in Subjects With Advanced Prostate Carcinoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64607134 Trabectedin for Recurrent Grade II/III Meningioma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64607189 An Evaluation of Novel Glucose Sensing Technology on Hypoglycaemia in Type 1 Diabetes (IMPACT) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64607209 Chromosomal Damage in Type 2 Diabetes Patients (MIKRODIAB) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64607275 Cardiac Output and Duplex Sonography in Carotid Endarterectomy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64607616 The Influence of Wedge Insoles After Partial Meniscectomy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64607911 Treatment of Pain Associated With Fibromyalgia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64607920 Expanded Access Protocol - Blinatumomab in Pediatric & Adolescent Subjects With Relapsed/Refractory B-precursor ALL clinical trial clinical trial
Q64607946 A Study to Assess the Long-term Safety and Tolerability of TMC114/Rtv in HIV-1 Infected Participants After Rolling-over From Other TMC114 Trials clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608075 Observational Study of Correction of Anaemia With Darbepoetin Alfa at QM Dosing Interval in Patients With CKD Not on Dialysis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608317 Study Of The Impact Of Inlyta In 2nd Line On The Treatment Outcomes Of mRCC Patients Treated With Sutent In 1st Line In The Real Life Setting clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608501 Safety and Efficacy of Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir (LDV/SOF) Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) for 12 or 24 Weeks in Kidney Transplant Recipients With Chronic HCV Infection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608540 Paclitaxel Coated PTA Balloons for Treatment of Dysfunctional AV Fistulae and Grafts clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608552 Regulation of Emotions and Coping Behaviour in Patients With Chronic Recurrent Low Back Pain clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608574 Continuous Wound Infiltration After Hallux Valgus Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608674 A Safety, Tolerability, Efficacy and QoL Study of Human recAP in the Treatment of Patients With SA-AKI clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608769 Study of Nivolumab in Patients With Classical Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Registrational) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608787 Effect of Full-thickness Gastroplication With the GERD-X System on Atypical Gastro-esophageal-reflux-symptoms clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608814 Iperia/Sentus QP Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608825 Phase II Trial of Nab-Paclitaxel and Gemcitabine for First-Line Treatment of Patients With Cholangiocarcinoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64608826 BETAEVAL Global - The New BETACONNECT Auto-injector : Adherence and EVALuation of Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated With Betaferon clinical trial clinical trial
Q64609063 Safety and Efficacy of LCI699 for the Treatment of Patients With Cushing's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64609423 Efficacy and Safety Study of Darolutamide (ODM-201) in Men With High-risk Nonmetastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64609526 Randomized Study of Maintenance Therapy With MGN1703 in Patients With SCLC clinical trial clinical trial
Q64609798 Comparison Study of Two Iron Compounds for Treatment of Anemia in Hemodialysis Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64609802 A Phase 4 Trial Assessing the ImPact of Residual Inflammation Detected Via Imaging TEchniques, Drug Levels and Patient Characteristics on the Outcome of Dose TaperIng of Adalimumab in Clinical Remission Rheumatoid ArThritis (RA) Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64609833 Imaging Control Study, 3D Echo, MR and RHC. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64610191 Europride 2019 Europride in Vienna in 2019 Europride Vienna
Q64610476 The Use of PrevenaTM on Clean Closed Sternal Midline Incisions in Subjects at High Risk for Surgical Site Occurrences. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64610547 Open-Label Extension Study of the Long-Term Effects of Migalastat HCL in Patients With Fabry Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64610666 Cognitive Function and Emotional Possessing in Bilateral Facial Palsy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64610839 Prospective Observational Study of Febrile Neutropenia (FN) and Pegfilgrastim Primary Prophylaxis in Breast Cancer and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Patients Receiving High (>20%) FN-risk Chemotherapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64610845 Prolongation of Pain Free Time by the Use of Dexamethasone in Peripheral Nerve Blockade clinical trial clinical trial
Q64610851 Feasibility Study of CVC Diagnosis Via Ultrasound in Children clinical trial clinical trial
Q64611517 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Interscalene Plexus Block clinical trial clinical trial
Q64611651 Long Term Experience With Abatacept in Routine Clinical Practice clinical trial clinical trial
Q64611715 A Study of LY2605541 (Insulin Peglispro) and Human Insulin Concentrations in Fat Tissue clinical trial clinical trial
Q64611786 Hepatitis C in Renal Transplant Recipients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64611789 A Phase 2b Study of CSL112 in Subjects With Acute Myocardial Infarction. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64611917 Ciprofloxacin Dry Powder for Inhalation (DPI) in Non-cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis (Non-CF BE) clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64611934 Androgen Metabolism and Reproductive Outcome clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612043 Automated Algorithm Based Analysis of Phonocardiograms of Newborns clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612079 European, Open-label, Prospective, Multinational, Multicenter Study in Adult Subjects With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Previously on MDI or CSII Therapy. Subjects Home Setting is Considered Routine Practice. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612098 Reversal of Dabigatran Anticoagulant Effect With Idarucizumab clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64612300 The Role of Complement Factor H Polymorphism in the Regulation of Choroidal Vascular Tone in Young Healthy Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612337 Survey: Clinical Outcome After Bowel Resection in Women Due to Endometriosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612412 Cebranopadol Efficacy and Safety in Diabetic Patients Suffering From Chronic Pain Caused by Damage to the Nerves clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612852 Comparison of Two Phacoemulsification-methods: HF EasyTip 2.2mm vs. HF EasyTip 2.8mm clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612854 Comparison of Two Phacoemulsification-methods: EasyTip 2.2mm vs. Infusion Assisted EasyTip 2.2mm clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612857 Comparison of Two Phacoemulsification-methods: Low Fluidic EasyTip 2.2mm vs. High Fluidic EasyTip 2.2mm clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612859 Comparison of the Effect of Hydrophobic Acrylic and Silicone 3-piece IOLs on Posterior Capsule Opacification clinical trial clinical trial
Q64612937 Topical Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study in Psoriasis Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64613432 Outcomes of HCC (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) Patients Treated With TACE (Transarterial Chemoembolization) and Early, Not Early or Not at All Followed by Sorafenib clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64613435 Assess Efficacy & Safety of Selumetinib in Combination With Docetaxel in Patients Receiving 2nd Line Treatment for v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog (KRAS) Positive NSCLC clinical trial clinical trial
Q64613440 Addition of P1101 to Imatinib Treatment in Patients With Chronic Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Not Achieving a Complete Molecular Response clinical trial clinical trial
Q64613593 Short Term Observational Study in DEB Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64613667 Geriatric Fracture Centers - Evaluation of a Geriatric Co-management Program clinical trial clinical trial
Q64613722 ß-SPECIFIC 4 Patients: Study of Pediatric EffiCacy and Safety wIth FIrst-line Use of Canakinumab clinical trial clinical trial
Q64613894 Expanded Treatment Protocol (ETP) of Ruxolitinib in Patients With Polycythemia Vera Who Were Hydroxyurea Resistant or Intolerant and for Whom no Treatment Alternatives Was Available. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64614084 A Study to Assess the Benefit of Treatment Beyond Progression With Enzalutamide in Men Who Are Starting Treatment With Docetaxel After Worsening of Their Prostate Cancer When Taking Enzalutamide Alone clinical trial clinical trial
Q64614210 Does Acetylsalicylic Acid Reduce the Mortality of Patients Admitted to an Intensive Care Unit clinical trial clinical trial
Q64617515 Burgenland Frauen-Cup
Q64617516 Kärntner Frauen-Cup
Q64617517 OÖ Ladies Cup
Q64617518 SFV-Frauen-Cup
Q64617520 Steier Cup Frauen
Q64617522 TFV Frauen Cup
Q64617524 VFV-Cup Frauen
Q64617525 Wiener Frauen Cup
Q64617526 Barmer Haus mountain hut
Alpine club hut
Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64621431 MTF Image Modifications clinical trial clinical trial
Q64621676 Individualized Triple-therapy Using Boceprevir in HIV-positive Patients With Hepatitis C clinical trial clinical trial
Q64621975 Multiple Dose Trial Examining Dose Range, Escalation and Efficacy of Oral Semaglutide in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64621977 Study of Letrozole With or Without BYL719 or Buparlisib, for the Neoadjuvant Treatment of Postmenopausal Women clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64622134 Physiotherapy Following Disc Surgery: Long Term Follow-up of a RCT clinical trial clinical trial
Q64622430 A Trial Comparing Combination Treatment (Solifenacin Plus Mirabegron) With One Treatment Alone (Solifenacin) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64622464 Safety Study of CD3/CD19 Depleted Haploidentical Stem Cells clinical trial clinical trial
Q64622632 Dacomitinib + Pemetrexed for Patients With Advanced Non-squamous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64622885 Long-term Open-label Study of Botulinumtoxin Type A to Treat Spasticity of Leg(s) or Leg(s) and Arm in Cerebral Palsy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64622916 CXCR4 Antagonism for Cell Mobilisation and Healing in Acute Myocardial Infarction (CATCH-AMI) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64623104 Refametinib in Combination With Sorafenib in RAS Mutant Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64623106 Refametinib(BAY86-9766) in RAS Mutant Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64625142 Stenting of the Superficial Femoral and/or Proximal Popliteal Artery Project clinical trial clinical trial
Q64625147 A Study in Maintenance Kidney Transplant Recipients Following Conversion to Nulojix® (Belatacept)-Based clinical trial clinical trial
Q64625288 Phase 3 Study of Carfilzomib, Melphalan, Prednisone vs Bortezomib, Melphalan, Prednisone in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64625301 Open-label Safety Study of E/C/F/TAF (Genvoya®) in HIV-1 Positive Patients With Mild to Moderate Renal Impairment clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64625389 A Prospective Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo Controlled, Explorative Phase I Trial to Investigate the Safety and Tolerability of Two Different Doses of Topically Administered APOSEC™ in Healthy Male Subjects With Artificial Dermal Wounds clinical trial clinical trial
Q64625558 NeoPHOEBE: Neoadjuvant Trastuzumab + BKM120 in Combination With Weekly Paclitaxel in HER2-positive Primary Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64625561 Oral Oxycodone After Major Cardiac Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64625655 A Trial Comparing the Two High-dose Chemotherapies BeEAM and BEAM Given Before Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation (ASCT) in Lymphoma Patients (BEB-trial) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64625677 A Study of Two Vismodegib Regimens in Participants With Multiple Basal Cell Carcinomas clinical trial clinical trial
Q64625692 Switching From a TDF-Containing Combination Regimen to a TAF-Containing Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) in Virologically-Suppressed, HIV-1 Positive Participants clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64625854 Efficacy and Safety Study of ADS-5102 in PD Patients With Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64625984 Study Investigating How Physicians Assess the Risk of Patients Developing Febrile Neutropenia During Chemotherapy. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64626079 Reversal of the Neurological Deficit in Acute Stroke With the Signal of Efficacy Trial of Auto BPAP to Limit Damage From Suspected Sleep Apnea clinical trial clinical trial
Q64626140 Antithrombotic Triple Therapy in Humans clinical trial clinical trial
Q64626332 ProMRI PROVEN Master Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64626341 Preterm Infants on Early Solid Foods clinical trial clinical trial
Q64626952 Raizinsberg abandoned village St. Pölten
Q64626957 St. Ulrich abandoned village Wiener Neustadt
Q64626961 Zemingdorf abandoned village Wiener Neustadt
Q64626963 Perchtoldsdorf abandoned village in Amstetten District abandoned village Sankt Georgen am Ybbsfelde
Q64626964 Wittmannsdorf abandoned village in Baden district abandoned village Leobersdorf
Q64626966 Mieselbach abandoned village Furth an der Triesting
Q64626968 Pölla abandoned village in Baden district abandoned village Leobersdorf
Q64626970 Gebendorf abandoned village in Baden District abandoned village Oberwaltersdorf
Q64626972 Wolfsgeist abandoned village in Baden District abandoned village Pottenstein
Q64631896 GLOBAL LEADERS: A Clinical Study Comparing Two Forms of Anti-platelet Therapy After Stent Implantation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64634524 Hadwartesdorf abandoned village Tattendorf
Q64634550 Kaltengang abandoned village Tattendorf
Q64634581 Lammersfeld abandoned village Traiskirchen
Q64634606 Hürbenau abandoned village Trumau
Q64634635 Alplhaus mountain hut
Alpine club hut
Q64634825 Absorption of Insulin Following Subcutaneous Bolus Administration With Different Bolus Durations clinical trial clinical trial
Q64635069 An Efficacy and Safety Study of Tocilizumab (RoActemra/Actemra) in Participants With Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64635509 BOVARI: A Non-Interventional Study of Avastin (Bevacizumab) as Front-Line Treatment in Patients With Ovarian Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64635816 Intravenous High Dose Iron in Blood Donors clinical trial clinical trial
Q64635878 Screening for Pulmonary Vascular Changes in Patients With Chronic Myeloproliferative Diseases clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636100 A Study of Paclitaxel With GDC-0941 Versus Paclitaxel With Placebo in Participants With Locally Recurrent or Metastatic Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636112 Extension Study of Etelcalcetide in the Treatment of Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on Hemodialysis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636119 Efficacy and Safety of Etelcalcetide (AMG 416) in the Treatment of Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease on Hemodialysis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636190 Bone Metabolism After Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery (BABS) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636232 The Influence of Two Different Hepatectomy Methods on Transection Speed and Chemokine Release From the Liver clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636351 Riociguat in Patients With Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636381 EURAD-MR Classification : European Multicenter Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636766 QVA vs. Salmeterol/Fluticasone, 52-week Exacerbation Study, FLAME (EFfect of Indacaterol Glycopyronium Vs Fluticasone Salmeterol on COPD Exacerbations) clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64636775 Incretin Effect on the Immunological Phenotype clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636782 Trial to Evaluate The Efficacy Of Rotigotine on Parkinson's Disease-Associated Motor Symptoms And Apathy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636894 Patient-specific Instruments as a Standard Procedure in Total Knee Arthroplasty clinical trial clinical trial
Q64636905 Study to Test Software Algorithm for Insulin Therapy and New Glucose Sensor clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637015 Efficacy and Safety of Two Treatment Regimens of 0.5 mg Ranibizumab Intravitreal Injections Guided by Functional and/or Anatomical Criteria, in Patients With Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637024 Non-contrast Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Normal Values and Imaging Protocols clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637094 Treatment of Atraumatic Bone Marrow Edema With Denosumab and Teriparatide vs Placebo clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637110 European Low and Intermediate Risk Neuroblastoma Protocol clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637179 Posterior Capsule Opacification Development With Two Different Intraocular Lenses clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637192 Argatroban in Critically Ill Patients With Heparin Resistance clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637227 The Austrian LEAD (Lung hEart sociAl boDy) Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637239 Prospective Study on the Treatment of Unsuspected Pulmonary Embolism in Cancer Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637263 REVEAL AF: Incidence of AF in High Risk Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637329 LAS41008 in Moderate to Severe Chronic Plaque Psoriasis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637406 Ambrisentan for Treatment of Portopulmonary Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637544 Non-contrast Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis and Classification of Pulmonary Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637667 Efficacy and Safety of GRT6005 in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64637874 A Study of Participant Preference With Subcutaneous Versus Intravenous MabThera/Rituxan in Participants With CD20+ Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma or CD20+ Follicular Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Grades 1, 2 or 3a clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q646379 Mondsee group archaeological culture archaeological culture Mondsee
Q64637968 First-in-man Dose Escalation Study of BAY2010112 in Patients With Prostate Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638274 A Study to Compare BMS-936558 to the Physician's Choice of Either Dacarbazine or Carboplatin and Paclitaxel in Advanced Melanoma Patients That Have Progressed Following Anti-CTLA-4 Therapy (CheckMate 037) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638367 Validation of a Lung Inflammation Model in Healthy Volunteers by Radiological Tools and Glucocorticoid Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638522 A 26-week Trial Comparing Efficacy and Safety of Insulin Degludec/Insulin Aspart BID and Insulin Degludec OD Plus Insulin Aspart in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treated With Basal Insulin in Need of Treatment Intensification With Mealt clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638531 A Study to Compare QUTENZA With Pregabalin for the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain (PNP) After 8 Weeks of Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638548 Efficacy of Induction of Labor on Term Using a Double Balloon Catheter Compared to Dinoprostone Vaginal-insert clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638652 Skeletal Muscle Paralysis in Hypothermic Patients After Cardiac Arrest clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638664 Preoperative Warm-up in Gynecologic Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638731 Sequential Segmental Treatment of Emphysema With Upper Lobe Predominance (STEP-UP) Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638748 A Prospective, Multi-Center, Single-Arm Study of the Veriset™ Hemostatic Patch in Controlling Bleeding in Soft Tissue clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638752 Myocardial Involvement in Carriers of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: An MRI-study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638821 Prehospital Laryngeal Tube vs. Bag-Valve Mask Ventilation Used by Paramedics During CPR clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638823 Laryngeal Mask Ambu Aura Once vs. Supreme in Children clinical trial clinical trial
Q64638901 A Study in Participants With Moderate to Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64639212 Evaluation of the IPS System for TLD Therapy in Patients With COPD clinical trial clinical trial
Q64639217 To Evaluate The Effect Of SAR153191 (REGN88) Added To Other RA Drugs In Patients With RA Who Are Not Responding To Or Intolerant Of Anti-TNF Therapy (SARIL-RA-TARGET) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64639234 Study of Alirocumab (REGN727/SAR236553) in Patients With Primary Hypercholesterolemia and Moderate, High, or Very High Cardiovascular (CV) Risk, Who Are Intolerant to Statins (ODYSSEY ALTERNATIVE) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64639297 Study to Compare the Effect of Ipilimumab Retreatment With That of Chemotherapy in Advanced Melanoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64639306 VERtebral Fracture Treatment Comparisons in Osteoporotic Women clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64639377 Safety and Efficacy of Insulin Aspart in Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q646396 Ebreichsdorf municipality in Baden District, Lower Austria, Austria municipality of Austria
place with town rights and privileges
Baden District
Q64639730 ABO Blood Group Antibody Elimination by a Combination of Semiselective Immunoadsorption Therapy and Membrane Filtration clinical trial clinical trial
Q64639740 InterGard Synergy Post-Marketing Surveillance Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64639763 IntErnational Long-term Follow-up Study of Patients With Uncontrolled HyperTensioN clinical trial clinical trial
Q64639799 ch14.18/CHO Bridging Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64639834 High Risk Neuroblastoma Study 1.8 of SIOP-Europe (SIOPEN) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640045 Biomarker Directed Treatment in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640047 Fludarabine/Rituximab Combined With Escalating Doses of Lenalidomide in Untreated CLL clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640062 First-Line Treatment for Locally Advanced or Metastatic Mesenchymal Epithelial Transition Factor (MET) - Positive Gastric, Lower Esophageal, or Gastroesophageal Junction (GEJ) Adenocarcinoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640148 Effect of Shock Waves on Tooth Movement and Miniscrew Stability clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640207 An International Survey on Hypoglycaemia Among Insulin-treated Patients With Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640248 Comparison of Two Daily Dose Regimens of Tiotropium 5 µg Once Daily and Tiotropium 2.5 µg Twice Daily for 4 Weeks on Top of Maintenance Therapy With Inhaled Corticosteroid Controller Medication clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640368 3-dimensional Sensor Technology to Quantify Leg-edema clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640401 The Influence of Liraglutide on the Reward Properties of Food: an fMRI Study on Healthy Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640418 Long Term Continuous Infusion ch14.18/CHO Plus s.c. Aldesleukin (IL-2) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640496 Plasma and Hemodynamic Markers During Hepatectomy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640522 AMG 181 Phase 2 Study in Subjects With Moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640557 Integrated Telemonitoring and Nurse Support Evaluation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640590 Sidus(TM) Post Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640716 Dynamic Locking Screws 5.0 vs. Standard Locking Screws in Fracture of Distal Femur Treated With Locked Plate Fixation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640742 STIT-2: Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Short-time TNI® Treatment in Patients With COPD and Hypercapnia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640778 Effect of Systemic Hypoxia and Hyperoxia on Retinal Oxygen Saturation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640966 Efficacy of NOX-H94 on Anemia of Chronic Disease in Patients With Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64640989 Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS®) in Hypoxic Hepatitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64641192 Safety, Efficacy and PK/PD of QGE031 vs. Placebo in Patients With Active Bullous Pemphigoid Despite Oral Steroid Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64641261 A Study of Evacetrapib in High-Risk Vascular Disease clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64641265 Explorative Study on the Molecular Pathology of Lung Fibrosis by Combination of Clinical Assessment and System Biology clinical trial clinical trial
Q64641335 Cryoablation of Atrial Fibrillation Using a Novel Cryoablation System clinical trial clinical trial
Q64641345 Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Shorttime TNI Treatment in Patients With COPD clinical trial clinical trial
Q64641369 PUVA Maintenance Therapy in Mycosis Fungoides clinical trial clinical trial
Q64641681 Oral Rivaroxaban in Children With Venous Thrombosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64641693 Safety and Efficacy Study of Gevokizumab to Treat Active Non-infectious Uveitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64641712 RBL001/RBL002 Phase I Clinical Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64641949 Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin in Treatment-Naive and Treatment-Experienced Subjects With Chronic Genotype 2 or 3 HCV Infection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642124 Study of Nivolumab (BMS-936558) vs. Everolimus in Pre-Treated Advanced or Metastatic Clear-cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (CheckMate 025) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642268 Warmed, Humidified Carbon Dioxide Insufflation vs Standard Carbon Dioxide in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642277 In-vivo Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging in Dermatooncology clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642335 Sensor-Augmented Insulin-Pump Therapy in New-onset Diabetes After Transplantation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642369 Vibrational-proprioceptive Resistance Exercise Training Versus Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Training in Elderly People With Muscle Weakness clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642512 A Safety and Efficacy Study of AGN-214868 in Patients With Postherpetic Neuralgia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642542 A Randomized, Multi-Center Biomarker Trial to Predict Therapeutic Responses of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis to a Specific Biologic Mode of Action clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642647 A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Mirabegron Compared to Solifenacin in Patients With Overactive Bladder Who Were Previously Treated With Another Medicine But Were Not Satisfied With That Treatment. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642784 Clinical Priority Program-Bone Infection Registry clinical trial clinical trial
Q64642988 Web Based Follow up Intervention in Obesity Treatment for Women clinical trial clinical trial
Q64643031 A Prospective Multicenter Non-interventional Study of Women Treated With ESMYA (Ulipristal Acetate) as Pre-operative Treatment of Moderate to Severe Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids clinical trial clinical trial
Q64643127 Surgical Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury clinical trial clinical trial
Q64643262 68-Ga-labeled Octreotide Analogues PET in Duodenal-pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours clinical trial clinical trial
Q64643269 Study of BMS-936558 (Nivolumab) Compared to Docetaxel in Previously Treated Metastatic Non-squamous NSCLC clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64643383 A Phase III Study of BKM120 With Fulvestrant in Patients With HR+,HER2-, AI Treated, Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer Who Progressed on or After mTORi clinical trial clinical trial
Q64643406 Administration of pH-Neutral Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions Containing Lactate or Bicarbonate in Children clinical trial clinical trial
Q64643457 The Vienna RAP Pilot Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64643527 Study to Determine the Efficacy and Safety of Romosozumab in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Women With Osteoporosis clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64643679 Effects of ROFLUMILAST on Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64643989 LEVANT 2 Continued Access Registry clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644069 Endomicroscopy and Graft-versus-host Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644071 Endomicroscopy and Gastric MALT-lymphoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644074 Study in Intensive Care Patients to Investigate the Clinical Effect of Repetitive Orally Inhaled Doses of AP301 on Alveolar Liquid Clearance in Acute Lung Injury clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644120 Study of Apremilast to Treat Subjects With Active Ankylosing Spondylitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644144 Acute Medically Ill VTE Prevention With Extended Duration Betrixaban Study (The APEX Study) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644280 Transfer of Subjects From Subutex/Suboxone to RBP-6300 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644493 Efficacy and Safety of Alirocumab (SAR236553/REGN727) Versus Placebo on Top of Lipid-Modifying Therapy in Patients With Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia Not Adequately Controlled With Their Lipid-Modifying Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644610 Medium-term Health Coaching and Life-long Monitoring in Diabetes Mellitus clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644614 Telemonitoring of Patients With COPD in Carinthia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644696 The Effect of Intravenous Glucocorticoids on the Tearfilm in Eyes With Thyroid-associated Ophthalmopathy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644818 A Phase 3 Study of Ibrutinib (PCI-32765) Versus Ofatumumab in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64644952 Phase 3 Study With Carfilzomib and Dexamethasone Versus Bortezomib and Dexamethasone for Relapsed Multiple Myeloma Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64645056 Rituximab Plus Lenalidomide in Patients With Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue clinical trial clinical trial
Q64645476 Complications in Lower Body Lifts clinical trial clinical trial
Q64645617 Fast Track Recovery Knee Arthroplasty Project clinical trial clinical trial
Q64645942 RETIC Trial: Reversal of Trauma Induced Coagulopathy Using Coagulation Factor Concentrates or Fresh Frozen Plasma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64645946 Phase 3 Trial in Subjects With Metastatic Melanoma Comparing 3 mg/kg Ipilimumab Versus 10 mg/kg Ipilimumab clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646087 Study of APN201 (Liposomal Recombinant Human Cu/Zn-Superoxide Dismutase) for the Prevention of Radiation-induced Dermatitis in Women With Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646124 WallFlex Biliary Fully Covered (FC) Chronic Pancreatitis Study clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64646258 Photodynamic Therapy for Oral Precursor Lesions clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646364 Study of PaQ™ (a Simple Patch on Insulin Delivery Device) in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646418 Ranibizumab Intravitreal Injections in Patients With Visual Impairment Due to Macular Edema Secondary to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646539 Influence of In-line Microfilters on Systemic Inflammation in Adult Critically Ill Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646565 Clinical Trial of the SonRtip Lead and Automatic AV-VV Optimization Algorithm in the PARADYM RF SonR CRT-D clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646639 Routine Follow-up Versus Self-assessment in Medical Abortion clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646660 A Long-Term Study in Schizophrenia clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64646682 An Open-label Safety, Efficacy and Pharmacokinetic Study of a Recombinant FVIII Compared to Recombinant Human Antihemophilic FVIII in Patients With Severe Hemophilia A clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646699 NOX-A12 in Combination With Bendamustine and Rituximab in Relapsed Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646823 Prevention of UV-induced Carcinogenic Skin Alterations in Immunosuppressed Solid Organ Transplanted Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64646825 TMC435HPC3001 - An Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability Study for TMC435 vs Telaprevir in Combination With PegINFα-2a and Ribavirin in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Who Were Null or Partial Responders to Prior PegINFα-2a and Ribavirin Therapy clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64646984 Smoking: a Risk Factor for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension? clinical trial clinical trial
Q64647270 Efficacy Evaluation of TheraSphere Following Failed First Line Chemotherapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64647279 Alisertib (MLN8237) or Investigator's Choice in Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64647304 Evaluation of a Local Preconditioning Effect in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64647355 Fat and Transcapillary Insulin Transport clinical trial clinical trial
Q64647506 Phase III Study of Rindopepimut/GM-CSF in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64647575 Anticipative Diagnosis of Central Venous Catheter Related Bloodstream Infections clinical trial clinical trial
Q64647742 PURETHAL® Mites Dose Range Finding Study in Patients With Persistent Allergic Rhinitis/Rhinoconjunctivitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64647795 Phase III Study of SAR302503 in Intermediate-2 and High Risk Patients With Myelofibrosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64647800 Dose Finding Study for QAW039 in Asthma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64647861 Chances for Success of CavatermTM Surgery as a Function of Uterus Probe Length clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648039 Effects of a Manualized Short-term Treatment of Internet and Computer Game Addiction clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648069 LCS12 Adolescent Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648070 Preoperative Combined Induction Chemotherapy With Capecitabine, Oxaliplatin, Bevacizumab and Radiotherapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648290 Tiotropium +Olodaterol Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) Versus Tiotropium and Olodaterol in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648339 Diagnosing Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Patients With Hematological Malignancies: A Multicentre Prospective Evaluation of an Aspergillus PCR Assay and a Galactomannan ELISA in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Samples clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648397 Tacrolimus Versus Cyclosporine for Immunosuppression After Lung Transplantation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648414 A 3 Year Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Low Dose Ladostigil in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648521 Target Site Pharmacokinetics of Doripenem at Steady State in Intubated Intensive Care Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648611 Durable Effect of PCSK9 Antibody CompARed wiTh placEbo Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648807 Peripheral Nerve Stimulation in Diabetic Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64648858 Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous and Subcutaneous Secukinumab in Moderate to Severe Chronic Plaque-type Psoriasis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649225 Safety and Efficacy Extension Study of Iron Isomaltoside 1000 (Monofer®) in Subjects With Inflammatory Bowel Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649391 A Pharmacokinetic, Tolerability and Safety Study of Icatibant in Children and Adolescents With Hereditary Angioedema clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649411 Efficacy and Safety of NNC-0156-0000-0009 During Surgical Procedures in Subjects With Haemophilia B clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649449 Safety and Efficacy of NNC-0156-0000-0009 After Long-Term Exposure in Patients With Haemophilia B: An Extension to Trials NN7999-3747 and NN7999-3773 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649547 MYSTAR-5-YEAR: Long-term Follow-up of Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease Treated With Cell Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649578 Dasatinib Added to Gemcitabine for Subjects With Locally-advanced Pancreatic Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649659 Pilot Study of Physostigmine-Enhanced Opioid Analgesia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649666 Exercise Training in Postmenopausal Patients With Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649940 Erythropoietin and Platelet Activation Markers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649942 Surgical Treatment Of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type II (CRPS II) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649950 Efficacy and Safety of NNC 0078-0000-0007 in Patients With Congenital Haemophilia and Inhibitors clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64649954 A Study of LY2495655 in Older Participants Undergoing Elective Total Hip Replacement clinical trial clinical trial
Q64649981 A Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Ustekinumab in Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Crohn's Disease Who Have Failed or Are Intolerant to Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Antagonist Therapy (UNITI-1) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650003 Drug Drug Interactions of Aspirin and P2Y12-inhibitors clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650017 Efficacy and Safety of Fixed Doses of BMS 820836 in the Treatment of Patients With Treatment Resistant Major Depression clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64650019 Subcutaneous Alemtuzumab Combined With Oral Dexamethasone, Followed by Alemtuzumab Maintenance or Allo-SCT in CLL With 17p- or Refractory to Fludarabine clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650084 Safety and Effectiveness Study of Perceval S Valve for Extended CE Mark clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650230 Mucosal Pressure of the Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme Versus the i-Gel in Paralyzed Anesthetized Female Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650232 STEVIE: A Study of Vismodegib in Patients With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650255 Selenium to Improve Neurological Outcome After Cardiac Arrest clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650259 Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation in Subjects With New Onset of Type 1 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650503 TASALL - TachoSil® Against Liquor Leak clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650541 Home Therapy With Replagal in Fabry Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650568 Safety and Efficacy Study of Ladostigil in Mild to Moderate Probable Alzheimer's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650657 Safety and Efficacy of the Addition of Alanyl-Glutamine-Dipeptide to Dialysis Solution in Peritoneal Dialysis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650671 Open-label Study to Assess Immunogenicity and Safety of a Vaccine Enhancement Patch When Administered With 2 Doses of H5N1 Vaccine clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650681 Denosumab Compared to Zoledronic Acid in the Treatment of Bone Disease in Patients With Multiple Myeloma clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64650685 Single IV Administration of TB-402 for Prophylaxis of Venous Thromboembolic Events (VTE) After Total Hip Replacement Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650694 Evaluate PF-00547659 On Cerebrospinal Fluid Lymphocytes In Volunteers With Crohn's Disease Or Ulcerative Colitis Who Failed Or Did Not Tolerate Anti-TNFs clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650760 Influenza A H1N1: Retrospective Analysis of PCR Confirmed Cases of H1N1 Infections in Styria - Risk Factors, Clinical Features and Outcome. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650765 Prospective Randomized Trial on Comparison of Standard- Carbon Dioxide Pressure Pneumoperitoneum Insufflators Versus AirSeal clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650801 Intra-Operative Electron Boost and Hypofractionated Whole-Breast Irradiation During Breast-conserving Treatment (BCT) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64650900 Observation of the Use of QUTENZA™ in Standard Clinical Practice clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651103 IFN-free Combination Therapy in HCV-infected Patients Treatment-naive:HCVerso1 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651128 Study to Compare the Pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus in Adult Transplant Recipients Treated With Advagraf® or Prograf® clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651219 Cerebellum - Cognitive Outcome and Functional Connectivity clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651224 A Study to Find the Maximum Tolerated Dose of the Experimental Combination of the Drugs INC424 and BKM120 in Patients With Primary or Secondary Myelofibrosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651252 Safety and Effectiveness of Belimumab in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Registry clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651337 Cost-effectiveness of PCI With Taxus vs CABG - 5 Years FUP clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651357 A Study to Evaluate the Dosing of AMG 827 for Subjects With Inadequately Controlled Asthma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651372 Local Tolerability of Chitosan-N-acetylcysteine Eye Drops in Healthy Young Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651380 Central Blood Pressure Over 24 Hours (ABPM) and Left Ventricular Mass clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651481 Microincision Versus Smallincision Combined Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651496 Haemodynamic Effects of Oxytocin and Carbetocin clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651519 A Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of GSK1605786A in the Treatment of Subjects With Moderately-to-Severely Active Crohn's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651634 A Study of RO5093151 in Patients With Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651672 Study To Test Whether PF-00547659 Is Safe And Improves Disease Symptoms In Patients With Crohn's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651676 Urinary Steroid Metabolites in Autism clinical trial clinical trial
Q64651924 Minimal Access Surgical Technique (MAST) in Obese Patients in Degenerative Lumbar Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64652100 Efficacy Study of a Maintenance Therapy With Immunomodulator MGN1703 in Patients With Advanced Colorectal Carcinoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64652127 ACT-128800 in Patients With Moderate to Severe Chronic Plaque Psoriasis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64652204 Surveillance Study of Patients With Newly Diagnosed Osteosarcoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64652274 Confirmatory Phase II Study of Blinatumomab (MT103) in Patients With Minimal Residual Disease of B-precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64652312 Safety Study of Pegylated Interferon Alpha 2b to Treat Polycythemia Vera clinical trial clinical trial
Q64652605 Study of Vosaroxin or Placebo in Combination With Cytarabine in Patients With First Relapsed or Refractory AML clinical trial clinical trial
Q64652615 Lapatinib or Trastuzumab Given Prior to Surgery With Chemotherapy in Patients With Early Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64652734 Clinical Investigation to Assess the Safety and Feasibility of the Crestal, Minimal-invasive Sinus Floor Augmentation With the Pressure Chamber Drill (DKK) and the Sinus Vibration Pump (SVP) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64652749 A Multicenter Trial Comparing REMICADE (Infliximab) and Placebo in the Prevention of Recurrence in Crohn's Disease (CD) Patients Undergoing Surgical Resection Who Are at an Increased Risk of Recurrence clinical trial clinical trial
Q64653075 Safety and Efficacy Study of TRU-016 Plus Bendamustine vs. Bendamustine in Relapsed Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64653203 Long-term Safety and Tolerability of 0.5 mg Fingolimod in Patients With Relapsing Forms of Multiple Sclerosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q646533 Argentor building building in Neubau, Austria industrial building Neubau
Q64653485 Posterior Capsule Opacification and Frequency of Nd:YAG Treatment and of Two IOLs: Hoya iMics Y-60H vs. Bausch&Lomb MI60 (MIMI) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64653512 Efficacy and Safety Study of QAW039 in the Treatment of Patients With Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64653853 Antipsychotics and Gene Expression in Soft Tissues clinical trial clinical trial
Q64653921 A Study in Participants With Major Depressive Disorder Who Are Partial Responders to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor clinical trial clinical trial
Q64653928 Study to Determine the Effects of Different Doses of Methotrexate (MTX) When Taken With Adalimumab in Subjects With Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64653944 Study Comparing Valganciclovir Versus Ganciclovir in Patients Following Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64653985 Treatment of Patients Undergoing Primary Unilateral Elective Total Knee or Hip Replacement With Dabigatran Etexilate clinical trial clinical trial
Q64654001 Study to Compare Efficacy and Safety of Daptomycin in Elderly Patients With Complicated Skin and Soft Tissue Infections clinical trial clinical trial
Q64654192 A Study in Second Line Metastatic Colorectal Cancer clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64654244 Vitamin D Supplementation in CAD and Postchallenge Hyperglycemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64654259 OpT2mise Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) With Insulin Pump Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64654342 Obesity - Inflammation - Metabolic Disease: Effect of Lactobacillus Casei Shirota clinical trial clinical trial
Q64654410 XIENCE V: SPIRIT WOMEN Sub-study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64654494 VALIANT CAPTIVIA Post-market Registry clinical trial clinical trial
Q64654638 Yearly Strain Variation Study, 2010/2011 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64654990 A Clinical Trial Testing The Efficacy Of Crizotinib Versus Standard Chemotherapy Pemetrexed Plus Cisplatin Or Carboplatin In Patients With ALK Positive Non Squamous Cancer Of The Lung clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64655135 Safety, Antiviral Effect and PK of BI 207127 + BI 201335 +/- RBV for 4 up to 40 Weeks in Patients With Chronic HCV Genotype 1 Infection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64655425 Tolerability and Safety and Health Outcomes in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64655494 LUX-Lung 5: Afatinib Plus Weekly Paclitaxel Versus Investigator's Choice of Single Agent Chemotherapy Following Afatinib Monotherapy in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Failing Erlotinib or Gefitinib clinical trial clinical trial
Q64655550 Comparison of Tiotropium in the HandiHaler Versus the Respimat in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64655553 Quality of Life in Adalimumab Treated Psoriasis Patients Failing Other Biologic Disease Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs clinical trial clinical trial
Q64655698 Quality of Life Outcomes of HUMIRA in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA), Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) After Unsustainable Response to Biologicals and Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs clinical trial clinical trial
Q64655779 Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy and Endoscopic Mucosal Resection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64655976 The CANTATA-M (CANagliflozin Treatment and Trial Analysis - Monotherapy) Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64655987 Prevention of Relapse With Injectable Paliperidone Palmitate Versus Oral Antipsychotics clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656175 ADenosine Following Pulmonary Vein Isolation to Target Dormant Conduction Elimination: the ADVICE Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656179 Evaluation of Radial Strain for Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Transesophageal Echocardiography clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656185 Tele-Diab: Electronic Diary for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656198 Phase 3 Study Comparing Carfilzomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone (CRd) vs Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone (Rd) in Subjects With Relapsed Multiple Myeloma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656300 Liver Transplant European Study Into the Prevention of Fungal Infection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656429 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656452 Dose Finding Study of Single Dose GHB11L1 in Healthy Adults clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656597 SILS Cholecystectomy: Cholangiography of the Biliary Tract clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656614 AeriSeal System for Lung Volume Reduction clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656619 Long Term Safety Profile of the PRO-Kinetic ENERGY Coronary Stent System in Daily Clinical Practice clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656717 Clinical Study Phase II of L19IL2 in Combination With Dacarbazine in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656870 Phase 1 Dosing Study of BAX 513 in Healthy Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64656872 Adult Safety Study of 2009/2010 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine clinical trial clinical trial
Q64657068 Evaluation of Sarilumab (SAR153191/REGN88) on Top of Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64657070 Dose Ranging Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of SAR153191 (REGN88) in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64657158 Nilotinib in Newly Diagnosed Adult Philadelphia Chromosome & /or BCR-ABL Positive Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia in Chronic Phase clinical trial clinical trial
Q64657176 Obesity and Goal-directed Intraoperative Fluid Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64657362 A Safety and Efficacy Study of Ustekinumab in Patients With Plaque Psoriasis Who Have Had an Inadequate Response to Methotrexate clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658132 Feasibility Study of the Solo™ Insulin Pump clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658197 Anidulafungin in Patients With Hematologic Malignancies clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658209 Quality of Life Study of Helixate NexGen clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658467 The Cardiovascular Comorbidity in Children With Chronic Kidney Disease Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658503 To Document the Effectiveness of BoNT-A Injection in Adult Subjects With Upper Limb Spasticity Following Stroke clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658560 Study in an Ex-vivo Thrombosis Model With Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC)-Perfusion clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658713 Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Different Doses of BIM 23A760 in Patients With Carcinoid Syndrome clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658800 Study of Solifenacin Succinate and Tamsulosin Hydrochloride OCAS in Males With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658922 Nerve Conduction Velocity in Diabetic Children clinical trial clinical trial
Q64658989 Efficacy and Safety in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659123 Observational Study on the Long Term Safety of Kuvan® Treatment in Patients With Hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) Due to Phenylketonuria (PKU) or BH4 Deficiency clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659127 Safety Study of Carbamylated Erythropoietin to Treat Patients With the Neurodegenerative Disorder Friedreich's Ataxia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659240 Primary Operation in SYnchronous meTastasized InVasivE Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659261 The Effect of High-dose Remifentanil on Established Sunburn-induced Hyperalgesia in Human Volunteers (HighDose RemiSun) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659262 Banded Versus Conventional Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y (GABY) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659293 A Comparison of Prasugrel at PCI or Time of Diagnosis of Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659428 WallFlex Biliary Fully Covered (FC) Benign Stricture Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659525 A Study of the Safety and Efficacy of 4 Doses of BI 1744 CL Delivered Via the Respimat in Patients With Asthma. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659580 To Evaluate the Safety, Local Tolerability, PK and PD of LDE225 on Sporadic Superficial and Nodular Skin Basal Cell Carcinomas (sBCC) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659639 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Trap-Eye: Investigation of Efficacy and Safety in Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64659815 A Study of a Combination of Trastuzumab and Capecitabine With or Without Pertuzumab in Patients With HER2-positive Metastatic Breast Cancer (PHEREXA) clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64659828 An Observational Cohort Study in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Receiving Pegasys clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64659980 ABSORB EXTEND Clinical Investigation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660055 The Preemptive Analgetic Potency of Low Dose S-Ketamine clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660081 CLL11: A Study of Obinutuzumab (RO5072759 [GA101]) With Chlorambucil in Patients With Previously Untreated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (Stage 1a) clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64660191 A Study to Evaluate Insulin in the Blood After Inhalation of a Dry Powder Insulin Formulation (Called Technosphere®/Insulin) in Non-diabetic Patients With & Without Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660225 An Observational Study of Men With Premature Ejaculation Who Are Treated With Dapoxetine Hydrochloride or Alternate Care Defined as Any Treatment Other Than Dapoxetine Hydrochloride clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660231 A Study of the Safety and Effectiveness of Ustekinumab in Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660278 Long Term Study of Solifenacin Succinate and Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Oral Controlled Absorption System (OCAS) in Males With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660470 A Study of Tocilizumab as Monotherapy and in Combination With Methotrexate Versus Methotrexate in Patients With Early Moderate to Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Hong Kong
Q64660653 Golimumab in Rheumatoid Arthritis Participants With an Inadequate Response to Etanercept (ENBREL) or Adalimumab (HUMIRA) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660672 Network Dysfunction, Schizophrenia and Pharmacological Magnetic Resonance Imaging (phMRI) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660687 A Dose Escalation Study in Adult Patients With Advanced Solid Malignancies clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660751 A Study To Investigate Safety And Efficacy Of CP-690,550 For Induction Therapy In Subjects With Moderate To Severe Crohn's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660822 Comparison of the I-gel Laryngeal Mask and the Classic Laryngeal Mask in Patients With a BMI>25 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660909 Comparison of Hypoglycaemic Response Between NN1250 and Insulin Glargine in Type 1 Diabetics clinical trial clinical trial
Q64660980 Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Two Intensification Strategies in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Inadequately Controlled on Basal Insulin and Metformin clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661041 Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of Idebenone in Friedreich's Ataxia Patients (MICONOS Extension) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661052 Efficacy and Safety Study of PEG-rIL-29 Plus Ribavirin to Treat Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64661067 An International Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of SABER-Bupivacaine for Postoperative Pain Control in Patients Following Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661115 6-month Comparison of Morning Lantus Versus Neutral Protamine Hagedorn Insulin in Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661346 Short Term and Day to Day Reproducibility of Reflectometric Measurement of Retinal Oxygen Saturation in Healthy Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661356 A Comparison of the Effect of Dorzolamide and Timolol on Optic Disk Blood Flow in Patients With Open Angle Glaucoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661380 Association Between Laser Interferometric Measurement of Fundus Pulsation and Pneumotonometric Measurement of Pulsatile Ocular Blood Flow in Patients With Age-related Macular Degeneration clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661473 Reflectometric Measurement of Retinal Oxygen Saturation in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Grade IV and Healthy Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661526 RECHARGE Sub-Study to the Implantable Systems Performance Registry (ISPR) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661618 Avelox in Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661739 EASSI - Evaluation of the Safety of Self-Administration With Icatibant clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661761 SCOT Registry: Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment and Outcome clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661875 Safety and Tolerability of Azilsartan Medoxomil Plus Chlorthalidone Compared to Olmesartan Medoxomil Plus Hydrochlorothiazide in Participants With Essential Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661892 A Study to Compare Patient-controlled Pain Medications Delivered Either Through the Skin or Intravenously clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661919 Study to Evaluate Safety and Effectiveness of Lenalidomide in Combination With Docetaxel and Prednisone for Patients With Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661927 Eslicarbazepine Acetate (BIA 2 093) as Therapy for Refractory Partial Seizures in Children clinical trial clinical trial
Q64661944 A Study To Evaluate the Long-Term Safety, Tolerability and Effect on Disease Course clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662188 Ferric Carboxymaltose (FCM) Assessment in Subjects With Iron Deficiency Anaemia and Non-dialysis-dependent Chronic Kidney Disease (NDD-CKD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662246 Comparative Investigation of Low Molecular Weight (LMW) Heparin/Edoxaban Tosylate (DU176b) Versus (LMW) Heparin/Warfarin in the Treatment of Symptomatic Deep-Vein Blood Clots and/or Lung Blood Clots. (The Edoxaban Hokusai-VTE Study). clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662338 Study of ACT-293987 (NS-304) in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662349 Macular Pigment Optical Density in Healthy Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662356 Tanezumab In Osteoarthritis Of The Hip Or Knee clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662445 Optimisation of Hydromorphone - Naloxone Ratio for the Treatment of Pain clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662492 Birth Control Patch Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662521 Short Term Treatment With BI 201335, Peginterferon-alpha 2a and Ribavirin in Hepatitis c Virus Genotype-1 Treatment-naïve Patients (SILEN-C3) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662528 S-100B and Neuron-specific Enolase (NSE) in Spinal Trauma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662541 Vildagliptin in New Onset Diabetes After Transplantation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662545 A Safety and Effectiveness Study of TMC435 in Chronic, Genotype 1, Hepatitis C Patients Who Failed to Previous Standard Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662574 Nexavar® Versus Placebo in Locally Advanced/Metastatic RAI-Refractory Differentiated Thyroid Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662709 Evaluation of Effectiveness and Tolerability of Tapentadol Hydrochloride in Subjects With Severe Chronic Low Back Pain Taking Either WHO Step I or Step II Analgesics or no Regular Analgesics clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662821 Safety of Monthly Recombinant Factor XIII Replacement Therapy in Subjects With Congenital Factor XIII Deficiency: An Extension to Trial F13CD-1725 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662846 WS®1442 in Slightly Overweight Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662860 Safety and Clinical Performance of the Protecta ICD and CRT-D clinical trial clinical trial
Q64662950 Trial of Nelarabine, Etoposide and Cyclophosphamide in Relapsed T-cell ALL and T-cell LL clinical trial clinical trial
Q64663088 The INFUSE - Anterior Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64663096 A/H1N1 Immunogenicity and Safety in Infants, Children and Adolescents clinical trial clinical trial
Q64663236 A Trial Investigating the Effect of NN1250 in Young and Elderly Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64663607 A Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Local Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of LDE225 on Skin Basal Cell Carcinomas in Gorlin Syndrome Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64663642 Lenalidomide, Vorinostat and Dexamethasone in Relapsed Patients With Peripheral T-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (PTCL) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64663824 Study of CP-690,550 Versus Placebo In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients On Background Methotrexate With Inadequate Response To Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Inhibitors clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64663969 A/H1N1 Immunogenicity and Safety in Adults clinical trial clinical trial
Q64663976 A Study of Tadalafil in Men With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64663989 Implantable Systems Performance Registry clinical trial clinical trial
Q64664495 Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability of Neramexane in Patients With Subjective Tinnitus clinical trial clinical trial
Q64664846 Bendamustine Combined With Alemtuzumab in Pretreated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665013 Observational Study to Assess Safety of H1N1 Pandemic Influenza Vaccine clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665095 An Expanded Access Program of Tarceva (Erlotinib) in Participants With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64665119 BIBW 2992 (Afatinib) Versus Chemotherapy as First Line Treatment in NSCLC With EGFR Mutation clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64665325 Preventing Postoperative Relapse in Crohn's Disease Patients at Risk: Azathioprine Versus Mesalazine clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665350 A Phase Ib/IIb, Open-label, Multi-center, Study of Oral Panobinostat Administered With 5-Azacitidine (in Adult Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML), or Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665580 Yearly Strain Variation Study, 2009/2010 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665631 Evaluation of Dalteparin for Long-term (One Year) Treatment of Blood Clots in Subjects With Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665645 Natriuretic Peptides - Predictors of In-hospital and Long-term Major Adverse Cardiac Events After Emergency Surgery? clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665714 Immunevasion of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia 2/3 and Anogenital Warts and Efficiency and Mechanisms of Imiquimod Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665719 Study of IN.PACT Amphirion™ Drug Eluting Balloon vs. Standard PTA for the Treatment of Below the Knee Critical Limb Ischemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665740 Comparison of Two Dosing Regimens of Temozolomide in Patients With Progressive or Recurrent Glioblastoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64665755 ITIC (Imiquimod Therapy in Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia)-Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666246 Heparin for Pregnant Women With Thrombophilia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666271 Comparative Study of ALX-0081 Versus GPIIb/IIIa Inhibitor in High Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666324 INTREPID - IRay Plus Anti-VEGF Treatment For Patients With Wet AMD clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666345 Single-arm Study of Photodynamic Laser Therapy Using Foscan for Non-curatively-resectable Bile Duct Carcinoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666359 Safety and Tolerability of Chitosan-N-acetylcysteine Eye Drops in Healthy Young Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666366 LUME-Ovar 1: Nintedanib (BIBF 1120) or Placebo in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin in First Line Treatment of Ovarian Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666377 A Safety and Dose Finding Study of Plasmin (Human) Administered Into the Middle Cerebral Artery of Stroke Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666389 Ofatumumab Versus Rituximab Salvage Chemoimmunotherapy Followed by Autologous Stem Cell Transplant in Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666485 Phase 3b Study to Evaluate Advagraf in Combination With Mycophenolate Mofetil and Basiliximab in Liver Transplantation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64666518 Efficacy and Tolerability of ABT-869 Versus Sorafenib in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Hong Kong
Q64666698 Götzner Haus mountain hut Götzis
Q64667792 2009 Gastein Ladies – qualification qualification event
Q64672245 Dose Ranging Study of BMS-945429 in Subjects With Moderate to Severe Crohn's Disease clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64672290 Use of PrineoTM (Dermabond Protape) Skin Adhesive for Wound Closure Following Abdominoplasty clinical trial clinical trial
Q64672362 Subcutaneous Adaption and Cosmetic Outcome Following Caesarean Delivery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64672463 Combined Administration of Teripapartide and Antiresorptive Agents in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64672498 ANCHOR (Aneurysm Treatment Using the Heli-FX Aortic Securement System Global Registry) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64672532 Effect on Exercise Endurance and Lung Hyperinflation of Tiotropium + Olodaterol in COPD Patients. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64672534 Effect on Exercise Endurance and Lung Hyperinflation of Tiotropium + Olodaterol in COPD Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64672707 ALFApump System Versus Standard of Care in Ascites Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64672726 Trial Evaluating Dovitinib Combined With Fulvestrant, in Postmenopausal Patients With HER2- and HR+ Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64672895 Bosentan for Treatment of Hepatopulmonary Syndrome in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673178 A Long-Term Safety and Tolerability Study in Subjects With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673416 Controlled Myelofibrosis Study With Oral Janus-associated Kinase (JAK) Inhibitor Treatment-II: The COMFORT-II Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673529 The Relationship Between Muscle Morphology and Muscle Strength clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673560 Greatest International Antiinfective Trial With Avelox clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64673567 CY-503 for the Treatment of Chemotherapy-refractory Metastatic Colorectal Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673702 ST Segment Detection Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673707 Model 4196 Left Ventricular (LV) Lead Chronic Performance Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673735 AXIS 2: AX200 for the Treatment of Ischemic Stroke clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673736 An Extension Protocol for Multiple Sclerosis Patients Who Participated in Genzyme-Sponsored Studies of Alemtuzumab clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673740 Treatment of Patients With Acute Sinusitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673772 A Phase II, Open-Label Study of Clofarabine in Paediatric Patients With Refractory/Relapsed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64673998 The Spectralis-Cirrus Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64674002 Model 4296 Left Ventricular (LV) Lead Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64674033 Posterior Macular Adhesion: A Potential Risk Factor for Non-exudative Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) to Develop Exudative AMD clinical trial clinical trial
Q64674051 Safety and Efficacy Study of Bosentan in Progressive Pulmonary Sarcoidosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64674094 Exercise Training Versus Best Medical Treatment Only in Peripheral Artery Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64674120 ATX Study:A Study of Avastin (Bevacizumab), Tarceva (Erlotinib) and Xeloda (Capecitabine) in Patients With Locally Advanced and/or Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64674408 Study of Continuous Cardiac Monitoring to Assess Atrial Fibrillation After Cryptogenic Stroke clinical trial clinical trial
Q64674455 Soy Food Intervention Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64674459 Effect of Rapeseed Oil and Sunflower Oil clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675321 SonoVue Guided Prostate Biopsy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675336 Study Of The Effectiveness & Safety Of Lenalidomide Versus Chlorambucil As First Line Therapy For Elderly Patients With B-Cell CLL (The ORIGIN Trial) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675361 Indirect Laryngoscopy for Nasal Intubation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675436 Pivotal Trial of Dermagraft(R) to Treat Venous Leg Ulcers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675466 Early Recognition of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Myelodysplastic and Myeloproliferative Diseases clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675478 Early Therapy of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675538 Primovist / Eovist in Renally Impaired Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675803 A Study of Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Idebenone in the Treatment of Friedreich's Ataxia (FRDA) Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675929 A Clinical Trial Comparing the Tolerability of Etravirine to Efavirenz in Combination With 2 Nucleoside/Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in Treatment-naive HIV-1 Infected Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675932 Lapatinib Plus Caelyx in Patients With Advanced Metastatic Breast Cancer Following Failure of Trastuzumab Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675939 A Prospective Study for the Assessment of Recurrence Risk in Stage II Colon Cancer Patients Using ColoPrint clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675994 A Study Evaluating Efficacy and Safety of YM150 Compared to Enoxaparin in Subjects Undergoing Hip Replacement Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64675995 Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone for Treatment of Patients With Acute Myeloma (Light Chain)-Induced Renal Failure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64676023 Hydrochlorothiazide as add-on to Olmesartan/Amlodipine in Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64676050 Imatinib (QTI571) in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64676164 A Study to Compare the Lung Effect of Indacaterol and Tiotropium in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64676349 Studying Blood Samples in Young Patients With Cytopenia After a Donor Stem Cell Transplant clinical trial clinical trial
Q64676549 Trial of Lenalidomide in Patients With Lymphoma of the Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) Type clinical trial clinical trial
Q64676618 Non-interventional Observation of Practical Implementation, Efficacy and Safety of Continuous Infusion With KOGENATE Bayer in Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64676659 Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) on Serotonin-1A Receptor Binding clinical trial clinical trial
Q64676742 First Clinical Study of Erbium - Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG) Laser Vaporization of Cutaneous Neurofibromas clinical trial clinical trial
Q64676752 An International Study on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-Guided Brachytherapy in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677047 Efficacy and Safety of Sangustop® as Haemostatic Agent Versus a Carrier-Bound Fibrin Sealant During Liver Resection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677386 Monthly Itraconazole Versus Classic Homeopathy for Treatment of Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (RVVC) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677392 Efficacy of Fructose Metabolizing Enzymatic Product in Fructose Malabsorption clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677407 Effect of NovoTTF-100A Together With Temozolomide in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677430 The Effects of Oral Curcumin on Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in Healthy Male Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677449 Study Evaluating Pharmacovigilance Of Refacto AF clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677601 Regulation of Optic Nerve Head Blood Flow During Combined Changes in Intraocular Pressure and Arterial Blood Pressure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677632 Efficacy and Safety Study of DP-b99 in Treating Acute Ischemic Stroke clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677693 Effect of Antioxidants on Oxygen Induced Vasoconstriction in Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Induced Inflammatory Model in Humans clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677720 Measurement of Retinal Blood Flow, Retinal Oxygenation and Retinal Oxygen Extraction in Healthy Subjects During Normoxia and Systemic Hyperoxia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677722 Role of Nitric Oxide in Optic Nerve Head Blood Flow Regulation During Experimental Increase of Intraocular Pressure in Healthy Humans clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677854 Effect of Rosuvastatin on Endothelial Function in Patients With Diabetes and Glaucoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64677863 Anidulafungin During Continuous Venovenous Hemofiltration (CVVHF) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64678102 Effect of Goal-directed Crystalloid Versus Colloid Administration on Major Postoperative Morbidity clinical trial clinical trial
Q64678161 Evaluation of Immunogenicity of Different Tick Borne Encephalitis (TBE) Fast Protective Traveler Schemes With Inactivated TBE Whole Virus Vaccine clinical trial clinical trial
Q64678208 Study Comparing Orteronel Plus Prednisone in Participants With Chemotherapy-Naive Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Hong Kong
Q64678342 Web Based Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Registry clinical trial clinical trial
Q64678631 Radiation Therapy With Concomitant and Adjuvant Temozolomide Versus Radiation Therapy With Adjuvant PCV Chemotherapy in Patients With Anaplastic Glioma or Low Grade Glioma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64678713 The Effect of High-dose Remifentanil on Established Capsaicin-induced Hyperalgesia in Human Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64678739 Microperimetry and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) With Lucentis for Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679163 Cytokines and the Risk of Infection in Liver Cirrhosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679223 Effects of Tysabri (BG00002) Over 12 Months on MS Related Fatigue in Participants With RRMS clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679238 Study Evaluating Safety Of Patients Switching To ReFacto AF In Usual Care Settings clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679305 Efficacy and Safety of Alogliptin Plus Metformin Compared to Glipizide Plus Metformin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Hong Kong
Q64679433 A Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Oral BAY63-2521 in Patients With CTEPH. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679468 A Study of TMC435 in Combination With Pegylated Interferon Alp\Fa-2a and Ribavirin in Patients Infected With Genotype 1 Hepatitis C Virus Who Never Received Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679473 A Phase II Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of Sorafenib or Placebo in Combination With Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) Performed With DC Bead and Doxorubicin for Intermediate Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679531 Study to Demonstrate the Safety of WBR Administered at the Same Time as Intrathecal Liposomal Cytarabine (DepoCyte®) Versus Intrathecal Liposomal Cytarabine (DepoCyte®) Administered After WBR for the Treatment of Solid Tumour Neoplastic Meningit clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679542 Physical Activity and Fatigue in Early Multiple Sclerosis (MS) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679548 Ferinject® in Patient With Thrombocytosis Secondary to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679557 European Study of Cardiovascular Risk clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679686 Empagliflozin (BI 10773) in Type Two Diabetes (T2D) Patients, Open Label Extension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679723 Efficacy and Safety of Aliskiren and Aliskiren/Enalapril Combination on Morbidity-mortality in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679727 Magna® Mitral Pericardial Bioprostheses Post-Approval Study Protocol clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679733 Model 4396 Left Ventricular (LV) Lead Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679808 European Multi-center Post Market Study of the IBV Valve System clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679810 Faslodex International Observational Non-Interventional Study in Advanced Breast Cancer (BC) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679865 ACT-128800 in Psoriasis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679964 Effects of Lutein Supplementation on Macular Pigment Optical Density and Visual Acuity in Patients With Age-related Macular Degeneration clinical trial clinical trial
Q64679977 Evaluation of Insulin Glargine in Combination With Sitagliptin in Type 2 Diabetes Patients: EASIE Extension Trial clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64680254 Safety and Effectiveness Study of the AcuFocus Corneal Inlay ACI 7000PDT in Presbyopes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680280 Global Longitudinal Peak Systolic Strain (GLPSS) Derived From Transesophageal Echocardiography - A Reliable Measure of Systolic Function? clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680307 Efficacy and Safety of MORAb-003 in Subjects With Platinum-sensitive Ovarian Cancer in First Relapse clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64680376 Preoperative Hyperthermia in Major Abdominal Surgery Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680416 A Randomised, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled, 4 Period, Incomplete Block, Crossover Study Assessing the Dose-response Curve of Fluticasone Propionate in an Antigen Challenge Chamber clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680445 Clinical Investigation of the Freedom SOLO Stentless Heart Valve clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680491 Study Assessing Immunogenicity and Safety of IC43 In Intensive Care Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680503 Azelaic Acid Iontophoresis Versus Topical Azelaic Acid Cream in the Treatment of Melasma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680522 Trial for Localised High-risk Rhabdomyosarcoma and Rhabdomyosarcoma-like Soft Tissue Sarcoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680529 Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Angular Stable Locking System (ASLS) in Patients With Distal Tibial Fractures clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680545 High Cut-Off Continuous Veno-venous Hemodialysis (CVVHD) in Patients Treated for Acute Renal Failure After Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)/Septic Shock clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680682 Pradaxa (Dabigatran Etexilate) 150 mg/q.d. in Patients With Moderate Renal Impairment After Hip or Knee Replacement Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680709 Extension Study of V72P13 to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of Novartis Meningococcal B Recombinant Vaccine When Administered as a Booster or as a Two-dose Catch-up to Healthy Toddlers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680762 Pradaxa (Dabigatran Etexilate 220 mg/q.d. in the General Population After Hip or Knee Replacement Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680940 Exacerbation Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64680992 Management of Bone Defects Around the Elbow clinical trial clinical trial
Q64681091 Open Label Controlled Trial of Eculizumab in Adolescent Patients With Plasma Therapy-Resistant aHUS clinical trial clinical trial
Q64681119 Phase III Study of ABI-007(Albumin-bound Paclitaxel) Plus Gemcitabine Versus Gemcitabine in Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas clinical trial clinical trial
Q64681129 Open Label Controlled Trial of Eculizumab in Adult Patients With Plasma Therapy-Resistant aHUS clinical trial clinical trial
Q64681140 Safety and Efficacy of Long-Term Treatment With Atorvastatin in Patients With Primary Biliary Cirrhosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64681155 Study of Chemoembolisation Using Irinotecan Bead Prior to Surgery in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64681931 2019 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt Oberösterreich Rundfahrt
Q64682521 Plan:g foundation
Q64683178 Peilsteinhaus mountain hut
Alpine club hut
Weissenbach an der Triesting
Q64683677 Comparison of NN5401 Versus Insulin Glargine, Both Combined With Metformin Treatment, in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64683830 Effect of Treatment BI 1744 CL (5 and 10 mcg) Versus Placebo on Exercise Endurance Time During Constant Work Rate Cycle Ergometry II clinical trial clinical trial
Q64683872 Global Study Looking at the Combination of RAD001 Plus Best Supportive Care (BSC) and Placebo Plus BSC to Treat Patients With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64683875 Firazyr® Patient Registry (Icatibant Outcome Survey - IOS) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64683971 Panobinostat or Placebo With Bortezomib and Dexamethasone in Patients With Relapsed Multiple Myeloma clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q646843 Stegersbach municipality in Güssing District, Burgenland, Austria market municipality
municipality of Austria
Güssing District
Q64686869 Austria men's national under-19 volleyball team national sports team
Q64691471 ambassador of Romania to Austria position
Q64691982 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Mödling
Q64691983 Wohnhaus, sog. Jourhaus concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691985 SS-Mannschaftshäuser und Überreste, Polnischer Gedenkstein memorial stone Langenstein
Q64691986 Wohnhaus, Bordellbaracke residential building Langenstein
Q64691987 Gemauerte Häftlingsbaracken cultural property Langenstein
Q64691988 Ehemaliger Appellplatz mit Begrenzungs- bzw. Böschungsmauern sowie Gedenkstein concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691989 Schotterbrecher concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691990 Teilstück der Schleppbahntrasse mit Stützmauer concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691991 Steinmetzhalle concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691992 Betonmauern einer Kläranlage concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691993 Luftschutzbunker concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691994 Steinbruch „Oberbruch“ concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691995 Steinbruch Gusen mit Kranfundament concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691996 Transformatorengebäude building in Langenstein, Austria building Langenstein
Q64691998 Teile der Bahntrasse, Schleppbahn Normalspur concentration camp Langenstein
Q64691999 Stollen Kellerbau mit Überresten der ehemaligen Fabrikationsstätte concentration camp Langenstein
Q64692000 Terrassenmauern ehem. Werkstättengebäude concentration camp Langenstein
Q64692002 Luftschutzbunker(-stollen) der DEST concentration camp Langenstein
Q64692004 Post- oder Berchtesgadener Hof cultural property Salzburg
Q64692005 Gurkerhof Altstadt Salzburg
Q64692008 Spital/Ambulatorium, Pavillon 4 cultural property
Q64692009 Bettina-Stiftungspavillon Vienna
Q64692010 Schule für allgemeine Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege school building Vienna
Q64692011 Kaiserin-Elisabeth-Büste by Viktor Tilgner bust Vienna
Q64692015 Kajetanerplatz 4, Salzburg mansion Salzburg
Q64692016 Kajetanerplatz 3, Salzburg building in Salzburg, Austria building Salzburg
Q64692017 Verwaltungsgebäude Betriebsbahnhof Währing administrative building Währing
Q64692018 Fürnberg´sche Poststraße (Abschnitt in der KG Aschelberg) road
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Q64692019 Ehemalige Fürnberg’sche Poststraße (Abschnitt in der KG Aich) historic street Artstetten-Pöbring
Q64692020 Fürnbergsche Poststraße old post road in Pöggstall, Austria bridge
historic street
Q64692021 Fürnberg´sche Poststraße (Abschnitt in Aschelberg) und Schwedenbrücke part of an old post road in Aschelberg, Austria bridge
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Q64692022 Fürnberg´sche Poststraße (Abschnitt in der KG St. Georgen) old post road in Emmersdorf an der Donau, Austria historic street Emmersdorf an der Donau
Q64692023 Alte Steinbrücke und Altstraße (An der Schwarza) ehem. Fürnberg´sche Poststraße bridge in Emmersdorf an der Donau, Austria bridge
historic street
Emmersdorf an der Donau
Q64692024 Fürnbergsche Poststraße - Johannesbrücke bridge
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Q64692025 Fußgängerbrücke, Johannesbrücke (Fürnberg´sche Poststraße) footbridge
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Emmersdorf an der Donau
Q64692026 Municipium Ivavum BDA Modellierungsartefakt Salzburg
Q64692027 Municipium Ivavum BDA Modellierungsartefakt Salzburg
Q64692028 Municipium Ivavum BDA Modellierungsartefakt Salzburg
Q64692030 Jagdhaus 6 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria building Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692031 Jagdhaus 1 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria building Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692032 Jagdhaus 16 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria alpine cabin Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692033 Jagdhaus 15 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria alpine cabin Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692034 Jagdhaus 13 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria alpine cabin Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692035 Jagdhaus 14 incl. Chapel building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria building Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692036 Jagdhaus 2 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria building Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692037 Jagdhaus 3 alpine cabin Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692038 Jagdhaus 4 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria building Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692039 Jagdhaus 12 alpine cabin Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692040 Jagdhaus 11 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria alpine cabin Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692041 Jagdhaus 5 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria building Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692042 Jagdhaus 7 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria building Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692044 Jagdhausalm, Jagdhaus 8 alpine cabin Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692045 Jagdhaus 9 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria alpine cabin Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692046 Jagdhaus 10 building in Sankt Jakob in Defereggen, Austria alpine cabin Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
Q64692047 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 8 building in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692048 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 6 building in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692049 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 4 building in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692050 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 12 building in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692051 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 14 building in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692052 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 16 building in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692053 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 18 building in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692054 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 20 building in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692055 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 22 building in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692056 Wohnhaus Franz-Keim-Gasse 10 residential building Brunn am Gebirge
Q64692057 Kalvarienberg/Kreuzweg cultural property Kremsmünster
Q64692058 Marienkapelle chapel Lockenhaus
Q64692059 Golgathahügel cultural property Lockenhaus
Q64692060 Heiliggrabkapelle Sachsenburg chapel Sachsenburg
Q64692061 Kalvarienbergkapelle Sachsenburg chapel Sachsenburg
Q64692063 Kalvarienbergkirche church building Sankt Radegund bei Graz
Q64692064 Heilige Stiege cultural property Sankt Radegund bei Graz
Q64692065 Chartreuse Aggsbach Carthusian Monastery, foundet at 1380, abolished 1782 cultural property Schönbühel-Aggsbach
Q64692066 Reck-/Hungerturm/Heimatmuseum museum in Austria local museum Traismauer
Q64692067 Römischer vicus Augustiana Traismauer
Q64692068 Römisches Auxiliarkastell Augustiana Traismauer
Q64692069 Römertor, Wiener Tor, Traismauer medieval city gate on roman base in Traismauer city gate Traismauer
Q64692070 Römisches Auxiliarkastell Augustiana, Zentralbereich, Innenverbauung und Wehranlagen cultural property Traismauer
Q64692081 Körnerkasten Zeiselmauer Zeiselmauer-Wolfpassing
Q64692082 Fächerturm des röm. Kastells Zeiselmauer-Wolfpassing
Q64692083 Wehranlage/befestigte Siedlung der Röm. Kaiserzeit, Kohortenkastell Cannabica cultural property Zeiselmauer-Wolfpassing
Q64692084 Erdkeller root cellar Raab
Q64692085 Erdkeller 3 root cellar Raab
Q64692087 Erdkeller root cellar Raab
Q64692088 Erdkeller 8 root cellar Raab
Q64692089 Bier-Sandkellermuseum museum in Upper Austria museum
Q64692090 Erdkeller 10 root cellar Raab
Q64692091 Erdkeller 14, 15 root cellar Raab
Q64692092 Erdkeller 12, 13 root cellar Raab
Q64692093 Erdkeller 16, 17 root cellar Raab
Q64692094 Erdkeller 18 root cellar Raab
Q64692095 Erdkeller 19 root cellar Raab
Q64692096 Erdkeller 20 root cellar Raab
Q64692097 Erdkeller 21 root cellar Raab
Q64692098 Erdkeller 22 root cellar Raab
Q64692099 Erdkeller 23 root cellar Raab
Q64692100 Erdkeller 24, 25 root cellar Raab
Q64692101 Erdkeller 26 root cellar Raab
Q64692102 Erdkeller 11 root cellar Raab
Q64692104 Frühmittelalterliche und Römische Befunde Kloster Mondsee archaeological find Mondsee
Q64692105 Schloss Mondsee, Umfassungsmauern und ehem. Personalwohnungen château Mondsee
Q64692106 Schloss Mondsee, ehem. Wirtschaftsgebäude agricultural structure Mondsee
Q64692107 Gesamtanlage Schloss Mondsee Ehemaliges Kloster
Q64692108 Klosterkirche Hl. Geist church building
cultural property
Q64692109 Kath. Pfarrkirche church building Pupping
Q64692116 Johannes-Nepomuk-Kapelle chapel Vienna
Q64692124 Stollenportal des Kraftwerks Peggau-Deutschfeistritz portal Deutschfeistritz
Q64692127 Wehranlage Adriach weir Frohnleiten
Q64692129 Kraftwerk Peggau-Deutschfeistritz weir Frohnleiten
Q64692131 Stollenportal des Kraftwerks Peggau-Deutschfeistritz portal Frohnleiten
Q64692147 Elisabethinenkirche church building Graz
Q64692149 Jüdische Grabsteine Steinberg cemetery Feldbach
Q64692150 Heeresfeldbahn Steinberg mit Brunnenanlage water well Feldbach
Q64692151 Teilbereich der Kuruzzenschanze in Parndorf fortification
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Q64692152 Garten der Villa Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz garden Bregenz
Q64692155 Grossn-Mühle mill Lesachtal
Q64692156 Hanseler-Mühle watermill Lesachtal
Q64692157 Mattlamühle watermill Lesachtal
Q64692158 Vorbeter-Mühle watermill Lesachtal
Q64692159 Richter-Freiberger-Mühle watermill Lesachtal
Q64692160 Doppelmühle Wachterbachmühle watermill Lesachtal
Q64692162 Landeskrankenhaus Gaisbühel und Kapelle BDA Modellierungsartefakt Schlins
Q64692163 Höhensiedlung und Hügelgräber Malleiten archaeological site in Markt Piesting, Austria archaeological site Markt Piesting
Q64692164 Höhensiedlung und Hügelgräber Malleiten archaeological site in Bad Fischau-Brunn, Austria archaeological site Bad Fischau-Brunn
Q64692165 Höhensiedlung und Hügelgräber Malleiten archaeological site in Wöllersdorf-Steinabrückl, Austria archaeological site Wöllersdorf-Steinabrückl
Q64692166 Höhensiedlung und Hügelgräber Malleiten archaeological site in Winzendorf-Muthmannsdorf, Austria archaeological site Winzendorf-Muthmannsdorf
Q64692169 Teil der Mandlingpass-Anlage fortification
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Q64692170 Teil der Passanlage Mandling fortification
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Q64692171 Paßanlage am Paß Mandling fortification
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Q64692172 Paßanlage, Paß Mandling fortification
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Q64692173 Paßanlage, Paß Mandling fortification
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Q64692174 Wallfahrtskirche Maria Heimsuchung church building Strass im Zillertal
Q64692176 Maria Waldrast monastery in Tyrol monastery
religious community
Q64692178 Mariahilfberg monastery Monastery in Gutenstein, Lower Austria monastery Gutenstein
Q64692179 Martinek-Kaserne barracks Sooß
Q64692181 Hammerherrenhaus, Hammerwerk, Wagenremise, Mühle, Schmiede und Backhaus hammer mansion Göstling an der Ybbs
Q64692182 Holztriftanlage cultural property Göstling an der Ybbs
Q64692186 Ummauerung und Kleindenkmäler im Garten des Metahof-Schlössls wall Graz
Q64692187 Missionshaus St. Rupert - cemetery, Bischofshofen cemetery Bischofshofen
Q64692188 Kreuzbergkirche Bischofshofen church building Bischofshofen
Q64692189 Pfahlbaustationen Scharfling, See und Mooswinkel archaeological site in Mondsee, Austria archaeological site Mondsee
Q64692190 Mondsee, Seeufersiedlung Mosswinkel (Uferbereich) archaeological site Innerschwand am Mondsee
Q64692191 Säumerstall livestock housing Bad Gastein
Q64692192 Salzmagazin, Salzstadl; Montanmuseum (Brennholzmagazin) museum in Austria museum Bad Gastein
Q64692193 Mölker Bastei 10 mansion Vienna
Q64692194 Wohnhaus residential building Vienna
Q64692195 Miethaus residential building Vienna
Q64692197 Mölker Bastei 3 revenue house Vienna
Q64692198 Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schottengasse 9/ Mölker Bastei 5 building in Innere Stadt, Austria building Innere Stadt
Q64692199 Mölker Bastei, Erdwerk und Mauern der Kurtine und Rampe cultural property Vienna
Q64692205 Villa Ceconi villa in Salzburg, Austria villa Salzburg
Q64692206 Müllner Hauptstraße 8 mansion Salzburg
Q64692207 Aiglhof buildings around courtyard Salzburg
Q64692208 Aiglhof agricultural structure agricultural structure Salzburg
Q64692209 Klausenkaserne barracks Salzburg
Q64692991 Phase I/II Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of BIBF 1120 and Sorafenib in Patients With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64693500 Follow-up of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Moderate to Low Disease Activity Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64693546 Treat-to-target Trial of Basal Insulin in Post-transplant Hyperglycemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64693564 Open Label Extension In Cancer Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64693700 Evaluation Study of a Management Strategy for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64693712 Fluid Intake in Kidney Failure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64693807 Safety of Gadovist in Renally Impaired Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64693842 Certican® (Everolimus) Against Cytomegalovirus Disease in Renal Transplant Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64693956 Immunogenicity, Safety and Interchangeability of Two Tbe Vaccines Administered According to a Conventional Schedule in Children clinical trial clinical trial
Q64693978 Combined Treatment With Alteplase (Rt-PA) and Cerebrolysin® in Acute Ischemic Hemispheric Stroke clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694093 Open-Label, Long-Term Treatment Study, to Assess the Long-Term Safety and Tolerability and Efficacy of Neramexane in Patients With Subjective Tinnitus clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694116 ODiXahip - a Phase IIa Dose Escalating Proof of Principle Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694223 Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor BAY59-7939 in Patients With Acute Symptomatic Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis(ODIXa-DVT) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694445 An Open Label Extension Study in Participants With Rheumatoid Arthritis clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64694594 Study to Investigate Effects of CAL-101 in Subjects With Allergic Rhinitis Exposed to Allergen in an Environmental Chamber clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694627 Clinical Study for the Evaluation of the Efficiency of a Device for the Diagnosis of an Internal Rectal Prolapse, a Pelvic Floor Ptosis and for the Determination of an Internal Hernia Into the Douglas Pouch clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694632 A Study of RO5093151 and RO5027838 in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on a Stable Dose of Metformin clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694702 The PLATINUM Clinical Trial to Assess the PROMUS Element Stent System for Treatment of De Novo Coronary Artery Lesions clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694767 Study to Determine the Effect of an Anti-IgE Agent on Inflammatory Cells in the Skin of Atopic Dermatitis Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694768 BG00012 Monotherapy Safety and Efficacy Extension Study in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694810 Comparison in Need for Bank Blood Between Patients Undergoing Total Hip Surgery That Either Receive Their Own Blood Back or Not clinical trial clinical trial
Q64694872 Influence of Bone Strength Measured by DensiProbe on Bone Related Fixation Failure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695073 Efficacy and Safety of AEB071 Versus Cyclosporine in de Novo Renal Transplant Recipients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695103 A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Sevelamer Carbonate Tablets Dosed Three Times a Day in Hyperphosphataemic Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Not on Dialysis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695169 Safety and Efficacy of Bosentan in Patients With Diastolic Heart Failure and Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695209 Chronic Pain After Inguinal Hernia Repair clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695212 ADX10059 Migraine Prevention Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695217 ADX10059 as a Monotherapy in Patients With Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695305 Study of Cicletanine for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695413 A Study of RO5190591 (Danoprevir) in Combination With Pegasys and Copegus in Treatment-Naive Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 1 Virus Infection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695423 Study Evaluating Betaferons Safety and Tolerability In Pediatric Patients With Multiple Sclerosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695783 Analgetic Effect of Preoperative Pregabalin in Patients Undergoing Nephrectomy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64695895 Trial to Assess Lacosamide as the First add-on Anti-epileptic Drug Treatment in Patients With Partial-onset Seizures clinical trial clinical trial
Q64696634 Pharmacokinetic, Safety and Tolerability Study of Recombinant Von Willebrand Factor / Recombinant Factor VIII Complex in Type 3 Von Willebrand Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q646969 Nenzing municipality in Bludenz District, Vorarlberg, Austria municipality of Austria
market municipality
Bludenz District
Q64696932 Fluvastatin 80 mg Ret. vs Combination With Ezetimibe 10 mg in Patients With High Cardiovascular Risk clinical trial clinical trial
Q64696983 The Effect of an α2-Adrenoceptor Antagonist (Yohimbine) on Dynamic Autoregulation in the Human Middle Cerebral Artery and Ophthalmic Artery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64696986 The Relationship Between Stage of Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinal Blood Flow in Patients With IDDM During Euglycemic Clamp clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697009 Long-term Follow-Up of Patients Who Participated in Study 27025 (REFLEX) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697024 Does Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) or Complement Factor H Gene Polymorphism Play a Role in the Treatment Success With VEGF Inhibitors in Patients With Choroidal NeoVascularization (CNV)? clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697031 Evaluation of a Novel Method for Integrating Insulin Delivery and Glucose Sensing in Adipose Tissue of Diabetic Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697089 Integrating Insulin Delivery and Glucose Sensing in Subcutaneous Tissue for the Treatment of Type-1 Diabetic Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697095 Regulation of Choroidal Blood Flow During Combined Changes in Intraocular Pressure and Arterial Blood Pressure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697147 The Effect of Remifentanil on Established Sunburn-induced Hyperalgesia in Human Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697159 Neurovascular Coupling in Patients With Open Angle Glaucoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697182 Long Term Safety of Teriflunomide When Added to Interferon-Beta or Glatiramer Acetate in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697199 Efficacy, Safety and Kinetics Study of Octagam 10% in Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697211 A Long-Term, Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Safety of Sitaxsentan Sodium Treatment in Patients With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697212 Fumaric Acid Ester-PUVA Therapy Versus Acitretin -PUVA Therapy in Pustular Palmoplantar Psoriasis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697217 Role of Nitrogen Oxide (NO) in the Control of Choroidal Blood Flow During a Decrease in Ocular Perfusion Pressure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697236 A Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Oral BAY63-2521 in Patients With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697245 A Randomised, Single Centre, Double-Blind, Two-Period Crossover, Glucose Clamp Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697261 Ocular Hemodynamic Effects of Nitrovasodilators in Healthy Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697289 FERINJECT for Correction of Anaemia in IBD Patients, FER-IBD-COR clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697323 Quality of Life and Symptoms in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Myelodysplastic Syndromes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697432 Choroidal Blood Flow and Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Fellow Eye in Patients With Unilateral Choroidal Neovascularisation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697442 RELY-ABLE Long Term Multi-center Extension of Dabigatran Treatment in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Who Completed RE-LY Trial clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64697502 Evaluation of Two Methods of Jejunal Placement of Enteral Feeding Tubes in Critically Ill Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697505 Short-term Study of Combination Treatment of Escitalopram and Gaboxadol in Major Depressive Disorder clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697542 Role of Nitric Oxide in Optic Nerve Head Blood Flow Regulation During Isometric Exercise in Healthy Humans clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697559 Non-Interventional (Observational) Post-Authorization Safety Study of HES 130/0.42 in Paediatric Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64697599 Long Term Study Of Pregabalin In Idiopathic Restless Legs Syndrome Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64698830 Adaptive Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Study clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64698863 Identification of Patients With High Probability of Poorly Responding to Therapy With Mycophenolic Acid Prodrugs clinical trial clinical trial
Q64698908 Clinical Trial to Assess Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Rasagiline Mesylate 1 mg in Patients With Multiple System Atrophy of the Parkinsonian Subtype (MSA-P) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64698970 Treatment of Autonomous Hyperparathyroidism in Post Renal Transplant Recipients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64698977 Safety and Efficacy Study of MDV3100 in Patients With Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Who Have Been Previously Treated With Docetaxel-based Chemotherapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64699004 Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Does a Systematic Treatment Improve the Calcium and Bone Metabolism After Surgery? clinical trial clinical trial
Q64699139 Cardiovascular Outcomes Study of Alogliptin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Acute Coronary Syndrome clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Hong Kong
Q64699456 Retzhofer Dramapreis Austrian biennal literary award for young playwrights literary award
Q64707462 The Effects of Preconditioning on Intramuscular High-Energy Phosphate Levels During Ischemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64707482 F18PET/CT Versus TC-MDP Scanning to Detect Bone Mets clinical trial clinical trial
Q64707533 Study Investigating the Levels and Effects of Low-grade Inflammation in Diabetic Retinopathy of Type 1 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64707558 ARTEMIS-PH - Study of Ambrisentan in Subjects With Pulmonary Hypertension Associated With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64707702 Analgesia and Antihyperalgesia of Tramadol and Acetaminophen Per Oral After Caesarean Section clinical trial clinical trial
Q647082 Alkoven municipality in Eferding District, Upper Austria, Austria rural municipality of Austria
municipality of Austria
Eferding District
Q64708704 Efficacy and Safety of Eplivanserin 5mg/Day in Insomnia Characterized by Sleep Maintenance Difficulties clinical trial clinical trial
Q64708717 LUME-Lung 1: BIBF 1120 Plus Docetaxel as Compared to Placebo Plus Docetaxel in 2nd Line Non Small Cell Lung Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64708743 Phase I/IIa Trial to Investigate BI 6727 (Volasertib) as Monotherapy or in Combination With Cytarabine in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64708793 Humoral and Cellular Immunity of Low and High-responders After Tick-borne Encephalitis Vaccination clinical trial clinical trial
Q64708850 Correlation of Optic Disk Morphology and Ocular Perfusion Parameters in Patients With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64708881 Long Term Safety and Efficacy Study of Teriflunomide 7 mg or 14 mg in Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709043 Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Fludarabine, Cyclophosphamide, and Rituximab (FCR) +/- Lumiliximab in Subjects With Previously Untreated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709071 A Study of PEGASYS (Pegylated-interferon Alfa-2a) With or Without Ribavirin in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Who Have Participated in Previous Roche or Roche Partner Protocols clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709098 Shockless Implant Evaluation clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64709127 A Study of Percutaneous Repair of Functional Mitral Regurgitation Using the Ancora Heart, Inc. AccuCinch® Ventricular Repair System - The CINCH-2 Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709140 Chronic Plaque Psoriasis (Ps) Registry clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64709160 Efficacy and Safety Study of Ataciguat Versus Placebo in Patients With Neuropathic Pain clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709250 A Study to Compare the Effectiveness and Safety of Fesoterodine and Placebo in an Elderly Population of Patients Who go to the Toilet Very Frequently Due to Overactive Bladder. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709276 Panther: A Study Comparing Biweekly and Tailored EC-T Versus Three Weekly FEC-T in Breast Cancer Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709372 Dantrolene for Treatment of Hyperthermia in Subarachnoidal Hemorrhage (SAH) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709410 A Phase III Study to Test the Benefit of a New Kind of Anti-cancer Treatment in Patients With Melanoma, After Surgical Removal of Their Tumor clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709513 Biomarker Study for Sunitinib and Docetaxel in Prostate Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709643 Evaluation of Handling and Possible Complications Related to the Newly Developed Angular Stable Locking System (ASLS) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709749 INSIGHT - Post Marketing Surveillance clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709866 Efficacy and Safety Study of Desmoteplase to Treat Acute Ischemic Stroke clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64709909 Phase II Study of TKI258 in Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709945 INTERPRET - International Report on Routine Practice of Sensor-enabled Pump Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64709960 Phase III Study of RAD001 Adjuvant Therapy in Poor Risk Patients With Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) of RAD001 Versus Matching Placebo After Patients Have Achieved Complete Response With First-line Rituximab-chemotherapy clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64709981 Comparing Quetiapine XR Monotherapy and Augmentation With Lithium Augmentation in TRD Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64710015 DME And VEGF Trap-Eye [Intravitreal Aflibercept Injection (IAI;EYLEA®;BAY86-5321)] INvestigation of Clinical Impact clinical trial clinical trial
Q64710025 The Effect of Remifentanil on Established Capsaicin-Induced Hyperalgesia in Human Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64710227 Candida Spp. in the Lower Respiratory Tract: Harmless Residents or Pathogen? clinical trial clinical trial
Q64710267 Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment With the Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Patients Using a Strong CYP 3A4 Inducer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64710327 A Study of Nilotinib Versus Imatinib in GIST Patients clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64710484 ROCC Knee Data Collection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64710513 Insulin Glargine Combination Therapies in Type II Diabetics clinical trial clinical trial
Q64710532 Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Registry clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64710641 Evaluation of Immediate Versus Delayed Loading of Dental Implants With a Modified Surface clinical trial clinical trial
Q64710650 Efficacy and Safety of Midostaurin in Patients With Aggressive Systemic Mastocytosis or Mast Cell Leukemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64710705 Nitrous Oxide and Risk of Cancer Recurrence After Colorectal Surgery: A Randomized, Blinded Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714407 Study Assessing Safety and Immunogenicity of IC43 Vaccination Against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Healthy Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714439 A Study of Avastin (Bevacizumab) in Combination With mFOLFOX-6 or FOLFOXIRI in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714479 NT 201 (Xeomin®/Bocouture®) in Comparison With Clostridium Botulinum Toxin Type A in the Treatment of Glabellar Frown Lines clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714612 Cediranib in Combination With Lomustine Chemotherapy in Recurrent Glioblastoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714618 Long-term Effects of Imiquimod and Diclofenac in Actinic Keratoses clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714625 Study Evaluating Neratinib Versus Lapatinib Plus Capecitabine For ErbB2 Positive Advanced Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Hong Kong
Q64714798 Immunogenicity of a Commercial Batch of JEV IC51 up to 24 Months Post Filling clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714799 Cardiac Allograft Rejection Gene Expression Observational (CARGO) II STUDY clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714857 SeriACL™ Device (Gen IB) Trial for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Repair clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714871 Primary Mesh Closure of Abdominal Midline Wounds clinical trial clinical trial
Q64714906 Efficacy and Safety of AP 12009 in Patients With Recurrent or Refractory Anaplastic Astrocytoma or Secondary Glioblastoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715024 n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Obesity clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715060 Numen Stent Assessment Using OCT Technique in a Single Center Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715162 Antiviral Effect, Safety, and Pharmacokinetics of BI201335 +PegIFN/RBV in HCV-GT1 (SILEN-C1&2) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715171 A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Lenalidomide as Maintenance Therapy for Patients With B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Following Second Line Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715263 Beyond 12 Hours Reperfusion AlternatiVe Evaluation Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715465 ROCKET II - Randomized Open Label Switch for Cholesterol Elevation on Kivexa + Kaletra Evaluation Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715539 Comparison of a New Patient Warming System Using Polymer Conductive Warming With Forced Air Warming During Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715631 Primary Vitrectomy With Endolaser or Encircling Band for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715639 Brillant Blue Versus Indocyanine Green for Macular Hole Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715653 Trypan Blue Versus Brillant Blue for Epiretinal Membranes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715670 A Study of Safety and Effectiveness of Ustekinumab in Patients With Moderate to Severe Active Crohn's Disease Who Have Been Previously Treated With Anti-TNF Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715673 Aztreonam for Inhalation Solution vs Tobramycin Inhalation Solution in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis & Pseudomonas Aeruginosa clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715832 Phase I Study of BI 831266 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumours clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715869 Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy on the Serotonergic System and Mood in Postmenopausal Women clinical trial clinical trial
Q64715981 A Study of the Safety, Tolerability and Effect on Glycemic Control of Taspoglutide Versus Insulin Glargine in Insulin Naive Type 2 Diabetic Patients Inadequately Controlled With Metformin Plus Sulphonylurea. clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Hong Kong
Q64716018 Effect of Intranasal Corticosteroids on Systemic Allergen Specific IgE clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716068 A Proof of Concept Study of the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Avastin (Bevacizumab) in Patients With Chemo-naive Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716132 Sorafenib and Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716188 Analysis of the Early Development of the Visual Function in Extreme Premature Infants Under 28th Weeks of Gestation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716236 (ARTEMIS-IPF) Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate Safety and Effectiveness of Ambrisentan in IPF clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716293 A Randomized, Fully-blinded Parallel Groups Study of Catheter Materials Used for Clean Intermittent Catheterisation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716317 Head Elevation in Prone Position clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716440 Vitamin D3 Substitution in Vitamin D Deficient Kidney Transplant Recipients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716491 HCT Versus CT in Elderly AML clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716525 An Efficacy Study of Teriflunomide in Participants With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716587 Lung Allograft Rejection Gene Expression Observational (LARGO) Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716627 A Phase 2 Safety and Efficacy Study of PRT060128, a Novel Intravenous and Oral P2Y12 Inhibitor, in Non-Urgent PCI clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716646 Evaluation of Insulin Glargine Versus Sitagliptin in Insulin-naive Patients clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64716689 An Exploratory Study of Tocilizumab in Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and an Inadequate Response to Current Non-Biologic DMARDs and/or Anti-TNF Therapy. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716747 Efficacy of Ovarian Stimulation Based on FSHR Genotype Status clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716837 Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase I Dose-escalation Study of Single Dose GHB01L1 in Healthy Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64716854 BI 10773 add-on to Metformin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64717212 Metabolic Effects of Eccentric Endurance Training clinical trial clinical trial
Q64717282 European Non-interventional Study in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64717307 Study of the Combination of Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, VELCADE, and Prednisone or Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Vincristine, and Prednisone in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Mantle Cell Lymphoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64717514 Sifrol (Pramipexole) Onset of Action and Impact: a 12-weeks Observational Study in Patients With Primary Restless Legs Syndrome clinical trial clinical trial
Q64717563 A Long-term Extension Study of Tocilizumab (Myeloma Receptor Antibody [MRA]) in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64717691 Pulsatile and Steady State Hemodynamics in Diastolic Heart Failure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64717902 EUROPT Clinical Trial to Study the Efficacy of One-Way Valve Implantation (New Treatment Algorithm) in Patients With Heterogeneous Emphysema clinical trial clinical trial
Q64717912 Effect of Breathing a Mixture of 92% Oxygen (O2) + 8% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) on Flicker Induced Blood Flow Changes in Ocular Perfusion clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718077 Choroidal Blood Flow Changes During Dark/Light Transitions in Patients With Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718229 Safety and Immunogenicity Study of a Ross River Virus (RRV) Vaccine clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718291 A Study in Kidney Transplant Subjects to Investigate the Optimal Suppression of Immunity to Help Prevent Kidney Rejection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718298 Anderson-Fabry Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Not on Renal Replacement Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718339 Analysis of Correlation of Amplitude-Integrated EEG and Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Preterm Infants clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718536 Pseudophakic Accommodation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718593 The Second Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage Trial clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64718658 Efficacy of Warming Device During Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718690 Clinical Outcome Study of ARC1779 Injection in Patients With Thrombotic Microangiopathy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718692 Phase III Randomized Study of Amonafide (AS1413) and Cytarabine Versus Daunorubicin and Cytarabine in Patients With Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)- the ACCEDE Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718732 PTA vs. Primary Stenting of SFA Using Self-Expandable Nitinol Stents clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718780 Oral Cladribine in Early Multiple Sclerosis (MS) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718828 Clopidogrel as Adjunctive Reperfusion Therapy - Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64718866 Acceptability and Safety of Switching From Subutex or Other Opioid Drug Dependence Therapy to Suboxone (NIS P05444) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718903 Evaluation of AVE5026 in the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Acutely Ill Medical Patients With Restricted Mobility clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718924 RESTART C0168Z05 Rheumatoid Arthritis Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718944 Registry For Patients Treated With BeneFix In Usual Care Setting In Germany clinical trial clinical trial
Q64718965 Efficacy of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719104 Evaluation of Recombinant Factor XIII for Prevention of Bleeding in Patients With FXIII Inherited Deficiency clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719106 Comparing The Effect On Cognition Of Adjunctive Therapy With Zonisamide Versus Sodium Valproate clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719131 Phase II Open Label Multicenter Study For Age Related Macular Degeneration Comparing PF-04523655 Versus Lucentis In The Treatment Of Subjects With CNV (MONET Study). clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64719412 Intraocular Anti-VEGF Compared With Intraocular Triamcinolone in Patients With Diabetic Macular Edema clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719422 Effects of Heme Arginate in Healthy Male Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719431 Morphological and Functional Retinal Changes Following Retinal Photocoagulation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719441 Gene Expression Profiling in Skeletal Muscle of Healthy Subjects Treated With Ramipril clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719468 Immunogenicity, Safety and Lot to Lot Consistency of Novartis Meningococcal B Recombinant Vaccine When Administered With Routine Infant Vaccinations to Healthy Infants clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719553 Dabigatran Etexilate Compared With Enoxaparin in Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Following Total Hip Arthroplasty clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719607 Rituximab Plus 2CdA in Patients With Advanced or Relapsed Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) Lymphoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719614 CARIATIDE (Compliance of ARomatase Inhibitors AssessmenT In Daily Practice Through Educational Approach) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719633 Study of Denosumab in Subjects With Giant Cell Tumor of Bone clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719641 Reveal® XT Performance Trial (XPECT) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719670 Weight Gain, Eating Patterns, and Development of Body Composition During Initiation of Basal Insulin Therapy in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Comparison of Insulin Detemir and Insulin Glargine clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719705 INSIGHT (R)XT. Indications for Diagnosis, Arrhythmia and Monitoring of Reveal XT clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719822 A Study Assessing the Effect of RO4607381 on Vascular Function in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) or CHD-Risk Equivalent Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719863 Expanded Access Study of RAD001 in Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer Patients Who Are Intolerant of or Who Have Failed Despite Prior Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719902 A Pivotal Study to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of RMT Medical Technology's SafeFlo® Vena Cava Filter clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719962 A Prospective Safety Surveillance Study of Fentanyl Iontophoretic Transdermal System (40 Mcg) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64719990 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Aripiprazole Administered With Lithium or Valproate Over 12 Weeks in the Treatment of Mania in Bipolar I Disorder clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720012 A Study of Treatment With Pridopidine (ACR16) in Patients With Huntington's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720331 A Dose-Escalation to Rash Study of Tarceva (Erlotinib) Plus Gemcitabine in Patients With Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64720359 Study Evaluating Etanercept for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Psoriasis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720403 Study Of The Effect Of Fragmin In The Treatment Of Neuroischaemic Foot Ulcers In Diabetic Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720417 Tiotropium/Salmeterol Inhalation Powder (Spiriva Handihaler and Salmeterol PE Capsule) in COPD clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720419 Early Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720533 Non-motor Symptoms (Depressive Symptoms) of Parkinson's Disease and Their Course Under Pramipexole Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720665 Safety and Efficacy of Six Months Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Drug-Eluting Stenting clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720738 Multifactorial Treatment of Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetic Patients: Identification of Treatment Non-Responders clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720823 Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Co2 vs. Air in Colonoscopy in Sedated Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720835 Breast Cancer Tumor Care Observational Programme clinical trial clinical trial
Q64720843 Study of Macitentan (ACT-064992) on Morbidity and Mortality in Patients With Symptomatic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64721067 Target Site Pharmacokinetics of Ertapenem After Multiple Doses in Diabetes Patients With Soft Tissue Infection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64721120 A Study of Safety and Efficacy of Pimavanserin (ACP-103) in Patients With Parkinson's Disease Psychosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64721128 A Study of RO4607381 in Stable Coronary Heart Disease Patients With Recent Acute Coronary Syndrome clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64721256 Alemtuzumab and CHOP in T-cell Lymphoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64721484 ARC1779 Injection in Patients With Von Willebrand Factor-Related Platelet Function Disorders clinical trial clinical trial
Q64721491 Post-authorization Safety Study in CKD Subjects Receiving HX575 i.v. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64721852 A Phase 3 Study of Telaprevir in Combination With Pegasys® and Copegus® in Treatment-Naive Subjects With Genotype 1 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64721876 Safinamide in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease (IPD) With Motor Fluctuations, as add-on to Levodopa clinical trial clinical trial
Q64721884 Routine Plasma Level Determination to Compare Actual vs Expected Plasma Levels at Psychiatric Inpatient Admission clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722009 Crossover Study With the ProSeal and Supreme Laryngeal Mask Airway clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722041 A Phase III Trial of ZD4054 (Zibotentan) (Endothelin A Antagonist) in Non-metastatic Hormone Resistant Prostate Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722086 Open Label Continuation Study in Moderate to Severe Psoriasis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722169 BETH Study: Treatment of HER2 Positive Breast Cancer With Chemotherapy Plus Trastuzumab vs Chemotherapy Plus Trastuzumab Plus Bevacizumab clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64722182 A Study to Determine the Efficacy and Safety of Cabergoline for the Treatment of Patients With RLS clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722250 Safety and Efficacy Evaluation Of Pregabalin (Lyrica) With Patients With Generalized Anxiety Disorder clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722363 Atacicept Phase 2/3 in Generalized Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (APRIL-SLE) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722381 Yasmin 20 Cycle Control - Yasmin 20 Versus Mercilon in Healthy Female Volunteers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722387 26-week Open Study of telmisartan40mg+amlodipine10mg or telmisartan80mg+amlodipine10 mg in Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722412 BAY79-4980 Compared to rFVIII-FS in Previously Treated Patients With Severe Hemophilia A clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722422 STREAM-Strategic Reperfusion (With Tenecteplase and Antithrombotic Treatment) Early After Myocardial Infarction clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722502 A Study of Combination Therapy With PEGASYS (Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a (40KD)) and Copegus (Ribavirin) in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 2 or 3 Who Do Not Achieve a Rapid Viral Response clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64722529 Immunemodulation in Patients With Minor Head Injury clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722530 Long-term Safety of Rivastigmine Capsule and Patch in Patients With Mild to Moderately-severe Dementia Associated With Parkinson's Disease (PDD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722564 Phase III Study With Teriflunomide Versus Placebo in Patients With First Clinical Symptom of Multiple Sclerosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722667 Efficacy and Safety of Lu AA34893 in Patients With Bipolar Depression clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722731 Comparative Study of Ceftaroline vs. Ceftriaxone in Adult Subjects With Community-Acquired Pneumonia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722912 To Determine the Objective Response Rate of 4 Cycles of Docetaxel + Anthracycline (Epirubicin or Doxorubicine) Followed by 4 Cycles of Docetaxel Single Agent clinical trial clinical trial
Q64722999 Efficacy and Safety of Sublingual Tablets of Grass Pollen Allergen Extract clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723009 Efficacy and Safety of Biphasic Insulin Aspart 30 in Combination With Metformin in Type 2 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723019 Survival of Patients With Primary Prophylactic ICD Indication clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723179 Inert Dusts and Pathology of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723221 A Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Alefacept in Kidney Transplant Recipients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723223 Fast VT Episodes Are Terminated by ATP One Shot clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723338 A Study of RO4917838 in Combination With Antipsychotic Treatment in Patients With Schizophrenia. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723451 Effect of Spiriva on the Activities of Daily Living Score Recommended in Austrian COPD Guidelines clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723552 Epidermal Cell Transplantation in Vitiligo Skin With and Without Narrow-band Ultraviolet B (UVB) Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723563 Long-term Safety Study of Open-label Pramipexole Extended Release (ER) in Patients With Early Parkinson´s Disease (PD). clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723565 Efficacy Study of DiaPep277 in Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723589 Flibanserin Evaluation Over 28 Additional Weeks in Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723662 Melanocytic Nevi in Children Under Chemotherapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723677 A Prospective, Multicentre European Registry for Newly Diagnosed Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndromes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723737 Recompensation of Exacerbated Liver Insufficiency With Hyperbilirubinemia and/or Encephalopathy and/or Renal Failure clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723759 2-arm Trial of Paclitaxel Plus Bevacizumab vs. Capecitabine Plus Bevacizumab clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723818 Dose-finding Study With Lu AA24530 in Major Depressive Disorder clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723922 Study to Determine if Avonex and Rebif Work Comparably Well in Subjects With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723941 A Phase II Study Evaluating Intranasal GSK256066 and Fluticasone Propionate in Subjects With Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723944 An Open-Label Extension Trial to Assess the Safety of Long-Term Treatment of Rotigotine in Early-Stage Parkinson's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723946 Yellow Versus White Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723955 Light Filters in Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) and Its Influence on Colour and Contrast Vision. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64723979 Phase 2 Study of Enzastaurin With 5 FU/LV Plus Bevacizumab as Maintenance Regimen Following First Line Therapy for Metastatic Colon Cancer clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64724021 SWITCH - Sensing With Insulin Pump Therapy to Control HbA1c clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724060 A Phase II Study Evaluating Intranasal GSK256066 and Azelastine Hydrochloride in Subjects With Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724272 Neptune Pad ® Compared to Conventional Manual Compression clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724303 Circulation Improving Resuscitation Care (CIRC) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724355 Carboplatin And Paclitaxel With Or Without CP-751, 871 (An IGF-1R Inhibitor) For Advanced NSCLC Of Squamous, Large Cell And Adenosquamous Carcinoma Histology clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Hong Kong
Q64724445 Alprostadil Continuous Intravenous Infusion in Bridging Cardiac Transplant in Severe Heart Failure Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724564 Tacrolimus During the Implantation and the Effect on Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Liver Transplantation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724570 The Early Recognition of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724589 Comparison of Three Commercial Batches of the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine IC51 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724607 Effect of a Booster Dose of the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine IC51 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724618 Almorexant (ACT 078573) in Adult Subjects With Chronic Primary Insomnia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724916 Effect of Insulin Glulisine Compared to Insulin Aspart and Insulin Lispro When Administered by Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) on Specific Pump Parameters in Patient With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724945 Clinical Study of the LRS ThermoSuit™ System in Post Arrest Patients With Intravenous Infusion of Magnesium Sulfate clinical trial clinical trial
Q64724971 Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults With Relapsed or Refractory AML clinical trial clinical trial
Q64725212 A Multi-Center Trial To Evaluate The Safety And Efficacy Of Pegaptanib Sodium(Macugen) Injected Into The Eye Every 6 Weeks For Up To 2 Years For Macular Swelling Associated With Diabetes, With An Open-Label Macugen Year Extension. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64725249 Efficacy and Safety of Insulin Detemir in Combination With Insulin Aspart and Biphasic Insulin Aspart 30 in Type 2 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64725311 Gastric pH in Critically Ill Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64725455 Comparison of Paliperidone Palmitate and RISPERDAL CONSTA in Patients With Schizophrenia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64725624 S-1 Versus 5-FU Bolus in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Patients Previously Treated With Gemcitabine-Based Regimen clinical trial clinical trial
Q64725811 Aflibercept Compared to Placebo in Term of Efficacy in Patients Treated With Gemcitabine for Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64725816 Adalimumab in Combination With Topical Treatment (Calcipotriol/Betamethasone) in Subjects With Moderate to Severe Psoriasis and Insufficient Response to Classic Systemic Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64725833 Bapineuzumab in Patients With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease (ApoE4 Non-Carrier) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64725884 Prospective Phase II Study for Assessment of Regulatory Immune Cell Populations After Allogeneic HSCT clinical trial clinical trial
Q64726143 AMS INSIGHT 1 Study - Bioabsorbable Metal Stent Investigation in Chronic Limb Ischemia Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q64726838 Evaluation of Weekly Idrabiotaparinux Sodium Versus Oral Adjusted-dose Warfarin to Prevent Stroke and Systemic Thromboembolic Events in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64727264 Long-term Safety Study of Open-label Pramipexole ER in Patients With Advanced PD clinical trial clinical trial
Q64727327 GAUSS: A Study of Obinutuzumab (RO5072759) in Patients With Indolent Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64727382 Effect of Virtual Endoscopy Simulator Training on Real Patient Endoscopy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64727406 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64727420 Atropine for Prevention of Dysrhythmias Caused by Percutaneous Ethanol Instillation for Hepatoma Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q64727428 Multicentre Study to Determine the Cardiotoxicity of R-CHOP Compared to R-COMP in Patients With Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q64728116 Natechnikum museum in Austria museum Neumarkt in der Steiermark
Q64738151 2019–20 Austrian Cup football tournament season sports season
Q64738152 Dachsberger Bach river in Upper Austria, tributary to Hinzenbach river Prambachkirchen
Q64738156 Poseidon
Q647462 Radiofabrik Community radio station in Salzburg radio station
educational institution
community radio
non-governmental organization
Q647485 Maria-Theresien-Straße street in Innsbruck street Innsbruck
Q64760462 Time Travel Vienna
Q64763235 Grafenhaus building in Dornbirn, Austria building Dornbirn
Q64764201 Schwabenhaus mountain hut
Alpine club hut
Q64764919 Eisenbahnbrücke, Otto-Wagner-Brücke über die Wienzeile samt Anschlussbauwerken BDA Modellierungsartefakt Meidling
Q64764920 Eisenbahnbrücke, Otto Wagner-Brücke über die Wienzeile samt Anschlussbauwerken BDA Modellierungsartefakt Mariahilf
Q64764922 Sog. Neues Schloss Neuhaus cultural property Weissenbach an der Triesting
Q64764925 Ehem. Lohstampfmühle mill Gaming
Q64764926 Ehem. Kartäuserkloster Marienthron monastery Gaming
Q64764927 Ehem. Friedhofskapelle der Kartause Gaming cemetery Gaming
Q64764928 Ehem. Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsgebäude der Kartause building in Gaming, Austria building Gaming
Q64764929 Ringmauer defensive wall Gaming
Q64764930 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764931 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle monastic cell Gaming
Q64764932 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764933 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764934 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764935 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764936 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764937 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764938 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764939 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764940 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764941 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764942 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764943 Ehem. Kartäuserzellen mit Umfassungsmauer und Wehrturm monastic cell Gaming
Q64764944 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764945 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764946 monastic cell monastic cell in Lower Austria monastic cell Gaming
Q64764947 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764948 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764949 Ehem. Kartäuserzelle mit Umfassungsmauern monastic cell Gaming
Q64764952 Lendkanal und Steinerne Brücke bridge in Klagenfurt, Austria canal
Q64764953 Lendkanal cultural property Klagenfurt
Q64764954 Neues Schloss, Schlossplatz 1, Althofen building Althofen
Q64764958 Nebengebäude Nußdorfer Wehr building in Brigittenau, Austria building Brigittenau
Q64764959 Straßenbrücke, Josef von Schemmerl-Brücke und Wehranlage Nußdorf part of bridge in Döbling, Austria BDA Modellierungsartefakt Döbling
Q64764960 Schleuse der Nußdorfer Wehr- und Schleusenanlage lock Brigittenau
Q64764963 Sonnenobservatorium - Altbau mit Turm 1- äußere Erscheinung cultural property Treffen
Q64764964 Solar Observatory - Tower 2 and Tower 3 - external appearance observatory Treffen
Q64764965 Solar Observatory - Tower 4 - Appearance observatory Arriach
Q64764968 Palais Orsini-Rosenberg hotel Vienna
Q64764969 Palais Batthyány, Schenkenstraße city palace Vienna
Q64764972 Palais Rasumofsky, ehemalige Stallungen building in Vienna, Austria building Vienna
Q64764974 Auffahrtsrampe mit Gedenktafel ramp Graz
Q64764979 Pürglitzschanze BDA Modellierungsartefakt Irdning-Donnersbachtal
Q64764980 Hochschloss Kronegg cultural property Riegersburg
Q64764981 Pulverturm und Wenzelstor burgtor
powder tower
Q64764982 Mittelalterliche Befestigungsanlage und Pferdeschwemme Riegersburg
Q64764983 Kastellan- und Wirtschaftsgebäude agricultural structure Riegersburg
Q64764984 Ehemaliges Provianthaus und Keller building Riegersburg
Q64764985 Pavillon/Gartenhaus, ehemalige Burg Lichtenegg, Umfassungsmauer Riegersburg
Q64764986 Burger- oder Cilli-Tor gate Riegersburg
Q64764987 Annen-Tor burgtor Riegersburg
Q64764988 Lichtenegger-Tor burgtor Riegersburg
Q64764990 Burgruine Obere Ortenburg/Oberburg ruins Baldramsdorf
Q64764991 Hochmittelalterliche Motte, Mittlere, Untere-Burg Ortenburg castle Baldramsdorf
Q64764992 Wirtschaftsgebäude, Schloss Admontbichl agricultural structure Obdach
Q64764993 Vorhofanlage Schloss Eichberg mit Kapelle, Keller, Reste Befestigungsmauer und Vorschloss chapel
archaeological site
BDA Modellierungsartefakt
Rohrbach an der Lafnitz
Q64764994 Meierhof of Schloss Altenhof Meierhof Hofkirchen im Mühlkreis
Q64764995 Schloss Auhof chapel
burial vault
Q64764996 Schloss Auhof Meierhof
Q64764997 Schloss Auhof (Neues Schloss) château Perg
Q64764998 Schloss Auhof castle park Perg
Q64765000 Jägerhaus (Posthaus) building in Werfen, Austria building Werfen
Q64765001 Neues Schloss château Horn
Q64765002 Altes Schloss castle Horn
Q64765004 Schloss Damtschach mit Parkanlage castle Wernberg
Q64765005 Wirtschaftsgebäude agricultural structure Saxen
Q64765006 Park samt Gartenplastiken und Glashäusern cultural property Burgenland
Q64765007 Schlosspark Eggenberg park Graz
Q64765008 Schüttkasten Essling granary Vienna
Q64765009 Esterházyscher Schlosspark, Eisenstadt castle park Eisenstadt
Q64765034 Torgebäude der Burg Frauenstein building in Mining, Austria building Mining
Q64765035 Kanzleigebäude des Schlosses, ehem. Reitschule building in Ober-Grafendorf, Austria building Ober-Grafendorf
Q64765036 Vorwerkanlage, "Altschloss" cultural property Ober-Grafendorf
Q64765037 Wirtschaftsgebäude, Nebengebäude des Schlosses und Portal agricultural structure Grafenstein
Q64765038 Schloss Großkirchheim - Südbau museum in Austria museum
Q64765039 Putzenschlössl Großkirchheim building in Austria building
Q64765040 Schlosskapelle Hagenberg chapel Hagenberg im Mühlkreis
Q64765041 Schüttkasten granary
palace theatre
Q64765043 Schloss Paar Umfassungsmauer und Teil der Stadtmauer Hartberg
Q64765044 Pferdestall Schloss Hollenegg stable Bad Schwanberg
Q64765045 Brunnenbecken und Gartenmauer, Hollenegg water well Bad Schwanberg
Q64765046 Schlosskapelle Karlsberg chapel Sankt Veit an der Glan
Q64765047 Gutshof/Meierhof (herrschaftlich), Schloss Kirchberg am Walde Meierhof Grafendorf bei Hartberg
Q64765049 Gutshof/Meierhof (herrschaftlich) Meierhof Wilhelmsburg
Q64765050 Schlosskapelle hl. Anna chapel Wilhelmsburg
Q64765052 Gutshof/Meierhof, Wirtschaftsgebäude des Schlosses Lasseregg agricultural structure Anif
Q64765058 Kriegerdenkmal war memorial war memorial Graz
Q64765062 Meierhof Liemberg estate Liebenfels
Q64765063 Grabkapelle Lippitzbach chapel Ruden
Q64765064 Tennengebäude Schloss Lustbühel building in Graz, Austria building Graz
Q64765065 Kindergarten, Schloss Lustbühel mit Einfahrtstor château Graz
Q64765066 Wirtschaftsgebäude Schloss Lustbühel agricultural structure Graz
Q64765067 Schlosskapelle Hl. Schutzengel chapel Ried in der Riedmark
Q64765068 Wirtschaftsgebäude agricultural structure Ried in der Riedmark
Q64765069 Four Seasons, Minnesheim Park sculpture garden Salzburg
Q64765070 Anlage Schloss Mirabell samt Gärten Salzburg
Q64765071 Umfriedung mit Gartenportalen boundary Wundschuh
Q64765072 Orangerie orangery Wundschuh
Q64765073 Kanzleistöckl administrative building Wundschuh
Q64765074 Wirtschaftsgebäude Schloss Neuschloß agricultural structure Wundschuh
Q64765075 Schloßpark castle park Obersiebenbrunn
Q64765076 Wirtschaftsgebäude mit Hungerturm agricultural structure Obersiebenbrunn
Q64765077 Wohnhaus, Ehem. Gärtnerhaus des Schlosses Obersiebenbrunn residential building Obersiebenbrunn
Q64765078 Schüttkasten Schloss Obersiebenbrunn Former Granary of Obersiebenbrunn manor granary Obersiebenbrunn
Q64765079 Gartenpavillon Obersiebenbrunn garden pavilion Obersiebenbrunn
Q64765080 Priesterhaus building in Obersiebenbrunn, Austria building Obersiebenbrunn
Q64765081 Gutshof estate St. Pölten
Q64765082 Schlosskapelle hl. Barbara chapel Gnas
Q64765083 Schlosspark Pottendorf park in Pottendorf, Austria park Pottendorf
Q64765084 Stadl bei Schloss Pöllan barn Paternion
Q64765085 Wirtschaftsgebäude Schloss Reitenau agricultural structure Grafendorf bei Hartberg
Q64765086 Gartenhaus des Schlosses Retzhof building in Wagna, Austria building Wagna
Q64765087 Meierhof Rottenstein building in Sankt Georgen am Längsee, Austria building Sankt Georgen am Längsee
Q64765089 Orangerie Schloss Schönborn orangery Göllersdorf
Q64765091 Unteres Schloss samt Zubauten Leibnitz
Q64765092 Ehem. Torturm Leibnitz
Q64765093 Befestigungsanlage fortification Leibnitz
Q64765094 Gartenbaudenkmale heritage site Leibnitz
Q64765095 Hochschloss – Vizedomhaus Leibnitz
Q64765096 Wirtschaftsgebäude Schloss Sigmundslust agricultural structure Vomp
Q64765097 Schlosskirche St. Martin, Graz church building in Graz, Austria church building Graz
Q64765098 Schlosspark Vöslau heritage site Bad Vöslau
Q64765099 Schlosskirche Wernberg chapel Wernberg
Q64765101 Gartenpavillon Schloss Wildbach, Deutschlandsberg building in Deutschlandsberg, Austria building Deutschlandsberg
Q64765102 Schloss, Reitschule riding school Wolfsberg
Q64765105 Gesamtanlage Schlosspark Laxenburg cultural heritage ensemble Achau
Q64765106 Gesamtanlage Schlosspark Laxenburg cultural heritage ensemble Münchendorf
Q64765108 Linz Kleinmünchen Kindergarten Dauphinestraße 56a building Linz
Q64765109 Steeger Seeklause samt Klauswärterhaus dam Bad Goisern am Hallstättersee
Q64765110 Steeger Seeklause samt Klauswärterhaus dam Bad Goisern am Hallstättersee
Q64765116 Nebengebäude des Senders Dobl building in Dobl-Zwaring, Austria building Dobl-Zwaring
Q64765118 Wachhaus des Sender Dobl building Dobl-Zwaring
Q64765127 Bauernhaus farm Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765128 Herrenhaus building in Micheldorf in Oberösterreich, Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765129 Feyreggerhaus building in Micheldorf in Oberösterreich, Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765130 Schmiedhaus building in Micheldorf in Oberösterreich, Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765131 Kram building in Micheldorf in Oberösterreich, Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765132 Gradnhammer museum in Austria museum
hammer mill
Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765133 Bildstock wayside shrine Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765137 Herrenhaus building in Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765138 Pfusterkreuz wayside cross Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765139 Kornkammer granary Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765140 Garten garden house Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765141 Pfusterhammerl building in Micheldorf in Oberösterreich, Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765145 Ehem. Herrenhaus hammer mansion Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765146 Kohlboden cultural property Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765147 Schmiedhaus residential building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765148 Wohnhaus building in Micheldorf in Oberösterreich, Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765149 Waag building in Micheldorf in Oberösterreich, Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765150 Brücke bridge in Upper Austria, Austria road bridge Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765152 Herrenhaus Listed property in Micheldorf in Upper Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765153 Haindl-Kapelle chapel Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765154 Nebengebäude des ehem. Sensenwerkes Oberhaindl building in Micheldorf in Oberösterreich, Austria building Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765155 Stall bei der Sensenschmiede unter der Linde livestock housing Micheldorf in Oberösterreich
Q64765159 ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U6 in der KG Neubau transport structure Neubau
Q64765160 ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Hacking transport structure Hietzing
Q64765161 ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Hietzing transport structure Neubau
Q64765162 ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Ober St. Veit transport structure Hietzing
Q64765163 ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Schönbrunn transport structure Hietzing
Q64765164 ehem. Stadtbahn – Teilbereich der heutigen U4 in der KG Unter St. Veit transport structure Hietzing
Q64765166 Stadtmauer city walls Friesach
Q64765167 Stadtringmauer city walls Friesach
Q64765168 Stadtringmauer city walls Friesach
Q64765169 Stadtringmauer city walls Friesach
Q64765170 Stadtringmauer city walls Friesach
Q64765171 Teil d. Stadtmauer city walls Friesach
Q64765172 Überbaute Reste eines ehem. Wehrturmes city walls Friesach
Q64765173 Überbauter Rest eines ehem. Wehrturmes und Wehrmauer city walls Friesach
Q64765174 Stadtmauer city walls Friesach
Q64765175 Stadtmauer city walls Friesach
Q64765176 Stadtbefestigung (Gesamtanlage) cultural property Friesach
Q64765188 Pankrazitor Gmünd mansion Gmünd
Q64765192 Teil der Stadtbefestigung cultural property Gmünd
Q64765195 Teile der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765198 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765201 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765205 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765208 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765210 Teil der Stadtmauer city fortifications Gmünd
Q64765211 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765212 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765213 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765214 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765215 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765216 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765217 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765218 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765219 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765220 Teil der Stadtmauer city walls Gmünd
Q64765221 Oberes Tor Gmünd city fortifications Gmünd
Q64765222 Unteres Tor Gmünd museum in Austria museum Gmünd
Q64765223 Maltator Gmünd building in Gmünd, Austria building Gmünd
Q64765224 Stadtmauer, Stadttor city fortifications Gmünd
Q64765225 Stadtmauer city fortifications Gmünd
Q64765230 Teil d. Kardinalschütt city fortifications Klagenfurt
Q64765231 Teil d. Kardinalschütt city fortifications Klagenfurt
Q64765233 Teil d. Kardinalschütt city fortifications Klagenfurt
Q64765234 Teil d. Kardinalschütt city fortifications Klagenfurt
Q64765235 Teil d. Kardinalschütt – Nordpoterne city fortifications Klagenfurt
Q64765236 Teil d. Kardinalschütt, Südpoterne city fortifications Klagenfurt
Q64765237 Teile der ehem. Stadtbefestigung (Heiligengeistschütt), Inschriftplatten und Säulen city walls
commemorative plaque
Q64765238 Teile der ehem. Stadtbefestigung city fortifications Klagenfurt
Q64765239 Teile der ehem. Stadtbefestigung (Stadtmauer und -graben) city fortifications Klagenfurt
Q64765240 Teil der ehem. Stadtbefestigung (Stadtmauer und Stadtgraben) city fortifications Klagenfurt
Q64765242 Rondelle/Münzturm building in Sankt Veit an der Glan, Austria building Sankt Veit an der Glan
Q64765243 Stadtbefestigung (Gesamtanlage) und archäologisches Fundhoffnungsgebiet (ehem. Befestigung) city fortifications Sankt Veit an der Glan
Q64765246 Stadtmauer cultural property
city walls
Q64765247 Stadtmauer city walls Weitra
Q64765248 Stadtmauer city walls Weitra
Q64765258 Wohnhäuser mit Einfriedung – Werkbundsiedlung building in Hietzing, Austria building Hietzing
Q64765259 Wohnhaus mit Einfriedung – Werkbundsiedlung building in Hietzing, Austria building Hietzing
Q64765260 Wohnhäuser mit Einfriedung – Werkbundsiedlung building in Hietzing, Austria building Hietzing
Q64765262 Wasserbehälter Liesing water pipeline Vienna
Q64765263 Übergangs- und Druckentlastungskammer Mauer cultural property Vienna
Q64765265 3 Kammern (A, B, T), 2 Zugänge, 1 Einsteigturm water pipeline Vienna
Q64765266 9 Zugänge, 1 Kammer (C) water pipeline Vienna
Q64765267 Kläfferquelle water source Mariazell
Q64765505 Einstiegshäuschen der 1. Wiener Hochquellwasserleitung water pipeline Payerbach
Q64765508 Einstiegshäuschen der 1. Wiener Hochquellwasserleitung water pipeline Payerbach
Q64765510 Einstiegshäuschen der 1. Wiener Hochquellwasserleitung water pipeline Payerbach
Q64765513 Einstiegshäuschen der 1. Wiener Hochquellwasserleitung water pipeline Reichenau an der Rax
Q64765515 Einstiegshäuschen der 1. Wiener Hochquellwasserleitung water pipeline Reichenau an der Rax
Q64765517 Wasserschloss surge tank Reichenau an der Rax
Q64765520 Einstiegshäuschen water pipeline Reichenau an der Rax
Q64765522 Zumesskammer water pipeline Reichenau an der Rax
Q64765524 Ehem. Wasseraufseherhaus, Wasserleitungsmuseum museum in Austria museum Reichenau an der Rax
Q64765526 Wehranlage Schwarza, Hirschwang weir Reichenau an der Rax
Q64765529 Wasserreservoir der 1. Wiener Hochquellenwasserleitung water pipeline Ternitz
Q64765531 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung cultural property Ternitz
Q64765533 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Ternitz
Q64765536 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Ternitz
Q64765538 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Ternitz
Q64765540 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung, Aquädukt 10a water pipeline Ternitz
Q64765542 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung, Aquädukt 10a water pipeline Ternitz
Q64765545 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Theresienfeld
Q64765547 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Weikersdorf am Steinfelde
Q64765549 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Liesing
Q64765551 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Vienna
Q64765554 Wasserbehälter Neusiedl am Steinfeld water pipeline Sankt Egyden am Steinfeld
Q64765556 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Sankt Egyden am Steinfeld
Q64765558 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Sooß
Q64765562 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Reichenau an der Rax
Q64765564 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Reichenau an der Rax
Q64765566 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Pfaffstätten
Q64765568 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Perchtoldsdorf
Q64765570 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Payerbach
Q64765572 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Payerbach
Q64765574 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Neunkirchen
Q64765576 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Neunkirchen
Q64765578 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Matzendorf-Hölles
Q64765580 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Kottingbrunn
Q64765583 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Guntramsdorf
Q64765584 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Gumpoldskirchen
Q64765586 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Gloggnitz
Q64765588 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Gloggnitz
Q64765590 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Brunn am Gebirge
Q64765592 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Baden
Q64765594 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Baden
Q64765596 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Bad Vöslau
Q64765597 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Bad Vöslau
Q64765599 1. Wiener Hochquellenwasserleitung, Bad Fischau water pipeline Bad Fischau-Brunn
Q64765601 Teil der 1. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline Bad Fischau-Brunn
Q64767647 Großer Bratschenkopf mountain mountain Salzburg
Q64767813 Großes Teufelshorn mountain in the Berchtesgaden Alps on the border Germany / Austria mountain Schönau am Königsee
Q64768456 Interregio xpress
Q64787217 Großnondorf locality and cadastral municipality in Hollabrunn District cadastral municipality of Austria
Q64788907 Juice Plus+OMEGA Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64788998 A Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of BIVV009 (Sutimlimab) in Participants With Primary Cold Agglutinin Disease Who Have a Recent History of Blood Transfusion (Cardinal Study) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64789133 A Maintenance and Long-Term Extension Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib (ABT-494) in Subjects With Crohn's Disease Who Completed the Studies M14-431 or M14-433 clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64789228 A Randomized Controlled Trial With Resolute Onyx in One Month Dual Antiplatelet Therapy (DAPT) for High-Bleeding Risk Patients clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64789498 Metronom Continuous Glucose Monitoring System clinical trial clinical trial
Q64789561 Mechanisms of Action of Photo(Chemo)Therapy in Skin Diseases clinical trial clinical trial
Q64790030 Study on Safety, Tolerability Prelimenary Efficacy of LNA043 in Patients Undergoing Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64790062 Study of Baricitinib (LY3009104) in Adults With Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64790490 The Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate (Nephrotrans®) on Calcification Propensity of Serum in Kidney Transplant Recipients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64790493 Genomic Testing and Resulting Medical Decisions clinical trial clinical trial
Q64790524 Mental Health in Austrian Teenagers (MHAT) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64790565 PROVIT The Influence of Probiotics on Body and Mind in Individuals With Psychiatric Disorders clinical trial clinical trial
Q64790710 Study to Investigate the Effect of an Oral Diamine Oxidase Substitution (DAOsin) in Histamine Intolerant Patients on the Low Endogenous Diamine Oxidase Serum Activity clinical trial clinical trial
Q64790727 Inflammatory Response to CSII Catheters in a Tummy Tuck Model clinical trial clinical trial
Q64791120 Metastatic Breast Cancer in Austria clinical trial clinical trial
Q64791145 Effect of Safinamide on Parkinson's Disease Related Chronic Pain clinical trial clinical trial
Q64791195 Phase III Study in First-line Treatment of Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Who Are Not Candidate for Intensive Therapy. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64791426 Post Market Clinical Follow Up to "Patient Reported Outcome" Using a Titanised Polypropylene Mesh (TiLOOP® Bra Pocket) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64791619 Imaging of the Angiofibrotic Switch in Neovascular AMD clinical trial clinical trial
Q64791864 Individualized Radiation Dose Prescription in HNSCC Based on F-MISO-PET Hypoxia-Imaging clinical trial clinical trial
Q64791943 APrevent Vocal Implant System (VOIS) for Adjustable Treatment of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis (UVFP) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64792600 CYP2D6 Polymorphism in Patients of General Practice in Austria clinical trial clinical trial
Q64792620 Safety and Efficacy of Cardiac Shockwave Therapy in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting clinical trial clinical trial
Q64792697 Effect of Thoracic Diameter and Food Intake on Fibroscan® Results clinical trial clinical trial
Q64792732 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Versus Computed Tomography to Guide Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement clinical trial clinical trial
Q64792853 LEC Proliferation in Vivo and In-vitro clinical trial clinical trial
Q64792893 Posterior Capsule Opacification After Lens Capsule Polishing clinical trial clinical trial
Q64793006 Prehospital Non-invasive Cooling of Comatose Patients After Cardiac Arrest clinical trial clinical trial
Q64793027 Histological/ Immunohistological and Molecularpathological Types of Epulides and Central Giant Cell Lesions of the Jaws clinical trial clinical trial
Q64793574 Effects of a School-based Intervention to Increase the Water Consumption in Elementary School Children clinical trial clinical trial
Q64793744 Observational Study to Investigate the Effects of Training on the Administration of Cardioplexol™ clinical trial clinical trial
Q64793865 131I-IPA + XRT as Treatment for Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme clinical trial clinical trial
Q64793882 Reproducibility of Dual Beam Doppler Fourier-domain Optical Coherence Tomography in Healthy Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64793890 Effects of RP101 in Post-menopausal Women With Dry Eye Syndrome clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794004 Characterisation of Nasal Polyps in Patients With and Without Aspirin-exacerbated Respiratory Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794066 Probiotics in Dementia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794105 Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in aGvHD After ASCT clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794246 Treatment Success With the CoolLoop Cryoablation System clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794296 Motivation and Barriers for Exercise in Patients With Anxiety or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794319 Effects of a Robot on Physical and Psychosocial Outcomes of Persons With Dementia and Their Social Environment at Home clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794328 Reducing Sedentary Behaviour in Office Workers clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794388 Panaceo "MED" for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794498 Iron and Pollen Allergy in Women clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794507 Laser vs Hyaluronic Acid for GSM in Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794760 Brachial Plexus Block in Children and Adolescents clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794764 OPtimisation of Surgical Repair for Treating Insufficiency of the MItral Valve - Safety Evaluation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794808 Insulin- and Glucose Metabolism in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension clinical trial clinical trial
Q64794927 Visual Acuity and Optical Coherence Tomography One Year After Peeling of Epiretinal Membranes clinical trial clinical trial
Q64795085 The Relationship of the Intestinal Microbiome and the Menstrual Cycle clinical trial clinical trial
Q64795146 A Phase III Study of Efficacy and Safety of Ligelizumab in the Treatment of CSU in Adolescents and Adults Inadequately Controlled With H1-antihistamines clinical trial clinical trial
Q64795391 Severe Immune Cytopenia Registry Www.Sic-reg.Org clinical trial clinical trial
Q64795725 Investigating the Effects of Lipid-therapy Intensification With Alirocumab on Endothelial Function, Carotid Arteries, Lipoprotein Particle Subfractions, Inflammation and Post-prandial Lipemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64795874 Study to Develop a Kinetic Model for FDG and Me4FDG in Kidneys of Type 2 Diabetic Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64796167 Measurement of Total Retinal Blood Flow and Oxygen Extraction in Patients With Diabetes and Healthy Subjects clinical trial clinical trial
Q64796305 Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange in Morbidly Obese clinical trial clinical trial
Q64796497 BIO REsponse Adapted Combination Therapy Pilot Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64796536 PlayBionic: Interactive Mobile Training App clinical trial clinical trial
Q64796674 A 52-week Clinical Investigation of Princess® VOLUME PLUS Lidocaine in Subjects With Midface Volume Deficit clinical trial clinical trial
Q64797776 Amstetten Thunder American football team
Q64801235 Allogeneic ABCB5-positive Stem Cells for Treatment of Epidermolysis Bullosa clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801319 Assessment of Efficacy and Safety of Durvalumab Plus BCG Compared to the Standard Therapy With BCG in Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801496 Study Evaluating the Impact of Electronic Surveys on Patient-physician Communication and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801541 A Phase 3 Study of VX-445 Combination Therapy in Subjects With Cystic Fibrosis Heterozygous for the F508del Mutation and a Minimal Function Mutation (F/MF) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801649 Correlation Between In-vivo Anatomy of Corneal Dystrophies as Assessed by High- Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Measurement and Histological Examination clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801650 Ultrahigh-resolution Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of the Anterior Eye Segment Structures clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801740 The Effects of Regular Eye-training With a Mobile Device on Adult Patients With AMD clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801811 Impact of Hypoglycaemia in Patients With DIAbetes Mellitus Type 2 on PLATElet Activation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801821 Fecal Microbiota Alterations in Steroid Refractory Active Colitis Ulcerosa clinical trial clinical trial
Q64801982 A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Dulaglutide (LY2189265) in Participants With Type 2 Diabetes clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q64802058 Clinical Study for Safety and Acute Performance Evaluation of the THERMOCOOL SMARTTOUCH® SF-5D System Used With Fast Ablation Mode in Treatment of Patients With Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. clinical trial clinical trial
Q64802217 Neodolpasse® Infusion Solution Versus Diclofenac 75 mg Infusion in the Treatment of Postoperative Pain After Elective Knee Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64802271 Effect of Air-tamponade on Intraretinal Cystoid Changes After Membrane Peeling clinical trial clinical trial
Q64802767 Clinical Trial to Assess Safety and Efficacy of Autologous Cultured Epidermal Grafts Containing Epidermal Stem Cells Genetically Modified in Patients With JEB (HOLOGENE17) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64802770 Platelet Function in Resuscitated Patients-2 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64802914 A Pilot Trial of Clazakizumab in Late ABMR clinical trial clinical trial
Q64802920 Homocysteine After Laparoscopic Roux-enY Gastric Bypass clinical trial clinical trial
Q64803154 The TransCatheter Valve and Vessels Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64803258 Comprehensive Nano - PMCF Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64803329 Comparison of Two Volar Plating Systems for Distal Radius Fractures clinical trial clinical trial
Q64803619 MiDeTe - microRNA Levels Under Denosumab and Teriparatide Therapy in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64803621 High-dose Vitamin D3 in Pancreas Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64803766 A Long Term Safety Study of BCX7353 in Hereditary Angioedema clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q64803868 Combinations of Cemiplimab (Anti-PD-1 Antibody) and Platinum-based Doublet Chemotherapy in Patients With Lung Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64803914 Austrian Left Atrial Appendage Closure Registry clinical trial clinical trial
Q64804074 Efficacy and Safety of Evinacumab in Patients With Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia clinical trial clinical trial
Q64804132 Effect of Lipid Based Eye Drops on Tear Film Lipid Layer Thickness clinical trial clinical trial
Q64804210 Regulation of Retinal Bloodflow Pressure clinical trial clinical trial
Q648047 1967 World Figure Skating Championships figure skating competition figure skating competition
Q64804705 Visual Acuity and Optical Coherence Tomography One Year After ILM-flap Transposition clinical trial clinical trial
Q64804867 Evaluation of Central Macular Thickness in Femtosecond Laser-assisted Cataract Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64805058 The Longitudinal PTH-Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64805187 Current Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation in Austria clinical trial clinical trial
Q64805246 A Safety and Efficacy Study of Relamorelin in Diabetic Gastroparesis Study 04 clinical trial clinical trial
Q64806002 A Study to Test Whether Study Drug BAY1128688 Brings Pain Relief to Women With Endometriosis and if so to Get a First Idea Which Dose(s) Work Best clinical trial clinical trial
Q64806118 Tilt of the Intraocular Lens in Patients Undergoing Combined Phacoemulsification and Vitrectomy With Airtamponade clinical trial clinical trial
Q64806529 Afatinib Osimertinib Sequencing NIS clinical trial clinical trial
Q648067 Hadersdorf-Kammern municipality in Krems District, Lower Austria, Austria market municipality
municipality of Austria
Krems District
Q64806738 A Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Alemtuzumab in Pediatric Patients With RRMS With Disease Activity on Prior DMT clinical trial clinical trial
Q64806948 Effect of Supplemental Oxygen on Perioperative BNP Concentration in Cardiac Risk Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64807121 Partial Least Squares Regression Modelling for Glaucoma Detection clinical trial clinical trial
Q64807326 MinIAttention - Attention Management in Minimal Invasive Surgery clinical trial clinical trial
Q64807354 COmedication Study Assessing Mono- and cOmbination Therapy With Levodopa-carbidopa inteStinal Gel clinical trial clinical trial
Q64807406 Ga-68-PSMA-11 in High-risk Prostate Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q64807411 Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Tear Repair: Single Versus Double Layer Fixation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64807479 Calibrating Cardiac Output Measurement of Electrical Cardiometry With Transthoracic Echocardiography clinical trial clinical trial
Q64807548 Heartrate Variability During Conventional and Variable Pressure Support Mechanical Ventilation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64807799 Pembrolizumab Plus Epacadostat, Pembrolizumab Monotherapy, and the EXTREME Regimen in Recurrent or Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (KEYNOTE-669/ECHO-304) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64807860 Prospective Database for Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation in Pacemaker and ICD Patients clinical trial clinical trial
Q64808417 Cardiovascular Risk Markers in Spinal Cord Injured Subjects of the Wheelchair Dancer Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64810893 Römerberg mountain mountain Linz
Q64811011 Churfürststraße street in Salzburg, Austria street Salzburg
Q64816949 Post-market Follow up Study of the 'BPK-S Integration' UC as Primary Implant in the Variants CoCr or Ceramic clinical trial clinical trial
Q64817131 Safety and PK Trial Evaluating the Plasma, Epithelial Lining Fluid, and Alveolar Macrophage Concentrations of Minocin IV clinical trial clinical trial
Q64817263 Adjuvant Anal Imiquimod Therapy in Anal HPV-lesions: AdAM-trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64818715 Acute Postthoracotomy Pain - Impact of Gender clinical trial clinical trial
Q64819023 EValuating Anatomic vErsus TaRgeted Lead Placement for BurstDR TherapY During the Trial clinical trial clinical trial
Q64819099 Primary Graft Dysfunction Score in Lung Transplantation clinical trial clinical trial
Q64819146 Evaluation of an App for Smartphones for People With a Bipolar Affective Disorder clinical trial clinical trial
Q64819227 Pharmacists Intervention to Improve Hypertension Management in Primary Care clinical trial clinical trial
Q64819288 Skin Incision Skewness at Cesarean Section clinical trial clinical trial
Q64819339 Add-on Cangrelor in STEMI-triggered Cardiac Arrest clinical trial clinical trial
Q64819371 Atrial Fibrillation at the Viennese University Emergency Department clinical trial clinical trial
Q64821750 Naturfreundejugend Internationale nonprofit organization
Q64826801 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs ministry
Q64826802 C3-Library for International Development
Q64831566 Filialkirche Gartenstadt church building Hollabrunn
Q64835700 VICIS - Vienna Cirrhosis Study clinical trial clinical trial
Q64836258 A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Tocilizumab as a Remission-Induction and Glucocorticoid-Sparing Regimen in Subjects With New-Onset Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR- SPARE) clinical trial clinical trial
Q64837071 Pirfenidone as Bridging Therapy for Lung Transplant in Patients Suffering From Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis clinical trial clinical trial
Q64837287 TBS in Major Depression clinical trial clinical trial
Q64846431 Salzburg24 website Salzburg
Q64846435 Institute for Ludology and Playing Arts Institute at the university of Salzburg, Austria organization
Q64846517 Senftenbach watercourse in Upper Austria, tributary of Antiesen river Eitzing
Sankt Martin im Innkreis
Q64851165 Rouff French fashion house, active 1844–1914 fashion house
Q64851817 BORG Feldbach school in Feldbach, Austria school Feldbach
Q6485614 Tushek&Spigel Supercars automobile manufacturer
Q648595 SVS Post Schwechat volleyball team
Q64864105 Hinterglasmuseum in Sandl museum in Upper Austria museum Sandl
Q6486729 language exchange practice in Austrian education teaching methods
Q64876100 Glocknerbivak basic hut underneath Grossglockner bivouac shelter
Alpine club hut
Q6487733 Lanzing locality and cadastral community in Melk District cadastral municipality of Austria
Q6487903 Laola1 website
Q64899077 Gallham locality in Eferding District locality Prambachkirchen
Q649069 Bad Kleinkirchheim municipality in Spittal an der Drau District, Carinthia, Austria designated spa town
rural municipality of Austria
municipality of Austria
Spittal an der Drau District
Q64912491 Niederösterreichische Escompte-Gesellschaft Building cultural property
bank building
Innere Stadt
Q64918911 Austria–Honduras relations bilateral relations between Austria and Honduras bilateral relation
Q64919095 Austria–Eswatini relations bilateral relation
Q64919328 Austria–Ecuador relations bilateral relation
Q64919625 Austria–Tanzania relations bilateral relations between Austria and Tanzania bilateral relation
Q64919791 Austria–Lesotho relations bilateral relation
Q64920192 Austria–Botswana relations bilateral relation
Q64920379 Austria–Rwanda relations bilateral relation
Q64920777 Austria–Latvia relations bilateral relation
Q649209 Reichenspitze Group mountain range Alpine supergroup
mountain chain
Q64921122 Austria–Guyana relations bilateral relation
Q64922216 Austria–Central African Republic relations bilateral relation
Q64923634 Austria–Federated States of Micronesia relations bilateral relation
Q64924193 Austria–Laos relations bilateral relation
Q64924516 Austria–Bahrain relations bilateral relation
Q64926057 Austria–Burundi relations bilateral relation
Q64926596 Austria–Uganda relations bilateral relation
Q64927088 Austria–Ghana relations bilateral relation
Q64927691 Austria–Jamaica relations bilateral relation
Q64928219 Austria–South Africa relations bilateral relation
Q64928804 Austria–New Zealand relations bilateral relation
Q64929735 Mercurbank Austrian banking company bank
Q64930092 Austria–Lebanon relations bilateral relation
Q64930973 Austria–Cameroon relations bilateral relation
Q64931477 Austria–Iraq relations bilateral relation
Q64932825 Austria–Barbados relations bilateral relation
Q64933243 Austria–United Arab Emirates relations bilateral relation
Q64934631 Austria–Nicaragua relations bilateral relation
Q64935441 Austria–Syria relations bilateral relations bilateral relation
Q64937057 Austria–Luxembourg relations bilateral relation
Q64937453 Austria–Libya relations bilateral relation
Q64938294 Austria–Suriname relations bilateral relation
Q64938772 Austria–Malta relations bilateral relation
Q64939933 Austria–Malawi relations bilateral relation
Q64940302 Austria–Guinea relations bilateral relation
Q64941114 Austria–Qatar relations bilateral relation
Q64941534 Austria–Egypt relations bilateral relation
Q64941832 Austria–Ireland relations bilateral relation
Q64942148 Austria–Somalia relations bilateral relation
Q64942650 Austria–Kyrgyzstan relations bilateral relation
Q64943362 Austria–Dominica relations bilateral relation
Q64943724 Algeria–Austria relations bilateral relation
Q64944132 Austria–Seychelles relations bilateral relation
Q64944534 Austria–Mauritius relations bilateral relation
Q64944864 Austria–Bahamas relations bilateral relation
Q64946073 2019 Tour of Austria cycling race Tour of Austria
Q64954332 Neu-Nagelberg locality in Gmünd District locality Brand-Nagelberg
Q64955613 Ligistbach river Ligist
Q64961951 Salzburger Liga 2019/20 sports season
Q64961959 Delpsee lake in Tyrol lake Eben am Achensee
Q64965312 Kranebitter Allee street in Innsbruck street Innsbruck
Q64970353 Austria–Madagascar relations bilateral relation
Q64970356 Austria–Samoa relations bilateral relation
Q64970363 Austria–Peru relations bilateral relations bilateral relation
Q64970369 Austria–Jordan relations bilateral relation
Q64970371 Austria–Niger relations‎ bilateral relation
Q64970378 Austria–Sweden relations bilateral relation
Q64970423 Austria–Togo relations bilateral relation
Q64970432 Austria–Venezuela relations bilateral relations between Austria and Venezuela bilateral relation
Q64970434 Austria–Tuvalu relations bilateral relation
Q64970442 Austria–Benin relations bilateral relation
Q64970449 Austria–Belize relations bilateral relation
Q64970463 Austria–Oman relations bilateral relation
Q64970476 Austria–Bhutan relations bilateral relations bilateral relation
Q64970493 Austria–Iceland relations bilateral relation
Q64970502 Afghanistan–Austria relations bilateral relation
Q64970506 Austria–Cambodia relations bilateral relation
Q64970543 Austria–Singapore relations bilateral relation
Q64970545 Austria–Kiribati relations bilateral relation
Q64970550 Austria–Morocco relations bilateral relation
Q64970559 Austria–Namibia relations bilateral relation
Q64970575 Austria–Chad relations bilateral relation
Q64970586 Austria–Djibouti relations bilateral relation
Q64970591 Austria–Haiti relations bilateral relation
Q64970602 Austria–South Sudan relations bilateral relation
Q64970613 Austria–Senegal relations bilateral relation
Q64970642 Austria–Norway relations bilateral relation
Q64970649 Austria–Guatemala relations bilateral relation
Q64970659 Austria–Mongolia relations bilateral relation
Q64970676 Andorra–Austria relations bilateral relation
Q64970698 Austria–Mauritania relations bilateral relation
Q64970720 Austria–Uzbekistan relations bilateral relation
Q649933 Neuberg Abbey abbey abbey
cultural property
church building
religious community
Neuberg an der Mürz
Q64995550 Österreichische Fußball-Frauenmeisterschaft 2019/20 sports season
Q65013311 Universiade/Österreich
Q65013318 Steinbach bei Fuschl human settlement Fuschl am See
Q65013327 Oberösterreichisches Urkundenbuch
Q65013333 Pallas Capital
Q65013339 Schlagen cadastral municipality of Austria Gmunden
Q650236 Austrian Football Second League association football league association football league
Q65032336 B.Braun Austria Austrian company business
Q65032679 Großstelzendorf locality and cadastral municipality in Hollabrunn District cadastral municipality of Austria
Q65034971 Altlastenatlas
Q65036776 Vienna Shorts 2019 2019 film festival edition film festival edition
Q65038231 Götzelsdorf locality Steyregg
Q65043367 2019 Austria Open 9-Ball pool tournament, June 2019 sports season
Q65043864 2019–20 SK Rapid Wien season season of football team association football team season
Q65044269 Purple Lamp Austrian video game developer business
video game developer
Q65048101 Prólogo de la Vuelta a Austria 2019 individual time trial
Q65048102 1.ª etapa de la Vuelta a Austria 2019 plain stage
Q65048103 2.ª etapa de la Vuelta a Austria 2019 hilly stage
Q65048104 3.ª etapa de la Vuelta a Austria 2019 medium mountain stage
Q65048105 4.ª etapa de la Vuelta a Austria 2019 mountain stage
Q65048106 5.ª etapa de la Vuelta a Austria 2019 medium mountain stage
Q65048107 6.ª etapa de la Vuelta a Austria 2019 mountain stage
Q65048708 Stephanienwarte observation tower
cultural property
Q65052286 Küszén Abbey monastery
Q65054559 wienXtra Medienzentrum youth center
educational institution
Q65054732 Babuder's bar and event location in Vienna bar
theatre building
Q650587 Riedlingsdorf municipality in Oberwart District, Burgenland, Austria market municipality
municipality of Austria
Oberwart District
Q650614 Neudorf bei Parndorf municipality in Neusiedl am See District, Burgenland, Austria rural municipality of Austria
municipality of Austria
Neusiedl am See District
Q65063169 Marktamt Simmering cultural property
administrative building
Q65063736 Embassy of Bangladesh, Vienna embassy Vienna
Q65064019 Kuehbruck plot (about 925 m above sea level) in Nenzing in Vorarlberg, Austria land parcel Nenzing
Q65064596 1957 nine-pin bowling World Championships sports season
Q65078366 Seefeld Nordic Competence Centre skiing venue in Austria venue
Q65079762 Kalvarienberg protected area
Q65087867 Wesenau human settlement Fuschl am See
Q65087880 Wiener Stadtadler sports club
Q65088466 Am Heumarkt street in Vienna street Landstraße
Q65096218 Küfferle austrian enterpreis enterprise
Q65096220 Mengschlucht chine
Q65097941 CLEEN Energy
Q65097947 Pölleritzerwiese human settlement in Mödling District human settlement Breitenfurt bei Wien
Q651030 Palais Schwarzenberg palace in Vienna, Austria palace
city palace
Q65117171 2018 Klagenfurt Open sports season
Q651475 Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance Austrian documentation centre organization
Q65154379 Dille & Kamille Dutch retail chain retail chain
Q65157652 Momentum Institute Austrian think tank think tank
Q651578 Sankt Georgen am Reith municipality in Amstetten District, Lower Austria, Austria rural municipality of Austria
municipality of Austria
Amstetten District
Q65163104 Gruberwand mountain mountain Upper Austria
Q65164219 Selección femenina de fútbol sub-20 de Austria sports team
Q65165139 2019 Austrian motorcycle Grand Prix Austrian motorcycle race Austrian motorcycle Grand Prix
Q6516779 Left movement of Marxist-Leninist, Maoist and Trotskyist organisations in Austria political party
Q651684 Mölltaler Gletscher ski resort glacier
ski resort
Q651745 City of Vienna Prize for Architecture architecture prize architecture award
Q65181061 Mittergrabern locality and cadastral municipality in Hollabrunn District cadastral municipality of Austria
Q65182217 Bsuchalm alpine pasture in Austria mountain pasture Neustift im Stubaital
Q6520449 Leitturm defensive tower
Q652120 Fornach municipality in Vöcklabruck District, Upper Austria, Austria rural municipality of Austria
municipality of Austria
Vöcklabruck District
Q652278 Reschenstraße road in Austria Landesstraße Landeck District
Q65234948 Evangelische Pfarrkirche Elixhausen church building Elixhausen
Q65239027 jö Bonus Club loyalty program
Q65242661 Oskar Morgenstern medal award
Q65244928 Science Pool
Q65245259 Spendeninfo.at website Vienna
Q65246651 2019–20 Four Hills Tournament 2019–2020 edition of the Four Hills Tournament sports season
Q6527073 Leopold Trebitsch Memorial Tournament chess tournament
Q652753 Paldau municipality in Südoststeiermark District, Styria, Austria market municipality
municipality of Austria
Südoststeiermark District
Q652755 Dunkelsteinerwald mountain range mountain range Lower Austria
Q652758 Lustenau human settlement in Upper Austria Stadtteil von Linz Linz
Q6528763 Lerchfeld locality and cadastral community in Melk District cadastral municipality of Austria
Q652957 Sankt Thomas municipality in Grieskirchen District, Upper Austria, Austria rural municipality of Austria
municipality of Austria
Grieskirchen District
Q65316005 Laser Speckle Flowgraphy in Caucasians: Age Dependence and Comparison With Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography clinical trial clinical trial
Q65316006 Influence of Light Exposure on Cerebral MAO-A in Seasonal Affective Disorder and Healthy Controls Measured by PET clinical trial clinical trial
Q65316045 Investigation of the Change of Vision-related Quality of Life in Subjects Treated With Aflibercept According to EU Label for DME. clinical trial clinical trial
Q65316078 Assessment of Effectiveness of Belatacept Patient Alert Card in Patients Following Renal Transplantation in a Sample of EU Countries clinical trial clinical trial
Q65316216 The Effect of Ticagrelor or Clopidogrel on Endothelial Function During Acute and Chronic Treatment clinical trial clinical trial
Q65316359 24 Months Safety and Efficacy Study of AADvac1 in Patients With Mild Alzheimer's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q65316505 Mindful Self Compassion in Rehabilitation Inpatients clinical trial clinical trial
Q65316643 A Clinical Study Investigating the Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of ND0612H, a Solution of Levodopa/Carbidopa Administered as a Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion in Subjects With Advanced Parkinson's Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q65316871 An Investigational Immuno-therapy Study of Nivolumab Compared to Sorafenib as a First Treatment in Patients With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma clinical trial clinical trial Hong Kong
Q65317657 ELUVIA™ Drug-eluting Stent Versus Zilver® PTX® Stent clinical trial clinical trial
Q65318472 Comparison of Positive Psychotherapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy for Depression clinical trial clinical trial
Q65319058 Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of QVM149 With QMF149 in Patients With Asthma clinical trial clinical trial
Q65319123 Serial Usage of Combitube in Anesthesiology clinical trial clinical trial
Q65319344 A Safety, Tolerability and PK Study of DCC-2618 in Patients With Advanced Malignancies clinical trial clinical trial
Q65319414 Pain Thresholds Under High-dose Topical Capsaicin clinical trial clinical trial
Q653289 Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus 15. district of Vienna district of Vienna Vienna
Q65330438 Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (rrMM) With Pomalidomide in Clinical Practice clinical trial clinical trial
Q65330450 Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer With Abraxane clinical trial clinical trial
Q65330501 Abraxane in Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q65330507 Study of Efficacy and Safety of QAW039 in Patients With Severe Asthma Inadequately Controlled With Standard of Care Asthma Treatment. clinical trial clinical trial
Q65330510 Salzburger Liga 2016/17 sports season
Q65331035 Assessment of Corneal Graft Attachment in Patients With Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy Following DMEK Using Ultra-high Resolution OCT clinical trial clinical trial
Q65331115 pCONus Treatment of Wide Neck Intracranial Aneurysms clinical trial clinical trial
Q65331372 Registry Investigating the Clinical Use and Safety of the Lutonix Drug Coated Balloon for Treatment of BTK Arteries clinical trial clinical trial
Q65331753 Cerebrolysin REGistry Study in Stroke clinical trial clinical trial
Q65331800 CoolLoop Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation clinical trial clinical trial
Q65331829 Efficacy and Safety of Finerenone in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Kidney Disease clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Hong Kong
Q65331993 Study of Voncento® in Subjects With Von Willebrand Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q65332117 Standardised Regional Sport-club Based Exercise Programmes clinical trial clinical trial
Q65332341 Phase III Open Label Study of MEDI 4736 With/Without Tremelimumab Versus Standard of Care (SOC) in Recurrent/Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer clinical trial clinical trial
Q65332499 Extracorporeal Lung Assist Device in Acute Lung Impairment clinical trial clinical trial
Q65332960 Phase III Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability Study of HYQVIA/HyQvia and GAMMAGARD LIQUID/KIOVIG in CIDP clinical trial clinical trial
Q65333139 Extension Study of APD334-003 in Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis clinical trial clinical trial
Q65333146 Optical Angiography in Glaucoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q65333249 Intestinal Microbiome and Psychological Correlates in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease clinical trial clinical trial
Q65333320 Randomized Global Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Impact on NASH With Fibrosis of Obeticholic Acid Treatment clinical trial clinical trial Puerto Rico
Q65333436 Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) of the Globus Pallidus (GP) in Huntington's Disease (HD) clinical trial clinical trial
Q65334505 Cancer Immune Therapy for the Treatment of Refractory Solid Tumours of Childhood clinical trial clinical trial
Q65334516 Phase 3 Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Study of ICT-107 in Glioblastoma clinical trial clinical trial
Q65334736 Training Induced Reduction of Lower-limb Joint Loads During Locomotion in Obese Children clinical trial clinical trial
Q65334888 A Phase 3 Clinical Trial to Evaluate Long-term Immunogenicity and Boostability of Purified Chick-Embryo Cell Rabies Vaccine in Adults Following Primary Series of Pre/Exposure Prophylaxis. clinical trial clinical trial
Q65334945 Quantification of Side Effects During Hepatitis C Therapy clinical trial clinical trial
Q65334952 Hepatitis C Virus in Neutrophil Granulocyte Progenitor Cells clinical trial clinical trial
End of auto-generated list.