Wikipedia:WikiProject Mesoamerica/Articles

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Article listing (raw and ungraded)

Last updated
June 08, 2006

Below is an (incomplete) listing of Mesoamerica-related articles, i.e. those which have been assigned to at least one of the categories in the Mesoamerican category schema.

This listing was generated with the assistance of the Catscan tool. Owing to the replication lag and the ongoing (and unresolved) corruption of the database replica on the toolserver, some entries are missing (incorrect ones have been manually discarded), and this list is incomplete. It also does not contain Mesoamerica-related articles which have not been assigned to one of the categories in the category schema.

The listing has been sorted by Mesoamerican category or subcategory- note, articles will appear more than once on the listing below if they are assigned to more than one of the Mesoamerican categories.

The following high-level activities need to be performed on this data:

  1. Compare with category listing to identify any articles missed (because of database inaccuracy)
  2. Sort these articles into related themes per the proposed scope, instead of the actual categories they are currently assigned to.
  3. In parallel, identify the level of detail at which the article resides- ie, pan-Mesoamerica, regional-specific, culture-specific, location-specific, sub-component-specific -note, need to develop hierarchy scale before this exercise.
  4. Matrices can be drawn up with the information from (2) and (3) to show coverage by theme and detail-level. From this, "missing" themes/articles can be identified, and the result will also assist in considering how the category schema should look like.
  5. A related activity will involve the adoption and assignment of an article rating scheme, and apply this rating to the various articles. This will assist in identifying those most in need of improvement, and those which are near to FA or other high-quality status.
  6. Other searches need to be performed to identify existing articles which lie outside of the category schema, and assign and record these appropriately.

MesoamericaAgriculture in pre-Columbian MesoamericaCacamatzinCacaxtlaCalendar roundCalpulliCantonaChinampaCodex Zouche-NuttallCuicuilcoDomesticated plants of MesoamericaEagle warriorEight Deer Jaguar ClawFrancisco Hernández de Córdoba (discoverer of Yucatán)Hill of the StarHuastecHuemacHueyi TlatoaniHuman antiquity in MesoamericaIzapaJade use in MesoamericaJaguar warriorJaguars in Mesoamerican cultureJuan Bautista de PomarLa VentaMaya bloodlettingMaya mythologyMazatecMazatecoMesoamericaMesoamerican ballgameMesoamerican calendarsMesoamerican chronologyMesoamerican pyramidsMetallurgy in pre-Columbian MesoamericaMiguel León-PortillaMitlaMixtecMonte AlbánNahuatl languageNakbéNezahualcoyotlNezahualpilliNun Yax AyinObsidian use in MesoamericaOlmecOlmec figurineOlmec mythologyOtomi LanguagePipilPopol VuhP'urhépechaPyramid of the sunQuichéSan Lorenzo TenochtitlánSiyah K'ak'Spanish conquest of YucatánSpearthrower OwlTecún UmánTemple of the Feathered SerpentTenochtitlanTeopantecuanitlanTeotihuacánTeotihuacan Spider WomanTlacopánTollanTopiltzin Ce Acatl QuetzalcoatlTopiltzin QuetzalcoatlTrecenaTrepanation in pre-Columbian MesoamericaTres ZapotesTula, HidalgoTumbagaTzintzuntzanTzompantliTz'utujilUlama gameVeintenaYacotzinYaquiZapotec

AztecAztecAztec societyCodex BorbonicusUnos Anales Históricos de la Nación Mexicana

Aztec calendarAztec calendarAztec sun stoneTonalpohualli

Aztec cultureAmatlAztec entheogenic complexAztec philosophyAztec societyCalpulliCodex MendozaMexican Hairless DogRamirez CodexTlapitzalliTzompantli

Aztec historyAztec Triple AllianceAztlánChimalpopocaFlower warGerónimo de AguilarGreat Pyramid of TenochtitlanHernán CortésSiege of TenochtitlanSpanish conquest of MexicoTenochtitlanThe massacre in the Main Temple, TenochtitlánTlatelolcoTlatoani

Aztec legendary creaturesAhuizotl (creature)ChanequeCipactliNahualTlaltecuhtliXelhua

Aztec militaryAztec armyEagle warriorJaguar warriorMacanaMaquahuitlTepoztopilli

Aztec mythologyAztec mythologyAztlánCemanahuatlCihuateteoCivatateoMayahuelMictlanNagualSixth WorldTlalocanTlillan-TlapallanTomoanchanXiuhcoatl

Aztec peopleAcamapichtliAuítzotlAxayacatlCuacuatzinCuauhtémocCuitláhuacDiego HuanitzinFernando de Alva Cortés IxtlilxochitlHueyi TlatoaniHuitzilíhuitlItzcóatlIxtlilxochitl IJuan BernardinoMaxtlaMoctezuma IMoctezuma IINezahualcoyotlNezahualpilliPapantzinTechichpotzinTenochTezozomocTízocTlacaelelYacotzin

Aztec science and technologyAmatlAztec calendarAztec philosophy

Aztec sitesTenochtitlanTlacopánTlatelolcoXalapa

Battles of the Aztec EmpireSiege of TenochtitlanSpanish conquest of Mexico

Fictional AztecsHuitzilOgre (Tekken)

NahuatlAztlánCalpulliClassical NahuatlIsthmus-Mecayapan NahuatlList of Spanish words of Nahuatl originNahuatl dialectsNahuatl languageNahuatl transcriptionSAMPA chart for NahuatlTeocalliTilma

Nahuatl booksHuei tlamahuiçolticaUnos Anales Históricos de la Nación Mexicana

Maya civilizationAjawAmatlBaktunCalendar roundChac MoolChilam BalamComalcalcoHunab KuJaguars in Mesoamerican cultureLintel 24, YaxchilanMaya calendarMaya ceramicsMaya civilizationMaya codicesMaya numeralsMaya scriptMaya womenMesoamerican chronologyPre-Columbian Maya dancePuucSacbeTzompantli

Maya mythologyBlood MoonDaykeeperFifth World (Native American mythology)Hun-ApuIxbalanqueMaya Hero TwinsMaya mythologyMetnalPachakuticPopol VuhVision SerpentWhac ChanXibalbaZipacna

Mayan languagesAkatekoCakchiquel languageChol languageChorti languageChuj languageClassic Maya languageHuastecJacaltecLacandonMam languageMayan languagesQ'eqchiQuiché languageTzeltal languageTzotzil languageYoko ochocoYucatec Maya languageYucatec Maya Sign Language

Maya peopleHasaw Chan K'awilK'inich Yax K'uk' Mo'Nun Yax AyinSiyah K'ak'Tecún UmánUaxaclajuun Ub'aah K'awiil

Rulers of PalenqueAhkal Mo' Naab IAhkal Mo' Naab IIAj Ne' Ohl MatB'utz Aj Sak ChiikChan Bahlum IIK'an B'alam IK'an Joy Chitam IK'inich Ahkal Mo' Naab IIIK'uk B'alam IPacal IPacal the GreatYohl IknalZac-Kuk

MayanistsAlberto Ruz LhuillierAlfred MaudslayAlice Dixon Le PlongeonAugustus Le PlongeonCharles Etienne Brasseur de BourbourgConstantine Samuel Rafinesque-SchmaltzDésiré CharnayDiego de LandaEdward Herbert ThompsonFrederick CatherwoodJ. Eric S. ThompsonJean-Frédéric WaldeckJohn Lloyd StephensLinda ScheleLyle CampbellMary MillerMayanistMichael D. CoeSylvanus MorleyTatiana ProskouriakoffTeoberto MalerThomas GannYuri Knorosov

Fictional MayansCham ChamTam tam

Maya ruins in BelizeAltun HaCahal PechCaracolCerrosHigh Temple, LamanaiLamanaiLouisville, BelizeLubaantunMask Temple, LamanaiMaya ruins of BelizeNim Li PunitXunantunich

Maya sites in CampecheBecánCalakmulEdznáJaina, CampecheRio Bec

Maya sites in ChiapasBonampakChiapas highlandsChinkulticNakbePalenquePaso de la amadaToninaYaxchilan

Maya sites in El SalvadorJoya de CerénTazumal

Maya sites in GuatemalaCivalDos PilasEl MiradorEl Perú, GuatemalaGumarcajKaminaljuyuMixco ViejoNaranjoPiedras Negras, GuatemalaQuiriguáSan Bartolo (ruins)SeibalTakalik AbajTikalUaxactunZaculeu

Maya sites in HondurasCopán

Maya sites in MexicoCacaxtlaComalcalco

Maya sites in Quintana RooChacchobenCobaKohunlichTulumYo'okop

Maya sites in YucatánChichen ItzaEk' BalamIzamalKabah, YucatánLabnáManí, YucatánMayapanSayilUxmalYucatán

Archaeological sites in MexicoCantonaCasas GrandesCuicuilcoEl TajínGreat Pyramid of TenochtitlanIzapaLa Gran ChichimecaLa VentaMitlaMonte AlbánPyramid of the sunSan Jose MogoteSan Lorenzo TenochtitlánSian Ka'anTemple of the Feathered SerpentTeotihuacánTlapacoya (archaeology)TlatelolcoTres ZapotesTula, HidalgoTzintzuntzanXochicalco

OlmecJaguars in Mesoamerican cultureOlmecOlmec figurine

Olmec sitesChalcatzingoEl AzuzulLa VentaSan Lorenzo TenochtitlánTeopantecuanitlanTres Zapotes

TotonacPapantlaTotonacTotonacan languagesTotonicapánTuzapánVanillaXalapa

Totonac sitesCempoalaEl TajínMisantla

Pre-Hispanic cultures of MexicoChichimecaOlmecToltecTotonacZapotec

<year> in MexicoAztec Triple AllianceFrancisco Hernández de Córdoba (discoverer of Yucatán)Spanish conquest of Yucatán