User:Graphemecluster/Hong Kong English

This page shows Hong Kong English phonology, i.e. phonetic realization of phonemes in English by people who have Hong Kong Cantonese as their mother tongue.

Some contents are removed due to update in 2021.



A syllable of Hong Kong English is in the form (F)(C)V(C)(F)+Tone where F are any of the fricative [f, s, ɕ, t͡ɕ˭, t͡ɕʰ].

The first C can be any consonants below while the second C may only be one of [j, w, m, n, ŋ, , , ] or a fricative above.



This is the main feature of Hong Kong English.

Hong Kong English is a tonal language.

Hong Kong English has two tones (High, Low) phonemically and three tones (High, Low, Extra-low) allophonically.




In word initial, /v/ is mostly pronounced [w], except for a few words like very [fɛ́ːwìː]. In the medial of a word, /v/ is mostly pronounced [w] for high tone and [f] for low tone (See the tone section above).

Some of the younger generations have developed the phoneme /ɹ/ for English, and they are able to pronounce /ɹ/ as [ɹ].

/b, p, d, t, g, k, x/ are elided before unreleased stops, after nasal consonants and diphthongs, and between any two other consonants.

/p, t, k/ are unaspirated [, , ] after /s/.

[ʃ], [t͡ʃʰ] and [t͡ʃ˭] are palatal [ɕ, t͡ɕʰ, t͡ɕ˭] for a portion of people.

/ɹ/ may be pronounced [w], and /l/ and /ɹ/ may be elided when they act as a part of consonant clusters.

/l/ and /n/ are mixed for a protion of people.

Possible realizations of consonants

Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal [m] [n] [ŋ]
Plosive Unaspirated [] [] [t͡ɕ˭] []
Aspirated [] [] [t͡ɕʰ] []
Fricative [f] [s] [ɕ] [h]
Approximant [l] [j] [w]

([h] is glottal and [t͡ɕ˭] and [t͡ɕʰ] are affricate.)

Individual phonemes and their realizations


Some sequences below may not occur in English, e.g. initial /ŋ/ and /x/.

Phoneme Realizations
Non-final Final
/h/ [h] elided
/ɹ/ [w]
/l/ [l] [w]
/n/ [n] [n] or [ŋ]
/ŋ/ [ŋ]
/b/ [] []
/p/ []
/d/ [] [] or [] or [ʔ]
/t/ []
/g/ []
/k/ []
/x/ [h]
/v/ [w] or [f] [f]
/ð/ []
/ʃ/ [ʃ] or [s]
/t͡ʃ/ [t͡ʃʰ] or [t͡sʰ]
/d͡ʒ/ [t͡ʃ˭] or [t͡s˭]
/f/ [f]
/s/ [s]
/m/ [m]
/j/ [j]
/w/ [w]



In the following, [ɐ] is transcribed [ʌ]. The actual pronunciation may be as high as [ɜ] but not as back as [ʌ].

According to the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong, [ɪ] and [ʊ] are merged to [e] and [o] respectively.

[ʌ] may also be pronounced [] or [œː] for the phoneme /ə/ (but not /ʌ/).

[ɵ] and [y] are not included despite their presence in Cantonese. Note that [y] may be used as an echo-vowel after

Vowels are not necessary lengthened despite the presence of the symbol “ː”.

[] and [] are treated as [j] and [w] respectively.

Possible realizations of vowels

Front Central Back
Unrounded Rounded
Close [] []
Close-mid [e] [o]
Open-mid [ɛː] [œː] [ʌ] [ɔː]
Open []

Standard Lexical Sets


The following table shows the pronunciation of each diaphoneme in Hong Kong English.

Keyword RP GA HK Example words
PRICE aɪ̯ [aːj] arrive, high, try, buy
[ʌj] ripe, write, height
MOUTH aʊ̯ [aːw] loud, crowd, cow
[ʌw] out, house, mouth
LETTER ə ɚ [ʌ] paper, metre, calendar, figure
STRUT ʌ cup, suck, budge, pulse, trunk, blood
FLEECE i [] creep, speak, leave, feel, key, people
HAPPY ɪ copy, scampi, taxi, committee, hockey
KIT ship, bridge, milk, myth, busy
[e] sick, kick, king, singing
FACE eɪ̯ cake, steak, eight
[ej] raid, day
[ɛː] name, tape, veil
DRESS e ɛ step, neck, edge, shelf, friend, ready
TRAP æ tap, back, badge, scalp, hand, cancel
BATH ɑː æ dance, sample
[] staff, ask
PALM ɑ psalm, father, bra, spa, lager
START ɑ˞ far, sharp, bark, carve, farm, heart
COMMA ə catalpa, quota, vodka
NURSE ɜː ɝː [œː] hurt, lurk, urge, burst, jerk, term
LOT ɒ ɑ [ɔː] stop, sock, dodge, romp, possible, quality
CLOTH ɔ cough, broth, cross, long
THOUGHT ɔː taught, sauce, hawk, jaw, broad
FORCE four, wore, sport, porch, borne, story
NORTH ɔ˞ for, war, short, scorch, born, warm
CHOICE ɔɪ̯ join, coin
[ɔːj] adroit, noise, toy, royal
GOAT əʊ̯ o [ow] know, so, roll
[o] soap, joke, home
FOOT ʊ look, cook
[] put, bush, full, good, wolf
GOOSE ʉː ʉ loop, shoot, tomb
jʉː jʉ [iːw] mute, huge, view
CURE ʊə̯ ʊ˞ [uː.ʌ] poor, tour, plural, jury
jʊə̯ jʊ˞ [iːw.ʌ] pure, cure
NEAR ɪə̯ ɪ˞ [iː.ʌ] beer, sincere, fear, beard, serum
SQUARE ɛə̯ ɛ˞ [ɛː.ʌ] care, fair, pear, where, scarce, vary