
Hi, A citation is made next to Tharbis being alternatively Adoniah, referring to the Book of Jasher, two chapters being included in the citation (if I am reading it correctly). I did not find Adnoiah or Tharbis mentioned by name within these chapters. Can you please narrow down which passages (by chapter and verse number) refer to this or to whatever reason the citation was included? (And message me?) Thanks! Misty MH (talk) 00:58, 28 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

According to one Midrash[1], Moses fled Egypt at the age of 40, after which time the events described in Josephus occurred, resulting in his ruling Ethiopia for 27 years until the age of 67. He then departed for Midian where he settled with Yitro, marrying Tzipora 10 years later at the age of 77. After the birth of his two sons, Gershon and Eliezer, he had the experience of the buring bush and returned to Egypt upon God's bidding at the age of 80 in order to redeem the Jewish People from slavery.

Thank you. You apparently didn't sign your comment, so I don't know whom to address, and strangely, there is no date on your comment. Thank you for the comment and reference, but I don't see in the comment a connection to my question. I just saw that I received an email on February 12, 2017 offering more info, without actually including the additional info.... Misty MH (talk) 00:48, 17 February 2017 (UTC)Reply


  1. ^ Yalkut Shimoni 1:168.