A more objective Wikipage about Goga is needed


Here you find a Wikipedia page, about Octavian Goga, having accurate information about his literary activity (see, http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octavian_Goga ). Please translate it in English and make a real English page about Goga and replace the misery which masquerades now in the biography of Octavian Goga. Nobody says to write only positive things but please do dot pour there only dirt just because you hate Romanians.

A dirty trick played on Wikipedia. If you want to denigrate somebody just write whatever you want about him and end your remarks with "citation needed"


I have noticed that there is a strategy, applied by people with great editorial powers on Wikipedia. Somebody without citing any source fills the Wiki page of a personality with negative unverified information and the page stays like this for years, it is true full of "citation needed" but which is a remark nobody cares about. Because the information is false nobody can supply a suitable citation and in consequence the text can never be changed. Please delete everything thrown without citation!

Anti Romanian propaganda article titled "RUMANIA: Bloodsucker of the Villages" cited as a reliable source


"The Jewish problem is an old one here, and it is a Rumanian tragedy. Briefly, we have far too many Jews" (source: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,759035,00.html ). It is quite clear from the title of the article that this is not an objective text and the author manifests hate against Romanians. There is simply no evidence Goga said what is attributed to him. Find please a public speech or an article signed by Octavian Goga in which he said what you claim he said.