Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Esperanto

The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Esperanto
# Articles in Esperanto instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Usono country, federal republic, superpower United States 406
2 Italio country, sovereign state Italy 391
3 Germanio country, sovereign state Germany   385
4 Hispanio country, realm, sovereign state Spain 378
5 Kanado country, sovereign state Canada   376
6 Argentino country, nation, federal republic Argentina 355
7 Azerbajĝano country, sovereign state Azerbaijan   350
8 Albanio country, sovereign state Albania 346
9 Parizo department of France, megacity, metropolis Paris   346
10 Sud-Afriko country, sovereign state South Africa 342
11 Alĝerio country, people's republic, sovereign state Algeria 336
12 Armenio country, sovereign state Armenia 336
13 Kartvelio sovereign state Georgia (country) 328
14 Kubo country, island country, unitary state Cuba 321
15 Islamo religion, lifestyle, major religion Islam   319
16 Historio class History 308
17 Novjorko city in the United States New York City 307
18 Hejma kato organisms known by a particular common name Cat   306
19 Aristotelo human Aristotle   300
20 Eŭropa Unio confederation, supranational union, regional organization European Union 300
21 Leonardo da Vinci human Leonardo da Vinci   297
22 Laoso country, landlocked country, people's republic Laos 296
23 Madrido city, tourist destination, municipality of Spain Madrid 291
24 Butano country, landlocked country, kingdom Bhutan 289
25 Eritreo country, sovereign state Eritrea 287
26 Burundo country, landlocked country, sovereign state Burundi 282
27 Esperanto constructed language, a posteriori language, international auxiliary language Esperanto 280
28 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi human Mahatma Gandhi   274
29 Birdoj taxon, organisms known by a particular common name Bird   266
30 Bonaero city of Argentina Buenos Aires 266
31 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe human Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 266
32 Ameriko supercontinent, part of the world Americas 260
33 Ŝako type of sport, board game, game-based sport Chess 259
34 Budapeŝto enclave, town in Hungary, largest city Budapest 252
35 Vincent van Gogh human Vincent van Gogh   251
36 Johann Sebastian Bach human Johann Sebastian Bach 249
37 Charlie Chaplin human Charlie Chaplin   246
38 Voltaire human Voltaire 245
39 Aleksandro la Granda human Alexander the Great   244
40 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk human Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 239
41 Charles Dickens human Charles Dickens 229
42 Marilyn Monroe human Marilyn Monroe   229
43 Tbiliso mkhare, big city Tbilisi 219
44 Vulkano volcanic landform Volcano 219
45 Geedzeco institution, occurrence, legal institution Marriage 218
46 Che Guevara human Che Guevara   215
47 Erevano big city, first-level administrative division, city or town in Armenia Yerevan 202
48 Amazono river Amazon River 201
49 Marko Polo human Marco Polo   201
50 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz human Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 199
51 Arkeologio academic major, academic discipline Archaeology 197
52 Katolika Eklezio Christian Church, Christian denomination, historic church Catholic Church   194
53 Gabriel García Márquez human Gabriel García Márquez   194
54 Richard Wagner human Richard Wagner   194
55 Jurij Aleksejeviĉ Gagarin human Yuri Gagarin   192
56 Marlene Dietrich human Marlene Dietrich 191
57 Samseksemo sexual orientation, romantic orientation, male bonding Homosexuality 188
58 Havano city, largest city Havana 187
59 Sicilio autonomous region with special statute, cultural region Sicily 187
60 Sarah Bernhardt human Sarah Bernhardt 186
61 Johana de Arko human Joan of Arc   180
62 Malario endemic disease, class of disease Malaria   178
63 Andoj mountain range Andes 176
64 Roald Amundsen human Roald Amundsen 175
65 Armena lingvo natural language, modern language Armenian language 173
66 Ludoviko la 14-a human Louis XIV 172
67 Eŭska lingvo language, modern language Basque language 171
68 Pi real number, transcendental number, mathematical constant Pi   171
69 Vasco da Gama human Vasco da Gama 170
70 Simón Bolívar human Simón Bolívar   169
71 Partio legal concept Political party   167
72 Andy Warhol human Andy Warhol 166
73 Anarkiismo school of thought, political movement, philosophical school Anarchism   165
74 Tenzin Gyatso human 14th Dalai Lama 162
75 Nov-Orleano city in the United States, big city, consolidated city-county New Orleans 162
76 Basbalo type of sport, sport with racquet/stick/club Baseball   160
77 Mahabarato religious text, written work Mahabharata 159
78 Krucmilitoj war, conflict Crusades   156
79 Antverpeno municipality of Belgium, border city, big city Antwerp 151
80 Ĉasado activity Hunting 148
81 Joseph Haydn human Joseph Haydn 148
82 Tanko weapon functional class, vehicle functional class Tank 147
83 Bahaa Kredo religion Baháʼí Faith 144
84 Koloniismo social formation Colonialism 142
85 Johnny Depp human Johnny Depp 142
86 Pingveno taxon Penguin 142
87 Ĉeng He human Zheng He 141
88 Ludilo Toy 140
89 Berlina muro tourist attraction, cordon, fortified line Berlin Wall 139
90 Arthur Rimbaud human Arthur Rimbaud 137
91 Erfurto major regional center, Hanseatic city, Luther city Erfurt 137
92 Maĉupikĉuo tourist attraction, archaeological site, ancient city Machu Picchu 137
93 Sergej Miĥajloviĉ Ejzenŝtejn human Sergei Eisenstein 137
94 Ciro la 2-a human Cyrus the Great 136
95 Gustav Mahler human Gustav Mahler   136
96 Gento municipality of Belgium, carfree city, big city Ghent 135
97 Václav Havel human Václav Havel 134
98 Essen Hanseatic city, college town, big city Essen 133
99 Kantabrio autonomous community of Spain Cantabria 126
100 Atestantoj de Jehovo Christian denomination Jehovah's Witnesses   126
101 Robert Schumann human Robert Schumann   126
102 Arcaĥa Respubliko historical country Republic of Artsakh 125
103 Toledo municipality of Spain Toledo, Spain 125
104 Merlo taxon Common blackbird   124
105 Germana Imperiestra Regno historical country German Empire 122
106 Inkaa imperio historical country Inca Empire 122
107 Mary Wollstonecraft human Mary Wollstonecraft   122
108 Hispana Enlanda Milito civil war Spanish Civil War 122
109 Fortalezo municipality of Brazil Fortaleza 118
110 Armena genocido genocide, forced displacement, ethnic violence Armenian genocide   117
111 Madrida Regiono autonomous community of Spain Community of Madrid 117
112 Abasida Kaliflando historical country Abbasid Caliphate 116
113 Elektromagnetismo branch of physics Electromagnetism 115
114 Pelikano taxon Pelican   114
115 Cionismo political movement, political ideology Zionism 114
116 Petro Kropotkin human Peter Kropotkin 113
117 Armenoj human population, ethnic group, people Armenians 111
118 El Greco human El Greco   111
119 Kamphirundo taxon Barn swallow   109
120 Vajmara Respubliko historical country Weimar Republic 109
121 Araba-israela konflikto ethnic conflict, international conflict Arab–Israeli conflict 108
122 Santiago de Cali city, big city, municipality of Colombia Cali 108
123 Vigo municipality of Galicia Vigo 106
124 Genĵi monogatari literary work The Tale of Genji 105
125 Blanka cikonio taxon White stork   105
126 Bjalistoko city, city with powiat rights, tourist destination Białystok   104
127 Nizo taxon Eurasian sparrowhawk   103
128 Reĝo Arturo mythical character, human whose existence is disputed, legendary human figure King Arthur   103
129 Pintvostanaso taxon Northern pintail   103
130 Krimo kaj puno literary work Crime and Punishment   102
131 Matematika pruvo mathematical concept, mathematical textform Mathematical proof 102
132 Toro thunder deity, Norse deity Thor   101
133 Projekto Apollo project, human spaceflight program, NASA program Apollo program   100
134 Homa komunumo Community 98
135 Izabela la 1-a human Isabella I of Castile 98
136 Jalto human settlement, city or town, city ​​in Ukraine Yalta 98
137 Gjumri city, big city, city or town in Armenia Gyumri 95
138 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec human Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 95
139 Tiranosaŭro fossil taxon Tyrannosaurus   95
140 Borobuduro tourist attraction, archaeological site, candi Borobudur 94
141 Geologia temposkalo periodization, chronostratigraphic classification scheme Geologic time scale 94
142 Albatrosoj taxon Albatross 93
143 Monto Sankta Mikaelo commune of France, car-free place Mont-Saint-Michel 93
144 Eklezio de Jesuo Kristo de la Sanktuloj de la Lastaj Tagoj Christian denomination, religious organization The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints   93
145 Veganismo ideology, lifestyle, social movement Veganism 93
146 Orgeno Pipe organ   92
147 Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk human Tomáš Masaryk 92
148 Batalo de Waterloo battle Battle of Waterloo   91
149 Emuo taxon Emu   91
150 Mumio Mummy 91
151 Arkeo de Noa mythological ship Noah's Ark 89
152 Richard Strauss human Richard Strauss 89
153 Bovardeo taxon Western cattle egret 89
154 Narvalo taxon Narwhal   87
155 Caspar David Friedrich human Caspar David Friedrich   86
156 Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim human Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim 85
157 Ekzisto property Existence     85
158 Gotika arkitekturo architectural style Gothic architecture 84
159 Biblioteko de Aleksandrio research library Library of Alexandria   84
160 Rastafaria movado ideology, religion, social movement Rastafari   84
161 Kvenko municipality of Spain Cuenca, Spain 82
162 Budhoj el Bamijano archaeological site, daibutsu, Buddhas of Bamiyan 81
163 Drumo Drum kit 78
164 Urarto historical country, ancient civilization Urartu 78
165 Arundo municipality of Spain Ronda 77
166 Saŭno Sauna 77
167 Senarbarigo process, resource depletion Deforestation 76
168 Imperiestra pingveno taxon Emperor penguin   76
169 Flago de Armenio national flag Flag of Armenia 76
170 Granda Nordia Milito war Great Northern War 76
171 Delfenoj taxon Oceanic dolphin 76
172 Armena Apostola Eklezio Christian denomination, national Church Armenian Apostolic Church 75
173 Jakoba Vojo pilgrims' way, long-distance trail Camino de Santiago 74
174 Rito Ritual 74
175 Tigrano la Granda human Tigranes the Great 73
176 Edvard Beneš human Edvard Beneš 71
177 Jerusalema reĝlando Crusader states, historical country Kingdom of Jerusalem 71
178 Polusa koordinatsistemo Polar coordinate system 70
179 Procelarioformaj birdoj taxon Procellariiformes   70
180 Batalo apud Verdun battle Battle of Verdun 69
181 Granda incendio de Londono city fire Great Fire of London   68
182 Vidkun Quisling human Vidkun Quisling   68
183 Norda sulo taxon Northern gannet   67
184 Purimo public holiday, holiday Purim 67
185 Infanlaboro Child labour 66
186 Çatal Höyük archaeological site Çatalhöyük 66
187 Gustáv Husák human Gustáv Husák 65
188 Historio de Unuiĝinta Reĝlando history of a country or state History of the United Kingdom 65
189 Ruhr river Ruhr (river) 65
190 Socialisma realismo film genre, art movement Socialist realism 65
191 Milito en Montara Karabaĥo war First Nagorno-Karabakh War 64
192 Islama arkitekturo architectural style Islamic architecture 64
193 Atenco de Sarajevo casus belli, murder, bomb attack Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand   63
194 Atenco kontraŭ John Fitzgerald Kennedy murder, political murder, assassination Assassination of John F. Kennedy   61
195 Rano taxon Rana (genus) 61
196 Klement Gottwald human Klement Gottwald 60
197 Flugo Air France 447 aviation accident Air France Flight 447 58
198 Nudeco art genre Nude (art) 58
199 Lisbona tertremo en 1755 earthquake 1755 Lisbon earthquake 57
200 Tamara de Kartvelio human Tamar of Georgia   57
201 Babismo religion Bábism 55
202 Patro Goriot literary work Père Goriot   55
203 Terorisma atako en Beslano hostage taking, terrorist attack, massacre Beslan school siege 54
204 Spektoradego Ferris wheel 54
205 Pío Baroja human Pío Baroja 54
206 Bekfluto type of musical instrument Recorder (musical instrument) 54
207 Ludvík Svoboda human Ludvík Svoboda 53
208 Historio de Brazilo history of a country or state History of Brazil 52
209 Historio de kristanismo aspect of history History of Christianity   52
210 Mezepoka muziko music genre, musical movement, music by period of time Medieval music 52
211 San Lorenzo de El Escorial municipality of Spain San Lorenzo de El Escorial 52
212 Birdumo hobby Birdwatching 51
213 Koncentrejo Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, Nazi concentration camp, military museum Mauthausen concentration camp 51
214 Bill Evans human Bill Evans 50
215 Blukrura naivulo taxon Blue-footed booby 50
216 Metroo de Madrido rapid transit Madrid Metro 50
217 Satelita televido broadcasting Satellite television 50
218 Armena reĝlando en Kilikio historical country Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia 48
219 Ekologia premsigno concept Ecological footprint 48
220 Emil Hácha human Emil Hácha 48
221 Konsolvirinoj euphemism, war crime, group of humans Comfort women 46
222 D. B. Cooper human D. B. Cooper 46
223 Abbé Pierre human Abbé Pierre 44
224 Klasikisma muziko music genre, musical movement Classical period (music) 44
225 Ĥaĉatur Abovjan human Khachatur Abovian   44
226 Levens commune of France Levens, Alpes-Maritimes 43
227 Pavel Jozef Šafárik human Pavel Jozef Šafárik 43
228 Spiŝa burgo castle ruin Spiš Castle 43
229 Tekstilindustrio industry, economic activity Textile industry 43
230 Tibor Sekelj human Tibor Sekelj 43
231 Auroville city, intentional community Auroville 42
232 Militkampanjo en Kaŭkazio military campaign Caucasus campaign 42
233 Organizaĵo de la muĝahidoj de la irana popolo political party, advocacy group, Intelligence gathering network People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran 42
234 Armena Revolucia Federacio political party Armenian Revolutionary Federation   41
235 Historio de Slovakio history of a country or state History of Slovakia 41
236 Monumento de Libereco monument Freedom Monument   40
237 Mediteranea kuirarto intangible cultural heritage, cuisine Mediterranean cuisine   40
238 Valdorfa pedagogio teaching method Waldorf education 39
239 Kromatoforo cell type, cell class Chromatophore 38
240 Lester Young human Lester Young 38
241 Coleman Hawkins human Coleman Hawkins 37
242 Templo de Garni temple, ruins, archaeological site Garni Temple   37
243 La Celestina literary work La Celestina 36
244 Bagratida Armenio kingdom, historical country Bagratid Armenia 35
245 Barthélemy Boganda human Barthélemy Boganda   35
246 Rinocero de Dürer woodcut print Dürer's Rhinoceros   34
247 Imperiestraj Forumoj archaeological site Imperial fora 34
248 William Speirs Bruce human William Speirs Bruce   34
249 Figurita baso accompaniment, music performance technique Basso continuo 33
250 Batalo ĉe Suomussalmi battle Battle of Suomussalmi 32
251 Kontraŭkulturo de la 1960-aj jaroj counterculture Counterculture of the 1960s 30
252 Esperantujo community, educational institution Esperantujo 30
253 Tahirih human Táhirih 30
254 Asmatoj ethnic group, ethnic group in Indonesia, native indonesians Asmat people 29
255 Carsten Borchgrevink human Carsten Borchgrevink   29
256 Giovanni Villani human Giovanni Villani   29
257 Mary Lou Williams human Mary Lou Williams 29
258 Kio? Kie? Kiam? television program, mind game What? Where? When? 29
259 The Cat and the Canary film The Cat and the Canary (1927 film)   28
260 Gaviedoj taxon, monotypic taxon Gaviidae 27
261 Murat Zjazikov human Murat Zyazikov 27
262 Samseksemo en Eŭropo LGBT rights by country or territory LGBT rights in Europe 26
263 Sherlock Holmes Baffled short film Sherlock Holmes Baffled   26
264 Danioj ethnic group, ethnic group in Indonesia, native indonesians Dani people 25
265 Vercors natural region of France, massif, Alpine subsection Vercors massif 25
266 Nacia parko Fulufjället national park Fulufjället National Park 24
267 Trikmaŝino Knitting machine 24
268 Annone captive mammal Hanno (elephant) 22
269 La generalo en sia labirinto literary work The General in His Labyrinth   22
270 Šilheřovice municipality of the Czech Republic Šilheřovice 22
271 Nutrotabuo Food and drink prohibitions 21
272 Historiema koncertado art movement, specialty, field of study Historically informed performance 21
273 Historio de tankoj aspect of history History of the tank 21
274 John Michael Wright human John Michael Wright   21
275 Oscar Pettiford human Oscar Pettiford 21
276 Ekspedicio Shackleton-Rowett research expedition Shackleton–Rowett Expedition   21
277 Mondaj Ludoj de 2013 multi-sport event 2013 World Games 20
278 Eksperimento pri birdo en aerpumpilo painting An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump   20
279 Kandidatoj al la Somera Olimpiko 2012 bids for Olympic Games Bids for the 2012 Summer Olympics   20
280 Sagao de Hrafnkell prose, literary work Hrafnkels saga 19
281 Monato magazine, periodical Monato 19
282 Nova Suda Gronlando phantom island New South Greenland   17
283 Oroonoko literary work Oroonoko 17
284 Kolombopoŝto Pigeon post 17
285 Sveda elmigrado al Usono Swedish emigration to the United States 17
286 Literofteco Letter frequency 16
287 Orgenfajfilo musical instrument part Organ pipe 16
288 Der Schatz im Silbersee film Treasure of the Silver Lake 16
289 Vilao Hügel villa, museum, single-family detached home Villa Hügel 16
290 Tombo de kontraŭpapo Johano la 23-a sepulchral monument Tomb of Antipope John XXIII   15
291 Franca Teksaso aspect of history French colonization of Texas   14
292 Aradia written work Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches 13
293 Charlotte Stuart human Charlotte Stuart, Duchess of Albany   13
294 Historia Naturalis Brasiliae literary work Historia Naturalis Brasiliae 13
295 Preĝejo de la Plej Sankta Triunuo parish church Holy Trinity Church, Fulnek 13
296 Tumultoj de Birmingham en 1791 riot Priestley Riots   13
297 Louis Lambert literary work Louis Lambert (novel)   12
298 Sorĉistinoj de Zugarramurdi hunt of the witches, legal case, witch trial Basque witch trials 11
299 Rilatoj inter Brazilo kaj Surinamo bilateral relation Brazil–Suriname relations 11
300 Murdo de la ruĝa garbejo murder Red Barn Murder   11
301 Valdorfa lernejo organization, private school Rudolf Steiner School (d:Q14551995) 11
302 Kansasurba ĵazo music genre, musical scene Kansas City jazz 9
303 Rejn-Herne-Kanalo canal, national waterways in Germany Rhine–Herne Canal 9
304 Richard Gavin Reid human Richard Gavin Reid   9
305 Ritaj murdoj de Toa Payoh ritual murder Toa Payoh ritual murders   8
306 Murdo de Solomon P. Sharp murder Beauchamp–Sharp Tragedy   7
307 Puĉo de la Sankta Silvestro coup d'état Saint-Sylvestre coup d'état   7
308 Francisco Antônio de Almeida Júnior human Francisco Antônio de Almeida Júnior 6
309 Hispana literaturo de la Klerismo sub-set of literature Spanish Enlightenment literature 6
310 Kio? Kie? Kiam? type of sport, game-based sport What? Where? When? (d:Q2368645) 5
311 Municipa Muzeo Quiñones de León museum, monument Museo Quiñones de León (d:Q3399276) 4
312 Esperanto-movado en Vigo ✗ (d:Q1007716) 2
313 Historio de ventra danco aspect of history History of belly dance (d:Q1517589) 2
Average With English: en/eo (Esperanto) = 308/313 (98.4%) 110.4
Sum No article or article with the same title: 4
No label: 1

See also
