Please note that unless otherwise stated, I will reply on your talkpage!

A very disappointed member....!!



I must say I am writing as an extremely disappointed individual of Wikipedia!!

Recently while browsing through this website I had noticed a couple of articles, that bore historically incorrect details. Rather than deleting what was their, as I consider that all opinions matter. I added a section called 'Alternative History'. These parts were referenced primarily by sources of Colonial origin eg Portuguese, Dutch and British. This is so as to keep the references as first hand accounts, as much as possible.

To my shock and horror, I have received too msgs from certain individuals, who are not interested in historical facts and have not deleted my editing & also blocked an article, so no future editing can happen. Is this the neutral policy of Wikipedia??

These articles are:

  • Sri Lankan Tamil(Editing deleted plus blocked)
  • Jaffna Kingdom(Editing deleted)

I have not disrespected anyone but have told it as it is found in historical data from the Colonial times but apparently those individuals do consider that as valid but instead apparently Wikipedia prefers quotes from books from writers of today, who from what I have seen, the majority are not recognized as creditable historians.

Can you please, look into this matter as I am quite sure I am not the first person that these individuals have targeted!!

Thank you.

Guyan46 —Preceding unsigned comment added by Guyan46 (talkcontribs) 02:26, 14 May 2009 (UTC)Reply


Thank you for your reply.

I said that I would ask the archeological department if certain finding are correct but would have got references. I have not used any verbal references on any of my work. The neutral policy is my policy but if history states something in a certain way, who am I to change by falsehood?? History must be accurate as possible!!

I do find it very strange that, historically accepted witters as De Queyroz and also referencing of official colonial records is considered pointless on Wikipedia. I would have thought that, an encyclopedia is to give the most accurate answer to a question, rather than someone's interpretation. Because I or you could a write a book using certain data and make it sound convincing to project our own opinions.

This is not right, you must know that.

Too reject primary evidence is quite silly and take a writers understanding off events centuries ago, while denying the right of the people who ever their to express their writing is very odd.

Is this really your policy??



Alot of the evidences are seriously floored and quite frankly incorrect on these articles but obviously how can I express that when my editing keeps been deleted under false pretenses. Its ridicules!! —Preceding unsigned comment added by Guyan46 (talkcontribs) 14:28, 15 May 2009 (UTC)Reply


Thank you so much for your message.

It just gets frustrating when you are trying express the correct facts and you are suppressed by individuals who do not want except actual history.

In my last the msg, yes I did call that person a racist. Only because, I am been unjustly accused of using falsehoods. If you look at the last msg from this individual, apparently I have misrepresented the Portuguese priests writings. How can I misrepresent him, when all I have done is quote and write in exactly the statements he has said?? This is extremely unjust and I am quite sure you would not appreciate this kind of things either.

I know a lot of the archeological history of Lanka and have contacts of former directors, of whom one is respected throughout the world. I can assure you, their have been NO Dravidian urns found in Lanka, this is a complete falsehood but apparently according this individual they have been. How can I challenge any of these lies when all my attempt's are been hindered.Guyan46 (talk) 05:46, 16 May 2009 (UTC)Reply

I haven't reinserted the texts since this issue began but hey.

I agree both sides should be represented but that is my issue. Why is the information I have gathered been targeted?? I have been told already that its because it is different from the rest of the article, which goes against the policy of 'both sides'.

Its quite ironic that a couple of months back a friend said to me that Wikipedia isn't a reliable site and that mostly its materials are unreliable, funniest things I like a silly person defended this site. Today I see what she meant and to be honest I regret that defense!!Guyan46 (talk) 10:40, 16 May 2009 (UTC)Reply

RE:Question for administrator


{{Talkback|Emmette Hernandez Coleman}}

RE2:Question for administrator


{{Talkback|Emmette Hernandez Coleman}}


Thank you for the info, didn't know that their was talk page about it lol.

Got a question though, its obvious to me that these individuals are bent on keeps my research into this topic out, so I can see that I will never be able to convince them. I have taken your idea and even questioned one individual as to where they have their info, that makes mine look wrong but as I expected no reply for the last couple of days.

This proves my point that Wikipedia is simply been used as a place where falsehoods and false ideas are been spread, while repressing any other side that comes to contradict their views!!

I am I to believe this is then, what you expect??Guyan46 (talk) 03:25, 18 May 2009 (UTC)Reply


I followed ur advice and asked these people what evidence their have for their accusations against me but now all I have is msg saying 'their no interest' in anything to do with the article. Obviously as they cant prove their arguments.

So this means If add my edit, they will just delete because they don't want another point of view, which I might add is the majority point of view, as their mainstream thinkers are the few, while most think as I have. This so not right, that I am been disrespected like this!!Guyan46 (talk) 16:49, 18 May 2009 (UTC)Reply

RE3:Question for administrator


{{Talkback|Emmette Hernandez Coleman}}

Reply to your welcome message



Thanks for the message.

I thought I'd try to test drive the IRC help channel chat system (from, but although Java seemed to load fine, the screen didn't provide any text entry box.

I see 4 buttons: connect, channels, about & help. The latter 2 work, but the first two have no response. After the buttons is a screen of whitespace, then 2 banners: public and private. Again, I see no text from anyone else nor do I see a way to enter my own text.

Neil (nschipper at —Preceding unsigned comment added by Neil Schipper (talkcontribs) 19:13, 27 May 2009 (UTC)Reply

Uploading Images..


What do I need to do in order to upload images to our wiki page? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Iowa Lottery (talkcontribs) 19:17, 27 May 2009 (UTC)Reply

Editing the article on "Ibu Zain"


Dear Chris,

I have just registered with Wikipedia and edited some minor inaccuracies in the article on "Ibu Zain", who was my late mother. I can't cite any written sources, but my editing concerned the designation of my mother's job from 1927 to 1948, my father's second name, and the place of my mother's death. I hope these would be acceptable. I am pretty sure no one would challenge me on those. --Lahaha7 (talk) 10:07, 30 May 2009 (UTC)Reply



I am jenna terrell —Preceding unsigned comment added by Jenna terrell (talkcontribs) 05:02, 19 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

signed binery arithmatics

   Dear sir,I want to ask you few question about signed binery arithmatics.

Q.1] Signed magnitude representation of 0100,10011? Q.2] Write ones compliment of above numbers. Q.3] Write two's compliment of above numbers. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Patil19sandeep (talkcontribs) 08:22, 6 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

IRC chat


We've all noticed on the IRC channel that people are trying to connect to the #wikipedia-en-help channel, and when they get there, they'll get the welcome message, then they're gone. The client quit is the quit message. This is obviously a problem, and we're encouraging people to go to this IRC chat, but it seems like it's a useless link to them, because they can't get access, so someone needs to fix this, and preferably, soon. Nothing really seems wrong in communicating with others in the channels, but many people have tried to connect using this website, including many people on the help channel to see if it's even functioning at all. It takes tons of refreshes and Ctrl F5's to get it to finally get through. Thanks,--Cubs197 (talk) 04:19, 8 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

In my case, the problem was my firewall. When I switched to a real client (as opposed to java) my IRC ports were blocked. I would connect easily, but my connection would reset within 10 seconds. Unblocking ports 6666-6669 was not enough to fix it. I also had to disable DCC (or unblock the DCC ports also) to remain connected. --Esoteric Rogue (talk) 06:38, 8 July 2009 (UTC)Reply
I've never had any problems connecting, but as this is a complete IRC client implemented in Java, I'd think that all ports need to be open for the client to work properly. I'll play around a little bit with it and see what I can find. Most likely, it's a question of making a little how-to for opening up the required ports. Bjelleklang - talk 08:16, 8 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

Board of Trustees


I'm new and don't know where to find everything. I'd like to know when the Board of Trustees election is and who votes. I'd like to know how many people are on the Board of Trustees. Is Board Member a paid position, and if so, how much? What else would be useful to know about it? Wordwriter123456789 (talk) 17:55, 9 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

hi there can u tell me how can I determine the colour of light (i.e. black or white)by using light gun???? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Shreyas.dawkhare (talkcontribs) 09:18, 11 July 2009 (UTC)Reply



I've been blocked by User:Dank indefinitely and I've tried to use IRC for help. Please advise when you have a moment. Thanks

Wes Bronson —Preceding unsigned comment added by WesBronson (talkcontribs) 03:58, 20 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

spam in the wikipedia pages


I am a new user and encountered adware while using wikipedia. The following pages have links to The site links to ringtone vendors that obfuscate subscription sign up and/or terms and conditions for free ringtones with flashy promotional content. In our tests, we found downloads on this site that some people consider adware, spyware or other potentially unwanted programs. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Emanuel.krassenstein (talkcontribs) 13:48, 1 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

IRC tool and foxfire


I could not get your IRC tool to work on Foxfire. It works great on IE, thanks for building it Lenshapir (talk) 00:20, 5 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Specific Wikipedia Pages, Editing Question


I am a new user and the Live Chat function did not work.

I have a concern about two Wikipedia pages and their associated references. Please see below.

I have a question about how to have a living musical artist’s page successfully revised to delete damaging information that has been placed there by an editor. The damaging information relates to an on-going, currently active, case in the U.S. judicial system wherein the artist is the defendant.

The information includes paraphrased information from recent newspaper articles. It also includes references that in this particular case link directly to State’s evidence. The paraphrased information does not reflect the entire gist of the newspaper articles (the context is skewed), and the State’s evidence is being provided to the world without any benefit of courtroom interpretation. The information was uploaded into the artist’s page after the fact that an appeal had been filed was published in the same source as the references. However, the specific article that identifies the filing of an appeal is not directly linked.

The artist has had a long career; however, the uploaded information comprises the entire entry into the artist’s Personal Life section.

Information and one of the references leading to the same information has also been uploaded into the artist’s band Wikipedia page.

Any reference to which I have access that would confirm that an appeal has been filed would lead indirectly, but very easily, right back to the State’s evidence.

I am not a Wikipedia editor, and frankly, I do not have an interest in becoming a regular contributor. There is an editor who previously deleted the information from the artist's page; however, another editor subsequently reinserted the information right back into the page.

The above referenced uploads do not comply with Wikipedia guidelines concerning the presentation of information about living persons.

Please help. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Doc2234 (talkcontribs) 01:58, 16 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Response to Specific Wikipedia Pages Editing Question


Thank you for your response. I am planning to add some historical information to the artist's page in the near future.

However, while I am learning how to edit, could you possibly go into the artist's page and her band page and perform the tasks outlined below:

Please access the "Dale Bozzio" page.

1. For verification concerning the status of the court case, click on Reference 4 and scroll down to "Articles by Ashley Rigazio". The third article in the list identifies that Ms. Bozzio has filed an appeal and that the case is currently active in the U.S. court system. Since all of the Boston Phoenix articles are tied together, referencing the "Bozzio Appeals Jail Sentence, Goes on Tour" article would also lead to State's evidence, so that article cannot be referenced.

2. Going back to the "Dale Bozzio" page, delete the "Personal life" section in its entirety.

3. Under "References" delete Reference 2. Dale Bozzio's life is so strange..., Reference 3. the CNN video, and Reference 4. Dale Bozzio sentenced to jail....

4. Under "External Links" delete the CNN report on Animal Cruelty Charges.

5. Revise the caption that appears on the hit when a search engine query on "Dale Bozzio" provides her Wikipedia page. Please revise from the current information, "Dale Bozzio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Career|Solo album|New album|Personal life Dale Bozzio's life is so strange The Boston Phoenix April 24, 2009 ... Dale Bozzio sentenced to jail The Boston Phoenix May 27, 2009 ... Bozzio - Cached" to the following, "Dale Bozzio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Career|Solo album|New album Dale Bozzio is an American musician and former Playboy Bunny. She became famous as the lead singer for the '80s pop/new wave band Missing Persons. Bozzio - Cached"

Please access the "Missing Persons (band)" page.

1. Under the "Missing Persons Featuring Dale Bozzio" section delete the last sentence in the section, "On May21......animal cruelty.[1]"

2. Delete the "Reference" section in its entirety, since the only reference is to the "Dale Bozzio sentenced to jail..." article.

Thank you for your help. Once I get up to speed, I should be able to edit myself. Doc2234 (talk) 11:26, 16 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Re: Response to Specific Wikipedia Pages Editing Question


Thank you for your response. I have been reading over the guidelines concerning biographies of living persons. I think that some of the guidelines for not placing the personal life information into the Wikipedia pages applies to this situation, and a major concern is that State's evidence has been linked to these articles without any explanation to the reader of what each item represents. Basically, the State's evidence is not presented from a neutral viewpoint. What do you recommend? Doc2234 (talk) 20:05, 16 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for your response on my talk page. I have some information for additional significant personal life events, so that there may be more of a balanced summary. I am trying to verify some details, possibly through finding better references. I am still reading through the guidelines for biographies of living persons. Thank you for your advice. Doc2234 (talk) 23:39, 16 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

An exciting opportunity to improve yourself!


As a member of the Aviation WikiProject or one of its subprojects, you may be interested in testing your skills in the Aviation Contest! I created this contest, not to pit editor against editor, but to promote article improvement and project participation and camraderie. Hopefully you will agree with its usefulness. Sign up here, read up on the rules here, and discuss the contest here. The first round of the contest may not start until September 1st-unless a large number of editors signup and are ready to compete immediately! Since this contest is just beginning, please give feedback here, or let me know what you think on my talkpage. - Trevor MacInnis contribs 23:37, 21 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

photo on my page in newspaper box



TAFT INDEPENDENT —Preceding unsigned comment added by Mjlcampaign (talkcontribs) 23:49, 23 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Hello Bjelle---

As a new editor, I am trying to learn the ropes and have attempted to alter some of the articles on the 911 attacks. All throughout Wikipedia are claims that Khalid Sheik Mohhammed was the mastermind of the 911 attacks. Until a suspect is given a fair trial and convicted, we really can't say that he is anything but a suspect and all of his actions are alleged. The attractive aspect of wp is that we can insist on proof and after a long study on the subject, I can tell you that there isn't one bit of solid evidence against KSM as being anything more than a terrorist wannabe who "confessed" under extreme pressure (see waterboard). Are we to allow the media to conduct a trial and convict him? He also "confessed" to 28 other terror plots that the 911 Commission stated would have been impossible for him. As an expert in the field of aviation and specifically the airplanes used in the attack, I can assure you that KSM was not and could not have designed an attack that defeated ALL US defenses and ALL intelligence agencies after training the hijackers to expert levels of airmanship on planes they had supposedly never flown. Did you know that KSM has no experience in aviation or tactical planning? He's either an absolute genius or just some poor bastard who recruited 3 of the muscle hijackers.

There is a path to truth and its through our legal system. I for one would love to pin it all on KSM and bin Laden, but when you see the FBI Most Wanted List, you'll see that the FBI doesn't have enough evidence to mention 911 on his poster. The answer is bringing the alleged worst person on the planet to trial. I would love to hear how he pulled all this activity from Pakistan without the CIA picking it up.

What is wrong with saying who made these assertions?

msy2fla —Preceding unsigned comment added by Msy2fla (talkcontribs) 15:48, 25 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the explanation--- Sorry, I am still trying to learn the source codes. Is there a way to send you an article without it going live first? I saw something about a sandbox, but didn't know exactly where that goes. Could I send it to you?

What prevents certain groups from planting editors to search and destroy or write slanted articles? Our study (12 airline captains) discovered a report which identified an entirely different group as the 911 masterminds but most of that report was immediately classified. The report is listed in a confusing way and it lacks the meat of the intelligence. I would like to site several passages but its on a pdf--- We believe that these passages have been intentionally hidden after 158 pages of fluff and stuff. Any suggestions on how to display the meaty portions first--- about 30 pages within a 850 page report?

Lastly, its almost comical how KSM came to be the 911 mastermind in the media. We've been following this closely. At the beginning he was the alleged mastermind and after repeating that a thousand times, it just evolved into common knowledge. There's so much wrong with that assertion that we wrote two chapters on it in False Flag 911. In the article on 911 there are assertions that have evolved into convictions by omitting "alleged." How can this be allowed without a trial (or charges) and how can this be corrected?

Thanks again! Msy2fla- Msy2fla (talk) 23:26, 25 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Hello Please i want to know the school fees for SSS1-3. Please reply now. My name is Mariam41.219.153.3 (talk) 10:51, 16 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

School fees please


Hello Please i want to know the school fees for SSS1-3. Please reply now. My name is Mariam41.219.153.3 (talk) 10:52, 16 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

Live Chat


Your live chat is not going, i will like to chat with you please. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:56, 16 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

How to put picture on my page


Hi Chris. I need help on how to add a picture to my Wikipedia article. Because when I try to had it, It says the file doesn't show up the picture at all. It only shows the link code and I also need help on how to add the adult female infobox on the page because it's not showing that as well. I'm trying to make my article page public but it's not showing the name up like for example if you put in Sandee Westgate's name. I would really appercaite the help. Thank you.

Lexie —Preceding unsigned comment added by Sexyhotdiva (talkcontribs) 20:30, 18 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

Take off Username


How do I take off where it says User:Sexyhotdiva and just leave it as Sexyhotdiva? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Sexyhotdiva (talkcontribs) 00:36, 19 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

Tariq Modood Bio Stub


Thank you for your offer to help on the Biography 1 page. I posted the below on Biography 2 a few days ago and on the Help page about a week ago but have had no response. I am about to give up but thought I would make one more effort. I would welcome your advice.


The biography of me on the page 'Tariq Modood' is out of date and cites research and publications that are less significant then other work I have done and am doing. Following advice given to me by talkers on the Helpdesk I insert below a substitute for the existing page. I would be pleased to receive feedback and to achieve a better page than the existing one.

Tariq Modood

Tariq Modood is Professor of Sociology, Politics and Public Policy (1997- ) and the founding Director of the Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship (1999- ) at the University of Bristol and one of the leading authorities on ethnic minorities in Britain.

Modood was the first pupil to attend a university from his London comprehensive school and has a Phd in political philosophy from University of Wales (Swansea), having lectured in this subject at several universities in the 1980s. He came to his current research field through voluntary and policy work, having been Chair of the Oxford Racial Equality Council in the 1980s, an Equal Opportunities Officer at the London Borough of Hillingdon (1987-89) and a Principal Employment Officer at the Commission for Racial Equality (1988-91).

Following fellowships at Nuffield College, Oxford and the University of Manchester Modood was a Senior Research Fellow at the Policy Studies Institute, London (1993-97). He was the leading author of Ethnic Minorities in Britain: Diversity and Disadvantage, Fourth Survey of Ethnic Minorities (PSI, 1997), which has been described as `a major milestone in social research' and `the definitive study of ethnic minority experience in Britain'. It was one of the first systematic demonstrations that non-white groups had very different employment positions and trajectories. In particular, it showed that the socio-economic condition of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis was much worse than had been thought hitherto, and had a profound impact at central and local government levels across several policy areas, especially education and employment. The Fourth Survey also had an innovative section on culture and identity, which played an important part in bringing these topics into the field of ‘race’ and so of transforming the ways in which minorities were understood.

Since then, Modood’s work has increasingly focused on British Asian Muslims, the politics of being Muslim in Britain and its relation to the theory and practice of multiculturalism and secularism. He has been at the forefront of making the condition and concerns of Muslims in Britain at the centre of research, public debate and policy in relation to Britain as a multicultural society and is recognised as one of the world’s leading authors on multiculturalism. His book, Multiculturalism: A Civic Idea, was shortlisted for a Muslim Writers Award, 2009. The research centre he founded and directs at the University of Bristol, Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, is internationally renowned in its field and probably has the greatest critical mass of research on British Muslim politics in the world.

Modood has held over 40 research grants and consultancies (UK, European and US), and was a co-Director of the Leverhulme Trust funded Bristol-UCL Programme on Migration and Ethnicity (2003-2009). He has published over 30 (co-) authored and (co-) edited books and over eighty articles or chapters in political philosophy, sociology and public policy. His work has become essential reading on many student courses (30 of his publications have been reproduced in Readers) and items have been translated into French, German, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Turkish, Farsi, and Chinese.

Modood is a regular contributor to the media and policy debates, was awarded a MBE for services to social sciences and ethnic relations in 2001 and elected a member of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2004. He has served on the DfES Race, Education and Employment Forum, was part of the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain (1997-2000), and a member of the IPPR Commission on National Security (2007-09) and a member of the National Equality Panel chaired by Prof John Hills (2008-10).

Selected Relevant Books and Reports (from 30 items) 2009 Secularism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship, with G. Levey (eds) Cambridge University Press, pp.274. 2007 Multiculturalism: A Civic Idea, Polity Press, pp. 192. 2006 Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship: A European Approach,,with A. Triandafyllidou and R. Zapata-Barrero, (eds), Routledge, pp. 212. 2005 Multicultural Politics: Racism, Ethnicity and Muslims in Britain,

   University of Minnesota Press and University of Edinburgh Press, pp. 240.

2005 Ethnicity, Social Mobility and Public Policy in the US and UK, with G Loury and S Teles (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp.642. 2004 Ethnicity, Nationalism and Minority Rights, with S May and J Squires (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp.260. 1997 (ed) Church, State and Religous Minorities, Policy Studies Institute, pp. 88. 1997 The Politics of Multiculturalism in the New Europe, with P. Werbner (eds), Zed Books, pp. 276.

Selected Relevant Articles and Chapters (from 80+ items) 2009 (with Meer, N.) ‘The Multicultural State We Are In: Muslims, ‘Multiculture’ and the ‘Civic re-balancing’ of British Multiculturalism’, Political Studies, 57 (3), October 2009: 473-497. 2009 'Ethnicity and Religion', in Flinders, M., A. Gamble, C. Hay, and M. Kenny (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of British Politics, Oxford University Press, pp. 484-498. 2009 ‘The State and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in Britain’ in J Hochschild and J Mollenkopf (eds), Bringing Outsiders In, Cornell University Press, pp.233-249. 2009 (with G. Levey) ‘Liberal Democracy, Multicultural Citizenship, and the Danish Cartoon Affair’ in G B Levey and T. Modood (eds) Secularism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship, Cambridge University Press, pp. 216-242. 2009 ‘Muslims, Religious Equality and Secularism’ in G B Levey and T

 Modood (eds) Secularism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship, Cambridge University Press, pp.164-185.

2008 ‘Multiculturalism, Citizenship and National Identity’, in B. Turner, E. Isin and P. Nyers (eds) Citzenship Between Past and Future, Routledge, pp.113-122. 2007 ‘British Muslim Perspectives on Multiculturalism’, with F. Ahmad, Theory, Culture and Society, Special Issue on Global Islam, 24 (2): 187-213. 2003 ‘Muslims and the Politics of Difference’, Political Quarterly 74 (s1):100-115.


Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol:


G.Levey and T.Modood (eds) SECULARISM, RELIGION AND MULTICULTURAL CITIZENSHIP, Cambridge University Press, 2009

Thanks for your assistance (talk) 21:27, 16 November 2009 (UTC)

Retrieved from ""

Sotm (talk) 23:47, 19 November 2009 (UTC)Reply

Medicinernes Skiklub Svartor


Hello. I am contacting you because you are listed as a participant for WikiProject Norway, and the above-mentioned article is sourced by all Norwegian-language references. Moreover, the references do not appear to support notability; they might be mere trivial references to the subject. Since these sources are all offline, and I do not speak or read Norwegian, I'm hoping whether you can assist me in determining whether the article qualifies for speedy deletion. Many thanks! CobaltBlueTony™ talk 12:33, 18 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for your reply. I am interested in further confirming the offline references, as to whether they discuss the subject with enough prominence as to be non-trivial and able to withstand an AfD nomination. If you can assist, or redirect me to someone who can and wants to, that would be great. Cheers and happy editing! CobaltBlueTony™ talk 12:48, 19 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia:IRC/wikipedia-en-help founder proposal


A request for comment has begun on the subject of Wikipedia:IRC/wikipedia-en-help founder proposal.

This notification was sent to all users listed in the IRC channel as an operator or above, and group contacts.  Chzz  ►  01:26, 11 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

Username information and Blank Page


Hi, The page I created here on wikipedia went blank and their's nothing showing on my page. I wanted to know how do I go by getting back all the information that I had on there before? Because I had the picture box set up on there and my bio information and the links to my website as well. Can you please help me. Thank you.

Lexie —Preceding unsigned comment added by Sexyhotdiva (talkcontribs) 15:33, 7 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Proposed deletion of MagCom


The article MagCom has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

Opening sentence defines subjects failure to meet WP:N, unreferenced orphan

While all contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. The speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Jeepday (talk) 01:38, 24 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

We In Egypt Seeking Help From Queen Sophia Of Spain and We Cant Find a way to contact her


We Seek Help From All EGC Students. Our school ( is Being Taken away From Us and We Need To Contact Queen Sophia. We are Protesting for a week now and nothing changed , the school name will be changed and our identity will be lost, the Minister doesn't listen and Ignored all the comments on the media on several channels! the Governor is on our side but we need more authority ! Queen Sophia is the answer Can Anyone help me reach her?!!?! as we speak its 3 hrs past midnight and teachers and students and sleeping now in the school defending their Home and Every memory !!

contact me please on —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:35, 30 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Vidkun Quisling



I'm helping to review Vidkun Quisling (edit | talk | history | protect | delete | links | watch | logs | views) as a 'Good Article' candidate, and I wondered if you could please check it over. I also wondered if we could make a short audio file of the correct pronunciation of his name - can you help with that, or tell me someone who can?

Many thanks,  Chzz  ►  18:29, 23 April 2011 (UTC)Reply


  The Teamwork Barnstar
Thank you very much for your help with the Vidkun Quisling GAR - really appreciated :o) Pesky (talk) 18:32, 28 April 2011 (UTC)Reply



Why are you so concerned??? The official story has been massively distorted by media, it's three years old, and it's unnecessary to have that information on the aformentioned individual's page. — Preceding unsigned comment added by CNSagent (talkcontribs) 19:52, 12 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Søk personer


Maybe you could answer this query? Thanks,  Chzz  ►  00:02, 24 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Never mind; things have moved on, so it's a moot question now; no problem, cheers,  Chzz  ►  07:35, 4 August 2011 (UTC)Reply



Hello. I started a deletion discussion here for Commons:File:NewYorkInThe50s.jpg. I notified you on your Commons talk page and am cross-notifying you here per your request on your Commons user page. Ashanda (talk) 16:33, 30 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Please halt user


Please tell or stop User Special:Contributions/ (talk) and User: Special:Contributions/ (talk) (the same user) to stop vandalizing the Chinese zodiac signs, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. I keep fixing the problem, but the user believes this is a game, please at least try to warn the user or stop the user from taking chances on reviewing the user's contributions, please halt the person's actions. I appreciate your concern.-- (talk) 01:18, 11 February 2012

Company article / Category listing for ZT Systems


Hi Bjelleklang,

I handle marketing at ZT Systems, and it was brought to our attention that we have no wikipedia company page or entry on the following lists; I can't do it for obvious conflict of interest reasons, but thought I'd reach out as you seem to have been active in editing these:

In the interest of completeness of these categories, can you add a page for ZT Systems, and also add us to these category pages? I think we more than meet the notability requirements, just based on presence alongside HP, Dell and very few others in major north american online retail. I've provided draft content & sources below. Please let me know if there's another way I should go about this, and thanks for taking a minute to assist.

Thanks, Travis


Type Private Industry Diversified computer systems Founded Secaucus, NJ 1994 Headquarters Secaucus, NJ

Products Servers, storage, personal computers, data center and cloud computing solutions Website

ZT Systems (ZT Group Intl, Inc.) is an American manufacturer of computer hardware, including x86-based servers for datacenter deployment and personal computers for home and office use. ZT works with large datacenter customers including cloud computing and Internet infrastructure operators to develop custom server platforms and deployment options, which can include worldwide delivery and integration of pre-cabled full racks of servers. Source: ZT also provides a range of affordable, high-performance desktop PCs through major North American online retailers including,, and others. Source: products verifiably available from,,

ZTSystems (talk) 20:41, 27 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

File:Hogskolen i Agder Gimlemoen.JPG


Hi, did you take this photo yourself? Someone just tried moving it to Commons, but it will not survive there without author information. – Danmichaelo (talk) 16:58, 21 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

Yeah, I took the photo. Added a small line to the summary of it saying the same. Bjelleklang - talk 09:09, 23 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

Why did you add an explanation point on delete? Your basis of sounded too good to be true is without merit. The statement regarding 2400 over a 15 year period is off base. Most entertainers who tour do not tour non stop 24/7. We are talking about 40% of the time over a 15 year period. If you think about most entertainers this is normal. A lot of entertainers when doing school typically have tutors, home school, internet courses, and special programs as this article person falls under think tim tebow, child actors, hanson the band. Not all radio shows require you to be there 24/7, in fact some host appear mobile or not there every appearance, especially entertainers who do multiple things. Basic knowledge of the swimming pool industry may help you, some companies like a lot of other industries offer seasonal employment or down time, or contract employment not hourly, this person in particular as mentioned in sources is a qualifier or license holder or the contractor , positions like this and many other upper management positions do not require them to be there all the time. Most entertainers have multiple jobs, they are notable and unique not your everyday run of the mill. The article says nothing about raising a family, most individuals of this caliber don’t do the family raising and if they do they usually load them on tour bus or rv or hotel. Your statements are not with genuine merit, it’s assumptions of negativity, i believe judgement should not be negativity passed. The article was looked over by many editors and suggested upon and approved based on the suggestions including suggestions by the ones who denied it who ask me to go back at and look over because in their opinion it was close and some said it's a good article in the making, they made comments to me in afc on the page not the talk page of what they liked and what they felt needed improved which was done, that’s not a lie, I may have misstated they did the direct editing but it was unintentional it spoken of the wrote to me the edit request while in afc and they had been done, keep in mind, I had made you aware initially of the article by me with my questions of if you could and would offer a positive way to improve one thing of this article, what would it be and why, for someone reason on the other hand you someone bit my head off or denied the article., i understand i'm a newbie here but i have intentions of staying longer. the article question in chat support to you was done to help improve the state of the article to lead it be kept eventually before the 10 day expires. i also do not understand why you coerce (maybe too strong of a word, if so i apologize)or jockey another editor who felt it was worthy? that is not NPV in my opinion, it's kind of jockeying. I am hopeful you will take my points into consideration, this article is real and i poured my efforts and a lot of voluntary hours into it and has truly been worked over it, I’m willing to make variations to improve it more. i also offer you to make edits and discuss them with me. my message is not intended to be harmful. I’m hopeful you will consider changing your position and at least consider the factors of inclusion in a positive light not all negative. i want to stay as another editor, i want to grow here not be turned off like many others. WinsnerB1942 (talk) 21:49, 18 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Article Recreation


I see that you deleted Columbian Park Zoo a while ago (2007 actually). It has been a while but I still wanted to give you a courtesy notification that I will be resurrecting the page as part of the Wikipedia Zoo project (with more content and verifiable citations of course). It looks like the original one that you deleted was a one-liner so I doubt there will be any issues with recreating it with a little more quality. Wanted to make sure you were aware in case it shows up on your watch list. It will be a couple of days before I can compile enough information and citations. Thanks. --Morning277 (talk) 02:20, 28 April 2012 (UTC)Reply

Help Project newsletter : Issue 1

The Help Project Newsletter
Issue I - May 2012
Project news
  • the wub has been appointed as a Wikimedia Community Fellow to lead a data-driven improvement of the English Wikipedia's help documentation, and will be working closely with the Help Project. You can read more about his plans at Wikipedia:Help Project/Community fellowship or in this Signpost article, and he has just released a first report on progress so far.
  • The project's pages have had a major redesign, introducing tabs in order to make them more usable. If you haven't stopped by recently then check them out!
  • A table of statistics is now available for all pages in Category:WikiProject Help Project, this includes page views, word counts and a variety of readability scores. This should be helpful in prioritising improvement work and finding redundant pages.
  • {{Breadcrumb2}} is a new template for making attractive navigational breadcrumbs. This may be useful for linking help pages.
  • This newsletter was started :-)
From the editor

Hi, and welcome to the first issue of the Help Project newsletter! This is a new monthly initiative to keep project members and the wider community informed about our work to improve Wikipedia's help pages. Any comments or suggestions for future issues are welcome at Wikipedia:Help Project/Newsletter.

I've initially sent this to all existing members of the project, if you don't wish to receive the newsletter on your talk page in future then just edit the participants page and add "no newsletter" next to your name. Conversely if you've just stumbled on this newsletter (perhaps through talk page stalking) and want to receive it in future then please feel free to sign up!

the wub "?!" 16:03, 23 May 2012 (UTC)Reply

  • Help:Diff needs to be updated for the new diff styles.

Help Project newsletter : Issue 2

The Help Project Newsletter
Issue II - June 2012
Project news
  • Progress on the help redesign fellowship continues apace. In-person usability testing is due to start next week, watch this space for results!
  • A large survey about help pages was conducted. Responses are still coming in, but preliminary results are available.
  • A new gadget has been proposed to make it easier for new- and non-editors to leave feedback about help pages. Please test it and leave your thoughts.
  • In somewhat-related-project-news: the Teahouse has wrapped up its pilot phase with an extensive report. Planning and discussion is underway for phase 2.
  • A discussion is taking place about the purpose and future of the venerable Community portal.
From the editor

Hello from the Help Project, and welcome to the second issue of our newsletter!

The biggest project I've been working on this month has been a large survey of users to find out what they think of our current help pages. Preliminary results from this are now available, although there are more responses trickling in from the lower edit count groups since a batch of email invitations were recently sent out. Finalised results and further analysis should be posted next week.

Any comments or suggestions for future issues are welcome at Wikipedia:Help Project/Newsletter. If you don't wish to receive this newsletter on your talk page in future then just edit the participants page and add "no newsletter" next to your name.

the wub "?!" 18:40, 29 June 2012 (UTC)Reply


Help Project newsletter : Issue 3

The Help Project Newsletter
Issue III - August 2012
Project news summary
  • Final results and conclusions from the help pages survey were released.
  • The wub gave a presentation at Wikimania 2012 about help pages, and the slides are now on Commons.
  • A discussion is taking place about the purpose and future of the venerable Community portal.
  • New designs for tutorial pages have been proposed, comment from project members is welcome.
From the editor

Welcome to the (slightly delayed) third issue of the Help Project newsletter.

The past month has once again been a busy one for my fellowship. The full results and conclusions from the extensive user survey on help pages are now available, and make interesting reading. These do confirm a number of our suspicions about Wikipedia help, and suggest that the current plan for the remainder of the fellowship is a sound approach.

Also last month I was fortunate enough to attend Wikimania 2012 in Washington DC, where I gave a presentation about help pages and the aforementioned survey results. You can find the slides from this on Commons. Wikimania was also a great opportunity for many discussions with staff and community members, and these brought up some interesting ideas which I hope to follow up on.

One of the things much discussed was the planned tutorial pages. I've been working on a new design for them which can be seen at User:The wub/sandbox/1, please let me know what you think (especially if you spot any bugs!).

Any comments or suggestions for future issues are welcome at Wikipedia:Help Project/Newsletter. If you don't wish to receive this newsletter on your talk page in future then just edit the participants page and add "no newsletter" next to your name.

the wub "?!" 13:29, 3 August 2012 (UTC)Reply

Help Project newsletter : Issue 4

The Help Project Newsletter
Issue IV - September 2012
Project news summary

From the editor

Hi, and welcome to the fourth issue of the Help Project newsletter.

It's been another busy month in the world of Wikipedia help. The results from the in-person usability tests conducted as part of the help pages fellowship have been released. There are no great surprises here, the tests confirmed that people have trouble with the existing help system, and people looking for help on the same topic often end up at wildly different pages. Editors who experienced a tutorial and/or edited a sandbox as part of their learning were noticeably more confident when editing a real article.

Drawing on that, three new "Introduction to" tutorials for new users have been created: referencing, uploading images and navigating Wikipedia. These join the popular existing introductions to policies and guidelines and talk pages. Feel free to edit them, but please do remember that the idea is to keep them simple and as free from extraneous details as possible. All three have been added to Help:Getting started, which is intended to be the new focal point for new editors, and will also be seeing a redesign soon.

In other news, the Article Feedback Tool (AFT) can now be used to collect feedback on help pages. By default it has been deployed to all pages in the Help: namespace. It can be disabled on any page by adding Category:Article Feedback Blacklist, or enabled for pages in other namespaces by adding Category:Article Feedback 5 Additional Articles. Once a page has AFT applied, you can add feedback using the form which appears at the bottom of it. Feedback can be reviewed by clicking "View feedback" in the sidebar, or the "Feedback from my watched pages" link at the top of your watchlist.

I'm now entering the final month of my fellowship, and will be focusing my efforts on making much needed improvements to Help:Contents, the main entrance point to our help system. It's been a pleasure working as a fellow, and I just want to thank all the people who have helped me or offered advice over the past months. That definitely won't be the end of my involvement in the Help Project though, I'll be sticking around as a volunteer and continuing to write this newsletter.

Any comments or suggestions for future issues are welcome at Wikipedia:Help Project/Newsletter. If you don't wish to receive this newsletter on your talk page in future then just edit the participants page and add "no newsletter" next to your name.

-- the wub "?!" 20:00, 7 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

Help: Review


Hi. I update page: OProject@Home. You can look? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Leoo512 (talkcontribs) 14:16, 8 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

I updated the OProject@Home page. I do not know what else to add. There is a lot more modest pages. You can see: DistrRTgen in wikipedia.


Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited OProject@Home, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page WCG (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 11:47, 10 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

I have no idea if this is the right e-venue, but I'm responding to a 2009 request to say "hello" and talk --which was in response to a contribution I made to the "talk" section of a Wikipedia article.

  • My effort to respond involved a real pain-in-the-ass Java download, manual install and failures --only to be advised (by Java, it appeared) that certain elements of that download were security problems --and wouldn't I like to block them --which I did --after which my Java powered talk session here didn't work.

(I didn't previously have Java on my computer because security oriented people advised me to remove it.)

    • I suggest that this hurdle, and much else about Wikipedia, precludes the participation of otherwise well-motivated "real" people (as distinct from self-described "technogeeks").

My effort to send this message via the "email" option didn't work for want of my not being a member (of something here), so when I plunk "Send"/Save Page (whatever) and get stopped for some reason --well: I guess that will be that.

Craig (aka: "Craigthing", circa June of 2009) — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:13, 14 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Suhaimi Yusof


Don't forget to add the Talk page, and clean, and remove AfC templates. --  :- ) Don 17:55, 16 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Our Appreciation


Thank you for editing the PhenX Toolkit page. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Diglio.simoni (talkcontribs) 19:47, 16 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

MindMatrix Article rejected


Hello...remember we chatted briefly about article rejection...could you please be kind enough to tell me exactly why wiki rejected my article? Here's the link...thanks a ton in advance.

Pittsburghprincess (talk) 11:42, 18 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

A barnstar for you!

  The Original Barnstar
Thanks for helping me out and agreeing to review my article.... Pittsburghprincess (talk) 12:16, 18 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Thank you!


Hello Chris!

Thanks for looking into my article and giving a clear feedback. I resubmitted my article unwisely though...I will make the necessary changes and try my luck again!

Thank you once again...have a great day!

Pittsburghprincess (talk) 06:27, 19 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Thank you


Thanks for cleaning up my recent submission!

PorterO'Shea (talk) 12:35, 19 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

I declined your speedy, for it gave no specific reason for deletion. For AFCs, only the specific "General" reasons at WP:CSD can be used, and the only one that usually matters for AfC is G12, Copyvio. (We will sometimes delete under G11 if really excessive, & of course we delete vandalism or BLP violations that fall within G10. Please see the message I left there for what I consider a more specific and appropriate response.

I know you are an admin, and i was thus quite surprised to see this deletion nomination. The whole point of AfC is to develop articles like this. I came rather near fixing it & accepting it, for it was just a matter of format--such enzymes are always considered notable, and this gave sufficient information, though some more detailed information about the physical properties would be appropriate also. Perhaps it was a slip of the mouse? That happens to me too on drop-down lists like AfC uses.

Or is there something I failed to see--if so, please let me know on my talk page, because when I make mistakes, I want to know about them. DGG ( talk ) 20:24, 20 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

yes, some of their boilerplate replies do that; the BLP one does also and some people have been using it for any inadequately referenced bio instead of telling people to fix it. In general I find the AfC programming a little odd & not always a good match to policy, which is why I almost never use their boilerplate unless it's copyvio. DGG ( talk ) 20:57, 20 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

GigaSpaces Article for Creation


Hi, I was hoping you could have a look at the article I edited (that you previously declined) - before I resubmit it for approval. It's a really fine line with Wikipedia, and one minute you're told it's "advertising" and the next not enough citations. I have added a section about awards and recognition as a company, which I believe should strengthen the notability of the company. However, I am afraid this will be perceived as advertising. Any help with this, before resubmitting, would be much appreciated. (BTW - thank you very much for your more detailed note with the declination, its been very difficult to properly edit the article without clear enough criticism from other declinations). Shar1R (talk) 08:40, 21 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the superfast reply. Nearly all of the articles about GigaSpaces focus on the technology - as is the normal practice when it comes to coverage of technological companies. The only real sources of company references are the awards - that are received on a company level, not for specific technology. I have added references from CrunchBase and Bloomberg that are just basic profiles of the company, but I'm not certain that's what you were referring to. I would imagine even large technology companies like HP and IBM are mostly covered from a technology perspective, as that is the notability of the company. I have looked under the article you mentioned - and I believe GigaSpaces has had what can be quantified as "significant" coverage, from an academic perspective, analysts, as well as press. I'm not sure what else I can provide. I can scour the internet and find additional sources, however, I don't know if that's what's needed to verify notability as Gartner, Forrester, the 451 Group, international awards, all of these are considered primary sources. If you can help by giving some examples that would be very helpful (and once again - I very much appreciate all of your help until now). I'd appreciate it if you could let me know wht you think of the latest changes, if it's not too much of a hassle. Thanks!! Shar1R (talk) 11:24, 21 October 2012 (UTC)Reply



hi. may i please know why did you rejected my article?? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Imsobers (talkcontribs) 17:47, 21 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi, You created an article for me on Friday ( and it was deleted the very next day. Can you please tell me if you agree with why it was deleted. I don't understand the rationale at all. The article was based on a real government organization, everything was 100% factual and verifiable, and I used numerous reputable citations. Thanks.

Brian — Preceding unsigned comment added by Briansmith451 (talkcontribs) 07:42, 22 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

G-WAN Web application server



Your comment was:

"Needs more sources in order to show notability. Most of the current references are either self-published, blogs or trivial mentionings."

It seems that the source have not been read as they are NOT self-published not trivial:

- New-York Times article

- EPFL, in the Distributed Information Systems Laboratory (LSIR)

- Salem-News #6 ranked site on Google, Presently has 98 Writers in 22 Countries

- ORACLE, NASDAQ: ORCL, NASDAQ-100, Revenue: US$ 37.1 billion (2012)

- EON Inc, a G-WAN-based company located in California

For example, G-WAN was the only "Big Data" demo at the ORACLE Open World help in San Francisco a few weeks ago. This is not "trivial".

Also, as an overwhelming majority of the Web servers currently hosted by Wikipedia does not have so high-ranking sources I am curious to know what makes you so picky with G-WAN.

Thanks for explaining.

My contribution


I'm new to Wikipedia and I request further explanation for why I have not established sufficient notability on my "Busek" page. The page contains many independent references. The "Space News" article alone is quite in depth (though it's not online)and Space News is an extremely well circulated and established publication. Aerpspace America is likewise a very well circulated publication. Furthermore, the company is referenced by numerous other pages on Wikipedia. The company is CLEARLY notable. Would a list of refereed journal publications help?

It seems like the Wikipedia standards are being implemented arbitrarily. This page relates to Busek's area of work has NO references: This one showing space hardware similar to Busek products has NO references: This one showing a Busek competitor has just one reference: It seems to me that the page I wrote established notability better than any of these others. DoctorBeeblebrox (talk) 18:12, 23 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Follow up


Bjelleklang - I added a couple of additional references, one of which is more of a company profile than anything else. Good enough? I could insert some refereed journal references, too, if that is required. As a scientist, I attach more significance to a journal article than to a newspaper or magazine article. DoctorBeeblebrox (talk) 19:05, 23 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

I added additional Journal references. I would also note that the Space News article goes into a lot of detail about the company, and that Space News is a very well establshed and well ciculated publication that has been around for at least 20 years - it is not a fly by night website or blog. It is, as you say, mainstream media - you will find it at every Aerospace company. DoctorBeeblebrox (talk) 14:21, 25 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Please post the article. I have certainly established notablity at this point far better than many other company links. Everything is supported and most of the references are archival magazines, journals, and newspapers. Furthermore, the company has real hardware on orbit with more on the way. That by itself should establish "notability". Poor exposure in pop media is a poor criterion. The point of the rule is to filter out guys working out of their basement, not significant aerospace companies with 20+ year histories and cumulative revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars!DoctorBeeblebrox (talk) 20:23, 25 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Previous creations of GWAN


FYI, this is the Swiss IP/user's 4th or 5th attempt to recreate the article on gwan. I hope you have more luck explaining it to him this time, but all the sources he's now using were discussed and found wanting at Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/G-WAN - MrOllie (talk) 20:25, 24 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

First, claiming that "this is the 5th attempt" is false, the article was created by people from other countries like the USA and Europe.

Second, the talk with MrOllie could NOT reject sources (like the ORACLE OP) that TOOK PLACE RECENTLY, MANY MONTH after MrOllie's 'evaluation'.

Third, your invitations to reply to you on your talk page make no sense as you DO NOT talk about the subject here (this was done there

That's a long trail of "errors" for someone claiming to be neutral.

— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:00, 25 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Please note that Bjellecklang DOES NOT TALK on his "talk page". He is not shy of denying "notability" of trusted sources like ORACLE, or mainstream medias like the New-York Times, but will not comment on his choices. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:56, 3 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

As noted on the top of this page, I reply on the talkpages of the users who post here. As for the G-WAN article; I've told you what you need to do to make me reconsider my opinon. This reply will be crossposted to your own talkpage. Bjelleklang - talk 07:53, 3 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Details about declining a page post review

  • This is regarding the DePaul University Department of Management page, could you please give example as to which refernce is not verifiable and what part of the content looks like an advertisement? I have tried to be as specific about the courses offered based on my knowledge without exxagerating any of the offerings.

19:20, 25 October 2012 (UTC)~~ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Getmba (talkcontribs)

Question about sources and reliability


Hello, I recently tried to post a wikipedia article on a musician and it was declined because I needed to add "reliable sources". I am just wondering what I can use as these. The article is about guitarist Camilo Velandia who plays with Jon Secada and Julio Iglesias. The only reliable sources or proof I have of this, is youtube videos and pictures of concerts around the world. There aren't any books written on him, or encyclopedias proving this. How can I make my article reliable? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Camilovelandia88 (talkcontribs) 11:36, 27 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Regarding the page DePaul University Department of Management


Hello! I slightly disagree that the citations/references are irrelevant. The links 3,4,5 and 6 talk about what the management department at the DePaul University has to offer which is different from other Business Schools. So, to support the information on the page, the links to the official website has been provided. The links 8,9,10 and 11 are related to highlights/rankings of the management programs that are offered by the Department of Management (part of the B-school) such as the Entrepreneurship program, Health Sector Management etc. All the achievements/rankings listed are about the Graduate or Undergraduate programs offered at the dept. and hence, is to supported by the relevant reference. As far as the history details are concerned, I will try to do some research for that Information. Thanks. Getmba (talk) 19:00, 30 October 2012 (UTC)Reply


Can this page be published now? Can the changes related to History be done in later edits?


Getmba (talk) 21:23, 16 November 2012 (UTC)Reply



Hello, I removed your prod on Europe's World as it has previously been proposed for deletion. Thank you. Rotten regard Softnow 21:30, 31 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Something to look at:


Nothing explains the locking of the talk page. There are also "oversighted" posts to the page history, because user:Little Green Rosetta has been using Special:EmailUser to further harass StillStanding. I've had StillStanding forward the emails with headers and they definitively come from the Wikipedia EmailUser function. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:18, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Was looking to check in to ask if you had taken a look but don't see you on IRC this morning. Please check when you get a chance. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:13, 2 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
The blocking admin (User:Reaper Eternal) stated that StillStanding-247 was blocked for "Massive battleground mentality, assuming bad faith, and worst of all, threatening violence. Enough is enough. Having looked through a number of edits by the user, I must say that Reaper Eternal was correct in blocking. What happened after this was more or less routine; User:GB_fan protected his talkpage and blocked the IP for evading a block, and User:The_ed17 revoked his talkpage access, blanked his talkpage and redirected to the block notice. Nothing really unusual there either. As for the threatening e-mails, I don't know, haven't seen them so I can't say anything for those. Bjelleklang - talk 19:03, 2 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Resubmit Page for Approval


Hi. I am new to Wikipedia and have updated a page that was denied. Please let me know how I can resubmit the page for approval.

Here is a link to the page:

Thank you! Tclim11 (talk) 16:06, 4 November 2012 (UTC)Reply



you mother fu**cke**r!! — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:31, 5 November 2012 (UTC)Reply