User:Wakebrdkid/Wikicode/To-do list

  • Anthem
  • Global crop statistics
  • Simple model of refrigeration cycle with adjustable pressures and \

compartment temperatures

  • Anthem
  • Anthem
  • Population per province
  • Export percentages per category
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Max soldiers per side
  • Casualties per side
  • Anthem
  • Relevant biological processes
  • Import human pathway in KEGG database (uses KEGG module for \

parsing) (\ show_description=show)

  • Anthem
  • Anthem
  • Population per province
  • Diaspora per country
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Anthem
  • Population per state
  • Religious percentages per year
  • Generate model with textures for various common ribbons
  • Anthem
  • Generate models of fruits, peels, and bunches
  • Exports per country per year
  • Anthem
  • Population density per division
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Generate model of naturally occurring crystals
  • Compute date for a given year
  • Shoppers and money spent per year
  • Compute Schwarzschild radius from mass
  • Black hole size classifications
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Value
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Compute buoyant force from fluid mass density, gravity, and volume
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Commercial camels per country
  • Anthem
  • Death rate per country
  • Death rate per country per year
  • Anthem
  • Population per municipality
  • Export percentages per category
  • Compute phase from temperature and pressure
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Production, consumption, imports, and exports per country
  • Common drugs per type of cancer
  • Number per country per year from the World Bank and ILO
  • Anthem
  • Anthem
  • Population density per province
  • Visual attributes as gas
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Population density per department
  • Generate combustion equation for arbitrary hydrocarbons
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Generate model of naturally occurring nugget
  • Compute Coriolis acceleration from velocity and angular velocity \


  • Compute Coriolis acceleration in spherical coordinates
  • Anthem
  • Anthem
  • Population per county
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Revenue and market share of top CRM software products
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Population per region
  • Polity IV scores per country
  • Anthem
  • Compute density for homogeneous and heterogeneous objects
  • Compute density of air based on temperature, humidity, and altitude
  • Visual attributes
  • Generate model of naturally occurring crystals
  • Generate molecular structure model for any atom count
  • Years of potential and disability-adjusted life lost per category \

of disease

  • Anthem
  • Population per region
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Chemical composition of crust
  • Geologic layer depths and density
  • Internal heat producing isotopes
  • Altimetry and bathymetry map
  • Fiscal year dates
  • GDP by sector
  • Average salary
  • Poverty line
  • Labor force by occupation
  • FDI stock
  • Credit ratings
  • Foreign reserves
  • Export percentages per category
  • FDI by country
  • Perception of corruption rating
  • Fiscal year dates
  • GDP by sector
  • Labor force by occupation
  • Poverty line
  • Import and export good percentages
  • FDI stock
  • Credit ratings
  • Foreign reserves
  • GDP by industry
  • Mean duration of unemployment per year
  • Unemployment by sector
  • Fortune 500
  • Largest banks by assets
  • Export percentages per category
  • Historic tax rates for highest and lowest earners
  • Corporate tax rate per year
  • Budget revenue and expenses per category
  • Anthem
  • Population per province
  • Export percentages per category
  • Education Index from Human Development Report
  • Generate egg-shaped model with adjustable height and radius
  • Anthem
  • Timeline of early systems
  • Compute enthalpy from energy, pressure, and volume
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Dot-com company infobox data
  • Financial statements per quarter
  • Active users per month
  • Population age pyramid
  • Fraction of family arrangements per country
  • Anthem
  • Population per municipality
  • Export percentages per category
  • Religious percentages per year
  • Compute color of flame from temperature of carbon combustion
  • Generate simple particle model of fire from a few common fuels in \

oxygen with or without gravity

  • Market share per year
  • Deadliest floods
  • Average daily calorie consumption per country
  • Food imports per country per year
  • Food supply per country per year
  • Compute force vector from change in momentum and time
  • Anthem
  • National and regional parks
  • Government debt per year
  • Population density per region and department
  • Startup costs and partner number for major US franchises
  • Compute friction force from normal force and coefficient of friction
  • Table of static friction coefficients for various materials
  • Compute energy lost to heat from friction
  • Physiogeographical map of exposed surface age and terrain type
  • Anthem
  • Anthem
  • List of indices
  • Predicted surface temperature and sea level changes through 2100 \

from popular models

  • Glacier thickness change per year
  • Simple model
  • Goats, milk, and meat production per country
  • Generate model of naturally occurring nugget
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Gold jewelry consumption per country per year
  • Visual attributes
  • Generate model of naturally occurring fragments
  • Generate molecular structure model for any atom count
  • Atmospheric oxygen concentration timeline
  • Anthem
  • Population and GDP per region
  • Public debt per year
  • Diaspora per country
  • Anthem
  • Diaspora per country
  • Population per region
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Visual attributes as gas
  • Feynman diagrams of common production processes in colliders
  • Compute decay width and branching ratios from mass
  • Timeline of historic events
  • Total number of Internet hosts per year
  • Per capita income growth from 1700 to 1850
  • Christian denomination percentages from 1780 to 1850
  • Seats per party in Senate and House since 1855
  • Anthem
  • Generate simple model
  • Average temperature value
  • Average temperature at different times of day
  • Average temperature in different locations
  • HDI per country per year
  • Average growth rate per year for males and females
  • Average adult height per country for males and females
  • Anthem
  • Ideal heater object defined by heat emission rate
  • Combustion equation
  • Visual attributes as gas
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Population density per state, district, and tehsil
  • Anthem
  • Global innovation index
  • Software infobox data
  • Simulate popular filter effects
  • List of services and user counts
  • Historical market share
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Visual attributes as gas
  • List of common ions
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Compute phase from pressure and temperature
  • Compute photon mass attenuation coefficient from energy
  • Anthem
  • Religious percentages per year
  • Population per district
  • Anthem
  • National parks
  • Population density per region
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • KGML parser
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Native speaker count per language
  • Anthem
  • Population per province
  • Anthem
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Religious percentages per municipality
  • Anthem
  • Population per county
  • Dot-com company infobox data
  • Acquisitions
  • Demographics
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Production usage fractions
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Diaspora per country
  • Anthem
  • Population per region
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Population per region
  • Anthem
  • List of mass units
  • Compute mass from energy and vice-versa
  • Anthem
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Largest deals per year
  • Consumption of cow's milk per country
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Production of cow and buffalo milk per country
  • Anthem
  • Compute momentum of single and many particle systems from masses \

and velocities

  • Anthem
  • Exports per category per year
  • Anthem
  • Compute amortization payments from principal, rate, and payment \


  • Historic rates for 30-year, 15-year, and 1-year AMR
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Diagnosed HIV cases per year
  • Anthem
  • Compute gravitational force from masses and distance
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Anthem
  • Population per state
  • Linguistic map
  • HIV prevalence per state
  • Visual attributes as gas
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Industrial production equation
  • Simple model of the most basic reactions involved with ability to \

adjust quantities and rates

  • Anthem
  • Visual attributes as gas
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Anthem
  • Population density per province and district
  • Anthem
  • Population per state
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Population per department
  • Export percentages per category
  • US patents granted per year
  • Vector image
  • Anthem
  • List of large individual bequests
  • Anthem
  • Percent of GDP per export category
  • Ethnic groups per province
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Generate simple model of slice or whole pizza
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Generate model of naturally occurring nuggets
  • Anthem
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Alpha particle emission intensity for different isotopes
  • Generate models of leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds
  • Anthem
  • Population per district
  • Government debt per year
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Equation for reaction with water
  • Integrate UN and World Bank data on country populations living on \

less than $1 per day

  • Appropriate functionality should be incorporated into the \

Poverty`India and India`Poverty modules

  • Poverty percent per state
  • Poverty percent at $1, $1.5, $2, and $5 per day
  • Appropriate functionality should be incorporated into the \

Poverty`UnitedStates and UnitedStates`Poverty modules

  • Number in poverty and poverty rate per year per age group
  • Poverty line per family size and state
  • Compute pressure from force and area
  • Simple function to give expression for exponential charge falloff \

radius at a given position

  • It would be really cool to supplement the cartoon drawing of the \

internal structure with a rendering from a lattice QCD simulation

  • Simple model
  • Generate molecular model of typical enzyme mixture
  • Anthem
  • Anthem
  • National parks
  • Anthem
  • Population per region
  • Anthem
  • Ethnic percentages per region
  • Population growth per region
  • Anthem
  • Legal status per country
  • Anthem
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Population per district
  • Export percentages per category
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Generate model of naturally occurring crystals
  • Anthem
  • Educational attainment percentages
  • Software infobox data
  • International call market share per year
  • Anthem
  • National parks
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • List of SIDS
  • Social media software patents per year
  • Unique visitors per month for major services
  • List of social networking websites, Alexa rank, starting date
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Compute phase from potassium alloy concentration and temperature
  • Compute soil type from clay, silt, and sand composition
  • Compute thermal conductivity from composition
  • Water capacity per soil type per depth
  • Cation exchange capacity per type
  • Compute nitrogen and phosphorus percents per depth and soil type
  • Visual attributes of soil types
  • Anthem
  • Anthem
  • Population density per province and district
  • Life expectancy history
  • Anthem
  • Population density per province
  • Export percentages per category
  • Cisco reports on spam volume per country of origin
  • Anthem
  • Population density per province
  • Export percentages per category
  • Stainless steel grades and alloy compositions
  • Software infobox data
  • Timeline
  • API wrapper for easy access to sales charts
  • Compute phase from carbon percent and temperature
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • SLOSH model simulations
  • Generate simple model
  • Production per country per year
  • Integrate CDC data sources: \

  • Integrate WHO data sources: \\ en/

  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Generate model of naturally occurring crystals
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Common solution densities
  • Autoprotolysis concentration and equilibrium constant
  • Production per country
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Ecological footprint per country
  • Generate models of kernels, ears, husks, leaves, and stalks
  • Anthem
  • Compute temperature from energy and entropy
  • Temperature unit conversions
  • Simple model of a thermocouple with adjustable temperatures and \


  • Thermocouple types and properties
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Map of geological concentrations
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Visual attributes as liquid
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Compute solution form from pH and voltage
  • Generate models of fruit
  • Production per country
  • Genome
  • Compute torque vector from position and force vectors
  • Tourism arrivals, receipts, and expenditures per country
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Compute intensity from wave height
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Energy production percentages
  • Anthem
  • Per capita income per province
  • Dot-com company infobox data
  • List of most popular accounts
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • Anthem
  • Ancestry per county
  • Median family income per year
  • Population per state per year
  • Military spending per year
  • Active duty personnel per year
  • Enlisted and officer percentages per branch
  • Male and female percentages per branch
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Vacuum quality ranges (low vacuum to perfect vacuum)
  • Anthem
  • Export percentages per category
  • List of wars
  • Disability-adjusted life years from war per country
  • Market share per engine per year
  • Solid-state welding classifications
  • Compute work from force and distance
  • Deaths per country
  • Visual attributes as solid
  • Anthem
  • Food insecurity per district
  • Export percentages per category
  • Visual attributes as solid