French Cognates


French cognates are words which are spelled the same in French and English. Linguistics say that about 10,000 words were borrowed from French into English.

  1. abondance
  2. effort
  3. surprise
  4. information
  5. preparation
  6. communication
  7. reservation
  8. evolution
  9. vocabulary = vocabulaire
  10. office = bureau
  11. profession
  12. professor = professeur
  13. telephone = téléphone
  14. calendar = calandaire
  15. entrepreneur
  16. location
  17. address =
  18. question
  19. pharmacy = pharmacie
  20. banque
  21. dentist = dentiste
  22. restaurant = restaurant
  23. police =
  24. bon voyage
  25. destinations
  26. collect
  27. souvenirs
  28. en route
  29. weekend
  30. television
  31. littérature
  32. genre
  33. immense
  34. pages
  35. culture
  36. arts
  37. ballet
  38. architecture
  39. festival
  40. fete
  41. estival
  42. papier mâché
  43. chic
  44. toilet = toilettes
  45. sport
  46. rugby
  47. golf
  48. ski
  49. education = éducation
  50. classes = classes
  51. history = histoire
  52. biologie
  53. maths
  54. arts
  55. latin
  56. religion
  57. geography = geographie
  58. revision = révision
  59. cadets
  60. académies
  61. colonels
  62. lieutenants
  63. chef =
  64. eggplant = aubergine
  65. menu
  66. café
  67. picnic
  68. salade
  69. vinaigrette
  70. soupe
  71. omelette
  72. fruits
  73. oranges
  74. invitations
  75. R.S.V.P. (Respond So Very Promptly) = Répondez s’il vous plaît (please respond)
  76. point
  77. intelligent
  78. blonde
  79. brunette
  80. calm = calme
  81. timide

true cognates


Thennakoan ILANGAKOAN (talk) 00:01, 8 February 2021 (UTC)

close cognates


miner differences in spellings


Words that end in -ion are often the same in French and English Some examples:

  1. acceleration – l’accélération
  2. action – action
  3. addiction – addiction
  4. ambition – ambition
  5. attention – attention
  6. celebration – celebration
  7. champion – champion
  8. communication – communication
  9. condition – condition
  10. conversation – conversation
  11. donation – donation
  12. diction – diction
  13. edition – édition
  14. election – election
  15. equation – equation
  16. emotion – emotion
  17. erosion – érosion
  18. fiction – fiction
  19. function – function
  20. generation – génération
  21. infection – infection
  22. information – l’information
  23. injection – injection
  24. invasion – invasion
  25. legion – legion
  26. motion – motion
  27. notion – notion
  28. nation – nation
  29. omission – omission
  30. option – option
  31. passion – passion
  32. population – population
  33. presentation – présentation
  34. pronunciation- prononciation
  35. question – question
  36. ration – ration
  37. reflection – reflection
  38. religion – religion
  39. reservation – réservation
  40. region – région
  41. rotation – rotation
  42. session – session
  43. station – station
  44. solution – solution
  45. transaction – transaction
  46. Words that end in -al are often French cognates:
  47. animal – animal
  48. central – central
  49. national – national
  50. final – final
  51. international – international
  52. mental – mental
  53. vertical – vertical

Many words that end in -able are the same in English and French:

  1. adorable – adorable
  2. admirable – admirable
  3. applicable – applicable
  4. cable – cable
  5. capable – capable
  6. double – double
  7. durable – durable
  8. favorable – favorable
  9. habitable – habitable
  10. incurable – incurable
  11. identifiable – identifiable
  12. improbable – improbable
  13. inseparable – inséparable
  14. justifiable – justifiable
  15. notable – notable
  16. recyclable – recyclable
  17. respectable – respectable
  18. sociable – sociable
  19. table – table
  20. vulnerable – vulnérable

Many words that end in -ible are the same in English and French:

  1. horrible – horrible
  2. flexible – flexible
  3. impossible – impossible
  4. inaccessible – inaccessible
  5. incredible – incrédible
  6. perceptible – perceptible
  7. visible – visible

Many words that end in -ance are the same in English and French:

  1. ambiance – ambiance
  2. ambulance – ambulance
  3. appearance – appearance
  4. alliance – alliance
  5. arrogance – arrogance
  6. assistance – assistance
  7. assurance – assurance
  8. brilliance – brilliance
  9. circumstance – circumstance
  10. deliverance – deliverance
  11. distance – distance
  12. dominance – dominance
  13. endurance – endurance
  14. elegance – elegance
  15. fiance – fiancé
  16. finance – finance
  17. fragrance – fragrance
  18. intolerance – intolerance
  19. importance – importance
  20. nuance – nuance
  21. nuisance – nuisance
  22. perseverance – perseverance
  23. renaissance – renaissance
  24. resemblance – resemblance
  25. resonance – resonance
  26. substance – substance
  27. tolerance – tolerance
  28. vibrance – vibrance

In French, the gerund ends in -ant. You might know a bon vivant (person who loves living well). Something might be dormant (sleeping). Here are some more French-English cognates that end in -ant:

  1. brilliant – brilliant(e)
  2. elephant – éléphant
  3. extravagant- extravagant
  4. ignorant – ignorant(e)
  5. immigrant – immigrant
  6. important – important(e
  7. nonchalant nonchalant
  8. restaurant – restaurant
  9. triumphant – triumphant(e)
  10. vacant – vacant
  11. vibrant – vibrant

Many words that end in -ct are the same in French and English:

  1. contract – contracter
  2. correct – correct
  3. direct – direct
  4. distinct – distinct
  5. exact – exact
  6. impact – impact
  7. insect – insecte
  8. instinct – instinct
  9. object – objet
  10. perfect – parfait
  11. respect – respect
  12. suspect – suspect

Often words that end in -ence are the same:

  1. absence – absence
  2. conscience – conscience
  3. convergence – convergence
  4. indulgence – indulgence
  5. impatience – impatience
  6. Independence – indépendance
  7. innocence – innocence
  8. intelligence – intelligence
  9. obedience – obédience
  10. patience – patience
  11. science – science
  12. silence – silence
  13. violence – violence

Many words that end in -ent are the same in English and French:

  1. absent – absent
  2. accent – accent
  3. accident – accident
  4. adjacent – adjacent
  5. adolescent – adolescent
  6. affluent – affluent
  7. amendment – amendement
  8. apartment – appartement
  9. agent – agent
  10. ardent – ardent
  11. client – client
  12. compliment – compliment
  13. continent – continent
  14. decent – décent
  15. deficient – déficient
  16. different – différent(e)
  17. diligent – diligent
  18. document – document
  19. encouragement – encouragement
  20. element – élément
  21. evident – évident
  22. excellent – excellent
  23. increment – incrément
  24. incident – incident
  25. innocent – innocent
  26. intelligent – intelligent
  27. latent – latent
  28. monument – monument
  29. negligent – négligent
  30. payment – paiement
  31. parent – parent
  32. permanent – permanent(e)
  33. pertinent – pertinent
  34. president – président
  35. prudent – prudent(e)
  36. recent – récent
  37. segment – segment
  38. talent – talent
  39. transparent – transparent
  40. urgent – urgent

The words listed thus far are almost identical to English. You can easily increase your vocabulary by learning a few patterns and suffixes.

Many words that end in -ary in English have their equivalent as -aire in French:

  1. actuary – actuaire
  2. arbitrary – arbitraire
  3. dictionary – dictionnaire
  4. extraordinary – extraordinaire
  5. imaginary – imaginaire
  6. ordinary – ordinaire
  7. anniversary – anniversaire
  8. dictionary – dictionnaire
  9. salary – salaire
  10. vocabulary – vocabulaire
  11. military – militaire
  12. necessary – néccessaire
  13. contrary – contraire

Many words that end in -ical have -ique equivalents in French:

  1. alphabetical – alphabetique
  2. analytical – analytique
  3. Catholic – Catholique
  4. chemical – chemique
  5. critical – critique
  6. cubical – cubique
  7. dramatic – dramatique
  8. electrical – electrique
  9. ethical – èthique
  10. historical – historique
  11. identical – identique
  12. logical – logique
  13. lyrical – lyrique
  14. music – musique
  15. practical – pratique
  16. romantic – romantique
  17. statistical – statistique
  18. symmetrical – symetrique
  19. typical – typique

Many words that end in -ist have the equivalent -iste in French:

  1. cyclist – cycliste
  2. artist – artiste
  3. dentist – dentiste

Many adverbs that end in -ly in English have an equivalent in French ending in -ment:

  1. absolutely – absolument
  2. correctly – correctement
  3. directly – directement
  4. especially – spécialement
  5. evidently – évidemment
  6. exactly – exactement
  7. finally – finalement
  8. immediately – immédiatement
  9. naturally – naturellement
  10. normally – normalement
  11. totally – totalement

Many English words have a close French equivalent with circumflex:

  1. coast – côte
  2. forest – forêt
  3. hotel – hôtel
  4. hospital – hôpital
  5. theatre – théâtre

Looking for more French resources? Check out Benny’s favorites here.