User:RightQuark/sandbox/Wikidata campaigns

Province Incumbent Governors List Wikidata Item Pashto Office
Badakhshan Mohammad Ayub Khalid List of governors of Badakhshan Governor of Badakhshan (Q125921843) د بدغيس والي
Badghis Abdul Sattar Sabir List of governors of Badghis Governor of Badghis (Q125921868) د بدغيس والي
Baghlan Abdul Rahman Haqqani List of governors of Baghlan Governor of Baghlan (Q125921883) د بغلان والي
Balkh Muhammad Yousuf Wafa List of governors of Balkh Governor of Balkh (Q125741749) د بلخ والي
Bamyan Abdullah Sarhadi List of governors of Bamyan Governor of Bamyan (Q125922010) د باميان والي
Daykundi Aminullah Obaid List of governors of Daykundi Governor of Daykundi (Q112999611) د دايکنډي والي
Farah Ghawsuddin Rahbar List of governors of Farah Governor of Farah (Q112999711) د فاراه والي
Faryab Mohammad Shoaib Risalat List of governors of Faryab Governor of Faryab (Q125922074) د فارياب والي
Ghazni Muhammad Amin Jan Omari List of governors of Ghazni Governor of Ghazni (Q112999447) د غزني والي
Ghor Ahmad Shah Din Dost List of governors of Ghor Governor of Ghor (Q125922095) د غور والي
Helmand Mohammad Gulab Mangal List of governors of Helmand Governor of Helmand (Q125922105) د هلمند والي
Herat Noor Mohammad Islamjar List of governors of Herat Governor of Herat (Q112999624) د هرات والي
Jowzjan Gul Haidar Shafaq List of governors of Jowzjan Governor of Jowzjan (Q125922155) د جوزجان والي
Kabul Mohammad Aman Obaid List of governors of Kabul Governor of Kabul (Q125922166) د کابل والي
Kandahar Mohammad Shirin Akhund List of governors of Kandahar Governor of Kandahar (Q59566528) د قندهار والي
Kapisa Qari Esanullah Baryal List of governors of Kapisa Governor of Kapisa (Q125922194) د کاپيسا والي
Khost Bismillah Abdullah List of governors of Khost Governor of Khost (Q125922217) د خوست والي
Kunar Qudratullah Abu Hamza List of governors of Kunar Governor of Kunar (Q125922234) د کونړ والي
Kunduz Asadullah Omarkhail List of governors of Kunduz Governor of Kunduz (Q125922241) د کنډوز والي
Laghman Shir Ahmad Haqqani List of governors of Laghman Governor of Laghman (Q125922247) د لغمان والي
Logar Zia ur-Rahman Madani List of governors of Logar Governor of Logar (Q125922259) د لوګر والي
Nangarhar Salim Kunduzi List of governors of Nangarhar Governor of Nangarhar (Q112999570) د ننګرهار والي
Nimroz Muhammad Qasim Khalid List of governors of Nimroz Governor of Nimruz (Q112999513) د نيمروز والي
Nuristan Zain ul-Abideen List of governors of Nuristan Governor of Nuristan (Q125922294) د نورستان والي
Paktia Mullah Mohammad Khan Dawat List of governors of Paktia Governor of Paktia (Q125922313) د پکتيا والي
Paktika Abdul Khaliq Abid List of governors of Paktika Governor of Paktika (Q125922329) د پکتيکا والي
Panjshir Mohammad Agha Hakim List of governors of Panjshir Governor of Panjshir (Q125922340) د پنجشير والي
Parwan Abdul Ali Qadratullah List of governors of Parwan Governor of Parwan (Q125922379) د پروان والي
Samangan Abdullah Hotak List of governors of Samangan Governor of Samangan (Q125922417) د سمنګان والي
Sar-e Pol Mohammad Yaqoub Abdur Rahman Aka List of governors of Sar-e Pol Governor of Sar-e Pol (Q125922434) د سرپل والي
Takhar Obaidullah Aminzada List of governors of Takhar Governor of Takhar (Q125922450) د تخار والي
Urozgan Enayatullah Shojah List of governors of Urozgan Governor of Uruzgan (Q125922464) د اروزګان والي
Wardak Qari Bakhtiar Muaz List of governors of Wardak Governor of Wardak (Q125922479) د وردګ والي
Zabul Mawlawi Hizbullah List of governors of Zabul Governor of Zabul (Q125922495) د زابل والي

