Team Relationship Position (by leg) Roadblocks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7a 7b 8 9 10
Bertrand & Wayne Brothers 2nd 2nd 4th 3rd 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 2nd 1st 1st Bertrand 6, Wayne 5
Malcolm & Seow Chee Dating 4th 5th 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 1st 4th 1st 2nd 2nd Malcolm 6, Seow Chee 5
Lex & Vicki Sisters 6th 8th 6th 6th 4th 4th 3rdε2 1st 4th 3rd 3rd Lex 6, Vicki 52
Danny & Paul Friends 3rd 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rdε2 5th 2nd 3rd 4th Danny 5, Paul 52
Claudia & Jeroen Married 1st 4th 3rd 4th 5th 5th 4th 5th Claudia 3, Jeroen 6
Brittany & Savanna Sisters 9th 7th 8th 7th 6th1 6th3 Brittany 4, Savanna 3
Julie & Qiling Friends 7th 6th 5th 5th 7th Julie 3, Qiling 2
Jerald & Meusia Married 5th 3rd 7th 8th Jerald 2, Meusia 2
Jeremy & Jazlyn Siblings 8th 9th Jeremy 1, Jazlyn 1
John & Joshua Cousins 10th John 0, Joshua 1
  • A red team placement indicates that the team was eliminated.
  • A green ƒ indicates that the team won a Fast forward.
  • A brown ⊃ or a cyan ⋑ indicates that the team chose to or successfully voted to use one of the two U-Turns in a Double U-Turn; or indicates the team who received it;
    indicates that the team was U-Turned, but they used the second U-Turn on another team.
  • An underlined leg number indicates that all teams were ordered to continue racing with no Pit Stop. An underlined team placement indicates that the team was in last place.
  • An underlined blue placement indicates the team came in last on a non-elimination leg and had to perform a Speed Bump during the next leg.
  1. ^ Brittany & Savanna arrived in 4th, but realised they left their passports in the taxi. Two teams checked in while they tried to find their taxi and they were eventually checked in 6th place.
  2. ^ Danny & Paul used the Express Pass they earned in Leg 2 to bypass the second Roadblock in Leg 6 while Lex & Vicki used theirs to bypass the Roadblock in the first half of the Mega Leg. Paul & Vicki elected to do the Roadblocks and their performance is reflected in the Roadblock count.
  3. ^ Brittany & Savanna incurred a 2-hour penalty after Brittany failed to finish the Roadblock before the Wildlife Park closed. Claudia & Jeoren checked in while Brittany & Savanna served their penalty and Brittany & Savanna were eliminated.

Episode Titles

  • "Who Wants An Elephantine Task?" - Roadblock Prompt
  • "Big Girls Don't Cry, They Trust God" - Lex
  • "God's Majestic Creation Is Awesome" - Danny
  • "This Means War!" Jeroen
  • "You Left What In the Taxi?" Brittany
  • "Let's Rumble But Fight Fair" Jeroen
  • "Humblest of Humble Pie"- Danny
  • "I Can Be In the Circus" - Lex
  • "I Love the Smell of the Highway in the Morning"- Wayne
  • "This Is For Our Family" - Wayne



Leg 1 (Thailand)

  • Chiang Mai, Thailand (Buak Hat Park) (Starting Line)
  • Chiang Mai (Patara Elephant Farm) Roadblock: "Who wants an elephantine task?"
  • Chiang Mai (Chiang Mai Gate Market)
  • San Phranet (Vineyard Methodist School)
  • San Phranet (Sanphranet Methodist Church) Pit Stop: Leg 1

In the first Roadblock, teams must wash an elephant to the satisfaction of a mahout (elephant trainer), they must then ride the elephant along with their partner to the next clue box.

Additional Tasks

  • At the Market, teams must collect a bag of supplies from a market stall to get their next clue. They must then find a marked songthaew and take it to their next route marker.
  • At Vineyard Methodist Church, they must prepare and properly plate five portions of Pad Thai, Thailand’s national dish, to get their next clue.

Leg 2 (Thailand)


The Roadblock required one team member to ride the Flight of the Gibbon zipline and retrieve three flags to exchange for their next clue. In addition, there is a hidden flag that one team can exchange for the Double Express Pass. The Detour was a choice between Lawn Ball or Indoor Fun. In Lawn Ball, teams must play Boccia to try to hit a target white ball, once done, teams will get their next clue. In Indoor Fun, teams must assemble a traditional Thai grasshopper out of river reeds to get their next clue.

Additional Tasks

  • At Siam BTS Station, teams must search the crowded area for their next clue box.

Leg 3: (Thailand → Malaysia)


In this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to don diving equipment and guide a ring through an underwater rope maze within a time limit to receive their next clue. Teams have three tries to get it right. The Detour is a choice between Scoot or Shoot. In Scoot, teams must paddle a traditional raft past river rapids to their next clue. In Shoot, teams must hit a target using a traditional tribal slingshot.

Additional Tasks

  • In an unaired task at the Ferry Terminal, teams had to sign up for one of two ferries departing the next morning before performing the Roadblock.

Leg 4: Malaysia

  • Kota Kinabalu (Prince Philip Park) Roadblock: "Who got a spring in their step?" Speed Bump: Do a Native Dance
  • Kota Kinabalu (Shern En Methodist Church or City Mall Shopping Center) Detour: Working Hands or Painful Body
  • Kota Kinabalu (Inanam Methodist Church) Double U-Turn: Danny & Paul U-Turned Claudia & Jeoren and Claudia & Jeoren U-Turned Jerald & Meusia
  • Kota Kinabalu (Likas Stadium) Pit Stop: Leg 4

In this leg's Roadblock, one team member participated in a traditional Lansaran dance, bouncing on a bamboo springboard. At the dance's climax, the racer used the springboard to launch themselves high enough to grab a flag positioned above them, which they could exchange for their next clue. In the Speed Bump, Brittany & Savanna must perform a Magunatip dance to get their next clue.

The detour is a choice of Working Hands or Painful Body. In Working Hands, teams must prepare sambal belachan, the traditional Malay spice, the traditional way with a pestle. They will get their next clue once they have prepared five hundred grams each. In Painful Body, teams must endure a 20-minute traditional Malay massage.