User:JotM69/Books/Wiki knots

Wiki knots


A collection based on the Wikipedia list of knots

List of knots
List of knot terminology
Adjustable bend
Albright special
Anchor bend
Angler's loop
Arbor knot
Artillery loop
Ashley's bend
Ashley's stopper knot
Axle hitch
Bachmann knot
Bale sling hitch
Barrel hitch
Becket hitch
Beer knot
Bimini twist
Blackwall hitch
Blake's hitch
Blood knot
Boa knot
Boom hitch
Bottle sling
Bowen knot
Bowline on a bight
Bumper knot
Buntline hitch
Butterfly bend
Butterfly loop
Carrick bend
Carrick mat
Cat's paw (knot)
Chain sinnet
Chain stitch
Cleat (nautical)
Clove hitch
Common whipping
Constrictor knot
Corned beef knot
Cow hitch
Cowboy bowline
Diamond knot
Directional figure eight
Double anchorman knot
Double bowline
Double figure-eight loop
Double fisherman's knot
Double overhand knot
Double overhand noose
Dropper loop
Eskimo bowline
Eye splice
Falconer's knot
Farmer's loop
Farrimond friction hitch
Fiador knot
Figure-eight knot
Figure-eight loop
Fireman's chair knot
Fisherman's knot
Flemish bend
Four-in-hand knot
French bowline
Garda hitch
Gordian Knot
Granny knot
Grief knot
Ground-line hitch
Half blood knot
Half hitch
Half-Windsor knot
Halter hitch
Handcuff knot
Hangman's knot
Harness bend
Heaving line bend
Highwayman's hitch
Hitching tie
Honda knot
Hunter's bend
Icicle hitch
Improved clinch knot
Jury mast knot
Karash double loop
Killick hitch
Klemheist knot
Lashing (ropework)
Lissajous knot
Lobster buoy hitch
Marlinespike hitch
Matthew Walker knot
Miller's knot
Monkey's fist
Mountaineer's coil
Munter hitch
Nail knot
One-sided overhand bend
Ossel hitch
Overhand knot
Overhand knot with draw-loop
Packer's knot
Palomar knot
Pile hitch
Poldo tackle
Portuguese bowline
Portuguese whipping
Pratt knot
Pretzel link
Racking bend
Reef knot
Rigid double splayed loop in the bight
Ringbolt hitching
Rolling hitch
Rope splicing
Round turn and two half-hitches
Sailor's hitch
Savoy knot
Sheet bend
Siberian hitch
Single carrick bend
Single hitch
Slip knot
Slippery eight loop
Slippery hitch
Snuggle hitch
Span loop
Spanish bowline
Stevedore knot
Strangle knot
Surgeon's knot
Surgeon's loop
Tarbuck knot
Taut-line hitch
Thief knot
Timber hitch
Tom fool's knot
Trefoil knot
Trident loop
Triple bowline
Triple crown knot
Triple fisherman's knot
Trucker's hitch
True lover's knot
Tugboat hitch
Turk's head knot
Turle knot
Turn (knot)
Two half-hitches
Uni knot
Versatackle knot
Vibration-proof hitch
Wall and crown knot
Water bowline
Water knot
West Country whipping
Whipping knot
Windsor knot
Yosemite bowline
Zeppelin bend
Zeppelin loop