
Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC)
Battle of Kadesh
Siege of Dapur
Battle of Djahy
Battle of the Delta
Battle of Muye
Battle of Michmash
Battle of Bitter Lakes
Battle of Suru
Qi coup d'état of 860 BC
Battle of Qarqar
Battle of Dur-Papsukkal
Battle of Mount Li
Battle of Xuge
Siege of Azekah
Siege of Lachish
Assyrian siege of Jerusalem
Battle of Diyala River
Battle of Halule
Siege of Babylon
Battle of Deres
Battle of the Great Foss
Battle of Hysiae (c.669 BC)
Sack of Thebes
Battle of Ulai
Battle of Susa
Battle of Loulin
Fall of Ashdod
Battle of Chengpu
Revolt of Babylon (626 BC)
Battle of Arrapha
Fall of Tarbisu
Fall of Assur
Battle of Nineveh (612 BC)
Siege of Harran
Fall of Harran
Battle of Megiddo (609 BC)
Battle of Carchemish
Battle of Hamath
Siege of Jerusalem (597 BC)
Battle of Bi
Battle of An
Siege of Jerusalem (587 BC)
Battle of the Eclipse
Battle of the Sagra
Battle of Yanling
Battle of Hyrba
Battle of the Persian Border
Battle of the Fetters
Battle of Pteria
Battle of Thymbra
Siege of Sardis (547 BC)
Battle of Opis
Battle of Alalia
Battle of Pelusium (525 BC)
Battle of Silva Arsia
Battle of Boju
Battle of Pometia
Siege of Naxos (499 BC)
Battle of Lake Regillus
Battle of Sepeia
Battle of Lade
Siege of Eretria
Battle of Marathon
Battle of Thermopylae
Battle of Artemisium
Battle of Salamis
Battle of Plataea
Battle of Himera (480 BC)
Battle of Mycale
Battle of Lize
Battle of the Cremera
Battle of Cumae
Battle of the Eurymedon
Thasian rebellion
Battle of Mount Algidus
Battle of Aegina
Battle of Tanagra (457 BC)
Battle of Oenophyta
Battle of Jinyang
Battle of Coronea (447 BC)
Battle of Corbio
Capture of Fidenae (435 BC)
Battle of Sybota
Battle of Potidaea
Battle of Spartolos
Battle of Rhium
Battle of Naupactus
Mytilenean revolt
Battle of Tanagra (426 BC)
Battle of Olpae
Battle of Idomene
Battle of Pylos
Battle of Sphacteria
Battle of Megara
Battle of Delium
Battle of Lyncestis
Battle of Amphipolis
Battle of Mantinea (418 BC)
Battle of Hysiae (417 BC)
Battle of Orneae
Siege of Melos
Siege of Syracuse (415–413 BC)
Battle of Syme
Battle of Eretria
Battle of Cynossema
Battle of Abydos
Battle of Cyzicus
Battle of Selinus
Battle of Himera (409 BC)
Siege of Akragas (406 BC)
Battle of Notium
Battle of Mytilene (406 BC)
Battle of Arginusae
Battle of Aegospotami
Battle of Gela (405 BC)
Sack of Camarina (405 BC)
Battle of Phyle
Battle of Munichia
Battle of Piraeus
Battle of Cunaxa
Chapter Break
Siege of Motya
Siege of Segesta (397 BC)
Battle of Messene
Battle of Catana (397 BC)
Siege of Syracuse (397 BC)
Battle of Veii
Battle of Haliartus
Battle of Nemea
Battle of Cnidus
Siege of Tauromenium (394 BC)
Battle of Coronea (394 BC)
Battle of Abacaenum
Battle of Chrysas
Battle of Lechaeum
Battle of the Allia
Siege of Theodosia (389 BC)
Battle of the Elleporus
Siege of Rhegium
Cadusian campaign of Artaxerxes II
Battle of Pharos
Battle of Cabala
Battle of Cronium
Battle of Naxos
Battle of Tegyra
Battle of Leuctra
Siege of Theodosia (c. 365 BC)
Battle of Cynoscephalae (364 BC)
Battle of Mantinea (362 BC)
Siege of Theodosia (c. 360 BC)
Battle of Embata
Battle of Guiling
Battle of Crocus Field
Battle of Erigon Valley
Siege of Syracuse (343 BC)
Battle of Pelusium (343 BC)
Battle of Mount Gaurus
Battle of Saticula
Battle of Maling
Battle of Vesuvius
Battle of Trifanum
Battle of the Crimissus
Battle of Suessula
Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC)
Siege of Pelium
Battle of the Granicus
Siege of Miletus
Siege of Halicarnassus
Battle of Issus
Siege of Gaza
Siege of Tyre (332 BC)
Battle of Pandosia
Battle of Megalopolis
Battle of Gaugamela
Battle of the Uxian Defile
Battle of the Persian Gate
Siege of Cyropolis
Battle of Jaxartes
Capture of Neapolis
Sogdian Rock
Battle of the Hydaspes
Cophen Campaign
Mallian Campaign
Battle of Plataea (323 BC)
Battle of Thermopylae (323 BC)
Battle of Amorgos
Battle of the Echinades (322 BC)
Defeat of Leonnatus by Antiphilus
Battle of Crannon
Battle of the Hellespont (321 BC)
Conquest of the Nanda Empire
Battle of Paraitakene
Battle of Gabiene
Battle of the Caudine Forks
Battle of Lautulae
Battle of Gaza (312 BC)
Antigonid–Nabataean confrontations
Battle of the Himera River (311 BC)
Siege of Syracuse (311–309 BC)
Battle of White Tunis
Battle of Lake Vadimo (310 BC)
Battle of the River Thatis
Siege of Siracena
Battle of Lake Maeotis
Battle of Salamis (306 BC)
Battle of Bovianum
Siege of Rhodes (305–304 BC)
Battle of Ipsus
Battle of Chuisha
Battle of Camerinum
Battle of Tifernum
Battle of Sentinum
Battle of Aquilonia
Battle of Thurii
Battle of Corupedium
Battle of Heraclea
Battle of Asculum
Siege of Syracuse (278 BC)
Siege of Lilybaeum
Battle of the Strait of Messina
Battle of Beneventum (275 BC)
Battle of the Cranita hills
Battle of Messana
Battle of Agrigentum
Battle of Cos
Battle of the Lipari Islands
Battle of Mylae
Battle of Thermae
Battle of Sulci
Battle of Tyndaris
Battle of Cape Ecnomus
Siege of Aspis
Battle of Adys
Battle of the Bagradas River (255 BC)
Battle of Panormus
Siege of Lilybaeum (250 BC)
Battle of Drepana
Battle of Phintias
Siege of Drepana
Battle of Andros (246 BC)
Battle of the Aegates
Battle of Utica
Battle of the Bagradas River (c. 240 BC)
Hamilcar's victory with Naravas
Battle of "The Saw"
Siege of Tunis (Mercenary War)
Battle of Lilybaeum
Battle of Ebro River
Battle of Raphia
Battle of Decimomannu
Battle of Carteia
Battle of Panium
Battle of Lake Tunis
Battle of Carthage (c. 149 BC)
Battle of the Port of Carthage
Battle of Nepheris (147 BC)
Battle of Antioch (145 BC)
Battle of Cissa
Battle of Canusium
Battle of Capua
Battle of Baecula
Battle of Carmona
Battle of Crotona
Siege of Saguntum
Battle of Rhone Crossing
Battle of Ticinus
Battle of the Trebia
Battle of Lake Trasimene
Battle of Ager Falernus
Battle of Geronium
Battle of Cannae
Battle of Silva Litana
Battle of Nola (216 BC)
Battle of Dertosa
Battle of Nola (215 BC)
Battle of Nola (214 BC)
Battle of Beneventum (214 BC)
Battle of Tarentum (212 BC)
Battle of Beneventum (212 BC)
Siege of Syracuse (213–212 BC)
Battle of the Silarus
Battle of Herdonia (212 BC)
Battle of the Upper Baetis
Siege of Capua (211 BC)
Battle of Herdonia (210 BC)
Battle of Numistro
Battle of Cartagena (209 BC)
Battle of Tarentum (209 BC)
Battle of Petelia
Battle of Grumentum
Battle of the Metaurus
Battle of Ilipa
Mutiny at Sucro
Battle of the Guadalquivir (206 BC)
Siege of Utica (204 BC)
Battle of Utica (203 BC)
Battle of Insubria
Battle of the Great Plains
Battle of Cirta
Battle of Zama