
Rank Villain Actor Film Year Notes
1. Dr. Hannibal Lecter Anthony Hopkins The Silence of the Lambs 1991
2. Reverend Harry Powell Robert Mitchum The Night of the Hunter 1955 based on Harry Powers
3. Darth Vader David Prowse (voiced by James Earl Jones) The Star Wars Trilogy 1977-83
4. Jack Torrance Jack Nicholson The Shining 1980
5. Frank Booth Dennis Hopper Blue Velvet 1986
6. Nurse Ratched Louise Fletcher One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1975
7. Norman Bates Anthony Perkins Psycho 1960 based on murderer Ed Gein
8. The Joker Heath Ledger The Dark Knight 2008
9. Noah Cross John Huston Chinatown 1974
10. Hans Gruber Alan Rickman Die Hard 1988
11. Alex Malcolm McDowell A Clockwork Orange 1971
12. Daniel Plainview Daniel Day-Lewis There Will Be Blood 2007
13. Begbie Robert Carlyle Trainspotting 1996
14. Alex Forrest Glenn Close Fatal Attraction 1987
15. HAL 9000 Douglas Rain 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968
16. Amon Goeth Ralph Fiennes Schindler's List 1993 real person
17. Idi Amin Forest Whitaker The Last King of Scotland 2006 real person
18. Harry Lime Orson Welles The Third Man 1949
19. Anton Chigurh Javier Bardem No Country For Old Men 2007
20. Warden Norton Bob Gunton The Shawshank Redemption 1994
21. Michael Myers Tony Moran
Nick Castle
Will Sandin
Halloween 1978
22. Freddy Krueger Robert Englund A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984
23. Baby Jane Hudson Bette Davis What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? 1962
24. Captain Bligh Charles Laughton Mutiny on the Bounty 1935 real person
25. Bill Sikes Robert Newton Oliver Twist 1948
26. The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger The Terminator 1984
27. John Doe Kevin Spacey Seven 1995
28. Leatherface Gunnar Hansen The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1974
29. Auric Goldfinger Gert Frobe (voice of Michael Collins) Goldfinger 1964
30. Maleficent Eleanor Audley Sleeping Beauty 1959
31. The Wicked Witch of the West Margaret Hamilton The Wizard of Oz 1939
32. The Evil Queen Lucille La Verne Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 1937
33. Phyllis Dietrichson Barbara Stanwyck Double Indemnity 1944
34. Mrs. Eleanor Iselin Angela Lansbury The Manchurian Candidate 1962
35. Count Orlok Max Schreck Nosferatu 1922
36. Bill "The Butcher" Cutting Daniel Day-Lewis Gangs of New York 2002 real person
37. Max Cady Robert De Niro Cape Fear 1991
38. Frankenstein's monster Boris Karloff Frankenstein 1931
39. Mrs. Danvers Judith Anderson Rebecca 1940
40. Frank Henry Fonda Once Upon a Time in the West 1968
41. Lars Thorwald Raymond Burr Rear Window 1954
42. Hank Quinlan Orson Welles Touch of Evil 1958
43. Tommy Udo Richard Widmark Kiss of Death 1947
44. Vince Stone Lee Marvin The Big Heat 1953
45. Annie Wilkes Kathy Bates Misery 1990
46. Asami Yamazaki Eihi Shiina Audition 1999
47. Clarence Boddicker Kurtwood Smith RoboCop 1987
48. Col. Hans Landa Christoph Waltz Inglorious Basterds 2009
49. Lord Voldemort Ralph Fiennes The Harry Potter Movies 2005-11
50. Calvin Candie Leonardo DiCaprio Django Unchained 2012