Structural refinements in the direction of engineering prose


   I'm not really an engineer (tho i studied some engineering) but engineers and physicists enjoy mutual intelligibility, and a real engineer could easily dress up my physics-point-of-view wording, with the more suitable professional eng'r'g terminology; 'tis thus that i reworded what i take as the (however valuable) sidewalk supervisor-ish description. I summarized

Redesigned mumbling description of the technical aspects, relying on my highly analytical insight as a physicist.

   Successful physicists rely on engineers, replacing (p.r.n.) the physical description with their own professional (and yet, at least less dweebish) jargon, and we often have no real occasion to learn that other, equally valuable (yet in this --and in perhaps most-- contexts, more germane) set of specialized jargon.
--JerzyA (talk) 18:21, 7 March 2020 (UTC)Reply