Talk:Our Top Ten Treasures

Work in Progress

Image Number Object Type of Find Date Finder Found date Found where
  10 The Bronze Age Ringlemere Gold Cup unearthed by metal-detectorist Cliff Bradshaw Bronze Age metal-detectorist Cliff Bradshaw 2001 near Dover
  9 Cuerdale Silver Hoard stoneworkers 10th century stoneworkers 1840 banks of the River Ribble
  8 Fishpool Hoard 1.2 – 1.4 million years old Sir James Dyson, Phil Harding, Nick Ashton
  7 [[[Mildenhall Treasure|Mildenhall Roman Dinner Service]] 1942 ploughman near Mildenhall, Suffolk
  6 Mold Cape stoneworkers 10th century stoneworkers 1840 banks of the River Ribble
  5 Lewis chessmen - 1831 near Stornoway in 1831 but originating in Scandinavia.
  4 Snettisham Hoard Roman 1948 onwards outside King’s Lynn.
  3 Hoxne hoard metal detectorist. Roman who 1992 near Ipswich
  2 Sutton Hoo ship burial Landowner commissioned excavation Early Anglo-Saxon 7th century Basil Brown and Edith Pretty 1940 Woodbridge, Suffolk]]
  1 Vindolanda tablets stoneworkers 10th century Robin Birley 1973 near Hadrians Wall