Untitled edit

The men's 400m silver medal at the pan am games in 1995 was won by omar mena. [1]

This is backed up by paywalled Associated Press article with this result information:

Track and Field Men 400-1, Norberto Tellez, Cuba, 45.38. 2, Omar Mena, Cuba, 45.64. 3, Eswort Coombs, 45.68. 4, Ian Morris, Trinidad & Tobago, 45.75. 5, Christopher Jones, Houston, 45.82. 6, Wendel Gaskin, Edwardsville, Kan., 45.86. 7, Wenceslao Ferrin, Colombia, 46.16. 8, Michael McDonald, 46.21.


Snorkelman 13:31, 27 September 2012 (UTC)

References edit

  1. ^ "PAN AMERICAN GAMES". Retrieved 27 September 2012.
  2. ^ "Pan Am Games Results." The Associated Press. (March 20, 1995 , Monday, BC cycle ): 1536 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. Date Accessed: 2012/09/27.