Kettil Jamte, or Kettil Anundsson, was an 8th century Norwegian and the supposed first settler of Jämtland.



According to Snorri Sturlasson Kettil was the son of Anund, the Jarl of Sparbu in northern Trøndelag.

In the mid 700s Kettil, together with a large group of others, went over the Scandes and settled in a land which would come to be known as Jamtland (Jämtland) after him. The reason for the emigration was that the king Eystein 'the Evil' had ravaged Trøndelag so greatly that many chose to flee.

Kettil's story is mentioned in two of Snorri's stories in the Heimskringla, namely in the Saga of Olaf the Holy and in the Saga of Haakon the Good.

A grandson of Kettil, Tore Helsing, was according to the Saga of Haakon the Good forced to flee east after having committed murder. He settled in the inner parts of Hälsingland, from which the name of the province supposedly derives.



See also
