Wikipedia talk:WPCleaner/Installation

Latest comment: 1 month ago by Iadmc in topic ChromeOS

I installed, but the program could not be opened. Dan Koehl (talk) 01:39, 13 February 2017 (UTC)Reply



Links to the installer, getdown.txt, and getdown.jar all fail. Is there another place to get these?

WikkanWitch (talk) 11:49, 18 April 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hello WikkanWitch. I don't know what happened, the service serving those files was still marked as running on WMF Tools Lab, but it wasn't doing its job. I just restarted it, and it seems fine. --NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 17:08, 20 April 2019 (UTC)Reply
Did it happen again? --Emanuele676 (talk) 12:42, 11 October 2019 (UTC)Reply
Hello Emanuele676. Yes, it happened again (service was marked as running on WMF Tools Lab, but wasn't serving the pages...). I don't know how to restart it automatically...
My notes for next time:
  • Connect with PuTTY to WMFLabs (
  • Run become wpcleaner
  • Run webservice restart
  • Run webservice start if the previous command ended up in error
--NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 17:27, 17 October 2019 (UTC)Reply



Hi, On

  • Windows 10
  • java version "11.0.4" 2019-07-16 LTS
  • Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.4+10-LTS)
  • Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.4+10-LTS, mixed mode)
  • fawiki
The installation friezes on installing WPCleaner... (it downloads many folder and files and WPCleaner.jar size is 2,142 KB and getdown.js is 183 kb).
When i run jar C:\Users\user\WPCleaner\getdown.jar C:\Users\user\WPCleaner it shows
Illegal option: C

Try `jar --help' for more information.

what should I do?Yamaha5 (talk) 14:13, 22 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

when I run WPCleaner.ja it shows error : A Java Exception has occurred.
I can run and edit with WPCleaner V 1.43 (Jul 6, 2017) Yamaha5 (talk) 14:17, 22 March 2020 (UTC)Reply
Hello Yamaha5. I don'k know why it would freeze when installing WPCleaner.
Why using the jar command? It's for manipulating jar files, not for running them. Can you rather try java -jar C:\Users\user\WPCleaner\getdown.jar C:\Users\user\WPCleaner?
Running WPCleaner.jar directly doesn't work for v2.x: WPCleaner.jar doesn't contain all the dependencies (as it was with v1.43), so dependencies have to be added to the classpath. --NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 14:36, 23 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

Opening WPCleaner on Mac OS failed


I was able to open WPCleaner on Mac OS just fine on 15 July 2020. When I tried to open it today, I got an invalid digest error.

I see that getdown.txt contains as the URL. I think those URLs have moved to so this may be the cause of the problem. I tried to change my getdown.txt file, but I was unsuccessful, getting a variety of errors. – Jonesey95 (talk) 14:35, 21 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Never mind, I saw this thread and fixed my getdown.txt file. The tool works now. – Jonesey95 (talk) 15:40, 21 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
Thanks Jonesey95 for the report. Unless the WMF helps me with what I suggested in phabricator, I see no other option than a manual action from each user. I'm still waiting for the answer from WMF to track down users still having 2.02 and tell them to manually upgrade. --NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 16:47, 21 July 2020 (UTC)Reply


Good evening, I'm a administrator. Why is there no option for in the program?--Fierodelveneto (talk) 19:47, 2 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

No longer runs



Hello, last time I used WPCleaner on July 9, it was working fine, but today when I've tried running it, it loads an icon on the taskbar but nothing else. I've tried deleting all files and reinstalling, and I've also tried running/installing it using getdown from the command line. I'm not sure if there's something I'm missing here. I'm using Windows 10. Trying to run it by clicking "WPCleaner.jar" gives the error message: "A Java Exception occurred". —chaetodipus (talk) 03:27, 12 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi chaetodipus. Strange, I haven't changed anything since July 9. Clicking on WPCleaner.jar doesn't work. Can you try something ? Open a command line (cmd), change directory to the folder you have installed WPCleaner (cd PATH_TO_WPCLEANER), and run the command java -cp "WPCleaner.jar;libs/*" org.wikipediacleaner.WikipediaCleaner. What do you see? --NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 11:53, 12 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
NicoV, I put that into the command line and it gave me:
08:16:39.551 [main] INFO org.wikipediacleaner.WikipediaCleaner - Starting WPCleaner
08:16:39.905 [main] INFO org.wikipediacleaner.WikipediaCleaner - Display main window
Then it opens the icon on the taskbar, but it doesn't do anything else beyond that —chaetodipus (talk) 15:19, 12 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi chaetodipus. This is strange: if you have the icon in the taskbar, then it's running and the window is created (Windows 10 puts the icon when the window is created and displayed). If you press Alt and Tabulation keys, Windows 10 should show you what Windows are displayed: do you see one for WPCleaner? If you see one, press Alt and Tabulation until it's selected. Then press Alt and Space bar to display the window menu: you can try enlarging the window. --NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 15:27, 12 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi NicoV, it shows up on the alt-tab, and on the bar of running programs it shows the WPCleaner icon, and the text "WPCleaner - Version 2.04 (Nov 11, 20...", but it's showing a blank, white area; pressing alt-space doesn't do anything besides clear out the alt-tab screen —chaetodipus (talk) 15:38, 12 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi chaetodipus. In the folder where WPCleaner is installed, you should have a file named WPCleaner.log: can you tell me what are the last lines in it? You should have around 20 lines with the time when you last started WPCleaner. --NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 19:25, 12 July 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi NicoV, the last six lines it gives are:
20:41:02.993 [main] INFO o.wikipediacleaner.WikipediaCleaner - Starting WPCleaner
20:41:03.289 [main] INFO o.wikipediacleaner.WikipediaCleaner - Display main window
20:43:25.684 [main] INFO o.wikipediacleaner.WikipediaCleaner - Starting WPCleaner
20:43:25.974 [main] INFO o.wikipediacleaner.WikipediaCleaner - Display main window
20:43:42.593 [main] INFO o.wikipediacleaner.WikipediaCleaner - Starting WPCleaner
20:43:42.893 [main] INFO o.wikipediacleaner.WikipediaCleaner - Display main window
chaetodipus (talk) 23:55, 12 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi NicoV, I uninstalled and reinstalled Java, and things seem to be working now. I'm not sure what happened, but the app is running again now. Thanks for you help! —chaetodipus (talk) 00:07, 13 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi chaetodipus. Good to hear it's working again! Apparently a problem with your Java installation. Too bad there wasn't an error log in the log file, I could have added something to catch the error if I knew where it was happening. --NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 07:00, 13 July 2021 (UTC)Reply



The jar file won't work on ChromeOS. — Iadmctalk  07:41, 8 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Also doesn't work under the Crosh terminal — Iadmctalk  07:50, 8 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Iadmc: what java version is installed ? what does it says when you run java --version in the terminal ? NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 10:14, 8 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
It just says "command not recognised: java". No idea what Java version is installed; I tried to find out with no joy. It's an old Chromebook... exe files etc don't run either. I think it needs dedicated Chrome file to work. — Iadmctalk  11:40, 8 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Iadmc. If java is not recognized, it's either not installed and you need to install it (I don't know how to), or just not in the path (so you need to find where it's installed and add the path). NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 17:26, 8 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
OK I'm not asking for technical help with installing (not the right place!), I'm wondering if there is an issue in general with ChromeOS which should be mentioned on the main page— Iadmctalk  21:46, 8 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
I don't know @Iadmc because I've never tried ChromeOS. A proper installation of Java is required for WPCleaner to be installed or work, so if java is not installed on the computer or not in the executable path (which is tested by running java --version), it won't work. Given the tutorials I see on the internet to install Java on Chromebook, I would say it's not installed by defaut. NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 15:34, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
OK @NicoV. It can be installed so I'll lookinto it and get back. Maybe I should put full instructions on the main page for fellow ChromeOS users, once I have them? — Iadmctalk  16:35, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Sure @Iadmc : if you manage to install WPCleaner on ChromeOS, that would be great if you can add the documentation !!! NicoV (Talk on frwiki) 16:39, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Will do! — Iadmctalk  16:41, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
@NicoV It seems that not all Chromebooks support Linux and therefore do not support Java. Maybe a note about such issues: "Not all operating systems support Java and therefore cannot run WPCleaner. Contact your manufacturer about this issue.". — Iadmctalk  20:51, 9 June 2024 (UTC)Reply