Wikipedia:GLAM/British Museum/Bronze Age

We are planning with the British Museum to collaborate in improving articles on the Bronze Age. A selected number of scholarly papers are available in PDF form. Comments and queries are welcome on the talk page, and please sign up below if you are interested in helping.


  • Please sign up if you are interested in participating, wherever you are. It is helpful to give your usual location & any particular relevant expertise you have:



BM objects



Lambourne Hoard; PDF article available below




  • Bacon, Edward (ed), The Great Archaeologists, Secker & Warburg, various editions, 1978-2002
  • Barrett, John C., Fragments From Antiquity: An Archaeology of Social Life in Britain, 2900-1200 BC, 1994, Blackwell, (ISBN: 8189617001)
  • Bradley, Richard, The Prehistory of Britain and Ireland, 2007, Cambridge University Press ISBN: 0521612705
  • Cunliffe, Barry, 2001, Facing the Ocean: The Atlantic and Its Peoples 8000 BC-AD 1500, OUP, ISBN: 0199240191

Online etc






The following are available as PDFs. Please follow links as stated or contact User:Fae or User:Johnbod by e-mail:

More general

  • Roberts, B.W. 2009. Subsistence, Structures and Craftworking: analysing economic dynamics in Britain 2500-800 BC. In M. Bartelheim and H. Stäuble (eds.) The Economic Foundations of the European Bronze Age, 65-84. Rahden/Westf, Leidorf. Abs:"The analysis of the economic dynamics underlying prehistoric communities in mainland Britain has in recent years been subsumed under debates centring on social and ideological interpretations. This paper analyses the changing trends in subsistence, construction and craft practices during the centuries spanning c. 2500-800 BC and explores their implications."
  • Development of metallurgy in Eurasia, Roberts, B.W., Thornton, C.P. and Pigott, V.C. 2009. Development of Metallurgy in Eurasia. Antiquity 83, 112-122. Also on
  • Sheridan, JA & Shortland, A 2004, "beads which have given rise to so much dogmatism, controversy and rash speculation”: faience in Early Bronze Age Britain and Ireland", in IAG Shepherd & GJ Barclay (ed), Scotland in Ancient Europe, 263–79 Edinburgh: Soc Antiq Scotland
  • Marc Vander Linden, "What linked the Bell Beakers in third millennium BC Europe?", Antiquity, Volume: 81 Number: 312 Page: 343–352


  • C. F. C. Hawkes, "The Sintra Gold Collar", The British Museum Quarterly, 1971, Vol. 35, No. 1/4 (Spring, 1971), pp. ii+38-50, also JSTOR (see "people" below for Hawkes)
  • Alison Sheridan, Mary Davis, Iain Clark and Hal Redvers-Jones, "Investigating jet and jet-like artefacts from prehistoric Scotland: the National Museums of Scotland project", Antiquity, Volume: 76 Number: 293 Page: 812–825
  • Ringlemere and Rillaton Gold Cups: BM online and paper monograph
  • Needham, Stuart; Sheridan Bowman (2005). "Flesh-Hooks, Technological Complexity and the Atlantic bronze Age Feasting Complex". European Journal of Archaeology. doi:10.1177/1461957105066936. Retrieved 3 July 2010. ABSTRACT ONLINE
  • Sheridan Bowman and Stuart Needham (2007). The Dunaverney and Little Thetford Flesh-Hooks: History, Technology and Their Position within the Later Bronze Age Atlantic Zone Feasting Complex. The Antiquaries Journal, 87, pp 53-108 doi:10.1017/S0003581500000846 [1] ONLINE

Sites, hoards

  • Dalwood, H, "An Assemblage of Bronze Artefacts from Ivinghoe, Buckinghamshire", Oxford Journal of Archaeology, Volume 6, Issue 1, pages 29–42, March 1987
  • Varndell, G, Coe, D and Hey, G, 2007 "The Crow Down hoard, Lambourn, West Berkshire", Oxford J Archaeol 26(3), 275–301
  • Gristhorpe Man, Gristhorpe Man: an Early Bronze Age log-coffin burial scientifically defined, Melton, Montgomery et al., 2010, Antiquity, 2010, vol. 84, no325, pp. 796-815
  • Needham S., Lawson A.J., Woodward A., Bush Barrow, "‘A Noble Group of Barrows’: Bush Barrow and the Normanton Down Early Bronze Age Cemetery Two Centuries On", The Antiquaries Journal (2010), 90: 1-39
  • Britton, D. (1971) The Heathery Burn Cave revisited. British Museum Quarterly 35: 20-38 - excavated in the 19th century and yielding amazing material - much but not all in the BM
  • J. D. Blundell and I. H. Longworth, "A Bronze Age Hoard from Portfield Farm, Whalley, Lancashire", British Museum Quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 1/2 (Autumn, 1967), pp. 8-14 Also JSTOR - This hoard is going on loan to be displayed in Manchester Museum...


  • Christopher Hawkes, "Archaeological retrospect 3" (autobiographical), 1982, Antiquity, Volume: 56 Number: 217 Page: 93–101, also obituary on Word, source?

Article requests


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