User talk:Argentino/Essay

Latest comment: 18 years ago by Gibnews in topic Other Points of view

Other Points of view


It seems the Falkland Islanders are mainly concerned about their sheep and their farms rather than entering into political arguments.

Gibraltar, on the other hand, has no sheep and farms and a surplus of people who will argue about anything. We also experience a sovereignty claim from our neigbour which we all think they can shove where the sun does not shine.

However, it does them and us no good either way.

Argentina is a large country, with large problems. My suggestion is that you sort those problems out before looking at the Falkland Islands.

If you eliminated corruption, built a solid economy and had the same level of freedom as the EU perhaps your neigbours would be asking to join. If not, you would have to respect their rights to differ.

However, Wikipedia is here to present facts. That Argentina has a sovereignty claim is a fact. That it is rejected is also true.

--Gibnews 07:42, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

I think the main reason why the Falkland Islanders distrust the Argentines is because the latter chose to use military force in 1982 to "solve" the dispute. No one likes an aggressor. Also, it goes without saying, that no one wants to be run by a foreign-speaking, corrupt, and fascistic alien regime, and nor do they want to be part of a third world economy. TharkunColl 11:50, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

I think my wording was a bit more diplomatic. Locally we have see the transition of Spain from a fascist dictatorship to a modern European democracy. We still have no inclination to have them run our affairs. When they become really democratic they will not want to. The same applies to Argentina, and its in everyones interest that things improve, particularly theirs.--Gibnews 13:18, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Yes, of course I understand you, but this is not what I, single person, think, but a gathering of opinions and questiond by argentines, mainly in internet forums. BTW, i'm not talking about politics, "trues" and "lies"; just about a point of view. I'm surprised because this article didn't cause so a big a fight. And I would be very surprised if you did liked Argentina.
Also, think we dont like agressors either and qualifying us of "fascistic alien regime" does not make me particularly happy.
Personally, I do not care anymore, (i've already said this somewhere) I have italian nationality (like the 1,5% of us and like 40% of us could) so, because you may be going to be part of the European Union (or something like that was the reason for Kirchner to go mad about the European Constitution), I dont need the Falknands to be part of Argentina because I may be able to do anything I want, even to settle there (but this is of course almost insane). That's why a few argentines think you don't hate us that much, because you wouldn't have passed the referendum. I don't know if there was one, but some people think that. The only think I don't understand abouth the Falklands is if it is true that you eat lamb every day.
Thark: it is a fact this article expresses points of view and nothing else, and for the "third world economy: if we see as a good rating the GPD, then choose between Argentina being a first world economy or The Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Sweden, Portugal and Ireland being third world economies (List of countries by GDP (PPP) based on the list by IMF, the one in wich Argenitna is lower than the other 2 lists). In the other side if you considere PPD per capita, we are still better ranked than Poland, Russia, the last of wich i beelive can't be considered "third world"(List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita).
Gibnews:it is a fact this article expresses points of view and nothing else and don't be so sure, we will keep wanting to, we have quite a lot of differences. And think, if we have argued for so many years (180 in our case) why shuld we stop?. Btw, have you ever met an argentinian?
Argentino 20:50, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

I dated an Argentinian girl, and one of my friends here visits your country regularly so reasonably informed. Being on the end of a 300 year old sovereignty claim - I hope you get over it quicker than Spain. It does nobody any good. Thats why you should stop. GDP is not the same as freedom and quality of life.

As someone said "we can understand that you want our country because its very nice, but we want it more". Holding any EU passport is very useful as the EU is developing well. The 'alien' reference is not mine.

But don't come and try and Blow us up --Gibnews 21:57, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

You talk as if we liked the fact of being at the same time under a dictatorship and in war. And the GPD was for the guy who said we had a "third world economy", that means that the countries I mentioned should have (logicaly) third world economies too, wich is not true; therefore there is a contradiction. I have already pointed out my personal opinions, so we can agree we don't agree and finish the argueing. BTW, if you want you can create a sub-page of your userpage about this too. --Argentino 22:33, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply
If you saw me saying that, then please read what I said again. People chose to belive the stangest of things, one can respect their right to do so, but not necessarily the things themselves. When the beliefs of others intrude one can either ignore it or act to change things. Generally I favour the second method.--Gibnews 16:55, 27 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Fortunately, I don't have to chose between Argentina and "The Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Sweden, Portugal and Ireland being third world economies" - I don't want to go and live in any of them. As for Argentina being a dictatorship in 1982 - that's not our problem. In fact, you should be grateful to us for bringing about its demise. As for the EU, there is a growing body of opinion in the UK that wants us to leave. I hope that will happen. TharkunColl 23:22, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply