User:VernM22/Comparison of birth control methods

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There are many methods of birth control, they vary in what is required of the user, side effects, and effectiveness. It is also important to note that not every method of birth control is ideal for each user. Outlined here are the different types of barrier methods, hormonal methods, various methods including spermicides, emergency contraceptives, and surgical methods. [1]

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Hormonal Methods:

The IUD (intrauterine device) is a 'T' shaped device that is inserted into the uterus by a trained medical professional. There are two different types of IUDs, a copper or a hormonal IUD. [1]The copper IUD (also known as a copper T intrauterine device) is a non-hormonal option of birth control, the IUD is wrapped in copper which creates a toxic environment for sperm and eggs, thus preventing pregnancy. [2] The failure rate of a copper IUD is approximately 0.8% and can prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years. The hormonal IUD (also known as levonorgestrel intrauterine system or LNG UID) releases a small amount of the hormone called progestin that can prevent pregnancy for 3-6 years with a failure rate of 0.1-0.4%. [1] IUDs can be removed by a trained medical professional at anytime before the expiration date to allow for pregnancy. [3]

Oral contraceptives are another option, these are commonly known as 'the pill'. These are prescribed by a doctor and must be taken at the same time everyday in order to be the most effective. There are two different options, there is a combined pill option that contains both of the hormones estrogen and progestin. The other option is a progestin only pill. The failure rate of both of these oral contraceptives is 7%. [1]

Some choose to get an injection or a shot in order to prevent pregnancy. This is an option where a medical professional will inject the hormone progestin into a woman's arm or buttocks every 3 months to prevent pregnancy. The failure rate is 4%. [1]

Women can also get an implant into their upper arm that releases small amounts of hormones to prevent pregnancy. The implant is a thin rod shaped device that contains the hormone progestin that is inserted into the upper arm and can prevent pregnancy for up to 3 years. The failure rate is 0.1%. [1]

The patch is another simple option, it is a skin patch containing the hormones progestin and estrogen that is absorbed into the blood stream preventing pregnancy. The patch is typically worn on the lower abdomen and replaced once a week. The failure rate is 7%. [1]

The hormonal vaginal contraceptive ring is a ring that contains the hormones progestin and estrogen that a woman inserts into the vagina. It is replaced once a month and has a failure rate of 7%. [1]

Barrier Methods:

The diaphragm or cervical cap is used to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. It is a small shallow cup like cap that is inserted into the vagina with spermicide to cover the cervix and block sperm from entering the uterus. It is inserted before sex and comes in different sizes with a failure rate of 17%. [1]

A sponge can also be used as a contraceptive method, the contraceptive sponge contains spermicide and is inserted into the vagina and placed over the cervix to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. The sponge must be kept in place 6 hours after intercourse and can be removed and discarded. The failure rate for women who have had a baby before is 27% and those who have not had a baby, the failure rate is 14%. [1]

The male condom is typically made of latex (but other materials are available due to some people's allergies such as lambskin), the male condom is placed over the male's penis and prevents the sperm from getting into their partner's body. It can prevent pregnancy, STDs, and HIV if used appropriately. Male condoms can only be used once and are easily accessible at local stores. The failure rate is 13%. [1]

The female condom is worn by the woman, it is inserted into the vagina and prevents the sperm from entering her body. It can help prevent STDs and can be inserted up to 8 hours before intercourse. The failure rate is 21%. [1]

Other Methods:

Spermicides come in various forms such as: gels, foams, creams, film, suppositories, or tablets. The spermicides create an environment in which sperm can no longer live, they are typically used in addition to the male condom, diaphragm or cervical cap. They can be used by themselves by putting it into the vagina no more than an hour before intercourse and kept inside the vagina for 6-8 hours after intercourse. The failure rate is 21%. [1]

The fertility awareness-based method is when a woman who has a predictable and consistent menstrual cycle tracks the days that she is fertile. The typical woman has approximately 9 fertile days a month and either avoids intercourse on those days or uses an alternative birth control method for that period of time. The failure rate is between 2-23%.[1]

Lactational Amenorrhea method is an option for women who have had a baby within the past 6 months and are breastfeeding . This method is only successful if it has been less than 6 months since the birth of the baby, they must be fully breastfeeding their baby, and not having any periods. [1] The method is almost as effective as an oral contraceptive if the 3 conditions are strictly followed. [4]

The 'pull out method' or coitus interruptus is a method where the male will remove his penis from the vagina before ejaculating, this prevents sperm from reaching the egg and can prevent pregnancy. This method has to be done correctly every time and best if used in addition to other forms of birth control in order to prevent pregnancy. It has a failure rate of approximately 22%. [5]

Emergency Contraceptives:

A copper IUD can be used as an emergency contraceptive as long as it is inserted within 5 days of intercourse. [1]

There are two different types of emergency contraceptive pills, one contains ulipristal acetate and can prevent pregnancy if taken within 5 days of intercourse. The other contains levonorgestrel and can prevent pregnancy if taken with 3 days of intercourse. This option can be used if other birth control methods fail. [6]

Surgical methods:

Tubal ligation is also known as 'tying tubes', this is the surgical process that a medical professional performs. This is done by closing or tying the fallopian tubes in order to prevent sperm from reaching the eggs. This is often done as an outpatient surgical procedure and is effective immediately after it is performed. The failure rate is 0.5%. [1]

A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure where a doctor will cut the vas deferens and seal the ends to prevent sperm from reaching the penis and ultimately the egg. The method is usually successful after 12 weeks post procedure or until the sperm count is zero. Failure rate is 0.15%. [1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r "Contraception | Reproductive Health | CDC". 2020-08-13. Retrieved 2021-11-18.
  2. ^ "Copper IUD (ParaGard) - Mayo Clinic". Retrieved 2021-11-18.
  3. ^ "Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)". Healthline. 2019-01-11. Retrieved 2021-11-18.
  4. ^ "Breastfeeding as Birth Control | Information About LAM". Retrieved 2021-11-18.
  5. ^ "What is the Effectiveness of the Pull Out Method?". Retrieved 2021-11-18.
  6. ^ "What Kind of Emergency Contraception Is Best For Me?". Retrieved 2021-11-18.