Hello. I am TheJediTimeLord, the defeater of Daleks and the dueler of the Sith. I fight for freedom in the Galaxy, by fixing grammar and spelling errors, while also adding my knowledge to the page. Welcome to my page and I hope you enjoy brief information about my 3 favorite TV/Movie topics: Star Wars, Doctor Who and Marvel.

About Me


I was born on 2nd February, 2000. When I was 4 years old, I was devastated at the news that my uncle had died in a car crash. I enjoyed playing with toys at the age of 5, and ended up wrecking my whole bedroom just for a Lego Star Wars event! Luckily, my mum is very nice and said she'd tidy my room, while I watch TV. I am a very humorous boy, enjoying everything (well, almost everything) life throws at me. I developed a love for Doctor Who at the age of 6, when David Tennant - the Tenth Doctor - first came on TV fully as the Doctor. I binge-watched it everyday, enjoying the action and the adventure, hoping one day I could grow up to be like David. Around 8, while my 10 year old sister was watching a movie, I turned on the TV and discovered a franchise that lots of people love and still love today: Marvel. I watched their first movie, Iron Man, because my mum had left the TV on that channel the previous night. Then, finally, when I was 10, my sister showed me the saga everybody loves, Star Wars. She asked if I'd watch Star Wars Episode IV with her, and I greatly accepted. I then realized after the movie, it was the correct choice :D. Then here I am today, busy studying for my A-Levels, hoping I can succeed. Luckily, my sister is still helping me.

Star Wars


Everybody loves Star Wars, and if you don't, watch it now! Turn off your computer and watch it. NOW. You done? Good. I loved Episode IV when I first watched it. Then when I watched Episode V, I declared it 'The Best Star Wars Movie Ever'. I realized that Star Wars surrounds us, it binds the cinema together... told you I was humorous. After watching Episode VI, my sister warned me about the prequel trilogy. I chuckled it off, then watched Episode I the next day. Then, I noticed something: Why didn't I listen to my sister? When I watched Episode II, I was prepared. However, when I watched Episode III, I was stunned. I loved it! Then of course, the beloved Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released. I ended up writing Star Wars fan fics for Fanfiction.net and eventually got high ratings. The Force is strong with me...