


Lhakar is a Tibetan word which can be translated literally as « White Wednesday » and occasionally as « pure dedication ». It refers to the self reliance Tibetan movement which appeared after theTibet uprising against Chinese rule. The movement is based on a non violence strategy , applied through social, cultural, and economical activities.[1]



In 1950, a Chinese military invasion led by Mao Zedong conquered Tibet. Since then Tibet has officially been under the Chinese government and Tibetans are being classified as one of China’s 56 recognized ethnic groups.

However tensions between China and Tibet have gradually increased since that period as Tibet wish to be independent from China. These tensions took form through rebellious acts. During the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s Tibet’s struggle for independence took the form of armed resistance. Then, from the 1980’s,resistance was transformed into a non-violent, clergy-led protest. until 2008 where a new type of resistance took place, street protests.

Indeed, after the Tibet uprising in spring 2008 the Chinese authorities increased their military presence in that region. In response to China’s military enforcement, the Tibetans have adapted their forms of resistance hence the birth of Lhakar. Inspired by nonviolent methods, such as Mahatma Gandhi’s, the Lhakar movement has been encouraging the affirmation of Tibetan cultural identity, and this has been visible predominantly from 2008 to the present[2] . Since then, Tibetans have been doing things such as wearing traditional clothes, or speaking Tibetan language.But,what began as a campaign to take simple and practical actions on Wednesdays(theDalai Lama's soul day), to assert Tibetan cultural identity has evolved into a widespread non-cooperation and self-reliance movement inside Tibet. A growing number of Tibetans are eating only in Tibetan restaurants and boycotting Chinese businesses on Wednesdays.Lhakar makes use of low-risked,sustainable socio-economic activities to ensure the change.[3]

On November 6, 2010, in Dharamsala approximately 50 monks and nuns started protests in order to demand Chinese respect toward freedom of the Tibetan language. However, it was mainly on November 9, 2010, in Dharamsala, that this protest expanded- around 700 Tibetan monks and nuns, the majority being from Sershul Monastery, were a part of this. They were then stopped by security forces in the Tibetan region of Zachukha during their march towards Sershul. The purpose of this long march was to demand ‘freedom, ‘equality’ and more importantly ‘freedom of language’.

These protests were triggered by the event of Chinese authorities confiscating boxes containing money from voluntary fine operations that had taken place among the Tibetan population. Those were completed as an act of punishment for those who spoke ‘Drak kay’, a term used to describe a mix of Chinese and Tibetan languages. Chinese authorities were against this; however, with the protests for the return of those boxes, the monks won. [4]



Lhakar's strategy is based on nonviolence. That strategy is applied along three main lines: De-collectivization, weaponization of culture, non cooperation.



In their fight for human rights and independence, Tibetans have routinely used the most visible form of resistance also known as streets demonstrations. But, as China attempted to stamp out what they consider as general public disorder, Tibetans adopted a strategy of de-collectivization. Indeed, through personal actions such as wearing traditional clothes, eating Tibetan food, listening to Tibetan radio, teaching their native language at home, many Tibetans began to use their individual space to assert an identity that they consider to have been suppressed for decades. In a politically charged period, cultural rituals became political actions , because they gave Tibetan people a non Chinese identity. Emphasising individual acts of resistance rather than public acts of protest, Lhakar has decentralized the resistance. Through de-collectivization of activism, Lhakar wishes to sustain the Tibetan struggle by empowering the individual.[5] [6]

Weaponization of culture


Disempowering usual perception of culture, Lhakar started to use art, literature, poetry and music as a tool to fight for greater political rights. They are using Tibetan culture as for expressing their faith in the Dalai Lama, love of their homeland. Songs with politically charged lyrics or music videos with images of the Dalai Lama become instant hits. This upsurge in the public consumption of Tibetan music and poetry has spawned a modern renaissance in art and literature across the plateau. Tibetans are rediscovering how culture can save politics, instead of politics to save culture.[7]

A thangka painting in Sikkim

This transformation is reflected most in the revival of public enthusiasm for studying Tibetan. In various parts of Tibet, elders and children take pledges to speak pure Tibetan, shedding Chinese terms from their vocabulary. Their pledge is as follows:

I am Tibetan, from today I will speak pure Tibetan in my family.
I am Tibetan, from today I will speak pure Tibetan whenever I meet a Tibetan.
I am Tibetan, from today I will remind myself every day that I am a Tibetan till I die.
I am Tibetan, from today I will wear only Tibetan traditional dress, chuba, every Wednesday.
I am Tibetan, from today I will speak only Tibetan every Wednesday.
I am Tibetan, from today I will learn Tibetan language.
I am Tibetan, from today I will stop eating meat and only eat a vegetarian diet and gain more merit every Wednesday.
I am Tibetan, from today I will only use Tibetan and speak Tibetan when I call or send a message to Tibetans.[8]

In Sertha in Kham, elders hand out free dictionaries to youngsters. Writers and musicians in eastern Tibet, many of whom preferred the dominant Chinese language as their artistic medium, now compose and perform in Tibetan. In restaurants and cafes, the owners serve customers only when they order in Tibetan. Weibo users tweet in Tibetan every Wednesday; Renren and Facebook users regularly post images and poems that carry political messages. Social networks contribute to spreading knowledge about Lhakar [9] Also, the Dalai Lama is one of the creators of The Lhakar Diaries[10] , a blog and Facebook group that chronicles a group of young Tibetans' quest for culture reckoning as they pledge to participate in Lhakar and record their experiences.

Non cooperation


Non cooperation refers to an undeclared and peaceful boycott that Tibetans have used towards Chinese businesses and institutions. This action is inspired by Ghandi’s non cooperation actions during the Indian struggle for independence.[11] [12]

Markham. [13] Another case of non violent and non cooperative action happened in Markham (in eastern Tibet), where Tibetans consider to have won an unprecedented victory in their fight for civil rights. The residents of Markham petioned and protested against Zhongkhai co’s company,claiming that mining operation caused a big loss in the area :poisoning of the local water,deterioration(yaks and sheep began loosing their hooves) and death (humans and cattles) .Considering the petition unsucessful,they organised on may 16 2009, a sitting down.Actually,500 tibetans linked arms and sat down blockading the unique road to the mining site.Chinese authorities sent up the police to clear up the situation.They asked the Tibetan to move announcing they would shoot those who wouldn’t disperse.Eventually nothing happened to the Tibetans.On June 8 the Chinese authorities agreed to cease the mining operation of the company.

No losar.[14] [15] In 2009, many Tibetans inside and outside Tibet refused to celebrate Losar (the Tibetan new year). Instead they choose a commemorative silence for those killed during the 2008 uprising. Tibetans refused to enjoy and to take part in the celebrations. In some areas (Amdo and Kham), a privately circulated leaflet said :

“During the incidents on March 10, thousands of fellow Tibetans were arrested and sent to prison, thousands of fellow Tibetans suffered from persecution, thousands of fellow Tibetans disappeared; we Tibetans living our quiet and simple lives, if you have a conscience, if you want to live a life sharing joy and sorrows, then we ask you to do the following two things: don’t indulge in singing and enjoyment; don’t light firecrackers or fireworks. Hopefully everyone will be able to follow these two requests, helping us to commemorate the dead and pray for the living!”

Another leaflet content for No Losar:

“Brothers and sisters, monks and ordinary people of the three Tibetan provinces (Amdo, U-Tsang and Kham) of the same root and family, we have to unite, resist together, never ever give in to those invading our homeland. The people of the three provinces must stand together through thick and thin, never forget the fellow compatriots that have been shot dead, they did not die for their own benefits but because they fought for freedom and justice. Thus, as Tibetans, we cannot celebrate Losar…”

The local authorities saw in the no Losar movement anything but an act of severe separatism and, proceeded to many arrests of people they would consider to be responsible for instigating the no Losar movement. Also, they tried to maintain the celebrations with diverse means, for example by making Tibetans signing papers on which were attested they would not refuse to take part in celebrations for Losar. The Chinese authorities approaches mostly considered aggressive have failed. However, since 2009 not celebrating Losar movement has continued over the past few years. Since 2009 the movement was repeated every year, including in 2013 when a silent commemoration will be held.

Tibetan Poetry: This Year, No Losar By Chad med sha Translated by High Peaks Pure Earth

"Last year was washed by blood"
"In Lhasa, countless compatriots"
"were fallen under a piercing arrow"
"this year, no Losar for us"
"In Sichuan, countless people"
"Buried under the earth"
"this year, no Losar for us"
"There is only the word “no” on your lips."
"We are speechless"
"you are filled with anger"
"we have no bitterness"
"For the sake of the deceased valiant heroes"
"Let us offer our regrets"
"For the deceased people"
"Let us make offerings"
"Therefore, This year"
"how can Losar be celebrated?"
"Unequivocally! No."
"To celebrate is like a mindless beast"
"Furthermore an aeroplane crashed against a cliff,"
"this year, no Losar for us,"
"a train crashed,"
"this year, no Losar for us,"
"Even more, it’s endless"
"Snowstorms covered the high lands,"
"this year, no Losar for us,"
"Drought in the low lands,"
"this year, no Losar for us,"
"Smile covered countenance,"
"A deceitful expression,"
"A sign of a defeat"
"It is a smile of fear"
"Adorned with a smile of happiness,"
"Actually, this is a false smile"
"Covering dishonesty,"
"You are thoughtless of the people"
"you pay no heed to the world"
"Have you looked at the world?"
"You have not tread the modern path,"
"Mind is filled with sadness and suffering,"
"therefore, because of our anguish,"
"Let’s not partake in Losar this year."[16]

The vegetable shops.[17] [18] [19]

The boycott of the vegetable shops seems to be what represent the most the non-cooperation tactic in the lhakar movement. For many years, Tibetans in Nangchen (Chinese: Nangqen) had been buying vegetables at what they considered as astronomical prices from Chinese grocers. In early 2011, a group of Tibetans started to boycott Chinese vegetable shops, since they stopped buying vegetables in Chinese groceries. Many Tibetans, followed the example, leading Chinese groceries to closure. Another consequence observed was the development of Tibetan vegetables sellers.


In Nangchen country, Tibetans have taken diverse Lhakar Pledges resolving to boycott Made-in-China products, Chinese stores and institutions. The movement is becoming so popular that in some Tibetan restaurants in Zorge, Sichuan province, the orders are only taken in Tibetan language. Moreover, monks in Sershul Monastery Sichua province seeking to protect their mother tongue, prohibit Chinese language by finning a Yuan for every Chinese word said.[20]



Chabdak Lhamo Kyab

Main article: Chabdak Lhamo Kyab

Chabdak Lhamo Kyab is a popular Tibetan language professor, deputy of Tibetan's Parliament in Exile, as well as writer and poet. He is also a member of the Tibetan Writers Abroad PEN Centre. Known for his support of Tibetan independence, he has been involved in Tibetan politics since a young age: publishing at least seven works on Tibet, as well as poetry. In June 2012, he gave a conference on the Lhakar movement.

Tenzin Dorjee

Tenzin Dorjee is a writer, activist and musician. He is the Executive Director of Students for a Free Tibet, a global grassroots network of students and activists. He is also known for his blog posts on the official Lhakar website, and for being the chair of the Lhakar Awards Committee. [21]

People's Republic of China Response

Original China flag design submitted by Zeng Liansong

Since 2009, at least 113 Tibetan monks and teenagers[22] [23] [24] [25] [26] as a way to protest against the Chinese power according to the Tibetan government based in Dharamsala, India. [27] To stop immolation, the Chinese authorities put measures in place, such as placing a large concentration of security guards in addition to firemen in hazardous areas, and officially declaring that self-immolation aid or encouragement is murder. In January 2013, 8 Tibetans were strongly sentenced, one of them by death penalty. On April 13th, 4 Tibetans were sentenced because they boycotted and transmitted information about immolation.

Last fall Chinese authorities in Sershul, eastern Tibet, arrested a Tibetan woman for wearing a traditional Tibetan Chupa gown on a Wednesday. Around the same time, they detained hundreds of Tibetans for being involved in a language preservation group, and many others for promoting vegetarianism – older Tibetans are fond of imagining that the good karma accumulated from reducing their collective meat consumption will add more years to the Dalai Lama's life. [28]

International Actions


In order to promote the Lhakar movement in exile,Students For Free Tibet everyone to take solidarity actions on Wednesdays to support freedom and human rights in Tibet.

New York Flash Mob to highlight 107 self-immolations in Tibet


On August 15 2008, Tibetans and supporters from New York joined a flash mob in New York's famous Grand Central Terminal to highlight the staggering number of self-immolations: 107 in total, in protest against Chinese rule. Groups of students, monks, children, businessmen, and activists recently arrived from protesting in Beijing, and ex-political prisoners froze in place mimicking the pose of the iconic Olympic athletes John Carlos and Tommy Smith who shocked the world with their stance of solidarity during the 1968 Olympic Games.

Shortly after the group entered Grand Central Terminal, members of the Tibetan community of New York and New Jersey dropped a banner reading “One World One Dream Free Tibet” off the two adjacent staircases looking over the Terminal. [29]

European Nationalists Unite for Tibet


The right of Tibet to be Tibetan was a dominant theme of the European wing of the international Solidarity with Tibet Day, held in early March 2013. According to our European correspondent, several members of the Flemish Voorpost nationalist organization took a prominent part in the demonstration in Brussels, and were accompanied by nationalists from several other European nations on the day. There were also demonstrations in Copenhagen, Prague, Helsinki, Deggendorf, Berlin, Paris, Hamburg, Budapest, Dublin, Warsaw, Lublin, Lisbon, Bucharest, London, and Edinburgh. The international demonstration was created after the March 1959 crushing of the Tibetan independence movement by the Communist regime in China. The demonstration demanded that the legitimate head of state of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, be returned to his position; that Tibet be given self-determination and that there be respect for human rights and religious freedom in that country. [30]

Save Lhasa Petition


On June 24-28 2013, a pledge to save Lhasa was introduced. Over 100,000 people across the world had signed the Save Lhasa petition, urging UNESCO's World Heritage Committee to protect Tibet's capital Lhasa and its cultural heritage, from Chinese construction.

Protests also took place outside UNESCO offices in France, New York and New Delhi, demanding UNESCO's World Heritage Committee to include Lhasa in the World Heritage in Danger List. But UNESCO is yet to take any action. Until they meet those demands, pressure is still on. [31]

G20 Summit Actions for Tibet


Leaders of the G20 countries met in Russia on September 5 & 6, 2013, to discuss international financial and economic issues. To Lhakar, it represented an opportunity to highlight the self-immolation protests in Tibet, and also to persuade the group of world leaders to unite for Tibet. On the eve of the G20 summit, Tibetan NGOs urged G20 leaders to also tackle Xi Jinping about his party's 60-year occupation of Tibet and human rights abuses. [32]


  1. ^ "Lhakar". Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  2. ^ Dorjee, Tenzin (April 18, 2013). "La resistance au quotidien". Courrier International. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
  3. ^ Lhakar. "Student for a free tibet". Student for a free tibet. Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  4. ^ Phayul. "Tibetans protest in Zachukha over spoken language". Phayul News. Retrieved 2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  5. ^ Tenzin, Dorjee. "WHY LAKHAR MATTERS". The tibetan political review. Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  6. ^ "The individualisation of activism". Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  7. ^ Dorjee, Tenzin. "Why Lhakar Matters".
  8. ^ "Lhakar Diaries". Bod Gyalo.
  9. ^ Dorjee, Tenzin. "Why Lhakar Matters".
  10. ^ "Lhakar Diaries".
  11. ^ Tenzin, Dorjee. "WHY LHAKAR MATTERS". The tibetan political review. Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  12. ^ Dadon. "Tibetan make Gandhi proud". Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  13. ^ Dadon. "Tibetan make Gandhi proud". Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  14. ^ Dadon. "Tibetan make Gandhi proud". Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  15. ^ Woeser. "Looking back at the past few years of"Not celebrating Losar"". High peaks pure earth. Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  16. ^ chad, med aha. "Tibetan poetry this year no Losar". Human rights in China. Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  17. ^ Dadon. "Tibetans in Khma boycott Chinese vegetable stores". Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  18. ^ Dadon. "Nangchen boycott spreads to neighbouring areas". Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  19. ^ Tenzin, Dorjee. "Adoption of non cooperation/WHY LHAKAR MATTERS". The tibetan political review. Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  20. ^ Dadon. "Cough up a Yuan for every chinese word". Retrieved 16/11/2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  21. ^ Phayul (September 16, 2013). "Golog Jigme, Yudrug band, among 2013 Lhakar award recipients". Phayul. Retrieved November 16, 2013.
  22. ^ Reuters (February 19, 2012). "Teenage Tibetan monk self-immolates, dies: rights group". Reuters. Retrieved November 5, 2013. {{cite news}}: |last= has generic name (help)
  23. ^ BBC (March 6, 2012). "Tibetan teen burns himself to death in China protest". BBC News. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
  24. ^ AP (February 12, 2012). "Teenage Tibetan nun sets herself on fire in China". The Telegraph. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
  25. ^ BBC News (August 28, 2012). "Two Tibetan teenagers die in self-immolations". BBC News. Retrieved November 16, 2013.
  26. ^ "Teenage Tibetan nun sets herself on fire in China". The Daily Telegraph. Associated Press. February 12, 2012. Retrieved November 6, 2013.
  27. ^ Time World (September 4, 2013). "Tibetans Turn to Alternative Protest as Self-Immolations Prove Futile". The Tibet Post International. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
  28. ^ The Tibetan Political Review. "WHY LHAKAR MATTERS: The Elements of Tibetan Freedom". Retrieved November 16, 2013.
  29. ^ SFT (Saturday, August 16, 2008). "High Profile Tibet "Flash Mob" in NYC's Grand Central". Phayul. Retrieved November 5, 2013. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  30. ^ TNO Staff (March 27, 2013). "European Nationalists Unite for Tibet". The New Observer. Retrieved November 5, 2013.
  31. ^ Students for a Free Tibet. "Victory! More than 100,000 people urge UNESCO to save Lhasa". Retrieved November 5, 2013.
  32. ^ Padiyar, Aditi (September 4, 2013). "Tibetan NGOs urge G20 leaders to unite for Tibet". The Tibet Post International. Retrieved November 5, 2013.