User:MonkeyStolen234/sandbox/grizzly books

No. Title Theme Cartoon Episode
Episode Name Series Episode number Air date
No. Title Theme(s) Cartoon Episode
Episode Name Series Episode number Air date
1The New NannySpite, and telling lies"The New Nanny"1014 January 2000
Tristram and Candy Frightfully-Busy frequently bully and humiliate their nanny, and accuse her of abusing them to their parents. When the nanny is fired by Mr. Frightfully-Busy, Mrs. Frightfully-Busy decides to hire a new one from an animal nanny agency.
2The One-Tailed, Two-Footed, Three-Bellied, Four-Headed, Five-Fingered, Six-Chinned, Seven-Winged, Eight-Eyed, Nine-Nosed, Ten-Toothed MonsterN/A
3The Spaghetti ManSpite, Parental abuse by children"The Spaghetti Man"10211 January 2000
An invisible, spaghetti-smelling force invites itself into the home of Timothy, an aggressive child who violently refuses to eat whatever dinner his mother places in front of him. Meanwhile, an old, seemingly-abandoned food factory in Italy only comes to life in the dead of night once a year, but no one knows what happens inside.
4The Princess's ClothesGreed, spoilt children"The Princess's Clothes"10714 February 2000
Felicity is a daddy's girl, much to her mother's annoyance, and is allowed to do and wear whatever she wants, but tensions arise when her mother considers buying "horrible" clothes from the mysterious Ms. Shears.
5The Black KnightN/A
6Glued To The Tellytelevision addiction, laziness"Glued To The Telly"20223 October 2000
Herbert is allowed to eat as many cheese and onion crisps he wants and watches television all day, never leaving going to school as a result. A television malfunction sucks him inside and he has to try and escape before he is stuck inside it forever.
7The Barber of CivilRudeness and manners"The Barber of Civil"10928 February 2000
The town of Saucy-by-Sea is notorious for having the worst behaved children in the world, but the reputation is turning around, thanks to the town's new barber who offers free haircuts to the rudest of the schools, which change these children into completely different (but politer) people. Peregrine and Tanya are his next customers.
8The Man With a Chip On His Shoulder
A paragraph-long story about a man frustrated about chips growing out of his body.
9The Giant Who Grew Too Big For His BootsGreed"The Giant Who Grew Too Big For His Boots"20613 November 2000
In a Welsh cottage lives Hugh, a selfish, lisping giant who keeps growing. The more he grows, the greedier he becomes and the wetter the world gets.
10The Wooden HillFacing fears"The Wooden Hill"10531 January 2000
Jack wants his mother to read him a story but the book is upstairs, at the top of the staircase in the dark corridor.
11The Litter BugN/A"The Litter Bug"21027 November 2000
12Goblin MountainN/A"Goblin Mountain"40830 April 2004
13SweetsSpitefulness"Sweets"11220 March 2000
Thomas Rachit causes trouble in supermarkets, embarrassing his submissive mother, because he wants sweets. After a terrible shopping day, Thomas runs away and finds himself in a sweet shop with an old shopkeeper and his creepy mannequins.
14"The Top Hat"Selfishness, pettiness"The Top Hat"41321 May 2004
When Benjamin learnt how to walk, he found a top hat that his uncle had given to his parents as a birthday gift. After it breaks from its age years later, Benjamin hopes that his sixth birthday will grant him good fortune, but he is furious when his parents admit that they were unable to find any shops that sell top hats, so he decides to ruin his birthday party as revenge.
15The Childhood SnatcherYouth, vicariousness, growing up too fast"The Childhood Snatcher"20123 October 2000
Desperate to become famous, Amos marries and has a child, hoping that she will become the youngest genius in the world. However, creating a child genius out of a toddler alerts a supernatural old man, who visits her every year to help himself to her youth by plucking a hair from her head.
No. Title Theme Cartoon Episode
Episode Name Series Episode number Air date
1Grandmother's FootstepsN/A"Grandmother's Footsteps"10318 January 2000
A little boy staying overnight at his grandmother's house is spooked by a silohuette outside his window. The grandmother decides to calm him down by telling him a ghost story.
2BurgerskipDeforestation"Burgerskip"10821 February 2000
The CEO of a successful fast food restaurant plans to expand his empire by clearing a nearby forest, but a representative of a Native American tribe begs him to reconsider because of a tree shrine dedicated to his tribe's deity that is in the bulldozing path.
3TagEnvy, Theft"Tag"20713 November 2000
Terry becomes a kleptomaniac after becoming jealous of a classmate's new popularity. Troubles begin when he steals "A. Phantom"'s PE kit from the school cloakroom.
4The Locked DoorNosiness"The Locked Door"303Dec 24, 2002
5A Tangled WebN/A"A Tangled Web"1067 February 2000
6The WellN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
7An Elephant Never ForgetsGreed, spoilt children"An Elephant Never Forgets"2124 December 2000
The spoilt children of the Crumpdump family demand their parents for an elephant so their father compromises by having one killed and its foot turned into an umbrella stand, which they discover has magical powers.
8School DinnersN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
9The Big SleepN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
11The Broken-Down CottagePranks"The Broken-Down Cottage"20330 October 2000
Two boys who have ran away from their homes live together in an abandoned cottage. To pass the time, they decide to prank call all the emergency services.
12Guilt GhostGuilt, murder
A man visited a bar and got into a fight with another customer, who fell to their death. In fear and shock, the man leaves the area to start a new life, but his guilt of manslaughter personifies into a shapeshifting poltergeist, only he can see and communicate with, that refuses to disappear unless he confesses to the police.
13A Lesson From HistoryLaziness"The History Lesson"11113 March 2000
Eliza is to take a history exam in school but she never studied, and loathes the lesson. As she silently panics, watching the rest of the exam hall race through their exam sheets, she is visited by the ghost of a student who died in a school fire 100 years ago.
14The Ghost of Christmas Turkeys PastN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
15Rogues GalleryN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
No. Title Theme Cartoon Episode
Episode Name Series Episode number Air date
1The Cat BurglarDishonesty"The Cat Burglar"2046 November 2000
Fedora Funkelfink is a notorious con and forgery artist at her school who preys on desperate students. One day, she finds a poster for a missing cat with a £10 reward and uses her conning ways to try and trick the Tearful family, but the cat owner's mother is not easy to fool.
2Mr. Peeler's ButterfliesSleep"Mr Peeler's Butterflies"2056 November 2000
Alexander refuses to go to bed, wanting to never sleep again, and is visited by Mr Peeler, a character from a nursery rhyme who steals sleep from children who hate going to bed early.
3Fat Boy With A TrumpetBullying"Fat Boy with a Trumpet"21127 November 2000
School bully Johnny Bullneck and his malicious gang set upon a new bespectacled student with a trumpet case.
4The Chipper Chums Go ScrumpingTheft"The Chipper Chums Go Scrumping"1106 March 2000
Set in 1952 and in the style of the children books of Enid Blyton, Algy is visiting his aunt and uncle in Kent for the summer holidays with his dog Stinker and his best friend Col. They go on a picnic in the countryside with three of the neighbourhood kids (Sam, Ginger, and his sister Alice) and search for an adventure, later deciding to scrump from a nearby apple orchard but they are soon caught by its owner, an angry cider making farmer armed with a shotgun.
5Prince NomanN/A"Prince Noman"2820 November 2000
6Death By ChocolateGluttony, blackmail"Death By Chocolate"144 January 2000
A chocolate factory momentarily ceases production after a fly infiltrates the production line. The contaminated chocolate egg is bought by the mother of Serena Slurp, a greedy chocoholic who bullies Ellie, her sister. When Serena catches Ellie accidentally breaking a fly swatter, Ellie agrees to become Serena's slave in exchange for not being snitched on to mother.
7Well'ard WillardLies and peer pressure"Well'ard Willard"2134 December 2000
At home, Willard is a science enthusist, but at school, he is known as a popular globetrotter. He improvises far-fetched anecdotes outside of the classroom and the younger students envy his "exploits" but when Willard claims that he stole the sun and has it hidden in his house, an unconvinced girl in the audience dares him to prove it.
8Athlete's FootArrogance"Athlete's Foot"4107 May 2004
Anthony St. James-Smith is the handsome, charming and talented 400m runner who flaunts his success at Ollie, a clumsy boy who is always falling over the finishing line in last place. Ollie grabs the attention of an old man, who gives him magic trainers that make him win every race in exchange for having dinner with the old man.
9The Matchstick GirlN/A
10Simon SulkN/A"Simon Sulk"3430 December 2002
11The Dumb ClucksHoaxes, gullible"The Dumb Klutzes"6817 October 2007
A man arrives in The Cluck family's town, claiming to be a fortune teller
12Doctor MoribundusLies"Doctor Moribundus"11327 March 2000
Loralilee frequently pretends to be ill so that she can never go back to school. After momentarily being caught, a doctor recommends Dr Moribundus to her obivious parents.
13The Stick Menchild neglect, escapism"The Stick Men"4117 May 2004
The closest affection Chico gets is from the pictures he draws on his bedroom wall, which he workaholic parents quickly wash off as they call him a nuisance. One day, Chico's drawings come to life and show him their world.
14Little FingersHabits"Little Fingers"31225 February 2003
A boy cannot keep his hands to himself, especially when The Mafia knock his door.
15Bessy O'MessyN/A"Bessy O'Messy"4723 April 2004
16Jack In A BoxN/A"Jack in a Box"2920 November 2000

Millionaire's Road

No. Title Theme Cartoon Episode
Episode Name Series Episode number Air date
1Knock Down GingerElder abuse"Knock Down Ginger"3217 December 2002
In the snobbish town of Nimby, the residents resent Mr. Thripps, a retired entomologist, who lives on Millionaire's Road in a house full of rescued insects. Ginger Pie is a boy who lives opposite to Thripps and is encouraged by his mother to scare their neighbour out of town, which he attempts with his friend Milo, along with Milo's sister Eliza, so they decide to play Knock Down Ginger.
2The Upset StomachAnimal abuse"The Upset Stomach"3110 December 2002
The greedy Ethel Turnip discovers a newspaper advert about a farm that breeds stomachs so she orders her parents to buy one in time for Christmas, but she regrets this decision almost immediately after the stomach is delivered.
3The Gas Man ComethPrank call"The Gas Man Cometh"4416 April 2004
A frequent prank caller wants to do more impressions, such as Queen Elizabeth II, and decides to take a gas tank full of helium from a "gas man".
4The Urban FoxHunting"The Urban Fox"357 January 2003
An upper-middle-class couple arrive in Mr and Mrs Smith's council estate and decide to go fox hunting when they see the Smiths' pet fox, Elvis, in a garden. Mr and Mrs Smith's daughter and Elvis scramble to create a plan to stop the event through Elvis' cunning ways.
5SpoilsportN/A"Spoilsport"3721 January 2003
6Dirty BertiePersonal hygiene"Dirty Bertie"31011 February 2003
Bertie's parents are ashamed that their son refuses to keep himself clean and hope that he will change his mind one day so that other people will want to interact with him, but an alien that has crashlanded in their garden will prove that someone is not bothered by Bertie's filthiness.
7The People Potter
8It's Only a Game, Sport!Sore loser"It's Only a Game, Sport!"412 April 2004
Shane and Sheila were once the most famous athletes in Australian history but their children are not as lucky. Their daughter, Kitty, does not mind but their son, Bruce, is a failure at every sport he touches, and has become a sore loser as a result.
9Fast FoodN/A
10Sock ShockN/A
11Revenge Of The BogeymanN/A"Revenge of the Bogeyman"422 April 2004
12Crocodile TearsTelling lies"Crocodile Tears"31118 February 2003
Wen pretends to be a crybaby so that she can get anything she wants.
13The Pie ManHabit"The Pie Man"3828 January 2003
Donald is a thumb sucker.
14Bunny BoyFussy eater"Bunny Boy"4623 April 2004
A boy refuses to eat his vegetables and tries any absurd method he can think of to get rid of it.
16Superstitious NonsenseLie, Superstition"Superstitious Nonsense"4930 April 2004
A girl invents superstitions so that she can get out of being bossed by her parents, and her parents believe every single lie.
17Head in the CloudsN/A"Head in the Clouds"394 February 2003
18When The Bed Bugs BiteN/A"When the Bed Bugs Bite"3614 January 2003
19The Decomposition of Delia DeathabridgeN/A"The Decomposition of Delia Deathabridge"41421 May 2004
20The Grass MonkeyN/A"The Grass Monkey"41214 May 2004
No. Title Theme Cartoon Episode
Episode Name Series Episode number Air date

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No. Title Theme Cartoon Episode
Episode Name Series Episode number Air date