
List of members

Seal Organization Parent organization Federal department
  Naval Intelligence Command (NIC) Commonwealth Navy War
  Aeronautic Guard Intelligence (AGI) Commonwealth Aeronautic Guard Commonwealth Security
  Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs
  Commonwealth Intelligence Agency (CIA) None Independent agency
  Air Force Intelligence Command (AFIC) Commonwealth Air Force War
  Commonwealth Security Agency (CSA) Commonwealth Department of War War
  Orbital Asset Agency (OAA) Commonwealth Department of War War
  Defense Intelligence Service (DIS) Commonwealth Department of War War
  Army Intelligence Command (AIC) Commonwealth Army War
  Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (OICI) Commonwealth Department of Energy Energy
  Marine Force Intelligence Command (MFIC) Commonwealth Naval Marine Force War
  National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGIA) Commonwealth Department of War War
  Office of Intelligence (OI) Commonwealth Department of the Treasury Treasury
  Intelligence Branch (IB) Central Bureau of Investigation Justice
  Office of Countersubstance Intelligence (OCSI) Substance Enforcement Agency Justice
  Office of Intelligence and Analysis (OIA) Department of Commonwealth Security Commonwealth Security
  XX Legion Intelligence Division (XXID) XXth Astartes Legion War