User:Jnestorius/Bills defeated at first stage



I believe that

  • Oireachtas Bills Index does not index the First-stage debates.
  • Oireachtas Library does not have copies, since the bills were never formally introduced.
  • The bills don't get numbered in the annual index of bills "declared lost" "first stage" has "about 676" matches


Short title Proceedings Long title Proposer Government Notes
Constitution (Amendment No. 6) Bill 1927 1927-04-06 An Act to amend the Constitution by repealing Article 17 thereof Dan Breen CnaG Prop "there will be no political unity in the national affairs of this country until such time as the test which debars one-third of our representatives from attending here is removed"

Govt opp "we believe in honouring our bond, we believe in the sanctity of international agreements"

Local Government (No. 2) Bill 1931 1931-11-25 an Act to amend sub-section (2) of Section 63 of the Local Government Act, 1925 (No. 5 of 1925) Seán T. O'Kelly govtzzz noteszzz
Local Government (Extension of Franchise) Bill 1934 1934-04-25 Seanad an Act to amend the law relating to local government franchise and to the registration of local government electors propzzz govtzzz "This Bill, as the Minister for Lands has said, was before the Seanad ten months ago. It occupied the time of the House for a couple of days. The pros and cons of the measure were fully discussed" Local Government (Extension of Franchise) Bill, 1933 was restored under Artlce 38A and (year updated to 1935) Seanad grudgingly passed it unamended
Labourers Bill 1938 urlzzz 1938-11-30 an Act to make further and better provision for the purchase by the tenants thereof of cottages and plots provided under the Labourers Acts, 1883 to 1937, and for that purpose to amend the Labourers Act, 1936 (No. 24 of 1936) in certain particulars Michael Keyes govtzzz noteszzz
Landlord and Tenant Bill 1939 [1] 1940-02-21 an Act to amend the Landlord and Tenant Act, 1931, and to make provision for the further improvement and amelioration of tenants in urban areas and certain other tenants; and for that purpose to amend the law relating to compensation for improvements made by such tenants and to disturbance of such tenants; and to make further provision for the renewal of tenancies in urban areas; and the granting of reversionary leases; and to make other provisions in relation to landlords and tenants in urban areas; including the acquisition by tenants of the reversionary interests in their tenancies Joseph Hannigan FF "As there is a motion already under way, and there is also a Private Deputies' Bill on the Order Paper, this Bill will rank after No. 15 on to-day's Order Paper."
Courts of Justice (Emergency Powers) Bill 1939 1939-11-08 1940-02-21 An Act to confer on courts of justice certain powers in relation to remedies in respect of the non-payment of money and the nonperformance of obligations (including powers in relation to bankruptcy and winding-up proceedings) and to make provision for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid William Norton FF Govt argued Enforcement of Court Orders Act 1926 sufficed
Valuation Bill 1945 1945-12-12 an Act to amend the Valuation Acts so as to provide that the valuation of any land or turf bog or turf bank shall not be increased by reason of the cutting or the sale therefrom of turf by or through the local authorities or other agencies intended to provide fuel during the emergency contemplated by the Emergency Powers Act, 1939 Richard Mulcahy govtzzz noteszzz
Agricultural Workers (Weekly Half-Holidays) Bill, 1952 1952-02-28 1952-03-12 an Act to amend the Agricultural Workers (Weekly Half-Holidays) Act, 1951 Brendan Corish FF Minister Walsh "I intend to introduce a Bill dealing with this matter and consequently I must oppose the introduction of this Bill." That was also called the Agricultural Workers (Weekly Half-Holidays) Bill, 1952 but was enacted. Walsh also noted Corish's bill would require a money resolution from the government, which would not be forthcoming.
Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 1961 1961-02-09 an Act to amend the Road Traffic Act, 1933 James Dillon govtzzz noteszzz
Aliens Bill 1961 urlzzz 1961-05-03 an Act to amend the Aliens Act, 1935 Jack McQuillan govtzzz noteszzz
Ground Rents (Prohibition and Extinction) Bill 1961 urlzzz 1962-02-21 an Act to prohibit the creation of ground rents and to provide for the extinction of existing ground rents Seán Dunne govtzzz noteszzz
Redundant Workers (Severance Pay and Compensation) Bill, 1965 zzz 1965-10-27 an Act to provide minimum terms for the payment of severance pay and compensation for employees (employed under a contract of service or employment) and who are dismissed because of redundancy or other causes beyond their control James Tully
Offences Against the State Bill 1966 1966-02-15 an Act to repeal the Offences Against the State Acts, 1939 and 1940 Seán Dunne
Rent Restrictions (Amendment) (No 2) Bill 1966 urlzzz 1966-10-11 an Act to amend section 29 of the Rent Restrictions Act, 1960 Richie Ryan govtzzz noteszzz
Constituency Commission Bill 1968 urlzzz 1968-11-26 an Act to establish a Constituency Commission Thomas J. Fitzpatrick (Cavan) govtzzz noteszzz
Companies (Amendment) Bill 1969 urlzzz 1969-02-18 an Act to amend the Companies Act, 1963 Gerard Sweetman govtzzz noteszzz
Bord na Móna (Superannuation) Bill 1970 urlzzz 1971-02-16 an Act to enable Bord na Móna to pay more than half the contributions to the fund of any superannuation scheme established under section 6 of the Turf Development Act, 1953 James Tully govtzzz noteszzz }
Enforcement of Court Orders Bill 1971 1971-05-12 Seanad an Act to make better provision for the maintenance of deserted wives, and for this purpose to amend section 7 of the Enforcement of Court Orders Act, 1940 John M. Kelly govtzzz because the Government will be introducing a Bill which covers the points raised
Criminal Law Amendment Bill 1972 urlzzz 1972-02-09 Act to amend section 17 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1935, and consequentially to repeal section 16 and amend section 17 of the Censorship of Publications Act, 1929, and to amend section 7 and section 9 of the Censorship of Publications Act, 1946 Noel Browne govtzzz noteszzz
Fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1972 urlzzz 1972-02-23] an Act to Amend the Constitution Brendan Corish govtzzz noteszzz
Companies (Amendment) Bill 1972 1972-07-12 Seanad an Act to amend the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1963 John Horgan govtzzz noteszzz
Criminal Justice Bill 1981 urlzzz 1981-05-05 an Act to abolish the death penalty Noel Browne govtzzz noteszzz
Postal Voting (Disabled Persons) (Interim Provisions) Bill, 1984 1984-03-21 1984-03-27 an Act to provide for the interim extension of postal voting facilities to persons with disability Proinsias De Rossa
Fisheries (Amendment) Bill 1988 urlzzz 1988-06-22 longzzz John McCoy govtzzz noteszzz
Register of Members of the Oireachtas Interests Bill 1989 1989-02-08 Seanad an Act to establish a register of interests of Members of the Oireachtas and for related purposes Brendan Ryan
Fisheries (Amendment) Bill 1989 1989-03-14 1989-04-25 an Act to repeal the Fisheries (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1987 Séamus Pattison FF minority "The Government oppose the Bill here this evening on the basis that the purpose of the proposed legislation is to cancel out legislation which was enacted just over a year ago". Pattison after the 1989 election introduced a second Fisheries (Amendment) Bill 1989 (same long title) , which passed first stage but was withdrawn before second stage as "It appears that area does not need regulation".
Irish Nationality and Citizenship (No. 2) Bill, 1994 1994-05-26 1994-05-31 an Act to amend and extend the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Acts, 1956 to 1994 Michael McDowell
Referendum (Amendment) (Varying Of Polling Day) Bill 2012 2012-05-17 2012-05-22 An Act to amend the Referendum Act 1994 Shane Ross