Wikipedian since 2003.

I discovered Wikipedia late one night, when using a search engine for an obscure subject and then spent the next eight hours going from article to article. The following yawnful day I realised that this project is what the internet was designed for.

There are millions of us out here, each with some specialist knowledge - related to our occupation, our hobby, our home town, our favourite movie, performer or sport. Every one of us has read an article in a reference book or internet site and complained, "This is out of date! This is just plain wrong! I know more than this guy! I should be writing this!". Now is our chance to share what we know. OK, there are bound to be mistakes, but these are going to be picked up and ruthlessly edited by other Wikipedians. (Can any readers correct Encyclopedia Britannica with a few taps of a keyboard?)

My interests: well, everything really... but particularly evolutionary biology, history of science, health topics.

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