September of 2010 homosexual suicides occured in September 2010.

In the year of 2010 there were alot of homosexual suicides. These suicides have impacted alot of people. People have took their lives because of hate crimes. The year of september 2010 there were a number of five suicides.



Homosexuality is romantic and/or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the same sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectional, or romantic attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex; "it also refers to an individual’s sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who share them. [1] Homosexuality is something that is very popular in society. Some people think that it is a disease but it’s not. Homosexuality is something that you can’t contract. People think that it is contagious and that it is not accepted. Many people don’t accept homosexuality because its felt that homosexuality is a sin. Everyone has their own reason as to why they don’t accept homosexuality. In today’s society too many homosexuals are not accepted and are being bullied at school. This has resulted in suicides. Not being able to fit in and being outed because of their sexuality has drivin a number of teens over the edge, to the point where they didn’t want to live anymore.



Billy Lucas was a 15 year old freshman at Greensburg High School in Greensburg, Indiana. He hung himself on September 9, 2010 after enduring bullying torment from his peers. This happened just a few weeks into the school year. His mother found her son, hanging, in their barn. On Billy's Facebook web memorial, he's remembered with comments like, "Everyone made fun of him." At least one former student says he made administrators aware of his own LGBT bullying, and they did nothing. Some said he'd been bullied and it pushed him over the edge. Others say bullying had nothing to do with the suicide. He spent his last hours with his favorite animals. His mom last saw him around 8 p.m. that night as he put up the horses. In the police report she says he "was acting strange earlier and called 911...he told the dispatcher he was causing problems for his mom and people should come". She told police she didn't know why he called and told dispatchers there was no problem and not to come. Billy had been suspended from school that day. Friends say he was fighting back with cuss words against the bullies. They said girls were harassing him in class when he stood up and let the words spew. He then was suspended. Jade Sansing met Billy as he was being harassed a year ago. She tells 24 Hour News 8 of his final days “everything seemed normal, but he did tell me some people were making fun of him and I told him I would help him and I did.” Help from Jade is now memories in the Facebook memorial page she created. She says, “I made a Billy Lucas memorial page so I could say my last goodbyes and everyone could know about the bullying.” She had to make her last goodbyes on the internet because there was no public funeral for Billy. Jade says the bullies would call Billy “gay and tell him to go kill himself.” Karen questions, “You actually heard people tell him go kill yourself?” She answers “yes”.His friend James Kriete was told by Billy’s sister “He had a chair pulled out from underneath him and told to go hang himself.” Kriete was the only friend allowed to see Billy alongside the family at the funeral home. Kriete says, “I've been bullied and that could have been me. That's all I keep thinking about, that could have been me.” An hour after Billy Lucas called police to come to his house his mother found him hanging from the rafters of the barn. He had wrapped the lead from one of his beloved horses around his neck. There does not appear to be any mention of bullying in the suicide note he left. The coroner and Greensburg school district say there is no evidence bullying led up to the suicide. The school has said authorities were not aware of an issue, but the school does have plans in the works to develop a new committee to combat bullying. [2]

Seth Walsh was an ordinary everyday kid who just wanted to live his life except there were cruel kids around him who wouldn’t let him. Walsh was a young gay kid. There were kids that would not stop tormenting him while school officials ignored the problem even though they were aware of the bullying.Walsh as a 13 year old student at the Jacobsen Middle School in Tehachapi, Kern County, California. On September 19, Walsh hanged himself from a tree in his backyard. Walsh did not die immediately and was discovered and taken to a hospital where he was placed on life support critical care. Seth Walsh from Tehachapi, California finally died Tuesday afternoon after clinging on life support for nine days. During the investigation many students knew that Seth Walsh was stressed because of the bullying over a long period of time because he was gay. [3]

On September 22, 2010 Tyler Clementi an 18-year-old college student at Rutgers University, jumped to his death after finding out that his roommate, Dharun Ravi, secretly broadcast Clementi having gay sex over the Internet. Clementi posted about the incident and told his dorm’s resident adviser before he jumped off the George Washington Bridge. Clementi is one of a frightening epidemic of gay teens committing suicide. Ravi his roommate used Twitter to ridicule Clementi and inform his friends that his “Roommate asked for the room until midnight. I went into Molly’s room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay.” Ravi then broadcast his webcam video online. Some days later he invited his Twitter friends to video chat his computer while Clementi was again using the room. Friends of Ravi say that he’s “a good guy” who made a poor decision. And, they say, he never intended to broadcast Clementi’s tryst online. [4]

Asher Brown, who was 13 years old took his life on September 23, 2010 in his home in Cypress, Texas. Like many of the other teens who have recently committed suicide, Asher was severely bullied at his school. He was picked on because of his small stature, his religion and because he did not wear designer clothes. Many kids accused Asher of being gay. They bullied him with gay slurs. Some performed mock gay sexual acts on him during gym class. The day before he died, one bully tripped Asher down a flight of stairs at school. As he picked up his things the bully kicked him down the rest of the stairs. Asher's mom and dad says that he was under constant harassment. They complained to school officials over the 18 month period. Students confirmed that Asher had been repeatedly bullied. School officials said they didn’t have any knowledge of the bullying. His dad stated , “My son put a gun to his head because he couldn’t take what he was hearing from his peers and the constant teasing at school.” His mom added: “They called him different names for being homosexual. He just had enough.” Asher was found dead in his father's closet. He left no note. [5]

Raymond Chase was 19 years old and an outgoing, popular and openly gay teenager who suddenly decided to kill himself. “I like to laugh, I like to have fun and I’m gay,” is what Raymond Chase’s Facebook profile stated. Raymond Chase was the Johnson & Wales University sophomore who killed himself Wednesday afternoon of September 29, 2010. Chase’s death marks the fifth in what may come to be known as the September suicides. On Wednesday afternoon, Chase wrote a note to his loved ones that was filled with praise and deep affection for them, but no explanation for his actions after that he proceeded to hang himself in his dorm room. According to the Providence, Rhode Island police, a standard investigation is open, but will shortly be closed. There is no indication that Chase suffered at the hands of anything but his own demons. His family and friends are reeling from the shock. White speculates that her friend might have been upset over a crush he had on a straight boy, a good friend, to whom Chase confessed his affection this summer. Though any romantic feelings were unrequited, the crush treated Chase with utter dignity and respect, before and after the admission. Still, Chase seemed haunted by his feelings, staying up until 4 a.m. the night before his suicide to talk to his roommate about that crush. It was seemingly just one of those long, late-night talks college kids have with their dear friends; there was no warning bell. [6]



Alot of young people commited suicide due to hate crimes for being homosexual. In all of these cases there are various of reason that these young people decided to take their own lives.

These deaths affected a lot of people. All of the victims friends and family were very hurt by what their loved ones chose to do which is take their own life. They all chose to take the easy way out. This was a result of him being treated badly. They all felt that the remorse would go away if they just took their own life. People should grow up and just accept that there are going to be homosexuals in the world whether they like it or not.

The Universal Almanac 1 listed a total of 4,960 completed suicides among US youth aged 15 to 24 years of age in 1993. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimated 3 that "as many as 30% of completed youth suicides each year. There are approximately 1,488 suicides per year are committed by homosexual youth. [7]

