Early life

  • Born in the Anderston district of Glasgow 11 July 1957 (age 54)[1]

Glasgow City Council deputy leader

  • with her husband Labour Glasgow councillor and currently the Deputy Leader of Glasgow City Council (responsible for the delivery of the Commonwealth Games on behalf of Glasgow) Archie Graham and two children, Fay and Colin

is a Scottish Labour Co-operative party politician, long time local Labour party official and former school teacher.

kent rd schl, Woodside schl, Glasgow univ, jordanhill college, Strathclyde University, teacher, msp

1999/2003/2007/2011 election results

Labour Activist, 1975-1999




Glasgow University


Jordanhill College

  • 1978 Jordanhill College of Education, Glasgow - trained as a secondary school teacher – Postgraduate teaching qualification in History and English
  • involved in the Labour Club and NUS and served on the College’s Board as a student representative.
  • Jordanhill College, National Committee of the National Organisation of Labour Students

Strathyclyde University

  • Strathclyde University, Certificate in Guidance

Secondary school teacher, 1979-1999

  • Joined EIS and was a classroom teacher for 20 years
  1. Rothesay Academy, Isle of Bute (Teacher of English and History)
  2. Albert Secondary School (later renamed Springburn Academy[1]), North Glasgow (Teacher of English and History)
  3. 1990-1999: Castlemilk High School, Glasgow Southside (Principal Teacher of Education Support, Education Social Work Project)[2]




  • 1988: Chair of Glasgow Hillhead CLP [3]attempted to deselect George Galloway MP while a member of Hillhead constituency[4] Johann Lamont, Scottish Labour's deputy leader, said: "George Galloway fell in love with himself at an early age and has remained faithful ever since, but Iain Gray has more principles in his little finger than Mr Galloway could ever hope to possess."

He added: "Anyone who knows Iain knows he is a man of deep integrity steeped in the history of the Labour Party but tempered with the type of compassion Mr Galloway has no ability to understand."

MSP career, 1999-

  • 2007 - 2008 Shadow deputy spokesperson on Communities and Equalities.
    • led the revolt against her own government in order to support the SSP’s bill to abolish poindings and warrant sale

Party Leadership campaign, 2011

  • 2011 - Leadership support: Unison, Unite and GMB unions, Cathy Jamieson MP

"Central to my leadership campaign is a determination to address how we create a strong economy in Scotland, get people into work and make sure we do not leave anyone behind. A key part of that is our education system. We shouldn't be limiting ourselves to how we look in comparison with the rest of the UK. The big picture for all of us is how we compete with the rest of Europe and how we equip our young people for that."

Trade union membership

  • member of the EIS and TGWU Unite.



