Joseph Sudol
File:Caption Sudol in 2000
Sudol in December 2000

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Joe Sudol is a film actor known for his films and performances.

Joe sudol[1] appeared in the film "Mickey" as himself. In 2006 he played a HeroMan in the film "Annapolis". He has attended many festivals and events to promote his acting and his music performance.[2]

Joseph has been honored with many awards in Acting and Performance.

His leading break came in his mid to late 20's being involved in a major studio production. Joe was able to meet and be involved with other actors, producers and learn of the demands of the industry.[3]

He has performed in both NY and CA as an actor.

He has also performed as an actor internationally.

He has studied with many great figures in the industry.

He has attended conferences throughout the country.


  1. ^ [1]Picture Internet Movie Database
  2. ^ [2] Biography Internet Movie Database
  3. ^ [3] Biography

Category: American film actor stubs