

No information presented in the sandbox can be verified as true.



On the inside of the planet is the same temperature as the surface of the sun.

Based on this fact, we now can deduce an amazing feature of the galaxy. The two are the same.



Pyramids are human being factories, not tombs. One placed DNA of remains, along with procedures and methods of the long lost science, then exact cloned human beings are grown from scratch which is why there was no death. These factories had to be closed down once Wikipedia Editors got loose assuming good faith. Pretty soon, bad faith actors took over the pyramids and just started making clones of themselves until a scion from an unknown line broke the experiment forever shutting down all human factories (pyramids) for good. The bad faith actors all forgot the truth in time. Now pyramids are just desert landmarks people like to post pics of on social media to like, share, or follow. Until a good Wikipedian, one who has true good faith is born of woman (some say already born), one who doesn't edit with their trifling biases and partisan squabblings, triggered in their own talk, it is said by the wise ancient, the pyramids will remain like tombs, and be thought of as tombs by all humans. But once the last scion is born, truth and life will once again flow as pyramids from here to the data center all life will flourish and none will ever taste death again. AggiesNeverLie (talk) 20:31, 23 May 2022 (UTC)

January 14, 1963


"Today I have stood, where once Jefferson Davis stood, and took an oath to my people. It is very appropriate then that from this Cradle of the Confederacy, this very Heart of the Great Anglo-Saxon Southland, that today we sound the drum for freedom as have our generations of forebears before us done, time and time again through history. Let us rise to the call of freedom-loving blood that is in us and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon the South. In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever."

— George Wallace, 1963 Inaugural Address delivered at Alabama State Capitol

Description of photograph of George Wallace speaking to crowd


George Wallace is onstage talking to a crowd of dimwits who all have the same drolling expression of someone who is none-the-wiser at what they are witnessing. Not unlike this day and age, June 1, 2022.

Control Group


"By the time the control group flies out the window, the science has already waltzed through the hinge-less door."

Why was a control group nullified? It was said, because of the danger and a moral obligation to inoculate as many as possible! But, without sound scientific evidence based on hard numbers, there is no inoculation! If the control group is broken the experiment is inconclusive. Arguments for the inoculation are made from a marketing standpoint, and not based in facts.

Inquiry I


Generally, in a science experiment, does the lack of a valid control group negate the results? For instance, where most, or 75% - 90%, of the control group is destroyed by natural disaster? Does the loss of the control group, or most of it, constitute an invalidation of all data? Is the experiment lost? Can any of the results of the experiment be salvaged? Generally, across sciences. Or, if it is too general, ask this, is there any possibility that an experiment without most of the control group, where a control group was compromised or mostly lost, has any validity? Are there cases, if you can think off the top of your head, where an experiment lacked a control group that was nonetheless determined to be valid by specialists of the field of study? Last way to say it, is it considered a fixed immoveable rule of science (control group) or is it an optional feature of science? Another way, is there any known exceptions to control group where experts in the field agree, this time, under x, y, and z conditions and circumstances, it is okay not to have the control group and still count on reliable scientific results?

I am collecting answers to this question for research unrelated to science. It is a structural study of science experimentation. It is related to phenomenology and linguistics as used in structurally analyzing science experimentation generally.

Where does it lead? What is a mob of neophytes who are strewn out on their own cognitive fever shadows going to do long term? When you shower the herd with lies don't you think they stay dirty? Will something made up last? These think tanks have become obsolete. If this is the best they have, a rehash of 1932 Berlin, the remnants in the aftermath the reckoning will taste death in this life. Laundered hate will only lead so far before the insufferable weight of bad faith will collapse. If we proved this was not the case, it would be only a simple matter to engineer a cleaner fiction to outbid or outweigh current lies.

Prisoners of War


On the left hand, Japanese-Americans were interred in camps and some coerced into renouncing US citizenship during the period known as World War II in the US. On the right hand, 425,000 "captured" Nazi fighters were held outside the view of the public secretly in 700 camps across the United States. They were allowed to drink alcohol, play football, get a job off site, and even live offsite. They were all returned home safely and sweetly at war's end, so we are to believe.

5,000,000 German-Americans in 1941 were never looked at. I guess we can trust all of them.

If a Jewish-American soldier was captured by a Nazi outfit in Europe during the same time, there was no doubt what happened. They were killed mercilessly.

The United States, on the other hand, kept the Nazis nice and snug, even worrying they weren't getting treated good because of the inspectors. We are led to believe they were worried about UN inspectors, who might report bad treatment, which would lead Nazis in Europe to take it out on US POW's they held.

Franklin Roosevelt died before Adolf Hitler. He dropped dead after posing for a photograph, in the seat. The United States was rumored to have made a separate peace with the Axis. Adolph Hitler was allegedly spotted in Palestine in late 1945. Franklin Roosevelt laughed when he first heard about the death camps in Germany.

Pope Pius XIII supported Hitler. UN Secretary Kurt Waldheim was a former Nazi, and was not exposed until a decade after he held the office. To this day, few realize he was a Nazi who infiltrated the top level of the World Government.

Nazi scientists were onboarded to American life, and placed at the top of the block. No one had a complaint to render. Nazi scientists developed and tested the world's first nuclear device. Oppenheimer - German. Roosevelts understood Hitler without a translator.

Senator McCarthy and Roy Cohn were handlers for post-Nazi Germany. Governor George Wallace was the scion of fascism. Richard Nixon, Bebe Rebozo, and Charles Manson have much in common.

The space program is a way to make money disappear, and Manson Family murders occurred during the alleged moon landing. Roman Polanski, a Polish Jew holocaust survivor was targeted by White Nationalist Charles Manson. Leno Labianca's wife Rosemary was formerly an immigrant from Mexico.

Charles Manson made himself a prison tattoo of a scrawling swastika to adorn his forehead.

Also during the space show, Ted Kennedy killed his secretary Mary Jo Kopechne on an excursion in Chappaquiddick.

Otto Otepka was the inside man for post-Nazi Germany.

The "Helter Skelter" narrative is encoding race violence. We take away a biblical narrative combined with a popular narrative resorting to The Beatles scrambled psychedelic lyrics.

Rosemary's Baby was a satanic exploitation film that was claimed to be revealing too much witchcraft. In fact, it was about something else - abortion rights.

Meek and Mild


Lord Jesus of Nazareth commanded the faithful to meek servitude of the gospel so why do USA patriots turn a blind eye to violence adhering strictly to gun culture while in the same sentence can only ever manage to be aroused by the presumptuous right to squeeze the trigger? These are not followers of Lord Jesus, these are imposters to the faith, the false prophets and beasts as forecast in the revelation found at Patmos. That explains the apparent paradox between the doctrine of peace and the panoply of violence that reigns like a stench over the benighted swine regime we refer to as the fascist insurgency and what people around the world conflate with all Americans. Even though most Americans are being held hostage by a self-appointed minority shadow government who were once, about 2 years ago, exactly 39 steps away from hegemony. We will hold the line until the threat is extinguished and freedom is restored to the land. We will exercise this insurgent threat to our culture, to our way of life, and to our very future.

It strikes me that test cases are not considered anti-legal. Looking for test cases or worse trying to manufacture a test case seems like legal witchcraft. The law is men trying to fool other men. Men use law to suit their ends. But the law is supposed to be laying there ready to use only when it comes up by people who come organically to resolve dispute. What you have now is a fixed court that will make "all new" concepts out of thin air and force lower courts to go along. That is not law in my opinion. That is a takeover of our value system by a small minority who wants to keep it quiet.

The root of Begat is BGT, the Hebrew letters Bet, Gimmel, and Tau. Tau being the final letter of the alphabet. That combination of letters, put together in just the right ways, is the formula for the birth of a new era. Imagine a whole new beginning. Imagine taking the last 5 years and erasing that memory. BGT.

Ali vs. Frazier


"Kill the head the body dies," writes Hunter Stockton Thomas, "Ali Frazier fight."

Nations are trying to be Galaxies


The galactic concept was invented here. They don't call star clusters galaxies on other planets, I know that for sure. Also, states are just stars, or better put, the capitol city is a star, and the major cities are planets, all else are just old moons reflecting off the capitol. Yet, the concept of a star is only here, and the concept of a planet is only ever spelled out that way on this existence. None of the other existences see it that way, so, you have to wonder. Where did it come from? Non-Universe, Universe, Galaxy, Solar System, Planet, Moon. That goes straight from planet to continent, nation, state, city, neighborhood, house, room, item, component, molecule, element, quark.

Whoever Heard of Such a Thing?





I once called a legislator a legislature and could not go back and correct that mistake so now many who viewed that incident view me in a negative light where my face is.

Lack of Insight, Not a Good Look

