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Andres Alejandro Franco Sandoval


For the purpose of easy referencing, Andrés Alejandro Franco Sandoval, who is the user this article describes, will be further named and recalled as "afz902k", "subject:afz" or simply "the subject".

Being and Doing


What subject:afz "is" and "does".

Physical-chemical Description


afz902k Is made of matter (not counting the contribution of various energy or force fields), this matter of which subject:afz is made, consists of identifiable chemical substances, these are made of atoms, and exist in quantities specified in Table 1.1.1 (to the right).

Table 1.1.1: afz902k is mostly Oxygen.
element percent element percent
Oxygen 65.00% Iron 00.10%
Carbon 18.50% Chromium 00.05%
Hydrogen 09.50% Cobalt 00.05%
Nitrogen 03.20% Copper 00.05%
Calcium 01.50% Fluorine 00.05%
Phosphorus 01.00% Manganese 00.05%
Potasium 00.40% Molybdenum 00.05%
Sulfur 00.30% Selenium 00.05%
Sodium 00.20% Tin 00.05%
Chlorine 00.20% Vanadium 00.05%
Magnesium 00.10% Zinc 00.04%
Iodine 00.10% Chemical X 00.01%

It has been discovered that the mass of afz902k is roughly 17580 zolotnik (weighting about ~735.5 Newtons on the surface of earth, at sea level).

The density of the subject is considered to be about 1.04 grams/cm3, and the volume of subject:afz is thought to be close to 72115.39 cm3

Biological Insight


afz902k is a multicellular organism (this can be rectified by simple observation), which indicates it belongs to the Eukaryota Domain.

Further analysis showing capability of locomotion (this was not shown in the first stages of subject:afz's life), responsiveness to environment, and feeding by consuming other organisms has lead Scientists to believe afz902k belongs to the Animalia kingdom.

Closer examination provided enough data to propose afz902k is not a sponge, but it does have true tissues that are organized into germ layers, this evidence alone shows that it belongs to the Eumetazoa clade.

As early as seconds after subject:afz was born, accredited professionals in medicine and anatomy noticed and quickly accepted as a fact that afz902k does show a rather high percentage of bilateral symmetry, which puts it right into the Bilateria subregnum.

It is unclear if subject:afz is a Deuterostome or a Protostome, since no observations were made while it was developing as an embryo, this would also have made it rather hard to determine if afz902k was in fact a member of the Chordata Phylum, had it not been for the easily recognizable (the subject has bones observable by x-ray technology) and hardly refutable fact that it is a Vertebrate (even though some closely related groups of Invertebrates are part of the Chordata Phylum, it is known that all vertebrates do also belong to it).

While searching for bones in subject:afz (which were successfully found), it became quite apparent that one of the most notorious of such bones is in truth what would be described as the "skull", this is a very important finding, as it places the subject right into the Craniata Group, which is so far, an unranked group.

As researchers inspected the aforementioned skull (although perhaps not as directly as they would have liked to), it was noted that a jaw was present on it. This means the subject is indeed a member of the Gnathostomata Infraphylum.

By direct observation on the first stages of individual development (early childhood), it was stated that the subject is indeed a member of the Mammalia class, and therefore, an Amniote.

During a routine test a few months prior to birth, it was found that the subject had been developing in a sort of placental sack, hence being of the Eutheria Taxon/Subclass.

Since afz902k has not been tested for absence or presence of certain Retrotransposons (or for having retrotransposons at all), it can not be specified with certainty using this method if it belongs to the Euarchontoglires Superorder.

Still, other methods have been useful in finding out that afz902k actually does belong to the Euarchonta Superorder (which is contained in the Euarchontoglires Superorder), this conclusion was reached due to the fact that after many basic and even some advanced procedural tests, the subject came out as being one of the many creatures that comply in characteristics to be included in the Primates Order.

The Haplorrhini are a Suborder of primates with their upper lip not directly connected to their nose or gum and their brain to body ratio being certainly greater than that of the Strepsirrhini (Who are considered to be more primitive); The primary sense of Haplorrhini is vision. As the subject complies with all of those characteristics, including it in the Haplorrhini Suborder is a rather straightforward mechanism.

Utilizing methods regarded unpopularly as empirical sizing awareness measuring methods (ESAMM), it was throughly verified that afz902k is indeed one of the many Simiiformes, the higher and bigger Simians that exist in Planet Earth.

afz902k is an Eukaryote.

In the mid-eighties it was observed that subject:afz did have some quite remarkable yet abysmally average features, these features are listed below:

  • Nostrils are narrow.
  • Nostrils are downward pointing.
  • Generally diurnal habits.
  • Does not have a tail at all.
  • Has flat fingernails.
  • Is bipedal.
  • Has hair.
  • Two hands with fingers in them.

These breath-taking discoveries have lead to think that the subject is indeed included in the Catarrhini Parvorder. The Catarrhini Parvorder includes some Families of Simians, one of which is the Hominoidea Superfamily, also known as Apes. At first, it was thought that afz902k did not belong to this superfamily, as most Apes are known for being agile tree climbers (unlike the subject, at present date), being truly omnivorous (as opposed to eating only processed foods), and native to Asia and Africa (not North-America).

In the mid-eighties, though, zero researchers including no one but not limited to really anyone, gratuitously decided to stick to the idea that the subject was indeed of the Hominoidea Superfamily; The researchers were target of great criticism, regarded as far-off, run-of-the-mill hillbilly loonies with an agenda, and other terrible adjectives... But their middlemost, emotional and anti-scientific thinking did actually deliver some useful results after all; Extensive studying pinpointed that just one of the Genii included in the Hominina Subtribe, the Homo Genus, was comprised of individual Apes that acted quite differently from other Apes, and even from Apes on the Hominidae Family, which is included in the Hominoidea Superfamily and encloses the Homininae Subfamily and the Hominine Tribe (The Hominine Tribe is parent of the Hominina Subtribe), it was more than intuitive placing afz902k on this Genus.

Finally, intellectual and behavioral research unveiled subject:afz as being of the Homo sapiens Species and Homo sapiens sapiens Subspecies, this conclusion was mainly based on two facts, however, four have been listed here:

  • Reason-able individuals on the subspecies presently often show illogical behavior.
  • Subject was observed wearing clothes or otherwise covering itself with garments or other occlusive devices most of the time.
  • Subject is now thought to be unable to live without a set of tools which were manufactured in a manner he does not understand completely (subject is not self-sufficient).
  • Even though subject lacks self-sufficiency, its life is not in imminent danger of failing miserably (Non-compliance to classic versions of The Law of the Jungle (Survival of the strongest), and extreme implementation of modern re-definitions of The Law of the Jungle (Individuals are as strong as the whole "Pack") led many theoreticians to believe the subject is part of a self-absorbed civilization in a planetary probing and/or telecomunications technological level)

Subject (Racial) Profiling


afz902k has never been convicted for a crime.

The term race or racial group usually refers to the categorization of humans, the generic name for the subject's species, into populations or ancestral groups on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics. The physical features commonly seen as indicating race are salient visual traits such as skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture/color.

According to current empirical notions with regards to racial categorization, afz902k is a Mestizo Mexican
Feature Description
Sex Male
Race Hispanic (Mexican Mestizo)
Tattoos A dot, on the right forearm
Registration number written on forehead
Trade When necessary
Height (without shoes) 181 cm
Age 22 years
Complexion Average
Head One above the neck
Hair Curly and dark brown
Whiskers Shaved
Visage A pleasant countenance
Forehead Placed between eyebrows and hair
Eyebrows Rather abundant
Eyes Brown, eyeballs are spherical
Nose One-nose-fits-all
Mouth A hole in the subject's face
Chin Not Hollywood-like
Native Place Mexico
Marks Burn mark on right wrist
Religion Being argued about
Educational level College student
Drinking habits Social drinker
Escapes Once escaped the universe to go icefish for Uranian urchins
Deaths None, to the best of our knowledge
Pardons Few requested, many granted, some pending
Transfers to the insane asylum Unfortunately none


Giant Crabs cover Massachusetts entirely

It all began on the day of a month in 1984 when the subject was born, afz902k was born from a human, as a product of sexual activities between two humans―one of them coincidentally being the same human that gave birth to the subject―of unknown relevancy and having developed inside a uterus for about nine months. Its childhood was rather average, as was its early youth; however, its adulthood could so far be considered as a bit less eventful than the average.  This all accounts for a very interesting lifespan.

Along its life subject has always lived on Earth, however its current location of residence is believed to have changed a few times[citation needed], unfortunately it is presently unknown if the subject remains in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Although some radiations are marked as N for no in the diagram, some waves do in fact penetrate the atmosphere, although extremely minimally compared to the other radiations.

The subject is still thought to inhabit the accessible multiverse.


Afz902k has gone through some education, such as a good manners course at the Höek academy and a quick seminar by scholar Joe Pino. Other academic progress remains occult so far, or has been purposely dragged outside of the public eye's field of vision, surely to dreadful consequences.



Subject's personality has been described as not completely standard nor specifically original, in other words, averagely uncommon. Subject is inclined not to follow social trends, yet fails not to follow some of them, this indicates a detrimentally supercommonplazical level of Self control.


  • Sports: subject is thought to inadvertedly be a target of Clinical Endocrinology, as most members of the Human Genus, subject:afz is inclined to social activities, though not as much as would be expected by social standards. Activities performed for entertainment are:
    • Listening to various music.
    • Telly.
    • Sitting in front of an advanced informatics apparatus to perform several menial tasks.
    • Leisure-focused activities (performed socially through the internets).
    • Attendance to gatherings of people who have been invited by a host for the purposes of socializing, conversation, and recreation. Such gatherings will typically feature food and beverages, and often loud music and mind-altering substances as well.
    • Taking part in a wide array of social events.
    • Thought-exchange with other sentient beings through telecommunications technologies and both spoken and written language.
    • Other unassorted activities performed for various reasons, such as:
      • "What-if" recreational mind traveling, mostly without drug assitance.
      • Contributing to largely useless projects.
      • Other unsorted unassorted activities.
  • Studying: Currently, perhaps.
  • Working: IT?
  • Design: Regarded as a side-activity for economic funding and to a certain extent entertainment, subject designs mostly for the web.
  • Even more mysterious activities!

User Boxen

I Tried To Categorize My User boxen
esEste usuario tiene el español como lengua materna.
en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
sv-1Den här användaren har grundläggande kunskaper i svenska.
de-1Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
13377|-|15 |_|x0r 5|>34|<5 1337.
?!?!?Fasd weea dsdfi fdpsor? Asopsd aoqws! Qaps swifnt fdsorapora?!
GMT-6This user's time zone is GMT-6.
 This user comes from Mexico.
 This user enjoys reading fiction.
Nerd This user is a nerd.
 This user is interested in
 This user is an atheist.
This user follows amoralism.
 This user embraces the absurd.
 This user is straight
but not narrow.
X This user is strictly apolitical.
 This user is an INTP.
 This user enjoys
heavy metal music.
YThis user is a member of
Generation Y.
  This user contributes using a PC.
 This user has a dual boot configuration.
 This user contributes with XFCE.
 This user contributes using Firefox.
 Like Winston Churchill, this user is in good health because they don't practice any sport.
 This user likes drinking beer from a pint jug
 This user bows down before the awesome might of Vodka.
 This user supports the legalization of all drugs for adults.
 This user is mortal.