User:Abdallahhany01/Canal high institute of engineering and technology

Abdallahhany01/Canal high institute of engineering and technology

The Ministry of Higher Education has approved the first Ministerial Decision No. 3089 of 2012. The request was approved by the Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology.

Objectives of the Institute


The Institute aims to achieve the following objectives:

1- Assisting in achieving the educational objectives of the Ministry of Higher Education

2 - Participate in achieving development plans and putting science in service

3 - Preparation of cadres of scientific young people possess the faculties and abilities and engineering skills

4 - Cooperation with various educational units in the same field and exchange of experiences

5. Cooperation in production units

6 Preparing scientific cadres looking for creativity and innovation

7. Encouraging research projects and providing technical and engineering consultancy to the communit

8. Activating the academic activities and training of the institute include

  • Scientific Seminars
  •  training programs
  •  Applied Research 
  •  Technological applications
  •  Technical Consulting
  •  Intellectual Forums

Certificate given by the Institute


The Institute is awarded the Bachelor of Engineering degree approved by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Sections of the Institute


1- Chemical Engineering

  • Refining of petroleum and petrochemicals
  •  Metals Basic
  •  Chemistry

Refining and Petrochemical Engineering Division


And is the rarest of disciplines at the level of all engineering colleges, where students are studying in depth methods of refining oil and gas and extraction of various derivatives, from the receipt of raw and transferred from the companies extracted to the specialized chemical laboratories, through the separation of impurities, salts and water and treatment of those unwanted products and methods Disposal, design of different processing units, production of various petroleum products such as fuels of all kinds, polymers with all their uses and primary petrochemicals, which enter as raw materials in many other industries such as pharmaceuticals, dyes, plastics and textiles And many other petroleum products that we rely on in our daily lives. The graduates of this department are mainly qualified to work in refineries, petrochemical companies and pharmaceutical factories

Engineering of metals


(Engineering of the production of new materials - material extraction and preparation engineering - welding engineering - material testing and testing engineering - corrosion engineering - thermal treatment engineering - material shaping engineering - plumbing engineering - steel industry engineering - and many other disciplines) .

Information on the Institute


1. The Institute of the High Canal for Engineering and Technology is subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education by Ministerial Resolution No. 

.2. The Institute is awarded the Bachelor of Engineering degree approved by the Ministry of Higher Education.

3.The administration of the Institute is concerned with the activities of the students through the Youth Welfare Director responsible for all sports, artistic, cultural and social activities and competitions. And with the help of the Federation's request, who were nominated and elected by the students.

 4. The social worker provides the service to help solve the problems faced by the students

 5 - Teaching a selection of the best professor of Egyptian universities

 6. Study fees can be paid.

 7. The Institute offers a 5% discount for outstanding students with special needs.

8. The Institute postpones the recruitment of students up to the age of 28 years.

 9. Degrees awarded by the Institute accredited by a. Dr . Minister of Higher Education .  

 10. The Institute has a library equipped with the latest scientific references and international journals.

 11. There is a clinic equipped with the latest medical equipment

 12. There are playgrounds and gymnasiums for various sports activities. The title of the institute

The address of the institute


Suez - Salam 1 - Abu Bakr Siddiq Street - in front of the University of Suez

Study dates and enrollment 


The academic year is divided into three semesters as follows

1 - The first semester: starts in the first week of the third month of September and for a period of 15 weeks 

2 - The second semester: starts in the first week of the second week of February and for a period of 15 weeks

3 - Summer semester: starts in the first week of the third month of June and for 8 weeks 

Registration is for any period during the three weeks preceding the start of any semester after meeting the registration requirements and paying the prescribed fees

Teaching system at the Institute


The study is conducted at the Institute in the approved hours system (GPA)

study fees


(Identified by the Ministry of Higher Education)

The number of the formatting stamp


( 1211 )

Papers required


General Secondary School (Science Sports)

 Industrial secondary

Secondary Azhar 

 American Diploma

 British Diploma

 Equivalent certificates

Papers required


Educational Qualificationbirth

birth certificate

Picture of the personal card

 Model 2 Soldiers with Hemoglobin (Boys Only) 

Model 6 (for boys only)

6 pictures size 4 * 6 cm modern.

Language study




A statement of the universities and institutes registered in the union

  • List of Engineering Colleges in Egypt.

Category:Academia in Egypt