English: Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia, Serbo-Croatian: Савез jеврејских општина Југославије, Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije, Macedonian: Сојуз на еврејската општна на Југославија, Slovene: Zveza judovskih skupnosti Jugoslavije

The Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia was the umbrella organization for the Jewish communities of Yugoslavia from 1944 until Yugoslavia's dissolution in 1991-92, and was based in Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia.

The Federation was formed in 1944 after the liberation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia from the Nazis. Its initial main goals were the repatriation of refugees in the wake of World War II and The Holocaust, and the reestablishment of Jewish communal life and activities in Yugoslavia. The Federation also administered Jewish community property and cemeteries, and oversaw the construction of memorials. In 1948 the Federation won the right for Yugoslav Jews to emigrate to Israel, and 8,000 Jews emigrated to Israel in 1952[1].

With the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, the Jewish communities of the constituent republics of Yugoslavia became autonomous, and after 1992 the Federation ceased to represent the former-Yugoslav Jewish communities of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Macedonia. The organization continued to operate under this name until the final dissolution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 2003, at which point it became the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia and Montenegro (Serbian: Савеза јеврејских општина Србије и Црне Горе, Saveza jevrejskih opština Srbije i Crne Gore).

See also




User:AWN2/workspace9/Jewish-org-stub User:AWN2/workspace9/Jewish-hist-stub