Talk:Willem Albert Wagenaar

Latest comment: 12 years ago by Msrasnw

I think this article could do with a bit of editing and some inline sources to support some of the claims. I am also not sure if the general thrust is so encyclopedic. Best wishes (Msrasnw (talk) 11:27, 2 November 2011 (UTC))Reply

Select Article List


Wagenaar is either a primary or co-author in over 150 articles, the following are a select group of the very extensive list.

Full listing of articles (moved to the talk page)

  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1993). A model-based analysis of automation problems. In B. Wilpert, T. Qvale, B. Wilpert, T. Qvale (Eds.), Reliability and safety in hazardous work systems: Approaches to analysis and design (pp. 71–85). Hillsdale, NJ England: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Groeneweg, J. (1987). "Accidents at sea: Multiple causes and impossible consequences". International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 27 (5–6): 587–598. doi:10.1016/S0020-7373(87)80017-2.
  • Wagenaar, W. A., van Koppen, P. J., & Crombag, H. M. (1993). Anchored narratives: The psychology of criminal evidence. Hertfordshire, HP2 7EZ New York, NY EnglandUS: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1995). Anchored narratives: A theory of judicial reasoning, and its consequences. In G. Davies, S. Lloyd-Bostock, M. McMurran, C. Wilson, G. Davies, S. Lloyd-Bostock, ... C. Wilson (Eds.), Psychology, law, and criminal justice: International developments in research and practice (pp. 267–285). Oxford England: Walter De Gruyter.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1996). Autobiographical memory in court. In D. C. Rubin, D. C. Rubin (Eds.), Remembering our past: Studies in autobiographical memory (pp. 180–196). New York, NY US: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Massaro, D. W. (1992). "Book reviews". American Journal of Psychology. 105 (4): 631.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1988). "Calibration and the effects of knowledge and reconstruction in retrieval from memory". Cognition. 28 (3): 277–296. doi:10.1016/0010-0277(88)90016-9. PMID 3359754.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Keren, G. B. (1985). "Calibration of Probability Assessments by Professional Blackjack Dealers, Statistical Experts". Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes. 36 (3): 406. doi:10.1016/0749-5978(85)90008-1.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Keren, G. B. (1988). "Chance and luck are not the same". Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 1 (2): 65–75. doi:10.1002/bdm.3960010202.
  • Keren, G.; Wagenaar, W. A. (1988). "Chance and skill in gambling: A search for distinctive features". Social Behaviour. 3 (3): 199–217.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Hudson, P. T.; Reason, J. T. (1990). "Cognitive failures and accidents". Applied Cognitive Psychology. 4 (4): 273–294. doi:10.1002/acp.2350040405.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1994). Commonsense problem solving in conditions of underspecification. In J. Siegfried, J. Siegfried (Eds.), The status of common sense in psychology (pp. 322–345). Westport, CT US: Ablex Publishing.
  • Wagenaar, W. A., & Veefkind, N. (1992). Comparison of one-person and many-person lineups: A warning against unsafe practices. In F. Lösel, D. Bender, T. Bliesener, F. Lösel, D. Bender, T. Bliesener (Eds.), Psychology and law: International perspectives (pp. 275–285). Oxford England: Walter De Gruyter.
  • Crombag, H. M.; Wagenaar, W. A.; van Koppen, P. J. (1996). "Crashing Memories and the Problem of 'Source Monitoring'". Applied Cognitive Psychology. 10 (2): 95–104. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0720(199604)10:2<95::AID-ACP366>3.0.CO;2-#.
  • Haakma Wagenaar, W. (1996). De kas van het koororgel in de Sint Laurenskerk te Alkmaar. In, The case of the choir organ in the St. Laurenskerk at Alkmaar.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1989). "De psycholoog kan een waardevolle getuigedeskundige zijn". Psycholoog. 24 (10): 493–498.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Schreuder, R. R.; Van, A. H. C. VAN DER; der Heijden, A. H. (1985). "Do TV pictures help people to remember the weather forecast?". Ergonomics. 28 (5): 765–772. doi:10.1080/00140138508963196. PMID 4018019.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1991). "Een psycholoog is geen leugendetector". Psycholoog. 26 (6): 257–264.
  • Marmor, M. F.; Wagenaar, W. A. (2003). "Escher and the Ophthalmologist". Survey of Ophthalmology. 48 (3): 356. doi:10.1016/S0039-6257(03)00027-4.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; der Schrier, J. H. (1996). "Face recognition as a function of distance and illumination: A practical tool for use in the courtroom". Psychology, Crime & Law. 2 (4): 321–332. doi:10.1080/10683169608409787.
  • Jong, M.; Wagenaar, W. A.; Wolters, G.; Verstijnen, I. M. (2005). "Familiar face recognition as a function of distance and illumination: a practical tool for use in the courtroom". Psychology, Crime & Law. 11 (1): 87–97. doi:10.1080/10683160410001715123.
  • De Jong, M.; Wagenaar, W. A.; Wolters, G.; Verstijnen, I. M. (2005). "Familiar face recognition as a function of distance and illumination: A practical tool for use in the courtroom". Psychology, Crime & Law. 11 (1): 87–97. doi:10.1080/10683160410001715123.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1988, March). Forecasting disasters. International Journal of Forecasting. pp. 3–4.
  • Crombag, H. M., Wagenaar, W. A., & van Koppen, P. R. (2011). From the archive: 'Crashing memories and the problem of source monitoring by H. F. M. Crombag, W. A. Wagenaar, & P. J. van Koppen (1996). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 10, 95-104 with commentary. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25S91-S101. doi:10.1002/acp.1779
  • Wagenaar, W. (2000). Het uiterlijk van het Alkmaarse koororgel. In, The exterior of the Alkmaar choir organ
  • Wagenaar, W. (1988). Identifying Ivan: A case study in legal psychology. Cambridge, MA US: Harvard University Press.
  • Wagenaar, W. A., & Hudson, P. W. (1998). Industrial safety. In P. D. Drenth, H. Thierry, C. J. de Wolff, P. D. Drenth, H. Thierry, C. J. de Wolff (Eds.), Handbook of work and organizational, Vol. 2: Work psychology (2nd ed.) (pp. 65–87). Hove England: Psychology Press/Erlbaum (UK) Taylor & Francis.
  • Timmers, H.; Wagenaar, W. A. (1977). "Inverse statistics and misperception of exponential growth". Perception & Psychophysics. 21 (6): 558–562. doi:10.3758/BF03198737.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1994). Is memory self-serving?. In U. Neisser, R. Fivush, U. Neisser, R. Fivush (Eds.), The remembering self: Construction and accuracy in the self-narrative (pp. 191–204). New York, NY US: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511752858.012
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Keren, G.; Lichtenstein, S. (1988). "Islanders and hostages: Deep and surface structures of decision problems". Acta Psychologica. 67 (2): 175–189. doi:10.1016/0001-6918(88)90012-1.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (2009). "LOTHAR MEGGENDORFER AND THE MAGIC LANTERN". New Magic Lantern Journal. 10 (5): 90–91.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Boer, J. P. (1987). "Misleading postevent information: Testing parameterized models of integration in memory". Acta Psychologica. 66 (3): 291–306. doi:10.1016/0001-6918(87)90040-0.
  • Keren, G. B.; Wagenaar, W. A. (1985). "On the psychology of playing blackjack: Normative and descriptive considerations with implications for decision theory". Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 114 (2): 133–158. doi:10.1037/0096-3445.114.2.133.
  • Wagenaar, W. (1988). Paradoxes of gambling behaviour. Hillsdale, NJ England: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1988). People and places in my memory: A study on cue specificity and retrieval from autobiographical memory. In M. M. Gruneberg, P. E. Morris, R. N. Sykes, M. M. Gruneberg, P. E. Morris, R. N. Sykes (Eds.), Practical aspects of memory: Current research and issues, Vol. 1: Memory in everyday life (pp. 228–233). Oxford England: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1996). "Profiling crisis management". Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management. 4 (3): 169–174. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5973.1996.tb00089.x.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1991). "Randomness and randomizers: Maybe the problem is not so big". Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 4 (3): 220–222. doi:10.1002/bdm.3960040309.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Schreuder, R.; Jan Wijlhuizen, G. (1987). "Readability of Instructional Text, Written for the General Public". Applied Cognitive Psychology. 1 (3): 155–167. doi:10.1002/acp.2350010302.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1990). Risk evaluation and the causes of accidents. In K. Borcherding, O. I. Larichev, D. M. Messick, K. Borcherding, O. I. Larichev, D. M. Messick (Eds.), Contemporary issues in decision making (pp. 245–260). Oxford England: North-Holland.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1992). Risk taking and accident causation. In J. Yates, J. Yates (Eds.), Risk-taking behavior (pp. 257–281). Oxford England: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Wagenaar, W. A., Souverijn, A. M., & Hudson, P. W. (1993). Safety management in intensive care wards. In B. Wilpert, T. Qvale, B. Wilpert, T. Qvale (Eds.), Reliability and safety in hazardous work systems: Approaches to analysis and design (pp. 157–169). Hillsdale, NJ England: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1975). "Stevens vs Fechner: A plea for dismissal of the case". Acta Psychologica. 39 (3): 225–235. doi:10.1016/0001-6918(75)90037-2.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1975). "Supertankers: Simulators for the study of steering". American Psychologist. 30 (3): 440–444. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.30.3.440.
  • Keren, G.; Wagenaar, W. A. (1987). "Temporal aspects of probabilistic predictions". Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 25 (1): 61–64. doi:10.3758/bf03330079.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1996). The Ethics of Not Spending Money on Safety. In D. M. Messick, A. E. Tenbrunsel (Eds.), Codes of conduct: Behavioral research into business ethics (pp. 318–327). New York:.
  • Loftus, E. F.; Schooler, J. W.; Wagenaar, W. A. (1985). "The fate of memory: Comment on McCloskey and Zaragoza". Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 114 (3): 375–380. doi:10.1037/0096-3445.114.3.375.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1997). The logical status of case histories. In J. Read, D. Lindsay, J. Read, D. Lindsay (Eds.), Recollections of trauma: Scientific evidence and clinical practice (pp. 109–143). New York, NY US: Plenum Press.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Groeneweg, J. (1990). "The Memory of Concentration Camp Survivors". Applied Cognitive Psychology. 4 (2): 77–87. doi:10.1002/acp.2350040202.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Keren, G.; Pleit-Kuiper, A. (1984). "The multiple objectives of gamblers". Acta Psychologica. 56 (1–3): 167–178. doi:10.1016/0001-6918(84)90016-7.
  • Bar-Hillel, M., & Wagenaar, W. A. (1993). The perception of randomness. In G. Keren, C. Lewis, G. Keren, C. Lewis (Eds.), A handbook for data analysis in the behavioral sciences: Methodological issues (pp. 369–393). Hillsdale, NJ England: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Timmers, H. (1979). "The pond-and-duckweed problem: Three experiments on the misperception of exponential growth". Acta Psychologica. 43 (3): 239–251. doi:10.1016/0001-6918(79)90028-3.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1988). "The proper seat: A Bayesian discussion of the position of expert witnesses". Law and Human Behavior. 12 (4): 499–510. doi:10.1007/BF01044630.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Keren, G. B. (1986). "The seat belt paradox: Effect of adopted roles on information seeking". Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 38 (1): 1–6. doi:10.1016/0749-5978(86)90022-1.
  • Wagenaar, W. A. (1994). The subjective probability of guilt. In G. Wright, P. Ayton, G. Wright, P. Ayton (Eds.), Subjective probability (pp. 529–547). Oxford England: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Visser, J. G. (1979). "The weather forecast under the weather". Ergonomics. 22 (8): 909–917. doi:10.1080/00140137908924665.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Frankenhuizen, J. J.; Vos, J. J.; Flores D'Arcais, G. B. (1984). "There is no induced motion at near-threshold velocities". Acta Psychologica. 55 (3): 295–313. doi:10.1016/0001-6918(84)90047-7. PMID 6464802.
  • Wagenaar, W. A.; Reason, J. T. (1990). "Types and tokens in road accident causation". Ergonomics. 33 (10–11): 1365–1375. doi:10.1080/00140139008925338.
  • Keren, G.; Wagenaar, W. A. (1987). "Violation of utility theory in unique and repeated gambles". Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 13 (3): 387–391. doi:10.1037/0278-7393.13.3.387.
  • Lichtenstein, S., Gregory, R., Slovic, P., & Wagenaar, W. A. (1990). When lives are in your hands: Dilemmas of the societal decision maker. In R. M. Hogarth, R. M. Hogarth (Eds.), Insights in decision making: A tribute to Hillel J. Einhorn (pp. 91–106). Chicago, IL US: University of Chicago Press.