Hey guys is there anybody who knows that....


As fas as I know, there is no single evidence that the Suliots called themselves Greek, in this case Greek = Ethnic greek, but there is some authors who call them Greek in the meaning of Orthodox Christian. ....There is no doubts that the Suliots were Albanian Orthodox. MAVRONJOTI

Sulliots are Albanians and it's not true that they called themselves Greek...They're Albanian Orthodoxes... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:23, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

yeah right. (talk) 19:54, 26 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Oh yeah? See now what happens outside Albanian schools:
Shalil Pasha, Ali's son, had a good education and was writting poems. One of them, in Greek, was published by [[Claude Fauriel] in 1824, when Shalil was still alive I suppose. He compares the Greeks with the recently revolted French and brings Souliotes as an example of Greeks:

"... Γιατί το γένος των Γραικών είναι καθώς των Γάλλων,
Και όποιος θαρρεύει υποταγή, λάθον έχει μεγάλον.
Είδετε το παράδειγμα εκείνων των Σουλιώτων,
Όχι των ανδρών μοναχά, αλλά των γυναικών των.

In literal translation:
"... Because the nation of the Greeks is like the French
and if you expect (from them) submission, you make a great mistake.
You' ve seen the example of those Souliotes
Not only the men but also the women

In this German and Greek edition, for some reason half of the poem is in German and half in Greek. It's the last line of p. 185 (german) and the following 5 lines in p. 186 (in Greek).
Have a nice time.--Euzen (talk) 19:02, 28 June 2012 (UTC)Reply