Princess Le'an (Chinese: 樂安公主), also Princess Lanling (Chinese: 蘭陵公主) (fl. 530s), was the consort of the Rouran khagan Yujiulü Anluochen. She was born into the imperial house of the Eastern Wei dynasty and was a descendant of Tuoba Yulü of the Dai dynasty and of Empress Pingwen. She was the sister of Yuan Zhi, also Chang shanwang yuan ming (常山王元鸣).[1]

Princess Le'an (樂安公主)
Born6th century
Luoyang, Henan
SpouseYujiulü Anluochen
Regnal name
Princess Lanling (蘭陵公主)
FatherMember of the Imperial House of Eastern Wei



Princess Lanling was a native of Luoyang County, Henan (now east of Luoyang, Henan Province), a descendant of Tuoba Yulü. She was the sister of Yuan Zhi, or Chang shanwang yuan ming (常山王元鸣).[1][2][3][4][5]

She was married to Anluochen, the khan of the Rourans, the son of Anagui. A thousand horses were sent from Rouran to the Emperor of Eastern Wei, Xiaojing, asking for the hand of the princess who, following her marriage with Anluochen, adopted the royal name of Princess Lanling (兰陵公主). In view of the importance of an alliance with the Rouran, Gao Huan personally presided the collection of the dowry and led the princess and her retinue to Rouran.[6][7][8][9]


  1. ^ a b Zuozhang An (安作璋) (1992). 中国历代公主. 河南人民出版社. p. 121. ISBN 978-7-215-02123-5.
  2. ^ 《魏书·卷一百三·列传第九十一》:永熙二年四月,出帝诏以范阳王诲之长女琅邪公主许之,未及婚,帝入关。齐献武王遣使说之,阿那瑰遣使朝贡,求婚。献武王方招四远,以常山王妹乐安公主许之,改为兰陵公主。瑰遣奉马千匹为娉礼,迎公主,诏宗正元寿送公主往北。自是朝贡相寻。
  3. ^ 《北史·卷九十八·列传第八十六》:八月,阿那瑰遣莫何去折豆浑十升等朝贡,复因求婚。齐神武请遂其意,以招四远。诏以常山王骘妹乐安公主许之,改封为兰陵郡长公主。十二月,阿那瑰复遣折豆浑十升诣东魏请婚。三年四月,阿那瑰遣吐豆登郁久闾譬浑、俊利莫何折豆常侯烦等奉马千疋,以为聘礼,请迎公主。诏兼宗正卿元寿.兼太常卿孟韶等送公主自晋阳北迈,资用器物,齐神武亲自经纪,咸出丰渥。阿那瑰遣其吐豆登郁久闾匿伏、俊利阿夷普掘、蒱提弃之伏等迎公主于新城之南。六月,齐神武虑阿那瑰难信,又以国事加重,躬送公主于楼烦之北,接劳其使,每皆隆。阿那瑰大喜,自是朝贡东魏相寻。
  4. ^ 《太平御览·卷一百五十三·皇亲部十九》:又曰:阿那环遣使朝贡,复因求婚。诏发常山王骘乐安公主许之,改封为兰陵郡长公主。阿那环奉马千匹以为娉礼,请迎公主。诏兼宗正卿元寿、兼太常卿孟韶等送公主。自晋阳北迈,资用器物,咸出丰渥。阿那环遣迎公主于新城之南。
  5. ^ Mingde, Cui (2005). 中国古代和亲史. 人民出版社. p. 185. ISBN 978-7-01-004828-4.
  6. ^ 《北齊書/卷39》"時神武送魏蘭陵公主出塞嫁蠕蠕,"
  7. ^ 《北史/卷98》"四年,阿那瑰請以其孫女號鄰和公主妻齊神武第九子長廣公湛,靜帝詔為婚焉。阿那瑰遣其吐豆登鬱久閭譬掘、俊利莫何遊大刀送女於晉陽。武定四年,阿那瑰有愛女,號為公主,以齊神武威德日盛,又請致之,靜帝聞而詔神武納之。阿那瑰遣其吐豆發鬱久閭汗拔姻姬等送女於晉陽。自此東魏邊塞無事,至於武定末,使貢相尋。"
  8. ^ Weizhou, Zhou (2006). 敕勒与柔然. Guangxi Normal University Press. p. 109. ISBN 978-7-01-004828-4.
  9. ^ Shu, Yuan; Zhenhui, Qi; Wenying, Zhou (1994). 白话精评通鉴纪事本末. Liaoshen Publishing House. p. 2310. ISBN 978-7-01-004828-4.

